picture golf - spring summer 2012


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Picture clothing - Golf collection - Spring Summer 2012


Page 1: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012
Page 2: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012
Page 3: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

La passion de la montagne, du ski et du snowboard est souvent liée à celle du golf. En effet, la recherche du calme intérieur, la concen-tration et la précision sont autant de traits communs à ces deux activités.Tant dans le ski et le snowboard que dans le golf, l’ergonomie des produits est fondamentale à la performance dans la pratique. Depuis la création de la marque Picture, nous concevons des produits aux volumes parfaits pour que le vêtement porté devienne une clé de réussite et de performance. Dans cette démarche, nous nous sommes associés au cabinet de modélisme et de conception de vêtements de compétition “Jonathan et Fletcher” qui nous a permis de franchir un palier supérieur. Aujourd’hui, tous les produits Picture sont issus d’un processus de réflexion, de conception et de tests extrêmement poussés.

Le choix des matières n’est pas anodin, nous travaillons sur des tissus techniques de haute performance: - stretch fabrics- mega stretch fabrics- anti odor fabrics- anti UV fabrics- Bioceramic technology fabrics

C’est grâce à notre expérience et celle de nos partenaires, que nous vous faisons bénéficier de plus de 30 ans d’expertise et de savoir faire pour profiter pleinement de votre activité.

A savoir : Jonathan et Fletcher a travaillé pour de nombreuses marques telles que “Cliveland” et “Lacoste” dans le monde du golf mais également “Salomon”, “Rossignol” ou encore “Burton snowboard” dans celui du ski et du snowboard. Cette entreprise est spécialisée depuis plus de 30 ans dans la conception de vêtements techniques pour le sport.

The mountain passion, the ski & snowboard passion is most of the time linked to the golf passion. In fact, the search for internal calm, the concentration and precision are so many common aspects of those activities.

When skiing & snowboarding as well as when playing golf, the product ergonomy is a must to reach performance in the practice. Since the creation of the brand PICTURE, we’re creating products with perfect volumes, so that the weared clothe is the success key factor for reaching your objectives and performance.In this same objective, we associate our know how to the “Jonathan& Fletcher” conception and modelism company, developing for example competition clothes, which helped us reaching a higher level. Today, all the Picture products are the result of a reflexion and conception process, and tests with high level of expertise.

The fabric choices is done on purpose, we work with high performance technical fabrics :- stretch fabrics- mega stretch fabrics- anti odor fabrics- anti UV fabrics- Bioceramic technology fabrics

Thanks to our experience and our partner’s one, we offer you the opportunity to benefit from more than 30 years of experience and know-how to enjoy 100% your activity. Good to know : Jonathan & Fletcher worked for many brands like cliveland and lacoste in the golf industry, and also “salomon”, “rossignol’ or “burton snowboard” in the boardsports industry. This company got an expertise sin more than 30 years in the concep-tion of technical clothes for sport

Website Coming Spring 2012


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Made exclusively with recycled polyester yarn

The Layers with our new fabric stretchtechnology, design and consist to enhance

more comfort and range of motion.

Water repellent surface absorbs far less waterthan other boardshorts and makes them dry

ultra quick.

R-PET Recycled100 % Polyester

High sports

Page 5: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Website Coming Spring 2012





Technology Polos

Technology Polos

Technology Shorts

Technology Shorts

Technology Pants

Technology Pants

Technology Recycled Layers

Technology Recycled Layers

Organic KnittedOrganic Polos

Organic Polos

Organic Shorts

Organic Shorts

Recycled Jackets















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Depuis la création de PICTURE, nous nous engageons à développer seulement et exclusivement des produits respectueux de l’environnement.

C’est pour cela que nous avons choisi de garantir nos produits 100% biologiques ou composés de matières recyclées.

Nos Produits en coton biologique : Les produits que nous concevons sont issus de l’agriculture Biologique et n’utilisent ni pesticides ni fertilisants chimiques afin de préserver les écosystèmes, sans polluer ni les sols ni les eaux. Nous nous engageons à ce qu’aucun de nos produits ne soit issu de cultures OGM. L’intégralité du processus de transformation du coton au fil, du fil au tissu puis du tissu au vêtement teint, est garanti “clean” et contrôlé.

