ping monitor

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  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor


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    Ping MonitorPing MonitorPing MonitorPing Monitor

    Is my website up or down, is it responsive or is

    it taking to long to load? Those are uestions

    that every webmaster needs to ask !rom time

    to time" The best way to !ind out is to use

    monitoring tools that #onne#t to the website,

    server, domain or I$ address regularly" %ou !ind

    lots o! great appli#ations, both on the web and

    as desktop appli#ations, to monitor websites"

    Ping Monitor  is a desktop gadget !or

    &indows that #an monitor up to !ive lo#al or

    remote servers" As the name suggests, it pings

    the servers in intervals spe#i!ied by the user o!

    the appli#ation"

    All in!ormation are presented then as a graph and in averages on the

    &indows desktop"

    'p to !ive di!!erent 'RLs or I$ addresses #an be added to the gadget" $ing

    (onitor supports both I$v) and I$v* addresses" Enter an I$ address or

    ► Pin Test ► IPV6 Pin ► Windows 7 ► Mo Ads by Google

    Ngin Monitoring!orrelate "er#ormance w$ metrics #rom load balancers% cac&es ' ()s*

    Página 1 de 8Ping Monitor - Monitor the ping to your desired websites


  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor


    domain name in the !irst !ield, and an alias that is used to identi!y it in the

    se#ond" The alias is shown on the main inter!a#e whi#h is better than

    displaying I$ addresses !or instan#e" Still, you #an sele#t to use the domain

    name or I$ address as the alias as well"

    %ou #an #hange the si+e o! the gadget" %ou #an also make #hanges to

    #olors and the graphs under the other tabs in the #on!iguration" Save

    settings to !ile" -ile will be #reated . $ath/ 0A$$1ATA0 -ilename/


    The gadget displays the ma4imum, average and #urrent ping time as well

    as the number o! errors while pining the server or I$ address"

    The graph visuali+es those !indings" %ou #an ping a server manually with a

    #li#k on the update i#on ne4t to the server5s alias"

    $ing (onitor is a handy gadget !or &indows users who want to use the

    ping #ommand to monitor websites or servers" The ping #ommand is not as

    sophisti#ated as other server monitoring means, !or instan#e by per!orming

    #he#ks i! a database is running on a server"

    Note! For using IP a""ress #$%&%'&'(')$* +ou ,ust change Decimal

    symbol -ro, co,,a #$.$* to /oint #$'$*'

    &' O/en Regiona0 an" Language O/tions 1+ c0ic2ing the Start  1utton

    . c0ic2ing Control Panel. c0ic2ing Clock, Language, and Region. an"

    then c0ic2ing Regional and Language Options'%' C0ic2 the Formats ta1. an" then. in the For,at 0ist'

    )' C0ic2  Additional settings, c0ic2ing the Numbers  ta1 an" change

    Decimal Symbol'

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  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor


    Página # de 8Ping Monitor - Monitor the ping to your desired websites


  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor


    Página 4 de 8Ping Monitor - Monitor the ping to your desired websites


  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor


    S/ecia0 -eatures

    6 Average ping #al#ulated !or last 778 pings"

    6 1ouble #li#k on server name . re!resh ping"

    6 1ouble #li#k on (A9 ping . re!resh ma4 ping #ounter"

    6 1ouble #li#k on Lost error3 ping . re!resh lost error3 ping"

    6 1ouble #li#k on :raph . re!resh :raph and also average ping3"

    6 ;li#k on error message . show number o! lost pings"6 3"

    Re0ease histor+


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  • 8/17/2019 Ping Monitor



    Recommended content

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