peter singer - democracy and disobedience


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Page 3: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience

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' IN ra:tru ~n ,he gro"lh. of Open disobedimce 10 We b .. , nrx b,. telf«tl.:ing Q'imilllls, bUt by people inspirL'ld by ide:.1s such lIS eqUlliry, jusrioe,libeny, and pncr, h,. put before 1;IlII

in modem form the IJlcicnt pbuJlhiQl problem ofpolit.QI ob}iption. Why. (K IlD.dct 'II~ t CXII!rlitioms and circumstllnoell, ought we to obey the b .. ! 'l'his bo:d. iJ intended tCI be • contribution to the discua!lioo of this prubl£m. My Ippt ....... 1. is based 01\ the conviction that political ph.ilosophy an and ,hould be rt'le\"Jnt 10 i$!iues of current concern. Tbcnfore I mue no ipolon b Ihe fad: tm.l my 5Ubjca is al preiCnl a mud. di~d ane.

U phibophen are 10 Jay anything of impomnce abmtt major issu", they musl go beyood the ocuual analysis of 'fI'OI'd, and (OflCCplll which ";'1s, until rcantly, ch:lracteristic .. COnlemponry phiJmophy in Brilllin and America, Mord and poIitiCiI philO5Ophctt mUSI be puplrcd to liye their upinions, with IUPp..ninll arpmcms, on the ri,hlS and wfODp uf compleJ: illspu.Cl. Thia is ... tul I h:n~ done in Ilns book, Onc inevitable t'OI19«juencc "d,i, ~!lJlrWCh il thal diSlJTCO" mml must be apcacd It lI"OU!t1 nOl be true: to uy l!ut I do not mind whether people disagree with my Vif'll.., £01" thili wooJd imply t1af I thin!.: my o"n ,ie," no bmu titan Iny upposcd view_in .,hit.h cut it would nOf ),aWl: b«n wonh "hile putting my own vict<1 fon.lIrd . Whu I Cln SIr I 1101I'e\"Cr, is lhat 1 ha\~ ai~ 10 pu. my views fOf,nrd nOI as dopnnic a55CftKmS, bUI on the basiaof "lJummlJ; ~nd lflhea~!S are iOOwn 10 be Ul1$OtDld, ur bmCl' aJ1llmrnlS arc.protluoed on fivo.u of alternalin: positions, Ihm dearly the vie,,-" 1 have atpICd for ... in hne 10 be abandoned.

A1 the IUbject of thia book ;. onc that ooncerllll noe only thOIIC ItUdyin, OT leachi~ political philosopby in llnivmitia

Page 4: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience

but ,Iso .. ny, ~Iy citia:ns of a dcmOCfaC}', who find lhcmKha (teed ... ith • law they oppose, I have tn«l rhroughuur to write in a way that an easily be understood by those "too have DMC' lltUdicd philosophy. Aorxwdinpy ~ ressiDn~J philosophcn ",ill haR 10 be ~tienl in OCCl.!iooally clabor.atc. point!! with ,.hich they arc familiar. Non-phiIO!­ophcrs will nOl. I llOpe, find difficulty with anything, OOtpl poIIiibly .omc puts of tbe IntrodUction... An)'one who does find these passage!l difficult will do boit to skip them.

Onc Q1(IfI: poim about rading ru book that I 'WalI1 to nmke at !l1C ouun is the boo\( lihould be read U I whole, Although Part I conbi~ the: O[ft of my argummts, an~ lIm re:ads this pan \\'ithout reading: the qualifiariom IlJ.d .mplili~tiQns IXII1tained in the RCOIld and third pnu wiD recci\'c a qui te misJeadinl impression of my ,itw&: and the dircaion of my II1pnn(:fltJ,. ')be rmkr is uked, thtrefore, to rc5er\1' his judgtuxllI UllIlIthc end.

This book bepn life u .. thesis, sub!JIitted to the Uoivustty of Oxford in 1971 in partial fulfilment of the requiremenq of the degree of ThlclIelor of Philoeophy. My thanks go to my 5Upttv1sor, ProI'awr R. M. ibn, not only for his COInful poinl-bY-JI<Iint aitirums of early drafts, bllt also for hi. mcOIln.~t of what WlIS, in IIOIne respec:u, In unon:hod01 uni\'crsitythesis. Othcrs ... horead luer stage.: ufthcry~pt, and to 'I"hom T am indebted for COnuntrlts lnd criticism, were Professor H. J. McOosley, John Owycr, and Christin~ Swant(JII. In addition, I must thank my SlOOcnl5 in political plulosoplly CW(;l' the past yen, ",ith whom J luvc lIad many usd"u1 disrussions m the. i_ dealt with in u,i, book.

Finany, J dcdic::ale this book In my p.trents woo _ill, I trust, _ it IS I. ",unhwhile pmdua of my long absence from borne..

OX[IIr'J, Stl'nnWr r97~· P[TU SINGE!!.

- .






Th~ Modeu

The Pwsibiliry of Repeal

Popular So\'CI"Cisnty and Consent

Equality and Faime5lli

Fairness and Compromise

The l'mbkm of Minorities

Plut icipatiOIl




Rishu Api!\$( the. Mlljority

OiJobcdicooe ( In Publicity

Disobedience as a Plea Cor RewnsidenUon

Gtnscienti0U8 Objection




" " ,. 3'

\ '3 .. 9'

Page 5: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience




Democracy, Direct Ind Rcpresenwive IOS

G>ntenlporol'J WesTern Dcmocncy 112


APP[NDIJI: An lIIustn.tion: Disobedience in Nonhem Irdand 136

INDU ' 49


I T is Dot difficult for most of liS 10 imagine Slruuiom in Ylhic::b wc would be uncertain whtther wc ought, lIlorally, 10 obey a particular bw, I shall 01){ pvc eumples no.', as diB"crt;nt people lII:Iy be ucart:ain _bout diKC:r1:Il{ cua., but the reader CID prombly think of a casc: hinlSelf easily enough. In deciding how one ought w act in such g (:Ut,' variety of coll5idellniol\ll will be reievanl. Onc coosidcration which many people lun: thought to be important is the ItlItun: of the 1)'SlmI of ~'Crn­ment from ... ·hich the law derives. It is oftcn wcncd that if this SYitCIn is democratic, this \\'iIl m~ke a crucial diff~nce to the queu:ioo cl .... hether to obey: 11 is frequently said---a>ped.1Uy by Ic:.tdtt1 of lO"erntMnu that ~llCIally oonsidercd dClOClCI'1Itlo-d\.tt IIIhilc disobedience may be juStifilble under certain politi~ 1 systems, for instance, NI..:i or Communist dicmorships. it is never or .llTI()S1 ~er juttifutble in a democracy. One muld qU()(e man)' .akmcnb e%JIressing this idea. The followinge.umple is from A spc«h byafonner Prime Minister of Austr.llia, 11 a time when there was wide6pl'nd di90bedimce in opposition [0 the prcscooc of AusmJi.n UOOp5 In South Vietnam:

M [0 inciling people to break lhelaw, lthin~ then: (:;In be no ucuse ( .... 1u1&Oe'\o'a' for those ill' «Knmumt)' "ile~ Iht opportUIlit}' erim 10 thatIJ'C the Ill'!!' throu,b the: baUut bu.,'

There is reNptCt:ablc philofophical $Uppon (orIhls view. T. H. , Tw Au! .. J!i ... 27 "Uf' '97U. p. '. from llIp«dl by the 1I.t. Hon. J.

O. Gonon. Forllimilor Tic .. up ! by Mr. Q.. Ho:u. wlM:nSIIadow Mi ............ Uollle AlLu., _ 1'.\0 T .... '. 18Feb . • .".., p.]; _ • ..,0. KeGDIZlo l>DNNrN7 .1I4/u $t.JnILAft (ll~ u.doa, ,0)68), "". 'S, .66-'; .

Page 6: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


~, fOf elample, "id this about the problenl or obedience:

Supposing men tlu: indr.idw.1 to w"t decided mallo.ucmmzruoo of .. 'political i\lperior' iJ A« for thc:QJmmon JOOd. 110\\" ought hc: 10 act in rc:gard to itlln&Ciluntrylike 0111'1, with I popular~nmc:nl and settled nelhvds of enacting and ftpellmg Inl'S, the .nntler of common _ i.J lIi,upk. md sulficicm.lle Ihould do aU hi: Cln by legal mechod!l to ret th,emlIUJWl.d canceUro, bUl liII it is a.ncdk:d, be mould confonn to 11.'.

11lc aim of this book ill 10 O"lnline the view represented by these quotations, that is., the view da l " 'bctbet or not a system of government is demoaatie viully affects our obligation to obey b"", tllUlLltinr from thar '1Rem. Btfore mmmtncing this exarninltiOll, llowever, there arc some unncid3ble pre1iminuics.

Findy. I must Ay KIPlething about the framework ,,"'ithin which tbe folloy,;ng discussion is t(} uke pbee. I have jun wrium of 'our obligation Ul obey 1101 ... •. I must therefore explsin whilt J mCl.n by 'obligation', and in 1).1.rticub.t, my undast:mding eX the naturt of political oblig>tlion.

There Ire various kind. of obligation. One relatively kind is legal obligation. lalll, under the 1.lI's of the United Kingdom, 1cgaJ1y obliged to refrain from '.'l!aulring other pe:oplc. There is a , .... lid bw which sap I mUllt not do so, alaw certlin tf) be uphdd by the hi3hcst C(lun of the United Kingdom if llihould be misguided enough to chanrnge it.: Moral obligation is more oontNwersial. There is no 5etOed prooedure for determining what monl oblig.ttions 'I,'e have. According to their differClI1 moral opinions, people think 'Ne haYe moral obligati(\J15 tf) do and refnin from doing different things, In genera.!, though, people Ay (hat we baYe nlOl1I.l obliptions to do things lih pay our d!:bfS, hc:lp t.bme in distrelB, refnin from using violence acept in self...defencc:,

, T. H. Gum, WhtI'IJ ""N Priwijln ..r PDIiN.f OMiI_m.. (Lq_ --,l.ODdaa, 190"/), _ _ loo, p. I".

INiRODUCTION 3 oppose genocide, keep proroi~, IYOid d;mlaging natur.d coo-1ogica11)'Stems, and 10 011. NOI C"~ ""iIIagree that we h.\-emonl obliptions 10 do aU of these things, but most would Igrte dut IIOmC r:f them ~ obligatory, especially if T add th.zt, :all I W1l aphin dwlniy, by 'obligatory' I do not mean absollUcly obligatory wlu.tever the circumslallCCS may be.

Our ultimate obligation to obey the b ...... is. monJ. obligation and not I leg:1I cUlnot be A legal ubliglllion. fOf this would lead to an infinUe regrc5il sincelo:gal oblib'1tioruJ dcri"e from bws, there~oul~ bl\'e1O be.lawthul1) .... wc must obey th~ law. What obhgauon "',ook! there then be to obqtthis law ? Iflegal obliga.rion, then there would hne to be 1.00( her bw ... and so on. If there ill any obligation to obey tlle bw it must, u ltiJll;ltdy, be a roonl obliption.

What is the fa"(e of'moral' when I refer la these oblig-Juons ~ '1IlOtllI oblipu~~' Ind, di>ltinF" thtm from lcpl obliga­uons? 1bc ddinltlOll of moral .. I topic ..... hich has SO pre­occupied moral philosophcn in recent Y(;U"s liut they $l!CP1 to have forgoom that u.1k about ddinirion should be ()fIly a preliminary (0 (he d~ion of .non: subnantial ethia.1 probleltd. In order 10 al'oid this pitUll, I ""ill simply say tfuu as I shlll use the term 'monl' I. pet90n I(n IOCOrtilng to IllOI"lII oonsidentions v.hCllC\'Cr he acts on CQusideraliOIlll -which he ..... wld be PR"JlIlred to apply univenally, Ind "'hieb, for hi Ill, more important thin any olbet 5imibrly universal cunsidcntioru.' Ily 'coD&idcraions whidl he would be pre-

, IA..,q rru., I bb • paoitioll.mut..r III 11-001 oflL .M. If .... , Fru4Mtt • .od Ru.. (Clart:IIcIon PJ"C$S, Olfonl, .96J), ell> dI.2. "I1Uo iolurdly rho pIooo. ~ CiD en ........ 4iic-a.., _lbW. prim, bur. I think tIw by repnhDI"' mu'. -.-.1 ptindpb as tDc: p-rirv:iplea ..-hicb ore 0'I'tf­

ridi", for him ........ m. p ..... p&c. be it ~ lD wIi.-.:nUiat (thio (j, ... iliortion illmpor1anl, tU ir. _la .... 1icir.11oo ilia m.1. ",oil CDIIld repn.l RIfah, IOIHInivaalilabk .nd bm::c _morr.I prmaplel III o-n:Eq) ... e CClD .voO! lIWIy fIIlho dillicu..ltiOl wIIiI::la _ c:rilitw haft fou.IId. in 11m-·.IMI)"1ia. For 111 0.., mws oa 1100 problem .. dd'minf


Page 7: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


pared to .pply universally' I do not mt3n Wt manl principles must be \-ery genend principle!, like 'Thou shalt DOt kill', which are supposed to apply in aU possible circumsunces. Rather, I mean that om: muS! be ~pared III apply IOOral principles wilhO\ll regard to the particubr individuals alfecttd by lhem, the raull or this requirement being [he separation of moral principles from purdy sclfish principles, which cannot be IJlm'ersa!im:!. TIle Iruln who ~ys tmt :!.Il bw.breakcrs ahouId be &el'culy punished but, when his CAlli tax mud c:omts to light, maintains that he ought not to be punished at .U, is not judging m<nll)', (Or he dots no( apply his own principle to hinmlf. r-.hking exceptions for ()ncsclf involves failing to "pply onc's principl($ uni\'usally.

Then: Ire, of C'IlW'Se, universal oonsiduations which people may act 00 which are not moral principles. ~ider:l.liooJ of aesthetics or etiquette an: tumpks. This is why a sec()nd part of what I mean by mordity is lha. it i5 more imponant thin Iny other univel"!illl considerations. Gcnc:r:IIJ)" wc think morality morc important than acsmetio> Of etiquette. IndOL'd, If somec:m~ Q)nsistendy treated aesdlCtie COIlSid~ntion5 as D1O«' impo.-unt mln lOOse considcntions 1R nonnslly lhink of IS rnoral-if, for insulIoe, an artist " 'ne to uaifice hit family for me sake of his \\'(Irk- we might well Sly UI31, for him, art wu the first prineipleofhis monli ly. I lh ink, though, that uiU element of impomru;:e is less c:entn..lJo thc notion of lUCIr:dilY than me element of univen:al applicability.

Thu is ,n r .mU say about the meaning of'moraIity'. Tfthe reader disagrees, or is puzzled by what T have said, h~ will probably do better to read on than 10 raud lhe last IWO pan~pbs. HoweKr difficuil it may be to set out bricfty, J do

monhy, Re my NtM:Ic 'The Triviality of Iht o..t.u: Over ~b_&bt .. QId die DdiDiUon or"Monl~', A..mcllll PIu'hw""',,,, flu,mu,"'-'. 10. 110. I U .... · ' 973).

INTIODUCT ION 5 nOl think lhalme way 1 UIC me lCTm 'mora\' in thercnu.indcrof mis book will cause much difficulty. . Political obligation I tske to be a form cl monl obligation: Some people have denied this, maintaining that poi.ilia l obliptioo IInd moral obligation m: Kpat'IIte and equal species of the gellu! 'ob1ig~'.' This sceIllS obviously wrong to me, but I need not. argue ua, point because as I nave defined 'moral', poliriCiil obliption mllSt either be .a form of menl obIiption (lI' eke subordinate to iL (To be mialy acx:unte, it could be based m self-intc:rcst, in which aseit. 1I-oold not be:l. fonn of II10faJ obligation, but this is not the sense of political obl igation which raises intcrtSling thC'(lretical qUestiOIlIl. There is very little tbu can be said in gcnenllerms about whclher it is in ooc's interest to obey the 11",'.) Political obliptiom, then, are thote monl obligatlOrui which are pecuJurly associated with fOrm5 ofpolitical orpniution:They Ire the monl obliptiOll5 which onc would nOl have, .'ere it !lOt for ecruin facts about the nature of I community Of group of which onc i. a member: This definition, again. I leave vagu~, for 'p::Ililical', li!.:e 'manl', is ea!liicr 10 undentlind than to define.

Having Aid that poIilial obligation is a form of menl obligation, and having said what I mean by 'moral', I hl\'e still to say 'l\'hy 1 am ulkillg about 'obl igations', r~mtt tlun about reasons for acting, or 5imply about what we oosht to do. The Iangttap:: of oblipr.ion seenlS to assume a special \;cYo' of monJity. Utiliw-uns. for example, might pref\'T to !ill!.: solely in terms of doing wh:nenr has th~ ben oonscqucnCCl, without reference to 'obligations' arising rrom past undertakings 01'

relationship'. So, instead of tail.:in, of a moral obligation to obey the law, wouldn't it be ben:cr to talk of monl reasons fOl' obeying the law? Ofun, 1 think, it will be bellCl' to ulk of

, e.g. T. "t.::PlIeI'IOf1, AlUiI;.l o~r;~ (Routledse, r.o..oo., '967), esp. ch. 8; T. D. Wddol. n, VH"hJar;, .f PoUiUr (P.,.",wu &ob, HarmoaclJwwth, 1953)., pp. M.

Page 8: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


mon1 TCaSOns nnher than obligationJ. t:vtn thouGh our a:mcem ill with 1\,h.t is usually known as the problem of poJitiClI obliption, this does 1101: compel us to dru 1\;lh obligatiollS r:&thct wn reuons. In phces, ho~'CVer, J shall use the lan(Uage of obliption. When I du w, I bape it will be in a 'llOIy tlu.t is ooropatible with any 1llOn! po>itiOIl., utiliwUn or not. BlII in order to clpbin the way in which I6h:aU discuss moral issues. I need to .ketch the context of the argllrnent of Ibis book, or, in ochct" words, my view of the stl.te of the di$­cussion to which it is intended to contribute.

Writers on political obliption used to put the question ",ith . which they ~ .. ereconccmcd as : 'Wby OUgllt I tD obey the law?' ' Now the tendency is to W, rather, 'When ou\:bt I to obey the law /' Since the Nurembtrg uUb, .nd the events whidl P\'C rise to these trills, wc N\'C become I.cutely 1'II!'at'C that rhe obligation to obey the 1. '11' 00eII not ' lIply to aD la.,,'1 in all cm:umsuncet. There is now no need (0 discuss whether it is twr right (or. citizen to bred: a bw of his society. Wc hne ~m. I think, got beyond arguing whether it u ever right to break the bwin a dcqlOCJ';Ic),. Could anyone pbusibly moUntain that if the Nazis had rc«i,«I majorities in free elections, and allowed freedom of spocch, aSSlJoCiltio:n, and $0 OIl, this would ~vc made it right to obey lows designed to exterminate Jews r To mlinlilin tills would requirefantllSlic,andsurel)' misguided, devotion to dcmOCl'1ltic bws. h is true that the pas5age& I qmxC() on the lint two pages of this book Jcem to lake this position, but no doubt if the authors of these pass;!ges 'Nue prcsacd they would :admit thu there could be Qraurut:anccs under 1JhX:h it would berigbt to break even a dcmocnricbw.'

I GIffn did ID. &.et .y Iba! £.,' Jimao 10 tile Unftd S-ea Fupi\'e Slan t.. .. .wIJ be i_i&.blJ:, alu...h lie _ tII Un Md 110) do!tu abauI: the Uail1td Su~ .,.,...' QIC). (Op. CL. I!eCl. 1,..""1, pp. . ....,)

AhanWYdy, _ JIIicb: dcfmd tile position. Wr _

INTJ.ODUCT rON 7 I .hall assume th:lt whatever reuons there are for obeying

the bw ill any lOCiet)', there may be stmngcr reasons apinst doing iKI in JMrticular cases. In other words, our political oblib'ations are not absolute. In trying 10 decide ..... hether to obty the bw in diffm!nt cua, 'I'" arc faced ,,;th confiio:ring mnsidcn.rions. If we coruinue to hlk of an 'obliption' (0 obe)' J'

the bw it must be understood that by this is meant, not an abtolute oblig:nion, but nther an obligation to which some weight is to be given: Obliptions of this 80ft hne usefuUy hem termed prj""fM~ obligations, and I ,hall sometimes use this term. It is,l think, I notion flmiliar W mosl people:. When I promise to motl somoo:ne at a panicubr time I put myself under an ohligltion, but it is mx In .bsoIute obIiptiou. The obligation would be O'o-crridden if, for inst.ancc, a neighbour 15ked me IQ drive his Cllptl:Wlt wife to hospital. On the other hand, the obliplion is not negi i,ible, and it \\'Ouki be wrong or me to break it because at the rime I preferred browsing in I bookshop.

Our discussion of political obligation is mncerned 1II;th oonHicting moral considerations which will be of SOllle ",,-eight, but will nOt be absolute or overriding.'The aim of this study is (0 try to son out some of these con~idention.~, and as«:ltIin ""hich of them hold and under what conditioru. This task is an indispensable preliminary to reaching a decision in panicular circWlUtancet about whether or not onc ought to obey a law, '

10 bNak tile b. .... in I dcmoaacy br .)i", tlw dauocncy ;. ~tibk wit.b the ptl'll!alioa of 1IIinoriu.,. ., that lily ~ which llURIpud III commit Na6-liI:c .trao::itial wou\cl SlOt be I okmotncy. (See P. Bac:htxh, TW nnr, ~ ~uit E/iti,. (Athlooe Pre&, [tI!II!ca, 1969), pp. 19-W.) I-wlDOt '<Qat 10 6efiM 'democncJ' 10 widdr, bur. Ut any _ tke point: is I pgre!y verbal ODe, me! Uc t:nIIIflle CUI be altcnd to nciel il--e.e point: I &Ill. """;,. WIIIIlel be me.woe if~c ....., Uned, not. I miI>cricy "ir!Wa the 1 iIi:.,...., ltut 11 pec!fIIe ia UIOCbcr COWItrJ.

Page 9: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience



Although such a dcx:isioo depends 100 much on individual circumstances for me to be able 10 say in precisely what circumstanccsoneoughtoroughl nol loobey a b.w,1 hope that what I have to SIIy will, by pnJ'\iding a fnmcworl: into which particular facts can be filled, male it a liulc easier to come 10 a rational decision about whether 10 obey.

I shall describe the process of resolving conffiaing monol rtaSOIl5 for Kting inlO a decision as 'balancing' or 'wrighing up' the conflicting reasons. This description is imcmled only as a helpful metaphor. h i.'I nOlt to be takm u implying that moral problem. are tolved by inruition, by 'seeing' mu an act is right, or by any other pmcular method. I hope that my terminology will be lcttpbble 10 those who hold a wide r.mge of moral vic1I'5, and a 1\ide nnge of phiOophicat and IlOt-«)o phibJophica.l positions about the naru~ of monlity. Nothing I shall say, T hope, willlSlNme either the truth or t~ falsity of any of the follo .. ; ng views: that there are objective mun.1 truths, that moral language has no other function than to express a ocruin kind of feeling or emotion, th~t morality d~rives ultimately from God, that moraliry is a purely human in\-ention, that we Jc:arn ~hu we ought to do by intuiting the buic principles of mOfllliry, that we ought alwaYlI fO do what­ever act ,.,i ll promote lhe ~alest possible balance of happiness over misery, or Ihat wc ought to be concerned above all else 10 at:( justly. There are, of course, m:lny other monl pooiliOtl5, 100 many to menlion, \\ith whieh my applUCllch would be equally compatible, lnd also IlOrne CStrCR1C palitions with wh.ich it ... oold be incompatible. I already, by my dcJinition of 'moral', ududed anyone ,,·ho thinks monlity is compatible \\ith lu.ving no concern for anyone'l interests but his ()ll,~. 1 mll5l en:lude those .".ho think that rnson and .ugurnent hne no role to play in monlity- lhosc who think we must intuit, in ~c~ specific situation and ... ·ithout the hdp of any gcnenl pnnClpks at all, what we must do; or thl* who think

INTI,ODUCTION , ... -e mll5l make a lIOn-rational commitment to some course of action, without even intuiting anything. I cannot argue in a "''iy that is rdev.ull to those who hold this kind of position., because argument itself is indevant to them. I slu.lllry, how_ evl:T, 10 wrile -'0 u to pKSUppo$e very little, apan from the usercion implicit in any digeUSSioo ut a moral islrue, that reason and argument are rele\-ant to moral decmons.

~ To this end, I slu.U wrile mainly of 'manl teasom' for and apinst doing IlOmethiog. When the moral reasons are of the speci~1 sort .... e normally refer to as 'obligations', dtlt is, .... hen they are CtC:lto:1 by a \vluntary aa. of the pcnoo obliged, and the aa is 0 ..... 0:1 to other spn.ilUble people, I shall desaibe them as obligations. My utiliurian, or anyooe d»e: who dis­likes tltis Icrm,. lIlOIy construe it u a .hort·hand \\'iy of referring 10 puticubr kinds of utilitarian reasons. Throughout, the utilitarian nay regard any general principles for which I argue as similar to rules _bollt J.ceping promises and tdling the truth, that is, as rules of thumb, guides to utility which are useful ..... hen, as is often the ClllC ..... hen disobedience is c0n­

templated, utili tics and disutilitie5 cannot be calculated "ith any prccooon.

There is now li ttle more to S3y before wc can turn to DUI subject-m:lller itself. I mall not ~.jve any special definition to tcrms such ~s 'disobedience' Ind 'democracy'. I mUSt p<Jint OUl, however, tlu.t by the former I do not neeasarily mc:an just 'civil disobedience' (tboul9l the mc:aning of this term is io any cue controvemal).' I am concerned ... ith moral ronsidera_ tioos rdcv:mt ll) most, [fnot all, acts or omissions to act which the agent bcliC\"CS ... O\dd be held 10 be illegal by me highest coun in theOOUlltry. I shillulOeitly h~\·e in mind acts which are

, Some n .... pIa or the 1ItI'''Cro.lI .... '11.., dtfini,ioaI .. ·hic:b ho .... been oIICred QQ be IOunI1 i .. H. A. Ikdou., C;;W DiMWkJlu: ~ .. P,Mtiu (Pquw, NnI' York, '969)' pp. ~18- 1 9-

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public or beromc: known to the public, I'1IIther thmacts which the agent intends shall remain IItCttt, such u iUqpI abortions. 1 un lbo CIMKXlhro with ICtlI moriv:Ircd by broad political and u1timatcly JllOt3.!. (:()fU;iderations, nlher than purely rdfish .as, but I shll try to indicate at what points the i»rriculu ~ture of the act makes a significam difference to its moral .. nding.

l am nO( in general concerned with acts of disobedience to a I:tw 1I\'hich the agent hopes 1Ii1l or lI\1lUld be d«lued to be an innlid bw when or if it iJ enmined by the highest lulhority in the country's legal s)'stem. Much of the Cilmp,a,ign against sqlegarion 119;5 in theArncrian South falls into Ihis atqory. At least in some ~ the aim of tbe disobedience wu to test whether the lay,'S that werc disobeyed were oonstitutional, in the not unreasonable hope that they would be declared unconstitutional. I exclude Ihis kind of action from consider:!.. lion bcause it niscs issues fundamenully different from those raised by act8 which are viohtions ofb,,;s. the kpl validity of which is undWJmged. One can engage in uu designed to test a bw v.ithout regarding one's acts as disobedience. and without doubting that one lu.s UI obligation to obey all l1Ilid lav.".' I am interested in aCb ..... hieh claim to be justified irresp«m;e of ..... hat is wlid law.

So much for 'disobedience'. The other key term of my tide

I A,!mltredly tho divioioa tKtwem lhe t1n;I kiod, of..roon ill noI .. eur 10 drlw .. lniP1 al fi .. appear. 11 ill blnmd.,.ad puhlpl rithtly, by 1'- ... 100 iMill, opinIC the lepl pwiti.isu. that evm ... ithin Ciioritc \cpl ~ems, the ...",.Iity of I b.- is rdnUII to the quoo:stiMI of..t.nbtr rhol 10., i. I vaid low. TlIiI ill wlI, I IIa~ IUd that dIG m..m~.II\\ISf bdine IIIat hit oc:t of ,r • t~ifIa wtIUld be btIol '0 be ilkpl br die hi,hesI: c:ourt of the COIIntry, and _Mid &imply .ho. he ",,!;lit bdine his IlClIO be illtgJl. Oa this ;""e ~ R. M. o-kin., 'I, U"II" S)'SItm of Rules 1" in A. Summm (od.), £~";" .1.4,,,/ PIIilDHt/t, (Dladwo::tI, Oxford, 1968). and 'Oa Noc ProtK"uru. Ci,il ~,1o.' .. y.J. Rn:in> 4 B.w, 6 June 1965.




I shall leave even m(IrC opm at this stage. 'The mc:aning of 'democncy'. u it n:lalea to the obligation to obey the bw, will be di3cussed in the course of the book. , With this, our prtliminaries ue complete. We may now begin our enminatioll of the claim that there are strongtt r~s for obeying the law in:1 democratic !IOciety than there are ID ~ny other form of society.

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001. purpose is to e:umine the reasons for obeying the bw which may exist in democratic and non-democratie societies. to see if tbcte are any signific.lnl rC:aS0Q5 which hold in the one but not the other. In urder to compare and contrasl thete different forms of~y. J am pg to use liOJT\e simplified models. The use of simplified models as I basis for political theory has been critici?ed. It is true that simplified modd~, just bea.usc they Ire simpli~, fail to bring oot all the c0m­plexities of ac:tual political situations. Yet they may still be useful in helping us to see something that is obscure in I more complex situation. One of the objections to the use of models 10 iIIustnle probkms or political obliption in particu­lar is tlu.t the modclschoscn are UllUally ~"Oluntary lI$SOCiations, or associations with definite, specified putpo5lCS. while .cttW political socictin arc involunlary associations wilhout definite or specified PUf(I05C!I. My models will ,It least avoid these obviow pitfalls.


I take as my basie model I COPlmon·room association of a university college, similar 10 those at Oxford. At Oxford ooI.legcs, the Junior Common Room is the political body or all the undergraduate students. Il fuoo:ioos in a m:l.llner rnmilu 10 student unions at many ~ unh-ersitia Dcause of its

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smill size, bowtvel", and because it is easie:r for membcn to mc:c:t together in a residential ooIlc:ge, it suits my purpc«S slightly better than a students' union at a !.ugc:, noo.~idc:otial uni\us:ity ~wld. 1be ICCUr.Icy of my attOUnt as an MXl)unt of how Oxford commorrroom aS8OciauOIl5 function is, of COUrllC, immaterial. I will jun Slipubte: that the following fucts hold, and the rnder can reprd the model u a purely hy~ tbc:tical construCt. The relevant facts, then, are thc:sc. Member. .hip of the rommon·room association is autolmlic for ill members of the collC'J'f'. SUbscriptions to the: U$OCiujon arc: IlIken from colkgc fees. 110 onc can withdnw from Ihe uso­wtion only by withdnwing from the roIlc:ge al~ther. This would be highly inconvenient, and 10 from one coIJ~'e without joining :lDothcr is, ..... e: sh:lll say, out of the question. July other college to which onc went would have: a simibr commofHoom association to which ooe would also h:lve to bdons:. The common;l)Om association has been in cnstence for as long IS an)'One can remember, and if any r«Ordll of its origin c:vc:r a isted, they have: bttn 10IiI. So none of the: members knows bow the: usociation wu oripn:IUy set up, or for what purpostt E\'CtJ' member simply found the a59OCiation in existence lI"he:n he joined the college.

This is the basic model. I will now describe thrcc vmanu of if. Consider fint an :usociation in which all the important decisions about what the association shall do, how its money be: spent, and !lO on, arc made by onc man, known u the Leader. The origin of this puticulu system is to be found in the immc:di~te past history of the usocinion. Some time ago, me nun .... ho is now the Leader cbimc:d Wt the. ~on--~ure I~ openting lu.d lc:d 10 stupid deculOns, n~ ID the rnl LDteresl5 of the association. Hence­forth, he would mue all the decisions himself, guided by the intc:rc:sts of the members. If anyone objected, they v.ttc: invilcd to fight it out with the Leader's friends, who "'ert the

THE MODELS ' S bc:sl lighten in the 'Ii8lOCQtioP. No one objected. Sinoc taking povt"c:r, the Leader'. decisions have IO»rded rl!al;On~bly 1I-dl with his promise to rule in the interests of all.

Onc of the tasks which the assoa..tWn has carried out for as long u anyone can remember is me sclection of a number of n~w:spapers for the common room, to be paid for from gc:n~ral funds, and read by whuc:vtt .... ,mb 10 re ll1 them. So t.Wt1 all ""'y read these papers, there is a regulation that no ooc is to remm'e papen from the common room until they have been there fora week. Oneday, the Leader decides WI th~rommon room should subscribe to a new paper, which I ,haU call Tile Nt1l'J. A mc:mber of the c:olIcgc, who will be called the Dis--5c:nter, objects to the 11ew:!p<lper, not for personal or aesthetic rnSOOS, but because the piper carries oul a scurrilous cam­paign agllinst the millorily of black people in the country, implying that blacb ne always diny, lary, and dishonest, and should not be allowed to mix with whites. 1nis campaign, we sball SilY. mUlagcs to kttp within the bounds of the law. The Dissenter finds the \'cry presence of the paper in the D.lmrru)Doo room offensive; he also fears that if other D.lmlf1On.-IOOm membc:rs, 1c:ss aware dun he is of the: paper', bias and di,.. tonion, rc::Id the p.1ptr regularly. it " ill inflame latent prejudices and they win come 10 discriminate agaiDllt the IWO or three blaclr: members of the college:. (Once:, whether this would 1(;:1l1y happen is not rckvant for our purposes; if the fCldtr finds the enmple implausible be can substitule one of his own. It would DOt n\alter if the Dissenter', objcaion to The NelPJ W:lSOO the grounds of Obsccn.ity, OT because it was a propaganda sbcc:t for the armed fotec:S.)

The: Dissc:nler asks !he Leader ro rc:oonsider his decision. but the Leader is unmoved. The or-nter then decides to tUe suonger taion. J le goes into the conUIlOo--TOOm every morning, before the other membc:rs: arc about, and removes rhe ".pu .

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For comparillOl1, consider now 1'11'0 corn~room associations similar 10 the :a.bove in ~uy respect, uoept for the methods of tiling decisions. Firstly, oom:ider an association in which decisions are still nude by one IUOIn , but be did not b2\'e to seize power, and he does not b2\'e to intimidm opponents with thrnlS of vioIenoe. In this associ~tion there has been. a tnditioo, for as loo! as can be remembered, that the person who has been I member of the college (or the kmp rime­tM Senior Manber-makd: all the decisions (there is a recognized method fut determining who of those ",ho entered in the same year is the mOSt senior). The Senior Member is apeaed to decide in the intereslS of all, and it is, again, rnsonable to claim that he does 10.

As in the first association, lhe decision to iUb8cribc to TIw NtlDS is taken, !be Disscmtt nin1y PUg his case to the Senior Mcmber, IUld finally resoru 10 rcmcwing the paper.

In tM final associltion, thc custom it and, 80 far as is known, always hu been, for d«.-isioru IQ be tlIkcn by a vote of the whole associnion at I gencn.1 meeting, the nujority view pre.­vailing. The Dissenter attend! these meetings. and \"Otes according to his opinions. Sometimes nlOtious whi~h he favours are carried, sometimes they ;ue JO!lt. When. motion is carried, lhooe who VOted apinst it accept it, and do not hinder iu being put inlo effect, although they II1ay try 10 get the ckcision changed at subsequent mcctinp. At the meet ings, all members are free to speak. subject only to some necessary procedural restrictions. The meetingsarecooducted f.urly, and the \"010 bUied accurattly.

At one meeting, it is proposed th:lr the association lai;e out I subsl;:ription to TIre NaJJ. The: Dissenter atgUC$ against this propos;1l, but fails 10 CUT}' the majority with him. land the motion is passed. At the nt'XI: and following rmet.inp, he attempts to get litis decision rescinded. but faib again, and it btOOllles o~-iou, 10 him thll a majority of the members hsve

Tilt MODELS '7 made up their minds finnly in favour of the paper, so that he will not be able 10 sway them, or at least, oot before the paper Iw been in the OODlIoon-room long enough 10 bring about the deterioration in nruJ harmony which the Dissenter fears. On realizing this, the Dissenter rel1lO\U the piper as before.

The question wJUch I \\-:mt 10 ask aboul these models is IXJt ... ·bttber !be Dissenler ""115 justified in breaking the regubtion against reffiO\ing newspapetl-lo answer this we would ooed further information on, ImonK Olher things, the probability of serious b:Ulll resulting from members reading The NtJPJ, and ",.bct:ber simply rtlDO\'ing the paper \\"15 likdy to be cffective in the long run. J "'lint 10 ask if, on the factS as "'""t ha'·e them, there are any differences; in the weight of the lOOn.! reasons ab'linst rtmoving the j»-per in each ca9C. In all three models, the action was oonlrary to a rule of the association. If there is a speciallftSOll (or reuons) for obeying laws in a democracy, wc mould be able w dc:lea. reason. for obeying this Me of tile association in !.he third case which do not hold in theotller Iwo ..

'Thcrearese\·ernl reasons for obeying law!l ... ·hich apply more or less equally to all three models. A.ny act of disobedience. may !let an example, which could Icad to Olhers disobeying. Wide.­spread disobedience could m~"3n a breal.:do",,'n of 'law ;rnd order'. 'Law and order' may be a catcb-cry whi~h conserva. thu are prone 10 use for eloaioneering purposes, Ind :IS an excuse for stifling legitimate opposition, but il is, I think, indisputable ilial law and order are gencn..lly desirable. and that a society in which there"fI'U constanl disorder would find it dlfficull 10 achieve the elementary bc:ncfilS whkh c0-

operation and lIC(urity mue possible. E\"CO In anarchist's utopia would b:,a,·e some scu1ed ;rnd gmenlly scccptcd prin. ciples of oo ... opeflllion and Idntinistr.ltioo. In all lhree modd societil!5, as I have dC5Cribed them, tbtte Ire settled and accepted principles ;and procedures of this sort. In so fat as any

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~ct of disobedience might kid 10 ~ gmer:tl disrc:prd of thc:sc: principles and procedures, !his is a o:msider:ttion a~ disobedience to be: taken into acoount in all three: models. It does not Jive us any special reason for obedience: in the third modc:l which does not hold in the: other tWQ.

