pete's family wıth grafıcs

the unity family

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change the world: with the unity project


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the unity family

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The three snowballs of action

The four hearts of unity

The unity family income pyramid

World unity hour

The family sharing network

The global community (of local communities)


and other initiatives designed to create a world-wide culture of peace and love

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‘’ Victory:

If there are such things as angels let’s hope they are as organized as the mafia’’

(Kurt Vonnegurt, Sirens of Titan)

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Introducing a new era

I am very happy to once again introduce you to ideas which can change the world. I say once again because I have written similar introductions to similar books many times before. Each time there are extra ideas leading to extra enthusiasm and excitement about what we can achieve.

We are a family. That is how I see human beings and all other beings on this planet. That is how many see. And thus it hurts to see the wars, and the greed and corruption causing the wars. The planet is in a terrible state. Yet there seems to be an indestructible defiance of the soul and an anticipation of groups of souls who feel that time has come to change the atmosphere and trend of the planet.

It is changing. But we must change it. It is done. But we must do it. Understand the paradox. We must not take sides between evolution and revolution, or the self and the world. We must act conscious of the subjective and objective worlds. Our efforts must not stop at prayer, meditation, hope or positive feelings. The body must sweat to provide an environment conducive for the soul and all souls to live harmoniously; in peace, in love, in respect of what I call the four hearts. Self, Humanity, Earth and Spirit.

What can we do to reverse the trend of greed to create a trend of devotion to the four hearts? It seems impossible to stop this runaway train an deven more impossible when you realize cold-blooded, cold-hearted souls are driving the train and it is not runaway at all. Yes. It is impossible to reverse or change this culture but it is possible to create a new culture.

That is the unity family plan. To create a positive culture learning from our mistakes and utilizing all our wisest ideas so that all warm-blooded and warm-hearted souls become seduced by the beauty of it and join it. Thus we unite as one family in heart and in action all over the world. We unite despite differences in colour, race and religion. We unite in awareness of our different

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qualities and abilities. We unite proud of our self, of each other, of the planet and of our spiritual freedom. And then we begin to share.

A new era is necessary now and this new era must begin from the beginning. The beginning is essentially the effort to unite, share and then create. Pronouncing unity is not enough. Advocating preace is not enough. There needs to be action. That action needs to be of the nature of love, our deepest tendency and thus our deepest desire. Sharing is the act of love and when souls share they lessen the need to do business with each other. İf you can understand that the business mind has corrupted our society then you can understand that the sharing mind can create a brand new society.

Of course there are many such projects in the world based on sharing. There are many initiatives and communities which are self-sufficient and sustainable, goals which are well-understood in this era of pollution. The unity family is designed to shelter, protect and provide for all local communities which aim towards environmental and social peace and prosperity. At the same time it will provide a union for our one family. It will provide everything humanity needs. It will be humanity.

For it is we. We will provide everything we need. By organizing the flow of energy towards the self, humanity, Earth and spirit. The more people join the family, the more unity, sharing and creation there is.

The family is not intended to create another split within humanity, or another religion or philosophy for people to preach about. It is rather reiterating that which already is. And anyone who does not join the family will be considered family members who haven’t actively joined the family. Yet. Joining then will be a new declaration of intended good will.

It is time to come forward in coming together. Though there are many wars the politicians speak constantly of peace. Argument concerning who started the wars becomes the incentive to continue them. Apparently. In reality deeper conspiracies abound, and many people are aware now of the depth of delusion which the construct of society and its creators, hasten to develop.

Joing the unity family is a declaration of peace and amnesty to the world. Because it is a brand new initiative with no historic ties and no ulterior motives.

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The motivation is freedom, respect, peace and love. So for all those who can empathize with the motivation we welcome you to a new culture. We welcome you to merge your energy with ours so that we may grow this new culture so that unification, sharing and creation may grow wide in the world and deep in the hearts of mankind.

The poetry you may not be new to you. And projects you may have seen before which aim to create a sustainable revolution. Most of these projects seem to have worthy aims and important components which the Unity Family can draw inspiration from. Some of these projects are decoys created by the same people who are creating the pollution thus unabling you to really get together and create from the ground up. The Unity Family is thus a project designed to allow ideas and ideals become ground reality.

What is the ground. I am the ground. Each person is the ground. Each person is the incredible life-force which can change everything given the right goal and way to that goal. Personality is precious. It is something which the present society is trying to abolish yet it is something in need of resurrection. Personalities, unique and united, get together to create beautiful humanity. Just as healthy trees make up the beautiful forest.

So the goal is clear. Peace and love and a culture blessed with both.

The way…

There are 9 elements I ask you to consider when joining the family. Elements which I have meditated upon for years. These 9 elements are the heart and the earth of our family. The spirit and the action. Four are internal and deal with relationships with our self, other selves, earth and spirit. Three are exteranl and deal with the action of uniting, sharing and creating. One is growth and one is the object of trust.

So let me introduce you to the mood, the internal unification.

Four hearts of love

As I have already mentioned, the mood of the family is to be known. That mood is to be accepted by anyone joining the family. Anyone joining the family will declare respect for self, humanity, earth and the freedom of spirit upon

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joining the family. If we are start anew let that start be deeply understood to be a surrender of history. All historic fights between individuals, races, sects and religions are not relevant upon joining the family. We are ridding ourselves, individually and collectively, of the burden of our aggresion, and if we can manage a few tears of remorse for our past karma, or past actions, that will create a clean page for all who want to paint a more beautiful picture of Planet Earth.

