photoshop and in design

Photoshop and InDesign

Upload: 08murphyc

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Photoshop and InDesign

This is the original image I took for my poster.

The first thing I did to manipulate my image is I cut out the image of my main character using the lasso tool. I did this so that I could layer different layers to put in shadows into the original image.

After I cut out the whole of the image I changed the background to black so I could see any changes I made easier. I used an image of the flames and changed the blending mode to overlay so that it showed the flames reflecting across her body. I then decided against using this as it didn’t look like flames and didn’t make the character dark enough.

The next thing I did was put the original image behind the image that I had cut out and created a new layer. On the new layer I used the brush tool to paint the whole layer black and then changed the opacity of the layer so that you could see the image behind it. I then erased a circle of the black so that it made the match look as though it was glowing across her and the black made the shadows, and the rest of the image, darker.

I made a copy of the layer I had painted black, and on that layer I made a selection of the image I had cut out and moved this along to make a shadow of my character as well as making the back ground darker.

I changed the curves slightly so that the darker parts got darker in places to show more shadows in the image.

This is what the image looked like when I had finished manipulating it in Photoshop

The image on the left is the finished image and the image on the right is the finished image.

I used the same titles for the poster as I used in the mina production. I did this to show continuity between the two things, and also to show the genre more on the poster.

On InDesign I created a new layer for everything that I placed and used the place tool to import things onto the poster.

To make the billing block I used a font called steel tongs and edited each word in Photoshop so that the opacity was 75%.