Anatbcr ugu.ment for obeWc:nce which applics equally in all thm: 5lruations is that the mc:mben of the UIIOCiation have.l1 bcodited frum previous dcciMns reaehed rhrough the decision-prooedure of Ihe aSillOCUtion, and. from the fact that other members have obeyed these decisions. Thus Ihe D~ senler Ms, may assume, benefited from the fact that. \-ariety of news~pers is 1\-a.iLtble in the c:ommon room, and th2.t they have not been removed by other memben. The fKt tNot one hu roccived benefits from the bws of a society hu kmg been tbought to be an important reason for obeying the b .... '1I. This argument is used by Socrares in's C,.tll .... ·hen he rqects the suggestion that he should cscape from prison. Once again, though, il is an argument which has no !:pCCi~1 appliC:Uion 10 Ihe third model Sint!: decisioru made by non­democratic procedures nll)' benefit one as much as decisions made by dcmoc:ratic prooedun:s, the argument applies wherever there is benefit. In describing the: mOOels, I specified that in all Ihrtt, decisions had for the IJlOIit parI been made in II(:C(Irlhncc wilh Ihe interests of members.

It might be obiected, though, lhat whatever stipubtions 1 m.ade in seltingout the mOOds, it is in faa much less likely that decisions made by onc I1Wl would be in the interests off all than that decisions made col1eaivcly by 1111 Ihe members of the association would be. In fact, I think the most that can be said is that decisions mule collecti,"tly by all th~ members of !he asmmtion ate moce likely to be in the intcrcsu of I majority­not aU--of the association. Ifit is held durone man is very likely to act selfulhly if be has rhe pDl\·~r to make decisions for all, men it should aOO follow tllata majority of themembcn, given

THE MODELS ' 9 the same po\\"tI", is likely to put its mlcrc:w befon: tIl~ interestll of the minority, Thu" if tile 'benefits n:ttived' ~rgument is said to be unlikdy to apply _hen there is rule by onc penon, it must be that it is unlikely to apply to everyone even when there is collective decision-making. But we need not go further into this problem at !hill point. I shall be Aying more about the problem of minorities .bier on. 'The point I want to make no ..... is that C\'efl if it is true that most dernocncics mUe bll'S in the intc:rem of all, whereas few non--dcmocncic:s do, this does nOl mean that the fact tIlat one is living in a dem0c­racy is, in itself, a reason for obeying the b. ...... It means only Ihlt the 'benefits received' argument foe obedicrn::c: is IOOre likely to apply. It remains possible that there lire dcmocncic:s in .. ·hiell it does nut apply,and dictatorships in which it does. Finally, it IICCtU!I to me doubtrul whether theargument has any relevant!: when the disobedience is DOt intended to benefit one­self (as il would hl\"Ci in Sotntu' case) but other pcopk, perhaps not even mcmbcn of one's own society, to whom 9Omc:

\\TOng is being done. 'I'btte~re aboa hoot ofmore minor arguments for obedience:

which apply to all or mOSt societies, irrespective of tile nature of the political system in open:tion. For instance, there is tlle r:..ct thal disobedience usually leads to the cxpenditure of public resources in the prevention or limiting of disobedience, and the cnforocmclIt of the law 3j,'ainst those who disobey. These rcsources: could ha-vc been better spent in other ways. Whatever tlle significance of the reasons, major -and minor, for obeying any settled form of government which rules in the interesu of all, I shall nor be d.isc:usslog them. As our focus is on the difference bctvtten democratic IInd non-dcmocratic societies, J shall oontcntnte on rn50la for obeying the law whicb nlly awk a aigni6cant difference bm\"ten democratic <lnd non-democratic societies. My procedure \\·ill be to look foe reasons for obedience .... ·hich lIl.Iy zpply to the third model, but

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nor 10 the other two. At th is ruge of our inquUy I shall reg:anl the third modd as a mOOd ol a democratic society, ;md the other t ... o as non-democruic. This is oothing more than a device to enable me to IJldIe different issuCl one at a tinle; I bopc no onc will be misled into thinking th:u anything I say applies straightforwardly to those nations wc oommonJy refer ro as 'demotracieJ'. 'I1le imponanl question of the extent 10 which the cooclu~ reached from I consideration of the three models apply to ~ctu21 socicric:s and systems of g0vern­

ment is disc:u5sed in the third part of this boo~.


In the pass.!.b'C I quoted ~tthe outset of this book, T. H. Grccn mentioned two rearurtS of 'a country like GUn' ""hich be apparemly thought sofficient ID oblige a man to obey I I3w even though he believes it is not for the wtnrnon good, These f(;\f\lrtS arc 'popular government' and '!lCttled methods of cmcting and repealing lall",', Arc these peculiarly strong TnSOruJ for obeying laws, applicable only in a dcrnocncy ~

I "ill uke first the rnson ID which the Australun l'rime Minister also referred, in his Statement of a position li\;e that ofT, I-I. Gr~'cn-thc possibility of 'cll2nge through the ballot boxes'. Strictly spcalcing, there is nOlhing specifically dem., trltic aboot having seukxI methocb 01 Ct13cting and repcalinJ laws-all sorts of non-democratic procrdurCl for doing this can be imagined. What Green no doubt meant, howC\'ef, and what Gottoo mtallt too, is that in I democracy the individual citizen can attempt: by 1cpl means to get a law changed. In the third modd usocilticm this is provided fur by the possibil ity of mD\'ing at:any meeting that I decisioo of a previous meeting be rcscindtd. [)o(s fhi.o; consti tute a significant rwIOn for obeying • deci5ion to wtUch. onc is opposed ?

1n dc:tc:ribing tbe course of the dispute between the Dis-

Tur; P OSSlfllLITY o r ItPI!iAL

scnler and the ma~'rity of the members of the third usocUtioo, I specified that after the initial decisiOll 10 order TAt Ntr.1, the DWcnter tried 10 get the decision rescinded, but failed, and btnme convinced that he would not be able 10 prC\'C01 memben reading the paper by such means,orat least, not unti l it would be too late to prevent Ihe hum he feared, This mons thal the possibility ollegai diange in the near furore is no more than a thcoretial possibility. The possibility of legal change in the distznt future may be s1ighuy more rCll, but it a.n be disooUIlIcd, sillQC the object of the change is not 10 get the ucci!riun rescinded fur its own sa~e, hut to prevent specific haon ... hich may ""ell by then hne occurred.

ffule Dissenter is right in believing that there is no pnctic:al possibility of changing the decision to ",hich he objects by legal means and bd'ore the harm he is COIlttrned to prt'o'Cnt has occurred, am a purely theoretical JXSibi lity constitute a signiliont reason for obediL'flcel Wc ClIIl clarify this question by imagining l'ut a legal process Iw; been iMril\llcd in the firs! or second model-for insbnct, the ~nlation of pctilions 10 the Leader or Senior Member- which providCl for a tbeocetie:d possibility of ch:mging a decision. It may be objected tbat the possibilily of Icpl cJunge by mean, of petitioning an il utocnt is less real than lJut which exists in a democracy, no mUler how large the majority apinS( onc', proposals. Legal change through petitions is at the !Ok discretion of the j in 3 democracy change must result if the majority fAVour it. Nevcrthckss, thc possibility of changing by legal meallll a decision in any of the wee modeIJ depends upon changing the opinion of onc or more persons, Wben il meeting of the lhird ~iation decides by a "'err nalT01'/' majority, il may nOI be ton difficult 10 change the decision-bm the IWT1C 'I\'ould apply ,..brn an autocnl hu difficulty in nl:l~ing up his nlind on an issue. When a meeting of the third associAtion decides by a large majority ofnlernben.

C - .

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d l or nwly all of whom are com;nced lhat thcit decision ill Ihe right onc, the possibility of clw!~ by !cp.1 mC:lllS is evtty bit as thcoruicaJ as the possibility of changing the decision of a fumly resolved Ladcr a' Senior Member by mc:am of a petition.

Tt seems to mc, thefeforc, to be a mistake to regard those possibilities of 1ep1 cllange which fll' ....... ",rily exist in a dernoo­racy u a significant IUSQII for obeying the law. Only when there is • red possiblity of Icga.I change before the harm one sccb to prevent has occurred, is this poIllIibility an important In!i()n for using only leglll means to bring about ch~ngc in a law. The streng!h or import:mcc of the rta90n then would seem to be in di.rect proportion to the reality of the possibility of bringing about change by JCf;:l1 mtans. But beeaUlJC one cannot besure whether t~ is a real possibilityoflega1 change until one hu tried, I think the eristence of a tbcomjeal possibility dOt!! consritule I suong ream for attempting to U9C 1q:l1 means finl, and ~ing to illegal mems unly if !he attempt fails.

Puhapt I should algo $:1y here !hat I do not deny that the !heorctical possibility of legd eh3nge by m;ljority VOle is essential fOl' the existenC'C of demoaacy, and il may therefore be • ne<.'e$$ary condition of some other rcuon tor obedience to law, deriving from the uistence of a demexntic form of government. I ha\'e argued only that it is not, in itself an impom.nt reason for obeying the b.... '


The other- reason for obeying a bad la Vo' in a demoency mentioned by T. H. Green was simply 'popular SO'o'Cmmcnt'. The meaning of this term is not quire cleat, but \I~ may I2kc it dw Green was referring tQ 'Nh:!! is better kf'lO\l'n u 'popular $O'\'c:reignty', which expresses the idea that the government is


in some ""'3y a government of the people. This is still vague, and it is in any case difficult to know aactly what to make of tbe claim that the existence of popular lIOVmignty is an imporunt reason for obedienoe. 1ne point is nor, one supposes, th:It the lall'l'l of a popular government ate alway:5 or nearly always the best 1a'lOS possiblc.. It is surely beyond dispute that popubr govemmt'nUt;ln rJklkc mistakes, u can .ny Olhtt form of government. It is ITI()re likely that those who talk of the importMltt of popular sovereignty ha\'e in mind the idea th3t .... only a popular gQ\'emment nn have legitimate authority.

I Unfom.matdy, the commonly invoked nution of legitimate, rightful, or lawful govemment is not a helpful one. When is a SO"'CrnllK'llt Icgitim3te? 'Legitimacy' sounds as if it were a quality or ci1ar:actcristic which SOme SO"'CmmeDb hne and othen do nor have, bill if we try to say Vohat this quality or characteristic is, wc find it difficult to agree. Oftm when a pCl"IOn refers w a particular SO"'CmlIlmt as Icgilimate, he is doing 00 more than expl'CSSing his support for it, or gn;ng his allegiance to it. In this case, the turn 'legitimate' l'Cfers to no qIQlityur characteristic at all. It does not describe anything.' A person who $:1Y5 'Th only legitimate form of government is government by the people' DIUSt be "ken to be lOlying that he will not support or gi'iC his allctiance to any form of goVtmw DICnt except 'government by the people'. This suggClits tlut we may be able to avoid the difficulties rai:!ed by the notion of Icgirimacy by by-passing that notion, and going uin:ctJy to the proposed criteria for legitimate government. AftCr all, e\'CII if wc could make 5e119C of the dum that we ought to obey !hose govemnICnts which are legitimate, wc would still to pl'oouoe reasons for holding that certain forms of govttnmcnt Irt legitim:llte while others ate DOt. So the-rc scans to be 30IDC

'On thiI, _ R. M .. ~. 'TIle lawful Go.ulilI>C!w', in P. Uslttr ancI W. kunciman (cds..), PIIi'-PJ. I'tlilk,.rItI S.w17 (dlird.m.., IJbd...,II, Oxford, I ~).

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adY1.nla~ anti no disatlwntage, in going tlitectly 10 these . rouons, insU:3t1 ohia the notion of legitimacy. ' , Swring from the claim lhat we ought to obey a (;O\'m\meflt because it is popular, v,.e came to the further claim th:n luch governmCllts ought to be obeycd because they derh'C their authority from the people. "The people', though, is a term which includes ounel\u.. if III'C ace citimu: of the government. We are thcrd'ore likely to ad: what basis there is for asserting Ihis derivation Qf authority. The st:mdud answer, the answer of the American Declaration of IDllependcnce, of Lod:e, RousKau, and innumcnble others, is IOme theory of consrol.l' A populn (;O\'emment is onc which, as the Declaration of Independence says, deri\'CS its juSt powers from the cunsent of the p'm\ed. Its citizens oughl to obey it because they hn'e conscnted to its rule. On this \-Kw, the oblig:nion 10 obey the b.w is sinular to the obligation to keep a promise. I

To many reldcrs the cunsent theory of oblil}llion will be familiar ground, and I mU$( apo~e for taking them "'on it once more. The usefulness of doing so will emerge only bter. I intend to test the cunsent theory of obligation by seeing how it applies to our three model associations. I bYe the members of any of the associ:.I.tions consented to the method of govern­ment of their association ? Does Ibe third association differ from the other twO in thill respect?

In the first mood, the Lader retained power with the assisuncc of ha friends, tbe btst fighters in the associJlion, ",'ho threm:oed to fight anyone who objected to Ibe rule oflhe Leader. Consenl under intimidation-or ruiher, acquiescence under intimiwtioo-is all that airu here, :md this could not satisfy. conSlt"llt theorist, for it coultl nOl: gr.'C rise to the sort of moral obligation required.

A Qlmp;lrUon betwocn the scamd and third models is more interesting, In bqth, ph)"Sical intimidation is aMent. In onc caSle, thcre is lCDCIal acquiescence in the role of the Scuiof


Member <at least, there ,,-as until the Dissenter decided to disobey). In the other, the Dissenter and most of the other members went to the IDCCtings at whim decisiofIJ were taken, and participated in them by ,'Oting, What conclusions can be drawn from these faclS? It will be recalled that oummon to all three models was the fact tltat no ODe ever agreed to join the assoda.Uoo, or to accept any putio.llar decision-procedure. Thcre was 00 knowlooi;': of any originaiagrecmcnt, or of any agreement toset up Iny particubr method of making deci5ions. So apress cunsent b)' the members to:m), fonn of go'o'Cmment

is absent iD all three: models. t In the absence of express consent, SUppoflCTll of the "iew that cun:\C:nt is a crucial rcuon for obeying the law have argued for the aistmce of lacit a)ll$CIlt. It hIS been argued that simply by remaining a member of a society onc t<lciily c;:orucnts to be bound by its laws/ So, someone mighl say, since the Dissenter }us not left the associ:Ition, he has tacitly consented to be bound by its dccision. procedure. But in our modd assocUti0n5 it Wall, for pructical purposes, impossible to quit an association "ithout entering another association which would also ISuystCID ent .",-hich one ","OOld 1u''C to obey, is CUUDts hea\'ily agaillst . ng mete acquiC9CCnCC to a fom! 0 government, a m tiC second model, as a sign of cunscnt~ t.onsent, to give rise 10 obligations, must be voluntary, and this means thn there must be some .1ttmatr.'C 10 consenl· ing. T he only altCrTIIlive to al;(j,uiesc:ing was disobeying,rwhich is what the D~nter is now doing.

Even ill the third. model, -although there is active ~nd voInntary panici~tioo in cbe decision·prooedurc, this cannot

be tllen ;u proof thal there is rell CUl\SICnt to the decision­procedure. TIle Di5scnter(~nd other ~'OIcrs) may feci that since decision, will be taken whl'ther he VQ(CII or not, he Imy as lII'ell make the best of things by doing whott he an 10 impfO\'e the chances of I good dcci5ion being reached. This sort of attitude

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does not invoh~ actuaJ ronscnt to the method of making decisions by majority vote. So v.~ C:lllnot ur~ the Dissenter to obey this decision_procedure beause it I'ClUy has the consent ~ither expn:s:! or ucit--<lf the governed. The Dissenter is guverncd, but may not b2ve COl1gel\ted. This mud! is true of all three: model associatiOM, notwithst:mding the important differences between them.


Realizing th.:Jt conscnt will not do, many who rq,>ard dcmocntic government as peculiarly worthy of obedience: have poilucd 10 Other aspeas of'populu S(lvereignty'. It has been argued that all men have an equal right to govern themselves, and that for thiJ rea!iOll we oughl to obey only those forms of government in which aD men ha\'e an equ~1 share. This belief has played an important role in liberal and democntic thOllght. It is, ultillL1teiy, either an assertion or a prescription for which it is very difficult, if not impossible, to argue. I t is hard to do any_ thing but llccept or reject it. Taken as an assertion, it cannot be finally refuted, since no matter what l'CSpects men are shown to dilfer in-wealth, intelligence, height, benevolence, or any (){hers-it can always be said that these ue not relevant to Iu\ing an equal right to govCTn onesc:lf. It also cannot be firglly .::9ublished, since the respectll in which men are S> to be equal, and which are Solid to be relevant to the cqu .... right to gonm, are uS'..IlIlIy intangibles about which dilfcreoces are possible-for C,X;lmple, equal dignity, equal moral wonh, or equal original freedom.

It might be SOlid tltat the fact that ~tmost everyone agrees that children do not have the right to tal.:c pan in goverornem shows llut there are criteria for deciding who has this right which we all can recogni%e in practice. ~ite apart from the flct that theoonsen.sus on the exclusion of children is no longer



as rock-solid as it once was, however, ~$ point ~ give little') @mfor!:!9 the eg..JitarUn. For iftheCTC USIOfl ollldrcn lrom

government can be justified, it must be on the grounds that cl!ildren bel: ternin characteristics which adWtlI possess. These chUllCUristics might be something like knowledge of the iSSUe! involved in making dcrisions, or ability to reach a responsible judgement. Dut adults differ in these rcspo:ur too, S(l if it is right to e:lclude c;hildren for lacking these char:tcter­isrics., il should also be right to exclude some adults, ur, at the other eml of the 8C:Ik, to gi\'e multiple vou'::9 to those who possess these c~racteristics to an above a\'CI1Ige degree. (Thilr utter proposal, incidentally, was SIlpported by nu ItliS a demo­crat Uun John StUaT! Mill.') If, despite this, wc do believe in the equal rightS of .dultll to gO\'e1'II, it must be, as r have already suggested, on the basis or less tangible characteristics. \ AnOllter suggested bolSis for equality is that it is enough to show that there is 9Qmc characteristic, which an men possess, 8uch t!ut once one hu the chaucteristic, the degree to which one Ius it is im:leva"t. To t;lke a parallel, all points inside a circle possess the charactcristic of being inside the citck, and no point this characteristic to a greater degree than any other point. Now is there some similar characteristic which is relevant to the equality of mcn? John IUwis, in his book A Tko'l of Juslic, is. Tt is, he says. the capacity for monl it seems to me that this kind of

with su(x>;'ss lhan the 9Careh

'Why they will ask, 'why not

which a person's moral person~ lity actually has

an equ<d .~

" , J. S. Mill. RttrtstllUu'p(J Gf~"'- (Denr,l..ondon, ,g.60), ch. 8. I J. RlwIt, If TM~" o/JlIlIkt (Clmndon Prtss, Oxf ..... d, 197~), Ra.


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why make mon.I penonality decisive It aD, ntbcr than s0me­

thing like knowledge. imeUigcRtt, 01' uperiem:el Once again, the only po68ible replies take U5 into the realm of IS$trtion :lDd oounter-usemon nthc::r than argument.

in the current politicaJ climate lhc:sc difficultits in establish­ing the basis of equality arc likely to 5leem ~ academic quibbling. Hardly anyone argues seriously for ill hienrchical socic:ry now. No onc proposes depriying people of the vo(c because they ~ ill-informed or unintdligcnt. In tha>e circulIlSt:lnces the need for a sound ru.sis for equality will not appeu pressing, bu t the absence of a sound basis could be uoplClSUlt if the politiaJ climatclhouldchange, as il did in the 19]0$.. Tills is . -by it is unfortWlatc tlut, 110 far as I can $(le., a really Atisl'Ktory basis i. yet 10 be produced.

O!Iilc apart from the difficulty of pl'O'l-u.g the original assertion (or justifying the original prescription), hO'/t'C'!'er, f equality is not a completely ~tisractory basis for explaining why ..-cought IOobcy the law in 1 democracy. For theUSI.Uflp­lion or prcsaiplion an be rumal against the plltpollC fot whic.'l it is being used. h cm be takm IS showing. not that there is a special obliption to obey demoer:llie authority, but that thttc can be no obligation to obey any ilUthority ucept ooc:self, In other words, it nuy be denial tM.t the equal rights of all to go\'ern.themsdve:laresatis6ed by majority go'Io'emment over the minority, What reason is thc:rc for supposing that 'equal rights' (::IIn be added up in sueh a WlIy tht the Jide with IIlDrC has the righl to prevail O\'Cr the: side with less ?lEqual rights 10 a (::lIke would not be Alislied if the majority 'nIked off with the " 'hole cake. So even ifit be Iccepl:ed that all men have equal. rights to govern themselves, mor-e a.rgument ill needed before it can be oonc:luded that a !!)'Stem of government like 1Nl of Ihe third model association Ius a \"'3lid claim 10 be obeyed v.'hich other ayslallS do QO( have.'

, For • ~btfd UJIBDmf, ..., 11 ... 1'" ala 6oo:JI H. D. 1"bom.u


We can avold some of the difficulties just di.,rssed by that the dccisioo-prooedure of the third

those. of the other associat.i~~ of the gtIleral~

~g~~~~~~~¥:~~~~~~an equal divisiOn, more to IJI)IDe th':lIl

third association evt"ty membCZ" huone V(He.

do 1l0l, there is • primD ease for saying that ollly the decision-procedure of the

• .. ;~;."",·" 'i·oo· is f~ir. P"rediaably, "''C run into I.fQJIble as soon as we try [0 make

\his prona flNe ase absolute, How are we 10 establish that haViiig beal in the oolIcge longer than anyone else is not a sufficient rea90n fur having more decision-miling power than anyone: else? This Ius to be established jf daims that the decisio j-procc:t1ure of tbe sorond association is fair are to be ~~ There it a lendellCY among .. Titers living in Western dl.""IllOCf"ac:ics to I15SUme that, at least under norlllal oonditiom, a democratic I)'Slmt is the fairest ""'y 10 divide power; but if this assumption is not made, the:: contention is \'ery difficult to pro\'C.1 The Senior Member might cl3im, in 5UpptlTt of his system, that his longer experience Il13de it possible for him 10 make better t1ecisions, in the interests of all the membel1l., than could be readIed by any more: egalitarian method.t This is not

a matter that can be,P-tisfaaoriiy seu.led by 1bStract~. We can point our, to any Senior Membtt who claims th21 his positiOfl is fair, that if he is to hold this \;e..., he must be pre­pared to hold it e-o"ttl if il r.hould be discovered th.:It not he, but IIOme other member to ",·hose views he is strongly opposed has in fact been a member of the colkge longer than he himsclfha5

qOO'lN ()G pp,.p-' and ou. aDd doe dilaaioa..,1IIidI r .... ~ qaoQ. .....

Page 20: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


been..' If we 1R: honest with ourselves, this may mKe many of us realize that .. 'C cannot regard :any oon-democn.tic system as (.Iir, at lcut under normal cUrumsunces; but it is possible to hoJd the opposite view withoot ;lily incortaistem:y. At this point, thcrd'orc, I must rather lamely la\'e it to the reader to decide for himself if the decision-prQoed~ of the third

. therefore has I better claim to of the other associ:a-

. another "'':I.y in which the . ~tion IIIOI.y be (airer tMU

du.t of the other two. This argument takes u iu basie ;assump­tion the point u which the argument ju.u coosidcrcd w:as halted-the diffieulty of csbblishing what is to count as a sufficient rt350D for Nving more tmn an equal share in the making of decisioll$.


We Inve!leen that although the decision-nuking POWct in the second model a550ciation is unequally distributed, the Senior Member an still contend that it is fairly distributed, becaUJe there is adequate rea90ll for him to hne complete po'II'ct. Now in the dispute over TIle NnP/, the Dissenter's action (removing the paper) is an attempt to USume complete power in respect of whether members of Ihe association SMU read the paJlfi. Like the Senior Member, the Dissenter can claim that mere is good reason for him to enrcise more than an equal share of power Mcr this issue---t!caUge, say, he is the on1y member of the association fully awarc of the harmrul tendencies of the paper. The Dissenler a:ruld put fllnl'2rd this justi6cation of his action in all three model associations. In the first two

, nn. if an ~ppIio:atiarl of the principle or ~bilicJ _ioowd oQlhe. IntI"06ualon:. Fau """,UtI upamcnr,_ It M. Han, Frtd~..,i Rw~ (Oamldan Prr:sJ, Oxford, '963),. ch. 6.

PA,aNUS AND COMPkOMIU 3' :associations. it is a claim apnst the claims o(tl1e Lctder and &nior Member. In the third association, where the decision­making power is evenly distributed, the Dissenter's claim is apill5t all the other members. His claim mil be eMlJmged by other members woo.lnving voted in fl\"OUr of subscribing to the paper, will Olnsider him to be mistaken about its bumful lendcncies, or pcrhap5 about the importance of these tenden­cies. The Dissentcr, after all, is Iding on his own judgement about thi5. The «her menlbcn have their 0"''0 judgements too, which they sincuely believe oorrC'Cl. In claiming that his 00'11\

judgement entides him to a gya,ter 53y in tbe matter than the «hen, the DiSSCnlet is making a claim which the othen could make, and which, if many of them did make, would be i1'lOOf11patible with the continued existence o( a peaceful decision-procedute.

A difference bel flec:n the moods Cln now be seen. Assuming that agreement on the merits of the competing claims CUlOOt be reached, the nature of the decision-procedure in the fint and scc:ond :wodations givcs the Diuenter no valid reason (or abandoning his cbim to decide the issue, and :accepting the claim of the Leadtt or Senior Member. (I meln by thU, no fQson arising out of the natutl: of the decision-proccdotl:. Then:: would of arurse be the usual rt35Ons, some of which I mentioned C;ltlier, which apply to alll~t any decision­procedure.) In Ihe third association, on the «btt band, the Disgeoter doa Mve. \':I.1id reason, arising from the nature of the decision-procedure, (or refraining from acting on his Ofl1l judgement. If the Dissenter bclin'tS the other members to be sincere in their opinions about The Nnru, and accepts the impossibility of rnehing agreement on the issue, he will be :able to see that on this and similarly controversial issues. il woUld be best i( n'cryone were to accept !IOfIle sort of compromise, instead of acting on their own indi~'idu<ll judgements. The Dissenter thus has a tea!oUIl for supporting and accepting !!Ucn

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a oompromiso-bul he, like everyooe else, will ,"lit to renin as much influeooe on decision. u is IXImparible with such a eompromi9c. He ",ill not want to be at I dis;;lIhomtage.

The d~iOl\-prooedurc of the third association, in which all members have ~ in decisions. and lhen accept the result, fS a pandignt~ fair compromise. It is, obviously, a benefiCl'il compromise, since l peaceful settlcmmt of dispUlC:S is better than $eUlClJlCflt by fon:e. The bc:nclit of pcaoeful settkrnent 1Ouuld, bo .... C'Oo·cr. aDo be achieved if n~e accepted any other decision-pr.xtdure. Tnt distinction bctwten the associaltoos is that it ill only in the: Lhird association mu the nature of the deci!;iQn-pnxedlU"C fIl2l:cs it possible for eftryone to rcfnin from acting on hi!! own judgemml about particular issues Wilhool giving up more than the thcwttical m.inimum which it is e!SCfl.iu. for everyone to gi\'e up in order to achieve the benc:lits of a peaceful solution to disputes. It is the fairness of the compromise by which fOfC(. is avoided that gi~~ rise to the strongn fea5lln for accepting the t1ccision­procedure of the thin! ~tion. This may seem a strange thing to say, since I ha\"C previously argued that abstract discussion cannOt pro\·e the third system to be fairer thlll the seoond. My point depends upon a distinction between 'absolute fairncss' and the kind of fairness which is limited by what can be achieved in a given Si luAtlon-()r as I shall ca.ll it, perhaps ralher loosely, 'faime.<l!l as a compromise',

When we say tltit an arralli,'Cmctlt is fair, \I,e often mean nOl: tltit it is absolutely filir, butthl! it is fair gh-cn the conditions under which the arrangement is made. These OOIIditions may include a ecru;n amount of ignorance, or a lack of agreement in a situation in which agreement is essential. For u:amp~, if we were called upon 10 judgc beho·ecn two cbimants to a sum of money, and afler hearing both sides ""e ,,·ere of the opinion tltit although the claims were incompatible, there "'"IS no v."I1y oltelling wlUch was the bener, lI"C might think it fair to divide

FAlaNUS AND CQMI'ItOMISr; 33 tile money between the two.. If the claims v.we to somcIhing which could not be divided, wc might t05$ 11 coin 10 decide.. Under the cifCllmstlnCClJ, this would be a fair compromise, although from the point of view of 0IlC who had 'absolutc' knowledge, and thus knew whiehof the cbimants wu entitled to the money, it muld be said 10 be unfair because it gil"e!li 11$

much to the p2ny who dcsICrve!I none as 10 the puty .,,00 descn·cs all.

For a different uample, in which a compromise is required DOt 10 much because of ignonnee u to wb:r.t is a~utdy fail;. as because of the need tu come to some agtttment, we might ul'! a dispute betwCt"n husb:lnd Ind "ue as to "·00 should get up ,,·hen tbe baby cries u night. The ."ire may say that the hus~nd should get up, because she attends to the baby all day, while the husband feeb that the wife should get up, since bchas \TOrkcd all day. They both feci, cquallyslrongly, that their own position is COfrect . Agreement on the merits of the matter cannot be reached, but IIOlTIC lIgrtt111cnt is essential, since neither wants the b:lby to cry un:ltlcnded. A fair compromise umltr these circulll8lanCCS would be for tIl~ huslnnd and wife to uke it in rurM in getting up. Th is is Il compromise bc.c:l.usc both parties give up IOnIe pan of what they claim, in order to rach an agreement which is even more important than having their own v.~y on tlle panicular issue. There could. of course, be otller compromise solutions. If tlle husband "ne, in the last resort, prcp:;m.'ll to let the b:lby ay..all night, while the wife were not, she might Mve to settle for some other Irl"\1Jlgemc:nt, for instance, that she would get up ~ery week-night, and the husband only at ."eckends. T his would still be. compromise­both p2rtics Ire stilJ giving up somciliing-but it .... ould DO Ion~r be.l. flir compromise. The unequal arrangement is nIX based on any lcoognirion that the husband's case is the bc.ttEr onc. It is b::a5IC:d IDttdy on the greatt'f strength of IUs position.

I bopc that thcsccxlmpies have. made the notion of'flirness

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as a compromise' reasonably cleat. When the merits of inc:ompaholc claims Clnnat be ascertained, or when agreement on the merits of such cbims cannot be rcache<!. a procedure like tossing a coin, or dividing_IDt is in dispute equally, ill the fairest a:l'lr5e that can be takm. It is geDCn.Uy to be preferred to aIJov.':ing superior force to settle the issue.

Tt should be obvious from whn has bttn !laid before that a society which disagrees fundamema11y over the kind of decision-prooedure it should i~ in a Slate appropriate for f3ir compromise. l lle various incom~tiblc claims ~t are being made cannot be settled by ntioml ugumenr, nor is it likely tlu.t they ean be settled by any dccisicm.proccdure, sioreit is prccisdythc decision-procedure that is in dispute. All tbe ITlltian arl:Jrchist Erric:o Mabtesl:l once argued: l£)'Ou choose 100 partisans of dictJ.IOrship, you wiLl di_va 1Nl each allhc bundml belin-ao himKlf capabk of beins. if 1101 iOlt dietator I at least ohssiniIll \'Cl)' malcrial1y in the dictatorial govern­memo The dictAI~ would be those I>'bo. by one means or anolher, S\K~ded in imposing lheltll>Cl'"U on society. "nd, in coum= of time. all tMir energy wouLd inevitably be employed in defending themSleh-u apinsl the an.acb ol their adnrsanct ... '

"'bblcsujthought that this v,'.IS a reason against having my gMttnmrol at:all; it seems 10 me that il counts at least as !ltrongly in favour of the obvious compromise solution of giving everyone an equal ~'oi« in decisions, andiif we think tl121, men being what tbq are, SOIUC sovcmmenl is preferable to no gm-emment, we will prefer a fair comp~ solution to the anarchist solution. i

As a further illustr.uion of the need for compromise, con­sider the fate of tilt proposal made by John Stuart Mill, ~'hieh I have alrudy mentioned, thlt while e"o'eryooe 5bouki have .1 least onc "ute, those with supcriOl" education .00 imclligenc:e should hue additional votts. AJ Mill himgetf said, bier in life,

, E . .\bbtellll, ;f"""iu {F~om Pr-. London, ph (d., '').I~), p. 35

,,\laNUS AND COMraOMIn; JS this was • proposal which found favour with no one. The reason, Itmnl:, i! not that it vmuld obviously be: unfair to give more 'lutes to better qualified people, but rather th:Il it would be impossible to get everyone to agr« on "ho wu to have the atr.I votes. Mill seema to ha\'"e belie\-cd that the uneducated would accept the cl.airm olthe edlK:l.led, and agrtt that educa­tion .... as a proper qualification for having a greater voice in decisiorut. Yet even now, when everyone has one \'Ott, there are fmJUCl1t complaints about 'pointy-headcd intellectuals' who think they know better than ordinary men how the muntry !!to\Ild be run. Assuming lhat ""C did believe AIm', system of "rong to be perfectly flirlit would still be a brave, or f:lther a foolharuy, man who wouldput it forward u a serious pl"{l~~ In view of the row such it plOpo8:Il would sti r up, it would be wise to put aside beliefs about what is perfectly fair, and settle rOl" the son: of compromise represented by 'one man, one VOlt'.

The decision prooedure of the third llSSOCiation, then, is a fair compromise between the[f clairtL~ to determine what the IS'IOCiatiOll mall do, beause il givCl! no advant:lge to allY of the parrle$ to the dispule. (It would be: more accul1lte to say : it gi\U nu inbuill ad\-antllges. It may gn·e an to a partiaJlarly persuasi"e speaker, but this is an ineidentlll and prob~bly minor factor. If this wen: felt to preiudiw the fairness of the compromise, however, it would be possible 10 ~void it, atllOme cost, by allo\\ing chance to determine who shaU tale

_ decimns, in rwbon. The mcient Grceb used this method. Our disinclination to do SO is prob~bly based on the feeling that the incidcobl unrairness involved in a system lil:e that of the third association does niX jw;tify the presumably inrerior decisions that would be the result of distributing power by Iot.) As a fair compromise, it K greatly prefel1lble 10 a '6ght to the finish' over ",eh wntrm"eTSiaJ issue. Fairness a$ a com­promise is all thu can be expected because, as we seen, il is extraordinarily difficult to decide-let alone 10 reach 3!j1"CO-

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ment on-what is a sufficient re:tSOQ for an unequal distribution of power.

The point I am making can aoo be ~n as a point about the different implicuioosof a resort to force in t1itTcrent situations. The Dis5t:nter, in removing rh, NtJPs, is resorting to force against the decision-procedure of his lI5SOCiation, no malter what that decision-procedure is. But the position he taJ.:eoI in respect of the use of force is importandy dilTc:rcnt in the lhird modd. Disobedience to a system which is a fair oompromisc implies wiUingncss to impose one's own ,·iews on the as:socU.­tion. It is an attempl 10 gain, by force, greater say than others have about .... hat should be done (or, in thecase of disobedience intended not to atTect a particular issue, but 10 lead to the overthrow of the decision-procedure in uperatiun and its replacement by some other decision-procedure, an attcnlpl 10 hitvc greater say about what sort uf decision-procedure there is to be). This is Jlot necessarily true of dis<Jbedience to a decisiun in which the Dissenter 'l\1IS denied the participation that he would have had under a fair oompromise. In the first and second associations, disobedience is compatible with willingness to accept a fair oompromise whcrebytone's own vie .... 'lS hal'c no more influence than thmc of anyone clse)Wheo there is no fair compromise, one nn disobey in order to obtain a decision-procedure which does represent a fait wmpromisc. To dis<Jbc:y when there already is a fair compromise in opct3-tion is necessarily (0 deprive othcrs.!lf the say they have under such a c;:ompromisc. To do 80 is to IC;lve the others with no remedy but the use of force in their rum.

Whitt all this amounts to is that there are strong rClSOflS for playing one's part in supporting and preserving a decision­procc<lure which repre'iCOts a fair C(lmpromise. To disobey under these circumstances is to reject the compromise and la

attempt to use force to impose one's viev.'S on other:s.. There is much less justilkation for asking the Dissenter to obey in an

FAIRNESS AND COMPROMISE 37 association liJ.:c the second model, in which there is a peaceful decision-procedure but no fair compromise. It is true that disobedience could lead to a breaJ.:down of the peaceful decision-procedure here lOO, but it need not iOl'Olve any greater m imposition of one person's will upon tile other members th~n e~ists prior to the disobedience. Mor~'Cf, 10 ask the Dissenter to obey in such an association is to asJ.: him to give up his claim to power completely, without any reciproa.l C(lncession from the other party to lhe dispute.

I hope th~t this is a rca.o;on for obedience that can be ~Cttpted by people who bohl a wide variety of moral views. lllililarians can accept it, bec:ausc 1 have been arguing that, in gener.ll, there is ~ grelter danger of undesirable wnsequenccs if one disobeys a decision-procedure which rcprfiCnts a fair compromise than if onc disobeys one which dox:s not. For the utilitarian this may be only a very rough guide to conduct, but even a rough guide is better than no guide. Those whc:l are not: utilitarians may oonsider that wnsidcrations of fairness or justice are additional reasons for supponing a fair wmpromisc wh~n no fairer outoornc Clm be reached.

