pillsbury hall renovation

Pillsbury Hall Revisited Illustrative Narrative of Interior Renovation Potential Interior Architecture Vision Meyer Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd Maryland and Minnesota Historic Renovati MacDonald Mack Architec Minneso

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Page 1: Pillsbury Hall Renovation

Pillsbury Hall Revisited

Illustrative Narrative of Interior Renovation Potential

Interior Architecture VisionMeyer Scherer & Rockcastle, LtdMaryland and Minnesota

Historic RenovationMacDonald Mack Architects


Page 2: Pillsbury Hall Renovation

Old/New Engagements

The exterior of Pillsbury Hall and the English Department’s programs proposed to move into it as part of a needed remodeling, provides an extraordinary opportunity for a unique and progressive approach to its design. We propose a dramatic and innovative series of interior spaces and amenities, not as imitative or even derivative expressions , but as inspired, high performing, and complementary features that affirm the future while honoring the past.

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Convergent and Overarching Themes

• Literary Culture and Visual/Material Culture share a creative and critical history, that can provide and enlarge meaning, when consciously engaged in a common place.

• Illumination can be both an intellectual/psychic state of mind and a material/physical state of existence. When they serve each other metaphorically and literally they can heighten and expand awareness and discovery.

• Repurposing places with historic significance can be an awakening of original value and a discovery of new possibilities. Distinguishing but associating the old and the new promises greater integrity and value to each.

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• Responsive, Performing, Engaging Windows, Light Shelves, and Shutters

• Translucent, Refined, Accessible Bookshelves and Standards

• Dynamic, Mysterious, Incremental Stairs and Structure

1 a: to enlighten spiritually and intellectually, b: to supply or brighten with light

Complement: Solid, Fixed, and Sculpted Pillsbury Hallwith Luminescent, Dynamic and Layered New

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Window Features: Full Shuttered

Opaque enclosures block all natural daylight

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Window Features: 25% open

Multiple levels of operability allow for unique customization of quality day lighting.

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Window Features: 50% open

Light shelf bounces high level light for reflection off ceiling surface and results in even ambient lighting

Opaque shutters fully open

Translucent shutters filter direct sunlight

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Window Features: 75% open

Exterior light shelf unfolds to maximize reflective light shelf surface

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Window Features: Full Open

Opening entire shutter apparatus allows maximum exposure to daylight.

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Section Views through Pillsbury Hall to Expose New Rooms Inside

Section Picture Plane AA

Section Picture Plane BB

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Section Perspective AA: Looking East

Study/Reading Room

Heritage/Reception Room

TiltedSpiral Stair


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TiltedSpiral Stair

Section Perspective AA: Looking East

Attic Performance/Classrooms

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Ascending Spiral Stair• From bottom to top the new stair should tilt away

from its nested center toward the attic spaces of assembly, sharing and engagement, leaving the cupola available for a special use.

• Materials should promote translucency and kinetic experience with diverse insights.

• The material surfaces and details provide many opportunities for collaborations with language and visual text.

• The special attributes of the new Cupola Room provides another feature merging prophetic and historic significance.

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TiltedSpiral Stair

Cupola Lounge

Perforated Structural Steel ColumnSteel Risers

with Translucent Glass Treads

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• This room will be the primary study, lounge and gathering place for students in the English Department. Wrapping this room with a translucent and illuminated shelving and cabinetry (lights are embedded within the standards) that holds special texts and objects, is a conscious effort to embody the aspirations of linking literary and material culture.

• The “intelligent” and responsive window treatments and digitally linked and balanced lighting will permit a wide range of alternative venues, and do so while dramatically improving the energy performance, appearance and comfort of the spaces.

Study, Lounge and Reading Room

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• A new completely flexible and responsive heritage and reception room area at the upper floor can be created by cutting and integrating the original steel columns into a truss system of steel tension rods and compressive beams.

• Flexible and diverse furniture will permit wide and dynamic use of the space.

• A transformable private reading or presentation room is created in the Northwest corner of the Library with a separate entrance.

Heritage/Reception Room

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• The new reading, classroom and assembly spaces of the attic will provide opportunities for large scale (up to 299 if two are joined) and more intimate (12-20) readings and gatherings.

• The central hall links two new exit stairs (spiral tower stair and one at the west end of the hall, about where the exiting is) so that it can function in a flexible manner for diverse functions.

• The high ceilings and striking features (gable end on south and eyebrow dormer on north) are featured in these special attic spaces.

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• The new reading, classroom and assembly spaces of the attic will provide opportunities for large scale (up to 299 if two are joined) and more intimate (12-20) readings and gatherings.

• The central hall links two new exit stairs (spiral tower stair and one at the west end of the hall, about where the exiting is) so that it can function in a flexible manner for diverse functions.

• The high ceilings and striking features (gable end on south and eyebrow dormer on north) are featured in these special attic spaces.

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2nd Floor

Reading Room New StairStudy, Lounge

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3rd Floor

Heritage RoomNew Stair

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Attic Floor

New StairWith Cupola Lounge above

Medium Assembly (eyebrow feature)

Large Performance Space

Small Assembly