pervasive and ubiquitous public map displays

ICA UPIMap2004, Tokyo <D-05> Pervasive and Ubiquitous Public Map Displays Michael P. Peterson Department of Geography/Geology University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, NE 68182 [email protected] Abstract. The combination of current computer interfaces and the Web has led to highly interactive and widely distributed map displays. While the computer has increased interaction with maps and the Web has increased their distribution, other types of computer interfaces with maps are possible. Large- screen, computer-driven displays are becoming increasingly common for a variety of applications. To make these displays interactive, new computer interfaces are required and strategies are needed for creating public web map displays that show such things as weather maps, and maps of automobile and flight traffic using large-screen technology. Hand-held PDAs also represent a possible ubiquitous form of information display. Other possible user interfaces for public map displays may be envisioned based on research in the emerging fields of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence. Keywords: large format displays, ubiquitous and pervasive computing 1. Introduction Adding the interactive component to maps has been the central goal of cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) since the development of affordable interactive computers in the early 1980s. This shift was intensified with menu and windows-based computer systems introduced in the mid- to late 1980s. The melding of mind, map and computer in an “interactive bliss” is still seen as something of a panacea – a way to a higher truth through “visualization.” Cartography is in the process of adapting to the interactive and multimedia potential of the computer. While maps are still being integrated in the classic Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointing device (WIMP) interface, research in computer science is attempting to find alternate forms of computer interaction. A criticism of the WIMP interface is that it requires a considerable amount of concentration by making users sit still and focus their attention on a screen. Other forms of information display are much less demanding. Printed text, for example, surrounds us in many ways but does not require the level of concentration of a WIMP interface. We do not need to “log on” to road signs to use them. Similarly, we do not need to disengage from a discussion with a colleague to jot notes on paper. It is argued here that context-sensitive, computer-assisted interaction with maps could provide us with a better user-experience than an intelligently orchestrated and highly-interactive computer-based cartographic system. In an article entitled That Interactive Thing You Do, Peterson (1998) points out that our interaction with computers is very shallow. In a conversation, each participant is building up a database of what the other has said. The database is fairly sophisticated at times. For example, you might be able remember stories that people have told you several years ago although they have forgotten. With the computer, it is somewhat like talking to a person for the first time over and over again. There is no database of the interaction. Because the computer doesn't remember, it cannot raise the sophistication of the interaction. Further, it doesn’t challenge us. Imagine if the computer responded with messages like: "I've made this map for you before!;” "Don't you remember where that feature is located!;” "Can we move to a more intelligent level of interaction, please?” Viewed in the perspective of a conversation, the type of interaction that we have with maps on the computer is very simplistic.

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Page 1: Pervasive and Ubiquitous Public Map Displays

Pervasive and Ubiquitous Public Map D

Michael P. Peterson Department of Geography/Geology University of Nebraska at Omaha

Omaha, NE 68182

[email protected]

Abstract. The combination of current computer interfaces and the Web hasand widely distributed map displays. While the computer has increased interWeb has increased their distribution, other types of computer interfaces with mscreen, computer-driven displays are becoming increasingly common for a vamake these displays interactive, new computer interfaces are required and screating public web map displays that show such things as weather maps, andflight traffic using large-screen technology. Hand-held PDAs also represent a pinformation display. Other possible user interfaces for public map displays maresearch in the emerging fields of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligenc Keywords: large format displays, ubiquitous and pervasive computing

1. Introduction Adding the interactive component to maps has been the central goal of carInformation Systems (GIS) since the development of affordable interactive comThis shift was intensified with menu and windows-based computer systems intr1980s. The melding of mind, map and computer in an “interactive bliss” is stpanacea – a way to a higher truth through “visualization.” Cartography is in tthe interactive and multimedia potential of the computer. While maps are still being integrated in the classic Windows, Icons, M(WIMP) interface, research in computer science is attempting to find alteinteraction. A criticism of the WIMP interface is that it requires a considerableby making users sit still and focus their attention on a screen. Other forms omuch less demanding. Printed text, for example, surrounds us in many wayslevel of concentration of a WIMP interface. We do not need to “log on” toSimilarly, we do not need to disengage from a discussion with a colleague toargued here that context-sensitive, computer-assisted interaction with maps couluser-experience than an intelligently orchestrated and highly-interactive comsystem.