Perhaps to pn .... 'Cnt misunden.tmding I should state explicitly that my argument is not: of the fonn; 'If everyone disobeyed the decision_procedure would collapse, therefore you sbould not disobey.' The difficulty with this form of argument is that C'lerything hangs 00 the degree of precision with which we specify what it is that we are doing.' If everyone dis<Jbcyed wbenCl"er they disliked any decision, of course the decision-procedure would co1Japse. The Dissenter will say, howevcr, that he disobeys only when there has been a flagt~mly and seriously mistaken decision, and he may think that the dttision-pr<K:edure ,,;ould be impro\'cd If everyone did that.

, What f"lJov, .. is a hillhly abbn:vutoo .~ of sn _'1!I'tnent d.,.,.,1opcd by O. L)'O,," ill ~ book F....u...a LUrrils of Ulilila,;,,~ (Cbmtdon Pms, Oxford, 1')65).

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The Dissenter may evtn say that he disobeys when there ill a /hgrantly and ttriously mjsbken decision, ~nd no onc or hardly anyone ebe is disobeying at all. If everyone disobeyed only in precisely these Clfcumsu.ncc:s. thtl Dissenter an afiUC, tlu: decision-procedure could not possibly coIbpsc. In tbill way,:and quite justifiably, the Dissenter may describe hil act 90 that ill its caulIal cooscqllenccs are included in the descrip­tion. Then, when wc ask: 'What if everyone did as you are doing?' the answer turns out to be idenunl with rhe aClual rcsult of the Dissenter's lC{ion.~ rhi, fonn of argument bre:tb dOW!J.into straightforward utilitarianism.

If the "-air compromise' argument I hnc given C:ln be accepted by a utilitarian, it may be thought that it must depend on the actual COnseqUCllces of d.i80bedimoe, !IO lltIl it is only if d~bcdicnce is really likely to 1e:rod fa the brakdown of the fair compromise that the reason for ObediCllct1 gi\'en will have Iny weight. Thill line of drought is b:Illed on a false model of tbe way pulitial IlT30gemenb in ge~l. or decision­procedures in putiCUIM, rite and fall. h imaginCll that there is: some delimle percentage or numb« of ;1Ctll of disobedience which is necessary and $ufficimt to bring about the da..'l1fall of a decision-pfOadure., and that if Ihis quota is rux rcaebed, any acts of disobedience _ill be quite ineffective so far as the stability of the dccision-prOl.:edure is concerned. The model is that of an eJection-if the candidate does oot set a Ill:l;ooty,

for him an: of no dfca, while if he does gel a bare number to get him

"'" jnsti~

nlJ.Nr;ss AND COMPAOMIU 39 ... i ll makea directc:onuibution 10 the likelihood of a breakdown of the decision-procedure. The sitwtion here is like tlut wbich OCCUI"S when p!"destrians on a hcavi/y-u5od route have the option of taking a short-cut across a lawn, or going a longer \\'<I.y round. A few can t:lkc the shorter route ~ilhout the lawn suffering any damage, but once a certain numba regularly do !ID, any further ioe:rcase in numbcn nukes a real contri­bution to the detcriontion of the lawn into a mud-patch.' Morem-er, while under cenain circumSlances people may be able tu cross lawn, ",hen no one else is around, and so nom Sl'lting an example which will increase the damage, most forms of politically motivated disobedifilce must, 10 fu lfil their pUrpo!lc, be publi<: least become known. The possibility of a bre.lkdown is Iherefore a faCllX for a utiliru1an 10 into account, and while the contribution of a single act of dill­obedience, even including the enmple Set 10 others, may be minute, the disastrous comequerx:es of a brcakdown of the decislon-pnx-edure may be ID bad n 10 gin du.t minute contribution consid~rable significance.

It would also be a mlsu.J.:e for. utilitarun to assume that Ihe only undesirable consequences of di90bedience my ugument points to are those ~ted with the possibility of a complete breal:dowfl of the decision-procedure. The utilitarian conM sidering disobedience must ilio take into acc::ount the fact that hill act of disobedience, against a decision whicb he considers to be bad, but olhen consider good, nuy lcad some of the others to disobey a dccisiOl1 which the DWenler trunks good. Thru;, to return to our SpecifIC example, the Di5.senler, in mnoving TIw N(Jl>1, must bear in mind the clIa.nces of hi! act

inspiring 5OIflcone to remove a magazine, say, PtUU N=s, which the Dissenter thinks excellent, but others consider I dangerous sub\'crsivc influence. Even if there WffC to be no more disobedience aftCl' these nro incidents, lhe loss of PtIJU

I 'fbl. if: .. hat O. LJ<InS ctllo I 'thrfShokI', up. cir., pp. 71- J.

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N~s might in itKlr cmmterhiliDOe!.he pins rrom!.he mnoval. of Tu N~" In the first and second models, one CUI SIlggt:St. at a 111':11 out of !.hit 'tit ror tit' situation, a dtcision-procedute lhat is a fair compromise; in the!.hin! modd, Ihi.s option does DOt e:rist, since those who disobey ha'-e, by their conduct, rejected iL This isa further utiliwian reason why d*,bedienoe is more krious in the third model. There is a gnatet' risk, not only of '10flt1 war', bUI aba of light akirmisht.:S, bt-cause there is no obvious N:!is fo:r a peace agreement.

We oove been inquiringwhether the faCl: Ihlt a government is 'popular' should be a reason for obeying il, and if so, why. The mn.'I\\'er I hn-e gil'Cn is not new, If I had 10 re<lucc it to onc !lrnlenoe, I could nol do better lhan lhe old epigram about democncy being a mfthod of gm'Cl'flrnent which counts heads instead of cracking lhem (or replaces buUm by ballou, :IS a !"ore!"odem pundit h25 PUI it), I h,\'e lried to show why this IS an ImporWI reason for obeying a gm-emment like !.hat of lbe tbird model as8ociabon, and 1\'hy it is inapplicable 10 lbe orbel' models, even if the Leader and Senior Member do ntlln:lgt 10 rule without Cr.I.d:ing ~ds,

Although DOt new, the reason for obedience fOf which I have argued may be in need or re-empfWIis. It tends to be given liltle importance by many writers on denl()l;ncy, ptthps because it is not as high-sounding as 90mc of the reasons II'C had 10 reject. The notion of 3 compromise, many people seem to feel, it lIOmchow degrading, and inoompJtible with the idu of acting JCcording to Dlol1l1 principle. This is I feeling which finds expression in tome antHIelDOCr.ltie writing of both the Right and the Left. An example it the following pas!Agt: from the ClAy 'Gl'iJ Disobedience' by the nioetce:nlh-«ntuty American radical, Henry 'fboreau: An voting _ _ .art ol ",ming,like mmers I)f '-ekpmmoa, .. ilb a qbt DXnl tin~ to ir, a pbying .. ith right and wroag, .. ith moral quations; and bming rtamr:ally acwmP;lIliCII it. Tbe chancm


of lbc: VIltetl _ noutJled, I cut my VOle, perchance as I think rip!' b~I.' am oot "i~ly WI'"'",:d ~t WI"",I ihould pn:v1IiI. I ~ "dbng to lean IllO,the ma,onty. lis obliption, then:rorc:.Iln'Cl ~ 1~lol apedl~. E\"I:n \«ingf.,.. tl.,,,,,,, it'"'" nothing rot It. It" only apl'e!I$Ul@:lOmc:nf«blyJ'Wl'tksire1halitlhoukl pte\'ai.l A,lI'ise fIWl .will 001: the right to the merq of dlaooe, IlOl' "ish It to pK\'aLI lbt(lLlgh Ihe PO""I:r or the majority.'

No~. in I sense it ~ ~ thn accepting the fair rompromisc dccLSIOn.procedure IS a kind or pming, and that tbe obligation 10 do so an never exceed that of apediency, Onc may fed that on somt: issuCl'l the result which tnlergcs from the ballot boJ:cs monstrous that one cannn! possibly accept it, c,'co if il i~ the ?utco.m~ of a. !air compromise. In this way olle might wnslder It lmper;rtJ\-e (0 do more ror what one Ihinks rigbt than merely vute ror it. I ha\'C not denied this, ror I said at the outSetlhat I wu seeking to estahlish oblig:llions 1'I'hiclr are not absolute, moor! rClSOllS to be tUc:n inro accoun:, rather than monl rnsons which ought 10 prC\';iil in all possible circum­Stal\ctll. But1\-hile I grant that there is thi! allXlunt of truth in what Tborcau A)-s. I cannot accept the implication that it is 1\'rongtoengage in thegamblcof \'otinll',and that the obligation of expedicncy is un.wnhyof seriousconsiderJtion by men con­cerned to do is right. If the alternati,'e to accepting this form of gaming is a resort to foo:e, a rt:.'lOrI which is likely to be bloody, Rnd U no more likely to produce the result onc considers right th~n the f3ir compromise decisioll-procedure, I woul~ say that ~t is an excellent mor-,d rea90n ror a.ccepting ~e ralr compromlSC. Whereas Tbotau opposes doing ..... Ilat is nght 10 'leaving it to lbe majority', I would SoIy tklt in most cases, if a fair compromise in oper:Iling, there will be nodiffer_ ence between these apparently ahenuti,-e OOUf8>tS of aClioo. , ' 11. D. 'IlIona1l, 'Cj,i:[ DiIobcdio::Dcc'. Fi .. publifhtd "4'), rq>rinl"" on 11. A. Bcdall (ed,)., CmJ ~~: n-7 .... P,~IK~(1)epou$. New Yart, 19'69), P. l2. IISI"" in qnd, I .... '" 'Thorrtou' •• it. ... ,. man: fully OIl pp. ~-6.

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I have argued that a ayAem like that of the third modd 3BSOciation, in which C'I-cry member hu a vote, is a faie com­promise. To this an imporunt objection can be made. h is best put by mems of a hypotbctial exunple. Assume that in our third association there is a minority of people who arc nurked off from the other members in some Wly-lel us uy, they .re bbcks., while the m:l.jority are ... hite. Ch-er a period of time, and at vuious gtnen! IIltttings, decisions are Id:en which pUt the black members Ilt a disad\":lnlage. For example, It one meeting it is proposed dUI black members should nOt oc:eupy armchairs ""hen doing 50 kads to I ""hite member ha"ing to sit on onc of the less comforl::lbk bc:oche:s. The bbcks \"Qte against this propcxul, but it is elnicd. The same happens with other proposals, alld when It 5ubscqllCfll meetings Ihe blacks altcmpt 10 get the decisions rescinded, they are con­sistently outvo(ed by the solid white m*rity, Surely all this makC$ the decision_procedure no mon: than a ttavesty of a fair comprornJlc.

'The objeaion muSt be accepted. In the circumstanedl described, it is dear that the fact that each member hu an equal vole is insufficient to CnSUle that the system operates as a fair compromise berv.·cen all parties. Analysis of the notion of flirmss helps us to sce "lll"hy this is 110. In discussing Ihe &imess of the position of the Senior Member in the scoond :lS9OCiation, I ha\"e alrwiy referred 10 Ihe prillciple of equality in a minima) or formal !ItnSC.. In considering ...... hether a decision can be applied uniVCTSaUy, one puu oneself in the position of everyone affeaed by the decision, like interests counting alilr.:e, no matter who the person affected happens to be. It follo .... 5 that in order to hold that an arnngcmcnt is mon!ly justifiable, onc mua be prepued 10 bold that 3ny Other arrangement ",·hich does not differ from the first ar~ngemeflf,

Till PROBLEM or MINORlTIU 43 except in itspect of the position particular individualt occupy in the unngcment, would aho be justifiable. This means that white mcrnben would have to be prepared to ao;ept the arrangement even under the im3ginary condition Ihat their o",n dins should suddenly rum black. In the circumSlancC!l descrilxd., ISlnlming that DO significant facts have been omitted, it i. dCllr bcyood reasonable doubt that the white majority Clnnot sinttrdy hold that their trealmmt of the black majority is justifiable. The .,....-y the whites arc treating the blacks can properly be &;lid tu be unfair.

l\.Iembers ofan usociuion who arc In:ated unfairly tine less rcuc:n for obeying the decisi~proccdute of the association that they ""oold if they were treatcxi fairly. To be morespeci.fic, If neptive: they do not ba\"e the re;l.soo/or obeclienee "lll"hieh they would have ifthesysrem didopcnteua fair compromise. DUI it is imporunl 10 dClcrnUne the enct significance of this point. If this is nol done, mistlkclI pr:u:tica1 conclu~iollll could be drawn.

When we say that a decision-procedure i3 and openlet as a fair compromise. this cannot mean thn ~"ClJ" decision ",ill be a fair compromise. What it does mCOln is that then "Will be no tendency or gtncnl pattern of decisions which are Unf3ie to a particular group. In other words, while 5OfI1e decisioo! may be unfair to one group, and others unfair to another group, different groups "'ill be disadvantaJQl by different decisions., $0 Wt, taking a lnog-term view, there will be a 'fair diwibutioo uf unfairness'. 'The obvious question this raisa is: how m:ilny unf-tir decisions are needed before the coodusion Wat the $)'Rem is operating unfairly an bcdr:tvrn 11 think thi.depends on circumstances. One ought to uke into aCCO"UDt nO!: just the decisions themseh-es, but al90 facts about the community. If there is a history of prejudi~ to"lll"ardJ Il group, manifested DOt just in decisions bul .00 in speeehcs by politicians, (X" common auirudts, it "Will be much easier to conclude that there is

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unfaime5S than ifthcre is no such history, The acnul applica­tion of the criteW. for. fairly operating system, howl:Va, must be a matta of judgement in each cue.'

This raises l furtlltr problem, At any time, in every large $OCiety, there are likdy to be I. number of groups who believc that tlley are being treated unfairly, As wcll as elhnic minorities, there 1Ii11 be socio-«onomic group$. T n the Uniled Kingdom, the modcr.lte Catholics ofNorthcrn Ircl3nd arc an enmpte of an ethnic group lI'hich cbifIUI it has m:ei"ed unfair trc:atmeJlt over a long period of tilne. (I t.lclude the more extreme ulbolics, as 1I'd1 as thc Wdsh and Sconish nationalist IDO\~ menls, 3S they seem to be demanding independence rather Ulall fair treauncnt.) Farmers arc a !IOcio-«ollOmie group, somc of ",bum, at least, also believe they Arc 1101 being t!tlted fai rly, Both thex groups have committed acts of civil disobcdK:na: in $Upport of thcir causes, Farmers haye stalled farnl vehicles ill busy streets, and Nonhern Ireland's Catholies havc 1I'ithheld tent and r:.ltC8, as v,cll as staging protest marches. There are manyothc:f groups which may feci they ha"cgood grounds for disobedience bccaU9C tbey ha"C been consiStently put At a ilisadYl.Jluge by political decisions. If it is a mAlICt of judge­ment in eaeh cat whetha the group is bcing treated unfwly, and we In\'e this judgement to the group OOIlotrnsl, there get:1115 to be a danger that the reason fOl' obedience for which T atgucd lI'illloec whatC\'Cr weight il has, since rhereare50 mmy groups .... hich will consider that as they are unfairly treated by the decision-procedure, they are nO( at all obli~d to obey it . This WOIlld Jll:Jke it difficult to settle issues involving the interests of these poups by institutional means. Yet to lc;\'c the judgement about .... he/\ a group is being treated unfairly 10 the IIUjority, 01' to any body ultimncly under the cootrol of the lIlajority, is impnmble for the obvious rcallOn lhat the ID2jority would then be judge in its mm case:,

, For an U1/JIplo:: of such. juda;emml, _the Appendix.

PARTICIPATION " There is 110 solution 10 this problem, The decision to be nudc is about when the dccilioo-proctdure is fum::tionmg properly, and hence cannot be left to the decision-procedure, So it must be left to the group concerned, and we IDU. hope that the criteria I have outlined are sufficiently clear to pra'CDt tOO many 1I'Wng decisions. The IDOSt lhat can be fnISl,oested as A safq;uard is the crearion of a 'buffer wnc' by tlle sripubtion that the unfairness in the operation of the system must be 'unmistakably clear' (01' some similar requirement). If this were observed, tMre migbt be a few cases of really unfair decisions ..... hich, because the unfaimcu was OOt ~'Ufficiel1t1y clear, were obeyed '!I'hen disobedience would hone been justified, but therc would be a subst:lntiat pm in social peace,

In the light orlhis discussion, T must modify the conclusion of my prt'Yious argument. We can still uy Ihar the fact dt:ll a system of guvemmcnt operates a.'I a fair compromise bet"eeh competing claims to po .... er is a major reason for obeying thar systcm, bllf we must oow emphasize: thc importance of the 5}'SlmI /\01 merely being A fair onc, but operating fairly as well, in that the majority does nO( use its "OteS 10 lhe oonstant dwdYl.Jlugc of the minority. Tr 'popular lfO"emment' just means tlu.t tbe SO"emment deri\'es its POWCl'S equally from all the people, this alone is 111)( quite sufficient to gi,'c 09C to the reasons for obedience for which I ha,'c ugued.


r sh:lll now consider thc aignilicaooc: of al\Olher (catwc to be found in the third model, but not' the others, whieh T belicve adds 10 the reason for obedience just discusscd. First I should note, bov,ever, that the fact that a dCClSiOD-procc.dnre is a fair compromise gives the Disscntu a rtaSOn, DOl just fill' obeying Ihc d«:ision, but also for participating in the decision­procedurc. Wc saw tllU the C$SCnce of the fair compromise



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w;d that neryone gives tip his own claim 10 bve more than an equal ray in deciding issues, but ret2ins his claim to have an equalpy. In that "''Iy t'o"try member can have the maximum influence compatible with a peaceful senlemeoL In ordu to have thiI: influence, the Dissenter must paroopaLC in the decisioo-prooedure. Beause the decision-prooedure is a fair compromise, the Dissenter ooghttO try to influence decisions through the decision-procedure, rathu than by some oI.her metltod inoompltible ~ith iL

I n the dCllCription of the third association it "'"lIS specifiC{! that in discussions and VOles 0 \·« issues which had arisen prior to the question of the subscription to T1r4 N{11IJ, other members of the association had acupted and obeyed decisions of the associa tion 10 which they had been opposed, bUl which Ihe DissentCf had supported. Ikhaviour like this, 1 shall argue, lives rile to :I prima fiU~ obliglltion on the Dissenter to accept the decision of tbe association over Tltt Nr.I'J, a decision ,..·hich other members favoor, but to whieh be is opposed. Indeed, I think it c:m be ~ that the obligation does nOt depend on the fact that the Dissenter happens to have been, on previous oca.sioru, on the lTI3iority side. Rather, the Dissenter incurs the obligation when he participates in the decision-procedure together with other members who are oppoecd to the Dis­senter's vie'IIo-s, but prepared to accept Ind obey whatever decision the majoriry should favour. (I eaU thi5 an obliglltion and nol. a moral reason because, as is rypicaUy the ease with obliptions, it is Cf(;\tcd by the vo!unlliry aa of the person obliged, and is owed to Other people.)

This obliption is not ncoe.ssarily peculiar 10 decisions ITI3de by a democratic prooedure. It is lile the oblig;lIion 10 abide by the ruling of an umpire, 1Ifben one has led others to bcliC\"e that one woulli do SQ, and ... hen they are prepared to accept the umpire'. verdict, holOner it goes.. Thu. if, in a dispute between 1 ..... 0 members of anyone of the three uaociatioos,


..,rneone ~d suggested submitting the dispute to the decision of the Leader, Sc:niof Member, or assembled members, as the cue Imy be; and if both disputing parties had tben argued their cases befOtt the Leada-, Senior Member, or assembled m~mbers, there 1I'QUld be an obligation on the Ioscr to aa:ept the verdict of the dccisioo-prooedure. This obliption would be the laDle in all three ases. Normally, howevCf, decisions io the first and second associatiOn>! are not re..ehed by these :neans., and thcre is no ronduct by any of lhe members of the associuion ""hieh can be ~id 10 boi\'C risc to reasonable ~pectatiollll that hc will a(:(:Cpt Ihe \'en1ict. In thc third :l8SDCi:uion, on the other hand, all do:;isions 011 which there is Iny di.ssc:nt arc in a sense de\.isions on disputes betVI'een parti~ amI the participation of the Oissc:ntCf in the decision­ITI3king process Clll be nid 10 gil'e rilJC 10 reuonable erpecta­tioM " 'hieh will be disappointed by his rrlusalto accept the verdict of lhe majoriry. \ I argued earlier that participalion in tile democratic proec:ss

nc:ed not imply actual consent to the «$lIlts of that ~ By likening the obligation to acct'pt a matoriry verdict to the obliption 1:0 accept the verdia or an umpire, howC\·er, r may now have given the impression dut T have reintroducC{! consent. It is therefore inlportant to sce how the obligation for which I :un arguing diffCfll from consent-based. obligations, 3t leas t on OIlC pbusible interpretation of the mc:ming of 'con­~,.

The obligation fot whleh I am arguing depends on the fact that under certain circtlJO$hOcu, aClions or railures 10 act may justify us in holding a peiSon to he obligtd '" ifhe had am­senled, whether or nO( he actwlly has. I shall call this 'quasi­IX/JUCIIt', the prefix indicaling that it is not rnI consent, but gives rile to obligations as if there were real COf1XDL (Compare the legal notion of'quu:i-contract', defined by I legal dictionary as 'an obligation not c;reatcd by, but simihr to th:!t ereated by

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contnct, and independent of the: consmt olthe person bound'.)' ChJasi-<:onsent is obviously different from apress consent ;

it is also, I think, distinct from the idea of tacit CODSCllt which hat been invoked by many of the writen who ha,\'C wa.nt«i 10 mUe oonsent the basis of the obliSlltivn to obey the gm'em­ment. If we read what Locke, prombly the bc:st-known of th~ writers. said about consmt, it seems that even though he held that there could be consent whidt WllS not expressed in any way, he still thought of this taCit oonsrnt 3S a mcnw Ict, a 'saying in one's he:lrt' which differed from express OOnsent only in that it wu not said aloud. So, a,ctording 10 l.ockc:

.. , cvcry IJIln thn huh possession of any pan or the dominioM of any so~crtllIKnt dodl th~by gi\'e his tacit (OMenI, Ind it as fn form obliged to otxdienee 10 t~ b,ws of tlgt go'o'CllUntnl doring Ihit enjoyment, IS anyone under il, .bclher lhis possnsion be of boo 10 him and hi. hru. f!H'eYer, 01' a lodging rOl' only 1 I',-ttk; or .... hether it be b1.l'(ly lravelling frcr:ly on the high.ny , •. '

Admiltediy, thc meani%: of this passagc is not altogether cle.u, but on one interprctation it is easy 10 diStinguish Lod:c's tacit consent from quasi-comcnt. This interp~ucion is clearly PUt by J. P. P1amenuz:

Locle I8IrumCS thu a mln by lQ(Te]y tnvdling .'ilhin the lerri. lom of the King ofEnUllnd IUllIIliiy, though IlUjl/y, Igrtt.Illo obey hill bWlI, I t follow. then that,. journey in Engbnd C(/1llcitutei • promise to obry the King's uws. The promise is I:1ciI bcalJ1e il is DOt apr=tll in .. wds, orally or in 1t1'iling, but it is none lhe less • promise, The word 'taell' cannot alta Ihe narure of Ihe mnscnl; it am only iPdic&le Ihe mlTIDCt ofits aprmion. Eimer there has been COIUICIlI or Ibcl1: bla! not. Lode bc:lie\-a thu there bas.'

, 1', G. Osborn, A ~~ Lt,.1 Vo'<fI'tm.'7 (S .. « t and MllC'll'CU, loodon, 5th cd. .964),

• J. Lode, Sn .. ~ Tn.n... .. Ciril~, pu. U9, • J. P. Pbm .... ,z, c......t, F ___ ." Pflitk.J Of/i,.,;"" (O.u.P"

Odord, 2:Dd cd, I~ p, 7,


T acit consc:nt, then, is a fonn of aaual oonxnL The consent exist$, as it dOCl in apress consent. This is .It leaSt .. plausible intb Ihdlition of Lockc. I am DOt concerned to argue that it is the corm:t interpreu.tion. It has been, al any n lc, thc basis fOf j(:\'Cf'JI rd'ul3tions of Locke's thcory of obligation, includ­ing that of Plamtnatz. My CODCtm is 10 make clear the distinction bchlottn wll2ot, on my vkw. is iIlvolvcd in puticip.­tion in a decision-procedure, . nd this notion or l.lcit consmt. , f thcrc arc other interpreu.tion, of Lockc which rendcr 'bcit consent' in IIlch I .... ..,.y u to nukc it similar or equivalent t<.I what I mt':ln by quasi..constn t, this does not matler,!IO long as it is unlkntood that by quasi-conscnt, I do not mt':ln that there is any actual COI\SCnL

There arc circumst2nCC5 in .'hich bcml'iour gi\'e rise 10 an obliption to act llS if there wcrt consrnt, even wbtn there is no actual consent, For cnmplc., a group of people may go out for a few drinks, One member of the group buys thc first found of drinks fur everyone, thcn .. second member does the same, and !IO on in rum, If, after most members of the group have done this, onc member, who has accepted drinb piid for by thc uthers., refuses to buy anyonc dse a drink, he will be thought to have bcba..-cd badly, Onc could $IY that he Jw an obligation to buy the others a drink. The obligation does not arise from actually consenting 10 buy drinks, for the nun may nC'o'Cr have Igreed to do so, either txpre$ly or to himsc:lf. He may even ha..-c intended all along to ha\'e a few drinb :at the expense of otOO peoplc. Yet by acting in a particubr way, ooc may become ill\'Ol\'ed in an obligation to which it is no defence to say : 'I llC\'er coll9tIlted.' Not consenlIng is nO( enough, Some positive met expressing onc's non-cOllSeflt would be necessary. If the drinker had said something likc: 'I'll accept drinks if you offer them 10 mc, but dllll't think th:.t because 1 do, 1 am going to buy an)'onc else a drink', he could }u\'C avoided thc oblipcioo. which Othcrwise falls 00 him,

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The ground of the obligation for which I am arguing is that (he DissICJller, by vol.uow-ily puticipuing in the vote on the qUC'StM)o of lIhtther TIu Nt,.s should be ordered, under~ standing that the purpose of the election is to en~blc the group to rt:Ieh:a decision OD this issue, has belu.ved io such a way:as to lead people reasonably to believe that be wu aa:epting the democntic process III a suitable means of sen1ins the i8$lle. Whether or not he :actually, or 'inwardly' consented to this decisioD-proccdure, he c:annot now be heard to 5301 that he never :acapted the validiry of the election. Arter the election it i~ too !;uc to say that onc nc\'cr aceepletl its \';llidity. Others putitipated in the ekction in good faith. They 1I1)11ld have aettpted lhe rMllt if it had gone against them. For the sal:.e of an agreetl do;:ision,--and on the assumption that other partici­pants were doing the fi;U)lC, they tool:. lhe risk of having to aettpt a result they did not want. So the Dissenterannot, now that Ihe result IUrns oot 10 be contrary 10 his own views, ebim that benc\'e!' r.ccepted thevalidity of the d~ision-proccdure and is therefore under no obligation to obey it. At the re1a'llllt time, IUs beha,iour was sueh:lS to leld people reasonably 10 bclia-e that he did accept the d«ision~proccdure.

I should Ay a little more 10 justify my dum that it y .. ;u

reasonable to usumc, from lhe Dissenter's behaviour, cm! he 1CCCptcd the v:liidiry of the decision-procedure. I1 must, I thinl:., be rcasollllbk to IS8U1ne a)n$tIIt on the part of a puso .. who vota withoot in 'Uly way indicating that his ''Ote is not to be as an indic:uion of consent. This must be reasonable, not because people who vO(e as a m~tter of fact usually do consent, but becaU3t thes'e is a coocepmal connection between vOfing and consenting. What .... ould be the serue of ha"ing a voce if no one ever acttpted tbe n:sul1 of the ''Ote? If Ihi, Wtu the case, ,tting would be as pointkss:as promising 1mIlid be if people .... ere no more likely to do what they promised 10 do than 1\"hat they m~rely said they might duo Of course, this does

p",aTICtPATION S' nO( mca.n that evttyone who votQ acruaUy consents to this rnelhod of settling disputes, 'Uly mon: than the conceptual amnection between promising and doing wtw one promised means that C"'eryoneactually I:.eeps his promises. It only means that the normal case of voting must, because of what voting is, be :I case in which there is consent. This, howa'tl', is eoough to Cl(ablish tbe point I mnt to make, that it is reasonable to assume that someone does consent if he voteJ, \'Oluntarily and withoul indicating that he does 110( consenl.'

It is intetCSling that thae is, in bw, • notion which doscly p~ralleh whn I have s:lid ~botlt qU35i-conaent.~ This is lhe nO(ion of estoppel. The tssentiili of one import:ant form of cstoppel, Cl(oppel by rqntsent.ltiOll, as st2ted by Lord Birl:.enhead in a I~ading c:ase, are;

When: A has by hili wordsQC' condllCl ju$li6td B in believing that. CtttIIin st:a~ of _!fUrs aisu, and B has MUd upon weh belief 10 his prejudice, A is not permitted 10 .!firm 19ainst B that _ different st:ate ofracu ai~led at the J&me time.'

The effect of this doctrine is 10 prn"mt someone denying ,;(Imelhing which, by his yoluntary behaviour, he led another reasonably 10 bclia-e. 1n cstoppel, III in wlu.t I hne caUed quasi-a:msent, the real intention is irniev'Ult;

, .... Siqler, in ' PUtlK1lOtt. on Consent Ind Obliption', PI!iI~J()lltiul Q...,n(y, ,'01. 18(1968), p. ~61,aclDxrwkdga Ihu there: iun ..... ~ bcarftD ~ uiII:,,",," cC free t ltaionl ODd ~ __ by ~ ¥IlUrt

10 the aulboriry cl tilt Iplmt, bill A)'! ' •.. oC oourx, thii rncuphysictl_ toundinJ truth it no! even cblc: 10 a jU5titK:ari<ln fOt poIiticol obIiption.' I bttpe. 1 ha~ sIIo_,hat thill truth, w~ it IIIlY IIOt i_ify. con .... ,,1 oDIiptlon does play III impomnt par1 ill jusrifyirc • '1''''''; ''11 obIiptiocL. ~ ... J. jalkinl, 'Politil:al', PIliJiwJIM~1 Q_tnl], .... 1. ~ (1970), pp. 60-6.

• l 1!i. paftllelwu poinl.,j out to me b)t John Ihr)~. • M.d .. .,. C"lry [I')lIt] I.A.C. ]16. u P. l_, UL. (hooto;:I in

Spaur, Bc.n .. , and 'l"Irrntr, 7'Iw- 1 ... Rth" .. I. Enl1pri 17 M':'" .. "nnu.l>tm (lkIumronhs. London, 2nd td, '966), p. 4-

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Jr, whate'm" a man', real intention may be, be 10 coodum himself dial I ~uonabJc man would !Ut the- Rpnscntnion to be true • •. cbe p.uty IIllIkinB the represcnllltion 1\-i1l be e'IDII!), precluded from eontuting ill truth.'

The legal doctrine of esroppel, then, ~u as a usd"uJ illustn· bon of wh:lt I am saying about voting. In vming, one's voluntary behaviour leads O(hers to the rea.o;on.lble belief that one consents to tll C m:ajority decision. pnx:c:dure. Mtcr the event, onc catmot say that one never amscntcd-« to be Jtrict.Iy attul':lte, n-c:n if ~ g)'s that pnc: nt\u oonsenwi. onc is still obliged as if onc had COIUleOtJ:d. ben if a person ~-er consented, and never intended that his action sh<ruld be taken u im.licath'C of consent, so lung u he km.'W that the purpose of theclecrion wu tu rea~h an agreed decision, that ill enough. We might uY. if "'e were bwyers. dUI under these circumstances., you an: estoppcd from denying that you coosentcd.

This account of the oblilfolUon of the vO(er 10 obey the OUt· come of the pnx:ess in which he p.1niciplle!l i~ not opt'n to the usu~ ubjectionll n~de :against consent theorics of obligation in a democracy. It is someti~ said !.hat by \<Mmg in an draion I pc~ acrually consents 10 be bound by the: results of the ekaion, but lhill "iew hu hem forcd"ully rtjected on the grounds Ihat it is absurd to $J.y thal a person who ,'(lIes "glJ;'fS/ lhe successful candidale consents to his election.' Tu tbis objcaion it ill possible to ~ply. on grounds simibr 10 thaec on ,.hich I h3ve b1scd my .rgu~t about the normal cue of VOImg, that 5ince the pUrpo:lge of an ekction is to select one of the candilbtes for a position of authority, :a ,·uter who, knowing this, freely lakes p3n in the el«tion does

'Pub, B. in F,ftAI. v.C"'[ ,~ 3 Eld>. 6j .. al p. 66}. ~ .. Sptoca-, Ikrt.u, and T ...... ,. 01'. tI", p. 90-

• SftA. D. LiDchar, EUOIIUbf{o-tnIlJ (Clatmdoa Inm.,Odoni. '!P9). pp. 14-15: T. M(.~ h6·'If'/O~6t""", (Routkdp. London, '!J67),


P"tTICIPATION 53 CIlllSlCrlt 10 the conferring of that authority mI the person who rccei\·es most VOles, even ifthatshould happen 10 be J c:mdidate agaitlSr whom he vrxed.1 This reply, howC\"tr, is not totally convincing. People IOIDCtimes vole wilhoUl aoc:epting rhe legitimacy of the tkctoral procedure, simply bec:aU5C they can see nothing better 10 00. Lenin, for inm.nct-, rquded capitalist democracy as a men: cloak f01" ClIpitalist rule, but he urged Communists to 'utilize reactionary parliaments in a truly revolutionary .... ""11'. &0 as to hasten revolution. E\"t.~n $Omeone less extreme dun Lenin, faced, say • .,,·ith the kind of choice citizeru of the Uniled StatCS had in the tq68 Presidential election5, might have vOl:ed for Ilumphrc:y as the lesser evil, without collscnting 10 the elee:toral S)'lItem ...... hi~h pr("SC!lted him with the altemari,·cs of Nixun and Humphrcy, and thus without collllmting to !.he clettion of either candidate.t If "\Pot

make it quite clear, oowC\u, that the obligation arising from partilipatioo does nO( depend on actw.l consent at :lI1, but mcrc:ly on the oet of panicipalioo. then we are nOt open to objectioos based on the fact tha t some voters reject the whole c:lectOfllI system.

It is worth noring here: that Imny people are aware: (some­times u a result of careful reasoning, perhaps more: often intuitiV'Cly) that participating in an election indicakS support fOl" the electoral system And gives rise \0 (Ul obliption to ao;:ept ilB rtSlIlt.S. DefOl"e the Presidential election uf 1968. for instan ~e,

' J. P. P\ame:Iutt, in lb: 1968 I'I:M1x1ipllo the..,;:mol ~ion 0( c..-, F,nU. .- PtliJotll/ OHipliM, P. '70. Soc: d!o tbe "me: lutbor'lAfu uJ S.nn~ (Lonsmaos, l.oociop, 11)63). YOI. ',pp. '39-0t0-In IhI: limedmon orC_" ""mJ_ ",11 PDhJk,,/Qilj:.,m.. i"L1 rneNR MId ,-in., tUnilar 10 lhooic "r t.inday &nd Md"bu"JOlI.

• This olI~ has bo:r;n .... de by P. Siqltl". tip. cit.; by K. ar-. .. -all,·A Coatatull AplJI'I»<h I" ~',N .. H, 'rOt. u (197'0). p. }It; and by M. CobeD, '~!i.m ,00 DiIobcdieoce', nu-p/lJMIl NJU AjfarJ, \"01.. I, ( I'nl). 1'1'. 3" -I:l. Pbnwu.u:.bu bn::n dtkaded by J. Jtnl inl, OIl. cit.

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an organization known 35 Resist, IcptC$Cnling I. brge number of groups opposed 10 the wu in Vtetnam IUld the draft, ran a campaign urging people not to vote in the forthcoming election. In full-j»ge advertisements, they argued, in put, 115 follou:

(n II}68 the dcctonI. UaLa pre:smu luneriClnJ,nth DO pmena: of a mcWngful choKe .•• Thett aro: bmlly I.nodn:r 101'0 mm in Americ:lll public life .... hose commillMnt to the Cold War and 10 ~ I tep of the Southust Alian dJealation hu been lIIOfe un­swaYing man that of N"1DIIl and Humpluq ... 'The ~ mo\"(:ment ... refuse<! now to enpge in I. futile lCIr<:h f« the 1_ evil; and it ... ill not: patticipate in uoctioning evil by voting for Iny of the Icadiq Presidential candidates in this eJcaion.'

This w.tCQlCIlt was signed by, among otllers, Nnam Oomsky, Paul Goodman, Bishop Janu:s Pike, and Benj~min SpocI:. At Ihe same time, the Youth Intcrn;1.tional Party (Yil'pies) and their allies lllicre holding marches and planning to picket polling pbces in order to support their claim that 'a V(Me for any of the main ClJIwdates constitutes tacit approvaL of a system rhat tgn()fCS the viC1\"S of the people'. Uerry Rubin..-as reponed to have urged people 10 demonstr.ltC their feelings about the dection by und.tct;sing in polling booths.)> My argument it an .nempt to show why these people, fetling U lhey did that they llhouId oot put themselves under an obliguion 10 obey either Nilon or Humphrcy, ,.·ere right to refuse to V(Me.

S<:>meone might 5:ly the Yippics al\d the membcn of Rcs:isr: could, likc my hypothetical beer drinker, have annOl1flC«l bd"on: voting that they rejected the system in ,,·hieh they ,,·ere tbout to particip,l(e amI ..... ould not nca:s&lrily ~bide by the rI:SUllln this ""aY lhey would have incre:lscd the chances of a IIwnphrey yjaOfJ (assuming that Ilumphrey "":lS the lesser t¥i1) without incurring any obligation 10 either I lumphrcy or

, From m*"'nt· _ n. intheNno y"tRtN,ufBHh,loOct. 196&. • TIlt Timts, 1 NO'I'. 1968.

ss Nixoo. To oonsider th ls point, let US mum to our simplified model of a democratic society.

What difference will it make to his obligations i£ the Dis­Kntet annou,,", to thc meeting, bcf~ the vote on The NtlPJ, that his participation in the vote should not be taken as an indiCltion that, irthe VOlC goes ~gainst him, he "ill accept and obey tkat decision? This suggestion may strike us as im­probable, but it does smn that the Dis.scntet will then not ha\"e the same oblig:ltion to obey the ll13joriry decision as he -.muld ha\·e if he had not maoJe the announcemcnt. On the other h).nd, other members might uk them5<:Ivts why-they should not make simibr announcemcnts; bllt iflhey did, there would cease to be :lIly point in voting on the issue, since the majority ,·erdict would not be accepted, anu hence would decide nothing. Wc hav.: here a SChemltic representation or the breakdo"-n of a democratic system. Whether or IlOI. the DisscuIer'S iet will in faa to the breakdown of dcrTKlctacy, the Dissenter is clearly taking an unfair position, a position which aUow8 him to ha\"e a »-y in the decision, anu yet not be oblib~d by any decision oppos«110 his views. This position is made possible only by the restraint of others, who could benefit by doing as the Di!>SCnter does, and Ihink they J\a\"e as good reason to do so as he has, but Iccept the obligations of the demoentic process beause of a dcsin to preserve it.

To VOle, and yet refuse to be in any w;.y obliged by the reault of the VOle, is totakean sd\"all~uve:r those whoue prcpa~ to acctpt the lII~jority decision. It is unfair because it violates a rule essential to democracy. The Dissenter's reason fOt taking his special position depeIlds on his claim thll he is right. Hut othen bc~ JUSt &$ sincerely that tlIey are right. 'nle existcna: of delllOCl"at"Y depcrnls on !.hem SUbordinating their desire to act on this belief to their sUppori for the democratic dccision-procedure.

Then would be, for this reuon, a strong case for barring

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from participation in the IkmO(:r,l.ue pr0ce88 those who announce bcforehmd thtt they do not regard the result of the dection &S obliging them to the smallest degree, or that they coniider the process fnuduknt, or Wt the majority has no right to decide the matter 011 which they are \-oDng. In pnctioc, of courx, this would be a difficult test to apply, and it might abo be inexpedient for .nother teason--tl would afford the dissenters a m&n-eUous opportunity for propaganda against the 'tynnny' that depri"ed them of tbe Il'lCI5I: elementary deltlOCOlDc rigbl of \~ung. This depriwtion would not rnlIy be tyrannous., indeed il would be in ro:ordallQ,l ... ith the theorrual principles of democracy, but it woold be easy to make it appear rynnllOllS.

I shouklll9o no(e d1:l.t what [ have been SlIying applies in I rcbrively $tnightforl'l~rd way if \'{)[illg is ,l)}untaty, but becomes IIIOte compliatcd when \«ing is compulsory. In Australia, for e:umple, one call be fined for failing to vote, 3nd it would therefore mm ti131 VOling cannot gi\"e rise to Iny obligation, since it woold not be re:lllOnable to uswne consent, e'\'en in nornul cues, from a roerced Ict, On the other band, it is still possible to spoil onc's ballot paper, and so be counted as an illform.u voter, The difficulty is th3t voting is secret, so ltut no onc can know whether onc really has spoilt the ballot paper, One would ha\'e to alUlOuncc that one hDs done so, and the announccmtnl would have to bc tDhn on trust. A1terna­tjvely.> onc could ~fU9C tOV{)te mu pay the fiue. 11Im doubtful, though, whether it woulU be nlXt:S$3cy to resort to rithcr of these alternatives, for it may be better to regard any UllTee of compulsion as negating lbe obligation W<lt would otherwise arise. If so, tll is is I reuon apinst compelling IJCQple ID vote, although other factors:m:: apin reICVllnt.'

'TIle: imporaoce of ..,oidi,. comp~1don if YOCiaI is 10 saocnle:lJl}' kind ot COCISIttISIIIl obliplioo !wo bcm poimC'd ou.t by D, D. Lphad. !'rH'- '" PNMaJ PIIi»",,., (Maaailbn, lAndon, 197')' pp. 11,...').

PAl; T1CIPAT10N 57 Once, it is IlO"CSncy to say a liu]e more about the

rC;ailOtl I am arguing for, if it is to appeal to utilitarians, who may not regard unfairness as bad in itself. It must bc shown that this unfllimes;s is likdy to have undesirable consequences, and if this reason, arising from participation, is to be scpanre from and additional to the 'fair compromise' argument ad~'lIDCCd earlier, it must be shown why participation makes any diffen:nce 10 the conscqUClU:es of disobedience. I think it does male a difference in t\\~ wa)1l. Fim, while public: obedience will support, and public: disobedience wc::r.ken., lbe decision-procedure 1\'hc:ther one lru participated in it or not, panicipnioo, ifknown to others, is likely to intensify the dfeas of obeying oc disobeying. Consider Ihis amJogy: in a putirular industry there is a system of voluntary arbitration which is nornully used to 5':uJe disputes bct\\'een the unions and empIoYfi1. If I union decides Iha! it 1\111 not submil its ClI5e

for 11 higher WlIgt: to the .rbitntion SY!ilnn on one uccasioo, this will wcaken the 5y$Iem to some extent, and if it were to happen often enough, the system would become redundant. Consider, however, what would happen if the union were to!:O to arbitration (in circumst;lnc~ in which the employers were perpared to a(:l;ept ",hatcver veruict the arbilntot reached) but then, on hearing the verdict, the union were to decbre it 10 be una(:l;cptnble, and take other measures to g; a higher wage. 1t would, I believe, require far fewer ~rrCl1C($ of the Ra)nd type 10 dl$tr()y the arbilnTion SYSTem than of the first. I believe also, although T ha\'e no way of proving it, tha the same is true in respect of politicsl institutions, This conclusion probably wOllld not apply to seem disobedience, like the performmcc of iUegal abortions, but it clearly wou1d apply to any pcnon or group 1\'ho publicly urgt:d pe<lple to \~tei:n a certain .... ~y at In cJccrion. and then publicly urged them 10 disobey the ~t of Wt clcaion.

Tbe sccood way in ,,-hieh public participation makes a

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difference is that it UOOSCI eJ'pecbtions in others llu.t onc will aa:epl the result of the proc:ess one has parricipllled in. AI we have 1ICCn, th.i3 is a rus.mablc apcaation, sioee without pncnI aeccpt2nC;:C of the rewlt of the proc:ca by tho5:c participating, the process would ~n. be abandoned .. ~t u obvious t11at a refusal to accept the dcoslOfl by t110se partJclpat­ing will dis:appomt [hac apcaations in ot11crs, and will aU5C resentment Uld anger among those: who did p:micipatc in good faith, ready to accept results tu which t11cy were opposed. ~ people ha\'e been taken advantage of; t11cy ha\"e been neated as dumb, honest 5uclr:ers by people . ·ho seemed to be acting in sood flith, but were really only using the sy!tttll\ for ... ·hat they rouId get out of it. This,. if not a wholly accurate picture, is how many of those who PlI rticip"'t~ in g~ faith \\i ll sce the matter, aDd the f:1Ct that the partICIpant! diSObey publicly -,rill :>ttm 10 sincere votCf1 to be a bnuen flaunting of contempt for democratic procedures. This I"C!>'ttllment is • utilitarian reuon for- accepting the "mlict of a decision m which ooc has participated.

otMou.siy, if participation is a reason foe obeying, it is onc which does not apply to :woeiations CKpInized along the lines of the first and second models, in ""hich the necessary Jnrtici­puion is lacking. I should pcr~PS reiterate that C\'cn ir ~rom Ihe point of view of democratic theory those who participate in a procedure mllst ao:ept iu results (and even here some quatific1tions have to he !Wile, as we shall sce) from the brooder ~DdpoiDt of morality in general, this is only one factor to be taken mlo account in deciding how to act. My claim is only that il is a lignificant consideration which should never be ignored, It Imy lIODlCIimcs be overriddcn. In practical tUUlS, th is means Iht il m~y somctime!l be wrong to disobey a bow which has arisen from a deeibion-procedl,lre in which one has voluntarily participlted, in circumstances in which one would be justified in disobeying the same law if one hid not

I .

SUMMAty 59 participated in the system. This is a reason for obeWenoe .hich is llIuch more likdy to apply in democratic societies than under other forms of governmenl.


Our discussion $0 far Ius been confined to modd asoociations. 8y comparing three models, twO of ...... hich were plainly wHkmocn.tic in their method of gtI'"trDmcIll, ... hile the third was a model democratic aDociatinn, I Iu,\'e c.umined the popular bdiefthat ... ·hile disobtdicnce may be justifiable in an undemocntic society, tme ate speci31 reaSON for obeying the 11.", in a democracy. Although 50tTle of the tndirional gmund5 foe this belief have proved unsatisfactJXy, I bc-lie-.-e I have shown that there are at least t ... o signific:mt rasolU for obeying the law in a model democ~ whkh do not apply to otheT poIitK:al systems. To this extent the popuhr belief has been oonfinned.

I Iu,'"e said nothmg up to now about the relation betweu the 11\"0 reuons for obedience for which 1 have aq;ued. I said, fim1y, that one ought to 3CC1ept a decisioo-procedure which represented a fair compromise between compeling claims to power. 'Acccpl' here involves both participating in and abiding by the results of the decision-proa:dure. Secondly, I argued that puticipation in a decision-pr\Xledure, wben Others Ire p3nicipating in good faith, crCltes a priPfIJ /IJrit obligation to accept the results ohhe procedure.. Tiling thc$e two points in COIJjunction, we can see that the first is p3rticubrly important because it provides a rc:ason for participating in the danocntic process as well as foe ICttpting il5 verdia. Without thill reason for participating, the second reason ""-oo[d laclr. grip, in that understanding the obligation involved in participating m.ighl lead one to refuse to participue.

O""iously, I have not discussc.-d aU the pos&ible reasons fOf

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obeying the law which are spcdally relevant to democracies. I have di,cussc<l "hat seem to me to be the main ones, but there arc many others. Since obeying the bws o( lily political I)'lttrn i3 one vo'ay of supporting that system, and any reason onc IllS fot favouring a political system is also a rt;l8(In (or supporting it, any (eat~ of a political system of whim onc appfOtou is a rntOn fOt obeying the b..., of that system. When comparing democratic and undemocratic politic:d systems, any advanul.-e5 thllt the fonncr have ()\~r the biter may be regudcd as reasons for obeying democratic la .... " 1Ifhich do not apply 10 non-democratic systems. So any afJUlllent for democracy, for illStllnCC, J. S. Mill', claim that tbe active role played by members of a democratic !lOci~ty enhances their dignity Ind C\·en their intellcau:1i C2p3citic::s' i3, if , .. lid, a spcci6cally democratic rca.~n fur obedience. To discuss all the spccificllly democratic rc~son3 for obedicncc vo.,uld therefore involve discussing all the possible reasons for preferring democracy W Otbtt S)'Stenu of gmunmcnt. To come to a balanced conclusion onc would ba.e to offset all these reasons against whatever reasons there arc for prefcrring non-dcmo­eratic forms of government. Ratha than undcrt:llJ.:c a sketchy resume of reasons of this sort (only a few of ..... hkh can be settled wi thO\lt a ,-cry careful study of COIltro,·ersial matt~ of fact) I will refer the reader to the literature which exists on the subjea.' InMrad, in the follo'lOing pages I shall go on to ",hat scc:m tu me 10 be tbe nm main taSks nccdcd to follow up what I h"e said so far. firstly, I shall discuss some objections., and

, }. S. Mill, Rqlrntfll-m. c..... <Ill, ClIp. pp. >03- 4 . • Thlt &<=1_ ill atmsi~ Prig t.d: I. Jeuc 10 !'Wo'1 R~~

inctudiDc JUCh nirN:tffilth.«nlu'1 ch"'g at MiJr. R<trumIQIIN' C...,..,.""""" .00 ..orb of this a:nt.ury III dilfrn:llI at A. D. U"dsay'. Eano".u .~«J (ClueDdOll PHa, (hrord, 1!p9) ,Dd R. A. 0ahI'. fu/u, " ~1Jt n-, Wnj.uoit, of QiaCO Pns, o.K:op, 1956).

SlIMMART 6, make some qualiJications to the conclusions roched so far. Then I shall consider the c:ttent to which these coocIusiont, reached by • consideration of modcl associations, arc applicable to tbe forms of gmttnll1Ctl t in those countries wlUeh wc in the West think of as dcmocracies.

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r PEOPU: disobey the Jaw for A variety of moral Tca$(lns, and the form their disobedience lahs v;r.rics considerably. These different aims and forms make .l difference to the jU8tification of disobedience, 3nd 10 the extent to which the specifically democratic reasons for obedience. apply.

In OlIlSidcring these £actOB, we shalt often have to lry to we JlX'Ount of rclevant mallcn of flct about panicuJu societies. This is ulUvoidable if 1ft . rc to discuss the actual ;usti6c:.lions of disobedience put forward by its pl1lctitioncrs, Since di50bcdknce U\\1IYS likes pbcc in :a particubr eontCJ:I, the argumalts used 10 defend i( arc OIX "bst~; they rely on various facu aOOlll ltlc society in \1 .. hich the disobalimcc. t:lkE!l pboe. To ignore these facts ","Ould be 10 givc up the claim that our arguments are rdC\"3ut to those "'ho participate, or th ink about participating, in aCf:il of disobedience.

Our amcem in this put o(the book is with those arguments in defence of disobedience which deny or overlook the rC:lSOns for obedience wbich I have argued ~re ~Ievant to democnric societies (!.hougb I remind the reader tha~ ..... e have yet to oontidcr whether Iny existing 5f$l!:ms of government conform wfficicntJy to the dernocr..tic model fot the democratic reasons to bold). I have 00 tbcofetical disagreements with those who r«OgI1ize the rw;ons for obedience in a dcmocncy. but COlt­

sider that vay specW, weighty oonsidcntionJ-fOf example, the: proloupJ horror of the ..... ar in Viurwn--oot1feigh these dcmocntic obligations. Whether, in a putieubr case, the

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, democratic obligations are out\\'eighcd is not something which C3n be determined in the abstract, 1nd to upect any work of theory 10 give ;tIlSl\"Crs 10 such questions is to expect more thw theory alone an give . . ,



There is a mdition in democnlic thought which links dcmoo­racy with a theory of rights. Majority rule, according 10 this tradition, is only a part of democney, or al least, of 'consti­tutional dcnuxncy'. which is the only kind of dem!JCr.lCY worth tlle name. Just as essenrill 10 democrncy are limits on the scope offfilljority action, limi ts which lcavctothc individual inviolable freedoms., bcyO!Id the legitimate reach of the ffilljorily. Thc classic stalement of this ,;ew is the AmcriClln ~Iaralion of [ndcpentlence:

We hold Ihese uuths tll ~ sdr~i~cnt: that ~ll men are created equal; that they ne endo"ll'C<,l by their Crtator with cemin in:Jlien­able rights; that ~ml)ng these ~re life, liberty and the pumrit of happin=; thJI to"8CC\Irt: these rights, go.,.ernment5 art: institut~..J among mcn, deriving their JUSt powers from tM ooll'l'l:nt of the gu\·crned; that whenever any form ofgo, .. ernmentl.>cwmc:sdcstrIJC­live or Ihese ends it is the right of th~ people 10 alter or to Ibnlish it ...

It is hardly surprising rhl the belief that dmtocncy involves rcspca for rights should be must widely held in me United State'!, but it c m also be found almost e\"Cl'}"\·here dmtocntic ideas are to be found. A powcrful defence of disobedience Cltn be based on il~ If men have inviolable rights. !lIlt is, rights which ought nevCl" to be violated, any decision whk~ denies Ihese rights can ha\'e no moral claim to be obeyed. So the rt.';ISOns for obedience for which I ban! afKUoo must be trealed as having limits which make lhcm inapplicable when thc majority decision interferes ",;tIl rights.


( In order to discuss this line ofthollgl)t, it will be convenient to deal separately with two classes or rights: those that are essential for the preservation of a system of government sufficiently like that of our third model association to gi~e rise to the reasons for obedience for which I have argued, and those which;ue not essential for this. I will first consider rights in tile former group, and to facilitate discussion I will revert to tile third model association.

Imagine that in the third a~don there is a majority of members who strongly dislike ecrbin views held by a few members on how the association should be rUII. Naturally, thl! few CIIIlIlot put their ~;ews imoeffect, since they are a minority, but they hope that they ",·m eventually O)Ilvert ~ majority of members to their views. In order to prevent this, the majority paSS a motion that no onc should be allov;cJ to speak in support of these views. What reaction 10 this decision would be in a(:(:(lrdance with the aspect!> of the decision_procedure of the tIlird model association which (,>ive rise to the special re:uons for obeying it? (For O)nvcnien<::C, T shall refer to these aspects as 'delTlOCf:ltic principles',)

A selective restriction of the right to free speech is contrary to dcmocf"Jlic principles. Bya selecti\'c restriction, 1 mean onc whicll picks out rernin views, ~nd S:lys th~t no one may spt:lk or write in favou r of these "ie""s, although other ,·iews are not proscribed; alternatively, a selecti,'e n:striction might prevent some peoplc from supporting any political views at .11, ....-hile allowing others 10 support w!ute"er views they like. In cither case, the restriction destroys the fair compromise which is the basis of dCruocr.\(ic obligations, stuoo it fa\'ours sornc members of thc society ovcr otllers-some have the means of winning OdlCf members 0'0.« to Iheir viev."S, others do nOlo

A restriaion of the right to free speech ..... hich .... -as not selectivc but (ota] would appear not to fa\"Our any particular members oftlle society o\'Cr olhers. Tt is difficult, howe.,.«, to

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imagine AJCh ;l proposal being nude xrioudy, outside .I

Tnppist 1DOI1aSltr)'. Even the most tot2li13rim Slates bombard their citizeru ."ith the views of the ruling clique. In 11 democ­racy, free speech has ohviOl.U advan~ in promoting informed dc:cision-making, wbich is morc Iilely to be right tban uninformed decision-lTI:Inng. Nevertheless, the idea of 11 loal bm is of th~ interest, bceaux it suggens th2t nOl: every ban on free speech will be undemocntic. If people wished to lI\'Oid debating issues almost IS much as tbey wished to avoid fighting over them, they might aoctpc. 18 :a fair c0m­

promise: :I S)'5tnn in which i$SUe!I 11"erC decided by :I vote, but no onc was allo,,-cd 10 spcal fOl or II."inst any pfOlXJAl. ~1on: realistically, a democratic lOCicry may adopt prO«dunl rules which limit the artKlUnl of dcb;atc on any imlc, 01' the IlII\OIInl of caf\v:lssing thal any candidate fOt: OffiCC may do. These rules ate I II restrictions on free speech, bm they are rt5uictions which apply equally to everyone, no !TUner who he is and what vjc .... 'S be: suppons. UnLikt lIC[ccth'c rcstrictions,(they do oot violate the principle oOfair compromitc, and so 00 nO( affect this democr:l.lic rC1l1On for obedience. Selective restrictions do vitiate this fl·~son for obedience. Where there are selective restrictions on frc:e spoeeh, those considering wherner to disobey tlo not have to take into accol1n t this specifically democratic rC3SOO for obedieoct:.

It is perhaps anomalous that the Ill'gument just advanced applies in a more str.Iightforw;1rtl way to any decisions reached by the association while the decision restricting freedom of speech u. operat ive, than to the original motion itscU', since this motion WOlS p;wcd under conditions offree speech, and there­fore under a fair dccisi~proccdure. It &«ms to foliOVI' that the fairness of the decisiorrproccdureup toand including this decision is a ruson for accepting and panicipning in ir. and that this p:z.nicipaUon gives rue to a further uason (oe obedience, in the normal way. It is only to bIer decisions that


these rnsGl1I for obedience no longer apply. With rega.rd to the panicub.r decision n::stricting (Jtt speech, ".e seem to be forced to say thr.t whi le there are tlemocratic JQSOf1lI for disobeying (to restore the fai, compromise) then: are also democratic reuom for obeying. If there is • clash hm, all onc: an Ay is that both factors must be taken into account. Perhaps they cancel each other out, Of perhaps., as I am indintd to think, frttdom of specclI is such • fundamental requirement that any rta5(JQ;lble chance of rcstoring it OUt­wcigiullhe reasons for ohcdimoe. In any case, I do nlll: think thatlhis cluh indiatcs any serious inconsistency in democr.atic principles. 'The Ame kind of conflict of reasons may be found in very simple political doctrioca. If an absolute monarch ... ·ere to make an irrC\'OCIbIe gt'LIIt of .11 his powers to an elected uselubly, the absolutist principle du..r: one ought to obey only the hereditary monarch cou1d be cited both for and against obedience to the decision. This problem can arise in m;pect of Iny IOVef'cign tlccisiol)-procedure, because SO't'Creignry involves the power to modify or change altngcther the decision­procedure in operation. If it be decided by decision-procedure X t11at d~"Cimon~procedure Y should be instituted, {his wiU always lead to a dilcnuna 9r somcone who ha.~ championed X against Y.

What is true of the right 10 freedonl of speech is also true, for the same t(aSOll5, of any other right essential 10 the opera­lion of a decision-procedure like lhat of the third association. Among these: Ire the right to vote or Uand for office, or the right to fn:-edum of a.'iSOciation and pC:IC(.fu l assembly, and so on. More complete lisu of the righu essential to derraoeraey can be found in Iny SllIndard ttlt on the subject.' As there is somecontruversy over the details, I willa~vidgivinga complel:e list. Some further di5cuWon of ""hat is to count as I rair

'One tudllist can M fow.d in R.A. D&hI, P~''''(/f7 (Yal~ U.P., New Hann ..... Lo:ndon. 1971), p. 3.


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dC'mocnticsyslcm will be found below, in Part Ill. In genen\, Ihen.' the very llafUfl: of the dcmocntic process involves the eDslencc of righlS, thc: viobtiun of which im-alidate5 the reasons for obedience to which the t.h:mocr.l.l.ic proc:css normally gives ri~ Suialy speaking, (he violation will (Wllcss 11 ill a \iolaoon of the right 10 \"Ott) invIlidm oo1y the rcuon for obedience derived from faif compromise, and DOt that dcrh-cd from VoJl,llIt2ry participation; but if tbe fair COOl·

promise has ce.uc:d 10 operatC', there will be liule poinr in participating.

- If the qucsuun be put: who is 10 d~dt when a right <'SSCIltiaJ to dCfllocncy has been viobted? the a/lS1Itt can only be: the individU31. As we 83" in considtring the problem of minorities, the decision as 10 the l!:~ of the ~n_ procedure cannot be !cft to the d«iSlon-procOOun: ilsl:leThe only other possible solution, dIal of ICtting up some body independent of the decision-prooedure, is not, in practice, a

~ tttI possibility: UltJln:ltely such bodies must be undn- the oontrOl of the decision-procedure, for torncooe must appoint the members of the body. The Supreme Court of the United State$, for inSlance, has nC\'er really been an effective gtlardun of minority rights ~b':lillst the majority-il has generally fonowed public thinking after a decent inlcrval.'

When we lum 10 riShlll which are oot essentiml to a system of government sufficiently like that of our third model 10 give rise to the ,~pe<:i.l re:lSOllS for obedience, the Situation is diffuml, Among the righl! of Ih is son which people ha~-e demanded are tbe right of frttdom of worship, the right 10

attend the same schoob as people of other nccs, the right to ~ual pay, and the right 10 have sexual intercourse ~'ilh persoos of one's own sn. (The viobtilm of wme oftbese nghu might,

, Sce R. A, Dahl, PIIfT_lirt ~M' I. tM UlliltI St.ttJ:C(lfjjfkt.,.4 C...- (llInd Mc. ... olly. ~ 1967). cb, 6.


of course, be part of a polky of discriminnion agaill5l. a minority which .... ,ould, as explained arlier, be incompatible with fair compromise.) The right to life can be IX)fIstrued either broadly or narrowly, so Ihat it may or may not be essential to dcIUOtr.ltX: SO"'Enlzmnl. Broadly construed, the: righl 10 life would prohibit capiul punUhrnent under any cilUlmstatlCC$. A violation of this right, say in cues of murder, would lIot be contrary to democratic principles. On a IDOr'e

narrow construction of the right to life, only some arbiuuy taking of life wou!d c(lUnl at a breach. Nttdlns to SIll', some arbitrary killing would dc:stroy the buis of democfxy---the Lillill5 of thO!>1e who beld cmain views must be at kast as contrary to delDOCr.ltic principles as the b~nning of IDose views! So just '\IIhen a right is essential to dcmucracy and when lIot ~ill require judgemenl ~ Once we h.\'e decilkd that a right is not CS$I:lltial 10 d~'nlOCf'Iq', hOwe\'er, it is clear Wat !he violation of wch rights dots not destroy the basis of the dcmocntic IUSlQDS for obedience.' Again, I empllasitt th~t the viobtion of non-nsenti:ll righb may be!ilO serious as to justify dillObedicncc d"pitc the dClllocntic reasons for obedience; my point is only dun in this case the disobedience is 'despite' these reasons. When the rights violftted are essential to dcmoc­t.ley, thcre is no n~ for the democr.uic relSOflS to be ovcr­riddcn, and so a less scrious violation may justify di!;Qbedience,

(There is A further eomplication1to what 1 hl."e just said, because whc!her wc regard a viobrion of. particular rigbt as 'undemocratic' will depend on our concept of democracy, Since the term 'democratic' has favouflble eoonot:r.tions, many government actions ue called 'undemocratic' by their oppo­nents! even though the aroo", in no way interfere with the decision-procedure. T1K:rt is nothing ralTy wrong lIith a brwd alrKlq)t of ·democracy'. although I think it helps clear thinking to restrict the term's meaning. If one does ccgard rights which are not CS#Dwl to a decision-pl'Oa'dure lile tbat

Page 40: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience

of the third modd association as nonc the less ucmocn.tic rights, thcn onc oould hold that democ:r1ltic principles (here the phrase IIl(;InJ IDO", than the principles of the third model dccision-proocdutt) support disobedieoce against any viobtiora of dlese rights by the majority. What onc may not hold, I contend, is t~t the dClTlouatic reasons for obedience gencntcd by the dccision-9roctdure of the third model do not hold in 1Uch. .. cue. So long as the violations of rights do not undermine the decision-procedure, these TCUOIIll must be takcn into aCCilUnt.

The difference bct",,-etn a bfOQd and a n.:uTO'ft. ooncept of democracy, so fir as the present disawion is conccrncl, amount!l only to this: when a decision made by a decision­procedure like dclt of the third mood violates an imponant, but non-C5$CJ1ti.1 right, Sly, the right to freedom of worship, I, with my nurower C1)TlCCpt of democracy, v.ould Ay that this crotCl a cluh bctWct'l1 the special dmlocraric reasons for obeying (as 1II"C1I as any other rCllsoru fOf obeying there might be) and the reuon fOl" disobeying, which is (he injuSlice, hardship, Of viobuoo of rights, CI~ by the decision. We ba,""C to decide which of thC$e roSODS arc more important. Someone with a brmdu amcepl of demoaacy, who rtprded freedom of worship as an essential democr:ltic right, would say t~t in the situation described, there was a cl2h between democntic principles, some of which f~your obedience, and some disobedi~"nct. Provided"ll"c arc clear ~bout what wc mean by 'democntic', so tlut holding the brnader concept dDCS not lead us 10 think that we ean ignore the force of .... h:lt I call the deulOl."l1IUc n:uons for obedience, the difference 8eC1lUI 10 be merely '"CfbaL

The substantial issue, then, is tbat the difference between rights essenti;l! to, and rights not essential 10 the fuoaioning 0( 11 decision-procedure like that of the third as:socil.rion must be recognized. It does 1\0( mattQ" jf this differeD« is held to

lie ..... itllio, or outside 'den:lCKncy'. The difference is importa.nt beeaU9e, as r have alre.dy said, when I decision is made which gives onc rClSOD to believe that thc tkcision-proocdurc is not, or can no JOIlget", operate as 11 fair compromise, there is no point in appealing to tile dc:ci:sioo-procedure itself to determine whether- this is so. Hence thue is no raJ alternative to ~lIowiDg those Q()Qcemod to decide fOl" themselves. With suspc:cted violations 0( rights which are m)( CSICIlUal to the fair operation OflM decision-procedure, ho"·ever, it is possible to leave it to the dccision-pnndure !O resolve what righu ~re to be respected. On practical grounds, there is good reason to do so. A vast amount of the norm.1llegislation of.1 mooem govern_ ment an be seen as.1 viobtion of some right or oLher. Segre­gated schools are tu moot of us a d~~r violation of I right to cqu.1 trealmenl, but 10 some people legislation against !lqpegalcd schools is .1 vioI.ttion of a right to $(:nd one's children to what~"Cr school. one wants, Of an inliingement of the right of Lhe loa! community to gQ\"ttn itself on these matters. (I think it is Plnly because """tg:uion, as pnttised In the Amtt1can South, ~ a cleat" indication of unf:.tirncss towvds a minority, and thus viobtcl the dmlocn.tic reasons for obedience, while the right to send one'. cllildren !O what­ever school Ol1C "I"ants is not eo;sential to the dernoenti<: procedure, tha t ci\·il disobedience against segregation 1II"lI$ justified, but the disobedienee of scgrtgationists against federal intqrntion orders was not.) totinimum wage legislation has been seen as contrary to the right of freedom of contract; fluoridation u a violation of a right to refuse medicinc; some people think that abonion disrqards Lhe rights of the unborn, while othas demand abortion u 11 'ft"Omln'S right 10 control her own body; e-o·cn taxation cm be uid to infringe the right to property. The list is endless. If a dCJnOCrJ.tic dccisioo­proctdure IS tu perform its funttion of resolving dispules ptIIcd"ully, the individU:ll must m:ogn~ that lhere are $lIODg

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rasons for allowing :a fair to detmnine which of these alleged righu are really 10 be treated:as rigbt8. '

So my conclusion is that the reasons for obedience ""hich hold in democr:atic aocieties ut not limited by any theories of rights, except ""hen the righlS infringed ate CRiential for the continued aistcnce of the dccislon.-procedure in the form which gave rise to the rnsoJlS for obedience.


f"The ICXImple of an in of disobedience which I discussed in connection ",ith the simplified models "':IS an act intended to prco.·CJ\I, physically, tne cmying oot of Ihe decision of the association. In discussing this eumple I hl\'e written as if disobedicnoe is al .... 'I)·s like: this, I lwl)1I an attempt to fortt the alteration of a decision, or make it impossible for tlle decision to be eKecrl,·e., I mU$( now ackn()1l'\edge that disobedience an bke othtt forms. The rest of tllis part of the book will be amcemed witll forms of disobedience which do not invoh'e coercion. My tim ,..il1 be to assess the difference the form disobcdiem;c bkcs h:15 on Ihe democratic reasons for obedience..

I shaU begin by quoting ftOm an articlc written by Bcrtrand Russell in support of the canlpaign of civil disobedience txgiInized by the 'Cl)mmince of 100' tgaill5t llritisll f1 ude1r policie8. I quOte at some Ien~ be<:ause Russdl's is a'U

• Tbrx ImlIrb In. relenm: 10 R. Dworkin' •• rude 'T.kq R.;;:bu Seriouslr'. N~ y .... Rnli· ... " BHh. '1 D«. '970. Probably the fimdunmul d.if'unw;e ~"'ml =J poIitlon q:I Owortin·. ill ....... the narwe ofri&hrs,:lQ -...c WI I QI.QDOC ~lINsiI propctty btre. Wmt I Cln ay it dUl CTtn 011 Dworkin'. Yio:w of,iam.. .bile. pc:o.-. .... y at .... ). bin • ril!ht to disobty whnllhe Itl!t infrinscs • rishI of his, 10 II:>J I.h;. lel.ya IIDIOUChtd ,he qlleliUon of . -babtr he OOIht 10 a.m.: lho' "lot. So if _ acoepKd • theory of "'hu IOLe lhal of Dworun. I wuuld mu ape t1111 tbe 6e!.x:,.tlc rCHOnt for obc:dio:"Oi' COUnllp;..t tll:l"Cizio:!l the rie;bl lO cIiIobq.



(articulate defence of disobedience in a OlUntry generally regarded as democratic. Mort recent defences of disobedience havc IlOC always b«n as arefully muoncd.

1lIose .ho stud,. nuclc:ar .... ~poN and the probable CI:lUt8e or nllClcar..-at arc divided inlo two c\as$a. Then: are, on the-onc hand. peo;ople tmpl~ by smwnmenrt. and on the other hand, unofficDl pc!Ople who are It(WltecI by. re:oliution of the lbngtrl and caru­u oplKs 1O'hich are P«lb3b11: ir J(R'C:rnmcmal policies remain unchangcd.(Thc:n: an: I number or q~tions in disputt) I ",ill IIXnOon a few- of than. Wlut a the likelihood of:l nudar 1fU by acriIknt 1 Whll is to be f(aml from f.l1I"iIU11 What jHopoiUton (If the population i<I lik-:'" 10 ~"t\'i\'e an 11l-out lIuclear ...... r ' On C'o'ttJ one of these q~lJon. IOdepcndcnt itudmu find thll offICial I~ and poliq-inalen Ji''f: InS....-tn 1Ohich, to the unbiued inqws:.r, IWC',.!! ~nd murderou&l.1 misle>dins:. To llLlle kno"n 10 tIx grn«1l don --;-hll indepcudmt inquUns bcliC\'f: to be the trllC lIuc .... 'C1', to tbe$e questions is a "ay difficult matter.

( wbtre the: tnllh is dlflicuJl to UCfttIin Ihere it a ""tunl inclin><tion to trust the officU.lau!borilies. Tha is mpeci:lll" the CIllI: when who t they U51en enabll!!! people: 10 dismi!lll uneuina>l IS needlessly Ibrmi5l. The INiac organs or publici ty fed IhclTlKh"e5 pt." of the E5I~blishment and are ''f:ry rclucllnl 10 tlke I course which Ihe li shmo:nt .... iU frown on. Len! and (rUSlrlling upt'ricnce has pro\'td, 1(0 tht)5le arnU!1¥ us who hlVe et\d(awlln:d III m~ke un· pleas:.lnt f~cu btu .... n. tMt orthod~ methods, alone, arc insuffidmt. D)' meaN of civil diJuboJicncc: . I cuuin kind of publicity bwomo:s po!1'Iibk. Whit wc do is reported, though as far IS J'lOSSiblc Uur reDOns fOf ,.Jut wc do In: not menliUnro. The policy of suppressing 0111' fQ.S()ns, however. h:u onl), \'Cry p"rti.d succcss(' people are ro~ to inquire into qUdtiom "hich Ihey ~d bun..-illing to iplOt, Many people, cspeci:lUy alllOl1llthc young. come to share !he opinion IlIot gO\'f:rnlJ1(nrt. b)' ~ns oflies a.nd cvlllioru/., Ire luring whole: popub.tions 10 daU'UCtion. It $«111$ not unli~cly Ihat. in the end, ill ill . lible popub.r movement of Pn)tCSI *111 compl'I gowrnments to aUow theu subjects to oootinue 10 nisi. Oil Ihe b3sis ofkq: upcrimcc, .... 'f: .re OOQ\in«d that this obtea cannot be

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Io:hie\~d by law .... bidin' merbods alone, Spea.king (oe myxlf, I nprd thill IS the most imporunt reuon (or adoptins ci:ril di$­obcdienoe.'

For the purposes of discnssioo, I WU assume that the facts ate u Russcll states them to be iD this pilSSlge.

The first point to ootice is the impomncc of the issue. The iuue in this ~nucJcar poJicieI and the por;sibility of nuclear ", .. r- is ohIilllWY 5ufficiently important to bring dis­obedience into considention. Secoodly, there i. the point dl:l.t the government h:lS a advan tage in putting it! case to the public, partly bccausc the true facts are al3rminr and pcop\o. prefer not 10 be alarmed, and partly beause tile major organs of publicity are bi2SCd in favour of the government. RUll$CU'( condusion, confirmed by experience, is1th*orthodox are i nSllffid~t to gain the dissenters a rtaSOnable hearing for their viev.y Gvil disobedience, Russcll c1aill)}, is thctcfore justified bcciusc it will help 10 pin a fair h'euing, ~isc denied, to a dissenting group on a matter of SUprt'fl1e importance.. The final goal is 3 popular IDOvement which ""ill \eld to a changt: in government policies. It is not enrin::ly clear whether this lIIOv<:mem is expected to work by constitutional methods,once I fai r hearing has been obt:lined by ditJobcdience, but to simpl ifY discussion we shall assume that this is the case.

The kind of disobedience for which Russellargues, then, is lll(lt an atlcmpt by a minority to coerce a majority, It is a means

of presenting a cue to a majority, an attempt to perwade r:tthcr than'lO COt"';. Russell is, in elfca, appealing to some principle of fairness, claiming that the difficulties and dis­tortions which his views h:lve to 0l'ttC01DC in reaching the \'Otcrs through normal channels are 10 great u to destroy the

"Chit Difobtdimce and lhe'I1t=t ofN,od.,,,r W.,f.,t', lint pIIb­li:IIbcd in C. Urqubut (fd.l, If Mu,,,. ~ Lif~ (Cape, 1.oodoIo, 196j).1JId rq>rinttd ia H. A. &doll (<<.1 Ci • .;} Di~ .. TIwry" Pr.clllt. 1'1'. '5~·


1wiI o(tbenormal democntic reuons (Of obedience. We hI .. -e seen that (ait compromise requires tlut there be no biu in the way in whic:h differing views rCKh. the members of the: socidy. Ru-U'. disobedience, far (rom denying the democntie

.- reasons (or obedience (or which I have UJUCd~ (;,n be KeD as a way of remedying defects in a systt"Ul. which. in pnctice, has depaned from the buic conditions on which democracy, and the democ;r:uic rnsollfl for obedience, depend~ ( The principal diffieulry in usessing this kind of llf!Umml is

in deciding what constinJ!C9 a sufficiently unbi18cd hearing for differing views) Oue ~implc and superficially IIIIJ'lCtive ansv;er is that formal fr«dOnl of expression is all that is needed.. So long as no one is legally barn::d from cxprtaing whatever "iew5 he likes, the requirement of equality is satisfied. RussclI , of c:ourse, would deny this. He points out that in a large 5Ociery, 'the nujor organs Of public;ity' have much more inRucnce than onlinuy 'unofficial people', MortO\'tr, Russdl Ay!., tho:se nujor ocpns of pubooty ue part of the Esf1lblish­mtnt , and so pred.isposed tOwards utabl.ishment vieW3.

