phenomenon of lightning

Phenomenon of lightning clear evidence that prophet Mohamed is sin “Peace be upon him” Written by: RAMADAN ABDALLA E-mail: [email protected]

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Is a clear evidence that prophet Mohamed is sincere “Peace be upon him” , …In this research we will see how prophet Mohamed talked precisely about phases of lightning as there is a complete conformance between his saying and recent discoveries concerning the lightning as recent scientists found that the lightning strike happens in a fractions of a second ! This scientific fact was discovered by the use of an advanced camera which is able to capture one thousand photo per second. The question is who told our illiterate prophet this scientific information 1400 years ago? …


Page 1: Phenomenon of Lightning

Phenomenon of lightning

Is a clear evidence that prophet Mohamed is sincere

“Peace be upon him”

Written by: RAMADAN ABDALLAE-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Phenomenon of Lightning

Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him says:

(don't you see that the lightning comes and

back in an eye blink).[Narrated by Muslim]

Page 3: Phenomenon of Lightning

Summary of the Research

In this research we will see how prophet Mohamed talked

precisely about phases of lightning as there is a complete

conformance between his saying and recent discoveries

concerning the lightning as recent scientists found that the

lightning strike happens in a fractions of a second ! This

scientific fact was discovered by the use of an advanced

camera which is able to capture one thousand photo per

second. The question is who told our illiterate prophet this

scientific information 1400 years ago?

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Lightning is terrifying, beautiful and confusing phenomenon

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Lightning in ancient legends

For many years, people used to believe that lightning

is a holy event which is related to gods that punish

those people who disobey them. In the seventh

century when prophet Mohamed was living, people

believed that “Zeus” is the god of lightning ,at that

time the smartest man used to believe in these myths.

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Zeus……God of the Lightning!!!!

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The first one to study this phenomenon

In the eighteenth century and after eleven centuries

from the time of prophet Mohamed, many scientists

started to study the phenomenon of lightning and the

one who made the initiative was professor “Franklin”

who used his famous kite when he connected it to a

metal wire and sent it up between the clouds, a strong

spark was released when the electricity moved through

the wire when it touched the ground!

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Franklin is the first one who proved that the lightning is an electric spark


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Simply, lightning is the meeting of negative charges with positive charges

negative charges

positive charges

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The knowledge about the lightning was rare till the end of

the twenty century when the scientists discovered the

digital camera as they became able to capture 1000 photo

per second which enabled them to understand some

secrets about the lightning but details still unknown!

A historical fact

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The lightning needs special kind of clouds during the thunder storms

The question is: where does the lightning happen ?

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Lightning in numbers around the world

• There are 100 lightning strike per second .

• There are 8 million lightning strike every day.

• In America the lightning kills 100 person every year.

A satellite photo

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Marvelous numbers!

• Temperature of the lightning beam is 30000 Celsius

so it is five times greater than the temperature on the

surface of sun!!

• The volt per beam is: 1000 million volt.

• Electricity is: 200 thousand ampere

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A lightning flash at midnight

The above photo shows lightning flash at midnight , if you exposed to that flash you may became a permanently or

temporally blind according to the distance between you and the flash.

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In a holy verse Allah Almighty describes what

happens in the sky as He says:(Or like a rainstorm

from the sky, wherein is darkness, thunder, and

lightning){Sûrat Al-Baqarah-the cow-verse19}.

And in the next verse He Almighty tells us how

the lightning flash may affects us as He says:(The

lightning almost snatches away their sight){Sûrat Al-Baqarah-the cow-verse20}.

Who told our prophet this scientific information?

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The scientists are studying the lightning….how?

The scientists are choosing a perfect cloud to study ,time

of the lightning flash and the time between each phase as

those scientists believe that the lightning flash differs

from a cloud to another according to how far it is from the

ground, amount of electrical charges in the cloud and on

the ground ,temperature ,wind speed and humidity.

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An ideal cloud 3 kilometers far from the ground

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How does the lightning occur ?

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The lightning occurs in phases

The scientists discovered that the lightning occurs in

two main phases which are the crossing phase and

the returning phase, and they captured photos for

these two phases and said with certainty that the

lightning descends from the cloud and returns again!!

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The first phase

A negative charge

descends from the cloud

toward the ground in

part of a second.

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The second phase

The positive charge on

the ground meets with

that negative charge.