Heart one

Each person is individual and our family will respect and cherish that individuality rather than conform it to imposed automation. In a business world where time is apparently money, people are made unemployed as machines are employed in their place. In the name of efficiency we now have to communicate with computers instead of each other to conduct our business. The unity family from the beginning will orchestrated in the conscious awareness that the individual is far greater than any machine. In fact, comparison is very minimal like the comparison between a real flower and a plastic flower.

Respect of one’s self should enable each person to develop love for one’s self and awareness of one’s life duty, which offered to the whole will be a sharing of a unique flavour. The whole in turn will be a world conducive for individuality to flourish.

Heart two

Each person should respect other’s individuality and aim to unite skills to create a perfect culture. We would like to see freedom in this world. But a freedom where individuals are sensitive to the each other’s freedom. Between conscious people of this world there is no longer the xenophobia of ancient times when races rarely met. There may be racist and sexist problems in this world but what news is there of problemlessness. There is no news. We hear only about the problems. My experience is that we are growing not only respectful of each other, and accepting of each other, but also in love with each other. I have travelled and mixed with Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Indians, blacks, whites, pinks and blues. We are one family. And joining the

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conscious reiteration of that fact by joining the unity family project will mean one more beautiful voice to the choir of unity.

Heart three

The Earth should be seriously taken care of and regarded as our natural Mother. The pollution we have created over the last hundred years is abominable. And who doesn’t know it. Yet, it continues to get worse because business is booming and there is no organization big enough or intelligent enough to stop it booming. Though ‘local’ is desire of the unity family project, global, booming and blooming is the projected goal of this local trend. New environment and sustainable initiatives abound, yet instead or creating a world which changes the habits of people, technology comes in to tend to our useless addictions. When people are happy in nature, happy with each other, there will be no need for so much ‘energy’. We are energy.

People joing the unity family project should declare peace with the Earth and consciously support each other in nurturing Her. She is capable of creating peace and happiness within the children who love Her.

Heart four

Spirit. God is spiritual freedom. And separation should not come from diverse beliefs. One may be devoted to God, and prefer to use a certain name. One may not believe in God. But all should respect the freedom of the other. Joining the unification is a vote to reassert spirituality as a person’s right of freedom. For the essence of spirit is love and love can never be an obligation.

Each person will always view spirit uniquely. Though I have my prefered angle of vision, that subjective vision, and anyone else’s subjective vision will never be imposed. In maturity and respect of each other we may again discuss and debate the nature of spirit freely and enjoy coming to our own conclusions, while respecting everyone else’s conclusions.

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A new beginning comes with a shedding of all the negativities you can shed. This beginning can be spiritual for all who want a spiritual dawn. Spiritual should then reflect into the material so that we work devoted to our goal of love and unite hearts three and four (earth and spirit) while we unite hearts one and two (me and you). Four hearts united is the logo and emblem of unity and wearing this logo and promoting it is to advocate and advertise unity all over the world.

Of course, it is not possible to become rid of all unwanted habits overnight but we are creating a trend and getting together to help eachother drop the pollution and create the solution.

The four hearts of unity being declared we move to the three snowballs of action. The external revolution.

Unite. Share. Create.

Snowball one - we unite

Each person is individual. We have dealt with the individual and now we will consider how we individuals can come together, intimately, in a new family comunity. Each person is akin to a snowflake, which are apparently unlimited yet forever unique. Together the the snowflake may be pressed to make a ball and then rolled to create a bigger snowball. (Therefore, if you have read my previous writing you will notice my preference of ‘snowball’ over ‘spiral’ which was another natural phenomena I used. All words are forms used to convey ideas and so I hope you get the ideas).

I suggest we display and advertise and propogate the unity family by uniting visibly, joyfully, and exponentially all over the world in organized demonstrations of unity. I envisioned long ago and am still excited by the prospect of World Unity Hour. Monthly, at the same time all over the world we unite ‘everywhere’. In cities, towns, villages or alone on a hill, we unite and hold hands for five minutes. People at the ‘end of a line’ hold there hands open for anyone to join and people alone can do it with both hands held open for anyone to join. After five minutes we can blow a whistle (if in a large group) and raise those hands (still held). A few seconds later we can break into

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spontaneous celebration and bang drums, dance, shout ‘hallelujah’, (or whatever graceful word you prefer to shout), bow to the ground, hug, be quiet and go home, whatever. We can wear the logo of the unity family, we can wear purple and gold too (that would create further beauty and attention), colours of the flag created for the family which is created to represent conscious transformation, and is something completely new. (For those against creating certain colours and logos to represent something new let me say that I suggest it in the mood of love. Any colour, any logo, supported can only bond the people who utilize it for the sake of unity. The wearing of certain colours and logos is useful, a design upon our clean sheet, choreography upon stillness, symphony upon silence, yet silence and stillness and a prism of colours we are.)

I have had many ideas what we can do together. It doesn’t matter so much what we do together so long as we do it together. I always enjoy watching the youtube of flashmob in New York Central Station. Five hundred people standing still for five minutes like waxwork statues. Beautiful. Powerful. Artistic. Creative. Funny. Interesting. Attractive.

So if we are organized and synchronized we can also do more inventive stuff, dressing up, painting our bodies, flashmob style, while advertising something really worth advertising. Collective stupidity is powerful. Collective prayer is powerful. But the emphasis is on collective. In V for Vendetta all the people wore the same costume. One or two protestors wearing masks is not powerful but all together and there is a serious message which can be conveyed. This film inspired many people and yes, we can do it for real and replace vendetta with unity. Of course a conductor is necessary to bring focus to many and I will get to that element shortly.

I would like to see people from all nations get involved. I have friends all over the world and all of them are excited at the prospect of displaying peace and love for humanity in this way. In this way Israelis and Iranians, and anyone else who have nothing to do with the political conflicts, can show their solidarity to unity. It will be glorious and very newsworthy.

So for five minutes a month we do exactly the same thing at the same time. We organize our celebration. While creating something to celebrate. It is difficult

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these days to celebrate when in the back of your mind you know that our brothers and sisters around the world are persecuted. I, for one, will enjoy a celebration whilst involved in a project which is solving all the worlds problems, both energetically and practically. (Like natural medicine as opposed to anti-biotics.)

Practically, in countries where there is no freedom to unite on the city streets in this way, family members may unite in the forest or on mountain tops. A small film can be made and put together with music to inspire the next months ‘get-together’. This public get-together can be as imaginative as we like. But simple is best. And easier for the shy to perform. When ‘we’ grow in number then shyness fades and more elaborate celebrations can be executed. In our own good time.

The idea of World Unity Hou is to grow, so that more and more people can unite and then share and create. So instead of just ‘liking’ a page on facebook we congregate with our bodies, not in hopeful protest but in a conscious display of our unity.

Protesting the negative hopefully is hopeless. We have no fight with the past. We no longer support it. We support the future, that’s all. And the future needs to come from a totally different enterprise. The amount of corruption and lies we have tolerated is ridiculous, but now, let us not gather with vendetta, but let ‘u’ be for ‘unity’.

So World Unity Hour should be simple, happy and exponentially growing. Everyone participating is encouraged to understand why they are participating and so I will keep this booklet short and simple to understand. The World Unity Hour will be peaceful and short (5 mins). If there are governments and police unhappy about the world uniting happily then all will see. I recommend anyone provoked by unhappy ‘peace-keepers’ to not react angrily, but to powerfully retract and come back ‘somewhere else’ the month after.

İf the family project is attacked it will merely increase the support. An angry demonstration however will not win the hearts of the people.

Aside from this World Unity Hour we use spiral one to unite in many other ways. Any individual artistic performance or group gathering can be an

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advertisement of the unity family. There is a logo so that people can just stick it on their taxi or shopfront and when asked answer questions about it. Musicians may talk about it, advertise it, recommend it during performances.

Art is our nature. And our artistic nature can lead us to a natural loving global community.

I will give specific details concerning the exact time of our World Unity Hour soon on our website (if not at the end of this book). Of course, being a project which is alive with consciousness and places people above rules, we can change date, time, costume, in a moment’s notice.

Snowball two – we share

The unity family is a global sharing project.

As in snowball one where uniting is a) globally (common) and b) locally (individual) performed, so snowball two has both divisions.

The common initiative is called the unity family income pyramid. This may be the initiative which inspires many people to join because it is designed to give financial relief to individuals and in the beginning of the transformation from a selfish society to a selfless one our main concerns are our selves. That is natural. Money is an big issue in this world. What to do with it? How to live with it or without it? And of course, how to get it? A simple plan of ‘how to get it’ is thus incorporated in our sharing snowball. Here is the plan. You give to me and I will return to all that give to me 75% of what is given, which I will return in pyramid fashion. The pyramid is in fashion so let us be fashionable.

Businesses use the MLM (multi-level marketing) idea to gain by using growth, and grow by using hype and hype by using a handful of dollars as an incentive to be a representative of some product. I have no product. This is not a business. This is not a charity either. It is charity. From you to me. From me to you.

I say ‘me’ purposefully here because in some countries there are fine lines between legal and illegal. In India however there is something called daksina, which means donation to a guru for your good karma (or to rid you of karma). I

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can do that if like too. But in creating a new culture we have to deal with stupid rules created for control and therefore we need to be a little clever. Rules means playing with words because those creating them are usually the ones breaking. This play of words, called law, is the method of preserving injustice.

My own mood in uniting, sharing and creating this project is a service to my divine preceptors. It is an endeavour to serve selflessly my masters who are in my recognition the most incredible compassionate beings. Anyone wishing to tune into that spiritual reality is able to by uniting with this project and I give my guarantee that any commitment to it may be rewarded according to one’s spiritual inclination. In other words, this project conceived and offered with divine love and therefore divine love may be real return for any commitment to it.

Everyone coming to a united project must be recognized equally. Therefore there must be mention of all the different goals of life. Those desiring the fruits of enjoyment, prosperity, religiousness, liberation and love are all catered for in the unity family project. What you get is what you want. Subjectively you will understand your goal. Objectively that goal all goals will be achieved in one single mission.

And thus with the money I offer you love. However you offer it to me. At the same time I offer you cash back! Here is my prasad (return) in detail.

I suggest people wishing to join the unity family do so (with full love) by gifting the centre, me, and thus the whole family with $40 daksina (offering). 25% I will keep in a kitty (or magic hat!) ready for constructive use (which I will delineate) and 75% will go back to the family members via a pyramid system. What happens is this. A member encourages lets say 2 people to join the family. (If you really understand the unity family plan then you are going to naturally encourage everyone you know! Each person will attract ‘supporters’ underneath, 2 for each person. 2 then becomes 4 then 8. 3 layers deep there will be 14 people and upon achieving 14 supporters that family member will get $40 returned to them. The next layer will be another 16 people and $80 dollars will be returned. 80 x 2 = 160. 160 x 2 =320. 320 x 2 = 640. 640 x 2 = 1280. 1280 x 2 = 2560 (we round to 2500). 2500 x 2 = 5000. 5000 x 2 = 10,000$.

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In the next level after $10,000 return is achieved the family member will get a $2,500 monthly income. This should be enough for an average person to feel free of the obligation to money.

Of course, these pyramids are always theoretical and never grow symetrically. Symettry is not the goal. The goal is just to get people involved. The sacred words ‘if everyone’ are used in similar business pyramids to entice customers. Not everyone will bring two people. Some will bring more. Some will bring none. Till the money comes rolling in, then only a hermit will fail to inspire someone and even hermits these days have 1000 friends on their facebook.

The mathematics is there to boggle the mind. Yet the mathematics does work. The main consideration of course is growth. Which is exactly what the unity family is designed to do.


1 2



3 4



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I am not creating this thing for my personal gain though I will gain personally. However, because my nature is compassion, and because the nature of those attracted to a compassionate project is compassion, they pyramid will continue. And because there is no product, and because the real goal is the growth of unity, the cash back will become a secondary outcome instead of a main concern.

It is a good idea that we free ourselves effectively from the money system.

Imagine we are millions of people enclosed in a prison with a 10 metre wall around. We can shout ‘freedom’ or ‘occupy’ but we are not free despite occupying. However, if we trust each other, two people may lift one person on their shoulders, and another 4 may lift those 2, and then, 8 may lift those 4 and so on till the first person reaches the top of the wall and jumps over the other side to freedom. As people continue to ‘support’ more and more people become free.

And so in the unity family income we put money together to lift each other out of the money system, and wait for our turn while encouraging people to join.

Of course, it may take millions of people to lift thousands. But the mathematics are favourable because by the time we are millions the acceleration of the snowball becomes exponentially very fruitful. Remember, at the same time we will be holding exponentially growing parties on the street and all around the world people will be sharing the unity family project idea which from the outset will remain true to its design.

For some people $40 dollars is not a lot of money and so they may invite their blood family members and friends into the unity family. For others $40 dollars is too much to afford and those people can put their names down on our website. The unity hat will give money to the three snowballs of action which means that a chunk of the collection will go to people who really cannot afford it. People in Africa and India and other places can join in this way and people who are wealthier can support unity family around the world in this way.

Upon joining you may join wherever you like on the pyramid. The pyramid will be many pyramids within a pyramid and you may want to join ‘under’ someone

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who brought you. If you have no concern about where your money is returned then it will go to those ‘higher’ up on the pyramid making sure all get flowing with return.

In this way you may inspire people and tell them to join under you so that your income comes sooner rather than later. Out of the $30 dollar returned $5 dollars will go to all and $25 under you. (Note; there may be changes because creation of the website is in progress but the idea, hopefully you have got and the genius you have appreciated.

All offers of money in joining (including everything over $40) will be returned to the three snowballs of action to acitivate our vision of a culture of unity. Money to snowball one will enable books to be printed, flags to be made, videos to be

Freedom MovementUnity Project



Spırıtual Advıser 1

Apostel 1








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made, presentations and concerts to be sponsored etc. Part of the donations go to snowball two to enable the family income pyramid to grow faster, for sharing centres to be opened in city centres etc. Money to snowball three will enable sustainable communities to receive what they need to become sustainable.

We are growing sustainable, neh abundant, communities which means that our local communities (and of course individuals) will need less and less, and therefore money coming to the family will spread far and wide. Money will not be sucked into deep greedy pockets. In fact money will be sucked out of deep greedy pockets and into our family lives by supporting this project and thus we will create a counter culture with no need to oblige anyone to any doctrine, religion, philosophy. You are free. Everything I offer is a suggestion. All actions therefore are with love.

The key to success is organization. They key to organization is the growth of a pyramid. People afraid of good organizational tactics are lured into the trap given by those who use good organizational tactics to control the world. The pyramid is seen as a symbol of evil, and that is why they keep using it (so you don’t). But we will. And our pyramid will be utilized merely to give nature and humanity the freedom, respect and love both deserve.

The 3 snowballs of action each have 2 sides. Global and local. We saw how snowball one has a global event and local events to advertise the family project. So snowball two has a global sharing scheme in the unity family income pyramid and also there will be many local sharing initiatives. We can share everything we have with each other. People can put their millions or their pennies into the unity hat. That is one thing. Another is land. Energy. Skills. İdeas. Practically I would like to see sharing centres all over the world. These centres would host organization of many kinds of sharing initiatives locally as well as advertising our global events.

We can share clothes. We can share cars. We can share food. We can share couches. Like couch-sharing we can easily embrace all sharing ideas by affiliating them with the global sharing mission, which can be nothing more than sticking a unity family logo on a website. It is our family agreement and no

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office work need to be undertaken. We have no competition because we are not a business. We are a family. A family which may also invite businesses into it. We cannot jump from A to B. And realistically humanity has to operate by some Exchange system. The perfect exchange of selfless devotion will mean that business in the future may at least be conducted with integrity.

As any person can become affiliated and related with the family, so can any initiative which exists under, or aspires towards, similar beautiful objectives.

The internet we will use to unite people of course.

Our website, which is under construction, will give details about the global and local initiatives within the three snowballs. When you join the unity family income initiative then you will select your place on the pyramid. When you join, (firstly agreeing the terms and conditions which are the nine elements of unity within the family) you will be able to create a page or subpage using your own person serial number which is simply the number of family member you are when joined (we will thus see how many we are). You can then give your name (real or pseudo), your whereabouts, etc… and most importantly your needs and offers. What would you like to share? How would you like to serve the family? Here you can express your desire to unite with other family members, join certain project initiatives etc. And you can offer your particular services so we know where to find teachers, healers, builders, musicians etc. The website will contain a keyword function so we can find each other. The website will also obviously grow as we grow but these are some preliminary ideas which, hopefully, someone who understands them can turn into reality (because I am not a web designer!)

Globally there wıll be people working as adminstrators and organizers (or focalizers, in Rainbow gathering language), to oversee the different projects and initiatives within the unity family. Locally you can meet each other and do what you like. Local requests will receive the attention of the organizers in charge of the unity hat, so sponsorship money can go out to people who want to connect their art to the family project. We will thus receive and we will distribute.

Because everyone joining will have a membership number we may also do fun things like a weekly lottery. For fun someone may get a pay out of $10,000 and

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become brother or sister of the week. Many things we will conjure up. Your ideas may well be the best and we will use them.


Consider the story-line. Our hero has made his speech about the fascist state and the common people have heard him. He has sent out the same masks and it is time for everyone to unite in the streets looking exactly the same. The authorities are overwhelmed and the people take off their masks and feel proud to be one yet unique.

And then what.

It is nice so far. But what next. Do the people go back to work the next day? In the same system? Do they start again? If so from where? And in what way?

Imagine we are free from the fascist state and are able to start a new era. How are we going to do that? Under what laws, what grounds, whose grounds? It is something we must consider.

The unity family project is going to put energy into creating new space for its family members. And it will utilize donated space of course. With land we can create small farms and communities. On these communities we can develop natural methods of living with modern technology and ancient wisdom. Each community will develop according to the effort of its residents. Some will be experimental, some will feel more grounded in following patterns of existing communal living spaces.

We need to consider all aspects of culture. Food, education, healing, governing etc. From these small experiments we can live and learn and grow. There are of course examples of experimental communities around the world and quickly we can learn from them. We can also invite them to join the family project. In this way they could receive money from the family hat and become an advertisement for the unity family project. We grow by merging together, the global project and local projects helping each other.

As long as there is a representative in each local project assigned to relate to the global project there are no other rules. Communities run absolutely on

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consensus would be welcomed too but still someone must be assigned to relate. Many existing communities fly the flag of freedom but what is freedom? Is it the right to do what you like when you like? If so you may do something someone else doesn’t like. And what of the freedom of this person. Devotion is the sensitivity of living together respecting your own freedom and everyone else’s.

Therefore freedom is not the goal of the unity family. It is the foundation upon which the culture of devotion is built. In fact it is a byproduct of the culture of devotion. From the beginning we will create a new culture, from individuals to individual communities. I have participated in festivals where freedom is the goal, unity is the goal, but it is never attained because freedom and unity can never be achieved without devotion, and a community of devotion can never be achieved without a little tactical organization.

The Rainbow Gathering is a beautiful example (and a beautiful experiment.) People frustrated with society head to the nature to live together for a month. To start again. And again. And again. Because it seems that the obvious misgivings with a freedom festival are not corrected so that unity may actually be actualized.

There needs to be heads. Someone head of the community, someone head of kitchen, someone head of energy, someone head of agriculture, someone head of the children. Focalizers. In the Rainbow Gathering it works sometimes because the idea of heads are there but then there is someone who comes and says I am free, I don’t need a head of the kitchen to tell me what I can and can’t do, and then there is chaos, with no-one appointed to throw out the idiot.

A community must operate naturally and nature operates like a body. There cannot be no-one in charge. I witnessed many strange things due to the adamant doctrine of ‘no leader’. One guy was threatening women and a consensus was created to decide what to do with him. For three days it went on while the guy looked on. In one festival villagers wanted to communicate with the people in the festival some information so they asked for head, the chief, but were told by different people that no-one was responsible.

Two things. No decisive action against predators and no responsibility.

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So. Without further ado, I say that the unity family must encourage decisiveness and responsibility from those who feel inspired to take it up. We all have our skills, abilities, preferences, desires (dharma). And when everyone fınds their dharma and offers it to the community then the body works perfectly. Like this, sometimes we are serving the kitchen head in the kitchen, and sometimes we are leading the music or construction design. We are not all equal. We are all special. In that way we are all equal and this must be understood to save us from monotony and monopoly.

So snowball three will see new land and new communities grow, in respect of the four hearts, and also city dwellings be established for people to live together while continuing their daily lives. As energy pours in to the family project which shares there will be less and less need to serve the old system controlled by money. When there is the possibility to live completely independent of the present system then activities in the present system will come from choice and not obligation.

That is a goal I would love to see manifest. And to see something manifest in this world there really needs to be a manifesto. When we all agree upon 9 elements and set to work with a shared heart and vision, then what we want can definitely be.

Doubts raised concerning my optimistic vision of a new world culture are natural. We see that the world is in turmoil. How are we going to build natural communities while there is a world war going on? There is opposition to the idea of unite, share and create. That I am aware of. I am also aware of the power of simplicity and truth and unity. The truth is that the money system has enslaved the whole of mankind and mankind is fed up with it. When we are fed up with something we look to the alternative for relief. In every day life we jump from pole to pole, enjoying hot then cold, relationship then freedom from relationship. From catastrophe to unity. It is 2012 and catastrophe has definitley had its time, leaving it time now for unity.

Millions of people are living in cities, in prisons called homes, all stacked on top of each other while the countryside is abandoned. When there are beautiful communities springing up where people live happily working for each other, resting and playing with each other, why will people stay in the cities. They will

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move back to the land. I lived in Istanbul recently. It is ridiculous. People are stuck in cars six hours a day trying to get to work just to pay for the cars, and of course the washing machine and the nanny.