Ruswl1 is 5lI rely right to d aim that formal freedom is not

enough in a society like OUB. The proprietor of IlllUior news­paper has a btHer opport UJl ity of influencing government decimons, should he so desire, than the man on a SOQ~box at Speakers' Corner, even though Itg:lUy Ihey have the same freedom of erpression, It might be saill thlt equality ill pro­iiCrvcd bea.use C'o'eryone has an equal opportunity to become the proprietor of 11 major nev.'$papct, but this is untrue, because inherited Iliea1th, or better stiU inherited ncwsplpet holdings, certainly make it easier, In any ease, C'o'en. if an onIinuy worker muld work himself up to be a newspaper proprietor, he would then DO longer be an ordinary worker, SO dw the views of workcn might still fail to find exprcssilXl.

If formal freedom is not enough, what ~"OUld constitute an adequate hearing ? Un~ortunatdy, R~1l nCYCT spells thiu!!!t.

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(" 'I'beR if a ttodrnty for dissenters to take lhe fact tlut their view has not been accept:ed by dte. public as evidmc:e that iliw not been properly presented 10 the public. Thi.;, obviously a mistake, Lbough onc which is hard to ;1''Oid if onc is convinc:ed that ooc'. 0"'0 vP is indisputably 00fff{9 Russdl ~lf "" "" ~~:;. AldlS'!!gb it m:!.y be a !iu]c

q ll!suncc ,,·hleh may 1ICn"C. to I . mistake. In

• RUS!le1l wrote:

... clle COI'Ct$ thu control opinion are heavily weighted upon the sidcQftherichand powerful ... TheignonnCf:orimportlnt public men un IW: .ubject ofnudf:l r w;lTfm: is utterly iUlounding 10 ~ "'1\0 hive mM an impart~l sNdy ofthc lubject. And from publi<: men Ibill igncnnee trickles do .... n to '-ome the voice oflhe pcopk. It is against Ihis massi~c artificial ipor.mQe thllt Out protests lte dir«:l:cd. I wilt give • fe .... insunca of this astonishing ignonnce: ... the Prime MiniHcr rcctru ly m tcd .. ;thom Iny qualification Ihlt 'Ihere " i ll be nn .... r by aa::ident'. I Iuo\-e flOC <XJd:le K rOSS onc fIOfI-1'J'Vm1InelU eqla1 who W srudicd Ihis itllI;ea ,,-ho doa: DOl Ay the opposi~. C. P. SnoW',., has an uaptiond right UISpeU:

.. ith ~utlwrity, Aid in a recent anick 'Within allhe moot Itn years, 5QIIlC of these bomb. are going oK. I am 51}ing this u T~bly as I em. rUl is I catJinty: I

T()(lly, with the benefit of more than ten yeus' hindsighl, wc arc 1I00like[y to fed so sure that the influence of the rich md powerful produced a '\"C .rtificia[ ignorance' which was mlponsible for the rejection of the vie," of Russdland Snow 00 the likelihood of an accidental nuclear war.

Can we Sly Ihat if the mass media allow dissenters opportuni­ties 10 putlheir 0.11111 case, this will be sUfficienl to ensure a fair heuing ? Then:: are difficulties even with Ihis idea. '··il'$II,. what

• Fint pub!i,ba! '9'6" IqIrinlcd in TIte "1II..",,1t7 ., Btr", ... R ... n, YOI. J (Allao oad Un-m, London, .96\1), pp. '41-a, _pba';' in oriJiDaI.

DISOBEDIENCE POll PUBI.ICITl' n views an: to. be included, and how much time or spgce an: the propoomts ofthcsc views to bepven 1 To give equal time and Iplce 10 every possible vie-oJ might seem 16 be a 'fair c0m­

promise' but il would probably mean that no onc had enough time or space 16 dcvdop his vie", .. properly; n6r is it 6bviously a faiT compromise if vie," held by onc perIOn bne as much c:ovenge 15 those held by milIions---indced il would pay political parties, under such a system, to. disbllnd and present thcmsehu as individuals each holding dightly dilfercnt ~11. Yet once we abandon This simple eqwdity, how can bias be aJrai&led! If we wished to pn:senl, say, 11 of vie""s on tbe wu iu Vietnam, do we limit OUI1iC!\-esIO reprc:scntative9 of those for and against assisting the Saigou Government, or do we inelude lOOse Wb6 "ish to assist the National Liberation Front ? It S«Irui impossible to produce any gtllera.1 principles which can answer this kind of question. Na·enhcless, in actual RlWtiOM it tn:Iy be possible 10 say "hen a puticular view has had a fair hearing and when it hu I\(l(. In the cue of the American debate on the wu in Vietnam, for instmoe, it would be reasonable to. say lhat opposition to I.he v.':u did 1\(l(.1I first, geT a hir hearing. In lhe tuly sixties, lhe mass media tended to brwd opposilion as 'communist-inspircd' or 'unpatriotic', and the b'O\'ttnmcnt seriously misled the public about t.he nature and e:nefll of American involvement. [t w:ls, I thinl, reasonable to claim at that time th3t disobedience was needed in order to put the case against Ihe Wilr 16 theAmerican public. Dy the early seventies, however, the situation Md eMnged,;md disobedience for publicity purposes could nO( be ronsidcred ncecssary. Jo'or whala-er reasons (qui te possibly because Qf eulier campaignsof disobedience) the ease apinsl the wu has been 'W)' fully prcsrotcd by the media, and infOnIl:ltive p·cmmenl documents on the war ~\~ been published (thou~ mostly without goo.·emment pcrmissioo). The fact that the ease againu the ,. .. r has now been adequ.kJy presented

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does nCM:, however, mean that the cue in favour of cootinuing ArrN:'ican assistance to thfo Saigon Government has nOl: rttrixcd adeqUlue I;()Vtnge.l. TIu.t would he an unreasonable claim} in the race of the wide coverage that has been given to lhe vi~"'!i of the Nixon administration. The American coverage of the Vietnam issue ill the early sevenlics sugc:stS, therefore, tld.t :adequate presentation of opfM*d views is possib~.

A deeper objection 10 the po6Sibility of" Atisfactory pre­sentation of radical vie\O'5 on the mass media h2.s betn m:ade by Hcrbtrt Mucuse. \I'ho bdie\'eS .hal to1entnce itself can be repressive. Accordillg 10 Man:use :

•• • ",ithin • I"tpr(lIii~ lOciuy, even ptogJts:AVC lIllI'mtlenbl chrClIen to !Um into llxir oppo&ite to the degrft to 'A'hich tMr a<Xlept !he rules o/' .he ",me. To take I mOll conU'O\'usi.u cue: the eurc:i!le of political rights (such u voting, letter·,,';\;ng 10 .he pn:a, 10 Senaron, etc., prolest-dcmorutnllions "im /J /'T;ori mlunci:ltion of countel"ioIcnCC') in I society of rood adminislrllion 6Itf\'eS 10 strengthm this adminismtion by lesrif}i nIJ 10 the cxislencc of dcmocnti<.: IiWtiell .... hicll, in raliry, I!Jve dunged thm conrentmd b:t thei! cffecd\..:new. In IJUCh • cue, freedom (of opinion, of ~ssembl)', of iipCCCh) bmlmta In inlltrumc:nr foe Ibsohing servitude.'

'!be core of 1tb.rcuse'a argument is that while liberal views of tolerance were 'based on tbe proposition ttut men ",·ere (potent;'a.!) individuals ",ho could lcam to hear and see and fed by themselves, to d~·dop their own thoughts, to grasp their trueinteresuandrightsandcapabilities .. .', pcoplein modem Clpitlllist societies Ire 'manipul.ued. .nd indocuinatro indivi­du;us who patrol, as their own, the opinion of their mas ten. .. '. Hence, Marcuse thinks. the r:uion:lle of tolennee no longer prevails.

l\larcu5C may .... e:1I be right in hisaiticismt oftbe tnditiooal ,·RtpraU~ ToIcnn«' in It P. Wollf", H. Moorc,.nd H. M~ma, A

c"rif/ot t/ I'wr TWrUU't (Bncon rn.,lloiIon, 1969), pp. ')-4. 'Ibid., p. 90-

OIS08!.DI!.NCE POJ. PUHLICITY 79 liber:ll vie:w of tolerance, the view epi!Om~ in Mill', 0,.. Latrty. It is by no means as clear .. Mill thousht it .... as m.t unrestricted tolerance is the sutCSt road 10 truth. Wc should be prepcirc:d to rice the possibility that Mill's optimistic liberal argument fails. We must then uk whether, in agreei1ll1llith MarcuJC thu tolerance may fail to lead individuals to a true appreciation of their interests, rights, and al*bilities, 'll'e are committed 10 qreeing that tolennce ought to be restricled; that as Marcusc: suggests, 101ention of spctth and as5mIblJ should be .. ·ithdn.wn frum 'groups and movtmmts .... hkh promote aggressive policies, a rpmIV'nt, dwJvinism, discrim'" nation on thegrounds of nee ~nd religion, or .. ·hich oppoge the CJ(tcnsion (If public scrvi«:!l, .,ru,1 SClCUrity, mcdica.l Clre, etc."

I think ,hilt Mareuse is in error wbm he assumes ~ rqw.iun of the liberal belief thlt tolerance leads to truth implies a rc;e.:tion of toleunec itself. This seems a str:aight­f0f'll1lrd step for MueuIC bec:aUIiC he accepts the Iibc:NlI idea lhat the aim of tolCJ1lncc is Irtllh. This idu is, I thin~ a misuke, onc duI parallels the belief that, lxause the opillion ofthc majority is no more likely to be ri lrht the opinion of the: minority, there can be 110 iuslificatioll for a democratic system of b'Ovcrnmcnt. Just u in this case it seemed 10 me th.1t the justiriCation of a democratic dcc;ision-proceo:!ure depended not on its prn'ipc:ctS of being right mOre often than any other procedure, but on its advanl:lgc5 25:l basis fOr a fait, pcamul means of scnling di~lItca, so DO\\" I would argue dill! tolerance is to be justified not as a mCilns of reaching the truth, but as a nC<:t'S&lry concomium of a pc.oeful decision-procedure, md abo as a form of compromise in ir,elf- tlw. is., as a way of avoiding di5putcs over 'll'hich viC1\"S should be allowed free exprosion, and which banned.

Once .pin, this may seem a miserable, Ibjea justifiatioo , ibill, p. ' 00-

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for SOffiI!(hing as important as tolerance. 'What r (I inugine Ihe reader uying to himself) 'Does be think ",tll;", worth fighting (or r If 'figbting' hen: means literally fighting to the tbcn I do think almost any reasonable compromise: that SUbSlirutes 50ITIt ICSI deadly form 0( oonlC8t is preferable. Moreova-, n-.:n if I do not Ihint lhat toicntion is 11ws)'S the swat I"OIld to truth, I think Utal tbe viewJ I rqp.rd as true (and nunyoflhcsc Mareuse 1Il)IJld aboacccpl) have a better chance of prtvlliling undc:f o;)TIdirion, of tolerance than lbey \II"Ould if tolerance line abandoned. For if tolerance were 'frilhdrawn, then: is nu KaSOO [0 bdio::,'c it \I-QUid be ",·itbdr::!.v;n from jUSl

those groups ..... hich I, or Mal'WSe, oppose. On the cootnry, men on the Right think tolcn.nee should be withdrawn from groups I and Mucusc: (.\"OUI'. The only ny Marcusc could get his paniculu wrsion of restricted I.oler.mce inlo effea. would be by a resort 10 force; and in Ihis kind of oontl'SI, the Righl ha~ the odd5 much more dearly in their fl\'Ol1l' than in thecontest of persua.~ion under conditionsoftolennce. Tolerance may be no sure road to truth, but truth is stiU Ia:s likely 10 emerge from. resort 10 {on::e.

Let us rerum, then, to Russell's defence of disobedience as a means of obuining a fair hearing. Wc have seen thal althouljh it is possible for dissenting views to obtain all adequate hnring C1o'en when the media are in the hands of a few priwte concerns (as in the cue of the Americ:m ttJVcllIge of anti_war views in the Cldy seventies) there is also a danger that dissenting vic""S wiU be denied such a hearing (15 in the Cilse of the ~me views a fel\' years earlin). Unfortunately there seems 10 be no general principle 'A'hieh would elUbJe us to decide when views are getting an adequate hearing; again, this must be left 10 judge.­ment in each case. Assuming, tMugh. that Russell .... -as correct in cbiming that the case agaJn!lt nudeM ..... npons had not mlti''ed I fair bearing, the argument put fo ....... ard against disobedience 10 a docision-proccdure which represents il fair

OISOBtDIENCE FOIt PUIU. 1CITY 8. compromise would IlOI apply to the nm.l of disobedience defended by RU55CU . Russdl clearly does not adnlClte dis­obedience as a means of coercing the majorily, and be dOCi not withdraw from the idea of a fair compromise as • means of deciding issucs-indccd, a.wc have j\l8t Sttn, he cm appeal to this idea in I;Upport of his actions.

It might be thought, howt-.'tT, that the following argummt can be brought apinst the use of disobcdicnoe: U il means of presenting a case. I f such disobedience really is an effecrh;e fonn of pubHcity, anyDOe -with a cause .... -hieh he fcels is DaI

being gi\~n adequate consideration by the public may use disobedience as a form of publicity. Othc:n:, in order to seaJre an equ111y effccti"e prcsentatioo of their case. will good grounds fOl' retOning to disobedience. Presum­ably, if disobedience becomell ~itlely 1.llled in this way, the novelly of this form of protest will dwppea .. and both the medi3 and the public wlll pay less allcmion to it. In order to achieve the ume effect U was prC1o'iously obl:tined by simple, nort-violent disobedience. the !JC'ale and nature of disobedience ,,;11 have to be escalated. Tbcrc will come a time when non­violent disobediente receivts little publicily, but violent dw. obctJicncc, if on a sufficiently gr:1nd $I::Ile, om ne\'er really be: ignored, tnd SO will always be publici:tcd. (In tile bit sixties, this seemed 10 be happening in dIe United Stltes, but the pt'0CC5S ~'ou ld now appur 10 have abated.) Tn this "'ay, CVen disobedience for th~ 5lIJ.:e of publicity, it CQuld be argued. carries within it the IIttds of dClilrooion of the: tklllOC1llltic process. Just as with di90bedienee designed to coerce the majority, democratic principles must !cid us to reject dis­obedience for publicity, for OI.~~ the deruilm-prooedure may break do~'n into I system in which issues are dmdcd by the ability and ~illingness of Ihe disputanlS to use force and violence.

This lind of argu1l1Cllt fails becr.use it is possible to draw

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limits to lhc kind of disobedience compatibJe " .. ith fair c0m­

promise which will exclude thOK fornu of dilobedience for the Aloe of publicity which do threaten the continuance of the demoentie process. Fintly, if lhe aim of di50bediencc is to prC8Cllla cue 10 the public, tbm only such disobedience IS is nee "y to prC8C:Dt thit case is jllStified. 1be democratic requirement of free:wd f .. ir prtStntaticm of:ill views does not demand oonSbnl repetition of any onc vicw. This sc\'erely restricts thc amoum of disobctlknce which can be justified on thesegrounds.(As I shall argue shortly,howcver,disobedience, in some form, rru.y still be allowable in ocder to danonstrate sincerity or iUtngth of fttling.)

Next, if disobedience for publicity purposes is 10 be com· patible with (;lir compromise, il must be non·vioknt. It mUllt be nort-vioknt, not just for the uclical reason that violencc is likely to rundcl' the wk of persuzion, nor because: l-ioknce in itself is wrong, but because 10 use violence ill 10 oblitenrc the distioction hctween di:o;obedience for the sale of publicity and disobedience designed 10 CQen:c or intimidatc the majority. It does not matter that one Dlly be dcu in one's 0T0'll mind that onc is not intending to coaec the m:Jjority. From the point of view of the pUblic, violcnec is inrimiduOl'}' and co",cil~. Tbe onus of making clear the persuasive and non.ooerch't naNlC of his disobedience must rest on the ptrlIOn disobeying. I think this onus can be dischuged only by non-violent t\i$-. obedieocc.

The woe reuoning JIIggC:Sts W I C\'CIl nnn.vioIcnt dis­obcdieocc wrueh CllIISeS great inconvenience to the majority I or makes it l'try difficult fIX" the decision of the majority to be implemmttd, should also be avoided. For even non-violent dilobediroee rru.y be an attempt to (:()trce the majority. When protesters against conscription refuse to register for milibry service, and cnpge in s campaign of sendingin false registration forms, thdr aim i5 to force the ab:.andoning of the conscription


prognmme. The object of recent Clmpaigns of this SOft in the United Stales and Austnlia hu been, as thc prottsttrs hllYc procb.imed, to 'fudr: the 6)'Slcm'- to make it impossible for the gD\'tmmmt olflciili conc:emed to do thei r worle, and thUl to a.use the brtakdo_'ll of the machinery of conscription. Disobedience of th is IOTI, though non-violent, is 1.0 attempt to c:otICC and not to pcr5uade. Should other major groups of the community employ similar means, the democratic decision· procedure would brcU down, a111lO!1t as surcly as if they had tried 10 settle ilI$ucs by violence. {Consider, (or instance, the possibility of similar c:ampaixns by riglM-win! extremists designed to make welfare legisbtion unworkablc.)

Next, when breaking laws fIX" publicity purposes, there are SU'Oflg rasons for submilting to apprehension and punishment. Acceptance of punisluncnt indicates support for UIC principle of 11., and for the authority of the decisioo;)foccdure, 50 far as is compatible wilh the need to break the 11 ... · to prttICJIl onc'. ca!iIC 10 the public.1 While it may be necessary 10 bre:lk the b w for publicity, it will hardly ever, in a democratic society, be neasary 10 evade punishlllCflt, &ince aa:epttncc of punish. ment iJ notll\;lUy a useful means to furthtt publicity, in thal coun Statements ut oCten widely reported.' Only if there ... 'tI'e

110 right of public trial, and no pombility of using punishmCl'lt for publicity purposes, or ifpunishments were made dr.lconian in order to prevent wSSt:ntcrs from publicizing their lie1'l'S

I Mutia Lulber Kin& Iw aid: '1.11 inc!iyidualwho breab. bw I1ut u".ocie"ce lells him. is uajusr, and .. illi",ly ICUplS the pcn:Ilry by $b.,;", in jail ro...,.. the COI4CieDcc altbe communir]o "''er it. inj .... l ;a;, is in ~Iily "",pressing IM ~ highcsl f'tJpc<1 for la .... ' 'LtlfU rtuoll Binni"l"' I .. <n Cily J_il', LIkr_ UUDe '96J). rrpri:Irtd in I.Io:<kIl, CiuiI ~ ~, pp. 7~. Gt.nd.hi. hdol similar oino'l : _ his .1It~pby,

11< SI., ~.~ EJrpm-rrl~ 1nl' Tr.,1I <B-oo PrtII, BoMon, '957), P· 41J.

• S« RUSlelflltOro\lllt "r.he...., he nt.ld. <>fhil triJl.nd impri.,on­-.M, Allm'tr.1IrJ, ,.,,1. 3 pp. " 5.18.

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illqally, wmdd evasion of punishment perhaps be compatible with disobedience for the sale of publicity.

Finally, disobedience of this son. ean only be an adjunct tu a major' propaganda earnp:tign, designed to influence opinion by whatever legal channels there are. As W:lS the ease with the disobedience RussdL was supporting in the pusage quotet.l, IUch disobedience should only be resorted 10 after more onhodox means have been tried in vain. (As we !laW in our discus5ion of the model aswciatioos, bowCYtr, it would be unrealistic to demand that orthodox meaM be 'exhausted' since IOUlC onhOOOI mean& ~ never exhauro::d; instead orthodox means should be tried until it is obvious that they are not going to 5lIccud, or until tbtte is a real danger that the damage will be done hefon: they suo:eed.) Unless the legal means of persuasion are used to the utmost, those .... ho resort to disobedience can hardly ebim that they are doing it only because they have been unable to a fair hearing in any other way.


A form of disobedience rclatet.l to tlw just discussed aims, not It pre5enting a view to the public, bUl at prodding the majority into reconsidering a decision it ius taken.IA mojority may act, or fail to act, without realizing dUI there are truly significant issues at Male, or the majority Ill:oIY uot considered the interests of all p;tnies., and its decision may cause suffering in a "''3y thn "'"35 nol forcsccn: Disobedience, md cspecU.1ly dis­obcdM:ooe follo9.·ed by accqxanoe of punishment, may make lhe m~jority realize that what is for it a muter of indilfacncc is of gmt impomnet to orhe~. Disobedience which aims to ma~e the ffilI jority reconsider in this WOlY is not an ~tlcmpt to coerce them, and within lim.i18 brwdly si.mibr to thOlie just discussed in colUleetion with disobedience for publicity, it is


oomp;ttible with ao:epuna: of a fair compromise as a means of seuling iss'ICS Onoe)t becomes apparcnt that the majority are not willing to recoosidcr, however, this son of disobedience mua be abandoned. One way of ascertaining whether the majority ~ willing to reconsider is to hold a rtferendum. This is one argumellt in favour of a provision in a democratic II)'lItcm for referenda to be held at the request of a minority ~p, as in Switzerl:lnd.

Disobedience of this IIWt-by a minority woo feel very luongiy about an issue, apinst a deci~ taken by I majority to wbom the nutler Q; of no grt:ll importanoe-can help to mitigate ooe of the stock ... ·caknGSeS of denlOCnUc theory. It has lung been recognized that tba-e is a danger of injustice in democracy because the democratic system lakes 00 account of the intensity with which views are htld, so that a majority which does not carc very much about an issue can out-vote a minority for which the issue is of vital concern. l3y civil dis­obedience the minority can demonstrate the intensity of il3 feelings to rhe majority. If the majori ty did in fact ma1:e its decision through short-sightedness. md not bcauae the hard­ship 10 the minority is an unl\"oidable evi l, justified by a far greater good on the whole, it "ill ru.\'e the opportunity of al tering its decision. Where there is rc;IlIOlI to bclieve Ih::tt the majority does not fed strongly about a matter, disobedience causing a cemin amount of inoom·enience can be justified in oroer to test the strength of feeling of the ma;ority. If minor inconvenience wiU cauae the majority to alt« its decision, this indic:nes th::tt the origiMJ decision was one of tho5e in which a Ilrgdy ap:tlhetie m:ljority imposes il$ will on a deeply con­cerned minority. Since, in Iheory, weighting votes aro;wding to intensity of feeling would give rise to a still fairer compromise than is .chieved by gi';ng cvet)'onean eqUlI vote, tocausesuch inconvenience to the majority would be compatible with fair oornpromise: If the Illljoriry make<! it clear. howC\"er, that it is

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prqwcd 10 pul Up with illOOO.vcnienoe, il must be assumed tIw il is not, after all, Iptthetic ,bout the issue. • It ill of tlOUfSe possible that, decision by a majoril)' caU5ing

hardship to a minoril}' results neither from <nmghl, nor from , regrtuable neccssil)', but i. part of a policy of deliberate ezploilation oflhe minoril}' by a ma.joril}' which doc8 not have equal a;mcem for the welfare of all ill> citizens: This Ir:ind of situation has been discusxd earlier.

This is an appropriate point at whkh to consider the theory of civil di50bedience proposed by Jolm Rurls in his much­discusKd book, A Tlfeqry 'fJlIJti(t,' fOf'. conception of the proper role oi disobedience in a coosritutionll democracy has much in oommon with the kind of disobedience we h~ve just been discussing. According to Rawls, civil disobedience is an act whicb 'addressca the sense of justice of the communiI}' IlJld declares tlut in one's comidered opinion the principles of social co-operation lmonK f~e and eqlUl m~ are not bcinlf respcctcd',l Civil disobedieoce is he«: rtgardcd as a form of address, or an appeal. Accordingly Rawls comes ro condusions similar [0 those I ha\'C reached about the form which such dilClbcdience should blr:e. It should, he says, be non-violent and refrain from huning OT in terfering with others because violence or inteIference Icn& to OOOcure the fact lhat what i~ being done is a form of address. While civil di.wbedience !my 'warn and admonish, it is not itself I W(::It'. Similarly, toshow sinccril}' and general 6delity 10 law, one should be completely open .bout what one is doing, ".iJling to ~coept the lcpl c:qntequmca of one's act.

, U am lhertfore in agrtement wit~ Rawls'(ln the main point~ limited disobcdieoce, far from being incom~li ble with a

• Oamldon Prm, Od'ord, 1971, The tbeoIyofcivil dis:lbcllirnc:e;. fa

be rwad ill cb. 6, -tr ill KCU, 55,57, and. 59, • I bld~ P.l6.t-

DISOBEDI!NCE AS " PLEA YDa IUCDNSIDUAT IDN S, 1 ~nuindydemotntic form of govanmenl, Cln have 110 impon:_ ut put to pby u a justifiable fonn of proIC5t! (I'here are, bo\ll"Cver, S()lOe features of Rawb'. posilioo \II'hicti"1 annat aCttpL These features dmve from Y;e theory of jU$tlcc which ill the rore of the boot The reader may hl\'e notiad th:.J1 the scnlCnce I quoted above conlains a reference 10 'the sense of justice of the communiI)" and to the 'principlc;s of llOcial co­opcntion 3mong free 3nd equal men'. Kawls's justi6cation of civil disobediencdi!epends hea\'ily on the idea~I' communiI}' hIS I sense of juStice which is I single stMe Of justice on which all ean :lgr«, at 1e.tSt in pnctice if DOt in Illlhco~tiarol dcuils.

Ih is the violation of this acttpted basis of sociel}' which legitimates disobedience; To be flir 10 R""'h, it must be said that he is not maintaining that men ever do or did get IOgether ~nd ~gm: on a scnse Qf justice, ~nd on tlu:: principles of soci~1 ro-opcration. Rather the idea is thu a basically jusl society will hl\'e I sense of juslice that corresponds to the principles thu rree IlJld eqU1l men would h\'e chosen, Iud they met together to agree, under oonditions ibigncd to ensure impartialil}', to abide by the basic principles necessary for social co-operation, It should also be said th~t Ra~1s does not maintain that every society in !':let hI.'! such a sense of justice, bUI he inlCnds his thcory of disobedience 10 Ipply only to thQEIC Ut:lt do, (As an ~side, he suggests that the wisdom oi civil di!Obcdience will be problematic when there is no common conception of justice, since disobedience may $Cr"e only 10 roUIlt the majority 10 more repressi\'C measures.)' -This is not Ihe place to discuss Rlwls's thcory oijustice as a

whole, I w;ant to disc.:uss only its application to our topM:.JF mm his viewthat civil dillObedieooe is juss:ified by 'the principles of justia which regulate the constitution and social irutirutions genenlly', Rawls draws the consequence thu 'in justifyinlf ci"il disobedience one does not appeal to principles of personal

, Ibid., pp. :>86-7,


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monIiry or to religious doctrines ... Instead one invnkes the commonly shared conCt'poon of justice which underlies the poJiticalorder."

[\UI beuing in mind that this is intended to apply only to soci~ iD which there is a common conception of justice, onc an see that this is a serious limitation on the grounds on which disobedience can be justified. T shan suggest two 1N:Iys in llihich this limitation could be unreasonable.

F'ustly, if disobedience is an appeal to the community, wby OD it only be an .ppeal 'll'hkh invokes principles which the community already aCttpt!l1 Why muld one DOt be juStified in disobeying in order to ask the m*rity 10 aher or eJ[tend lhe shared conception of juwce? Rawls might think thu it could never be necessary to go beyond rhis shared cooceptioo, for the shared conCl:ption is broad enough to IX)nlain all the principlUl nC«:SS:iry for a jl1l>"I5OCiety. Disobedience, he would say,i an be useful to ensure tllat 1I0ciety does not dep;ort too seriously from this !!wed conoeptiOll~ but the ~ptton itsel~is unimpt:lchabJel The just~C1.y, on this view, may be likened to a good piece of machineryl there may CICClSionaHy be a little friction, and some lubric.uioo will then be DCCeiSlIry but the buic design DOed!: no .l!ention.

No,,' Ra .... -b cm, of COUT$C, roue this true by definition. We have alrC'.ldy seen that he intends his theory of disobedience to apply only to !iOcietics which have a common conception of justice. If R.,,·\s mans by this dut his thewy applie. only when the shared oona:pt:ion of justice encompasses ,11 the legitimate claims that anyone in the society can po&'!ibly mue. then it follo .... '5 that no disobedience which seeks to extend or go beyond the shared conception of justice can be legitimate.. Since this 1I'ODld follow simply in virtue of how JUwls had chosen to use the notion of a shared conception of jU$lice, hov.-ever, it ",~uld be true in a trivial 1N:IY, IUld ",~uld be

I lbid.., p. J65.



tuterly unhelpful fOl" anyone wondering whether be would be justified in diiiObeying in an actul l 9OcieI:y.

If Ra..-ls iB to avoid this trivializing of his position it 1I'OUld seem dlllt he must be able to point to at least ~ KOcietics which he thinb have an adequate ~nse orjuwce.,fhis course would invite our original question :.I'why will disobedience be justilkd only if it invokes this particubt corx:cption of juwce? Tills version of the theory dentes the conception orjustice at present held by SOml: society lIf societies illto a ~u.ndanl \':Ilid for all time. Does any existing society have a shared conception of jultticc which Clnnot concei\1Ibiy be improved I Maybe W~ cumot OUl'$eh-es sa:: imPfO\'cmenlll in a p;articubr society'a oonception of justice, but ..... c surcly cannot ntle O\1t the p0ssi­bility that in time it lIIay apJX:'r defeai\·e. nOt only in irs applk"'tion, but in the fundamentals of the concel)tion itself.

~ In this C:ISC, disobedience designed 10 induce tbe Dl.ajorill' to rtthink its conception of justice migllt be jUstified.}

J cannot sa:: any way in which Rawls can amid one or other of Ihc:;e diffICUlties. Either his conception of justice is a pure idcal,{in which case it does nOI ;assist O\Ir rol problcmB.,)or il unjustifiably excludes the use of disobedience 1$ • way of making a r.lWa.l objc:aion to the conception of jU$lice Wral by some actual society.

Rawls's theory of civil disobedience contains a second and distinct rl'Sfriction on the grounds of legitimate disobedience. As we have seen, be say. that the justificllion of di.,obcdicnce mUSI be in terlllS of justice, and not in tmns of 'princip!eJ of personal morality or religious doctrine'. It is not dear enctly Whal this piu-ate means, but since Rawls oppooe$ it to 'the orunmonly shared conceptiorl of justice whkh underlies the political order' wc may take it to include aU views t1rat are not part of this shared conception. This makes it a substantial restriction, since ~coording 10 Rawls there are important areas of fIlOr:Ility wlUch are outside the scope or justice. The theory

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of justice is, he says. ' but one pan of J. !DOn.! view'.' As an cnmple of an arn of monlity to which justice is inapplicable, Rawb ifl5l:lnCU our ,.cbtiorur. with animals. It is, he says, wn:Klg to be cruel 10 animak, although .. -e do not owe them jU5tioc. If""e combine this vie"\· with the idcalbat the justifica­tion of civil disobedience must be in terms of justice, we can sce tha[ Rawls i!,....oommined to holding ,hat no amount of cruelty to anima15 can justify disobedience. Ra\\b would no d~bt admit..!h;lt sc\·ere and widt8pread cruelty to animals would be • gr(jt~ mQ.I'.!1 evil, but his position requires him to sayt~at the licensing, oreven the promotion of such cruelty by:a government (perhaps to :amuse the public, or as is more likely n01l"'adays, for upcrimenul purposes) could not possibly justify civil disobedience, .. ·he:rC3S something lesa serious would justify disobedience if it were COflttllry to the shared conttption of justice. Th!J is :a SUrprising alO I think impbusib1e conclusion. A similar objection. could be Ill3dc iJI respc:ct of anr oiJiCr an:1i of mor.Ility which ia not ioctuded un<ler iIie conception of justice, Rn,l! doca not give any other enmplcs, although he suggeus (and it is implied by his theory of justice) [hat our dealings with pennanent mental defectivCll do not comcunder the ~mbit of justice.'

So far I ItIve airicizcd RawIs's theory of disobediencc be­o.useof o:rtain restrictions it places OD the kind of reason which can justify disobedience. M)' final comment is diffcrent. Rawls frequently writes as if i[ were a rcb[ively simple matter to determine whether a majority dccisioo ia just or unjuS!:. This, ooupled with his view that the eommunity has a commoo c;onccption of justice, ~ds him to \ln~ma~ ~P'W­anec of a sealed, peaaful mrthod of resolving disputes. It could IlSo lead one to the \'iew that then: are cases in .... hich the majority is dculy acting beyond its powers, (hit is, th:at there arc areas of life in .. ·hich the dccision-procC'dwe is entirely

, lbid" p, SU .. I lbid .. p. 5'0.


without weight, for instance, if it tries to resuict ttnain f'reedo:lns. (This view is simibr to that ditcussed earlier in eonnc:ction with rights.) Consider the follo .. ·inl pusagc:

\ It . assumed that in. reasom.bly jlW dehlOC'itic repme Ibm: is t.. public conception of jU3tice by rcfCfCOCC to whi<:h cilium rqulale their political.lD;" and interpret the: c:onaitu[ion. The persistent and deliberate violllion of the buic principltt of this conception over any «tended period of time, ~i:ally Ihe infring.:ment ofthc fundan\enlll eq1.Ullliberties, invites either $\Ibmission« resistancel Dy engaging in cni.l disobedien~ I minority fot<;n lhe majority 10 consider .... hcther it wishes to hl'"l: its actions construe" in this way, or I'o'htthcr, in view of the cummon II1tnse of jUlilioc, it .. i5hes [0 ad:no .. ·lcdge the Icgitima~ cbilDl of Ihe mi'lOrily.' ,.

There will, of c:ourse, be some insW\Qe5 in a society wben tbe actions of the IT1OIjority elln only be seen as a dc:liber:ltc viobtion for s-:Ifish rods of basie principles of justice. Sudi Ictions do 'invite submission or resisl:ancc'. It is J. misuke, thoo!:h, to IlCC lhcsc cases as in Iny way typiaJ of those disputt8 which kad people to ask whether disobediena 1I'OOId be, ['"eo when I society shares a common conception of JUStice, it is not likely to agree on the application of this c0n­

ception to particular cases, Ra\\ls admits th~t it is not always , deu when the principles of justice hne been ,·ioll[ed, but be thinks il is often clear, es~ially when the principle of equal liberty (for Rawls th~ first principle of justice) is involved. AB examplcs. he RlggeslS that a violation of this principle can clearly be seen when 'certain religious groups :are repressetl.' :and when ' minorities are denied thc right to vote Of" 10 bold office ... " These casa .ppesr straightfOl'1lwd, but are they ~ Timothy Leary's League far Spiritual Jmc:o.."CtJ claimed to be • religious group using the drug LSD as a me:ans of exploring ultimate apirirual rnlity. At least three other groups -thc N_American Church, the CJIUTCh of the Awakening,

, n.MI,. pp. J6s-4. • lbid" p. 373.

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and the Native Amcriean Cliureb--ha"e used lWludnogenic drugs as part of religious ceremonies. or these groups. oo1y the !ut hu legal permission to do so.. h freedom of -.rorship being denied to theothcrs ? When is I group a rdigious group? Tbtre are 5imibr problems about denying nUnorities the \"Ote,

Is the denial of the ,ue to children a violation of equal liberty 1 Or to convicted prisoners? I1 may seem obvious [0 us that these are legitimate o:cq>tions, but then it seemed obviolls to many respecuble citizens a huudred years ab"O thal bbcks and women should not have the ''OIe, and it seemed obvioUll 10 Locke th:Jt the suppression of atheism Rnd Roman Catholicism were quite compatible with the principle of religious tolc.ration,

When wc go beyond religious perse<;ution .nd the denial of voting rights. it is even euitt to find complex disputes on which sincere disagl'ttfiltnt O\'er the justi« of aD acoon is li l;ely to occur, Many of the issues 'Kbich have kd to civil disobedience in rca:nt ycan have been of this man: complex kind, This is ... hy I do not think;t helpful to assume that most issues .rise from ddibentte disregard of IOme common principles, or to try to specify limits, whether in the form of rigbu or of principles of justice, on whu Ihe majority can legitimately do,


I no ... _nt to discuss a commonly invoked juStification of ch;l disobcdjen~ whil;h is quite different from lno.e SO far QJlUideral, but .. -hieb, because it also does not involve an auempt: to CCC:rct the ma,iority into changing iu dcci5ioo, has been said to be consistent with democratic principles, 1 am Id'c:tring to what ioI usuilly called 'COf1llCimtious objection', though as I hope to show, this is an unsuitable term. The (I)JIscientious objector seeks to ensure that, in the words of


Henry Tbol'tlu: ' I do not lend mysdfto the wrong whX:h I condemn," Thit form of disobedience, in so far as it it distinct from the forms alrady discUSKd, is undertaken in order to avoid taking pw1. in the: polities to \I'hich one ~s, Illther than in order to change those ~tboup one may, and normally does, tl')' to change the policies by legal means. This position is, Q( course, ITKISI commonly taken by tbose who refuse to BttVe in the armed fon:es, There is probably more genenl sympuhy for Ibis kind of disobcdiena: than for any Glher. Yet discussion of ittends to be badly confused , In order to avoid pos5ible confusions, I must begin by saying something about 'conscience' and what it is to lta\'e a tonscientious objection to IOmething,

People tall; of 'conscience' in nm main $aISCS , Some mean by it .umething ntber tile a voi~ inside them which tells them ",,-hat they oUght to do ~nd \I'hat they ought not to do., or if DOt

• voice, then a rediog, often located (mtraphorially?) in onc's hart Of the pit of tM stomach, On this liew, the dictates of conscietace are gi\'en, They are <bb, and not the md-product of any prooc:ss of rational considcnoon of tile morally rcle'r.U1t features ohhe situation, It is C'l"tfl possible to say, using this sense of oonsc:ico~: There arc strong mor;u TC:LIIOnS in favour of breaking this promise, and the moral reasons against doing SO seem to me to be much weaker, but my OOlHlcitute stilltclls me that it would be 'II'I'OI1g to break it.' If someone does say something lile this. we may su~pen that there is a psycho.. logic:al expbrurion for the judgemenu of his conscience­perhaps when be """as young his modltr drummed into him an abbonenc:e of promisc-brnting under any circumstances­but even knowledge of such an explanation \I"i11 DOl ncc rily affeet 'he content or strength of the inner voice or f«:ling, Conscience in this sense I wiD call 'traditional conscience','

• Dedau, C ril DlsHdintt, p, 35, • Tbe [maiM"", I UJe in dUs Raioa is tI., "'A. Q..mpbdl Gamr:tl,

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According to the other impomnt IC:DSC of conscience, a person acts according to hiJ conscience, or amscienliously. when he acts on the basil! of his own seriously thought Ollt moral OOIlviaioru.. 1'hiJ has been cal.Ied 'critical consciencc' because it is the result of aitic:tl consideration of all the rel~=t men! factool.. tn p;utkubr, critical. cooscience sub­jccrs both conventiollll.l mor21 stmduds and the dictates of tr:Iditional ronscience to cri ticism which, as far as possible, s110uld be ntional criticism. Umall)' wllm wc describe an action as oollllCicntious in the critiaJ sense wc clow in order to dcnyeithtt thal the agent wu moti'lJ,lod by selfish dcsirn, lib: greed or ambition, or that he acted on whim or impulse.