In an article entitled That Interactive Thing You Do, Peterson (1interaction with computers is very shallow. In a conversation, each participantof what the other has said. The database is fairly sophisticated at times. For exremember stories that people have told you several years ago although they hcomputer, it is somewhat like talking to a person for the first time over anddatabase of the interaction. Because the computer doesn't remember, it cannot the interaction. Further, it doesn’t challenge us. Imagine if the computer respo"I've made this map for you before!;” "Don't you remember where that featumove to a more intelligent level of interaction, please?” Viewed in the perspecttype of interaction that we have with maps on the computer is very simplistic.

ICA UPIMap2004, Tokyo<D-05>


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Page 2: Pervasive and Ubiquitous Public Map Displays

The area of research in alternative computer user-interfaces is referred to in a variety of ways, including pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing, and ambient intelligence. A common element is

the vision that all man-made and some natural products will be embedded with some type of hardware and software. Going beyond the realm of personal computers and the WIMP interface, it is proposed that almost any device, including clothing, tools, appliances, cars, homes, a wall, and even the human body, can be imbedded with hardware for connection to other devices. This area of research combines current network technologies with wireless computing, voice recognition, artificial intelligence and the Internet, “to create an environment where the connectivity of devices is embedded in such a way as to be unobtrusive and ubiquitous” (Webopedia 2004).

In many ways, computational devices are already ubiquitous. Embedded computation controls braking and acceleration in cars, operates medical devices, and controls virtually all machinery. Cell phones, embedded digital cameras, pagers, and digital music players represent widely-used, portable computational devices. Car navigation systems are becoming an increasingly common addition to cars. Large-format displays in public areas such as airports represent an important type of ubiquitous visual computational device. Using a variety of different kinds of technology, the size of such displays has increased to the size of a large wall and resolutions are in the multiple 1000s of pixels. Plasma displays are now available at up to 84 inches (213 cm) in diagonal measurement. Acrylic screens, designed for rear or front projection with a video projector, are available at sizes up to 135 inches (343 cm). In many cases, multiple monitors or projectors will be arranged next to each other to create a larger display. Organic electronics provide the potential of producing large computer displays with an ink-jet printer and a new fog screen technology allows image projection on tiny droplets of water that are suspended in air. It is anticipated that this latter type of display will be installed at airports or shopping malls and people will be able to interact with the projected “fog” image in various ways. They will even be able to walk through the display. These technological developments are leading to a new medium for the public display of maps.

Large-format displays will also promote collaborative uses of maps that would facilitate their interpretation and analysis. One of the main problems with current interfaces is that a single, isolated user may not be able to interpret the mapped patterns that are presented to them. A collaborative map use environment would encourage group interpretation of the mapped patterns.

Alternate forms of computer interfaces have also been developed. Using a cell phone or an electronic key, users are able to interact with computer displays in different ways. Voice-input is becoming more common with computers and this may soon represent an alternative type of user interface with maps. For example, we may be able to walk up to a large electronic map and tell it what we want to see. A video camera can also be used as a user-interface device.

Maps would fit well into this new type of computer interface. As a graphic display, maps provide a great deal of information at a short glance. The salient features of a map are recognized in a matter of seconds. Depending on the complexity, spatial patterns on thematic maps can be comprehended in an even shorter amount of time. Maps that are viewed quickly may be remembered as well as maps that are examined for a longer period of time. This means that interfaces can be developed for maps that require only casual attention. Computer maps would be used in a much less intrusive way than is currently the case.

We are entering a new phase in the marriage of maps and computers. In the beginning, computers were used to help the cartographer make maps on paper. Then, highly interactive, computer mapping and GIS systems were promoted. This is now seen to be a very intrusive form of map use that requires an inordinate amount of attention and concentration by the map user. Less intrusive forms of computer-assisted map presentation may provide a more suitable interface for maps in certain situations. The purpose here is to examine alternative map displays and new interfaces for cartography. First, we look at the concept of pervasive computing, and a working example.

2. Pervasive Computing 2.1 The Concept

Pervasive computing is a cross-disciplinary area of research that extends the application of computing to diverse usage models (Mattern & Naghshineh 2002). It is viewed as the next generation computing environment with information and communication technology everywhere, for everyone, at all times. Information and communication technology will be an integrated part of our environments: from toys, milk cartons and desktops to cars, factories and whole city areas - with integrated processors, sensors, and

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actuators connected via high-speed networks and combined with new visualization devices ranging from projections directly into the eye to large panorama displays. An example of a pervasive

computing environment is a weather map display system that has been operating since 1999. 2.2 A Working Example: Public Weather Map Display System

In 1998, an experiment was begun to display updated weather maps in a public setting (Peterson 2001). The purpose was to make weather maps available for viewing in a public place in such a way as to encourage analysis and interpretation (see Figure 1). A large number of frequently-updated weather maps are available through the web and these maps are updated on a regular basis, sometimes at intervals of less than 30 minutes.

Such a public display of maps can serve an important educational function in addition to providing critical information about travel conditions. It can also demonstrate the value of maps for displaying information. The system described here can be used to show any type of image that is frequently updated. A good example would be the display of webcam images. Webcams are available from many parts of the world and depict recognizable landmarks, unique landscapes, or current weather conditions.

The automated display of maps was implemented with a series of older computers. Five were made available for use, with one already 12 years old and limited to 8 MB of memory. The challenge was to create a continuously-operating, sequenced display of updated weather maps from the web using this older technology. The solution was to use a simple scripting language and a smaller program that downloaded maps from the web at regular intervals. In the hour between downloads, the series of maps were then displayed in full-screen mode on a continual basis.

Converting these computers to operate in an automated way is not an easy task. The WIMP operating system is based on user-interface elements like menus and dialogs that make the operation of the computer dependent on regular user input. By-passing these user-interface elements and creating a computer that works without human input runs counter to the design of the operating system. In order to make a computer download and display images automatically, methods needed to be developed to supply user input in an automated way. The most difficult aspect of the system, however, was to make the computers run continuously without interruption. Various software components and system enhancements were used in the working system:

Figure 1. The Automated Weather Map Display System at the University of Nebraska - Omaha. Each computer cycles through the display of 4 to 5 weather maps on a continuous basis. Maps are updated hourly on each display.

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Figure 2. The Master/Client relationship in downloading and displaying weather maps. The “Master” computer downloads and stores all maps. A few minutes after the scheduleddownload, each client computer downloads the maps from the Master computer.

a) Server / Client Computer Arrangement

A central master computer/server was used to download all maps at regular intervals. A few minutes after the maps are downloaded by the Master computer, a script running on each of the display or “Client” computers would access and download these files (see Figure 2). This approach would assure that any problems in downloading images from the Web would be limited to one computer. Further fault tolerance is built into the system by allowing the Client computers to download images directly through the Web if the Master computer goes down.

b) Display Software

This program displays the downloaded images stored in a folder in a continuous loop and must operate flawlessly. Each map is shown for approximately 5 to 10 seconds. In addition, the program must be able to operate at full-screen mode so that the menus are hidden. A freeware application called JPEGview was used.

c) Timing Software

Working in the background, this software launches applications at specified times. It is common to use this type of software for many different applications, such as backing-up files in the middle of the night. Cron is the major utility that performs this function. The program scans the file CRONTAB every minute and checks to see if the specified time/date information matches the current time and date. If they are equal, the specified command is executed. d) Time Synchronization Software

When downloading images at specific times, it is important that the computer be set to the correct time, especially if multiple computers and separate programs need to synchronize with each other. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) was established to provide the correct time to computers on the Internet. The NTP client that is installed on all the computers in the weather map display system synchronizes the computer’s clock to within 50 milliseconds of the atomic clock at the US Naval Observatory. e) Dialog Handlers

Dialogs are used to inform the computer user of an error or some other condition that needs to be brought to the user’s attention. The problem with dialogs in this application is that they wait for user input (hitting the OK or Cancel button) and thereby stop all further action by the computer. A method is needed to automatically respond to the dialog. On the Macintosh, a program called Okey Dokey Pro

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selects the default choice in a dialog box (i.e., the equivalent of pressing the return key) after a preset time has elapsed.

f) Network Administration Software

A program for network administration is needed if multiple computers are being used to display maps and images. The program can be installed on the same computer that downloads the images. It periodically consults the designated computers to determine if they are still connected to the network and which program is currently active. This type of software is the best way to determine if the display is working properly from a central location. 2.3 The Influence of Pervasive Computing

The weather map display system described here created a regular group of viewers that examined the display of maps on a daily basis. Some would make a special trip to examine the maps while others merely glanced at the display while walking past. Still others would stop to examine the maps before leaving for home. One noticeable aspect of the system is that it influenced discussions about the weather. It represents a “common” display that everyone in the building could see. Most discussions about the weather, a common topic of conversation, used information that could be directly attributed to the display.