The endeavour to create sustainable communities operated with devotion to eachother is absolutely glorious. The endeavour to advertise such communities by uniting visibly all over the world is absolutely genius.

There are two types of revolutionaries in this world. The city activist. And the nature activist. The advertiser and the creator. I have friends who love to protest the corruption. I have friends who put all their energies into sustainable agriculture and community living. I would like to see the two come together so the city activists advertise the community farms. However, there is no need to protest because we have nothing to do with the problem and everything to do with the solution.

The revolution has to come from a seed. It has to be small in the beginning, not from some multi-million dollar corporation, government or business, disguised as a revolution movement. It has to come from us. Because we hold up the corruption pyramid from the bottom. When we raise our own devotion pyramid the corruption pyramid will crumble.

There is much to be said about what might happen. But as far as I am concerned there is no harm endeavouring for the positive and there is no use fearing the negative. We have to try.

As Kurt Vonnegurt wrote. Victory is just a matter of organization. Actually, when the good guys organize then victory is just a matter of growth and trust. Elements 8 and 9.

Oh.. and a final word on snowball three to respect the continuity of the book. Local creation and global creation. Locally we are free to develop and expand from individual to community to village to town, creating or affiliating as we roll. Globally, the unity family project will be the biggest union ever to get together yet the paperwork will very minimal. In fact, you are reading the paperwork needed for the rest of the culture’s future. Therefore there will be

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no need of offices in the future and officials can retire and learn permaculture or guitar.


There are three stages of growth in the unity family project. The snowball, the rolling snowball and the avalanche. The project is designed so that growth in one area of action leads naturally and consciously to growth in the other areas of action.

So we can look at how growth will effect all the principles of unity laid out in this book, from the four hearts of devotion, three snowballs of action, growth itself and trust.

Snowball one will grow fast once there is a firm snowball of paricipating family members on the streets of this world, all in tune, in time and happy to be dedicated to each other. Once there are a few hundred people on the streets then a few thousand could and should be followed easily by a few million. We have seen such explosions of togetherness over the last few years. In Egypt, in America, in Israel. One million people were camping on the streets of Israel very soon after one person, and then her friends, declared they were camping in protest of financial corruption. One is six Israelis followed. People were excited by the revolution vibration but what was the goal?To let the government know you are unhappy. To ask them to do something for you. 1. They know you are unhappy. 2. They are not going to do anything but they may say we are going to do something. How long are we going to accept the words of politicians as honest? Really.

The Occupy Movement similarly had many people involved but they had no manifesto, and instead protested the problem. Imagine if you have a solution, a tangible goal and a tangible way to that goal and everyone on the street knowing that way and goal, and everyone supporting that way and goal. There is no protest, only peaceful, conscious, action.

It is going to take longer than protesting movements to solidify the snowball. Consciousness needs time to manifest. Sporadic movements manifest quick but die out quick too and leave everyone tired. But snowball one of the unity family

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project will continue and continue, exponentially. Once the snowball is firm and rolling why shouldn’t it. The action is not taking much personal time and energy, and is not causing public disturbance.

So the numbers will grow all around the world, and artistically it will grow more synchronized, more colourful, and joyful as growth itself becomes the reason to celebrate.

Locally, many people will involve themselves in presenting the project in many different ways. The growth of family festivals, concerts, street-art, presentation evening etc will provide growth for the whole of the project.

Everything ties in. Circles entwining circles like the flower of life.

Snowball one provides inspiration to share. Over to snowball two and global growth of the unity family income pyramid will enable more and more people to emancipate themselves from financial obligation, which will provide a catalyst for even more and more people to join the project. In the beginning it may be slow for people to join, because that is the nature of we humans, we like to see success before uniting ourselves with a project. When there is success then there inevitably will be more, growing success. And so the money will pour in, to each other, and not into the system which has enslaved for so long.

Growth of money into the hat will provide more sharing facilities in the cities, and growth of sharing in the cities will provide everyone with more money in their own pockets.

All the time interest in the family project as a whole can only grow, more and more enthusiastic.

Money will be used to acquire more and more land, and it will be distributed to more and more communities of all kinds becoming united with the family. Globally, the movement will feel magical as a feeling of harmony is experienced across borders. The growth of individual communities into villages and towns will convince more and more people that this revolution is for real.

Now, because I have no borders in my thinking, I see that in the future there need not be borders on our planet. If more than half the country were to

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appreciate the unity family project more than they do their country’s politics then we can go into politics too, or just make the politians aware that they should too unite with the family project. They can choose. We welcome everyone to unite. If politicians were honest why should they not unite. If peace and prosperity is their goal. Otherwise, why are we voting for them. Don’t vote. Just keep increasing the popularity of the unity family project.

If a couple of countries become stamped with our logo, then we redesign our culture within those counties according to the respect for self, humanity, earth and spiritual freedom, with awareness of past culture and future possibilities.

When the three snowballs produce a big snowball of unity, and that snowball rolls we are looking at a change which most have not even dared dream about.

This plan is a seed. It is very small. But the it can produce something huge. Something so beautiful. And that is my determination and deep desire.

As well as a growth externally in numbers of family members there will be growth internally with each of the family members. This is where the real happiness lies. The project is designed so that external growth and internal growth nurture each other, effect and support eachother, and grow with each other. Heart one is the self. If a culture is becoming clean so will the self become clean. Addictions will fade away as they are a product of wanting to escape, survive or even thrive in an unclean society. People will become in tune with their own instrument and their own instruments will become tuned to the sound of the symphony which is the unity family project.