Nos produits en matières recyclées : Tous nos produits techniques en matière polyester ou polyamide sont composés en partie de matières recyclées et respectueuses de l’environnement.Le label TOPGREEN Recycled yarn certifie que la fibre recyclée utilisée dans nos produits est issue du processus de recyclage de bouteilles PET.

Ethique : Les usines avec lesquelles nous travaillons ont signé notre charte éthique et environnementale garantissant le respect des hommes et des femmes travaillant à la confection de nos produits.

Since the creation of PICTURE, we guarantee that we develop only products respecting the environment.

That’s the reason why we have chosen to guarantee our products 100% organic or made with recylced matters.

Our Products in organic cotton : The products we develop are coming from the organic agriculture and don’t use neither pesticides nor chemical fertilisants to save the ecosystems, without polluting the grounds and the waters. We took the engagement that none of our poduct is coming from the OGM cultures. The whole cotton transformation process from cotton to fil, from fil to fabrics, from fabric to painted clothe, is guaranteed clean and under control.

Our Products in recycled matters : All our technical products in polyester or polyamide matter are made with recycled matters and respecting the environment. The TOPGREEN Recycled yarn label certified that the recycled fiber used in our products is coming from the recycling process of PET bottles.

Ethic : The manufactures with which we work signed an ethical and environmental engagement, guaranteeing the men and women respect working on our products development.

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Page 8: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

L’innovation va toujours plus loin et propose un concept textile qui contribue à notre bien-être et à notre vitalité : LA BIOCERAMIC.

C’est une invention médaillée d’or au concours Lépine et primée par la Société de Médecine du sport.

The innovation goes always further and propose an textile concept contributing to our wellness and vitality : the BIOCERAMICIt’s an invention which got the gold medal at concours Lepine and was primed by the Sport Medecine Society

La principale fonction de la Bioceramic est de renvoyer l’énergie émise par le corps appelée infrarouge lointain.

Plus précisément :- capter les apports positifs du soleil - les Infra Rouge Lointain (appelés IRL) - qui renforcent notre activité musculaire et notre tonicité,- récupérer une partie de la perte d’énergie qui s’échappe de notre corps sous forme de chaleur et de longueur d’ondes pendant l’effort et de la restituer.

This concept allows you :The main function of the Bioceramic is to send the energy sent by the body, called “distant infrared”, back.

To be more precise :- retain the sun’s positives inputs - the distant infrared- which reinforce our muscular acitvity and our tonicity. - reuse a part of the lost energy, lost from our body during the effort in form of warmness, and restitute it.

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Ce flux fermé généré par la membrane présente plusieurs effets :- augmentation de la température du corps de 0,3°C et amélioration de la thermorégulation

=> la sudation et les pertes énergétiques sont limitées

Les test du milieu médical qui appuis les résultats énoncés ci dessus

- Test Tinetti réalisé par la Société SEFOTEX sous contrôle d’huissier de justice (Etude SCP MOULIN & PICOT – St Dié des Vosges (88))Objectif : Le test Tinetti permet de réaliser une évaluation cardinale des troubles de l’équilibre avec et sans le vête-ment Bioceramic. Il est composé d’une partie dynamique et d’une partie statique et se déroule selon les méthodes statistiques enseignées en DUGEAD à l’Université de Paris Dauphine.Population étudiée : échantillon de 97 personnes âgés de 58 à 98 ans.Conclusions : 75% des personnes ont une amélioration supérieure à 4/35 (écart minimal 0/35 - maximal 14/35) per-mettant de conclure à un effet très positif du produit qui permet d’améliorer l’équilibre lors des gestes du quotidien et donc de réduire le risque de chute.

- Institut de médecine du sport FMSI de Turin (Italie)

Evaluation des effets de Solar’Res au test d’effort. Etude de l’effort maximal et sur-maximal.