The system described here is similar to the flight arrival and departure information provided in airports. Some airports in the US have even implemented a display that depicts the current position of airplanes that have an arrival or departure at that airport (see Figure 3). Certain states in the US have also implemented similar automated weather display computers at rest areas to assist travelers. Referred to in the trade as Digital Visual Messaging (DVM), such systems are designed to be an engaging and dynamic medium that that provides up-to-minute information. To make such systems more interactive, we need to examine alternate ways of presenting information.

3. Alternative Computer Interfaces

3.1 Ubiquitous Computing

Originating at the Xerox PARC research center at Palo Alto, California, ubiquitous computing is a philosophy that aims to enrich our computing environment by emphasizing context sensitivity, casual interaction and the spatial arrangement of computers. It is seen as the third wave in computing. The first wave was based on single mainframe computers that were shared by many people. Presently, we are in the personal computing era with a single user with a mouse and keyboard in front of a single display. The next stage, it is argued, is ubiquitous computing as technology recedes into the background (Weiser 1991, 1994). With the proliferation of mobile devices and the ability to embed large touch screens in public places, a new type of human computer interaction involving multiple machines and multiple people becomes possible.

The current mode of interaction with a computer involves a single user with a mouse and keyboard in front of a single display. This requires users to sit still and focus their attention, withdrawing from the world around them. The WIMP interface removes the user from the broader environment (Want, 2003). In contrast, an example of ubiquitous computing is the work of Streitz (2003) in Germany who examines new tools and methods for the embedding of computation in everyday objects. Under development by his team are products such as Roomware, a DynaWall, an InteraTable, a CommChair and a ConnecTable. All of these devices attempt to place the computer in the background of the user’s experience.

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Research in ubiquitous computing has taken two directions. The first involves group interaction with large touch screens in workrooms. This research is divided into those that use the display for collaborativ

igital Visual Messaging (DVM), are already used in airports to guide assengers between planes. Other types of “digital signage” and wall applications are used in retail,

ommunication walls are made possible by large screen technology. Four major display types are in use tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma display, and video

Figure 3. Automated flight information display for Rapid City (RAP), South Dakota, in the US. Airplanes that have departed the airport and those that are en-route are identified on the display. Areas of precipitation are identified through NEXRAD ground-based radar.

e research in a laboratory setting and those that develop more public applications. An example of the latter is the work of Ferscha and Vogl (2002) who examine pervasive Web access through what they call “public communication walls.” The method of interaction is a cell phone. The second direction is the examination of user interfaces on mobile devices and ideas such as geocasting and location aware computers. The purpose is to present context-sensitive information on mobile devices. 3.2 Communication Walls

Communication walls, or Dpquick-serve restaurants, banking, and command and control environments. Several recent developments in technology have made these types of displays more feasible. 3.2.1 Available Technology

Ctoday: the traditional cathode rayprojectors. Other promising display technology includes the organic display and the fog screen. Resolutions for all of these forms of electronic display are provided in one of the following formats, with cost increasing with greater resolution: 1) SVGA, with "800 x 600" pixels; 2) XGA, with "1,024 x 768" pixels; 3) SXGA, with "1,280 x 1,024" pixels; 4) WXGA, with 1366 by 768 pixels, and 5) UXGA, with "1,600 x 1,200.”

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Most large screen displays now use plasma technology. These screens are available at up to


Figure 4. Large screen plasma display mounted in a stand.

The size of each type of display is limited. Standard television or CRT displays range up to 40” (101.6 cm) in diagonal measurement while LCD screens are only available at up to 30 inches (76.2 cm) at WXGA resolution.

84 inches (213 cm) in diagonal measurement at WXGA resolution of 1024 x 768 although 50 inch (127 cm) consumer-oriented plasma screens are much more reasonably priced. The plasma display consists of a lightweight surface covered with millions of tiny glass bubbles. Each bubble, arranged as pixels, has three sub-pixels - one red, one green, one blue – that contains a gas-like substance, the plasma, and has a phosphor coating. A digitally controlled electric current flows through the flat screen that causes the plasma inside designated bubbles to give off ultraviolet rays. This light in turn causes the phosphor coatings to glow at the appropriate color. With a wide viewing angle, resolutions up to 1366 by 768 pixels, and a 600:1 contrast ratio, thickness of only 3.5” (8.9 cm) and a sharp, bright image, plasma displays are already used for such applications as digital visual messaging, retail advertising, and boardroom presentations (see Figure 4).

