pester power


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Post on 04-Jul-2015



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“They (the children) use all the pester power they can muster to talk their parents into purchases, a narrator warned,” (The Washington Post, February 1979)

Children of this generation have always been able to influence their parents’ purchasing power

with their relentless badgering. Today’s parents are more likely to take a child's demands seriously, whereas in earlier times when they were children, they were expected to be content with whatever they were given. Also, today’s parents work longer hours owing to the increased pressure of the environment. This has led to a society that is increasingly cash rich and time poor, and parents find it an easier option to buy their way out of the time-consuming task of fending off demands.

According to the 2001 marketing industry book Kidfluence, pestering or nagging can be divided into two categories –’persistence’ and ‘importance.’ Persistence nagging (a plea, that is repeated over and over again) is not as effective as the more sophisticated ‘importance nagging.’ This latter method appeals to parents as it plays on any guilt that they may have

about not having enough time for their children. I have always believed that this generation of Indian Parents (read folks born in late 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s) are a sad lot. They had no choice but to listen to their parents. But today, their children are a lot smarter than they were at that age. I am a parent of a 11-year-old and I am aware that this generation, born in the late 90’s and 2k, is really intelligent. In a way, this is good in the broad scheme of things, since it means that the collective intelligence of the society is increasing with time.

Today's generation of the Cola, Kola-Veri Kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within the family than the previous generations, so they are more vocal about their requirements. They tend to use this ‘pester power’ to nag their parents into purchasing items that might not be otherwise bought. So, how do we understand and curtail this ‘pester power?’

For a generation that only had bambarams (manual tops), today a bey blade, which is the Chinese Bambaram, has become a reality that the parent needs to accept. What was `6 in the 80’s is `140 now! Going by

the inflation gauge, we are not really spending more than what our parents spent on us. But then, as children of our parents generation, we did not demand (and get) a top every day!

So, the only way out for us would be to smile and yet not give in. Speak out “Yes, that L Dragon bey blade looks really cool but you do know that you probably won't be able to have everything you want.” Leave the decision-making-process to the child and be firm with the conditions and the responsibility this entails. For example, if pocket money is being allocated to the child, then the child decides whether he wants the bey blade now or whether he will be happy enough with the Kaagitha Kappal (paper boat); since the trade-off might be a video game session at Blur. We may assume that most children would go in for the instant gratification of a bey blade, but trust me – you are going to be surprised. These kids don’t think the way we used to! Of course, with slightly older children, we can explain how advertisements try to influence our purchases. Also it is much easier talking to older children about the cost of items, their affordability and the value of money.

As I am writing this, I can hear my mother shout aloud from the drawing room even as she is watching Velukkudi’s programme on the Pothigai channel - “Finally, what every child wants most is a loving, happy time with the family. This is what we cherish when we look back at our childhood. Any toy we remember, is because of the fun we had playing with it rather than how much it cost.” Wasn’t I right about us being the sandwiched Paavam (pitiable) Parent Generation?




Pester Power Dynamics