Bc ... ring these tWO senses in mind, let us consider an of 1-quoted passage from the essay by Thoreau, to '"hich J hue already referred:

MU51 the citizen e\~ for I moment, or in the a SI deuec, resign his coMCimce 10 the !epWtod Wby hu e,;ny man I COI'I$(icnce, Ihm 1 I think wc should be men firll and subj«u aftcnnrds. It is no(

desirable [0 eultiV1ltc a rClpcct for the !:tw, to much as for th rigb!. The only obIig:atiQII which I have a , igbl lo &S5IIlM, is 10 do at aD)' time .mu I think right .'

If we take this ~ge to be referring 10 conscience in the tradition:1I sense, the vic~., t::tpres:sed must be rejected. If wc find that a law clasbes with instinctive prolllptings, or fctlings lIrlt, for all "'e know, an: ~utiges of our infantile dread of parental $COldings, we ought 10 gh't the coruidercd judgemcnt of the Iq;islatute some "'eighL This is ~lIy rrue in a democratic society, for the reasons for "hich J ha\'targued. To follow tr.I.ditional conscience is to e:teludc the possibili ty thu

'Couscicoa and Coo".;.,yino,_'. iI:I J. Feinbc'l {cd.}, M_,' CMf'JJJ (O.U.P., OxlOrd, '0J69). pp,lkI-9a.

'Bcd>u, Ci",', Di d ...... p. as. For • ~ ... _ , of a soo;newIaal .ami'''' pnAl ...... KC R. p, wour, I. lXf~ '" A..-IHM (Ibrpu and R01I', New YQtk, 19?O),

CONSC IINTIOUS OBJECTION " there may be IOOI'IlI reasoos in favour of accepting the verdict of some form of decision-procedure, or at leut, to refuse to give mlsons of thi, fIOTt any weight. A penon who rclied on tnditional coll8Cience in this Yi'lly might even uy: ' I can sec Ih"'l there are strong mGr.l1 rcuons in favour of obeying this tlecision, and the monl feasoos .pinst doing so seem 10 me 10 be much wcaktt, but my cooscimce still tells me that it would be ~TOIlg to obcy."To accept the diet'ues of InIditional conscience in this way, without faking inlo consideration QII n:lcnl\t mOl'llI reasons, is to Ibdicate responsibility all a flliona1lIK)n] agent: Once v;e do take into considcntJon the fact that our action is contrary 10 law, ho,,'cvcr, ~'e h:ave passeu from lr.ldition~1 collllCie.nce: ID critical conscience.

If we. 11\orcau 10 be refuring to crilical con9Cicnce--­an inlerpretnion supported by the fina l senlCnce of the puuge quoted-it is nsy 10 accept his "iew, but it Cllnnot possibly give III any guidance: when \I'C ~\'t 10 decide wbetbef 10 obey a llw. On this interprwlion, the passage Imounts on1y to the assertion thar we should assess the righl.'l and wroogs of obeying a bw, and nOl obey bws lIithout considering whether il is mon.lly right 10 do so. It is compalible ""ith Ihis intu­preution tMt in considtting whether to obey or doobc)' a law wc sllOUld always give very grnt ... eight 10 tbe fact that in di90beying wc would be breaking .. valid bw, or rejecting a fair compromise, or refusing 10 aecepl the verdictofa decisi.on­procedure in " 'hkh we have puticip.1tcd~ This is not really 'I1Ioreau's view, as other parts 0( the essay indi(:lte, but nothing in the p1S83ge qu<Mcd counts against it, if the passage is about critical c(lIIscicnce, On lhis interpreblion, Ihe passage merely 5ta1es the truism that tlle fina l decision on ""hat 10 do must be up to the individual, Ind that this decision ought to be based on moral oonsiderations. This is _thing which ID)' authoritarian (:In admil, adding only that Ihe individual ouJl:ht morally, 10 regard the fact that In act ~'OUld be illegal as an

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O1o-erriding moral reason against doing it. Someone else might :;ay that the individual ought, mOt3Uy, to give no weight to the fact t1uIt hi' act v;ould be iIIeg:iI. We can all agree d\:u a man ought ah\1lyS to do what he thinks nght-the real i~ue is when he should thin).: it right to break the law.

TIle points that hnc emerged from this discussion of Thoreau are quite general in appl ication. A responsible moral agent will not follow his traditional conscience autorw.tically i and the fact that it would be against ooo's traditional oon­science to do an act, were one not legally obliged to do it, does not mean that it must be against one's (critical) conscience to do it if one is legally obliged to do it. For kt,'lll oblig;ttion can be ;I rele\":lnt moral consideration, panicubrly, as I have argued, ~'hen it has arisen through the sort of democratic proc~ I described in the 6rst part or this book.. in some, though not all ClISC8, Ihis factor will 'tip the scales', altering a man's view of what, in conscience, he ought 10 do. In any case, the crucial poirlt is that tlle ad\·ice 'follow your conscience' cannot. provide any answers to the problem of what we oughl to do, for our problem is, precisely, what action our (critical) oonscience din::cts us to do. The verdict of critical COII$dence is our ansv.·cI 10 the problem of what wc ought to 00, and our answer to this problem is the verdict or ollr (eritical}conscience. A failure 10 understand this hu marred much ofwhn II2s been writlen about conscience and disobedience.'

Our discussion of conscience, tben, has led to the conclusion that oonscientious objection is dther an unreneaive act, not

t See. fur e:nmple, D. Spit%, 'Democracy tnd the Problem of"Chtil Dioobedieoce"', .Alflrri<"1UI PNsiir.1 Somu &-tie., vol . ,,8 (19S4), pp. 386--40J. Spitz thinks the dissent>l:r'J problem is "hHhtr \0 obey hiI corucience....J break !he 10 .. , or obtythelaw llDII.iob,e his~, bUI in .. far a' Ihe d ..... ltl .... ~ problem .. a mon.l prol>l .. n, ,I is surely .. hetl>ct on ...,0..".;""', ru. (crir;.".)) con"""""" is for«.pinI<I ubtd'ence. If, all .. t .. ldng all the: mon.lty rei ..... ", f:act""' ,nlO COt"tSidcn.lion, hiI (2)~ tdI:i him 10 d*'bey lhen: is "" further 01,,",1 'I_ion 10 ~k.


Ihe act of a responsible moral agent. or dsc no different, in so ru as it is amscienrious, from all Ihe acts or disobedience discussed in this book, ror they have all been motivaled by moral collsiderations. (This is why, as I said culier, I think the term 'oonscienlious objection' a poor v.-.ay of distinguishing the J=ticular kinds of disobedience v.ith which we aTe here con­cerned.) The distinctive feature of the disobedience or the person IIsually called a 'conscientious objector' is conscientious­nes.s only when he is contr:l!it~ with those who refuse for selfish or other less .... orthy motives to do what they are legally obliged to do. When the disobedience of the rorrscienuous objector is amtr5Jsted with the olher forms of disobedience we have been discuMing, its distinctive reature is th.u it is neither an att("mpt to rorce the majority to aller its decision, nor an a«empt fO gain publicity, or to ask the majority to reconsider its decision. This means that although the action of the conscientious objet:tor does not represent the kind of resort to rorcewhich is theantithesis of a democratic decision-proccUurt", it is also not the son of act that can be justified on Ihe grounds th3t it is desib'llOO to give effl'Ct to dCrIlOCr.Itlc ideals, such as fair compromise 3nd equ~ oonccrn for all, which hayc been neglected or distorted. -I"be conscientious objector cannot pl~d that his disubedicm:e is provisiolLll, thn he disobeys only to gain a fair hearing, or to prod the majority into reoon­sidering its decision, and IMt he will obey the decision of me IlIlIjority once he has put his case, or the majority lu.\"C oon_ sidcrcd their decision afresh.' What then is his position with re:g:lrd to the democratic reasons for obedience?

The position of the conscientious objector is, I think, rru.t the reasons for obedience deriving from law and democr.ll:y oonstr5Jin him against the lise of illegal means to thWart the majority in carrying out the decision 10 which he objects, but are of insufficient weight to overcome t.he moral objet;tions he MS ro 'lending himself to the injustice he oondemns'. The

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conscientious objector endeavours to Ichm !IOJnC lIOl1 of babnce between rca50DS for obeying the bw and ~c.c:epting deD1OCl'll.tic proccdurta, on the one h:md, ~nd other deeply held monI principles on tbe otbtt. It is a position wdl suited to r.hose who bdievc thor.t it is 'II'OI"9t to commit I. "TOOg ooadf than to fail to do one'. utmost to prevenl I "TOng being done by ~olhcr. This idea-duI lhtte is ~ significant moral distinction betWCtll m'ut ~Ctll and mcw umiuiotl!-is widely held. It is eJ1shrincd in the aphorism: 'Thou sbalt not kill, but needst DOt strive officiously to keep alive.' T I lies behind the pnctice of docuxs who allow I. seriously deformed infant to die from an easily curable infection, but will not bke Iny positive $tep aimed 3t terminating the life of the infant. It is hard to k'C any other jusrifiCIIlioo, except a distinction be:tWCtll acts and omissions. fur the fact that wc do not sce an)'thing wrong in a wcsJthy tn:I.n spending his money on instead of using it to save people from starvation in famine­prone al'tU. Nc\'crthdcss, it is difficult to sce any rational justificuion fot attributing much importance 10 tbe distinction. On utilitarian grounds it should be just as important 10 pn:vent 5OlT'IClhlng evil atturring u it is to refnin from doing evil my-seU'. So the utilitarian woo objccu 10. say, o:mscnption for ~ unjustiWble 1II'1r, will not be content with conscientious objection. He l1\ay refuse to fight hiruself, but he will think it equally important to SlOp other!! lightiflg. Jr he thinks he ill justified in disohering the law by ~fusiflg to fight be ..nil also, other things being equal, think he is justified in disobeying the b .... in other ways that ue likely to be equally effecti\'e in ending or mlucing the ligllting. For someone who does utributc pat manl importance to the actsjomissionJ dis­tinction, howC\'er, the position of a COII5Cientious objectOf may be the best possible means of Mbncing the conflicting moral eonsidentions with which one is faced when commanded by. donocn.tic l.w to do what one belile'u to be 'ur wrong.

CONSCI£NTIOUS OBJr:CTION .. The conscientious objector in a democratic society is in an

awkward position. From the point of view of other membcrsof a delJlOQ';ltic society, the conscientious objector does not do ... ht is requircd of him. From the point or view ... hich leads him to disobey, he does JlO( do everything possible to get a dccisicm ... hich he bdicves to be wrong rescinded or made inoperative. He may be accused of putting the purity of hi, own soul above the good of others. Wht is the good of Kfusing to, say, fight in an Ufljust "'-at, ir onc knows that OIherl are going to do !JO instead ?

De!;;pite these weaknc:sses., no form of di.sobed.icnce is :as widely respected 115 conscieJ1tlouS objcction-altbough to 81y this is /JOt to 5;ly much. The fact that many countries ha"e nude Allowance for coosdcntiuu, objectors in their oonsaiV­tion 1a1"ll is evidence of this rtSpcc:L The fact dut saroelr Iny country ronsidcn conscientious objection to a particular war to be: I. ground for exemption from service in that "'-at is cvitlente of the limitS of this respect. There is no reason to think that the more lqlCcifit objection is any less conscientious, and it seems 10 me to be the more rational position. To cbim to knoW' that there could ntl'er be any circumstanoes in wlticb ;1 is right to go to war seems to me unreasonable; on the other hand, 10 8:1y of 3 particular war that it is unjWltifiable will very often be barh reasonable anti correct. Why then shoold go.uillDC:I1ls respect the consdentious views of the complete pacifist, but not those of the objector to a particubt war ~ & shoold be obvious from our aual)'5is or amscien«, both vie .... s cm be: conscientious, in !IOJllC IICDSC. It is, jf anything, more likdy dut the complete pacifist will b:lsc his position on tn.ditional con!lcieocc--on, 5;ly, the feeling that it must alwaJl be: wrong to kill- while the objector to a particular war, who must hsve a'W'SS"d the relevant facts, is more likely to be aaing _ccording to aitica1 coosdence. Do lhe exemption provisions reveal _ prefercocc for tn.dition~l conscience m'Cf

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critical conscienoe? Could it be: that govemmtQts are so bully confused about the narure of conscience that they simply equale it with tnditioml COIl!lcience? This pos5ibility CI.1lnot

be enwdy diJcounu:d, but lbcre are alternative upbnarioru. It is tometimes said tIw: if governmenu ailo1l-w exemption

to those who bucd their judgement on the putieular f<lets of a W"lIr, this Yo"OUld in SOIllC 'll-1I.y be allowing Ihe objectoB' assessments of lhe facts 10 pn:VlIil O'o-er the asses.~ment of tile government itscIf,'thu5 giving ltg;ll recognition to the supct"ior~ iry of the disscntient vie",l' This is a dubi()IUI afl,'UmCflt, for' if allowing an objtttor's judgement offael to UCIISC him from military service aco:mled 1cp.1 rewgnilion of the superioriry of his views, allowing a pacifiSl's moral judgemrnt to excuse him dIould have the same eWeet. It is in I n)' C.ISC not true lbat to atttpl a judgement, whether of fact or monlily, III a ground for exemption is 10 accord legal ttal£niliun to the soundness of lhat judgement. In fact, under lbe laws of most <:ountrics, the ulJ"!CUJs or judsn responsible for es:cmprions arc required 10

test sincerity of QOfl\-iction, but not soundness of belief. Perhaps the best argument that a gl)'o"ttnmCllt wuld put in

defence ofirs refusal to grant es:cmprion to those who object to I particular war is lbat so many people would fall into the ClItegOry of those exempted that lbc armed forces would be 5igniliCllntly weakened. This sounds cyniCllI, )'C( there is some-­thing to bcuid for it. Coerdoniul .... "lIysin nccdofjusrification, and coercing a lDan to do something amtruy to. his most deeply held II'lCII'aI bdic:fs (which wc normally cncour.rb~ him to fo[low) rcquill5 ~PeCiaJ justification. \\'bcr)e,.w possible, acmption. shou[d be provided for th05C who refWlC, on monl grounds, to comply .... ·ith a law. In casa like the United Kingdom Abortion ACI, such C3:cmption (ror doctors who object to performing abortions) is relatMly easy to provide.

I See E. <rut dm """ 'Chi! ~,Qw;I •• rII (AUlltnIia), April 1971, p. so.


'I"here Ire enough doaon without COI'l5cimtious objections 10 dothe rcquisitenumbcrolabortions. lnothcrcucs, noexonp­tion at all may be possible. If simple hygiene b .... '1 (:OQtrOlling the disposal of rubbish and 8eW;I;gt waten are n« ry to prevent the spread of discue, there cannot be exemptions for any who might have moraJ objection. to observing hYJicnK: prcr.:autions, This is an areiII in .... ·hich non-obsc~ncc by a l"«'1' few can render useless the pn:eautions blr::en by C\'CI)"(lne else. Conscription in time of war probably falls in oct ... "CCJ\ tIlesc cases. [t may be tht if go\'ernments CJ:cmPled ~U those who objected, lbcre would not be cnou~h men left 10 fight lhe war. From the point of view of the objC<:\.Onl, of wurse, this would be. good thing, but if tbe go'o"ttnmcnt is convinced dut the wat is ncassary or just, it will gil"C O'iCt"riding priority to se<:uring enough men to win the war, It is conccil1l.ble that lIle gof"erometlt will be right to do this, although the fact du, so many hal"C conscientious objections to the war should male the govcmmmt '.ay doubtful about whether the war is justilitd.

The arguments in favour or exempting oon~pacifist con­scienlious objectors gain suong Sllpport from the expcrimoc oC Great Britain in the Second World War-the only time, so far as 1 blow, a nation at war has exempted people with politiCll[ objections to the particular war beinG foullht. Although there ""AS some amfllSion al the beginning, because the Wlute exempting conscientious objector'S from national 1IC:rl.ic:e did not expressly rc:f~ to the grounds of objection, the Appellale Tribunals eventually granted CJ:eOlption to, for instance, Indian nationalists ."ho uid they ..... ould light to defend a free Ind~, and 10 socialists who were ready to fight in a class ..... ar lpinS( tlpilalism, but rux on behalf of ' imperialist ~rs·. Later, the Minister of LabolU' officially Slated mat the aemption of non­pacifists "'1I.S in accord:mee with Ihe intention of parliament. 'This policy WIS lIl3intaincd throughout the desperate days :lfter Ounkirk, ..... hen C\'cry availabl~ man ... ·as wmtcd. This

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wlerant attitude ~ apparcndy due panly to genuine respect for col\SCientious beliefs, p;irtly to a desire to avoid a repetition of the disgraooul and u1tim:l.tely futile persecution of con­$dt:llUOUS objcetonl that occwred during the First World War, and partly to a judicious assessment of the value to the anny of men bitterly opposed to the wu they were supposed to be fighting. In any case, the policy ne\'C~r caused difficulties. The ovcrwhelming majority of the population believed Britain wu fighting a just wu, and the number of men applying for exemption 35 conscientious objectors ~ nevcr morc than 2'Z per cent of the total number conscripted. After May 19io, the figure " .. as nC\'et above 0·8 per cent. These ligura include pacifists and non-p;icifist3. No separate records ""-ere kept, but non-pacifists appear to h~ve been a tiny fraaion of those applying.'

In recent years, Ihe war in Vietnam has led some pacifists a\\"ay from wru.t is normaUy thought of as consciemious objection 10 such an e.l.tent that provisions in the law offering e~emption from military service are spurned as 'I convenient _y by which ... resistance to conscription and me military .•. is dfcctivcly silenced'. People who would be eligible for eJemption refuse to accept it on we grounds that to do $0 'is to tacitly aca:pt the legitimacy of the system of conscription and the: military for which consaiption exists'.' 1'host: who

• See O. Hare., Clusllctp .fC.~: T~ SIIff:l o/I~ CtW~jtliS 0Jfterl1t"r (AIkrI & Un"';n, LoDIlOll, JIIW). I o"llle thi.! rde~ 10 Di"fid Mahm<:nt, 'Sdco::ti.e Conscimriout Objection IUId the CiJlmt D«Won', 1'4iIo""':1 ~1Jd PrihIK Ajf.w., \'QI. 1,00. .. (Summer lnz). nu. is the best ~ of d.c '- I h:.! .... w;n.

I R. M. Boardmon, 'Letttr to Locallloud No. 114', .eprintcd in Bcd.Ju, Cj~ Di,u.~(, pp. 178-86. In IM letter Boardn .. n, a.,.cifist, Irll, his dnfl boUlI ""by he CUIIIOt accepc uemption :as a C<lIIIcienrious ~. For ~nother ugumem for IIoCIn-C:llaIpliance witb "'emption ~uru, _ A.). MIISte, Of JJoJ) Di.uMd'nlU, reprinttd in J*I in 8edlu, Ci;1f Diw«dktltt, pp. IJ5-45.

CONSCIENTI01JS OBJECTION .'" argue in this Yo-ay are nor, I think, merely upressing we point I made w-lier, that from a utilitarian point ofview it is just as important to prevent n!;hting as 10 refuse to fight oneself. They arearguing, rather, that 10 apply for, and begrallted, exemption under the $l:1tutoT)· p=dures is too easy A Yo-ay out, IJlSl:e:ad, a pacifist should refuse 10 arrything to do "With the law rdating 10 conscription; and if nc:o;:CS5ary, he should go to gaol for his beliefs. Bertrand Russell e-qJressed a similar feciing when, in the article from which 1 ha"e already quoted, he went on to say:

Those of us .. ho protest apiru;t nudear "~apoDS lIld nudar lII'U

(:;InnOl acquiescl: in a ..... orld in which each =n ~'CS su~h fr«dom a!

[e:ma.iru; 10 hi", t ... the. (:; of his go>.'ernmmt to (:;I\lS1I: rmny hundred!! ofmillionsof ~rh, b)' pressing~ butlon. This is I ... us an .bomillation, and rather than seem to acquidcc in it weve willing, if necessa.ry, 10 broxueoutcasrs :lnd to sufftt" ..... h~t ever ohloquyand .. hllever h:lldship our be im'Olved in $n.nding aloof from the govenuJlerual fNmework.'

The idea behind wlurt Russell is saying here, as well as behind the rc:fusa.l of p.; to accept exemption, is that it is the illegality ofthc ;Ict, the fact thal it is an act of disobedience, which is essential, because to obey the law is to aca:pl or acquiesce in conscription, or nuclear annammts, or whatever. This idea rcsts on a fundamental misundcrstanding of the nature of democracy, a misunderstanding whieh illustrates once more the importance of a proper understanding or the basis of a dcmoeratic dceisioo-procedurc.J I do nol think I need (Q repeat here what I have said before about demoency being a procedure ror resolving disputes ",hich depends for it!

, Bed.u, Cj.,i~1 Dis<Jidinu, pp. ' 58-0). • A similar mi$undcrmnding gi,~ "" 10 ~ .ll~ l"",doK disr;ugcd

by R. Wollhcirn in 'A Parnlon. in the Th«ory of Dunocraq' in P. Laden: ,Dd W. G. (e<b.), PIli.JlJ.upJ.:I. P,hIU, 6'" SMiIJ S<WIld scM, (B4o;1.: .. tll,, 11)6.).

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aisteooe on the dispulants regarding the verdict of the decision-proo:dure as tu.ving SUbst2nb~, lhoIlgh not over­ridwS. monl weight because it is the rtsu1t of the decision­procedure. If this is understood, it follows thn obedience to a democ:rarie decision is, at most, indiClltive of accept:mcc of we democratic system, and not of any military or nuclear 'system' ~ up by democratic procedures. If ODe uses , 11 the means available under :I. democratic system to attempt [0 alter or abolish the military S)"Slem, making one's opposition to we militafJ I.§ ,,-idcly kool\"II as possible, then I do not it on be said th:lt one acquiCllCtS or evcn ICCms 10 acquic:sce in it. Those who think t11ey must disobey democn.tic la .... 1I in order to avoid acquiescing, Of Keming 10 acquiesce, in pBticular results of the democratic l)'Slem tm. mistalc:n; their actions are really indicative of a refusal ID acquiesce in the democratic sptCUl itself.



IN the p~ViOU5 sections., in arguing that there are special rcasons for obeying the bw in a democratic society, I dclibcr­aldy a'-oWed spelling out v;h:u I me:mt by 'dcmocntic'. I was able 10 do this bcau!IC , wu arguing from simplified models. Whatever rontrO\'trliies tMTe lIIay be about the nature or democrncy, I think no one will deny that my third nlOdcl can properly be described as dem~ratic:. If the oondusions ,,·e have rcaehed by discussing these mooels are to ha,'C any applicatioll 10 we 1e31 world, however, 'we must ask to what extent they Ipply to existing full-siu political communities. \


F"1lSt, 10 rcctpirubte those features of the third model a.ssoca­tion that pvc me to the rH90llS foe obedience applicable t(l

the third model only; the association decided issu(s by a ''Ote of the assembled members, the majorily vi~w pl"CV"diling; evefJ member's vote counted equally; the menings were QI'JOduc:ted aeoordmg to impartial prtlCUiUf3l rules., Ind the ,"0tc5 tallied ac<:urately; any member could propose a motion and there W2S, within !h( pl"OCCtlural roles, complete freedom to speak for or lpinst any proposal; the majority did noe. use iu numeriaJ superiority to exploit any minority.

\ Democracy, as the ClJ1l(j~ Oxford DI(IWtwfJ defines il, I\lC:I.ns '(Stile practising) gm·emmcnt by the people, direct IX"

represen tati,'C.''r>.fy third model is a form of direct dro:uxncy. The members tb(mse!ves take the decisions about how thei r

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community is to be organized. Direct democncy can claim to be the basic form of danocracy, both historically and con­ceptually. Ilisloricilly, Western democntk thought goes lmk to Athens in the fifth century D.e. 10 the Athenian city-ttalc at that time; the amel1ll met in ~ General Assembly and therc, under conditions of poI.itie.l equality and free debate, discussed and voted on the rruljor iS5UCS that need the community. Admittedly, not all thooe ~'ho In.'ed in Athens were citizens in the legal sense, and it is sometimes said (though just as often denied) that AlheDun cili:rens would not h3~'C had the Ici~urc dCm:luucd by their poJiric:d SYSlcm, were it not for the uistence of sJa\-eJ)'. I do not know whether there is any truth in this claim. In any C:lSC, within the limits of its qLW.ifications for citizcn$hip, the Athenian system was an clample of direct democracy like our thi rd model association. Whatever obliga­tions u:iSl in this third mOOd would also ('xis\: in I direct

"--Conceptually, lOO, direct dcmOCT.l.C)' is the basic form of democncy.' The id~ of repregeJlt"Jtive dert1OCl1lcy implies represent~tives who 'tlU the place of' or 'are present instead of' others. Represcniiati~'e o.kmocr.Icy is therefore in virtue of the meaning of the term ~ substitute fot something else, and this something else can only be direa democracy ~1111: quC:.'llion \I'e are going [0 have to .1sk aoout this substitme is whether the reasons fOt' obedience that hold in .1 dim:t demOC!'llCY Ilso bold in , ",presentative democracy, Before we considCl' this question directly, boVi'eVC!", let US ask a more gencni qumion: why .1CCCpt a substitute at.1l1?

One of the moo rommon plaritudet in political theory, tcpt:lted in all the elementary totboob., is that while di«:ct democracy might be d l l-cry' wdl in a small ciry-state, it is obviously quite unrealistic in a nation-statc of $eVerlI.l million people."'ln faa, this platitudc is certainly false', With the com­municatiOns technology available to us tuday, an e:nCDsioo of


Athenkn-5tyle democracy to .1 modcrn sute would be per­fectly feasible. Without going into deuils, it is easy to enviAge ~'OIo-tCC()Jding daices insr,lIcd in Pri\'ate hoolCS and public pbc;:s, linked 10 , centnl computet and operaled by means of IOIUC personalized device, like those already in use for obt:lin­ingcash from the automatic machinc:soutside b;mks. Propatals oould be debaled-on nilio and television, and the public muld contribute by tdcphonc-not everyone, of rourse, but tben not c'ietyonerould contribute in Athens. If, then, v.'C have niX seized the opportunity provided by t«hnologiclll advances to !tsto", democracy to iu pu~ form, it must be: bec:aUR: for one reason or another ",e a", unenthusiastic about such a restoration, Maybe people "tlUld find il inconl'enient to VOle frequently, or consider themselves inrompetent to C.lIprns ~n opinion on major iSSUC5, or perhaps those who are influenti:J.1 in formingopioion on these matters arc apprehensive about lhe decisions that might from difCCl popubr \'Otes on iuucs rcbting to I'3cial equality, apitlil punishment, or foreign --Looking at the rmttcr hiSlorinlly, how~'CI', wc must C'OII-

cede this much truth to the common pblitude: reprt:IC:Dhtive B)'5tems came ioto existence at 3 time when it was impossible for all the citizc:rul of the state to take collective deci:siolll directly, Natioilw5btes CO\'Cr maDY more people, and much greater territory, than the. Gn:d: city-$.ates. So thase who could not go to a cmual metting sent others 10 go in their place. This leads us ID the most straightforward of the various thrones ofreprcsentation, h is the theory suggested by taking the term literally. The repre!lCnhtive is to spe:lk and VOle as those he is representing would ha\'C spolen and VOted, h~d they been able to be pres(nt.' Representation, on thi5 view, is a

, .'or """~ oflhil .. i ..... lee H. I'ttkia. Tile eMU,' ofR~~ I;". (Uni'fUSIty 01 California Pr-. l.oI Alicdos sncl Ikrbiey, Jt61). , ",

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"" 1'10),1 MODIL TO UALITY

dtvK:e foe producing a I)'5ltm of p'Cmllltllt differing from direct dcmocncy only in 50 f:IC as is inevitable ifit is to opente effectively in a large society without a sophisOcated corn­f"uniurions n~'Ofk.

There :ICe, howc:ver, difficulties in this notiOll of a representa­tive doing as thoR be represents 1I'OUld have done. If the: citizen wants somethillg (say, lowcr taxes) 1\'hicb the repro­IC'ntathoe knov.s to be inoompatible with otbc:r things the citiz.en wants (more IIChoals) but the citiun does /lOt appreciate this incompatibility, what is the representative to do? The citizen, if he were present, would vote for both lower IlI.xes and more schools, but lhe rcprescnlll.tive can Iwdly do this. £\'eTI

greater difficulties arise when n wnsider that tht representa­tive is taking the pbee nOl of one~. burOf a a;JIlsiderable number, with a variety of opjnions./~ile apart from the minority who did 1.01 vOle for the candidate 'Il'ho obtained the most V<ltcs, there will be differences of opinion among those who did vote for him, I , 1bcse and ~lau:d difficulties have: led lOfDe thinlen, most

noubly Rousseau, 10 deny that the JX.'Ople can be rcpresented,~ Others hne insisted that the difficulties arise only on a mis­laken view of what 1 rcpresent:ttive shonld be, and hl\'c there­fore offered alternative arolunts of what a represcntatr .. e should bc:.\Whilc RouSSCJ.u reiected repc($eDtation because he believed '\\;11 CllUlot be represented" Edmund Burke told his tled:OtlJ: ' IC government 1\'ere a ffi;lltef of 1\i ll npon any aide, yoon '\\;tMut question ought 10 be superior. But government and Iq;islation an: matttJ'll of rcuon and judgcmcnL'~ Burke's riew that the member of parli;uncnt, ona: elected, is free 10

' J.-J. Rou......u, TM S~-.J eMIr..:!, trIJII. G. Hoplins, in S.n.i CUIT~I, N. F- HuhT (O.U.P., Loodon, ' 90(7).llt. Ill , ch. ' 5.

• E. Burl.::, 'SpecdI1O the £lccton: ofBrisrol' (m.l iD Tilt lY .. lr-f £t,....J Barn{Holla'. iblllknl Libnrr.~ &11 and S<-.I...ondon, ,_).Id. l, po 447·


c::u:rcise his own jud&=tmt. independendy of the desires elhis cloctOt'S, is often cited in defence of parliamentary decisions which are contrary 10 public opirnon. The e1ecton., OR thi5 view, are voting for the mOll! they think will make the best decisKlns., nther than (IX a man who will exJlre905 their own opinions or prOlll(Xt lheir ()111ll intaestll. /

Anotba means of ov=:oming difficulties in the ide;a of the ~pjw::utati~ doing as his ronstituenu would ha\'c done is the suggestion that the repn::senuti\'c body 'should be an ex:Ict

pormit, in minnrure, of the people at brge. 3$ it IOhould think. fee~ re:u<>n, ami act like them'}

FonulUlcIy, we do not M¥C to decide which of these and Illher po$Sible theories of reprelefllation II"C prefer. Wc He

interested in whether the obligations of a direc::t: dermxracy oontinuc 10 hold undcr these ~Cmll of reprnaltarion. The central questions. here, ".re firstly wheth« these systems are f3ir compromise! ben.'1!m O,Impeting claims to J)O"''tr, and ICC()[ldly wh<:thcr there is the opportunity for voluntary pmici­pation in the dccision-proccdure which would gi,-c risc to a quui-conscnsual obliption.

On the first question. oone of the theories of represtlllation mentioned lbove necessarily in\-oku a d~panurc from f~r compromise. If the general mee.:ing is a fair oompronlise between OOIllpeting claims to power in a srnJ.!! society, giving no ad\~ntage to Iny individual 01" faction, these rcpmKDt:1tive S)~ms could all fu"",ion 10 as 10 IP\'e no adV'lUtages 10 individuals or f:u:tions in a bJItt society.- This would dearly

, .John A.wns.quoted in n, PiWn. T.c-rIIt/Rt"t_wi4<l. p. 60. ',Iu in the model, 'noa~ can 0lIl1 metJl 'noinbuill.d .... "l:I .... •.

Jurt ... ill u... model. takia&: cIecUia1III tt ~I &An In IQ rhemosc PCl'IUui~tipUkers, IQ id_lull" IOOCXlJ lhereooukl ~ illcidmt:ol Id~H [CIe' _. [CIe' insuntt, fot thoR "hi> amllro1 the .... jor ~pen f.ncIldnisioa.lI'~ The "tau la ... hkh rhis <keo,. the dc:moxratil; mu,.,. fCle' obedxnc:e houlfad, bcm dw , ...... OIl pp, ,.-80 ......

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be the case if reprc:sentatnu really IXlUld vote as those who c1ccted them would have voted, had Ibey betn ptescut and properly informed; it would 11so apply if the assembly of representatives _ 1 genuine microcosm of society as 1 whole (a result mace likely to be produ~ by proportional representa­tion than by the simple IlIijorily systems of voting used in Grelt Ilritain and the United States). \ It is perhap!l more doubtful if Burke's "iA" satisfies the fair compromise require­ment. It would sa tisfy it if everyone had the opponunity to vore for a rcpm;clltath'c in whose judgement he had confi­dence; if, huwever, there were some who could find no nndidate tlley trUSted, they would be at a disadnllt:lge, and might see no poillt in voting at all. Burke could reply that one is al.y,'~y5 free to ~tand Dneself, but practical oonsiderations m3.Y ma!.:e t.hia: 3 purcly thcorttical freedom. / \ It. for the sooood question, does voting count as volunta ry panicipation in the decision., ghing rise to ~ quasi-o:Jnsensual obligation to actqlt the w rdict? Once apin the answer, in thool"tttcal terms, is affinnam-e. Thcdect.ion of f'(prescntation pla)"! an important JlII rI in tile decision-making procxdure. Pt<lple ",ha take part in the c1ccror:J l pmcC!' art in gtnct"al prepared to accept the decisions indirectly reached through that PI"OCCS8. As in direct democracy. thn there should be II.cccptance in norm~1 cases follo1\"S from the meaningor pointof ~"Oting. Therefore poopk voting haVt 3 reuonab1e ezpcttation that others ";11 accept the result auhey thCJngek"tl intend to do. There is, hOll'evEI", one way in "'hich I representative delDClCftCy Im.y destroy this obligation which could not oocur in I direct democncy.\lf the represenuti\"e, after ek:ctioo. were to act in I nunncr contrary to the way he hid lead those who him to ~m"t he would la, the obligation tTc::Ilcd by participation "wld no longer bold. Thus, usum"ing we If'( operating under the lilcn.l understanding of representation, if people \"Oted for a man who Slid he would v()(c for propogls


X, V, and Z because, had they hem able lOaltend tneusembly. they would have VO(ed fOl" these propoAls; and the rtprc:scntll~ live then \"Otc:s as-inst X. Y, and Z. the people may ~'cll maintain lhat tlxir votes ~'tteobtained by a kind offraud, and that ttter are thetefOft under no obligation to ICttpt the out. come!Thc $alOe point would apply to tbe microcosmic theory if, for insunce, the elected n:presenbli\"e of 11 group of fllctOry worlo:en were to throw olf his ovcraJIs after the election and rtl-eal hilrulelf as the son of the faetory~wner. If rcprncnb­(h'e! an: to be: independent of those who elected them, 3S Durkc thought they should be, it SC!elTlllicss likdy th1t conduct .fter an election could in\';Iiidatt the election ilS<:Jf. One way in which it could still happen ',I'ollld be if, in order to show that he "liS the m311 that ODuld bat be tru.~led to milke the right d«:isiOO!, the candidate had indiated how he would VOfe on om:ain issues if electtd, and then lucr \'OCet.i differ­tntly witbout cbiming thn circumstances had altered.

AJllhis is ~iU absma Iboory. I hillve suggest(d that thae If'( forms of f(present2th"e democracy in ,,'hieh the te'l!lOOS

fOf ubedience that hold in a direct dell\OCney would still ha\"e their full force. In throry, the lnn!iition to a largtt society need Ilot vitiate these reasollS. But none of this has any immedi­ate bearing on the societies in whieh we li\"t. These .societies (I am assuming Ibat tile reader Li,'OI in one of the countries governed by iIOIlle form of parliamentary dClItOCf:Icy) are IXIt regubted by the prcscriptiOrull of any pure th«lry ofl"t[hcscnta­tion. 1bcir institutions have beenshapcd by a gmt manyocher factors. Yet it is in rcfen:n<:e to these societies that 50 many people Ay: 'Disobedience in a d(moctUy is (1Im06l) never

-)usti6cd.' We ha"e not completed our u:unimtion of this idu until ,,"t have considered the application of the dernocr.itie rea50ruII for obedience to these 'Western democracies' . '

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, To what extent do the politiClI systems of those states 'VI'e in the West commonly think of as democracies-Britain, the UnilCd Slales, France, Austnlia, India, Japan, ;md so OD­incorporate the pre:requisitc:s of the democratic reasons for obedience?'To aru.-wcr this question VI"C must t.1ke note of the findings of contemporary political scientists. Narunlly, these writers differ anWng themseh'C:S about how well modem democracies work.' It v,ould be easy, if wc were 10 stlect our descriptions from those most hostile to the Western method of government, to come to the conclusion that these political systems, far from being f~i:r oompromises, arc in reality the means by which one cbss di.'I(Ilises its oppression of the other. ~ This approach, however, would convince only those already hostile to Wcstem democracy. So I mill, instead, rdy on descripdons of WCS(crn dcmocracy given by Ihose "ho count themselves among ilS supporters.~

\ AIlhough differing OD m;my points, those who have written 300ut modern delllOCr.ltie forms of gol'emment lend 10 agree that the traditional theories of represent:ative dell'lo('TJCY do not describe any aisting national political system. Representi­ti,'(':S do not ,·ote as their constituents v .. ould \'Oted; nor do elector.; choose those whose wise judgement thc)' fl-el thq can trust; nOl' are representll.tive bodies microoosms of the nation. All tI~ theories, contemporary ""riters say, unrealisti­cally auribme 10 ordinary poople informcd opinions on the major issues of Ihe day> or on the personal characteristics of cam]ioJates for electoral office. In no large-so.le soeiery do the great mass of the prople such upinions. Some wntCfS \\'Otlld add; it is a good thing mat !bey do not. These writers, as I have said, are nOl: enemies of democracy.IThcy regard themstlves as its supporters. Tbe m;m who did more Ih~n anyone else {O gain a<Xept:lnce for this re>-ised view of de-


CONTEMPORARY WESl'ERN DEMOCRACY "3 rnocracy was Joseph Schumpcter, who sand as Minister of Finance in a Social-Democrat Government in Austria aftcr the First World War. ;md quit a professorship in Dcrlin to go to America when Nazism was begillI1ing to assert itself in Germany. Earlier wrilCrs, not;1bly Mosca ;md ]>areto., had criticized classical dcrtlOCl'3tic theory along similar lines, but it was only with Schumpeter's Capitali$m, S/Kiafi$m, and DtnromKJ (first published in 1942) that these ideu began to tike hold ~mong democrats. The book contains a forthright anad:; on the 'myths' of democracy, including the belief that ' ... "the people" hold a definite ;md rational opinion abollt evcry indi\idual question and that they gi\'e effect to this opinion-in a democr.tey-by choosing "represent:ltives" who will see to it th:u dut opinion is carried out." J n place of this myth (If cI..ssical democratie theory, Schumpcter proposes a more rc:lliscie revision;

VOlo::rs do not drodc issues. But neither do they pick thei r members of parliament from the di,,'ihk population "llh a pcrfmly open mind. In allllOfDlal CI~ the inituth't' lies "ilh the candidatc who maka; a bid for the office of member of parli.ment and such local leadership as that may imply. VotmJ CQnl1ne Uxmsm-es to ~ccepting' Ihis bid in p~ferenoe 10 others or ~fusing to ~ccc:pt it.'

It should be noted tllat &humpetet is going beyond what IJurke said aoom the independence of the candidate, once elected. Bude did not deny that voters have a real and un­limited ehoiceasto whom they shall elect; according to Sebum_ peter, howC"\'er, the initiali"e lies with the candidate, not the ' 'Oters, and tile voter's choice is limited to accepting one oftbe small number of 'bids' made to him.

Strong support for the view that it is unrealil;tic to expect "oters to do morc than ~ccept one of a very limited number of

• Jrd M. (Allea.IM Un",in, London, 1961), (I. 4 • C4pU4IiSttf, SIK'2h·Sttf,.M Dtm«rMl, p. ,.Ib.

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options hu a)n'Ie from studies of how people vote. Surveys of voting lx:hayiour hue found that very few VOItn are properly infonncd about the i.ssues at staR in elcctiousj in plICticubr, the minonty who change thrir vote betwccn dcrtions (and so dfcctivcly determine the oUloomc of elections) are genenUy less well informed than theavttage voter, and VOle on the Ixlsis of fKlors IlOrTmIly considered trhial or lm:ieYant.1 These results could, of COUl'5e, have been u.l:en as an indic:uioo th:olt

• real democracy is yet to be acitil:'"edj instead, most post.W2r democn.tic thc0ri5rs, clinging to the ide;a tlu.t if'delDOCr.lCY' has any meaning at all, then the United Sates. Britlin, and nations with similar politic:ll S)'JIcnu must be demo<:r2cies., hne a~ that the VOling studies make obsolete tnlditional ideu about the role of the pc-ople in a democracy( It would be tedious 10 iIlustnte this with quotatiON from C\'CfI a sample of the v .. rita'5 who hne nkco this position.' Instad I shall, in the following dixussion, rely nuinly on tlle work of Robw Dahl, a well·known and generally middle-of.the-road repre­sentative of modem Arneriaul wnlenl on democncy. I>.ahl aroeplll Schumpeter's criticism of mditional ideas about democracy, in 80 far as he bcliC\'n that: , A good deal or tlerno<:TlItie IhCOl')' kllb 115 to eJlpect: more rrom nationll electiollll than they Cln possibly provide. We npect electioru; 10 rC\'ealthe '"iIl' or the prefm:nccs of a m:ljority on I Rt or issues. Thi5 is one thins ~Iection. rarely do, uCCpt in an almu:5t crhial f.uhion ... EIC'C'tions anti political competition do nol make for gI»~nmmt by IlIIIjoritic:l in 11IT Vl:ry aignific:lnt ",:ay, buttbcy "'5lIy illQ'(;lsc the lW" numlxr, .nd variety or minorities " 'ho!;.c

, or u.... ~ per_pi the lieu km",n U lhol by (I. ElcKI..on, P. ~,&I>d W. Mcl'lltt. Y""'.v(UaiY<'nily ofOUcap> Praa. a.x::.go, 1954).

• For lA acdIem: brid' anat)'llii nl tlx _ nobble of I~. _ P. 8Idnch T. nnry 1/ On.«rllfi< Elifi .. (At~ I'raI, London, 1960) 10 which tM Jl<ClCnt .1 ........ ;. indcblod.


prefCl'tTlCa mu,t be I2kcn into aceouru: by leaders in making policy dlOioes..' •

I shall aceept the consensus of polirical scientists tha t these \;CVo1l describe., far better thm the traditional theory of delDOCl'lC)", what Klually in a modern stl~e of t~ type we know III Wcstern I $hall not: dlSCUS5 m detail the claims made tha.t modem

a better

= ' -'one reason for obeying the UlOS of a politioll SYStem is that one prcfen; that system to any other, and desircs 10 support it. In this connection wc ean nOle tha~in giving: up lhe notion of elTeaivc mass Plnicipuion the new theories also give up an aim thlt J. S. Mill thought \.try inlpDft:lnt, the aim of self--dcvdopltK:nt through participa­tion in the governmenl of one'. community. Against this we must balano; if tllC f'C'Yisionists are rigllt, certain adVllntages: subility, elitiSt restraint of m"," '~tlmpedcs',~ protcttion for some (thO)iSh not aU) .minorities against .majority tyr:mnr~) a~d flexibility .• The political system! descrIbed by the Tcv\slomsl

wrilers al!lO 53ve us rime and inconvenience, in that less of us have 10 concern ourseh~ with political issues. Despite these ad\llntagtS, there is liltle doubt in my mind that these writers have made virruCll out ofnccf;!l.'lity. The politi(;;ll system they describe may be Ixutr thall any other uistillg political system. It may C\'Cn be the best worJc:able system a ~~ ?atio~te could have. This, no doubt, 15 what the rCV\SIOOI5lS beht'\·c, and 50 thcy think 11 Important that v .. eshould not: be tempted to

'Unfomily of<:lUa8o Prc., OUeap. 1956. pp. 131~. • Sdwmptln', C.,.,.Ii.., S~, .Ill tx.",4(Y, p. ;aSJ; O.

Sutori."""", (Praqn', ~w York, ,965)' p.. II~ I OahI, A Prtf_" ~., ... Tlwr1. ~p. 132, I SI . • ~ IAarlf'dd, and McPhcc, Y'''III, pp. J't.-u.

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.blndon or .lter the S}'S(CJn .... 'e have for the sale of the ideals of traditional democnric theory. Whtthcr I closer approxima­lioa 10 thc:ac id~1s would be lmrbble is SOO'lething about which v.1! cannot be ccrt1m.lf lI-c think tN.1 the system \I\'e h:!ve ius good a politicalsystcm as human bcing:s possibly can have, we will ~ this as a reason for IUpponing, and therefore obeyiflg the \"t;rdia of, this system. If, 01\ the 0Ihc:r hind, 1Ii"C

beIiC\'e the ideals of deltlOCnlic theory both workable: and worth striving ~Ott v.e may uke the findinga of the voting studies simply as ~n indintion of the dim.nee still to be covered in I'tllJi~ing these ideals.'

\ Of mort direct concern to US is the question' whetherl

dem«ncin, on the In'ised view of them, give rise to tlle tWO mljor rtaSOf1S for obWicna: to liW which held for daIl()(l'2Ciel like our model dcmocntic association, and fOf Iqlrcsentati,"c forms of SO"ttnmmt u they bi.\'e b«:n ronccived in tlu:Qrics of representation. F'U'5tIy, "-e must ask, is the new delDOClacy a fair compromise between aU individuu,; and groUJl5, giving no panjcuiar .dvulI; 10 any of them ?

.J Acwriling to tallier ideas of democracy, fairness is acrue..~ by the insti tution of dl~-tionS. in which each member of the sexiery has onc \"Ofe, which he allOts to the candidate who he bcli\!\'~ ,,:iU best represent his views, interests, or oocial group, or who WIU mac the best decisions on the major issues of the dloy0Ve han~ a~rea~y seen that Schum~ler .lofId Dahl deny that elections functHlII In lUly of these .... '2)"8. It IS deJr that it does nut follow from the fact that everyone has 10 \'Otc in an clcaion th3t the dc:ction is I fair indication of the preferences of the elcctonlc. It may not be • fair indkation if, as Schumpcter gugsau, vOfen ;acoonfined roacccptingoncof a small number of bids. This is the cue when voten arc, for .ll pnr.ic::d purposes, limited 10 a choioe bct"'cetl 1 .. '0 major putics. The theory of reprClCntative dclllOCnC)' dc\'cloped in a time ",ben there ... ere no political pnties in the modern sense, .nd it has


been found difficult to reconcile the uistmcc of parties with defll()Cf'2tie presuppos;itions. AJ one writer has obsc~: • ... bile British political pnctice is now dominated by me aS8umption that the PulWncntuy parties..-i1l behave as disciplined bklcb. Dritish political thought stiU Iacb aDY justifiatioo of party discipline that is gcncrally Iooctpled.>t One might "-ell think that ... henever vukrs arc limited to a choice between two or three m:ljot panics, vie ... s not represented by thCR panics ue unfairly excluded. Before reaching this conclusion, however, it iJ neccsury to consider the Mnueof political p1rUes and the role thl!Y play in the democratic process., for there h~vc been attemplll to silo ... that this role is compatible with democatic principlet of equality.

In this book PlllrlJ/ilt iHrtfHrlJ&J ;" tile U"itd SWt1: CIIIIJllrt find Cllrumt,t DaM hZ!l a chapter entitled 'Political ParUcs : Contributions to Dc~cy·. In me roursc of this discuS$ion Dahl oonccdts ,tut 'A \"Oter presented with two rinl amdidlles might prerer neither of them .50 much tJ a third poss.ibIt candidate ... ho (aiIed to win a nominuion by either party.'J DaM defends the patty J)'SIcm by the follo"ing argument:

The fa~1 i'tm:lins, wo, chu " 'hcncvff I dh-c,,:iry orviewpoints ~nd desin:d ahcrnatives e.tists among the ciciuns oC a democl'1l.Cf, the citizc:1U mUlt, 5IlIllICr or btcr, by one process or another, reject all but one altcrnali\-c (c\= iJ' the fugl choic:e ;,., in effect, the null Ihemathe of inaction). ~ is no esaping this Pfocas; it ill the ($I!/Cnc:e oC'n.liooaliry', the only QUe6tKm is where and hoW' it ukes place. Much of the prooesII of winnowin, out ahcrnali\'Q wvId we «-flirt In Uection, or I,. the dection i*lf, or in ncgotiationr

'A 11. Dircla, iUtn-1Q/ir'l QU Rn1ftll!k CnnMlttll (AIIeD urd Unwin., I...oDdmi., I~), p. UI; quoItd iD A. 11. Din:h, Rtjrnnu.n., (PAll fohll, I..00<l00, 1971), p. loo.

• RUId "k."ally, Chic::.go, 1067. • rbid., p. 1S1 •

Page 64: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


-flrr the dection. All party systems do sotm winnowin, kIf" IllI

dection! making the t~rtioll itsdf I11OI'e d«W.." by rtducin, the alll:mal1nS, IhUJ IClWlDJ ks5 winno"Utg to be done after the dcaion by bupininl and negoIu.lion '1llOOI memben of diffaent ,.nXs ... ~ notion. lh:m, Iha! parties. ~~ irrationality in rnakinJ ~ by n:ducml the 11t~u,'C!I It based upon too simple I p1CMe of the pl'(lCC:lSC:l by ",h,eb ooIlecti\'!: political decisions can be made,'I'Of &I.hueb rliOC: i necesurily in''OIvu drwic rtdU(tion in the a1t~lUlivf:ll. Ahhough the question is obviowdy l'J:ctedingly complu, ,I !jIOCml much more reasonable to condude (11.1 most lIIud~nlll ~f ,,~ny do) that on tIX '!I'hole the p;trtie' play a benefi~l role ,n Ihd process.'

Obviously Dahl is right to say that tbe process of reducing ahern:ative policies to one policy must be done 5(N1Ie1\'hcre' w~t is ~ri0U5, especially i~ ~CIII' of the: title of the chapter i~ which thIS pasuge appears, IS hIS apparent indifference whether ~ reJ~n talcs plao;e before, in, or after In election. Surely If the pobncal system I~ to oper.Ite dcmoc:n.tially, it will be best if the rcduaion of altcmati,·cs u\.:es pboe in the election ilKlf, so th:Jt all citizens ~rticipate equally in it, instead of being presented with a flit accampli thu la,'CS them lin le ~ningful cho~ce in !heelec~n. The next bc.'St would perhaps be tfthe rcduc\Jon of altcmali\'CS were done after the dection 110 tll:lt it is done by the elected representuivC! of the "oters: If, howe..-cr, it is thought thu unless a gre:lt deal of reduction is done before the election the votCfS will be faced with too COOlpl~ and confusing I series of choices, then it v;ou]d at least be essential that this prior reduction of alternatives is done in a dcm:ocntic 1lWIntt. In a modem party system of dcmocncy, this could oexut on1y if political panies were dcmocnticaUy orpnized. Dah!'s indiffocucc to how the ftduaion of alternatives nke5 place is Il\;ldc ~ ma«: punling

, Ibid., p. 25~. Emphaait in oripnal


by biB vitlo-s on this ngttu. Discussing tht criticism that parriet ate 'internally undemocratic and Ire ruled by olig­aMes', Dahl mldilyconoede!l:

'ne du.tge is in ooasidcnhk ~ true.. Thu the II(IIninations and poIicia: of politial p'rties lend to M conb"oIled by kWus, nlher than t~c rank and .file of members Of ~d supponns, SttmJ undemablc/rberc 15 •.• tnORd«entnlization and d;ffu~;on uf ~Irol in d)C rfiO American prnics than in man)' Europc3o parllcs; e,;cn 110, both the I:kmO<.Tllie and Republican pollTl;CS ..-ould be !TIOI"Il Iccuratcly descri~ q \XlIiiliolls of oligarchies than 115 demOCl'lltic orgarrizariuJJ!I,'

, The piCtUre that emerges is ont of elections ,.-hieh present the citiun with a choice of two, or perhaps th~ or four, altcrmth'e poIicie8 and candid.:ues, the scle!;liQl\ of a1temativca to be presented to the citizens being made by oligarchical org:animtKlI15.. It is hard to set how this <:an satisfy the require­ment of fair compromise. Those who h2vc influence in tbe major political puries ~ f..r man: power th.3n fair corn.. promise _",lid allow them. t

A democratic process domilUtcd by two or three Imjor pan ies is unlikely 10 be fair enn when !he parties genuillt:ly differ, for the combinations of policies Ihat they prC$t:Ut are still ' p:teka~ deals" and 0\3Y not be those which the "oten would pn!fer, were they free to select some policies ftOm one party and o!hers from another. Wben the policies ofthe major panies do not differ at aU, or differ only inmgnificantly, the unfairness croted by the dominance or partin boeomcs greater

, p. ~5. 'Thio ~ is echoed br nunr mtlkDuofpolil:ical ~ in otbn' modml ckmamtdr:s. S. H. Deer, foe' ~ple, surnmariz,os one: of dle filldinp of bis M ....... BtitUJ. Pdlu,: A S""'7 • P",ria w PrtUW'fC_~r(md cd., F~bcund, London, 1069) .follows,·N huoftl::D. becobau,cd, the_ pS"'y,(\'Q if ill ~tioa .... hJy d, "w mtic:, Ifndi: 10 aqoantc Ie:adcrshlp from lbo: nU .nd fill: .nd 10 :K:aIIRIIlate infIumce = tM lunch nl on clite.' (p. 405·)

Page 65: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


5lill. 1 b3._'e already It'lCfltioned, in a dilferent contal, the 1968 dection for the Presidency of the UnitN States. Although a substantPl proportion of the population was opposed 10 me eooUnua.tioo of the war in Vietnam, the election p'·e thi5 opposition no real opportunity to apress itself, or to campaign and allempt to influence in decision-making. UDder these conditionJ, an ekction ClMot be regarded &!I I hir compromise, for those in f,,·our of continuins: the mr had the enormous advantage (lf controlling both the major politic:tl parties. In a less tlram1tic way, mc same sort of thing Ilappens whenever, in a tw~parry 5)'$lem, both plme!! agree on an issue.

S<:humpetcr, v.ith chuaeteristie fr.tnkncss, lek.tlOv. ledges the unfairness of the party system when he sa)'s that his definition of democracy .110"''' ,,-ay! of competing for the people!!' ' 'Ot6

which are 'urilringly analogous to the romomie phenomena we label "unfair" or "fr.tudulcnt" competition or restnint of mdt'o SchWJIpctet defends this by saying;

.. ·c ClnJl(M aclude them because if _ did we ibould be Idt ",ith:l. oompletd)' unrtl.li5ric ideal. Ikt1I"ttn lhiI i<kll cue which does rwt aiif and (he cues in .... ·hick 111 llOaIpC'tition "i lh Ihe cslabli,hcd leader is ~Ied by £on:<:, thac is~ <I.I<It;nllOul nngeu£vanalion .... ithin which the demOQ"ltic method of government llhadcs off into the autocratic one by imperocpliblc stcps. Out if lI'e wi,h tn undcr~ 5bnd ~nd not to philoriophize, Ihis is 1$ illlhoukl be.'

Schumpc:te:r, of course, is ~ntitled 10 p~fcr Ulldcl1itanding to philosophWnr;hut once we ask whether ',H: Otlght to obey a law, we Clnnot avoid philosoopbizing (in the stlUlC in ,,·hleh this " 'hole book is 11. piece of philosophiring). In ~nswmng [his question the: dilfen:m:e betwttn a bu-and an unfair systcm may be more significant tlu.n thedilferc:nce between a diaator~ ship and .... hat Sehumpeter "I',ould eal1 a democracy.

I n view of th_ :ack1lOtl'k:d~d dllJl"lcomings of elections in

'C.,.·r-1Wto, S~, W lXrun~" p. 81 ' .


many Western demCJc::rKics, it is not. surprising W I poIitial meorists looked to other aspc<:Uof lhcac lIOcietics in order to sho", thattbe S)'Sltm is not really as unf.air as oonsidcntioo of elcaions alone might lead us to believe:. Acoording to tD2ny recent ,,-ri~ the p~femlCCS of ordinary members of me public become politically significant not by mean, of dections, but only when they are ocganized into pressure groups. These groups bring mc:ir influence: to ben 01\ the gtl\'ernmc:nt, and me oourst the gm-emmcnl tal:es is, within broad limits, an attempt to !Atisf)' the prcssme: groups and thus, indirectly, to put in to cffect the preferences of the members of the groups. This system could be a fair compromise:, but only if it "Ilo"Ofked so as to gi,.e: any indi_idual the same innuence, or at lem the same: opportUnity for h:a.ving influence, a:I any other individual.

Dahl thinks the role of minority groups "itaUy important in !he politics oia country such as the: United Slates-so import­ant, in fact, that be sometimes rders [Otbe Amerians),stc:m of government :as 1. 'polyarchy'. It is, he thinks, mainly the dis­tinction bet"'cen rule by I minority and rule by minorities which constirntcs: the: difference between a democncy and a dictatorship;

; closer tu between pemmc:nt by I minority lnd government by

""_"OU. AA comp.,aJ with lhe poIitieal processes o£ a dieutOJ"­ship, the (hUloCI~ o£ poIyall."hy gready cnmd the number, sitt .ne. diversity of tlM: minorities whose pn-reKno::s .,.ill inllue.x:e the ou!eOme of govcmmenbIl dct:i\DoI .. ,

I...:Iter, Dahl dcfmes the 'normal' American political process as one: 'in ,,'hich all the aro\'e and legitimate grouP! in the JIOPub-

I If Prtf«,,, ~~ nur" p. I )). F..mphu ........ isi ... 1.

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tiIIn an make them9d~es he:lrd It some cruc:W stage in the process of decisions' ..

Does this lPC:ln th2t the normal American political system. assuming Dahl', description to be a=k, is a fair oorn­promise~ Not quite. We mll.'lt examine the signifICance of the qualifying phrase 'aetive and 1egi1im:ate' in order to sce w~t groups cannot maie themselvc:s heard effeaivdy. To bkt first 'active', One might think thlt if a group is inacti\'e, t1lis is an indication th:it it CUlDOl care very mud! .OOm having inHuenoe On we gQy(:nunelll. If Ihis wert so.. the exclusion of inactive: groups woold noI: matter much. h might even be desirable, as a means of tiling into account not only num~, but also the intensity with which people ll'lllRt to see their preferences e.tpressed in go..-emmmt decisions. & long as every group ha.'! the opP<Jnunity to be active, the rcquiremcnlS of fair compromise may wdl be S3tisficd. Unfortunately. this is noe: wlu.t Dahl means. An inlcti\'c grotJp, for him, is not IlCt"CSSariJy a group which cannot be bothered to be actn·c. A. group JNt be inmive, be acknowledga, 'by free choice, violence, intimidation, or law'.

The qualifiC3tion 'legitimate' ill just 115 serious a restriction: 'Dy "legitimate" I mean those whose ~ctivity is accepted as right and proper by ~ portion of tbe active. In the South, Negroes were not until te<:cndy an active group. Evidently, Communists are not now a legitimate group." Thus IfOUPS Imy be denied the opportun.ity of being heard elfcrt­~Iy becau$IC violeooe, intimidation, or bw prevent them from Ming 3Ctivc, or becluse tbeir acti\-ity, for some reason or Othtt, .. not Iccq>tal as right and proper by the a<:U\"C ma}ority. It .. dear tlut no justification, in terms of fair compromise, can be: given for rm:h Cldusiorut. The groups exdudal in Ih~ ways, therefore, would not ha\'e tbe special reuon fot obeying

'lbid .. pp. '31"8. • lbid .. p. 'll

CONTUIPOJ.AJ.Y WUTEJ.N DfMOCJ. ... CY "3 the bw ,,·hiOO c:rist3 in a modd dcmocncy, based on fair compromise.

There ~re other ways in ,,·hleh a pressure group 1)"Slcrn is unIil:cly to be fair to all members of llOCirty. As Oahl readily admits: 'To be "heud" coven a wide nnge of activities ... Ocarly, it does not il1(2'n that every group hu equ~1 control

- over the oU[C£11le ... neither individuals nor groups are political equili." It is indced obvious 10 anyone who n:flKts on the Wly premue groups operate tlut they are anything but eqlal in influence (I mean by this, u I pusume D1hl does. in proportion to their numbo.!~). Some quite InWl groups, fot inslancc., lhoK representing big business, are in I f~vounble position. They have tbc money to contribute signifiCiUltly to party funds:, and to cstIblish full-time public rdatioll3 bureaux to pur their point of vi~w. They ~re more likely llun other groups to h~\'e personal contacts with leading politici~n!, since they will t~d 10 come from the Ame social &tr:lta, to have mended the same schools and oolleges, bdong to the iWIle ZOlf or IiIX.Uldub. mve profCI5iomJ contxt5, and $0011. Much lal(CI" groups. such 1$ the consumers, will find it harder to get organized, contribute to puty funds, or c:onlac:t politicians. Thq may sucet:ed evenrnally. if they are large enough, by making the issue electorally import:mt. For other groups, bowe'i"cr, '\lith neither the influence ofthc small, highly organ­ized group, nor the Eize of a group like the COll$umcrs, there may be no "''ay in which they can make themscl\·cs heard effceri\·cI,.. 1bc poor, for cx.ample, C3Mot orpnite p.opal! as a presmre grouP. and :an: nIX numerous enough to ha\·c natiooal dcaonl signifianoe. These defects mean that the political system is permanently, or fot long periods, biased against a:min sections of the community. If these sections should find themselves faced with a law which they opposed,

I Ibid., p. '.5. Sec.1Io Doh!, PIIINIIiJJ lXr1uKr", i~ JJu U,,;wJ SJ~'" lit. IV.

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but was passed because of the disproportionate inftuence of other groups, they cannot be urged to obey on the grounds that the prmsure group system is a fair Q)Illpromise.

We JNy conclude that modern democracies, as dc8cribed by tbost favounble to this system of government, ate I\Ol f:lir compromiJes between ;t.I1 competing groups :lnd individwJs. Tu say this is not to ray th3t from this point of view therc is no ditfc~nce between a modern delllOCl'foCY and a dictatorship.

, We Inust agree with Dahl' when he says'that the fortnCr is tuled by more, larger, and more divcrse minority groups Ihmn the laller. This mC:lns Ihlt there will bemoregroups. and more members of groupll, who have had at leasl tbcshareofinfluencc on decisions that they would receive under a fair compromise. These people will have the same rc;tSOIl fot obedimoe that they would b.u"e in a model democracy, in ",-hieh there was fair compromiM;since they will ha\·c had al leasl as much ioRucnce as they ... ould Iu.'"e had in a modd dl:moc:racy. But those people who are dcpti\"W of the share of influcocc on docisions thl:y would have lu.d undet I fair compromise do not this bllsic reason for obedience. In respect of this particular rcuon for obedience, these people are in the ume position u they \\1)uld bl: if they were li,·iug under a dictatorship.

We have found that the first of the rnwns for obedience whieh differentiated our modd uemocfllU" usociation from our modd dicntorships is mH wholly applicable in I modern 'WIl'S!em dcmocncy'. Wlu.t of the seaHld fClSOf}, arising from participation ? Although, as we seen, ekctiON in a roodem democracy aTe not I fait means of taking decisions, this does nO( mean that participation in them OlnOOl: give rise to a reason for acotpting the result. The rason, or obligation, arising from partieiPQtion in the dccision-prucWun: does not depend on the procedure being fait in all re5p«U. It dc:pends only on the procedure being rair in those respects in which the (r.lrtici-


pant takes it 10 be fair. There is an all2\ogy here with an agreemenl to ta~e a dispute to a n:feree.. I( Smith and Jones .lw:ruld agree to 8Ctlle a dispule bctv.un them by takinz: it to Smith's brocher for arbitr.ltion, the relationship betv.ttfI Smith Ind the proposed refet« being known to Jonc::s It the time, Jone! cannot bter be heard to Ay th3t he is under . no oblil,'ation to accept tbe ,·erdia bcause the referee, bc:ing Smith's br()(her, mu.o;t ha\"e been biased. 11lis may be a ground for refusing to accept thc proposed refet« in the fifS! pbce, but it ~ not affi:ct the.signifiOlllce of accc:pting the referee if onc llcvcrthelcss choosc:'l to do so. Simil~rly, a person who p;irtici~ pated in the 1()68 United Stau::s prnidcntial election cannol afttn\"Uds CSOIpe his obligation 10 accept the result of the eleaion on the grounds th:u tbe election was unfair to op­pOIll:nts of the 1I"Jr. This tOO is a reason for nut participating in the cleaion:)ut il cannOl \ititk the pnm" fo ~ie obligation 10 '1\"hi .. h ponicip:llion gi~u rise. sinco'the participant must have known that thae "'" ne. anti-""ar candilbte $Upportal by either oftbe nujor parries. El-"1:n if onc participated because then was nothing better 10 do, becauscone tbought onecandi­dale a more moclente supporter of the ""llf than the other, so that onc mighl do some good by ~1lIing fur rum, while onc could achieve nothing by abst:lining, the obligation would ari!le because (as 1 arpieu in Part I) it dOd 1'101 depend on actu;t.l consent. Matters of which the partici(lQnl could not rcuonably have been e~pcaed 10 be: aware arc, of count. different. Just as the discovery Wl Smith had bribed his brother "V;Uld ncvte Jones's ~to.aOOept tbc..I.crdict of Smith's brother, SO the disc:overy of false b3.llot papers, or substantial miscounting, would »q;ale the obliption which would nt:herwiSIC arise from [»rticipation in the dection.

TIlC:SIt poinlll seem to be fairly cleu. Othen are less easy to deal widt briefly. There is difficulty in deciding just what onc

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'1.0,1.1 MOOr:t. TO J.f;At. ITY

\ conscnb to "'hen one participates in an ekaion. We can say, simply enough, that one colUCnts to abide by the result of the election, but what is the ' result of the election'? 'Cbe result of, .y, the 1970 Gcnenl Election in Great Driuin was that the Comcrvative l'arty pined a IIU.jority in Parliament and formed a government. So a panicipant in the dcction has a jlriffl4fotit obligation to acctpt that the Consc:rvatival ought to govern. But does this mean that he is similarly obligtd to aq:ej)t C\'cry law passaI by the Conscrvati,u, Not nceusarily:" A pcnon wbo p:uticipakS in an election il obliged-u if hclwl CDruZllwi to the 5tated policies of whatever party gains a IltIjority being put into practice. but if the victorious pany ",-ere to act. in a manner contrary to _11 it had said 110Q1" 10 the dccrlon, I think !be obligation "uuld not hold,l For the victorious pmy would then be in 1 position of power by means of doocit The atmne enmple or this I.:ind of dc\:cit would be a member of one lXl"y declaring, after he had been elected with the support oC ~I J'IIIrty, thtl he rea.lly fl\"Ourcd the policies of rhe other party. To do thi<! woold be to win by deceit as Sl1rcly u if one had forged Ixlllot J'IIIpcn, since the \'ictory would come about only bec:luse the dectors had been dcceh·oo. Actual cases, however, arc in\"lIriably less clear-cut, and it is much mOte difficult (0 establish if an ~pparcot inconsistency bcfVt'CCJl

promi!le and pcrforma!Jce vitiates the obligation to accqlt the n:.rulu of the election. Allowance must be made for changed circumstances, in which a change of policiC!! may be necessary. To u kean actual example, Dr. Iknjamin Spod:hasargued that the nature of the delIl(JCr.lue proeess in America does not oblige him to obey the law; he IfguCS this on lhc ground rhat in the 196-4 presidcutial election he personaUy ampciigned Cor, ~nd ,"Oted for, Lyndon B. }ohnson because Johnson had promised to diSSCabk the \\"lIt in , rlCtlllm-yet }ohnson, arter his deCl:ion victOfy, continued the CSC;tbtiOD of the ""lit. L Spock, it

, III • D.D.C. inIeniew browbal: I July 1910- The &.et lhat Spcxt


seems to me,'has a serious case here: along tM Iines,..~ have just becta diSC'ussing.\To settle the issue, \\~ would need to check two thin~: how definite a rommitment to de-escabtion did }oluuon si\''''? Ind did eircumstlnttS alter, significantJy aod unupoctoUly, after the election in web I way as to make it reasonable for a man, wbo in prC\;o~ cill'!UII'ISUnces hold pbnncd 10 de ~ abte, to feci that he should, in the new oonditions., rontinue 10 escalate r Neither of these: questions is easy to ,"S"'er, but if we did hl.\~ answers [0 them we could, I think, decide whether }ohnwn't prc-da:tit:m. sutements about Virtnun misled some "ou:rs as to the I.:ind of Qfldiibte rhey were ,'CIting for. If II~ decided that rhis II"lIS the cue, it ,,"OUld vitiate IIny "itu fltlL oblig::ltion to obey }ohnson's policies which lhoR who J'IIInicipated in lhe election would otherwise have.

The position is in some rtspe(U similar when a victorious ~rty inl1"Oduea new propo8JLs of a far-ruching kind which have not been PUt to the eleaorate (excluding, of course, m~sures designed to de~.J with a situation unforesec:n at the time of the election). The theory that an 'cle<:tDfil l mandate' is IlCttSS;lry lOt such change has become popular in Britain since the war. In the ),e;J.r foUolli ng the Genetlll Election of 1970, lading members of the Cunscrv"Juv~ Government made use of this idea in an aHtmpt to disrout:lb't opposi tion tn their propotlals 011 industrial nlatians. WhatC\'er ooe's attitude to the Industrial Rclatious Art, the Canservati\·cs were justified in pointing out that they had indicated in their election rmni_ fcsto what they would do., and I would agree dill this was a rclennt considetlltion against i11ep1 opposition to the Aa, If Ihhl and rhe other revisioniRt are tight in their descriptions of our form of SU"cmmcnt, h01t"cver, the signi6e:mce of this

CI"IpLipM'd perD1IlIy nul .. link dilfcrtnce to the IUbstaace cL his mitt ;1 only •• tal,,::. it more 1fIpbic..

Page 69: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


COIIsideration is not thu the dcction result IOO.-cd that I lftlljority of the adults in Britllin supported the new law­many may m\'e voted fOf the government in ignonnce of, or even in spite of. this particular PropoAJ. Rather, I beli~'e, the

... prioe- announcement of Gxisen'3ti-ye intentions made illegal resistance by those woo JWticipated in the election huder to justify because by tbeir participation tbqt .. -en: obliged as if they had consented to these intentions being put intD effect, should the Conscrvatin., !pin a majority.' 7.

'The conclusion to be dnwn from this di,cmsion. in which • 'We have :assumed that modcrn Western democncy functions more or less as Dahl and simibr politial thC()riBts have said it does, is that the specifially dCfllOCr'aUe ~ns for obeyin&, the la ..... which applied in Our model democratic community apply only in part to the socieI: ies in ..... hich .... e li,·Co' The discrepancy ill :l serious one.'Many groups and individ\la l~ 1'IOt having an equal share of po ..... ercilher th rough 'prC$Sure group' politics or dections, cannot he urgN tD obey, or even to jWticipate in elcaions, on the grounds tbat the division of power in our $OCicty is a f~ir compromise. If they do nO( participate in elections. neith"'r of the spedal reasons for obedienc", peculiar to a democratic form of govcrnmmt will be applicable. \ This COIIclusion is :l ground for dissatisfaction ",ith "the

IIlate of .ff~rs described by the writers"/l'e have hem consider­ing~The price that must be paid for our form of democracy is 1'10( just the elimination of sdf-dcvelopment through panicipa­tion! as other ... riten luvc argued. I think it possible tJut the weakntsS of the arguments foe- obedience, as they apply to Western democracies, is a factor in the amount of disobedience which now IlJ(ds amtro-.usial decisions in many of thcsc tIOcieties. M plpubtions become increuingly educated and politially sophistiC:lted. they, or ~f least ~ significant minority 0( theAl, sec that the classical democntie rhetoric used by poIiticU.ns snd ad~'OCales of 'Is ... and order' no longer spplies


to the political system responsible for the decisions 10 ~'hich they are opposed. They ICe thmt the pluralist S]'lItem is not a fair compromise, and t!ut elections between twO dominant . parties do not pve equal opportunities foe- dissenting ~ons

csp«ially when the panieHgrte on controversia l issues. Dr . Spock'is only onc among many who, 'although supportm of dcmocncy, no longer fed obligtd to aoc",pt the verdict of a Oecisron-proccdure which f~11! well short of the dCfll()Cr.Itic idClI.

In 19s6. Roben Dabl ronduded his Prtpm 1/1 DnnOt7'IfIU ThellrJ by praising Americ.lDs for their oontribution to !.he mn of democratic government. He $lid of the American system: ' ... so long as the toei:Il prn-equisitC$ of democracy are substanli:llly intaCI in this OOUnlTY, it appears 10 be a re[a­ti\'dy efficient system for reinforcing agrttltlCflt. encouraging moderatioll, and maint1lining IIOCi;al pc;tce .. :. Looking b;.ck O\'Cr the Yeilr, since t1l:lt was wrinen, tbough the social prer~ quisitC$ ml"C remaiDCd substantially int1lct, .... e are unJikdy 10 think so highly of the pacifying Ilature of the American political iiJSl"em.· Social peace is a matter of degree. Amtrica m:ly not be in a 5Ute of ch·il "'";11'. but it has hardly been pe:!a:ful. Nor does the political system seem to reinforce agreement or en­courage moderation \-cry sucocssfully. It is (XInicubrly signifi­cant thlt disobedience nlrfl' is often directed at quite minor issues, ll()l just thO$C issues, like nuclcaf disamumcnt or the continuation of the "''lIr in Vietnam, about which it em be $aid dut the ~'il against which rhe disobedience is directed is so

'p. ISI. • 11 ill ... '>lJth Do4i~, thouslL. 111.11 the bf~.DDeI UIt.l early ,,",'l:1li;"

"ne DOf "",tIy lud mucb "",re tlun lbe ..-1 amount of poIiric;al \10....".. iud ..... b1 the 1UtIOi.mI. of "",niCG Wc a~"CI' the Im 'So years. If is by CDmpariJon .. ith the ""'<:<:plioo",lty pcauful period i_ briG« Dol .. T'I)Ic \hat tht peric>J since bu IIttIfItd .,;IlWbuI ... t. Sa: I'" hlMl '" ,. N~"uI C~_ "" , .. c._, .... P,nJn/Ill· ... 8[ VooItwt (Rlllbm Boob, N('W York, '97<'). p. niI:.