Objectif : après avoir montré l’amélioration du contrôle postural, observer l’influence sur la dépense énergétique, les données respiratoires et cardio-vasculaires au cours de l’activité physique. Test sur 8 sujets masculins et féminins entre 30 et 60 ans. Conclusions : avec le complexe bio-céramique on note sur un effort important “de faibles valeurs pour la production de dioxyde de carbone, une diminution de la fréquence cardiaque, et une augmentation de la ventilation pulmonaire” qui induisent “un effet légèrement stimulant, une meilleure broncho-dillatation et par conséquent une récupération plus rapide de l’acide lactique”.

- Etude réalisée au sein du laboratoire de Physique et Mécaniques Textiles de l’Université de Haute Alsace à Mul-housepar Riaz Mir sous la direction du docteur D. Mathieu et du professeur B. Durand pour la société HTCD (LPMT - UNR - CNRS).

Objectif : constater l’effet “stabilisateur” du port d’une veste intégrant une induction spécifique (Gold Reflect’ Line®) par le biais de descripteurs caractéristiques de la qualité du contrôle postural. Etude menée sur 9 femmes et 11 Hom-mes âgés de 23 ans à 57 ans de poids compris entre 51,1 et 94,2 kg.Conclusions : “Un changement des caractéristiques posturales (en particulier la variante de la vitesse) pour la modalité yeux fermés est mis en évidence (…) qui laisse supposer que la veste spécifique associée aux habits portés quotidien-nement, pourrait influencer la proprioception*. Celle-ci (la veste) représente un élément vestimentaire aux propriétés particulières, en effet tous les participants ont ressentis une sensation de bien-être incontestable au porté de la veste à enduction spécifique”.*sensibilité du système nerveux aux informations sur les postures et les mouvements venant des muscles et des


Medicin test which demonstrate result definit above:

- Test TinettiThe Tinetti tests enable make a cardinal evaluation of balance disorders, with and without the clothe designed with the BIOCER-AMIC technology.Tests are made in both static and dynamic conditions and results are calculated with the DUGEAD statistic method taught in the Paris Dauphine University.Number of participants : 97 people aged from 58 to 98 years old.Conclusions : 75 % of the participants have an improvement of 4/35 (minimal difference of 0/35 – maximal 14/35) This clearly demonstrates that the product is efficient and helps improve balance in everyday life and, consequently, reduce risk of falls.

SPORTS MEDECINE INSTITUTE OF TURIN - FMSI - (ITALIE)Evaluation of the behavior of SOLAR’RES ® at the exertion test.Study of the maximal effort and the over-maximal effort.

OBJECT : After having clearly demonstrated the improvement of the postural control, the aim was to observe its influence on energy consuming, breathing properties and cardiovascular behavior during physical activities.Tests have been carried out on 8 women and 8 men from 30 to 60 years old.CONCLUSION : with the bio-ceramic complex the study demonstrates that the production of carbon dioxide is significantly lowered, so is heartbeat. Pulmonary ventilation is also enhanced leading to a better broncho- dilation and, consequently, a better elimination of lactic acid.


OBJECT: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the “stabilization” effect obtained when wearing a vest made of BIOCERAMIC . This study was lead on 9 women and 11 men aged from 23 to 57 years old and weighing between 51.1 kg and 94.2 kg.CONCLUSION: A significant change in the posture (particularly in the speed variation) was observed with the eyes closed test. This would mean that wearing this specific vest in association with usual everyday clothes could influence the “proprioception”.

All participants have mentioned that this vest gave them an undeniable feeling of well-being.

With Biocermic Technology

Without Biocermic Technology

This closed cycle generated by the membrane presents many effects : - increase of the body temperature from 0,3°C and thermoregulation improvement => limited transpiration and energy loss

- accélération du flux sanguin, ce qui permet un meilleur transport de l’oxygène aux muscles =>

amélioration de l’endurance et de l’équilibre à l’effort

- augmentation de la puissance musculaire a été constatée par les athlètes de haut niveau qui l’ont testée.

