pg and eval

2009-2010 Professional Growth and Evaluation Plan July 30, 2009

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2009-2010 Professional Growth and Evaluation Plan

July 30, 2009

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Objectives of today’s meeting

► Set context for human capital systems at ELH as a growing organization

► Introduce teacher professional growth and evaluation plan for 2009-2010

► Talk about ways to give input and answer questions

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► Set context for human capital systems at ELH as a growing organization

► Introduce teacher professional growth and evaluation plan for 2009-2010

► Talk about ways to give input and answer questions

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Key Human Capital Questions

• What are the current human capital practices at E.L. Haynes?

• What are the best human capital practices from other schools, businesses, networks and non-profits?

• What other resources can we tap?

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Sources of expertise

• Interviews

• Document and process reviews

• Surveys (teacher, school climate, student)


• Schools (including DC KIPP, High Tech High, Holton Arms, Fairfax County)

• Other non-profits (DCPS, SEED Foundation, George Washington University)

• Best practice companies (McKinsey, BCG, Atria)

• Literature on HC in schools and non-profits


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EL Haynes organizational evolution

Our growth requires more robust systems

Stages of Non-profit Growth


Employees, Students)

Start-up Phase

Operational Phase

Self-sustaining Phase

Source: Corporate Executive Board presentation to the New Schools Venture Fund conference (May 2009)

• culture-building

• vision

• systems

• operations

• growth

• innovation

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• Highly skilled professionals want to know where they stand

• Coordinated feedback presented in a clear manner

• Transparency around the process

Clear understanding of how they are doing, whether they are on track, and what steps are required for improvement

Feedback from all sources needs to be coordinated, and some parts of it need to be formal and written

Clear expectations around how often people can expect to be observed, how often they will get feedback, what form that feedback will take, and how they will be evaluated

Major takeaways thus far

Best practice systems What that means

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► Set context for human capital systems at ELH as a growing organization

► Introduce professional growth and evaluation plan for 2009-2010

► Talk about ways to give input and answer questions

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What you can expect for professional feedback

• Observation of you or your team with written feedback of varying lengths five times per year

• Four half-hour one-on-one meetings with your PD mentor to discuss your professional development

• Ongoing informal feedback from various sources

• One hour-long evaluation meeting in which your supervisor and you will both fill out an evaluation and discuss your professional growth

• Clear written indicator of whether you are on-track or off-track in December (there will be no surprises here)

Each year

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What will be asked of you

• Take three in-depth staff surveys which will cover: school climate, your supervisor, your PD mentor, your team, & school operations

• Complete three thoughtful self-assessments based on the teacher competency guidelines

• Develop a professional growth plan with meaningful goals and targets

• Check the wiki regularly for written feedback

Each year

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Three distinct roles will support the new system


PD Mentors



• Provide feedback to teacher, based in part on the teacher’s professional growth goals

• Are available as a resource for teachers

PD Mentors

• Review professional growth plan

• Hold half hour meetings 4x per year

• Give regular observations and written feedback


• Observe and give written feedback 5x per year

• Review professional growth plan and self-assessment with teacher

• Manage formal evaluation process

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Teacher self-assessment

Teacher Survey

Critical Friend meeting

Supervisor observation

Evaluation Meeting

Status Letters


Details Mentors Teachers SupervisorsTeacher self-assessment

Self-review of strengths and weaknesses with mentor input.

Teacher surveyFill out surveys giving peers and upward


PD Mentor meetingDiscuss areas for teacher growth and focus for

ongoing coaching

Evaluation and professional growth meeting

Formal review process incorporating self-review and supervisor observations.

Supervisor observation

Ongoing observation and feedback by supervisors on wiki or indivually as needed.

Status lettersDecember: "On-track" letter

March: offer letter




June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May

Before YearBefore Year During YearDuring Year




Calendar of Events



Ongoing Individual and Team Feedback

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2009-2010 mentor assignments

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Evaluations will be based on the Achievement First framework and ELH Teacher Competency Document

Focus Area Description M P IP DNM A. 95-100% of students are on task and 70 -80% of hands

are in the air when questions are asked.

Student Engagement

B. Students consistently show a willingness to take risks and make mis takes

C. The lesson obj ectives are communicated clearly so that students understand the lesson ’s purpose and how it builds off previous lessons.

D. The lesson is i ntroduced in an engaging way; it captures the students’ attent ion

E. Teacher uses clear, concise language that facilitate comprehension throughout the lesson


F. The lesson has closure so that the objective is reinforced and the stage is set for future lessons

G. The class moves at a crisp pace that keeps the students’ attention

H. Organization minimizes downtime or lost instructional time


I . The teacher effectively uses wait time to ensure all students have a chance to think

J. Teacher co nsistently includes a high ratio of student work to teacher talk with students doing m ost of the “heavy lifting” of work and e xplaining their thinking.

K. Teacher only accepts high quality respo nses: doesn’t allow students to “opt-out” because teacher cycles back to student s who didn’t answer.


L. Teacher uses a range of both low and high level questions and regularly stretch es questions to push thinking.

M. Teacher effectively co -teaches the less on with teammates

N. Teacher regul arly checks for underst anding during the lesson and makes appropriate on -the-spot adjustments


O. Teacher effectively appeals to different learning styles

Teacher C omments on areas of exceptional performance and areas of growth School Leader Co mments

M- Mastery- teacher consistently exceeds expectations and is an exemplar for this standard

P- Proficient- teacher consistently meets expectations and is solid for this standard

IP- In Progress- teacher meets this standard some or most of the time but is not yet consistently solid

DNM- Does not meet- teacher consistently does not meet expectations for this standard. This is an area for teacher growth.

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► Set context for human capital systems at ELH as a growing organization

► Introduce professional growth and evaluation plan for 2009-2010

► Talk about ways to give input and answer questions

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We want your input!!!

We will be seeking teacher input in several ways:

• Interviews by Ben

• Written comments to Ben

• Review of the process by the ILT

My e-mail is [email protected]

My phone is 202-413-3235