The most promising large screen technology is the LCD projector. These projectors use a very bright halogen lamp to illuminate a small LCD panel. A lens in front of the LCD magnifies the image and projects it onto the screen. In rear or reflective projection, the projector is located behind the screen.

age brightness is a fixed relationship between the projector brightness and the screen surface area. The lumen is a measure of light output. A small increase in the diagonal measure of a screen translates to a big increase in surface area. A projector generates twice the image brightness on a 50” (127 cm) screen than on a 70” (177.8 cm) screen. LCD projectors require a screen and these are available at various sizes, including acrylic screens for rear projection.

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3.2.2 New Display Technology

Two potential technologies are described here that may be used for large map displays in the future: organic screens and fog screens.

Organic electronics is a new technology where organic materials similar to common plastic are used as conductors and/or semiconductors to create optical-electronic devices. This display technology is based on the discovery of conductive polymers in 1977 and the electro-luminescent properties of the so-called “conjugated” organic materials (Cantatore 2004). It is now possible to make bright light-emissive diodes in all colors with organic material. These are manufactured by depositing thin films of organic conductors, insulators and /or semi-conductors. Processing temperature is low (<200°C) so that organic devices can be manufactured on cheap, thin and flexible plastic substrates, obtaining flexible electronic devices. Large, flexible displays that use organic transistors for the addressing matrix are presently the focus of several research groups and could challenge silicon-based LCD screens and plasma displays. Organic light emitting diodes can be integrated on large areas to form ultra thin, bright, colored emitting panels that are flexible, thin, can be rolled up and stored or painted on a wall. Organic films can be deposited inexpensively via high-resolution printing. This means that organic displays could be produced with an ink-jet printer (Haskal 2002) presenting the possibility that displays could be easily made by anyone with such a printer. Huitema et. al. (2001) used an organic transistor display with a polymer-dispersed liquid crystal to produce an early example of electronic paper.

The FogScreen is another new type of display screen. A new invention from a Finish company, the FogScreen creates a thin, smooth fog surface and can be used for image projection just like a conventional screen (see Figure 5). The fog, made of ordinary water with no chemicals, evaporates in seconds without any trace. The viewer can walk into the screen and through the projected image. The basic components of the screen are a laminar, non-turbulent airflow, and a thin fog screen injected into and inside a laminar flow. The fog is made within the device using water and ultrasonic waves. The device generates a mild downward air and fog flow. The fog feels dry and cool but does not condense on objects. As a laminar airflow, the fog remains thin, crisp, and protected from turbulence. The FogScreen works very much like an ordinary screen in terms of projection properties. Images are projected onto the fog with a video projector located a minimum distance of two meters. The FogScreen can be set to produce a translucent or fully opaque screen and can be used for both back- and front-projection. Ambient light is not a problem if a bright projector is used but a projector with at least 3000 lumens is recommended. The next generation of FogScreen will be interactive, much like touch screens. It is envisioned that interactivity will make the FogScreen useful for advertising, in malls for presenting shops and products, in art productions and as interactive exhibits in science and other museums (FogScreen 2004).

Figure 5. Example image projected onto a FogScreen. The device uses droplets of water to create a screen. A high-lumen video projector is used to project the image.

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3.2.3 Collaborative Multibrowsing

The use of multiple LCD projectors has been investigated by Li, et. al. (2000). He and his team arranged a series of projectors to create a large backlit wall display (see Figure 6). Commercial implementations are also available using CRT, LCD and plasma screens. The advantage of a multiple LCD display is increased image size, increased image brightness, increased resolution, reduced projection distances and increased depth of focus. All multiple display communication wall solutions face the problem that even minor differences in brightness and/or color characteristics between adjacent displays is often very apparent.

Figure 6. Multiple projectors arrayed to create a back-lit, wall-sized display (photo courtesy of Kai Li).

Although ubiquitous computing hardware is widely available, one factor in making ubiquitous computing useful is a way to use multiple heterogeneous displays to view and browse information. Collaborative multibrowsing is proposed to extend the information browsing metaphor of the Web across multiple displays. This involves coordinating control among a collection of Web browsers running on separate displays. The displays may be "public" as in a communication wall or "private" through the use of a series of handheld PDAs. Multi-browsing extends browser functionality by allowing users to collaborate and move existing pages or linked information between multiple displays. It also enables the creation of new content targeted specifically for multi-display environments (Johnson et. al. 2001, Johnson 2002). Kray, et. al. (2003) also examine a mechanism for distributing coherent presentations to multiple displays. Another multi-display arrangement has been proposed that creates a surround effect. Here, the interior part of a room becomes a panoramic environment based on a series of projectors arranged in a circular fashion that displays images on back-lit screens (see Figure 7). An alternative arrangement could have the projectors on the inside of a circle projecting to the outside. Or, the panoramic view could be arranged as a walk-through room, like a hallway.

A multi-display collaborative cartographic system would be useful in a group setting to view a series of maps for analysis. Discerning patterns in maps is highly individualistic and a multi-display system would bring a group of people together to collectively decipher the displayed patterns. It would also be useful for a variety of educational uses.

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Figure 7. A surround screen arrangement with 12 LCD projectors. The projectors are pointed inward with mirrors and display an image through back-lit screens. The room is entered from below (Illustration courtesy Stewart Screens).

3.24 Stereo Applications

Stereo communication walls in a laboratory setting use two video projectors, a fast dual-output graphics card, and a computer to display two images simultaneously. The Geowall project, for example, makes use of these projection systems to visualize structure and dynamics of the Earth in stereo to aid the understanding of spatial relationships (Steinwand, et. al. 2002).

The Geowall can be assembled from off-the-shelf components that include, minimally, a computer with a special graphics card, two data projectors, polarizing filters with matching glasses, and a screen that preserves polarization. The graphics card has two monitor outputs to provide separate signals to left and right projectors. The Linear Polization Glasses (LPGs) are like those used in IMAX theaters and work with the display to present the user with two separate, slightly offset, images. The lenses of the projectors need to be as closely together as possible so that the projected images can be precisely aligned. The simplest way is to physically place the projectors on top of one another using a special stand. Figure 8 depicts the arrangement of computer and projectors.

Three-D viewing without the use of special glasses is possible with holographic display. A holographic display system combines the images from two LCD projectors on specially designed, rear-projection opaque screens to create a 3-D viewing zone that is visible from certain directions. These screens achieve a striking 3-D effect by using special transparent screen material. Holographic systems are compatible with standard 3-D graphic and design software, and enable the storage and display of 3-D images (Physical Optical Corporation 2004). They accept 3-D recorded images, video, games or 3D graphics.

Figure 8. Two projectors used to create a stereo image.

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3.3 Ubiquitous Mobile Computing

ake communication walls more portable, they are essentially tied to

.32 Geocasting

ncept used to send messages to mobile devices in certain geographic areas where it

. Ambient Intelligence fers to a development in consumer electronics to create smart electronic

Although efforts have been made to ma specific location. A true mobile computing model would allow for ubiquitous computing with mobile devices. There has been a great deal of hardware development in this area and dividing line between cell phones and PDAs is blurring. The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that combines computing and wireless networking capabilities is the current model used for a mobile device. A number of ideas have been proposed for ubiquitous computing on these devices including location-aware computing and geocasting.

Many of the electronic devices that we use are affected by location. But, these devices, such as cell phones, laptops, PDAs, have essentially no idea of where they are or what's nearby. Most likely, if you travel a long distance by airplane, the high-tech devices you have would not know that you have switched time zones. Location-aware computing has the potential to integrate locational intelligence into computing devices.

Research in location-aware computing involves location sensing technologies, location representations, location-aware applications, and factors affecting the deployment of location-aware systems in everyday environments. The Global Positioning System (GPS) has added an important new source of location information. As GPS units have gotten smaller, new applications have been developed. For example, a wrist-watch type GPS device is available that can be used to track children. A $200 device from works with an associated online mapping system that tracks a child’s location (Wherify 2004). A company called Digital Angel has been developing implants for humans that would monitor a wearer's location, pulse, blood-oxygen level and other vital bodily functions. Internal implants are routinely used for pet identification and Digital Angel has stressed the development of implants for this application, particularly for livestock identification (Digital Angel 2004).