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The third phase

As a result, a strong electric

spark generates and goes

toward the cloud.

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The fourth phase

Here we can see the

returned electric charge

and that is the lightning

beam, all of these four

phases happens in 25


A millisecond is a thousandth (1/1,000) of a second

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A simple drawing demonstrates the Mechanism of lightning

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The lightning strikes plan

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After all of these scientific facts, we have to ask a

simple question: How did prophet Mohamed peace be

upon him deal with this complicated phenomenon?

was he affected by all of the different myths and

legends at that time?

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This prophetic hadith contains many scientific signs!

Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him tells us that

the believers will pass quickly on” As-Sirāt” which is

the hair-narrow bridge that every person must pass

on day of resurrection to enter Paradise as he says:

(you will pass on As-Sirāt like the lightning) and in

the same hadith he says about the phenomenon of

the lightning :(don't you see that the lightning

comes and back in an eye blink) [Narrated by


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A sign that the speed of the lightning is very high

Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him says : (you

will pass on As-Sirāt like the lightning) which is a

clear sign that the speed of lightning is very high

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A sign that the lightning occurs in phases

The prophet says: (don't you see that the lightning

comes and back) , here is a clear sign that the

lightning occurs in two main phases which are the

crossing phase and the returning phase exactly as

what recent scientists say about the lightning!!

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A sign to the time of the lightning

The prophet say that the lightning strike occurs:(in an

eye blink) ,from the scientific point of view that saying

is right because the eye blink takes only milliseconds.

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The scientists at NASA are using the same prophetic expression

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Steve Goodman, a scientist in NASA says about the lightning:“A lightning strike can heat the air in a fraction of a second. When air

is heated that quickly, it expands violently and then contracts, like an

explosion that happens in the blink of an eye”.

All of the above was summarized by prophet Mohamed in

just a few words by saying: “don't you see that the

lightning comes and back in an eye blink ”!!

[Steve Goodman, A Lightning Primer,]

Also he says : “the type of lightning NASA is researching occurs within clouds, invisible to the naked eye by day. To properly monitor this type of lightning takes special equipment like NASA's Lightning Imaging Sensor, The sensor tracks worldwide lightning strikes and their relationship to storm centers.”

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The point of inimitability in the Hadith

This hadith is a clear evidence that prophet Mohamed

peace be upon him is sincere and he is a prophet from

Allah Almighty. Also the hadith preceded all scientific

researches as no one on earth in the seventh century

ever talked about lightning in that precision.

Page 34: Phenomenon of Lightning

References • [1] Martin A Uman, All About Lightning, Courier Dover Publications, 1987.• [2] G V Cooray, Vernon Cooray, The Lightning Flash, IET, 2003.• [3] Richard Kithil, Fundamentals of Lightning Protection, National Lightning Safety Institute,• [4] Martin A Uman, Lightning, Courier Dover Publications, 1984.• [5] Hugh Christian, Steven Goodman, Observing Lightning from Space,, 1998.• [6] The Lightning Process: Keeping in Step,, March 9, 2004.• [7] Dan Breed, Bob Henson, Lightning: FAQ, UCAR Communications,• [8] Niels Jonassen, Environmental ESD, • [9] Steve Price, Patrick Barry, Tony Phillips, Where Lightning Strikes,, Dec. 5, 2001. • [10] Zeus,• [11] /cadet/lightning/thunder.html• [12] Time Converter, • [13] Lightning,• [14] Lightning and Thunder,• [15] Leslie Mullen, Spirits of Another Sort,, June 10, 1999.• [16] How Lightning Forms,• [17] Flash Facts About Lightning, National Geographic News, June 24, 2005.• [18] Steve Goodman, A Lightning Primer,• [19] Zeus and his Lightning Bolt,• [20] Susan Chollar, In the blink of an eye, Psychology Today,  March, 1988.• [21] Dean R. Koontz, Lightning, Berkley Publishing Group, 2003.• [22]• [23]• [24] lightning glossary,• [25] Leslie Mullen, Three bolts from the blue,, June 8, 1999.• [26]

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“Nor does he speak of (his own) desire*It

is only an Inspiration that is inspired”(Sûrat An-Najm-The Star-verse 3-4)

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Allah Almighty says in the holly Qur’an about prophet Mohamed peace be upon him: