pinnes word.docx

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Post on 08-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    I’m starting with this one: Double Sided Fabric Headband Pattern. I

    had so many ask about how I made the ones for my daughter’s

    teachers that I digitized the attern for all of you to use and wrote uinstructions.

    !ou can make simle ones

    or more elaborate ones. I made these with lefto"er ieces from my

    daughters #uilt.

     $re you ready to make one of your own%

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    What you need:

    -Download adult size here: Free Double Sided Headband Pattern &

    hay together   'there’s a ( inch line on it to make sure it’s rinted the

    correct size for you)

    *Download kid size here: Free +id Size Double Sided Fabric Headband

    Pattern & hay together 

    -Fabric for the headband and elastic co"er 

    *$dult size: ,., to - inches of (/0 or 120 elastic (this can be adjusted

    if needed)

    *+id size: ,., to - inches of (/0 or 120 elastic (I used 6 inches on the

    ones I made for my girls, ages 3 and 7)


    -Always back stitch at the beginning and end of sewing, unless

    otherwise stated.

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    -Seam allowances are 1/! unless otherwise stated.

    -Kid size will be made the same way except the elastic casing is

    so small that there is no need to do step 9.

    1. 3nce you rint out your attern4 cut the attern ieces out. *Please

    note that pattern has now been updated and will loo a little different

    when printed* 

    2. 5ut out two ieces for the headband4 making sure the attern ieceis on the fabric fold.

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    3. 5ut out two ieces for the elastic co"er 6if you make your elastic

    iece longer4 increase the length of these ieces as well7. $gain4 make

    sure the attern iece is on the fabric fold.

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  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    4. 5ut your iece of elastic to be ,.,0 long.

    5. Place the a headband fabric iece and elastic co"er fabric iece

    down4 right sides facing u. 8hen lace the second ieces on to of

    them4 right sides facing down. 9ake sure to match u the sides and

    in together.

    6. Sew down the sides of the headband and the elastic co"er.

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    . 8urn each iece right side out. I do this by attaching a long iece of

    yarn to a safety in.

    8hen I slide the safety in through the what needs to be turned

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    and then in one side of the end.

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    8uck in the end that has the safety in a little

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    and then ull the yarn on the other end and it will be right side out.

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    !. I use a long stick to ush out the seams from the inside and then

    iron4 but you can ust iron each iece if you like. I ust don’t like the

    fabric o"erlaing on the sides too much.

    9. ;ow take the elastic co"er iece and sew down each long side. 8his

    creates a middle casing for the elastic.

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    1". $dd a safety in to the end of the elastic and start to slide the

    elastic through the elastic co"er. 9ake sure to sto before the endwithout the safety in is inside.

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    11. 3nce the side without the safety in is at the oening4 sew it in

    lace so it won’t go anywhere.

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    12. 5ontinue to ush the safety in through the casing until the other

    end of the elastic is at the other edge. Sew that in lace as well.

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    13. 3n each end of the headband iece4

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    turn in some so no raw edges are showing.

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    14. Sli in the elastic band until the lace where you sewed is no

    longer "isible and sew in lace.

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    15. =eeat >(2 on the other side.

    16. 8o stitch the sides of the headband art if desired 6I sew closer to

    the edge than (207.

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    8hey are simle to make and if you lan it well you can whi u a

    bunch at the same time assembly line style like. 8hen you ha"e a

    bunch for yourself or gifts for the ladies in your life 9ost of these will

    robably be 5hristmas resents. ?reat4 huh% $nd it’s only @ulyAAAAA

    #on$t %orget to chec& o't 6 ways to style yo'r headband too.

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    (% yo' ma&e some) share by tagging me in social media and 'sing

    *happytogetherby+ess) in the %lic&r gro'p or on the %b %anpage

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  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    En esta ocasión, les proponemos una receta sencilla y fácil de elaborar incluso con la

     participación de los más pequeños de la casa. Así que ¡todos a la cocina!


    • 250 gr. de lenteas

    • 50 gr. de arina de trigo integral

    • " cebolla

  • 8/19/2019 pinnes Word.docx


    • # dientes de ao

    • $al % pereil

    • Aceite de oli&a

    Consejos: tambi'n se puede usar pan rallado para rebo(ar las amburguesas antes de


    Cómo preparar las hamburguesas de lentejas:

    "* +oner las lenteas de remoo durante unas o 5 oras.

    2* -ocer las lenteas en agua caliente con sal % cuando est'n tiernas, sacarlas del )uego %

    colarlas para quitarles todo el líquido.

    #* -uando las lenteas est'n secas, &erterlas en un bol % con la a%uda de un tenedor,

     batidora o un procesador de alimentos, batir las lenteas asta conseguir una pasta.

     osotros emos pre)erido no batirlas tanto % dear algunas lenteas enteras. -laro que

    todo depende del gusto de cada persona.

    * En otro bol, me(clar la cebolla rallada, los aos mu% bien picados, la sal, el pereil %

    la arina.

    5* /erter esta me(cla a la pasta de lenteas % me(clar para que se )orme una masa.

    eser&ar la masa por unos minutos.

    1* ientras tanto, poner aceite para calentar en una sart'n.

    3* 4ormar las amburguesas con la mano. $i &es necesario, pasarlas por pan rallado o


    * 4reír las amburguesas por ambos lados asta que tenga un color dorado, a )uego

    medio para no quemarlas.

    6* 7 aquí tienes nuestras amburguesas. +ara acompañarlas, nada meor que una buena

    ensalada de lecugas % tomates. ¡¡8u' ambre!!

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