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Islamic Studies Courses Islamic Studies Courses In In De Anza, Chabot, Mission De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone Colleges and Ohlone Colleges Designed and Taught Designed and Taught By By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. The Five Pillars of The Five Pillars of Islam Islam

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  • Islamic Studies CoursesIn De Anza, Chabot, Mission and Ohlone CollegesDesigned and Taught ByHafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D.The Five Pillars of Islam

  • Tawheed, Iman or ShahadataynIn Shaa Allah, we will learn today about the basic foundation of the building of Islam, and will cover one out of five most important duties of Muslims which are considered as 5 on going courses to keep the believers connected with Allah swt and His creation. The five duties are also known as five pillars of Islam.

  • Tawheed: The Foundation of Islam

    Tawheed means oneness and it has three dimensions: One Universal God: 2/163, 112/1-4, 42/11, 59/22-24One Universal Humanity: 4/1, 49/13, 23/52One Universal Message conveyed by all the prophets and messengers, see: 42/13, 3/33-34, 4/163-165, 6/83-90,21/51-93

  • Shahadah or ShahadataynThe first most important duty of a Muslim is to declare his/her faith in God: Allah swt It is also known as 1st pillar, Shahadah, Shahadatayn, or Iman.Iman: 100% state of certainty, for faith can not be combined with Shakk=Doubt, or Shirk=Polytheism: 2/2, 4/116.Tawheed and Iman are the basis for the validity of words and actions: 16/97

  • Declaration of Faith in AllahAsh-Hadu Al-Laailaha Illallahu Wahdahu Laa Sharika Lahu Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa-Rasuluhu I declare/bear witness/testify that thereis no god but God=Allah, He is alone (in His sovereignty..), He has no partners, and I (further) testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger

  • There are seven parts of FaithA Muslim must believe in: 1. Allah 2. His angels 3. His books 4. His messengers 5. The last day 6. Fate: good and bad of it is from God 7. Resurrection after dearthAamantu Billahi Wa-Mlaaikatihi Wa-Kutubihi Wa-Rusulihi Wal-Yawmil-Aakhiri Wal-Qadri Khayrihi Wa-Sharrihi Minallahi Taala Wal-Bathi Badal-Mawt.

  • Iman in the Quran 2/3-5: Those who believe in the unseen, and establish regular prayers, and spend out of what we have provided for them, and who believe in the revelation sent to you, and sent before your time, and have the certainty of life to come (in their hearts). They are on true guidance from their Lord and they will prosper.

  • The Messenger believes firstThe Messenger believes in what has been Revealed to him from his Sustainer, as do the believers. Each one of them believed in Allah, His angels, His books, and His Prophets. We make no distinction between one and another of His Messengers, and they say: we hear and we obey (we seek) Your forgiveness our Lord, and to You is the end of all journeys. 2/285

  • Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: Faith is: Declaration (of Shahadah) with the tongue, its confirmation in the heart, and practicing The pillars (of Islam).There is strong connection between Iman and Islam: submission and Faith. No one can become believer without submission andVice versa. Iman is faith and Islam is practice. One is inner aspect connected to heart and other is outer aspect connected to actions. See: 49/14.

  • Salah: Five Daily PrayersSalah comes from Wasala, which means communication and connection.It is the point of distinction between belief and disbelief.The first Question on the day of Judgment will be about the Prayers.Salah is the Miraj (ascension to heaven) for the believers (Hadith).

  • So set your face steadily and truly to the Faith, establish Gods handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by God: that is the standard Religion but most among mankind understand not. Turn you back in repentance to Him, establish regular Prayers and be not you among those who join gods with God, those who split up their Religion and become (Mere) sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself. 30/30-32

  • Timings: 4/103, 17/78, 20/130, 30/17-18Gods companionship: 2/153Companions of hell: 74/41-47Laziness in prayer is a sign of hypocrisy: 4/142-143The whole universe is engaged in glorifying God: 22/18, 16/49-50, 13/15, 55/1-6, 17/44, 24/41, 21/19-20, 24/The wisdom behind 5 daily prayer is to keep usConnected with our Sustainer Lord, and Inculcate in us sense of His companionship.

  • Taharah: Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum: 5/6Masjid, Muslli, Imam, Muadhin, Adhan, Iqamah :72/18, 9/189/107-110, 107/4, 2/124, 62/91. Fajr 2. Dhuhr 3. Asr 4. Maghrib 5. Ishaa,Rakah, Qiblah/Kaba, Niyyah,Takbir Tahrimah, Qiyam, Qiraah, Ruku, Qawmah, Tasmee, Tahmeed, Sajdah, Jalsah, Qaidah, Tashahud, Assalh-Alar Rasul/Durood Sharif, ConcludingDua, Tasleem.Witr, Jumuah, (Friday) Idul-Fitr, (Feast of breaking fast) Idul-Adha, (Feast of great sacrifice) Janazah, (Funeral).

  • Fard, Wajib, Sunnah Muakkadah, Sunnah Ghayr Muakkadah, Nafila/Nafl,Prayers for special occasions:Qasr, 4-2, Istisqaa 2, Istikharah 2, Taraweeh 20, in 2s Tahajjud 2 to 8, in 2s, Awwabeen 2 To 6, in 2s, Ishraaq 2 or 4, in 2s, Kusuf 2, Khusuf 2, Tasbeeh 4, Taubah 2, Hajah 2, Khawf (5 daily prayers at the time of fear, i.e. in the battlefield), Sickness: according to the condition of a sick person.

  • Adhan:4 times: Allahu Akbar2 times Ash-Hadu Al-Laailaha Illallah 2 times: Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar-Rasulullah2 times: Hayya Alas-Salah2 times: Hayya Alal-Falah2 times: Allahu Akbar 1 time: Laa IlaahaIllallah

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  • Inside view of a Masjid where worshippers are performing act of prostration which is the essence of Islamic Salah (Prayer).

  • How to perform Wudu and SalahIn next few slides you will see through the pictures the actual performance of ablution (Wudu) and Prayers (Salah.For more details please refer to:www.islamcity.comwww.wikipedia/salah.com www.google/bbc/salah.com

  • Say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and wash hands upto the wrist 3 times

  • Cleansing mouth and nose 3 times

  • Wash full face 3 times

  • Wash right forearm including the elbow 3 times

  • Wash left forearm including the elbow 3 times

  • Wipe your head with wet hands one time

  • Continue wiping/cleaning inside out the ears back of the neck and wipe both arms

  • Wash right foot including ankle thoroughly 3 times

  • Wash left foot including ankle thoroughly 3 times

  • Muslim prayer movements Qiyaam Muslims place their right hand over their left on their chest or navel while in the standing position. A short supplication glorifying God and seeking His protection is read. This is then followed by Surah Al Fatiha, which is the first chapter in the Qur'an. Verses from any another chapter are then recited.

  • Begin Salah with Takbir Tahrimah

  • Qiyam and Qiraaah, standing and reading

  • Ruku Ruku means bowing. During ruku, Muslims says 'glory be to God, the Most Great', three times.

  • Brief qiyaam: Qawmah While moving into the upright position, Muslims recite 'God listens to the one who praises Him' and while in the standing position, 'To God belongs all praise' then is recited. 'God is Great' is recited again. Hands are loosely at the sides this time.

  • Sajdah or Sujud Sajdah or Sujud means to prostrate. While in the prostration position 'Glory be to God, the Most High' is repeated three times. Palms, knees, toes, forehead and nose must be the only body parts touching the ground.

  • Brief sitting: Jalsah 'God is Great' is recited while moving to the sitting position. Muslims pause here for a few seconds, either staying silent, or reciting a shorter prayer. 'God is Great' is recited once more as the sujud position is taken again.

  • Tashahhud After saying God is Great, Muslims return to the sitting position. They recite a set number of short prayers in Arabic, praising God, and sending peace on the Prophet. They repeat the declaration of faith, raising the forefinger of their right hand, in order to act as a witness.

  • They then ask God to bestow blessings and peace upon Prophet Abraham and his family, and ask for the same for Prophet Muhammad. Finally, Muslims ask for forgiveness and mercy, and ask God to bless them and their children until the Day of Judgement. Peace to the right To end the prayer, Muslims first turn their face to the right saying 'Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah.'

  • Tasleem: Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah is said to the Angels which Muslims believe accompany each human being to record their actions and to the congregation if it is a group Prayer.

  • Tasleem: to say: Assalamu Alaykum Wa-Rahmatullah

  • Praying in the mosqueMuslims can pray anywhere, but it is especially good to pray with others in a mosque.Praying together in a congregation helps Muslims to realize that all humanity is one, and all are equal in the sight of Allah.Salah in the Mosque with Jamaa (group) is rewarded 27 times more than praying alone at home or elsewhere.