philip stern - resume - feb 2013

STERN, Philip 60 High Street Toronto, ON M8Y 3N9 [email protected] 416.588.0000 Experience STERN, Philip 416.588.0000 Page 1 of 6 Resume [email protected] February 2013

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Philip Stern - Resume - Feb 2013


Page 1: Philip Stern - Resume - Feb 2013

STERN, Philip 60 High StreetToronto, ON M8Y 3N9

[email protected] 416.588.0000

ExperienceWhen & Where Role, Accomplishments, & Reason for Leaving

Stern Thinking sternthinking.comApril 1996 – ongoingToronto, Canada

Develop business plans, presentations, executive summaries, mostly aimed at investors desiring to invest risk capital. Also facilitation and development of business models, financial models, tactics-level plans.

Specialist in qualitative risk analysis, communication and research (also business plan construction and writing projects)

Life Company Central (LCC): Finance Specialist for team of consultants assembled to evaluate risks/rewards/opportunities of a proposed joint venture by Canada’s five largest life underwriters (Canada Life/Manulife, RBC, Royal Sun Alliance, Standard Life, and Sun Life). Constructed all financial models. (Clients were actuaries.) The proposed JV was to build and operate a B2B infrastructure, replacing existing labour-intensive processes that connected them to their internal and external distribution channels. Involved interaction with regulators. Project wound down when executives recognised the competitive value of their business processes.

Conceived, developed and documented “radical” promotion/branding plan for the highly-regulated and reputation-sensitive Canadian Whisky category (C$1 billion world market) for the Association of Canadian Distillers.

Developed business plan for proposed spin-out from major health benefits administrator. Main risks were commercial liability and regulatory.

Led cross-functional team in developing business case for proposed joint venture between Orbital Sciences Corp. (NASDAQ) and American Automobile Association.

Advisor to the founders of Canada's first Web-based P&C brokerage in regard to their successful spin-out from Canada Life.

Co-founded Workfire Networks as VP Marketing; also a director and seed investor. Co-wrote the original business plan. Workfire was acquired by Packeteer (NASDAQ) in a C$100 million transaction that required the surmounting of a deal-breaking regulatory hurdle.

Acted as pro bono consultant to CEO of Save the Children Canada, the Canadian arm of the world’s largest NGO focussed on children’s rights.

Overall, in support of scores of executives and their teams, built business plans, financial /statistical models, presentations, and proposals for start-ups, enterprises, and spin-outs. My experience includes consumer financial services, IT, insurance (P&C and life), medical devices, not-for-profits, pharmaceuticals, mobile telecom and web services.

STERN, Philip 416.588.0000 Page 1 of 5Resume [email protected] February 2013

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When & Where Role, Accomplishments, & Reason for Leaving

University of TorontoDepartment of Computer ScienceMay 2004 – 2007

The Business of Software course (CSC-454), a 4th year course; class size ranged from 35 to 110. Students formed groups to cooperatively conceive, develop, and pitch business plans to professional and angel investors.

Lecturer: The Business of Software (4th year undergraduate and graduate-level course).

Have overseen the development and presentation of 400 student business plans, two of which has raised venture capital funding.

Delivered the only business-oriented ed course in the Computer Science andElectronic & Computer Engineering programmes.

Prior to appointment as Lecturer, voted top Teaching Assistant by students within Computer Science.

Simon/Ross + Associates Inc.Feb. 1990 – Feb. 1996Toronto, Canada

The world leader in Apple-focussed computer training firm for users and technicians; 20 full-time equivalents.

CEO & Co-founder: Responsible for finance, sales and marketing.

Grew from raw start-up to industry leader within four years. SR+A developed and delivered technical certification courses for

Apple and its corporate customers across North America. We were the only supplier worldwide authorized to develop and deliver these courses.

Sold business after Apple almost collapsed in late 1995.

Ericsson Telecom ABJuly 1989 – Feb. 1990Stockholm, Sweden

A world leader in manufacturing and distributing mobile phones/networks.

Distribution Plan Consultant: Contracted by Ericsson Telecom's COO.

Devised, documented and presented a multi-phase distribution strategy to roll out the first public mobile data network in the US.

COO approved and implemented most recommendations.

Personal travelOct. 1988 – July 1989

Please see Personal Highlights below.

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When & Where Role, Accomplishments, & Reason for Leaving

MDI Mobile Data InternationalMarch 1986 – Sept. 1988Vancouver, Canada

The world leader in wireless mobile data device manufacturing and related system integration; 300+ employees; C$42 million annual revenue and profitable. Successful IPO on TSX in 1987. Acquired in 1988 by Motorola Inc. in a C$110 million all-cash transaction.

Manager of Customer Marketing & Business Development:Reported to the VP Sales & Marketing.

Managed customer marketing team of four professionals. Focussed on demand generation; acted as “customer champion”

for MDI’s key segments: Couriers (e.g., Federal Express), Public Safety (e.g., New York Police Dept.), public utilities (e.g., Florida Power & Light), andtaxis (e.g., Dial-a-Cab, London UK).

Responsible for business development and strategic partnerships in North America, Asia (esp. Hong Kong and Singapore), and the EC/EU (esp. Scandinavia, UK, and Germany). Co-negotiated joint ventures with Hutchison Wampoa and Ericsson Telecom AB.

Led the MDI/Motorola team in submitting ~850 cubic ft. of documents to the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission aboutanti-trust concerns proceeding from Motorola's acquisition of MDI.

Left company on good terms following Motorola's acquisition.

Pacific Microcircuits Ltd. (PML)Jan. 1985 – March 1986Vancouver, Canada

Venture capital-backed spin-off of Mitel (1986 TSE valuation: US$400 million). PML designed and sold digital signal processing sub-systems; 15 employees.

VP Sales & Marketing: Reported to the CEO.

Responsible for crystallizing company's vision and building the relationships to evolve PML from a silicon chip design firm into a leading digital signal sub-system vendor, eventually listed NASDAQ.

Initiated, negotiated and launched successful joint venture with UK-based commercial partner.

Transferred from PML to MDI (see above). MDI was a key PML investor.

Knoware Inc.Sept. 1984 – Dec. 1984Cambridge, MA

Venture capital-backed (US$6 million) computer-based training developer and vendor focussing on improving the skills of new PC users.

Interim President: Hired by venture capital investors.

Evaluated Knoware’s commercial and financing options on behalf of venture capital investors (Rothschild Ventures, Hambrecht & Quest, and Mayfield Ventures).

Recommended and participated in orderly wind-up of company.

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When & Where Role, Accomplishments, & Reason for Leaving

Auragen Systems Corp.May 1983 – Aug. 1984Fort Lee, NJ

(Full-time in summer 1983; part-timeduring 1983-84 school year); venture capital-backed (US$22 million) UNIX-based transaction-processing computer developer and vendor.

Manager, Finance: Reported to the CFO.

Negotiated office and equipment leases. Built mission-critical spreadsheet models.

Laid off after company missed targets and was unable to raise new

financing. Auragen was subsequently acquired by Siemens-Nixdorf.

Tropical Air Services Ltd.June 1978 – Aug. 1979Barbados, West Indies

Largest charter airline servingthe southern Caribbean (sixaircraft; 30 employees).

Deputy Managing Director: Reported to the CEO.

Managed staff (CEO was based in Canada). Negotiated profitable sale of Tropic Air to a larger airline.

Left on good terms to attend university.


MBA 1984

Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. President of Engineering & Technology Management Club (85 members). Co-led team of students that won the 1984 Space Foundation Award for aNASA-financed field-study to build a business case to commercialize the Space Station. We personally presented our findings to NASA's Administrator and to the Science Advisor to the President. I was later informed that our work contributed substantively to NASA's design and business decisions. Our project was mentored by Prof. Theodore Levitt, often cited as “the father of modern marketing”.

B.Com. 1982

McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Majored in theoretical finance. Graduated magna cum laude in 2 ½ years. McGill Debating Union.

Personal Highlights Widely read and (reasonably) current in behavioural economics, behavioural finance, business

strategy; Canadian/American/Chinese/ EU economics/diplomacy; cognitive science, decision theory, energy economics, geo-politics, geo-economics, human behaviour & communication, human & media communications, information economics, 20th century history, new media, popular mathematics and physics, risk management, social psychology, and the technology-business ecosystem.

Co-founder of the Knowledge Media Design Institute, the University of Toronto’s first cross-disciplinary institute and also its first virtual institute.

Literate and avid participant in social media, including Facebook [], LinkedIn [] and Twitter [!/sternthinker]. Since October 2006, co-author of, the world's first blog to ongoingly publish the words of a homeless person. More than 345,000 site visits and captured wide media visibility: CBC TV News, CTV News, Globe and Mail, Irked Magazine, Spacing Magazine,, Toronto Star, and the UTNE Literature Blog.

Co-author of patent: IP covers a method of “exercising and protecting performance rights belonging to authors/publishers of works performed in electronic networks” (US Patent: 20050119976).

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Travelled in northwest Africa, southeast Asia, eastern Australia, southern Borneo, southern China, northern & western Europe, India, New Zealand, Nicaragua, the southern Caribbean and across Canada and the US. I have lived and worked in Barbados, Boston, Göteborg, Kelowna, Montreal, New York City, Toronto, and Vancouver.

Raised in Montreal; my French is rusty but revivable. Citizen of Canada and the UK/EU.

STERN, Philip 416.588.0000 Page 5 of 5Resume [email protected] February 2013