physic terms

Name: Class: 4Sc1 Teacher: PN. NOR SUHALA BINTI ABDUL

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form 4 and form 5 physics term


PowerPoint Presentation


Class: 4Sc1

Teacher: PN. NOR SUHALA BINTI ABDULAbsolute zero of temperature

This is the lowest possible temperature .2) Accelaration, a

Change of velocitytime

= Change of velocity per time

3) Accuracy

The ability to give measurement that are close to the actual value of the quantity.4)Atmospheric pressure

The pressure caused by weight of the Atmosphere on the Earths surface.

5) Base quantity

Physical quantity that cannot be defined in terms of other base quantities6) Boiling point

The constant temperature when liquid change to gas 7)Buoyant force

The upward force resulting from an object being wholly or partially immersed in a fluid 8) Consistency

The ability to give little deviationwhen a quantity is measured several times 9) Critical angle

The angle of incidence when the angle of refraction in the lessdense medium is 9010) Density


=Mass per volume11) Derieved quantity

A derived quantity is a Physics quantity that is not a base quantity. It is thequantities which derived from the base quantities through multiplying and/or dividing them12) Efficiency

Energy outputEnergy input

EoEiX100%X100%13)Elastic collision

Type of collision where objects Collide and bounces off perfectly14)Elastic limit

The maximum force that can be applied to a spring such that the spring is still elastic15) Elastic potential energy

The energy stored in a spring when it is extended or compressed16)Elasticity

The property of material that enablesit to return to its original shape and sizewhen the force acting on it is removed17)Focal length

The distance between the focal point and the optical centre of the lens18)Focal point

A point on the principal axis where all parallex rays to the axis converge after pasing through a convex lens, or appear to diverge from afterpassing through a concave lens19)Force constant

The force that is required to produce oneunit of extension of the spring20) Forces in equilibrium

A state where the resultant forcesacting on an object is zero21) Free fall

Failing under the force of gravity22) Gas pressure

The pressure caused by the collisions of gasmolecules with the walls of container.23)Freezing point

The constant temperature when liquid change to solid 24) Gravitational field strength

Gravitational of forcemass25) Gravitational potential energy

The energy of an object due to itshigher position in the gravitational field26)Heat capacity

The quantity of heat that must be suppliedto a substance to increase its temperature by 1c27)Impulse, Ft

Change of momentum in a collision or explosion28) Impulsive force, F

Change of momentumTime in a collision or explosion29) Inelastic collision

Type of collision when objectcollide and get attached toone another30) Inertia

The natural property of object to remain at rest or, if moving

31) Kinetic energy

The energy of an objectdue to its motion32) Latent heat

The quantity of heat absorbed or released during a change of phase at constant temperature33) Lateral inversion

Image remains upright but the left and the right side are intercharging34) Lifting force

The upward force resulting from the difference In pressure due to the difference in fluid velocity35) Melting point

The constant temperature whensolid change to liquid36) Mirage

A phenomenon which occurs in a hot day. A distant road will appear to have pools of water lying on the surfaces.37) Momentum

Mass X Velocity38) Parallex error

A type of error occurs when a readingis taken from an unsuitable postion.39) Power

Work doneTime40) Pressure

Force Area41) Real image

Image that can be captured on a screen.42) Refraction

A phenomenon where the directionof light is changed when it Crosses two materials of different optical densities.43) Refractive index

Speed of light in vacuum or airSpeed of light in the mediumN=44) Resultant force

A single force that can represent the combined effect of two or more forces45) Scalar quantity

Phisical quantity that hasmagnitude but no direction

46) Sensitivity

The ability to detect small change in the quantity to be measured

47) Specific heat capacity

The quantity of heat required to increase the temperature of 1kg of the substances by 1 degree celcius 48) Specific latent heat

The quantity of heat required to change the phase of 1kg of the substances at a constantTemperature

49) Specific latent heat of fusion

The quantity of heat required to change1kg of the substances at a constant temperature

50)Specific latent heat of vaporisation

The quantity of heat required to change 1kg of the substance from liquid to gaseous without a change in temperature

51) Speed

DistanceTime =Rate of change distance per time52) Thermal equilibrium

The state where two objects in thermal contact has no net transfer of heat energy between each other and two objects have the same temperature 53) Total internal reflection

A phenomenon when a light ray passes from a denser medium towards s less dense medium with the angle of incidence greater than the critical angle.

