pharma sheet (1)

Pharma sheet (1) Made by Lama nedal corrected by laith sorour DATE :22/9/2016

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Page 1: Pharma sheet (1)

Pharma sheet (1)

Made by Lama nedal

corrected by laith sorour

DATE :22/9/2016

Page 2: Pharma sheet (1)

What is Pharmacology? *slide 2

Pharmaco (pharmakon) means drug and logy (logos) science

so it is the study of drugs and their interaction with living systems

Drugs interactions Pharmacokinetics (ADME ( Pharmacodynamics

1-Absorbtion *what does the drug do to our body?

2-Distribution *mechanism of action

3- Metabolism *physiological effect of drug


*what our body do to the drug

*every system have a specific pharmacokinetics

The knowledge about Pharmacotherapeutics side effects and toxicity

the history of drug describes the effect that results from drugs

and body interactions



2-physical & chemical

l properties

3-therapetics use of the drug

*Pharmacology is used to define the interaction of drugs with any living system (animal\human)

But in our study we will concentrate on human system

What pharmacology


Page 3: Pharma sheet (1)

What is FDA? Slides(3-4) min 3:37

The Food and Drug Administration

FDA is responsible for protection and promoting public health through regulations and supervisor of food

safety and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drug

*give approve to use drugs

*Pharmacology connects between physiology, biochemistry, chemistry and medicine

what is WHO?

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with *

international public health

specialized in considering medical terminology* )وضع المصطلحات الطبية (

is according to:Drug


*“Any Substance or product that is used and intended to be used to modify or explore the physiological

system or pathological state for the benefit of the recipient “.

* A chemical substance that is primarily used to reverse a pathophysiological defect = disease

* virtually all chemicals may be drugs


* A chemical substance that is mainly used to treat, control, prevent, or diagnose a specific disease

or to prevent pregnancy.

* a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary

* a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body

* Any animal, vegetable or mineral substance used in the composition of medicine

The chemical nature of drugs: -

*acidic like aspirin, barbiturates

*basic (alkaline): morphine, atropine ,alkaloids

*neutral: steroids

*any substance can be used as drug

)?product drug) & (substance drugWhat is the difference between (

*Drug substance is pure Materia which exert a pharmacologic action (found in nature)

*Drug product is a final end product that may contain one or more drug substances

in combination with excipients meant for human use (found in pharmacies)

Page 4: Pharma sheet (1)

*Because any substance can be used as drug one of the ways to discover it we take samples from

any substance and check it in laboratory

*they (scientists) started taking already known drugs and found cures for another diseases

*a drug known for something can be used for something else too

*chemical entity is a chemical compound may become a drug or may fail and we study the stages

until it becomes a drug time:5.39

ي قد يصبح دواء او يفشل *مركب كيميائ

is, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a drug that chemical entity ***

contains no active moiety that has been approved by the FDA or any other applications

ملاحظة خارجية***

NOTDisease or -

Chemical nature

Acid base neutral

bed or distributed)(where drug will be absor kinetics-*this property is very important to study pharma

ي \ *حالة المركب )قاعدي متعادل( من أجل تحديد المكان لذي سيتم الامتصاص فيه او يصير تفاعل \ حمض

slide 7 min:9.33

Sources of drug information

What is pharmacopeia?

book containing directions for identification of compound medicine OFFICIAL is the It *دستور الادوية

What is Formularies?

book containing directions for identification of compound medicine OFFICIAL NONIt is the

*In Jordan we follow the British pharmacopeia

Page 5: Pharma sheet (1)

Drug Sources

Natural slide 8

Plants (atropine, digoxin), animals (insulin), human (growth hormone), Microorganisms: Penicillin,

streptomycin and many other antibiotics .

Minerals: Liquid paraffin, magnesium sulfate, magnesium trisilicate, kaolin .

Genetic engineering: Human insulin, human growth hormone .

.Semisynthetic (human insulin)

Drug sources can be semisynthetic? what does this mean?

this chemical synthesis to drugs use compounds isolated from natural source (plant \material\bacterial\cell

cultural as starting material)

.Synthetic (agonists; antagonists)

المضاد , المساعد

source syntheticOut of all the above sources, majority of the drugs currently used in therapeutics are from

TREATMENT: SLIDE 9 min 14.10

what is the ideal drug?

drug that have these properties:

1-proper concentration 2-good enough to reverse the effect 3-no side effect or toxic effect

4-with reversible action

*it doesn’t exist but companies try to achieve it

slide 10

Difference between drug and poison?

*ALL substances in certain range are poisons

*drug can be poison when they are abused and\or misused in someway for harmful purpose or that

are overdosed.

*all drugs are toxins BUT NOT all toxins are drugs

*drugs will be effective IF you have it in certain range and certain amount and condition

WHAT is the difference between lethal dose and toxic dose?

Lethal dose (LD) is the dose of a chemical or biological preparation that is likely to cause death


Toxic Dose(TD) is amount of a substance that may produce toxic effect

بداية السمية

Page 6: Pharma sheet (1)

Slide 11 min 15.7


Prescription drugs Over-the-Counter drugs (OTC)

*used under only medical supervision(doctor) *without prescription (OTC)

*need prescription examples:vitamins\naproxen\panadol

Slides 12+13

الرجوع للسلايدات

*no fixed classification

DRUGS classification based on

*Therapeutic use *type of pharmacologic action *physiological system

*chemical nature\source

Slide 14

very important terms you need to understand

1-pharmaceutical process\manufacturing: drug in dosage form

is the drug getting into patient?