-Accelerate blood circulation which permit a better O2 transportation to muscles => improvement of the endurance and balance to the effort- An increase of muscular power was noted by the high level athletes who tested it

More info on: www.picture-organic-clothing.com/innovation

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Technology PolosPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89€Retail Price : 89€ Retail Price : 89€

WhiteBlack Green

S3662177006734 S3662177006789 S3662177006833

L3662177006758 L3662177006802 L3662177006857

M3662177006741 M3662177006796 M3662177014357

XL3662177006765 XL3662177006819 XL3662177006864

XXL3662177006772 XXL3662177006826 XXL3662177006871

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Gp01 Gp03

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Technology PolosPolyester

Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89€

Green Blue






Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH


Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing


Page 12: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Organic PolosPicked Cotton

M340 M341 M342

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr

Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteWhiteGreen

Black Blue M.

S3662177009704 S3662177009759 S3662177009803

L3662177009728 L3662177009773 L3662177009827

M3662177009711 M3662177009766 M3662177009810

XL3662177009735 XL3662177009780 XL3662177009834

XXL3662177009742 XXL3662177009797 XXL3662177009841

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

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M400 M401



Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr

Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Black Blue


S3662177016139 S3662177016184 S3662177016238

L3662177016153 L3662177016207 L3662177016252

M3662177016146 M3662177016191 M3662177016245

XL3662177016160 XL3662177016214 XL3662177016269

XXL3662177016177 XXL3662177016221 XXL3662177016276

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic PolosPicked Cotton


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Organic PolosCotton

M337 M338 M339

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White White WhiteBlue Blue Orange

Black Grey melange Grey melange

S3662177009551 S3662177009605 S3662177009650

L3662177009575 L3662177009629 L3662177009674

M3662177009568 M3662177009612 M3662177009667

XL3662177009582 XL3662177009636 XL3662177009681

XXL3662177009599 XXL3662177009643 XXL3662177009698

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosCotton


Grey melange

J.C Belmont Photography


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Organic PolosCotton

M231 M232

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 49 € Retail Price : 49 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteBlueBlack

S3662177016535 S3662177016580

L3662177016559 L3662177016603

M3662177016542 M3662177016597

XL3662177016566 XL3662177016610

XXL3662177016573 XXL3662177016627

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosCotton


J.C Belmont Photography


Page 18: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

M347 M348 M349

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79 € Retail Price : 79 € Retail Price : 79 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Blue Blue M.

S3662177010427 S3662177010465 S3662177010502

L3662177010441 L3662177010489 L3662177010526

M3662177010434 M3662177010472 M3662177010519

XL3662177010458 XL3662177010496 XL3662177010533

XXL3662177016160 XXL3662177016177 XXL3662177016184

Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo

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Organic KnittedCotton

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 20: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

M350 M351 M352

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 69 € Retail Price : 69 € Retail Price : 69 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite Blue M.Blue M.

S3662177010540 S3662177010595 S3662177010649

L3662177010564 L3662177010618 L3662177010663

M3662177010557 M3662177010601 M3662177010656

XL3662177010571 XL3662177010625 XL3662177010670

XXL3662177010588 XXL3662177010632 XXL3662177010687

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 79 €

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.


J.C Belmont Photography


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J.C Belmont Photography

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Recycled JacketPolyester

M380 M379

Recycled polyester 100% Recycled polyester 100%

Retail Price : 99 € Retail Price : 99 €

High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Bleu

S3662177016689 S3662177016634

L3662177016702 L3662177016658

M3662177016696 M3662177016641

XL3662177016719 XL3662177016665

XXL3662177016726 XXL3662177016672


Waterproof fabric Waterproof fabric

Page 24: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

M354 M355 M356

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 € Retail Price : 59 € Retail Price : 59 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010748 303662177010793 303662177010847

343662177010762 343662177010816 343662177010861

323662177010755 323662177010809 323662177010854

363662177010779 363662177010823 363662177010878

383662177010786 383662177010830 383662177010885

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 59 €

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

BeigeBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 26: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