Privacy aspects have become another area of research in location-aware computing (Monmonier 2003). As he points out, these new “applications have heightened awareness of the map’s role as an instrument of both democratic government and social control” (Monmonier 2003, p. 110). Other social issues in location-aware computing, include usability, user acceptance, and implications for human-computer interaction (HCI) and computer-supported collaborative work.


Geocasting is a cowould be of interest to clients (Dürr and Rothernol 2003, p. 18). A geocast client is a software component running on a mobile or stationary device like a PDA or a PC. Geocasting forms the basis for a number of location-based services, such as announcement services, advertisement services or friend-finders. A semantic geocast, refers to a target area that is specified by its meaning. A sender can broadcast messages to a city centre or a specific building, without precisely knowing the physical coordinates. Location-based services (LBS) have been of great interest in Europe where cell-phone use far xceeds te hat in North America. The main goal has been to provide the cell-phone user with their location

and associated information. Although this service has been implemented on a limited basis, privacy concerns have made the user-interface very complicated. A user is queried multiple times to make sure they really want their location computed. The cost involved has also detracted from the implementation of LBS.

4Ambient Intelligence (AmI) reenvironments that enhance the lives of people (Aarts 2003). The term is used to denote a new paradigm for user centered computing and interaction. Ambient intelligence represents a vision of the future in which we will be surrounded by electronic environments, sensitive and responsive to people. AmI technologies are expected to combine concepts of ubiquitous computing and intelligent systems to put humans at the center of technological developments.

Ambient Intelligence builds on ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous communication. In contrast to ubiquitous computing, which refers to the integration of microprocessors into everyday objects, ambient intelligence enables these objects to communicate with each other and to the user by means of

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will be surrounded by electronic systems that consist of networke

unications infrastructure,

s to technologies that use sensorial information to adjust the function

rnate user interfaces for map displays. As technology advances, new

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es called Toysight

er-interface spectrum are alternate forms of output. Pictures and video sequence

wireless networking. An intelligent user interface enables the inhabitants of the ambient world to control and interact with the environment in a natural way through voice and gestures, and personalized

based on preferences and context (Ahola 2001). In an ambient intelligent world, people d intelligent devices that provide information, communication services, and entertainment based

on location. Technology will become invisible and embedded in our natural surroundings and characterized by effortless interactions that are attuned to all our senses, context-sensitive and adaptive to users. High-quality information and content must be available to any user, anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Furthermore, the devices will adapt and even anticipate our needs. Ambient intelligent environments will merge in a natural way into the environment around us and will allow much more natural and human interaction styles. Consequently, the electronics will be integrated into our clothing, furniture, cars, houses, offices and public places (Aarts 2003). According to Lindwer, et. al. (2003), the vision of ambient intelligence includes:

(1) very unobtrusive hardware, (2) a seamless mobile/fixed comm(3) dynamic and massively distributed device networks, (4) natural human interfaces and (5) dependability and security.

Contextual awareness referal behavior of digital devices. To build contextual aware devices, it is required to sense, identify,

and interpret relevant contact. The relevance of context depends on the application. From the point of view of ambient intelligence, contextual awareness can be viewed as the technology that provides the ambience with environmental senses, which may result in smart and eventually intelligent behavior. (Aarts 2003). To provide users with information, communication, and entertainment at any desired place and time in an intuitive, efficient, and effective way requires a significant amount of system intelligence (Verhaegh 2003).

5. Pervasive Map Interface It is important for us to consider altemethods of map display will augment or displace current methods of map use by computer. A pervasive map interface will take many forms. On the one hand, there will be different methods of controlling the display. On the other, there will be output types that add to the map display. All of this will be made possible by advances in network technology. It is already possible to walk into a coffee shop and connect to the Internet. The ease with which such connections between devices are established will become much more transparent in the future. Three possible examples of a pervasive map interface are presented here.

An example of a different type of input device that can be used as part of the user interface is thmera. Used for such applications as video conferencing, these cameras have become a standard

option with most computers. Some are even built-in to the top of the monitor and are focused on the user. They capture full-color images at 30 frames per second and are used mostly for online chat applications where each user is presented with an updated image of the other user, much like a video phone.

