pertemuan ke 4 satisfaction and value

1 Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1 1 An Overview of Marketing Satisfaction, Value, And CRM

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1Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

1An Overview of Marketing

Satisfaction, Value, And CRM

Page 2: Pertemuan Ke 4 Satisfaction And Value

2Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

1. Describe four marketing management philosophies

2. Discuss satisfaction, value

3. Discuss CRM and e-CRM

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3Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

What Is Marketing?What Is Marketing?

American Marketing Association Definition

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and

delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the

organization and its stakeholders.


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ExchangeExchangeA BA B

Delivering value


Creating value

Customer value and beneficial relationships

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5Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

The Concept of ExchangeThe Concept of Exchange

Necessary Conditions for


Necessary Conditions for


At Least Two PartiesAt Least Two Parties

Something of ValueSomething of Value

Communication and DeliveryCommunication and Delivery

Freedom to Accept or RejectFreedom to Accept or Reject

Desire to Deal With Other PartyDesire to Deal With Other Party


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Exchange may not take place even if conditions are met

An agreement must be reached

Marketing occurs even if exchange does not take place

The Concept of ExchangeThe Concept of Exchange


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Societal MarketingSocietal Marketing

Marketing Management Marketing Management PhilosophiesPhilosophies


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The Marketing ConceptThe Marketing Concept

Focusing on customer wants and needs to distinguish products from competition

Integrating all the organization’s activities to satisfy customer wants and needs

Achieving the organization’s long-term goals by satisfying customer wants and needs


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9Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Marketing Management Marketing Management PhilosophiesPhilosophies






What can we make or do best?What can we make or do best?

How can we sell more aggressively?How can we sell more aggressively?

What do customerswant and need?

What do customerswant and need?

What do customers want and need, and how can we benefit society?

What do customers want and need, and how can we benefit society?

Orientation Focus

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10Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Comparing the Sales and Marketing Comparing the Sales and Marketing OrientationsOrientations

Organization’s focus Firm’s business Those to whom the product is directed Firm’s primary goal

You can compare these orientations against these four categories:


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11Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Perbedaan antara konsep Perbedaan antara konsep penjualan dan pemasaranpenjualan dan pemasaran

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12Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

The Organization’s FocusThe Organization’s Focus

Create Customer


Create Customer


Build Long-Term Relationships

Build Long-Term Relationships

Maintain Customer


Maintain Customer


Key Issues in Key Issues in Developing Developing

Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage

Key Issues in Key Issues in Developing Developing

Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage


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13Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Customer ValueCustomer Value

The ratio of benefits to the

sacrifice necessary to obtain

those benefits


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14Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Customer Value RequirementsCustomer Value Requirements

Offer products that perform

Give consumers more than they expect

Avoid unrealistic pricing

Give the buyer facts

Offer organization-wide commitment in service and after-sales support

On Line


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The feeling that a product has

met or exceeded the customer’s



Customer SatisfactionCustomer Satisfaction22

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16Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Maintaining Customer SatisfactionMaintaining Customer Satisfaction

Meet or exceed customer’s expectations

Focus on delighting customers

Provide solutions to customer’s problems

Cultivate relationships,NOT one-time transactions

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17Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Hubungan antara kepuasan pelanggan dengan Hubungan antara kepuasan pelanggan dengan kesetiaan pelanggankesetiaan pelanggan

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Relationship MarketingRelationship Marketing

The name of a strategy

that entails forging (memerlukan


long-term partnerships

with customers, both individuals

and firms.


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Relationship MarketingRelationship Marketing

RequirementsRequirementsfor for

Building Building RelationshipsRelationships

RequirementsRequirementsfor for

Building Building RelationshipsRelationships

Who are your customersWho are your customers

What do customers valueWhat do customers value

How do they prefer to interactHow do they prefer to interact

What do they want to buyWhat do they want to buy


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20Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Perbedaan Pemasaran Tradisional Perbedaan Pemasaran Tradisional ddan Relasionalan Relasional

Aspek Pemasaran Tradisional Pemasaran Relasional

Fokus Fokus pada penjualan Fokus pada mempertahankan konsumen

Orientasi Orientasi pada karakteristik produk Orientasi pada manfaat produk

Skala waktu Skala waktu jangka pendek Skala waktu jangka panjang

Komitmen kepada konsumen

Komitmen terbatas Komitmen tinggi

Kontak Kontak dengan konsumen rendah Kontak dengan konsumen tinggi

Kualitas Kualitas adalah urusan bagian operasi Kualitas adalah urusan semua departemen/orang

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Konsep Inti Pemasaran RelasionalKonsep Inti Pemasaran Relasional

Long-term orientation/horizon Commitment and fulfillment of promises Customer share not market share Customer lifetime value (CLV) Two-way dialogue Customization

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22Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1

Tujuan Tujuan Pemasaran RelasionalPemasaran Relasional

Tujuan utama Relationship Marketing adalah untuk menemukan life time value (LTV) dari pelanggan. Setelah LTV didapat maka tujuan selanjutnya, bagaimana LTV masing-masing kelompok pelanggan itu dapat terus diperbesar dari tahun ke tahun. Setelah itu, bagaimana menggunakan profit yang didapat dari dua tujuan pertama tadi untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru dengan biaya yang relatif murah. Dengan demikian tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah menghasilkan keuntungan terus menerus dari dua kelompok pelanggan, yakni: pelanggan sekarang dan pelanggan baru.

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• What is CRM software

• Scope of CRM today

• Economics of customer retention

• Challenges impacting understanding your customer

• Common customer service complaints

• Understanding your customer in the context of CRM

• A CRM solution has wide strategic benefits

• Implementing CRM

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24Copyright ©2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved Chapter 1
