picture discretion of city park)

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Picture Discretion of City Park)


    Picture Discribtion;

    It is an artificial city park. Science this park is made by human so itsknown as artificial park instead of Natural Park. This park is situated

    in an urban area not in country area or rural area because its a part of

    the city or town so that the citizens can refresh their mind and body

    rather than their robotic life. This park is ery nice! pompously

    illumined by the nature! for its feather touch our tiredness "oes out

    from our body in a trice! teaches us to loe our nature a"ain.

    In east and west both side has a "ate. #ut the "ate of west side is for

    the entrance and the other "ate of the east side is the e$it "ate. #oth

    sides "ates are made of hard metal because these tow "ates are the

    best medium to control the security of the park and with other

    releant thin"s. %e find a hut is there &ust after the entrance "ate at

    west! its situated at the south side. This hut is the residence of the

    keeper of this park. 'is hut is close to the "ate because he has to

    obsere and "uards all the thin"s of this park. 'e has to lie in the

    park! because he has to maintain the total security and sole if any

    problem arise. 'e has to know who is comin" in the park. %ho is

    doin" what( #esides he is "ardener. So he seems like the owner come

    florist of this park. There are tennis courts &ust behind the keepers hut.

    )nly who does not come to the park for "ossipin"! roamin" hither and

    thither or crunchin" pea*nuts they use to practice in the tennis courts.

    +enerally the youn"sters come here to play tennis. #esides playin"

    the tennis at the same time we can find some spectator come to see

    the "ame. ,lthou"h lawn*tennis is not so much popular nonetheless

    its practice will be seen here.

    There was a path in the park which leads from the entrance "ate to the

    e$it "ate. #ut this path looks like some kinds of peculiar because from

    the ori"in till the end this road is compressed somewhere! somewhereis wide. #ut in the middle of the path it fetched and "ies place for a

  • 8/13/2019 Picture Discretion of City Park)


    band stand. #and sta"e is a wooden sta"e. ,n umbrella is positioned

    &ust upon the band stand! which neer can be closed. There are some

    chairs &ust on the band stand! so that the spectators of the park can

    en&oy the natural beauty. ,t a time some people come here to picnicand use this band stand. Sometimes people come here to hold

    important meetin". %ho come at the noon! he can sit on the band

    stand and can refresh them. Topmost "ettin" out from the mechanism

    of our society any one can take a Smokey cup of tea and can en&oy the

    ast beauty of nature. ,t the corner side of the north and east there is

    a flower bed in the park. The flower bed is surrounded with bamboo

    fence for its security. -ause this flower bed could be dama"ed by anykind of animal or people. This fence is also arran"ed for! that nobody

    cant pick any flowers or tears any petals. #esides this flower bed

    keeps the total side fascinated with its aroma. The aroma "ets spread

    at the eery corner throu"h the air. ,fter all flower is one of the

    elements that directly come from heaen.

    ,t the northern and southern side of the path there are some bi" trees!

    which proide shadow durin" the sunshine. Sometimes tired people

    take rest by sittin" under the tree. There is a spacious "rass carpet

    field at the southern side. This "rass field is totally natural but the

    "rasses are cut in a same shape! thats why its called +rass carpet.

    The "rasses are cut so small and clean! so that the soil can be seen.

    If we look more far to the south! then we will see a stream is flowin"

    zi"za" in the park. , stream is flowin" body of water with a current!confined within a bed and stream banks. +enerally stream creates

    from waterfall. This stream is not natural and contains some water.

    Stream water is so clean and transparent like mirror! what is

    demanded to drink! it feels like drinkin" or hain" the water with my

    hearts content.

    The park is surrounded by a boundary! which contains tow type of

    characteristics. The southern boundary is heaily protected by stone

  • 8/13/2019 Picture Discretion of City Park)


    wall. -ause there is traffic rode &ust a side the stone wall! which

    contains arious risk of accident. #ut same time the northern

    boundary is li"htly protected by fence. #ecause the northern side of

    the park is urban area. Science its urban area so there are nopossibilities of any kinds of criminal offence. #eside due the

    deeloped security of this park has the pleasant enironment of this

    park has become ery much en&oyable.