As people get to know who they are and how they wish to live, they will live it and become closer connected to ones they love. Relationship has five primary flavours. The first is neutral. People will feel universal love and respect for all souls. Second is servant master. People will feel this particular kind of love, imbued with awe and respect, for teachers, and teachers for students. Third is friendship. Friendships will blossom when we are able to feel free from the pressure of society, and moreover, feel happy with the unity in our new society and growing development of personal internal contentment. Fourth is parent child relationship. This love will develop as again we have more time and personal depth to connect more deeper with each other. And fifth. Romantic love. We will be able to take the opportunity to meet with lovers and increase

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the depth of these love relationships when obliged only to our self, each other, the earth and spirit.

The earth, being heart three, will be relieved from of our pollution. There must be a big transformation. A clean up operation. A serious plan to keep the Earth healthy and respected in a growing culture superceding an old, crippled culture. It is not a small task. But together we can bring anything down that has been raised without conscious consideration of nature, and we can raise anything with consciousness.

Of course there is the little matter of those in control who do not want this to happen. The New World Order. So there may be a reaction from the negative side. But the positive side can only keep growing, more intimate and more determined to rid our planet of these cold-blooded dictators, be they human or aliens or whatever. I don’t care. I believe good is supported by nature and spirit and the simplicity of family unity will relieve all burdens and banish all demoniac entities.

Then there is the matter of spirit itself. In this age, known by some as Kali, we have become so polluted that that which should be the most free has become the most oppressive. Spirit. God. No-one is obliged to God. God is not obliging. Religions may well impose but the growth of unity will mean the rise of real religion, which is the freedom of mankind to relate how he wants to relate. Globally that will mean relations between different groups of thinkers will be more and more respectful. Locally individuals may ask again all the old questions and discover for themselves answers in whatever books they want to read. They may find solutions in prayer, yoga, mediation, art, love, work, nature, all of these together. Or people may just find peace being themselves at last.

I am human. I have my beliefs. I have my preferences. I don’t believe in chance. I believe in consciousness. I don’t believe wars are accidents. I don’t believe nature is an accident. And I don’t really believe in belief because we must know what we are doing and how things are done. Deeper inquiry into spiritual reality will reveal many wonderful things for the inquirer to wonder over. This knowledge I have written about in other books but I will not here because I do not want to mix my subjective mood with the essence of freedom. Any person

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wishing to devle deeper into the spiritual heart and would like my thoughts or guidanceon the matter should consult the book I have written called ‘My Radha.’ We all have the potential for love, which is both universal and specific. The unity family is a movement of universal love and within that there will be a myriad of specific flavours of love. This is humanity. The opposite is calamity.

As you can understand, growth in any one area of the seven mentioned elements with the four hearts and three snowballs will create growth elsewhere. Because energy is designed to stay within the family. A family which sees all as family, and yet preserve, protects, supports and increases the intimacy of immediate family.

Growth upon growth is of course exponential. When the heart grows exponentially it explodes with love. When the snowball grows it expoldes with an avalanche. An avalanche of love action …. can only be a good thing!


Trust is the centre of any action. Trust in me is in the centre of the unity family project. I am the i in the centre of u n i t y. For the sake of unity. And not for my own sake.

This may be the doubt which arises after understanding there is an ego in the middle of the project. There is an ego in the middle of the project for a few very good reasons.

Firstly of course, for the sake of togetherness. Uni means one. Unity is many as one. A united family. If the whole family trusts the integrity of one person then that family is tightly bonded. If there is no centre then there can be no synchronized action. And it is action which is necessary right now to come to the level of peace and harmony which the truthful soul cries out for right now. Agreed, when there are hundreds and thousands and millions of souls all resonating peace, truth and love, all playing their instrument to perfection, then there is little need for a co-ordinator, a conductor. Then spontaneous consensus may take over. But we are not in that position. We are beginning a transition and in the beginning we need to hear the same heart- beat, the same tap of the conductor’s baton. Immediately some people may be completely in

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tune. For others it may take longer. But the more instruments in time the quicker it will be for chaotic noise to turn into music.

In the film V for Vendetta you see V tapping the baton. He conducted the revolution. He was the centre. The ego. The i in unity. Take that i away and you have ….the anonymous movement. A real movement where people wear masks. But who is in the centre? Nobody. Well, somebody must be initiating the movement but you are not told. So your trust, who is it in? You don’t know. The anonymous movement took from the film anonymity and vendetta. I took unity, art, romance and the conductor.

All for one and one for all. It is not a new idea is it. In films it works time and time again. As it does in real life. (Do you remember Gandhi and Che Guevara?) My feeling is always to utilize good ideas for the production of good in this world. More and more I came to realize that someone had to be in centre of the project and that that someone was me.

It is not a big task. For me. There is nothing to do but exist. The big task is for everyone coming to the family. Because when ego meets ego it does two things. It fights or it unites. It is repulsed or it is attracted. If there is no ego in the centre of a project all egos are naturally welcomed and the result is chaos. Anarchy cannot lead to peace because there is nothing to keep the negative elements away.

So i am the sieve. No ego is going to join the project who cannot trust i. And don’t worry. I am absolutely confident that I am absolutely trustworthy. I trust myself 100 %. And so do many people. Many people do not. The people who do not are those who want to preserve anarchy. Those people who want to preserver anarchy are those who want to abuse freedom and disturb everyone in the name of equality.

There is nothing really for me to do after getting the snowballs together and rolling. This little book may succeed in doing that. But of course, I will work my hardest to promote and expand the unity family. This is my service, my nature, my desire, my inspiration, my love and my duty. What else can I do?