M358 M359 M370

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 € Retail Price : 59 € Retail Price : 59 €

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010946 303662177010991 303662177011097

343662177010960 343662177011011 343662177011110

323662177010953 323662177011004 323662177011103

363662177010977 363662177011028 363662177011127

383662177010984 383662177011035 383662177011134

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic ShortsCotton


J.C Belmont Photography


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Gp06 Gp05

Retail Price : 59 € Retail Price : 59 €


303662177007236 303662177007199

343662177007250 343662177007212

323662177007243 323662177007205

363662177007267 363662177007229

383662177016771 383662177016764

Technology ShortsPolyester

Prestige metal logoEmbroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Prestige metal logo


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

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Technology ShortsPolyester


J.C Belmont Photography


Page 30: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Pg03 Pg01

Retail Price : 99 € Retail Price : 99 €


303662177007038 303662177007076

343662177007052 343662177007090

323662177007045 323662177007083

363662177007069 363662177007106

383662177016948 383662177016733

Technology PantsPolyester

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

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Technology PantsPolyester


J.C Belmont Photography


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Flm01 Flm02 Flm04

Retail Price : 89 € Retail Price :89 € Retail Price : 89 €

White BlackBlack

S3662177006413 S3662177006451 S3662177006499

L3662177006437 L3662177006475 L3662177006512

M3662177006420 M3662177006468 M3662177006505


XXL3662177016955 XXL3662177016962 XXL3662177016979

XL3662177006482 XL3662177006529

Recycled LayerPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Page 33: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012


Recycled LayerPolyester


Retail Price : 89 €






BlackBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography

Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric


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Technology PolosPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89€Retail Price : 89€ Retail Price : 89€




XS3662177006888 XS3662177006932 XS3662177006987

M3662177006901 M3662177006956 M3662177007007

S3662177006895 S3662177006949 S3662177006994

L3662177006918 L3662177006963 L3662177007014

XL3662177006925 XL3662177006970 XL3662177007021

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Gp04 Gp06

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Technology PolosPolyester

Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89€

White WhiteGreen Blue






Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH


Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing

Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing


J.C Belmont Photography

Page 36: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Organic PolosCotton


Retail Price : 49€ Retail Price : 49€

White Black

XS3662177016856 XS3662177016801

M3662177016870 M3662177016825

S3662177016863 S3662177016818

L3662177016887 L3662177016832

XL3662177016894 XL3662177016849


Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

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J.C Belmont Photography

Page 38: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012


Retail Price : 99€ Retail Price : 99€

White Black

XS3662177006932 XS3662177006987

M3662177006956 M3662177007007

S3662177006949 S3662177006994

L3662177006963 L3662177007014

XL3662177006970 XL3662177007021


Technology PantsPolyester

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Page 39: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Technology ShortsPolyester


Retail Price : 89€ Retail Price : 89€

WhiteBlack Black

XS3662177007274 XS3662177007311

M3662177007298 M3662177007335

S3662177007281 S3662177007328

L3662177007304 L3662177007342

XL3662177016788 XL3662177016795


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Page 40: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton

W246 W247 W248

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45 € Retail Price : 45€ Retail Price : 45€

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Black Blue

XS3662177013503 XS3662177013589XS3662177013541

M3662177013527 M3662177013602M3662177013565

S3662177013510 S3662177013596S3662177013558

L3662177013534 L3662177013619L3662177013572

Pockets Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Pockets Pockets

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Organic ShortsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45€

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Wood buttons


J.C Belmont Photography


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Flw01 Flw02 Flw03

Retail Price : 89 € Retail Price : 89 € Retail Price :89 €

White BlackBlack

XS3662177016900 XS3662177016917 XS3662177016924

M3662177006581 M3662177006628 M3662177006666

S3662177006574 S3662177006611 S3662177006659




XL3662177006642 XL3662177006680


Recycled LayerPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Page 43: Picture Golf - Spring Summer 2012

Recycled LayerPolyester


Retail Price : 89 €







WhiteBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography

Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric