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F\ as to OUt1l~ even dcmocnric reasons for obeying the bw. Of OOUfSC!, one cannot rule out the possibility Wt ~ f~ law is I ~ng phase, or thu those who engage m d~bedlCDOC. cspcailly on less important issuca, are fundamentally undemocratic, or pc-haps just muddle-headed!' But if, on examination, tltis does not seem to be the cue, and ditobcdience COIltinucs to be I serious problem, wc should begin 10 consider seriously the pmo;ibility that the basis of political obligation in Western dernocr.u;ie$ is in nted of rttOnllrucUonLot perhaps I shoold say, in need ofeonsuuo­lion, for there prob:ibly nC\-er has been a largo«:ale tociety "'ith a u.tisfactory basis of political obligation. The need for such:l buis, however, increases with the incn:,uing poIitial a"'-:lrcncss of the popuution. .. Should diJobetlicnce continue to grow,{he failure of modern fOlll1$ of democracy to generate the dcmotr:lbc reasons for obedience which ,,'OUld uist under a political system mote nearly approxim:lling to our model demoer.uic society oould appear so important tltat some effort to alter the form of our dcmocraq in thi! diroct ion has to be made. Wh:it would such a political system be like ~ .'\ number of differenl political ~"Stel1l5 could satisfy the requiremcnl!! of democra tic obliga­tion. The nature of OUt model suggests that these requirements .ut most euily be met in small groups, and thiLpoi.rus towards political decentraliution, and a deV()lmion of po .... 't'!' to IDeal communities. Wb.cLhc:r tbis is possible in meries as ~pl? 1IlI ours is a moo!: poffit. Short of a radinl e~uge of this kind, there are various devices wbich might help to counteract the incgalibri::Jn distribution of power in modem ~cie!l. I have already suggested thl.t :I protedun: by which a refe~ndum could be called 00 any issue, if a «nUn number of eloct.ors requested il, would reduc:e trn: need for disobcdicnc:e because it ,,'OUld be a way of putting an issue to the majority fOf rcoonsilienrion, and would speedily indicate


the majority's viC'1'f. At the same time, of COUf1II:, il would make it possible foI- ordinary people to take :I. political initiative, ,,·ithout ~vinJ to wock through oliguchica.1 parties, and would be a means of reaching decisions in which, apart from in­equalities in the means of influencing people, everyone has an equal ay.

\ Anotbtt obvious way to ~medy onc source of inequality of ~'Cr would be 10 reform the internal nructure of the major political parti e:s 80 that they be<::ome genuinely democratic. In view of the tendency of brgc orpniv.tions 10 bacomc oli­garchical C\'Cn when, a:l in the case of the Ilritisb Labour "arty, they ha\'l.: a dCllIC)(:r:atic consrinlliou. $pecial Clre would need 10 be taken to prC\"tDt the leadership.ssuminga dominant position. This "mild require DOt only provisiOOll for frequent fObtion of positions within the party, but also a ditrctt:nt spirit of eq\L1lity among members, and:l. 5e1\llC of the imporunc:e of ~intain ing this equality." I

Finally, there is the question of reform of the dcttoraI system. Thcrc is no doubt that tbe simple majority system used to ekct the British Ilouse of Commons and the American House of Repre;mtatives ~\lIiCl:l!cd ai!cro!lIixe ~ view from growing into significant poliriml fO,.TS. Absuactly considered, proportional representation bolVes voters a more nearly equal shue in the choice of representatives. It \\'Quid thu, remove one important sourcc of inequality in the British and American political systelTUl. Nor is it always usocialed with ul\St2blc government, as is sometimes said-the Scandi_ nlvim dcmoetacics, Switzerb.nd, Belgium, Uld the Ncthcr­hnds all combine nabk: gm'etnmcnt and proportioml systems of rcpresenution.' Admittedly, wbcthcr I political system satisfies tbe rcquimncnts of democratic obli(l:lltion is only ooc: of~ra1 cri ten:. by which polilica1I)'Slcms should be judged,

'Sa: E. Laktmln, J/,.lJorI¥Tuin v.,,! AS",,;. "".joriJ;.­~I EIttt •• 1 S;r/nII' (yd cd. Fab« and Fabel-, t.ot.Ion, 1!17O).

Page 71: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


mnd so it may be argued-though I ... ouId POt agree "lU proponional representation Iw disadYlntagcs which outllt'Cigh the advanragcs in terms of greater polirical equaliTy. Whether ,.-e thin.k this 01" the other reforms I hl\"e tentlti\"C"ly suggested "uth experimenting wiw will no doubt depend pudy on ho ... 9Criou, a problem disobedience is in the future. This, in turn, "ill depend no!: only on Ihe nature of our institutions, .. hich wen:, after all, Iwia.lly undunged througbout the obedient fifties and the 1e&S obedient siltics. but also on we issues that :lrisc. Racial discriminllion and Ihe wtor in Vietnam h~)1: dfllV' "lJ".I.U p.IIilWlI :\isobs:diencc in the United States tbl!n all the defects of Amerian political institurjo"s •



WE hl\"e completed the taS\ It« at the beginning of this book: the examination of the view thlt if a system of government is democratic this -riboliy .. lfccu: our obliption to obey la'll"l maan.uing from that syuem.i In atrying out wis uaminarion the preliminary conelusioos {tached in Part I have received a number of qualifications.' It lJ12,y therem be helpful if I briefty restate the pMition at which "'I"C" have finally arrived. I

In a model democratic society, there would be important reasons for obeying the law which do nOl exist in other forms of government. Apart from the gencn.\ consider.llion tfut any preferenct: we mve fot" onc form of govemmcm O">o"tt another is a rt;1SOn for obeying the laW3 of the preferred form of governmcnt, there are tIIt'O special reasons for ubcdi~ncc which are ptt"uliar to democracy. The first is IxIscd on the Get tml a democratic society, in which an hl\"C" equal power and there is no tendency for [he majority to treat thc minority with less th2n equ~l considcl"lltion, is a fair compromise between com_ peting, otherwise irresolvab1c, el1iJllll 10 power. The second sttTl"l!l from the fact that participaring in a decision-procedure, alongside orhers participlting in good faith, gh"CS rise to an obligation to act as if ODe had conSClIIOO tCl be bound by the result of tht"'OCcdure. So klDg u the pruticipation is voluntary, actual consent is nOl required, but an express public refusal 50 W be bound wwld IQ(In lhat participation, if still pcnn.itted, "WOUld not givc rise to any obligation 10 obey the result.

1'he:!Ie reasons fOf obeying bws in a democracy apply only

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when no righb esscntil1 to [be functioning of I compmmiw: decision-procedure have been infringed. Among such rights are the wtll-koov.'fl democratic rights of fret .peccb, free :lallldation, the right to VOle, and JO on. Tbe infringement of Other 10 the functioning of I fair cum-

.~;. not run OO1lntcr to the Disobedience dcsignctl to ! which IHUI noI: received 3 fair at inducing rewnsidention . .

~ notaIf«J. the fOl'Qe_

disobedience which do Tea$Ons for obedience.

for I of view I limed

Ire «Jmpl.tible with . .

. . I on COfI5ClC:nte

which the 'OJrucientious objector' 10 ignore the dem0-cratic rta50fIS for obeying the law.

Alihougb. our investigation had, up to this point, suggcstc.:l. that there is a gmt dnl of truth in the view th:&t there are much strooger reuons for obeying the law in a dCll'lOCraric society than in a non-democraric society, when we sought to transfer Ihis conclusion from a model democratic society 10 the IOrt of sodety in which we Jil'C, wc fOlUld IC$S truth in it. The modem form of 'Western democnc:y', Q des<:ribed by leading politicU thcorist$ favounblc to it, is not a fur c0m­

promise bc:~"ttI1 competinggroups. Allhough 11100: divcrscand more nulDCrOUl groups influence decisions than in. dictator­ship, some groups have less than an equal share of inHI)mce, while many people arc not effectively represented by groups at all. fJectiollS. il is gmc:n.lly agreed, do not rttrify this in­equality. For groups and individualll with less than an equal .y in decisions, the argument for obedience I».xd on fUr

CONCLUDING SUMMAI.Y ' 35 compromisle does not apply, and the argument from puticipa­lion, while still applicable to thor;e who \'(llt, is undermined by the ,bailee of I 5Ufticicnt rQIOn. for rrum,. dissenters, Ce.' partici.,.ting iD elections.

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IN Ihis book r ha'"e discuSged, in JftICllII terms, the conditions under which disobed)eooe (or political pllTpOSCS may be jWltifiabk, and the (orms ""hich justifiable disobcdimo: may take, T hl\"e, ho.."ever, been able to say '"C:I')' linle about the application of these principles in panicular cases. This, 1 l1ave frequently said, i~ a rnmer fOr judg~men t, IlIking all the rcbllnt (aru of the situation into account, To discus~ these m:lftml in general terms is, many people think, the most that can be done by a political philosopbtt---in faa, some phiJos.­opbcn define: their province 110 IU.rro"ll'ly that to discuss sub­stantive issues at Ul is already to go beyond it. While, oln-ioudy, I disagree "frith the stricter of these conceptions of the role of the plt.i.Iosopber, I a.ccept the "iew that it is asking too much of political phimphl:l1i to expecl them to put (olll'alll. simple guideline;, for the application of their conclusions to p.anicular situations, On the other hand, it h..s occurred to me wh~n reading books on political obligation and similar tupia llul it "'U\lld be uscful if the author would give some indication- if nOl guideiiQ(';5, tben an illustrarion-of hO'lV his ooodusions are tn be applied, The following discussion of disobedicoce in Northern In::land is intended to ICf\"C this purpose.

As a preface to 'fhat folio,", I should say that 1 make no claim to be an open on the mlUation in Nonbcm Ireland, I have no first_hand knowledge ofthelituation, nor have I made a vCI)' intensive study ()f it, I ha"e chosen Northern Ireland

APPENOIll '37 ru~er ~,~ ~Ier~kno""n aampte of disobedience atainst racial dt9Cnmlll:lllon In the American Soulh btause in the latter case there is the cumplienion that, as a result of the existence of the United Stltes ~sritution, to ,..hich then is no parallel in Northern Ireland, much 'disobedience' in the South W1S a protest against JaWll that were never legally valid. Othenvi!le, disobedience in Northern Ird;md and in the South raise '"(I)' simib,r questions, I did not c~ theother promin­ent instance of di$Obodieocc, against the wu in 'Vietnam because lhis issue, though eomplex with respect to IIW:tefS or fact, 5eIeIM to raise few of the philosophical issues diSCUSSed in this book, Onee one rejccu the view that the war was ncoes:sary for the defence of South Vietnam against Communist aggre&­sinn inspired by the North VieI;namcse, then the death and destruction inflicted on ute Vietnamese h:u been so monstrous that if there were any reasonable hope of stopping the wu by means of,disobc:d~, the IIccd to ~op it ".ould ~rride allY dcrnocratlC oblipuons to obey which mil5ht COOnt against disobedience in other aituatioru,

In the follm!ing diSCUSllion I hn'e tried to rely Oil facts rad)(l' than opinion (exccptat the final stage at which there is nu substitute for opiniun) and preferably facts which an: not likcly to be disputed, Most of my informalinn can be found in ne"'1Jpapc:rs and in such sources as the SfllfdlJ) Timu Insight Team's report, Ulslrr,' I have made no anentpt to de:tl with all asJlC(U of the is.sueI invoh'ed, but ha,'e selcaed those aspects ,..hich seemed most usefully 10 illuslnte points dis­cussed in the COUDe of this book.

There are sevcnl stnnds of ilkgal activity intCfwoven in the crisis which dC\"elopcd in Northern lrcland in the late 1()60s, Most prominent ha,-e been the activitit1 of the Irish Republican Army, whose bombings and shOOtings have caused approximaldy 400 dCltM :Ind damage estinJated u

, PfllJllin HooD, IUrmondn"Otth, ' 97>,

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£50,000,000. ~~ 1968 and the time olwriringUwy 1972). lUegal J.R.A. activities did not begin in 1968; then: has been a sporadic ampzign of resistance since Ireland was partitioned in ~9=U: Although the I.R.A.. has sometimes tried to j~fy it! aCUOllS In terms of the dcicncc of ln opp.te!l'iCd minority t it Iw never acc;epted the legitimacy of partition 01" the U\sw Gtn"emmcnt. and there can belittle doubt that i18 :ilim is not an end lodi1lcriminatXm, but the u.ni6C1Ition of I reb.nd. The I.R.A. does not reg.lrd its Illegal 3cthities as disobalicnce Jpjlhi" a political SYSlem, democratic or othCnv1se; its leadrn cl.aim that they are at war .. ith the British Army, whidllhey regard u a fortign ltmyo( ocOlp;uionon Irish soil. Whatever the justifica­tion for this position, it is. positioa which puts the l.R.A. campaign ouuide the IICOpc of thi~ book, which is concerned with the justification of disoOOlienoe nlher than WlIr.

A SC(;(Jnd strand ofiUcgallction in Ulster is the violence and intimidation to which Catholics, p;irticularly in Catholic dittrias of BeJfast and Londonderry, ba\'C been subjected by militant Protestanu. This too goes bad: 10 a period well before the fbro..up of the sixties. Pr(l(e50nt mobs Ituck«! Cuhobcs in, 1920and 1935 i Protemnt violence has ranged from breaking wmdow, to the 11)66 Malvern Street murders. This Protestant iUcgaJily also falls outside the: 9COpe of our inquiry, limply because no justifi~tioo, or at least 1'10 IIlOr:Il jUSli6eation, has been olfcnod for It at alii DOt an I sa: how any justii'taboD could be attempted. l'rotCSWlI violence of this kind is boolig­anism or religious peiaecutioo. No theory of political obliga­tion is requited to determine whether such oonduct is WfDDg.

It is.nth the third stnnd of disobedience in Ulster that we are concerned. This is disobedience, often described as civil di5Obedience, by Catholics who claim that they hue not been treated as equals by the Protestant m:ljorily. This third strand is the. campaign which beg;tn under the au.spi=!: of the North­C'1t Irdand Civil Rights Association in 1968, a campaign that




aossed the boundary benrtm legal demonstration and civil disobedieoct 00 5 Octobtt 1968, wben • march wu held in Londonderry in defiUlce of a ministerial ban. This a.mpaign n.isea a number of the issUC$ which been discuSlled in this book.

1bt first question to be as\r:ed ill: ""as the position ofGatholics in Northml Jreland prior to October t968 $\Ich u would iustifr disobedience ? Thl5 question can be broken down into two questions: was the Catholic minority a victim of pcnistrnt discrimin~tion? If so, ..... as disobedience an appropriate Jne3ns 0( seeking r«Iress?

Earlier in this book, when I put forward the view th:it a decision-procedure in which e\'tI)' JIl(mber had an equal ay w:as a fair compromise, I ~ed tlu.t there Q)Uld be eifCUm­stances in which despite formal eqlUtity there wu no flit compromise because a permanmtlMjority was using i~ powtf to disregard the interests of the minoriry. I ~aid then that (0

show t.h:.t this was the case it v,"Quld be: nCttSlrY to show, DOt an isobted unf.ut decision, bUla persistent putern of unhiJ... oess. I also said that it W"a.I a /lUttl"1" of judgement in each siruation whether actlll of unfairness constituted a pattern of unf~irness, and that as a safeguard against too much dis-. obedience one might require the pmern of unfairness to be 'unmistakably clear', "-ther than merely probabJe.' I think an ~cioll of the position of me Catholic minority in the years preceding the tven~ of 11}68 SOO1\"S that, though judge­ment may be required. mis does not introduce too gte:lt I degrtt of $tlb.itctivily into qUesbolU of poIitial obligation, for there are situations in which l pattern of unfairness it unmis­takablyeleu.

To teveal a persistent pattern of dillCriminatioD against Catholics in Nortbcm Ireland, il 1\; 11 suffice I{) examine the situation in three areas : employment, housing, and local

, pp. ~ .\>D • ..,.

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ptemmmt, while beating in mind th:!t about onCHhird of the population of the proviooc: is Catholic.1

In employment, the mOllt notable area of discriminaruln wu in work under the control of the w'etllment of Northern Ireland aDd local governments. At Stonnont (the Ulster Parliament building) discrimination iD p'cnunent employ­ment W1IS so much the IKIC'm that Prottltinb would oa::uioo­ally aceuse their ministm of employing Catholics.. Ministers Yo'ere USU2Uy able to rebut the charge satisractorily. Thus in 1925 the Minister of Agriculture, defending himself apinst such an accusation, said: " hv.: log officials and so far all I know, four of them lIe Roman utholics, thltt of whom were civil servants turned ova to mc, whom I had to take on when wc bcpn.' Femwlagh, onc ohheaix CO\Jntics which oomprisc the proviott of Northern Ireland, has a population almost ~ually divided bc:tVt'ttn CatholK: ~nd l)fO{cstant; of the 310 people employed by Ferman3gh County Council 3t onc time in the btesixtics, 3P were Protc:stant, and none of the Catholtc emplO}'CC:S held senior positions. In the city of Londonderry there "wt. in '966. '4.325 u.tholics and only 9.Z3S ProtC:St­ants: in the same ),C2r, all the heads of the City Council departrnenb were Protcstllnl, 1md of In $a.luied employees. only thirty-two wen: Catholic.. Among private conccrns, the lugC:St single employer of labour wu in 1972 the Delfut 5hipyard. It employed 10,000 .... 'OI'kers: 9,600 were Protestant.

l-lousingin Ulster,lS throughout IJribin, i5 10 I ooosider.lble c:xtcnt provided by local councils. Discrimination in this held shuws itlldf in at least thm: m)'S. rUllt, in some p1acea. Dungannon for instance, the Council provided bener houses in Protesnnl areas than in Catholic areas, the same rent secur­ing forty-t"""O cxtn square feet of space for Protestants. Sectmdly, il was easier for Protestants 10 obtain council houses. ' The &ctJ on .'bH:Il the f'olIo.q ;, '-' are \Ita.n from m.." pp.


APPEND I X '" T~rds of'tlw: houses built by Fermanagh Count)' Council between 1945 and 1969 1\'eIlt 10 PnJtCstants, despite the COWlry'S balmccd population. Thirdly, oounci!s rcfullCd lO build hOUSCl for Catholics outside Catholic areas, which meant that these areas became badly overcrOVo·ded. This Pnlctia: Ilso had advantages for Protestanu in terms of the third main .rea. of'discrimination, loeal politQ.

Local politics WillI the key to the Protestant SUprtmKJ in council employment and council housing. While I Ilrote:sunt majority in SlOtmont, the p.arliAmtntary asstmbly reprcscnt­ing the whole province, W.l., to be cxpeC!ed in view of the numerical supremacy of ProlestUllS in Northern lrebnd IS a whole, Protestanlll abo m;wagtd, by blatant gurymandering, to control local guvcrnmmt in &reil;! -.rith e .... m ly distribuled populations, or r,'en, as in Lond<mdttry, "ith subSWlrizl Catholic rmjorities. Fermanagh County Council, in the late sixties, consisted of thirty~flve Unionists, i.e. Protestants, aDd KVentcen non-Unionists. Tn Londondeny the classic tech­nique of putting aD Catholic ~reu intO one huge ward pro­duced a Borougb Council with eight Catholic councillon and l1!-ft.."C' Prote:stantll. This pattern 1\-.5 rcpeatC"d in many other at"s.

Evidence of' thi:s sort, I think, constitutes an overwhelming case for saying that Catholics in Northern Ireland were an oppressed minority. There is almost nothing that can be said in justification of these inequalities. It is true Ih&t when Northern Ireland lI'1S first established Catholics wanted DO part in the new province, and in many ases refused govern­mml appointments C\'eIl when they 1I-erc offered, but attitudes had changed since the twenties, and if the Unionists had made any effort to deal cquj~bly wilh Catllolics, Ihere can be little doubt that a reuonable approlimarion to equzlity could have been achieved .... ell before the \ale sixties.

Taking it :as esu.blisbcd, then, lhat there was a pn-sistent

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pattern of unfairncsa in the tfeatment of lhe Catholu: minority by the Protesunl majority, was disobedience an appropriate meansol seeking mJrm in October 1968? A, I h1ve suggested in this book, :lIld as others ha\'e abo urged, when Ieg:l.I pro­eed.ures are available, an altemp« to seck redress of gricvanca by lep.l means should be made first, and disobedience raorted to only if then is no rtUOnlbte prospect of achieving redress

by """~ l'n Nonbem Irdand, although there Md hem occuionaJ protests at injustice since partition, the reform n\O\~ent whkh e..-eatually led to disobedience can be said to Mve begun in I~ ,,-ben the Campaign for Social Justice "OIlS founded.' In the succeeding years, grater interest 'IfU taken, especially in Britain, in the question of justice for Catholics in Nonhern Ireland. In 1966, for insunoe, the SfPliAy TiWUl published an examination of discrimination in Ulster entiued 'John Bull's Politic:ai Slum' , AA ibat article JUg(e5led, ho"-ever, Ulstcr's ruling Protestants ,,-en: making no re:al cIfu" to end discrimina­tion, and it KCmal unlikely dill! they would do !;O unless sUQngiy pressed by the British GovemmenL A1thougb under the Government of Ireland Act the Hririllh Government retains supreme authority in Northern Ireland, at that time the Labour (fuvttnment wu adhering to the doctrine of pn:ttding British Governments, that Northern Ireland is best left to look after itself,

A further step in the Clamp,ign for reform by legal means 'NU the fOWlding, in Im, of the Northern lreuod Civil Rights AS80ci;uion, an organiution .... ith modaateliber.ilaims, moddJed on the National Council for Gvil Liberties in England. FOI" about I yar the Gvil Rights Associ:I.tion t'Onfined i(K1f to o:kaiiog with individual t'Ompbints, ID June I~, bowe',er, it held a peaceful U1d 1qp.1 march to publicize a particularly bbtant instance of Protest:mt biu in the al\oc:a-

'Su I./lJtn, pp" of' If.

APP!NDIX '<l tion of a)uncil housing. It then announced a march to take pbce in Londonderry, as a protest again.'It Ihe inegalituun distribution of po""er in that city, Shortly before the march which ...-as to take pl:aee on S October, WillialD Cnig, then Nonhem Irebnd Minister for Home Affairs., ~nncd all marches in Londonderry, 1bc ampaign of disobedience began .... ben the Civil Rights As8ociation decided to defy this ban.

Was this decision justified? Legal means of achieving rd'orm had not bttn exhausted; on the other IwId, more than four )"ears of normal political activity had failed to ouie significant Pl(lglC:SS, exoept: in individual cues" The ban 011 the london­derry march denied to Catholics one of the mcans-M)nnilly IcpJ--of campaigning foe reform. The first marcb sponsored by the Chi] Rights ASIIOciatioo had been successful in .ttentioo 10 injustice. Now the Protcstam Governnu;nt was s«king to pm"cm the next step in what Md been, and might ~\"C continued 10 be, • legal rcform lOO\"ement.

Before onc an decide whether defiance of the ban was justified, onc mUst ask what n:a.o;on the GO\'CI"Tlrl'lmt gave for i.olsuing UIC order prohibiting mlrehcs" The bUl was issued after police reportS that tbe march was likely 10 result in violence, these repons bein8" b:.ased on the fact tbat a Protestant OIpnization, the Apprentice 80yJ of Deny,' had announced, shonly before the Civil Rights much wu due, that they pr0-

posed to hold a march on the same tby, and over the same route, as the planned Civil Righu march, It seems to me that the rde'!OIInt question here is: w:u the ban, and lhcsituation that led 10 it, an exceptional and sbon-term phenomenon, or was the same thing likely to happen to other proposed CiVil RightS rnan:hcs in future ? In other words, W:lll the cI:l.'lih of Utbolic anol Protesbnt marches a genuine coincidcntt, carrying 1\'i th

I CDnIiotinr nDl of Iftlapprmlioc boys, boil " fProl ..... 1J ~ Ibc: apprauia: bo)1; ",Iao doled the pie:. of l..ondon<krry ..... rho: .....,,. olJ ...... lI.

Page 77: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


it a ftlIl danger of violence, but wilikely to recur, or was it. PlOftStant attempt to prn'Ult Catholics nwrlting against inju5lice whith was Likely to be repeated whenever Catholics attempted to prot~ ~ U lIle former was the case, tlw: bm MS

not an attempt to prevent Catholics being heard, and the right COUf$C would seem to be to obey the ban and re«hedule the marcb for another oocasioo. If, on the ocber hand, the d ash was deliberate anti likely to recur on any other ocasion, then disobedience would seem to be justified, either on this occasion Of on a fu ture QC(2Sion.

On this question, a judge appointed by tllC British Go\'t"m­

men! 10 inquire into these evenu bd this to lI1y: 'We arc satisfied .•• that lhis propor;ed [Protemnt] procession was nor: a genuine 'annual' I:\'eflt, ::md wc regard the proposal to hold it at the precise lime indiated III mcn:ly a lhrcat 10 OOUDler t1cmonstraTc by opponcn15 of the Civil Rights /ll;lrch." The SImda] Tilllls Insight Team disagrees: il believes that there were Iongst:mding plans to hold an Apprentice Boys' march on that weekend. But the IlllIigbt Team agrees trun It the time this wu repnkd '1Iltf'tly as. Protestant counter_ploy'.s Since we an: intert:!lt~ in Northern Ireb.nd for illustrativt purposes, and not to sit in jool'=mer1t on the leaden uf the Civil Rights A~tion, we need not try to 5eItIe thiJ issue. It is enough to see what conclusions follow from the rwo ~ble ways of looking at the facu. We can perbaps add, though, that if in a case like this there is any doubt in one's mind about wholl the uue facts I re, Iittk is lost, and the need for disobedience may be removed, if one gives the p 'ernmcnt the bcodit 0{ the dou~ tbe firR time, Ind waits TOac:e what bappens on another ~.

One set of circurustaDCCS in which disobedi= ... O\lld be justified, then, can be seen from our illustntion. lri a political

, ~'ram the rqKII1 by Lard ~ 'i-cd in UIutr, P. 5f. 'IbM!. p. SI.

APPtND IX .., system which does nOt operate a.s a fair compromise, when leaaI means of achieving rcform have pnn-en UlISOOCCS5ful ova :I number of ye~, and wtltn there are long-l:erm restric;tions on normally legal means 0{ campaigning for reform, disobedi­ence l\;l~ I belicve, be justified. Even ifCathotia had partici­pated in elections in Northern Ireland (and there ,,"Ould, ia fKt, bavc been little reuon for them to do so, under the electoral bounduict of the time) I would think tb:.It the quasi_ oonscnsua.i obligation arising from puticipation v.ould in these cin:um§tallOeS have been overridden, puticularly 1.5 the dis­obedience in question was I'CIlly disobedienl"t: dCliigneJ to publicize injustice, nther than to alter by force a decision taken by the deci5ion-prooedurc.

Our discussion of disobedience in Northern Ireland has now 9Ct'Ved its main purpo5C, which ..... s to de$Crlbe actu2.l circumstances in which the question of whether to disobey arose, and attempt to decide whether disobedience was justi­Ii~, Theft are, howe\,tt, IOme 5CCOOdary points about d is­obcdiCJ1ce which I will aL'IO try to illustrale briefly in relation to the course of C'\'Cnts in Norwern Ireland.

Onc pncticallc:sson that eme:rxes from Northern Ireland is the nlilt wi th .... hich disobedience can escab.te into counter­disobcd)ma: and violence, The LondondnTY march of 5 October t~ ended in violence. According 10 Lord Ca.LUOU', report lhere were extremisu pr=t who wished to provoke I confrontation with the police. If 10, they lud no difficulty in doing so, ror the march ended with the policc ~toning the leaders of the much, an action which was, as we same repon said, ' whoJlywithoul justification or excuse'.' Later, ProU:SlInl groups prtetiscd their own form of disobellicncc, gathering in Jarge numbers with sticb and more sinister weapons on the routes of protest marches. In this WlY, they forced thec;tncdla­tion of a march in Armagh on 30 NO\'mlbcr, and 011 'I January

, Ibid., p. 5"*

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1969 brutally atracked a 1ega1 mm outside Londonderry,' UltilNIeiy, u it wdl-known, Ihe escalation of violence led ro Ihe resurgmoe of the I ,LA. and the lTIO'I'C'ment for jnstice and reform WI5 pushed out of the spotlight.

AnOtherimporUnt issue raised by tlle Ulst:ersiluation is how much time a government should be given to reform itself onoe a oommiunent to reform hu been gi'o'C'n, On 2l Nm'C'lJlber 1968, only six days after a $C!COIJd il legal, but this time non­violent march ill Londonderry, Ihe Prime Minister ofNonhern lrebnd annouooed a pl;rn for reform v.-hich mel the nuin Catholic del1UMs, indudinJ me.:ms for CRS'I.lrTnlf ju!itice in housing and 10Cl1 gOl'Cnltnmt, and the speedy replacement of tbe gerrymandered Londonderry Borough Council by a Development Commi!&on. This looked like a spectacular SUCCCll8 for the reform movement, and the Londonderry Council was replaced within tbm: months; but three yc:lfS

i;utl' there Jmd 11i11 been no effective reform of housing and kx:al P'VTImtat.." The escalation of \-iolcnce provided the Unionisu lIith an tJ;cellent reason/acuse (how one regards it will depend on one's point of view) for failing to press aht:ld with reforms as en~lly IS it might otherwise ha,-e done, Should there h"'e been a more conccned effort by Catholics to c:alm the situation dO'lm, once the reform package 1I'U

announct:d? I am inclined to think lhere should ha"e bttn, though it is easier to suggc:&t fI'IOderation wn to P11llctisc il, and Gatholia did have some: rc:asoo to fear thal iflbe PfCS$lln: on jJnionists eased too much tbe refonns might be quietly forgottcn.

Finally, the f"te of !he campaign for reform sho .... -:s clearly tbe importance, when pmtising diMlbedicncc for publicity purpo5(S, of m~ldng it very plain tllat the disobedience is not ;rn ~ttempt: to coerce tlte majori ty; and simib.rly, wllen one is disobeyinJ!: to protest against specific injustices, of making it

, IbMI., pp. 6., 66, • Ibid., P. S9-

APPI ND I X . ., pbin thlt one is not amcking the political system 118 I whole. These daugers were cspeci:ally great in Northern Ireland, bcause the Catholics bad It first n:fused to accept the partition of Ireland and the political system of Northern Ireland. The railure of Ulster PrOtestants to undctsland that the Civil Rights A-x:iation W25 not a cJm Llenge to the separate political CJ:ist_ mceofNorthem Ireland was inHuential in the decision to ban the Londonderry mardl, Ind in the violenoc: with ""hieb Protestant mobs ~ttllckcd ci"it rights marchers on other occasions, Thus Craig, !he Minister responsible ror tlte ban, dismissed the Civil Rights Association as 'bogus and made up of people who sec in Urtn:$t a chance to renew a campaign of violcnce'-q. view which the umeron report decisively ro­jected,' In the opinion of the SlUfday Tim~J Insight Tt:lID :

1lte beJinning of the lub$equent [i.e. after the l.R.A. had bo:ome 'irlUJ.l1y elninC'l in the early JiIlies] story of Ubtt:r is Il fatal ~rrOT by the ruling Protestants. h .. u to misnke the cr.; l Rights 1D()\"c­

mcTU o((he sixties roe Iln attack on the 5me of Ubter itself. Thus, by choice: of the ruling Bite, Ihe enttgy of the reformist impulse bas been m:lde to shake the foundations or IIOeiety.'

It may be that nothing Catholics could ha;c done ..... ould have convinced Protestants that Catholic objcctilu could be met within lbe fnmcwor)c of a separate Northern lreb.nd. NC'o'er­thcless, tllen: is at least a possibility that ~ more disciplined campaign, conducted along the lines of the a.mpaigllJ of Gandhi or Mlmn Luther King, and including readiness to au::tpt the legal penalties for disobedience and willingness to bcha"e passively in the face of violence could ba\'e sho ..... n the Proteswtts rim Ihcy were nuking a potmtiaUy disastrous mistake. In saying this I am ,1I-are tll:ll, as always in a case like this, it is caliic[ to ~d\'ocate restTaint than 10 pl"aaise it in the race of violence and prm-ocatioll<

'Ibid., pp. 46-7. • Ibid., p."r1.

Page 79: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


o..clIn<h. P., -. "4" Bcdall.lI. /I., 9" a-, 5. 11 . U9D Dorol • B .• n4ft, Ifsn BirU. A. H •• ",n BirhiOhtod,.t.onI.S' Burn, Edm ....... oS-" no. ,n. U, a..:.maly, N .. 54 Cohc .... M.. S3" ~ 3'-~" ~5, n--30; ...,

.In ..... ,""..-Co<npabcory -u... ~ ~~9·-'<>t; ... a

pattiaU, .... ,. <)9-''''' C--" '4~ ~7""", P-J' '" ob.

Qj .. , ''"'-,' c;,."c, W., 'H, '.7, L A., 6coa. &p..1I8a, ".~'J,

:06, "7""'9. "'-f, ' 'f?4, ' 21;1 0..«,;', R. M .• ' .... 'T'I_ o..,-..,J.,'i, s.n

Eq.wit,. >6-3. J f - S, 7]-80; OH .u. M,htrirlet, llaoioldio<:timift.oUoo

F .... '"""'u ..... ,l~P S.5S,6s--6. " ...... 85. ' ..... '0, 1,6-~, ' n-5. 'J9"".~

F.I'-.~JO;_.F"'_~ ...

F~ oC.pccch, 65""1 F,,_ .. c...M., S'"

G.".lIu,M.,~Jn, '.7 o.m.n,/I. Co. un C--.-,P.,54 Gon"",}. G,',:IIO Ora. Im ....... '" U""cd KinI<ka 0._ T. H .•• ~,":IIO,'" GI .......... , It ., SJn

H .. " f.. nil >k1I, ..... Ib~, R. M., n, ]n, ~j" 30If Ho} ... 0 ., .0:111

11,,", Q .11 IlamphKy. 11. 11. , 51, s. I nd..m.l Rd....... An (Unhd

Kbofdom). u~

JaW-.J" S'"JjIl ~ L 8., • .to-,

]( ........ , 0 .. ' " K-., 1>1 ................ , SJI', '47

L:.rhm ..... E.. 'l'" Lt_ ..... Orda-, '1- ,5. , ,...., l.aanftld, P., '1-fD, II SJI Leo.,., T., 9' Up! mtr-, 10-2, 7J-f. 8.4 ...... 5 LnIin. V. I., 53 ~1, It.. D., $OB, Sl", "'" Lodr, John. '4, tS-9. 'P LJOI\I, 0 .. 37n.»)1I

Mu"'~. GMt,. 5'. Md'Mc, W., "4", USI!

Page 80: Peter Singer - Democracy and Disobedience


Mcf'"..... • T .. sa. sa. 51" M·'· w ... , D~ ,_ -- ... ,. b-t-. H., 73-&a ~'-...dlJ, bUs In, 73 ..... MiI, J. s.. 'ri, $M. 60. 79. "5 Mw it.., &, 6a, ,1-.9. ~J. 1~.7 J.t.nIiry, "s. f-<} M-. A. 1.. lOA

N.n.m, .,6 N .... R. M., 5,J. H. 55 NoM .... 1ldaDd, 401. 116-41 Nl>rlur [);Pm .... "",,,. am",Ca COr, 7~. '''J ....

ObIipr., :t-J, 5-7

I'ocifiooa, 9')-100, '0:-4 PotU, 8. , , ... r .... o:Ipuion, 45-5'). "0- U, I~-',

'11, IJ5 Pon>a, poIitic&l, nlrlo Pike, lIiohop ) ., S4 PilIUro, 11., '0'/'" '''9'' Plo -.J . .... ...... s.a,U .. f'bIo, ,11. &oa I'oli,.: l>outJ,o, ...dity in, J.4 ~G_ ... Tn ...

p~ Jloptetenun., ' J'~ ru ... tur-t, ""'pWlCe of, 8J""4, ..

II.diPMa liberty, 91-& - .. 1I.ipa, ~. ~,)· 1· , "4. 108 Rubin, I., 54, 8crtnnd, 7H, ..... , lJao &4, .. , s....;.G·, .. sa Set-oml .}.,II30 IIS"oIl6, ,» SicJb". P., 5'" 53" Snc>w, C. P., ;06 S<>cnta, ,I, '9 Spiu,O.,t6n Spud, Il, s ... ,~ S.,.itt<rlo..J., 8" 1] '

11oon:n., I L D., >!.., ...... , 'lo .. ..t

VMM Ki"-"" ..... 00, 101, 110, In, "4. 117, "9".'>6, I~, '3'. ·)6-.7

lhIiwl s..ta or ........... , 11'"8, 80, Sl. It., "-to"90 U,;, IJI, 'P, ':17; Do<:I&ntioa. of h,depot'd __ '"'*' ~,P. ' ''''rid a...u.., n. Soh ..... I.$. • .,; SoP ... , ..... ' O,"iSu_Court,63

Ulilj..,.; ....... s-t."" ]7-..... 5~ .. \'icuIam W •• , t. Sf, '3. n. ,8, .03,

"0, . -..." I:P. In

Wt\d(IOI, T . n., sa w"', R. P., 9f1I WoIllaa, L, '''J" YoudI r>nJ' (Y~),
