php7 - scalar type hints & return types

PHP7: Scalar Type Hints & Return Types 2015 April 1 Kansas City PHP User Group

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PHP7: Scalar Type Hints & Return Types

2015 April 1 Kansas City PHP User Group


It’s coming!

Q4 2015

Image by Aaron Van Noy

PHP 5 Type HintingPHP 5.1

• Objects

• Interfaces

• Array

PHP 5.4

• Callable

PHP5 Type Hinting Example<?php/** * Type Hinting in PHP 5 is only for classes, * interfaces, & callable * * @param DateTime $timestamp * @return string */function getDayOfWeek(\DateTime $timestamp) { return $timestamp->format('l'); } $times = []; $times[] = new \DateTime('now'); $times[] = new \DateTimeImmutable('+3 days'); foreach($times as $time) { printf("Today is %s\n", getDayOfWeek($time)); }

PHP5 Type Hinting Example<?php/** * Type Hinting in PHP 5 is only for classes, * interfaces, & callable * * @param DateTime $timestamp * @return string */function getDayOfWeek(\DateTime $timestamp) { return $timestamp->format('l'); } $times = []; $times[] = new \DateTime('now'); $times[] = new \DateTimeImmutable('+3 days'); foreach($times as $time) { printf("Today is %s\n", getDayOfWeek($time)); }

Today is Thursday

Fatal error: Argument 1 passed to getDayOfWeek() must be an instance of DateTime, instance of DateTimeImmutable given, called in /vagrant_data/php5TypeHint.php on line 19 and defined in /vagrant_data/php5TypeHint.php on line 9

PHP5 Type Hinting Example<?php/** * Type Hinting in PHP 5 is only for classes, * interfaces, & callable * * @param DateTimeInterface $timestamp * @return string */function getDayOfWeek(\DateTimeInterface $timestamp) { return $timestamp->format('l'); } $times = []; $times[] = new \DateTime('now'); $times[] = new \DateTimeImmutable('+3 days'); foreach($times as $time) { printf("Today is %s\n", getDayOfWeek($time)); }

PHP5 Type Hinting Example<?php/** * Type Hinting in PHP 5 is only for classes, * interfaces, & callable * * @param DateTimeInterface $timestamp * @return string */function getDayOfWeek(\DateTimeInterface $timestamp) { return $timestamp->format('l'); } $times = []; $times[] = new \DateTime('now'); $times[] = new \DateTimeImmutable('+3 days'); foreach($times as $time) { printf("Today is %s\n", getDayOfWeek($time)); }

Today is Thursday Today is Sunday

PHP 7 Scalar Type HintingPHP 5 Type Hinting +++ Scalars

• Strings

• Integers

• Floats

• Booleans

Scalar Type Hinting

• Not turned on by default

• Turn on by making `declare(strict_types=1);` the first statement in your file

• Only strict on the file with the function call

PHP7 Scalar Type Hinting Example 1: Turned Off

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=0); /** * @param int $number * @param string $street * @param string $apt * @return string */function createStreetAddress(int $number, string $street, string $apt = null) { if ($apt) { return sprintf('%d %s, #%s', $number, $street, $apt); } else { return sprintf('%d %s', $number, $street); } } echo createStreetAddress(221, "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL; echo createStreetAddress("221", "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL;

PHP7 Scalar Type Hinting Example 1: Turned Off

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=0); /** * @param int $number * @param string $street * @param string $apt * @return string */function createStreetAddress(int $number, string $street, string $apt = null) { if ($apt) { return sprintf('%d %s, #%s', $number, $street, $apt); } else { return sprintf('%d %s', $number, $street); } } echo createStreetAddress(221, "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL; echo createStreetAddress("221", "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL;

221 Baker St, #B 221 Baker St, #B

PHP7 Scalar Type Hinting Example 1: Turned On

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $number * @param string $street * @param string $apt * @return string */function createStreetAddress(int $number, string $street, string $apt = null) { if ($apt) { return sprintf('%d %s, #%s', $number, $street, $apt); } else { return sprintf('%d %s', $number, $street); } } echo createStreetAddress(221, "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL; echo createStreetAddress("221", "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL;

PHP7 Scalar Type Hinting Example 1: Turned On

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $number * @param string $street * @param string $apt * @return string */function createStreetAddress(int $number, string $street, string $apt = null) { if ($apt) { return sprintf('%d %s, #%s', $number, $street, $apt); } else { return sprintf('%d %s', $number, $street); } } echo createStreetAddress(221, "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL; echo createStreetAddress("221", "Baker St", "B") . PHP_EOL;

221 Baker St, #B

Fatal error: Argument 1 passed to createStreetAddress() must be of the type integer, string given, called in /vagrant_data/php7TypeHint.php on line 20 and defined in /vagrant_data/php7TypeHint.php on line 10

Introducing… return types

• Completely optional

• Declare strict same as for Scalar Type Hinting

• Only strict on the file with the function declaration

• Tells the compiler that we expect to get something of type Foo out of the function call

PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: DateTime

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @return \DateTime */function getCurrentTime() : \DateTime { return new \DateTime('now'); } echo getCurrentTime()->format('l') . PHP_EOL;

PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: DateTime

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @return \DateTime */function getCurrentTime() : \DateTime { return new \DateTime('now'); } echo getCurrentTime()->format('l') . PHP_EOL;


PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: Calculator

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $num * @param int $denom * @return int */function divide(int $num, int $denom) : int { if (0 === $denom) { return 9999999999; } else { return $num / $denom; } } echo divide(7, 3) . PHP_EOL;

PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: Calculator

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $num * @param int $denom * @return int */function divide(int $num, int $denom) : int { if (0 === $denom) { return 9999999999; } else { return $num / $denom; } } echo divide(7, 3) . PHP_EOL;

Fatal error: Return value of divide() must be of the type integer, float returned in /vagrant_data/php7ReturnType.php on line 13 in /vagrant_data/php7ReturnType.php on line 13

PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: Calculator

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $num * @param int $denom * @return float */function divide(int $num, int $denom) : float { if (0 === $denom) { return 9999999999; } else { return $num / $denom; } } echo divide(7, 3) . PHP_EOL;

PHP 7 Return Types Example 1: Calculator

<?phpdeclare(strict_types=1); /** * @param int $num * @param int $denom * @return float */function divide(int $num, int $denom) : float { if (0 === $denom) { return 9999999999; } else { return $num / $denom; } } echo divide(7, 3) . PHP_EOL;


Great. PHP Just Got Hard. Again.

• No. These are optional

• Weak Typing is still the default

• Strict typing forces the programmer to think more clearly about a function’s input/output

• Think: “Filter input; escape output.”

• Leads the way to compiling PHP to Opcode

• Compiler can catch certain bugs before a user will

More Information

• Scalar Type Hinting & Return Types - RFC:

• Anthony Ferrara’s blog post about this:

• Building & Testing PHP 7:

Thank You

Eric [email protected]


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