Using a video camera on an Apple Macintosh™ computer, the collection of gam are an example of how these cameras may be used. The games are played by standing in front

of the camera and using movement and gestures to control virtual sliders, buttons, and menus on the screen. The program performs object and motion detection on the video image to track the movement of the user. The game conveys the feeling of bringing you into the game because you have to move around to make things work (Fothergill & Fothergill 2004). A similar system could be used to control the display of maps on a large-format screen.

On the other end of the uss have already been integrated with maps and form the basis of a multimedia cartography

(Cartwright, Peterson, Gartner 1999). While many forms of media for maps have been proposed, most concentrate on the visual sense. An example of an alternate output would be the introduction of smell. Humans can distinguish more than 10,000 different smells (odorants), that are detected by specialized olfactory receptor neurons lining the nose (Alberts 1994, p. 722). Scientists believe that smell has the power to unlock memories. A smell machine is very much like the scratch and sniff products of decades ago. These stickers lasted a long time because of their micro-encapsulation technology. The aroma-

Page 13: Pervasive and Ubiquitous Public Map Displays

s of the Internet itself is apparent in the city of Cleveland in the US. In a oundb

y efforts in the world and has the potential transf

. Concluding Remarks vanced quickly in the last 40 years. With the help of the Internet and

to their use. While th

omplicated, then alternate interfaces need to be develope

s stress collaboration because the interpret

generating chemical is encapsulated in incredibly small gelatin or plastic spheres – on the order of a few microns in diameter. When the sticker is scratched, some of the spheres are ruptured and release

the smell. Only a few of the tiny fragrance bubbles are ruptured with each scratch. Such encapsulated spheres could be printed onto paper using an ink-jet printer. A similar system has been proposed to place taste on paper. In addition to smell and taste, more advanced methods need to be investigated to integrate sound and touch in maps. The pervasivenesgr reaking effort, the city is implementing free public wireless access to the Internet for the entire city by 2006. The OneCleveland project brings together Cleveland's major universities, hospitals, schools, libraries, civic institutions, museums, arenas, research facilities, parks, and the public transportation authority to blanket the entire city of Cleveland. The project brings free high-speed access to more than 1,500 institutions and organizations and every member of the community. It will provide Cleveland with more access to broadband Internet than any city in the world. The project is one of the largest integrated technologto orm a city. It is already being used in schools, hospitals, and for public safety. For example, schools have instant access from any room. Hospitals can instantly exchange medical data on patients. Wireless access in police cars makes police searches in local and national databases possible to check license plates and match photos. The OneCleveland project is a pioneering effort but it is an indication of the ubiquitous potential of Internet access (OneCleveland 2004).

6The technology of mapping has adincreased international competition, the rate of technical innovation will certainly increase. Along with this technical innovation will come alternate methods of map display and map interaction. Large format displays described here will represent a major alternative to the current WIMP interface. Maps will benefit greatly from these developments because they will lead to related developments in different cartographic representations and new methods of interaction. As can be seen with quick adoption of maps and the Internet, people seem to readily adapt to these different interfaces with maps.

The current interface for interactive maps would seem to be a serious obstaclee WIMP-based, interactive map has been a major advance for cartography, there is still a great

reliance on maps that are essentially static. For example, maps on TV that show weather patterns, road maps that guide users in unfamiliar areas, and most online map libraries, such as the much-used Perry-Castaneda map collection at the University of Texas, all present static maps. Furthermore, search engines promote the use of static maps by offering an “image search” option that returns links to GIF and JPEG images. Entering any place into this type of search returns hundreds, if not thousands of static maps. Anyone looking for an online map of Africa or Asia, for example, would unlikely find a functional online interactive map. They would likely resort to an image search engine to find a static map. For most applications, a highly-interactive maps are not needed and few see the need of learning the user-interface before being able to view a map. There still seems to be a great reliance on static maps because they are not only easier to find but they may also be easier to use.

If the interface for most interactive maps is too cd. The methods described here provide a framework for creating different map displays that

would create environments for map use. The concept of pervasive cartography would integrate maps into more public areas. Ambient intelligence implies that a map display can have an embedded intelligence that can be communicated between devices and conveyed to a user.

Many of the proposals for alternative map interfaceation of the mapped patterns can be very difficult, requiring a considerable background in

geography, history, and other areas of the social and physical sciences. Most mapped patterns go unnoticed because people lack the background to interpret them. A collaborative map use environment can bring maps to life by depicting interesting patterns that would lead to analysis and interpretation by a group.

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