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The disturbing egos will not enter the family. Because they will not be able to tick the box which requires humility. They will not be able to tune in to the feminine side.

Energetically a group Works when there is one male and many females. The female nature is to serve and nourish. The male ego is to preserve. If the male ego is supported by many nourishing then that male has the power to perserve all the nourishers.

Of course I am not talking about men and women energetic reality.

In the rainbow gathering at times I saw the need for a conductor. When the was no harmony in the music while ‘circling together’ before meals. No metronome. All that is needed is a metronome, and a person, being concsious of what a metronone does can take the role of a simple electronic device, without ego. But even without ego, when a person does that, the male egos protest. Who are you? Why do you want to be in the centre? It is a mistaken question. There is no personal desire to be in the centre. There is desire to bring harmony and unity.

That is my desire with this project. Everyone is welcome. But find yourself and play along to the music which already has a metronome. The beat is easy. 1,2,3,4. Join in. İn time.

So unity, practically, in this family project, is divided into three snowballs of action. Uniting. Timing is needed for the global project of synchronized street art. Whatever time. But it must be the same. So all must look to one place to know when to get together. Sharing. The global freedom fountain project needs to be one. There is no use starting another pyramid because then you will have to deal with trusting someone else, and then there is competition. I want to do away with competition. Competition is only for fun when we are playing games but not for work.

Co-creating can happen when we are united in one mission. When there is synergy. Yes. Everyone is their own leader. Yes. You are free. But with that freedom can you unite? Can you unite with something and someone which will bring more freedom to more people, and upon the growth of that something

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will come further growth in trust of that someone and more and more freedom, and more and more unity.

What will I get from being the sieve. Being the male keeping male egos out of the action. Happiness. For sure. But no perks, no riches. You can check to see if I am buying islands tol ive on or indulging in fast cars. Because I will be open. i will be open.

i in the centre of the unity family is not just me. İt is a principle. Therefore if İ am to die, then another i will fill the role. And that i too should be open for all to see. That i should be humble, not living excessively. Not indulging in riches. Ok. I might be a bit wealthier and enjoy the freedom from the money obligation to. Yes. What a relief! But materially I do not need much. Spiritually I am satisfied. Relationships, I am satisfied.

I am satisfied within. But not completely. Because if the outside is such a mess, if my brothers and sisters are feeling less than happy, then how can I feel completely happy. My nature is to feel the whole. The family is a body and parts of it are in pain. So I feel that pain.

We should all feel the pain of each other and then we will solve the problems of each other. The unity family project is a solution to solve all the problems of the world. Because it is a way to create fully satisfied human beings who each devote to the whole, who each feel passionate in living the life they love, and feel compassionate for the people and environment who are part of their own environment.

I have no superiority or inferiority complex. I know myself. I am simple. I don’t want grand. But I would love to see simple become big. To see local become global. And therefore I play the role which is needed. The i in the centre of unity.

That is i.

Me. I am Pete. Born the son of a bricklayer and British gas showroom saleswoman in Mansfield, Notts. England. Played football for Southgate County amateur football team after failing to impress a few bigger clubs. Went on to take a few drugs and have a few girlfriends before finding my way into the deepest mysteries of İndia. There, or should I say here, because I am here now,

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lies my local heart. My global heart lies with everyone and am thus engaged in this project, and have been for about ten years. I am known around the world in travelling circles because I moved around a lot while doing ground work for this project. I travelled many years without money around the world with just a guitar and a blanket and a few clothes.

The universe provided. I trusted her. She took care of me and told me she can take care of everyone ‘no need to worry about money.’ EVERYONE.

Some people would say. ‘What if everyone was to live like you? Who would buy the food?’ I would say ‘If everyone lived like me there would be plenty of food and no need of money.’ Everyone living like me would mean everyone would live like them self. Because we are all unique and no-one can do the duty of another. All put together we do not need money. That is an illusion. As one Indıan Chief famously said of ‘new people’, when there is no food they will realize that you cannot eat money.

‘They say that time is money and that sounds fine, but they got all the money and i’ve got all the time.’ This I would sing while busking. You have time too. And if you don’t, maybe you would like to get together and create it for everyone by blowing away the illusion and then sewing the seeds of love.

You see. I am getting musical now. Time for me to pick up the guitar. Which is one of my local services.


What will be will be they say

Just you see observe the day

The planets move the stars rotate

To make your way and seal your fate

And those with dreams and rich desire

Be they low or be they high

Drop a Stone into a lake

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Concentric time they do create

What has come of Planet Earth

She needs a death She needs a birth

A few they came and took control

They priced the grain and priced the soul

They made a debt for all to pay

Considered not the future day

They raped the land enslaved the men

And took the loot into their den

It needs to change as we all know

Our inside says its time to go

Back to the land back to the light

Back to the source both day and night

Its not a case of taking sides

Look around you will see no lines

So come with us from A to B

İnto the now from history

What will be will be they say

Just you see when you play

The game of love of sharing fruit

No need to starve nor earth pollute

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We have it all under our feet

So take a breathe now Take your seat

And see the dream of all unfold

See the lead turn into gold

See the lead turn into gold…….

Join here

Join here. Unite. Share and Create. Why here? No why. Why why? At some point we have to get together. It has to be somewhere. We have to get together somewhere. And then we can be together everywhere. Then that somewhere is forgotten, then that someone is lost in the crowd of the dancing party.

Let us vow togetherness. Let us act together. A few simple actions synchronized. A little energy utilized. And then everything is possible. Do not fear. Love is victorious.