هل وصل الدواء الى المريض؟

2-Pharmacokinetic process:

*is the drug getting into site of action?

*how the body affects a specific drug?


دراسة ما يفعله الجسم للدواء

3-Pharmacodynamic process:

Is the drug producing the required pharmacological effect?

How the drug affect our body

The physiological and chemical effects of the drug in our body

ما يفعله الدواء للجسم

):(clinical pharmacologyherapeutic process T-4

?being translated into therapeutic effectmacological effect Is the phar

deals with the comparative clinical evaluation into new drugs

example: Acetaminophen or paracetamol

-the main mechanism purpose is the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) so paracetamol

works as pain killer

Page 7: Pharma sheet (1)

5-Phrmacogenetics slide 14 min 19.57

Individual variations in responding to drugs + gene therapy

ي توصيف ي امتلكتها استخدمتها ف

ي للعلاجهل المعلومات الت الفارما على المستوى الجيت

is the study at inherited genetic difference in drug metabolic path ways which affect individual response

to drug

*pharmacogenomics is the study on one genome and it’s a part of pharmacogenetics

Min 23.22

slide 15 Toxicology*

Deals with the toxicity and poisonous effects of various chemicals and also with the symptoms and

treatment of poisoning

expected unwanted effect : side effect-1

2-adverse effect : unexpected

3-toxic effect : long run

4-lethal effect :killer

*there are drugs that kill cancer cells but the problem is that it kills normal cells too at the same time.

16ارجوع لسلايد

slide 17 min 25-28

essential medicine: as defined by the WHO are "those drugs that satisfy the health care needs of the

majority of the population; they should therefore be available at all times in adequate amounts and in

appropriate dosage forms, at a price the community can afford

*من اساسيات الحياة تواجدها

slide 18

orphan drugs: These are drugs or biological products for diagnosis/treatment/ prevention of a rare disease

or condition, or a more common disease (endemic only in resource poor countries) for which there is no

reasonable expectation that the cost of developing and marketing it will be recovered from the sales of that


e.g. sodium nitrite, fomepizole, liposomal amphotericin B,, rifabutin,, somatropin, digoxin immune

Fab (digoxin antibody), liothyronine (T3) and many more.

Governments in developed countries offer tax benefits and other incentives to pharmaceutical companies

for developing and marketing orphan drugs (e.g. Orphan Drug Act in USA).

ة ,هي الاد ي البلدان الفقيري دولة يوجد وباء وية المتخصصة ف

ا مثلا ف ي البلدان الصناعية و تعمل تصنيع لد الكوليرا من و كافريقية,فتأئ اء الكولير

التجارة و تتعاون الحكومة معهم و يتم الاعفاء عن الجمارك ح و اجل الرب

slide 19-21 min 31.42

routes of administration

طرق اخذ الادوية

Page 8: Pharma sheet (1)


of administration ) routesform VS Dosage(

*dosage form is the drug in a particular configuration (such as capsule)

*physical form of drug that is stable for administration

* Route of administration is (path\way) by which a drug or other substance is taken into the body

كيف أعطى الجسم الدواء؟

Routes of administrations


Oral Inhalation Parenteral Topical

Buccal Rectal Transdermal (patches) subdermal implants


Routes of administration Dosage form

Oral A. Tablets [IR; SR)], and capsules

B. Liquid: Syrup, suspension, elixir

C. Powder

D. Herbal plants: seeds, leaves

Inhalational A. Aerosol

B. Inhaler

C. Vaporizer (Solutions)

Parenteral A. Intradermal (ID) B. Intramuscular (IM)

C. Intraperitoneal (IP) D. Intravenous (IV)

E. Subcutanous (SC) F. Intrathecal (IT)

Topical A. Cream, gel, ointment, lotion

B. Eye drops ( ophthalmic)

C. Ear drops (otic)

D. Skin patch (transdermal)

Page 9: Pharma sheet (1)

Rectal Suppositories

Vaginal Pessaries

Min 32


: example of Buccal administration


excitement*cath edulis (khat,qat), this plant is used for cause of

found in yemen\ethiopia

se substant into saliva, they are rapidly absorbed By the the route of administration of qat: chewing qat relea

administration Buccal


syrup means that in the drug there is sugar and water(why??)

because high concentration of sugar makes the drug more durable and gives sweetened taste

slide 22 min 40

27-22الرجوع للسلايدات

Drug discovery and development:

*natural source

costs a lot and needs time

المعالج للسرطان من غابات الامازون بعد بحث طويل و عمل فحوصات على جميع taxolمثال من الدكتورة:يتم استخراج دواء ال***

اجزاء النباتات حت وجدوه,لكن يوجد مشاكل حيث :

%0.04نسبتها -3يجب استخلاصه من جذر النبات -2سنة 100ان يكون عمر النبات -1

ه من لحاء شجر غابات الامازون *تم استخراج

ي مرض سرطان المبيض حيث انكمش الورم بعد اشهر 9*يفيد الساق مصائ

Drug design:

the general rule is the (lock & key theory)

knowing the 3d structure of the receptors helps to produce drugs suitable for this receptors.