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Monit toring and Evaluation F Oct Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility Framework tober 2011

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Page 1: Philippines Provincial Roads Management · CBMG Community Barangay Monitoring Group CBMS Community based Monitoring

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1

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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

P a g e i

T a b l e o f

C o n t e n t s

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3

2. M&E OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................... 3

3. PRMF RESULTS CHAIN ............................................................................................................................. 3

4. PRMF PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORK ............................................................................. 5

4.1 Facility Inputs, Activities and Processes .............................................................................................. 5

4.2 Outputs and Reform Objectives .......................................................................................................... 6

4.3 Outcomes ............................................................................................................................................ 7

4.4 Impact ................................................................................................................................................. 8

5. USE OF GOVERNMENT MONITORING SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 9

6. BASELINE DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................. 10

7. ATTRIBUTION AND TRIANGULATION ..................................................................................................... 11

8. PRMF REPORTING ................................................................................................................................. 11


Annex 1: PRMF Results Chain

Annex 2: PRMF Performance Measurement Framework

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AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic

AIP Annual Incentive Program

APWP Annual Public Works Plan

AusAID Australian Agency for International Development

CBMG Community Barangay Monitoring Group

CBMS Community based Monitoring System

CBO Community Based Organisation

CD Capacity Development

CIME Community Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

CSO Civil Society Organisation

DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government

FMC Facility Managing Contractor

GIS Geographic Information System

GOA Government of Australia

GOP Government of the Philippines

HH Household

HRMDP Human Resources Management and Development Plan

HRIS Human Resources Information System

ICT Information and Communications Technology

LGU Local Government Unit

LGPMS Local Governance Performance Management System

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

M/F Male/Female

MBNS Minimum Basic Needs Survey

MPDO Municipal Planning and Development Office

MSA Memorandum of Subsidiary Arrangement

MOA Memorandum of Arrangement

PAO Provincial Agriculture Office

PC Provincial Coordinator

PLGU Provincial Local Government Unit

PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office

PRMF Provincial Roads Management Facility

PRNDP Provincial Road Network Development Plan

PRSPMR Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review

RPMES Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation System

SCALOG System for Competency Assessment of Local Governments

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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF) helps ensure

transparency and accountability in program implementation. M&E provides evidence of outputs, outcomes

and impacts that are attributable to the PRMF, while enabling the Facility to adjust as needed to changing

conditions and circumstances.

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how the PRMF will answer 17 evaluation questions about the

performance of the Facility and impact of the program on the intended beneficiaries. These questions are

presented in section 4, PRMF Performance Measurement Framework, in relation to the different levels of the

PRMF results chain. They have been agreed upon by AusAID, the Department of the Interior and Local

Government (DILG), and Coffey as the Facility Managing Contractor (FMC) for the PRMF.

The document identifies the expected results of the investment; the indicators of results achievement; the key

questions to answer in performance measurement; and the methods and approaches to use in data collection.

The Facility will rely on, and reinforce the use of, existing government information systems and data gathering

processes (wherever possible) during the implementation of the M&E Framework.


The purpose of M&E in the PRMF is to generate performance data that all key stakeholders, including AusAID,

DILG, provincial governors and department heads, the Program Steering Committee, and the FMC, will use to:

1. Determine whether PRMF is successful in achieving its development goals and objectives

2. Guide program delivery so that it is effective and efficient in the achievement of sustainable results for

partners and beneficiaries.

3. Adapt the program to changing needs and circumstances when required to improve service delivery and


4. Provide evidence to stakeholders and decision-makers of the change attributable to PRMF at many

developmental levels.

5. Develop capacity-building programs for participating provinces, beneficiaries, and DILG to sustain a road

management system.

6. Inform the development partners of design improvements for program replication and advise on any

limitations in using existing systems and processes to answer the M&E questions.


The PRMF results chain is a management tool to define the purpose and focus on the program. It is a visual

summary of the cause-and-effect relationships among inputs, activities and processes, outputs, reform

objectives, outcomes and impact (see Figure 1). It defines the expected results of the Facility, which gives

shape to performance measurement and the monitoring and evaluation effort. It is also used for planning,

reporting, and communication purposes.

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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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The results chain helps build a common understanding of the changes that will result from the investment.

Figure 1 provides definitions of the various levels of the results chain and their application in the PRMF. Annex

1 provides an overview of the results chain in relation to the reform areas of the program for each Province.

Figure 1: PRMF Results Chain


Change in States of Target Population

Change in Practice or Performance of

Organizations and Units

Change in Ability or Capacity of

Organizations and Individuals

Service Delivery and Management

Tools of Government Organizations

Goods and Services provided by the

PRMF as a Catalyst of Change

Financial, Human and Material

Resources provided by the PRMF


Provincial Government


Government Plans, Policies, Systems,

Knowledge, Skills and Structures in Key

Areas of Road Sector Reform

Sustainable Improvements in the Key

Functions of Government Organizations

and Individuals in the Reform Areas (MSA)


Reform Objectives

Facility Activities and


Facility Plans and Programs for Public

Works and Capacity Building of

Organizations and Individuals

Base Program Funding, Incentive Program

Funding and Provincial & National

Government Counterpart Contributions

Benefits of Improved Provincial Roads to


Sustainable Improvements in Road

Conditions, Road Services of Government

and Industry, Governance and

Implementation of Road Sector Reforms



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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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The PRMF Performance Measurement Framework provides methodological details on how the Facility will

collect data to answer the key evaluation questions (see Annex 2). The selected indicators will be tested

during the baseline collection exercise. The evaluation questions are presented in each of the sections below.


Monitoring and evaluating the inputs, activities and processes of the Facility will help stakeholders to

determine the efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy of the program. The focus is on understanding the

management and disbursement of resources in the Base Program Funding and Incentive Program Funding, as

well as the provincial and national government counterpart contributions. It also provides information on how

the inputs, activities and processes translate into outputs and outcomes for the Provinces.

The M&E Framework will answer these evaluation questions about the provision of inputs, activities and


To monitor inputs, activities and processes, the FMC will use the following methods and sources:

� Financial Management System. The FMC will use its financial management system and Provincial

Government financial management systems to keep track of planned and actual expenditure of PRMF

funds. (For question 1.)

� Stakeholder Annual Review. The FMC will facilitate an annual joint review of PRMF management and

partnership arrangements, by key PRMF stakeholders, including AusAID, DILG, PLGUs and the FMC. This

method will help answer questions 1 and 2. The FMC will also conduct individual interviews with AusAID

and DILG representatives each year about partnership arrangements and issues. (For question 2.)

� Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review (PRSPMR). The provinces will report on the

strategies used to allocate base funding for capacity building and road network rehabilitation and

maintenance, and the extent to which incentive program funding encourages institutional reform. The

1. How efficiently and effectively is the Facility managing the disbursement of funds? How can this

be improved?

2. How do the partnership arrangements between FMC, AusAID, DILG, and participating provinces

contribute to the efficient management and implementation of the Facility? How can this be


3. What strategies do participating provinces use to allocate base funding for Provincial Road

Sector capacity building and for network rehabilitation and maintenance? Do different

strategies result in different patterns of funds distribution?

4. To what extent does the Incentive Program Funding serve to encourage provinces to pursue

reforms in linking budgets to plans, internal controls, financial management, revenue generation,

and contracting out road works? How are local conditions helping or hindering reform?

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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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1. What arrangements do provinces have in place to design and implement individual and

organisation capacity strengthening for financial, operational, planning and management

reform? Does this represent good value for money across the provinces?

2. What arrangements do provinces have in place to design and implement road network

rehabilitation and maintenance? Does this represent good value for money?

3. To what extent are government systems being used to deliver activities? Are these systems

delivering an effective program in an efficient manner?

FMC will facilitate an annual review of PLGU progress toward the achievement of its annual objectives,

annual incentive targets, and ongoing progress towards achievement of conditions necessary to sustain

road sector reforms and gains related to their mandated functions. This progress report will be in the form

of an annual scorecard (for questions 3 and 4). The PRSPMR will draw on the PRNDP and HRMDP and their

M&E reports. Information will be verified through focus group discussions, key informant interviews,



The outputs are the results of the planned activity of the Facility to progress the Provincial Government

towards the reform objectives and outcomes. If the outputs are successfully completed to required standards

then the objectives will be met and outcomes should be achieved.

Reform objectives refer to changes in the ability or capacity of the Provincial Government and individuals. In

the PRMF, reform objectives are sustainable improvements in the key functions of government organizations

and individuals related to the delivery and management of road sector services under the five reform areas.

PRMF will help bring about these changes through its two components: (1) the Capacity Development

program, which strengthens the capacity of provincial governments to plan, prioritize, and efficiently manage

the provincial road network; and (2) the Provincial Road Network Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program,

which provides funding for provincial road rehabilitation and maintenance.

The FMC will answer these evaluation questions about the progress made toward the reform objectives

through the two components:

The FMC will monitor and evaluate the progress made toward reform objectives using these methods and


� Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review. The FMC will facilitate an annual review of

PLGU progress toward the achievement of annual objectives, annual incentive targets, outputs and

ongoing progress toward the conditions necessary to sustain reforms, and gains related to their mandated

functions in, and corresponding progress towards, achieving the core principles in the MOA (for questions

5 and 6). The PRSPMR will be informed by the HRMDP M&E Report and the PRMDP M&E Report.

� Human Resources Management and Development Plan. The implementation of each HRMDP will be

monitored by the Provincial Government. The data collected for the M&E of the HRMDP, which includes

sex-disaggregated data, will be also used to evaluate the extent to which Provinces design and implement

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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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1. To what extent has the Facility contributed to improving the core provincial road network in

participating provinces?

2. To what extent has the Facility contributed to strengthening provincial institutional capacity

and government systems for managing and maintaining the core provincial road network?

3. To what extent has the Facility built the capacity of DILG to replicate the program in other


4. To what extent has the Facility increased competition among private sector contractors?

5. To what extent has the participation of civil society in government planning and decision

making changed in each province?

individual and organisation capacity strengthening for financial, operational, planning and management

reform (for question 5).

� Provincial Road Network Development Plan. The implementation of each PRNDP will be monitored by

the Provincial Government. The data, including sex-disaggregated data, collected for the M&E of the

PRNDP will be also used to evaluate the extent to which road sector planning and management is being

supported and implemented through provincial government operations (for questions 5 and 6).

� Subcontractor Progress Reports. Sub-contractors will prepare reports to assess participants’ capacity

prior to and after each capacity development activity (for question 7). Value for money assessments will

be done by comparing results to investments and continuation of benefits in the longer term.


Outcomes refer to changes in the practices or performance of organizations. In PRMF, outcomes are

sustainable improvements in road conditions, road services of governments and industry, road sector

governance, and the implementation of road sector reforms. These outcomes are linked to the strategic

development priorities of the PRMF partners.

The M&E Framework will answer these evaluation questions about the progress made toward expected


PRMF will measure the sustainable improvements in road conditions, road services, governance and the

implementation of road sector reforms using the following methods:

� Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review. The provinces will report annually on their

road network management and maintenance activities, progress toward the achievement of incentive

targets established for provincial government systems, progress towards achieving sustainable road

planning and management, and the participation of civil society in government planning and decision-

making in this review. (For questions 8, 9 and 12.). The PRSPMR will evaluate information from focus

group discussions supported by the PRNDP M&E Report, Audit Reports, the HRMDP M&E Report and BAC

Secretariat records on bidding.

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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

P a g e 8

1. To what extent has the Facility contributed to increased economic activity at the individual,

household, local and province levels in PRMF-assisted provincial roads catchment area?

2. To what extent has the Facility contributed to improving access to public infrastructure and

services at the individual and province levels?

3. To what extent has the Facility increased local employment in each province?

4. To what extent has the Facility contributed to peace and stability in the conflict-affected


5. How sustainable is the impact of the Facility?

� Provincial Road Network Development Plan (PRNDP). The provinces report on the implementation of

their plan using their PRNDP M&E system. (For questions 8 and 12.)

� Provincial Road Inventories. The provinces will conduct rapid road assessments and produce inventories

annually to identify the number of kilometres of road rehabilitated and maintained. (For question 8.)

� Road Network Completion Reports. PLGUs prepare these reports after road work or activity completion.

The reports summarise the number of kilometres of road rehabilitated and maintained. (For question 8.)

� Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS). The provinces prepare LGPMS reports

annually for the DILG. The FMC will use LGPMS data to report on improvements in road services planning,

management and delivery. (For question 9.) Sex-disaggregated data will be used where available.

� System for Competency Assessment of Local Governments (SCALOG). The provinces prepare SCALOG

reports for the DILG once per governor’s term. The FMC will use SCALOG data to report on improvements

in the competencies of LGU personnel. (For question 9.) Sex-disaggregated data will be used where


� DILG Review Report. The Facility will conduct an annual review in partnership with DILG on its capacity to

replicate and sustain the program as part of its Annual Planning process. (For question 10.)

� Bids and Awards Committee Records Management System. The PRMF will use records from the Bids and

Award Committee (BAC) to review the level of participation of the private sector in bidding for road

related projects before and during PRMF as an indicator of local competition (for Question 11 and 12).


Impact refers to a change in state of target populations. In PRMF, impacts are the benefits to communities of

the improved provincial roads. They include economic growth and improved access to infrastructure, services

and employment. The M&E Framework will answer these evaluation questions about the impact of the


The methods and tools for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the Facility include:

� Community Impact Monitoring and Evaluation (CIME) Case studies. The Facility will conduct longitudinal

case studies to examine the impact of the investment in provincial road networks on local facilities,

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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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services and communities. Case studies will include longitudinal surveys of facilities and services, public

opinion surveys, and the integration of government and community data. Case studies will be gender

sensitive and collect sex-disaggregated data. This method will be used to help answer all questions

relating to impact (For questions 13 and 14). Information from CBMS will be used for stratification of

sampling and validation of results where available. The techniques developed will be evaluated in terms of

whether they are cost effective tools for monitoring impacts of the PRNDP by the Provincial Governments.

� Household surveys. Municipalities will carry out household surveys using the Community-based

Monitoring System and the Minimum Basic Needs Survey. (For question 13.) Sex-disaggregated data will

be used where available. This information will monitor longer term trends and determine the geographic

“area of influence” of road improvements.

� Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) surveys. The provinces will carry out AADT surveys to measure the

volume of vehicle traffic of a road or highway to see how busy it is and how the composition of traffic

changes over time. (For question 13.)

� PLGU Monitoring reports. Provincial governments will use existing administrative systems and

mechanisms to report on agricultural production, business permits, tax collection, expenditures and

receipts, tourism, and other donor projects through the Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation

System (RPMES). (For questions 13, 14, 15 and 16.)

� Sub-contractor reports. Sub-contractors will prepare completion reports following the completion of their

contracted activities which will include an assessment of the results and outcomes. (For question 13.)

� Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review (PRSPMR). This evaluation report will be used

to assess the sustainability of the benefits delivered drawing on monitoring and evaluation reports for the

PRNDP and HRMDP. It will use information from the Strategic Financial Management Plan to determine if

road maintenance can be sustained based on projected increases in local revenues and costs of

maintenance. (For question 17.)


This M&E Framework is designed to measure the overall performance of the Facility, however, it will use

existing government systems as primary or secondary data sources if available. Not all evaluation questions

can be answered cost effectively using existing government systems within the timeframes required for PRMF.

Under these circumstances focus group discussions, targeted surveys and other quantitative and qualitative

collection techniques will be used. These techniques will also be evaluated for use by the Provincial

Governments to help strengthen existing systems where required.

As indicated in the lists of methods and tools for monitoring and evaluating inputs and the achievement of

objectives, the PRMF M&E system relies on provincial government and national government monitoring

systems for performance data, wherever possible, to minimise the burden of collection (i.e., time, effort, cost);

to complement government efforts in ensuring integrity of data consistency; and to promote sustainability.

For evaluation reports, such as the PRSPMR and the Six Monthly Monitoring and Evaluation Status Reports,

PRMF will use a combination of targeted interviews, focus group discussions, facility management systems,

and draw on a range of government sources when available. These include:

� Local Governance Performance Measurement System (LGPMS) indicators

� System for Competency Assessment of Local Government (SCALOG) indicators

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Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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� Performance Management System - Office Performance Evaluation System (PMS-OPES) indicators

� Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (RPMES) indicators

� Provincial Government administrative and financial systems (PLGU Monitoring Reports) for departmental

reporting such as procurement records; budgets, receipts and expenditures; human resource

management systems; and project management reporting systems

� Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) indicators

� Agricultural Production Data

The FMC will also use systems currently being strengthened by PRMF including:

� Monitoring and evaluation reports being developed as part of the PDRNP and HRMDP

� Capacity development activity completion reports under the HRMO

� Road network completion reports under the PEO

� Road and Bridge Management Systems under DILG and each PEO

� Environmental monitoring reports under PENRO and DILG

� Internal audit reports under the PIAO

These systems include three DILG systems (i.e., CBMS, LGPMS and SCALOG) and one NEDA system (RPMES).

The intention is to make better use of existing information systems so that program impacts can be measured

after PRMF disengages and applied to other development programs where relevant. M&E capacity in DILG

and provincial governments will be analysed and strengthened as necessary. This recognizes the wide range of

stakeholders involved in these government monitoring systems: DILG, other national government agencies;

LGUs; LGU leagues; civil society organisations; the private sector; and international donor organisations.


With the approval of the M&E Framework, the FMC will begin baseline data collection. The baseline exercise,

which will be completed in the 2011 calendar year, will involve five general activities:

� Compile data from government systems. The FMC will update their review on the current use of

government M&E systems by the Provincial Governments. The FMC will then gather, collate and review

data sets from existing government systems in relation to data requirements of the performance

measurement framework. The FMC will also review the initial Provincial Assessments conducted in 2009,

and PRSPMR reports completed in 2010 and 2011 to establish the baseline and initial trends.

� Implement annual scorecards. The FMC will facilitate the collection of PLGU data to establish ratings for

achieving sustainable conditions linked to outputs and reform objectives as part of the PRSPMR.

� Develop Geographic Information Systems. The FMC will install GIS facilities and develop a geographic

database for road and bridge asset management that links DILG, and Provincial Governments, with the

ability to integrate with DPWH systems. This will provide quantitative data on accessibility, road condition

and road assets.

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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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� Establish M&E system for PRNDP and the HRMDP. The PRMF will help strengthen provincial M&E units,

identify M&E requirements and processes, build M&E capacity, and implement a PRNDP and HRMDP M&E


� Establish Community Impact Monitoring and Evaluation (CIME) case studies. The FMC will oversee the

initial collection of impact data through the CIME case studies in partnership with the PLGU. It will involve

using a range of cost effective techniques such as public opinion surveys, longitudinal surveys of facilities

and services, focus group discussions and targeted interviews. These techniques will be reviewed for

application by the PLGU in the longer term as tools to support M&E for their PRNDPs. The approach will

include using data from the Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) where available and relevant.

PRMF will engage Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in strengthening participating communities’ roles in

data collection and coordinating their inputs.


The combination of data collection activities described in the M&E Framework is necessary for attributing

change to the PRMF. The Facility will rely on three common strategies for demonstrating attribution.

� ‘Before and after.’ The FMC will establish baseline values related to its indicators, and identify changes to

baseline conditions that can be explained by project activities.

� ‘With and without.’ The FMC will compare the impact on communities who are part of the intervention

with conditions in similar communities outside of the project.

� Aggregation. The FMC will make use of data aggregation techniques to measure the overall impact of the

project within the Facility life. Data aggregation will measure the extent on how the project has impacted

on the five (5) reform areas based on its two components, namely, Capacity Development and Physical

Works. The FMC will triangulate data from government systems and reports with data from sub-

contractors, community-based M&E and impact studies in order to assess the changes brought about

through the AusAID and GOP investment. It will use two or more sources of data to answer each of the 17

evaluation questions.


The 17 evaluation questions will be progressively addressed in 6 monthly monitoring and evaluation reports.

These will be used to inform the long-term and annual plans of the Facility.

The reporting framework will include:

� Monthly reports highlighting key issues, risks and action items for management discussions

� Six monthly reports progressively addressing the 17 evaluation questions for the duration of the Facility.

This status report will also review the effectiveness of the Facility’s M&E system and the use of existing

government M&E systems in addressing the key questions.

� Annual Review and Forward Plans. The FMC will produce annual and semi-annual progress reports on

the implementation of plans and incentive targets. These reports will provide information on a year-on-

year and year-to-date basis. They will also provide information to meet AusAID’s requirements, such as

quality of implementation reports and country strategy-level Performance Assessment Framework. These

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reports include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the incentive program, sustainability, cross cutting

themes and DILG’s capacity to replicate and sustain PRMF interventions.

� Facility Completion Report. The FMC will produce a one-time completion report on the implementation

of the Facility’s 5-year plan.

These reports will incorporate all relevant information from provincial government and sub-contractor

reporting as well as Facility-led data collection exercises to answer the 17 evaluation questions.

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Annex 1

PRMF Results Chain

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A n n e x 2 - 1

Title Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF) Facility Managing Contractor Coffey International Development Portfolio Manager John Alikpala

Country Philippines Budget $100 million Duration 2009-2014

Impact Increased economic activity and improved access to public infrastructure and services in the Southern Philippines


Priorities Sustain Core Provincial Road Networks Strengthen Existing Government Systems

Outcomes 10. Provincial roads are rehabilitated to a good condition and are sustainably maintained on

an annual basis

20. Provinces have strengthened institutional capacity and systems to develop and implement road sector plans in support of broad-based sustainable social and economic development

� � � � �

Reform Objectives

(PLGU Progress



100. Core network of provincial roads sustained in good condition 200. More effective and efficient systems for

planning, generating and managing funds for

road network rehabilitation and maintenance

300. Fully functioning internal control systems

and internal audit services for road services


400. Transparent and effective procurement

systems and processes with enhanced private

sector participation in relation to the road


500. Increased capacity of PLGUs for the

management and development of human


� � � � �




1000. Sustained Road Planning and Service Delivery

� Provincial Road Network Development Plan (PRNDP) annually reviewed and updated

using geographical information systems (GIS)

� Road condition surveys and traffic surveys conducted, stored and analysed using a road

and bridge asset management system.

� Road project proposals developed using selection and prioritisation processes taking

into account social, economic and environmental factors to ensure sustainability

� Strengthened integration and management of environmental considerations in

provincial roads planning, design, construction and maintenance.

� Public participation in the selection, design, implementation and maintenance of roads

� Annual budgets for road rehabilitation and maintenance appropriated based on the

PRNDP priorities

� Provincial Development Council (PDC) provides oversight for road sector planning and


� A road safety plan and road safety awareness campaign is developed and implemented

� A monitoring and evaluation system reports on the performance of road rehabilitation

and maintenance activities to support investment planning, sustainability and

continuous improvement.

2000. Transparent and Accountable Budget

and Expenditure Management

� The Provincial Government develops,

updates, implements and monitors a

Strategic Financial Management Plan to

guide revenue enhancement, expenditure

planning and anti-corruption strategies.

� Multi-year expenditure plans are linked to

annual budget processes and involve

public participation

� Electronic accounting and financial

management systems (Electronic New

Government Accounting System,

Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, e-

Budget systems) are operating, maintained

and reporting to required standards

� Tax revenue assessment and collection

systems are efficient and effectively used

to improve local revenues

� Increases in local revenues are used for

road rehabilitation and maintenance

3000. Fully Functional Internal Control Systems

and Internal Audit Services

� An internal audit service office is fully

operational and adequately funded to

carry out its mandate according to national

government guidelines.

� Internal control systems are used to

improve the efficiency, effectiveness and

accountability of road sector planning and


� All offices related to road sector planning

and management carry out risk

assessments regularly

4000. Transparent Procurement Process

� The Bids and Awards Committee provides

effective leadership and management of all

road related procurement activities to

national standards supported by a capable

Secretariat and involving meaningful public


� The PLGU uses an electronic procurement

system, ensuring transparency and gender

equity in all of its procurement processes

and activities

� The PLGU has an effective records

management system and database of

items and costs related to goods and

services in the road sector for analysing


5000. Increased Capacity of the Workforce to

Deliver Road Services

• The PLGU prepares, funds and implements

a multiyear HRMD Plan that guides the

capacity development and performance of

staff involved in road sector planning and


• The PLGU implements and maintains a

Human Resources Information System to

support operations and guide personnel

planning and development

• Staff recruitment, selection and succession

planning processes are merit based,

gender sensitive and comply with

government requirements.

• A monitoring and evaluation system is

used to report on the performance of the

HRMDP and capacity development

program for the road sector.

� � � � �


Outputs, Activities

and Processes

� Provincial Works and Reform Program

� Provincial Road Network Development Plan

� Provincial Road Sector Planning and Management Review

� Annual Capacity Development Program

� Annual Physical Works Program

� Environmental Monitoring System

� Service Delivery Mechanisms Mobilised

� Road Network Completion Reports

� Incentive Program Support and Development

� Monitoring and Evaluation System

� Public Engagement Strategy

� Peace, Conflict and Development Analysis

� Gender equality and social inclusion strategy

� Capacity Development Framework

� Knowledge Management

� Sustainability Strategy

Inputs Base Program Funding Incentive Program Funding Counterpart Contributions and Provincial Government Equity

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Annex 2

PRMF Performance Measurement Framework

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Monitoring the Facility Impact – Key Evaluation Questions:

1. To what extent has the Facility contributed to increased economic activity at the individual, household, local and province levels in PRMF-assisted provincial roads catchment areas?

2. To what extent has the Facility contributed to improved access to public infrastructure and services at the individual and province levels?

3. To what extent has the Facility contributed to increased local employment in each province?

4. To what extent has the Facility contributed to peace and stability within the conflict-affected province?

5. How sustainable is the impact of the Facility?

Impact 1: Increased economic growth in selected communities in the Southern Philippines

Change in level of household income/business income CBMS ; Community Impact Monitoring and

Evaluation (CIME) Case studies

Agricultural Production Data

Property Information System

Business Permit System

Review CBMS data

Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

Key Informant Interviews (KII)

PLGU Reporting

Every 3 years

Change in vehicle operating costs Community Impact Monitoring and


Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

Key Informant Interviews (KII)


Change in travel times along road network Community Impact Monitoring and


Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

Key Informant Interviews (KII),

GIS data


Change in traffic count and vehicle types Subcontractor’s Report AATD survey Periodic

Change in transport costs Community Impact Monitoring and


GIS analysis

Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

Key Informant Interviews (KII)

GIS analysis using transport



Change in peace and conflict situation during PRMF Peace and conflict analysis; CIME Security monitoring; Public

opinion surveys

Every 3- 5


Impact 2: Improved access to public infrastructure, services and employment in selected communities in the Southern Philippines

Change in household access to public infrastructure

a) markets and trading posts

b) ports and terminals

c) public and private facilities

Community Impact Monitoring Evaluation

GIS analysis

Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),

Key Informant Interviews

(KII)Proximity and network

analysis using GIS


Change in household access to socio-economic services Community Impact Monitoring Evaluation Facility and services surveys,

Focus Group Discussion (FGD),


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a) education services (schools & day care centers)

b) health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS services

c) job & employment opportunities

d) security and safety services (police, ambulance)

GIS analysis Key Informant Interviews

(KII)Proximity and network

analysis using GIS

Change in the total number of people employed by Provincial Government road

maintenance and rehabilitation activities

Subcontractor’s completion report Subcontractors employment



Sustainability of local revenue increases to fund ongoing road maintenance Strategic Financial Management Plan Annual Financial Statements

and Projections


Monitoring Outcomes – Key Evaluation Questions:

1. To what extent has the Facility contributed to improving the core provincial road network in participating provinces?

2. To what extent has the Facility contributed to strengthening provincial institutional capacity and government systems for managing and maintaining the core provincial road network?

3. To what extent has the participation of civil society in government planning and decision making increased the demand for better government in each province?

4. To what extent has the Facility built the capacity of DILG to replicate the program in other provinces?

5. To what extent has the Facility increased competition among private sector contractors?

Outcome 10 – Provincial roads are rehabilitated to a good condition and are sustainably maintained on an annual basis

Total kilometres of gravel roads rehabilitated and maintained by PRMF and by the

Provincial Government

PRNDP M&E Report Road Condition Inventory

Percent of core road network funded and maintained in good & fair condition on an

annual basis PLGU & DILG GIS database

PRNDP M&E Report

Road Network Completion Reports

Road Condition Inventory

Road surveys and mapping


Annual ratio of core roads in maintainable condition to those in unmaintainable


PLGU & DILG GIS database

PRNDP M&E Report

Road Maintenance Plan

Road Condition Inventory

Road surveys and mapping

Road and Bridge Management



Annual budget appropriated and committed to ensure core road network is rehabilitated

and maintained in good condition

Strategic Financial Management Plan and

PRNDP M&E Report

Rehabilitation and

maintenance cost estimates


Outcome 20 – Provinces have strengthened provincial institutional capacity and systems to develop and implement road sector plans in support of broad based sustainable

social and economic development

Changes in State of Local Government Reporting (LGPMS) from commencement to


LGPMS Review of LGPMS results 3 Years

Changes in SCALOG assessment from commencement to completion SCALOG Review of SCALOG assessment

for the road sector

3 Years

Level of leadership, collaboration, participation and support for the development, review

and implementation of the PRNDP

PRSPMR informed by LGPMS & SCALOG;


Review of PRNDP M&E ;



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Reports; RPMES Reports Reporting

Improvements in staff, unit and organisational performance in road related departments

linked to the implementation of the HRMDP

PRSPMR with information from LGPMS,


PRSPMR, with review of



Overall changes in the level of meaningful public participation in road rehabilitation and

maintenance processes from planning, procurement to implementation and monitoring

PRSPMR with information from PRNDP

M&E Report and Procurement Records

Case Study, Focus Group

Discussion; BAC procurement



Annual increases in local revenues and level of financial support provided to road

maintenance & rehabilitation from increases in local revenues

PRNDP M&E Report; AIP, Budget &

Appropriation Ordinance allocating

funding to PRNDP

Review AIP, Budget &

Appropriation Ordinance;

PRNDP M&E Report


Extent of replication and dissemination of PRMF reforms to non-PRMF provinces DILG Reports Review of DILG Reports

Annual Plan Review


Changes in the number of local contractors bidding for road rehabilitation and

maintenance contracts

BAC procurement records BAC Secretariat records



Monitoring Outputs and Reform Objectives – Key Evaluation Questions

1. What arrangements do provinces have in place to design and implement individual and organisation capacity strengthening for financial, operational, planning and management reform? Does this

represent good value for money across the provinces?

2. What arrangements do provinces have in place to design and implement road network rehabilitation and maintenance? Does this represent good value for money?

3. To what extent are government systems being used to deliver activities? Are these systems delivering an effective program in an efficient manner?

Reform Objective 100 – Core network of provincial roads sustained in good condition

Output 1000 – Sustained Road Planning and Service Delivery

Extent of Provincial Road Network Development Plan (PRNDP) funded and implemented

to maintain a core road network to acceptable standards and provide for ongoing

capacity development support

PRNDP M&E Report; AIP, Budget &

Appropriation Ordinance allocating

funding to PRNDP

Review of PRNDP; Review AIP,

Budget & Appropriation



Extent that the Road Sector & Safety Committee actively overseeing the implementation

of the road safety plan and awareness campaign and ensuring funding allocation

PRSPMR with review of PRNDP M&E

Report; Minutes of Road Sector


Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP

M&E Report; FGDs;KIIs


Length of provincial roads in the core road network maintained by the PEO PEO road inventory and maintenance


Road and Bridge Management System

PEO records review

Road and Bridge Management

System Report


Number of road accidents reduced at accident black spots Police and hospital records Traffic accident attendance by


Hospital admissions


Proportion of road funds allocated to contracting out road service delivery Financial Reports

PRNDP M&E Report

Assessment of Financial

Records and BAC procurement


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BAC Procurement system records

PRNDP M&E Expenditure


Number of Environmental Management Plans (EMP) prepared, implemented &

monitored by the Provincial Government

PRSPMR with review of PRNDP M&E

Report; Monthly PENRO EMP reports

Review of PRNDP M&E

Report; PENRO EMP Reports


Number of road rehabilitation and maintenance projects designed and supervised by the

PEO based on local road design guidelines and safety measures

PRSPMR informed by PRNDP M&E Report,






Quality of GIS-based maps developed & updated using road inventories & registry of

environmentally sensitive and hazardous areas, and used in decision making

PRSPMR informed by PRNDP M&E Report;

PLGU Monitoring Report; GIS data

inventory report (metadata)

Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP;

PLGU Monitoring Report; GIS



Level of community participation in road selection, design, implementation and


PEO and PPDO activity attendance reports

Road Network Completion Report

Review of PRNDP M&E Report

Community mapping activities

Planning Activity attendance



Quality of Monitoring & Evaluation System implemented for the PRNDP and its

application for planning & management decisions

PRSPMR review of PLGU Monitoring &

Evaluation Reports

Review of PLGU Monitoring



Reform Objective 200 – More effective and efficient systems for planning, generating and managing funds for road network rehabilitation and maintenance

Output 2000 – Transparent & Accountable Budget & Expenditure Management

Level of synchronisation between the Provincial Development Investment Program,

Annual Investment Program and annual budget using the priority Programs, Projects and

Activities identified in the multi-year PRNDP & HRMDP



PLGU Financial Reports

Review of PDIP-AIP-Budget,


Financial reports


Quality of the Strategic Financial & Management Plan (SFMP) developed & degree of


PRSPMR informed by the SFMP

implementation plan

Review of SFMP

implementation plan


Accuracy of revenue estimations & projections based on sound financial parameters SFMP & Budget Call Review of SFMP & Budget



Number of staff able to implement local budget and expenditure management processes

based on DBM guidelines

PRSPMR informed by DBM Assessments,


Review DBM Assessments,



Increases in locally generated fees and taxes linked to revenue generation strategies in

the SMFP

Annual financial accounts; SRE reports Electronic accounting systems

and revenue collection

systems; SRE Report


Level of compliance to Full Disclosure Policy and level of meaningful public participation

in the budget process

DILG Reports on Full Disclosure Policy Review DILG Reports on Full

Disclosure Policy


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Quality, completeness and timeliness of reports from the Electronic NGAS, SRE, e-Budget


PRSPMR informed by financial reporting


Review PLGU Financial

Reports provided to

management and NGAs


Reform Objective 300 – Fully functioning internal control systems and internal audit services for road services delivery

Output 3000 – Fully functional Internal Audit & Internal Control System

Level of functionality of the internal audit service office including number of staff with

clearly defined roles and responsibilities according to the operations manual and level of

compliance with national requirements

PRSPMR informed by Internal Audit

operations plan; Internal Audit budgets

and expenditures; Internal Audit annual


Review PLGU Monitoring


Audit reports

Compliance checklist


Number of audits conducted and improvements identified and implemented to increase

accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in road sector planning and


Audit Reports Review of Audit Reports Annual

Number of Internal Audit Plans implemented according to timelines PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


Level of compliance and timeliness of response to internal audit findings for each

department related to the road sector

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


Number and timeliness of risk assessments completed for departments related to road

sector planning and management

PRSPMR; PLGU Monitoring Report Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


Number of staff capable of establishing and monitoring internal control systems in road

related departments

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR; PLGU

Monitoring Report


Reform Objective 400 – Transparent and effective procurement systems and processes with enhanced private sector participation in relation to the road sector

Output 4000 – Transparent Procurement Process

Level of compliance to GPRA 9184 and extent of meaningful public participation in the

procurement process

CSO & Private Sector Case Study, Focus Group



Number of PRMF procurement activities conducted by the Provincial BAC in accordance

with PRMFs modified procurement process using manual or electronic systems

PRSPMR; PLGU Monitoring Report Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


Level of meaningful public participation in the procurement of PRMF related activities BAC minutes Records from the Secretariat Annual

Timeliness and quality of reports from the BAC records management system PRSPMR informed by the PLGU

Monitoring Report

Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


Number of staff able to manage, implement & procure physical works and consulting

services based on GPRA 9184

PRSPMR informed by the PLGU

Monitoring Report

Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


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Reform Objective 500 – Increased capacity of the PLGUs for the management and development of human resources

Output 5000 – Increased Capacity of PLGU Workforce to Deliver Road Services

The extent of activities funded and implemented in the Human Resource Management &

Development Plan by the Provincial Government using own funds

HRMDP M&E Report & Appropriation


Review of HRMDP &

Appropriation Ordinance


The level of services provided to road related departments by the Human Resource

Management Office in order to improve overall staff performance

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR and PLGU

Monitoring Report


The completeness and use of systems implemented to support human resource

development and management:

a) Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

b) Recruitment, Selection, Appointment & Induction

c) Compensation, Benefits & Rewards System

d) Retirement & Resignation System

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring

Report; LGPMS & SCALOG; HRIS and

HRMDP M&E Report

Review of PRSPMR; PLGU

Monitoring Report; LGPMS &


M&E Report


The number of staff able to develop, manage, implement, monitor & evaluate capacity

development interventions

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring

Report; LGPMS & SCALOG; HRIS and

HRMDP M&E Report

Review of PRSPMR; PLGU

Monitoring Report; LGPMS &


M&E Report


The level of use of the monitoring and evaluation system for the HRMDP in decision

making and system improvement

PRSPMR informed by PLGU Monitoring

Report; LGPMS & SCALOG; HRIS and

HRMDP M&E Report

Review of PRSPMR; PLGU

Monitoring Report; LGPMS &



Monitoring Facility Inputs, Activities and Processes – Key Evaluation Questions

1. How efficiently and effectively is the Facility managing the disbursement of funds? How can this be improved?

2. How do the partnership arrangements between the FMC, AusAID, DILG, and participating provinces contribute to the efficient management and implementation of the Facility? How can this be


3. What strategies do participating provinces use to allocate base funding for Provincial Road Sector capacity building and for network rehabilitation and maintenance? Do different strategies result

in different patterns of funds distribution?

4. To what extent do tied and untied Incentive Program Funding serve to encourage provinces to pursue reforms in linking budgets to plans, internal controls, financial management, revenue

generation, contracting out road works? How are local conditions helping or hindering reform?

Capacity Development Planning - Activities Undertaken

Quality and timeliness of the PRSMPR in identifying appropriate and specific capacity

development needs for each Province

Annual Plan Review Analysis of capacity

development proposals

against plans and reviews


Quality and timeliness of assistance provided to formulate the PRNDP as the basis for

funding capacity development reforms for road sector planning and management

Annual Plan Review Review of the PRNDPs and

PRSPMRs as tools for program



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Quality and timeliness of selecting appropriate incentive targets and reaching agreement FMC performance review

Incentive Target Process Review in Annual


Annual review of processes Annual

Percent of capacity development activities undertaken against Annual Plan across reform


Capacity Development Activity Reports Review of Capacity

Development Activity Reports


Percent of women attending capacity development activities against men Capacity Development Activity Reports Review of Capacity

Development Activity Reports


Facility Disbursements of Funds

Actual Expenditure as percent of programmed expenditure Financial Report Review of Financial Report Quarterly

Quality of PRMF Financial Management Systems & Processes Annual Reviews by Stakeholders Annual Reviews by


6 monthly

Partnership Arrangements

Quality of FMC communications and relationship with AusAID and DILG Interview Results; Contractor's

Performance Assessment;

TMG Reports

Review of Interview Results &

Contractor's Performance

Assessment and TMG Report

6 monthly

Quality and timeliness of FMC's responsiveness to the PSC’s requests, instructions and


Stakeholders' Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment

TMG Reports

Review of Stakeholders'

Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment and

TMG Report

6 monthly

Level of attention to AusAID's policies on gender & environment Stakeholders' Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment

TMG Reports

Review of Stakeholders'

Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment and

TMG Report

6 monthly

Performance of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) in providing direction Stakeholders' Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment

TMG Reports

Review of Stakeholders'

Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment and

TMG Report

6 monthly

Quality and effectiveness of FMC communications with partner PLGUs Stakeholders' Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment

TMG Reports

Review of Stakeholders'

Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment and

TMG Report

6 monthly

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Quality and timeliness of FMC response to the Technical Monitoring Group


Stakeholders' Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment

TMG Reports

Review of Stakeholders'

Annual Review; Contractor's

Performance Assessment and

TMG Report

6 monthly

Allocation of Base Funds

Quality of strategies used by PLGUs to allocate base funding PRSPMR informed by PRNDP M&E Report;

HRMDP M&E Report; PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP;

PLGU Monitoring Report


Timeliness and adequacy of road investment priority setting PRSPMR informed by PRNDP M&E Report;

HRMDP M&E Report; PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP;

PLGU Monitoring Report


Timeliness and adequacy of PLGU equity PRSPMR informed by PRNDP M&E Report;

HRMDP M&E Report; PLGU Monitoring


Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP;

PLGU Monitoring Report


Incentive Program Funding

Quality and effectiveness of strategies used to allocate incentive funding Annual Plan Review informed by the

PRSPMR; PRNDP M&E Report and Road

network completion reports

Review of PRSPMR and PRNDP

Review road network

completion reports


Comparative level of achievement between funded capacity building objectives and

reforms linked to incentive targets.

Annual Plan informed by PRSPMR &


Monitoring Report

Review of PRSPMR & PRNDP;

PLGU Monitoring Report


Attributable impact of the incentive targets on institutional reforms within and outside of

the road sector

PRSPMR informed by Incentive Target

Assessments; LGPMS and SCALOG

Review of PRSPMR

Review of Incentive Target



Quality and timeliness of release of incentive funds FMC Expenditure report in Annual Plan Annual Plan expenditure

