picton ary

PICTONARY: UNIT 1: Take up: He decided to take up photography. Decide on: She decided on a career as a veterinarian. Apply for: He applied for a job at the Forest and Wildlife Center. Be accepted to/ into: She was accepted to medical school. Be rejected by: He was rejected by the law school. Sign up for: Over a hundred people signed up for that course.

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Post on 31-Aug-2015




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PICTONARY:UNIT 1:Take up: He decided to take up photography. Decide on: She decided on a career as a veterinarian.

Apply for: He applied for a job at the Forest and Wildlife Center.

Be accepted to/ into: She was accepted to medical school. Be rejected by: He was rejected by the law school.

Sign up for: Over a hundred people signed up for that course. Enroll in: Matt plans to enroll in flight school.

Switch to: People who are unhappy in their career often switch to a completely different field.

Lately: Have you made any progress with your job search lately?

Still: I havent made up my mind about what Ill do after school.

UNIT 2:Childhood/ lifelong dream: Living in the jungles of Africa had been her childhood dream.

Fulfill/ realize a dream: She finally fulfilled her dream.

Short term/ long term goal: Her short-term goal was to get to Africa.

Set goal for oneself: She set a goal for herself to meet him.

Take steps to achieve/ reach a goal: It was clear that she needed to take some difficult steps to reach her goal.

Have experience: I have experience doing something. Have experience with: I have experience with equipment.

Have experience in: I have experience in aviation field.

Have ability to: I have ability to do letters.

Have knowledge of: I have knowledge of first aid.

UNIT 3:Encourage someone: My mother always encouraged me to become a dancer.

Cheer someone up/ lift someones spirits: It really cheered me up when my friends visited me in the hospital. Keep at it/ stick with it/ refuse to give up: I could speak only a few words of French but I refused to give up.

Discourage someone: Discourage someone from doing something.

Talk someone out of: Talk someone out of politics topic.

Let something get to you/ let something get you down: I try not to let it get to me.Feel like giving up/ feel discouraged: It just makes me feel discouraged.No matter how: No matter how carefully I eat, my cholesterol wont come down.

No matter when: No matter when makes the coffee, its always too strong.

No matter where: No matter where she looked, she couldnt fine what she needed. UNIT 4:Be a perfectionist: she insists that things be dont perfectly. Be unable to say no: agree to request for help too easily.Have a negative attitude: never consider the good aspects of a situation.

Wait until the last minute: delay the things one needs to do.Take on more than one can handle: accept more responsibility than one can realistically deal with.Overreact to things: respond too strongly or emotionally when theres a problem. Hold it back: you shouldnt hold it back.Keep it in: I prefer just to keep it in.Let it go: I just decided to let it go.

Let off steam: running after work really helps me let off steam.

UNIT 5:Make up ones mind: if you make up your mind to do something.Change ones mind: if you change your mind, you change your opinion.

Keep in mind: if you keep something in mind, you pay attention. Put out off ones mind: if you put something out of your mind, you try not to let it worry.Be all in ones mind: its all in your mind.Be out of ones mind: if people believe you are out of your mind, they think you are crazy.

Disturbed: I felt very disturbed by it Confused: I felt very confused by it.

Fascinated: the dream I had last night was very fascinated.

Excited: the dream I had last night was very excited. UNIT 6 Burglarized: the room was burglarized by two men. Broken: Jims new camera got broken.

Soiled: all of my jackets got soiled.

Crushed: my laptop was crushed by the bus.

Stained: my silk tie got stained.

Torn: her blouse was torn by the hotel laundry.

Damaged: the luggage was damaged by the airline.

Hiking in the woods: the guys hiking in the woods

A guided tour: they had a guided tour.

A cruise: they went to a Mediterranean cruise.

UNIT 7 Have a head for figures: hes good at mathematical calculations.

Have an ear for music: hes good imitating musical sounds.

Have an eye for detail: hes good seeing things that others dont notice.

Have a way with words: he has the ability to express your ideas and opinions well.

Have a knack for languages: he can speak foreign languages.

Have a good intuitive sense: the able to draw conclusions based on feelings rather than facts.

Have a way with people: he has able to attract and influence people.

Be a good ones hands: she has the ability to use ones hands to do things.

Be mechanically inclined: he has the able to understand how machines work.

Interpersonal: my older sister really has a way with people.

UNIT 8Play a joke on someone: person appear silly, stupid, or ridiculous.

Be the butt of a joke: the person on whom the practical joke is played.

Can take a joke: cant you take a joke?Be a good sport: he has the able to take a joke without getting hurt or insulted.

Be in bad taste: he is offensive or extremely cruel.

Cross the line: he is someone offensive or cruel.

A riddle: a clever question with a funny answer.

An anecdote: a funny, true history, often told to illustrate and idea.

A limerick: a light, humorous five line poem.

A blooper: a clumsy verbal mistake, especially one made in public.

UNIT 9 Remote surgery: the operation performed by a robot controlled by a surgeon at a distant location.

Artificial intelligence: a computer designed to do things.

Computer chip implants: electronic chips placed under the skin.

Human cloning: taking a cell from the human body and copy again.

Genetic engineering: changing the structure of the genes of animals or plants.

Statistic: government crime statistic indicated that the murder rate is falling.

Demographic: the changing demographics of southern California.

Rate: prisoners escaped from the center at the rate of one every five days.

Trend: the agency monitors trends in drug use among teenagers.

Marriage: actually fewer and fewer people are getting married.

UNIT 10Lay off: the company announced they were laying off two hundred employees.

Put up with: the people in village have put up with inadequate roads.

Run out of: well run out of oil before alternative sources of energy have been found.

Go without: no one should have to go without clean water to drink.

Wipe out: illiteracy has been nearly wiped out from Europe.

Come up with: They need to come up with a new plan to shelter the homeless.

Come down with: since the flood, hundreds have come down with malaria.

Carry out: Its time the president carried out her plan to vaccinate.

Bring about: we need to tell management our ideas if we expect to bring about any policy change.

Investment: the World Bank believes that foreign investment will benefit local economies. Student: Diana Herrera Fernndez Teacher KarinaSummit 2