photoacoustic imaging with coherent light - emmanuel bossy

[email protected] , IHP, 12 février2014 [email protected] , IHP, 12 février2014 Photoacoustic imaging with coherent light Emmanuel Bossy Institut Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech CNRS UMR 7587, INSERM U979 Workshop Inverse Problems and Imaging Institut Henri Poincaré, 12 February 2014

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  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Photoacoustic imaging with coherent light Emmanuel Bossy Institut Langevin, ESPCI ParisTech CNRS UMR 7587, INSERM U979 Workshop Inverse Problems and Imaging Institut Henri Poincar, 12 February 2014
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Background: waves and images in complex media Incident wave Incident wave
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Ultrasound Visible light Optics and acoustics in biological tissue
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Resolution = optics ultrasound Ultrasound Visible light Coupling optics and acoustics in biological tissue
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Photoacoustics in optically scattering media
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Heat confinement regime X
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 X Heat confinement regime
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Heat AND stress confinement regime
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Heat AND stress confinement regime: initial value problem
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 time pressure 2 s R T c 0 . 2 P R P r Heat AND stress confinement regime: initial value problem
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Manohar S. et al, Optics Express 15(19), 2007 Manohar S. et al, Physics in Medicine & Biology 50(11), 2005 2D PVDF array Light wavelength : 1064 nm Ultrasound frequency : 1 MHz Imaging depth : ~ 2 cm Resolution : ~ 2 mm Acquisition time : ~ 30 min Examples of applications: breast tumor imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Zhang E. et al, Physics in Medicine and Biology 54(4), 2009 Optical detection with a Fabry-Perot Light wavelength : 670 nm Ultrasound frequency : 0 20 MHz Imaging depth : ~ 6 mm Resolution : ~ 100 m Acquisition time : ~ 15 min Examples of applications: vascularization imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Hu S. et al, Optics Letters 36(7), 2011 Focused single element transducer dual light wavelength : 561&570 nm Ultrasound frequency : 30 70 MHz Imaging depth : < 1 mm Resolution : ~ 10 m Acquisition time : ~ 80 min Hu S. et al, Optics Letters 36(7), 2011 Examples of applications: functional imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Principles of photoacoustic image formation ? Two different configurations: Reconstruction-free imaging Reconstruction-based imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 time ( = distance) Reconstruction-free imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Hu S. et al, Optics Letters 36(7), 2011 time ( = distance) Reconstruction-free imaging
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014A. Funke, JFA, MF, ACB and E. Bossy, Applied Physics Letters 94(5), 2009 Set of raw photoacoustic signals "reconstruction-based" : images are obtained by some reconstruction algorithm. Each point of the final image is computed from multiple signals. Reconstruction-based imaging (also tomography)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Reconstruction-based imaging (also tomography) Reconstructed image "reconstruction-based" : images are obtained by some reconstruction algorithm. Each point of the final image is computed from multiple signals. A. Funke, JFA, MF, ACB and E. Bossy, Applied Physics Letters 94(5), 2009
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Photoacoustic imaging with coherent light ?
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Photoacoustics in optically scattering media
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Enhanced photoacoustic imaging with speckle illumination speckle illumination J. Gteau, T. Chaigne, O. Katz, S. Gigan and E. Bossy, Optics Letters 38(23), 2013
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 speckle illumination fluctuations (N = 2) fluctuations (N = 50) uniform illuminationphotograph Enhanced photoacoustic imaging with speckle illumination J. Gteau, T. Chaigne, O. Katz, S. Gigan and E. Bossy, Optics Letters 38(23), 2013
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 speckle illum. Fluct. (N = 50) Fluct. (N = 2) uniform illum. Enhanced photoacoustic imaging with speckle illumination J. Gteau, T. Chaigne, O. Katz, S. Gigan and E. Bossy, Optics Letters 38(23), 2013 photograph
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Wavefront shaping for photoacoustic imaging?
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Enhanced photoacoustic imaging with controlled illumination? Spatial light modulator (SLM) (mostly liquid crystals) Segmented, >1 million pixel course : 1 microns speed: 50Hz Deformable mirrors (piezo, magnetics) 10-100 actuators (typ.) course : 10-20 microns Speed > kHz Adaptive optics Diffractive optics, displays .
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Optimization approach
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Optimization Background: controlling light through scattering media
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Signal to optimizeSignal to optimize See also Kong, F. et al., Opt. Lett. 36, 2053-2055 (2011) (monochromatic, long coherence length) X 10 Photoacoustic-guided optimization
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 29Chaigne et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.7535 (2013). Photoacoustic-guided optimization with spectral filtering
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Transmission-matrix approach
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 SLM : array of N pixels Linear system camera CCD : arrays of M pixels = An alternative approach: the transmission matrix (S. Gigan)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Plane wave input SLM CCD sample SLM CCD sample SLM CCD sample S. Popoff, GL, RC, MF, ACB and S. Gigan. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,100601 (2010) An alternative approach: the transmission matrix (S. Gigan)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014T. Chaigne, O. Katz, ACB, MF, E. Bossy and S. Gigan, Nature Photonics, 8, 58-64 (2014) (532nm, 10Hz, 10ns ) absorbing wires (diameter= 30m) 140 pixels phase-only spherically focused 30MHz central freq f-number=2 The photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 SLM The photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach T. Chaigne, O. Katz, ACB, MF, E. Bossy and S. Gigan, Nature Photonics, 8, 58-64 (2014)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 (arb.u.) The photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach T. Chaigne, O. Katz, ACB, MF, E. Bossy and S. Gigan, Nature Photonics, 8, 58-64 (2014)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Focusing through 0.5mm thick chicken breast tissue The photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach T. Chaigne, O. Katz, ACB, MF, E. Bossy and S. Gigan, Nature Photonics, 8, 58-64 (2014)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 2D photoacoustic imaging1D photoacoustic imaging Mono-element ultrasonic transducer Ultrasonic Array The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 (532nm, 10Hz, 10ns ) Black leaf skeleton (140 pixels, phase-only) (ultrasonic linear array) The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 SLM : array of pixels Photoacoustic image: array of pixels SLM: array of pixels The photoacoustic transmission matrix Input modes= SLM pixels Output modes = Photoacoustic pixels The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach uniform illumination SLM-shaped illumination Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach The photoacoustic transmission-matrix contains information on multiple random illuminations : equivalent to several speckle illumination Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach The photoacoustic transmission-matrix contains information on multiple random illumination : equivalent to several speckle illumination Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 43 Standard PA image Modulation map PA image when displaying focusing pattern on SLM The transmission matrix allows Identifying the targets The 2-D photoacoustic transmission-matrix approach Submitted (arXiv:1402.0279)
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Conclusions
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Increase high resolution SLM Decrease small absorbers high frequency transducer Fast instrumentation and measurements grainsspeckle pixelsSLM N N pixelsSLMN grainsspeckleN 45 Challenges Solutions Small speckle grains 1 m Low enhancement Decorrelation of the sample Challenges with deep-tissue experiments
  • [email protected] , IHP, 12 fvrier2014 Acknowledgements O. SimandouxA. Prost F. Poisson F. Mzire T. Chaigne Dr. J. Gteau Dr. O. Katz Pr. S. Gigan Funding ESPCI ParisTech, CNRS INCA Grant Gold Fever PEPS PSL-CNRS Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Dr. M. Varna