54) Vector quantity

A physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction55) Velocity

Displacement Time

56) Virtual image

Image that cannot be captured on a screen57) Weight

Mass X gravitational field strength 58) Work done

Force X displacement in the direction of the force59) Zero error

A type of error where the reading shown on the instrument is not zero when no quantity is being measured

60) Alternating current

A current which changes its directions alternately

61) Amplitude

The maximum displacement from the equilibrium position62) Antinodal lines

The lines joining places of constructive interference63) Antinode

A point where constructive interference occurs 64)Atomic mass unit

The unit of mass which is equals to one twelve of the mass of C 126atom65) Catapult force

A force produced on the conductor by the combined magnetic fields of a permenant magnet and a current carrying conductor 66) Cathode ray

A beam of electrons moving very fast from the cathode to the anode in a vacuum tube 67) Chain reaction

The neutrons from the fusion process continue to split other nuclei causing further fission 68) Coherent sources

Sources of waves having the same frequency, same wavelength and in constant phase difference 69) Constructive interference

Type of interference of waves which occurs when the crest or the trough meet with a trough to get miaximum amplitude

70) Damping

A phenomenon where the amplitude of an oscillation gradually decrease.

71) Destructive interference

Type of interference of waves which occur when the crest of one wave meets with the trough of other wave. The resultant amplitude is zero.72)Diffraction od wave

A phenomenon in which waves spread out as they pass through a small opening or around a small obstacle.73)Direct current

A current which flow in one direction 74) Doping

The process of adding a small amount of impurities into the semiconductors to increase the conductivity.75) Effective resistance

The combined resistance of two or more resistors in series or parallel 76) Electric current

Quantity of charge flowTime 77) Electric field lines

The lines showing the path that would be taken by a positive test charge placed in the electric field78) Electric power

Electrical energy transferredTime

79) Electromagnet

A device which become a magnet when electric current flows through it and loss the magnetism when current stop flowing80) Electromagnetic induction

A process to produce electric current by a changing magnetic field 81) Electromagnetic waves

Type of waves which propagate in space with electric and magnetic components oscillating at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation82) Electromotive force

The work done by electric source is driving one coulomb of charge around a complete circuit 83) Forward bias

The negative end (cathode) of the diode is connected to the negative terminal of the cell84) Frequency

The number of waves produced by a source in one second 85) Half life

The time for the radioactive nuclei to decay until half of the mass (radioactivity) remains86) Interference of waves

A phenomenon occurs due to the superposition of two waves from two coherent sources 87) Internal resistance

The resistance within a cell or source of electricity due to the electrolyte88) Isotopes

Atoms with the same proton number but different nucleon number89) Logic gates

The switching circuits in computers and other electronic system. They have one or more input and only one output90)Longitudinal wave

Type of wave where the vibration of particles in the medium is parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave91) Magnetic field

A region in which a magnetic material experiences a force due to the present of magnet.92) Mass defect

The lost in mass in radioactive process 93) Monochromatic light

Light of only one colour or one wavelength only94) National grid network

Vast network of cables to transmit electricity from power station to consumers95) Nodal lines

Lines joining the places of destructive interference95)Node

A point where destructive interference occurs .97) n-type semiconductors

Type of semiconductor where pure semiconductor dopes with pentavalent atoms so that the elctrons are the majority charge carries 98) Nuclear energy

The energy released during the splitting and fusing of atomic nuclei.99) Nuclear fission

A process in which a heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei with the released of great amount of energy 100)Nuclear fusion

A process in which two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus with the released of great amount of energy 101) Nucleon number

The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus102) Period

Time taken to complete one oscillation 103) Periodic motion

A motion that repeats itself in equal intervals of time104) Potential difference

The amount of work done when one coulomb of charge passes from one point to the other point in a circuit 105) Proton number

The number of protons in a nucleus106) p-type semiconductors

Type of semiconductor where pure semiconductor dopes with trivalent atoms so that the holes are the majority charge carries107) Radioactivity

The spontaneous and random disintegration of unstable nucleus the emission radioactive rays . 108) Radioisotopes

Isotopes of an element the are radioactive 109) Rectification

A process of converting alternating current into direct current 110) Refraction of wave

A phenomenon where wave changes direction when is travels through mediums with different optical densities 111) Resistance

Potential difference Current

112) Resonance

A situation in which a system is forced to vibrate with maximum amplitude by an external force of the same frequency 113) Semiconductor

A material whose resistance is between conductors and insulators 114) step-down transformer

A device used to lower the potential difference of an alternating current supply 115) step-up transformer

A device used to raise the potential difference of an alternating current supply 116) Superconductors

Metals and compound whose resistance suddenly fail to zero when it is cooled below a certain critical temperature , Tc117) Thermionic emission

A process involving the emission of electrons from a hot metal surface.118) Transverse wave

Type of wave where the vibration of particles in the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave119) Wavefront

A line or plane joining all the points of the same phrase 120) Wavelength

The distance between two adjacent crest (or distance between two trough)