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Перечинський професійний ліцей 2013 р. МЕТОДИЧНА РОЗРОБКА УРОКУ PERSONALITY Викладач англійської мови Ганич О.А.

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Перечинський професійний ліцей

2013 р.

методична розробка уроку PERSONALITY

Викладач англійської мови

Ганич О.А.

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to present and practise some new adjectives to describe personality; to develop students’ creative abilities; — to activate multi- part verbs; to develop students’ speaking and writing skills; to improve students’ listening and reading skills; to develop dialogue and monologue speaking; to encourage pupils to talk about people’s appearance and their characters; to practice pupils’ writing skills.

Equipment: the multimedia board, a CD player, pre–intermediate student’s book “Solutions”, handouts, cards with the words.

Lesson type: integrated.




Procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction


T: Hello students! I am glad to see you. You look very well. I hope you are in a good mood.

2. Announcing the subject and the aims of the lesson

T: At our today’s lesson we’ll speak about people’s appearance and their characters. I want you to revise the topic words on the topic.

II. Warming - up

T: Looking at some proverbs and sayings, written on the blackboard, try to guess the topic of the lesson and find their Ukrainian equivalents:

Appearances are deceptive. (Зовнішність — підступна). The face is the index of the mind. (Обличчя — дзеркало душі). A fair face may hide a foul heart. (За гарною зовнішністю не завжди впізнаєш

підлу душу).

Make up acrostic:




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III. Main part of the lesson

1. Lexical training

T: Now you will be given sheets of paper with the words, related to personality and character. Let’s read them attentively, translate them and try remember!

Key words

Figure: tall, short, stout, thin, frail, delicate, athletic, muscular, weedy, bent, powerful, gigantic

Face and head: round, oval, long, small, square-jawed, thin, fat, wrinkled

Forehead: narrow, flat, wide, prominent, high

Nose: long, flat, snub, straight, broad, enormous, aquiline (eaglelike)

Hair: straight, wavy, curly, brown, grey, silvery, auburn, golden, long, silky, plaited

Eyes: clear, bright, large, small, brown, blue, green, sparkling, round, almond-shaped

Mouth: lips, teeth: wide, thin, straight, irregular, projecting uneven, well-brushed, thick

Character: organised, disorganized, sympathetic, creative, generous, dynamic, hard-working, honest, reliable, selfish, shy, helpful, stubborn, sociable, insensitive.

MATCH THE PAIRS1. впертий2. cпівчутливий, симпатичний 3. організований4. неорганізований5. байдужий, нечутливий6. товариський7. працьовитий8. соромливий, боязкий9. корисний10. активний, динамічний11. егоїстичний12. творчий13. чесний14. великодушний, щедрий15. надійний

a) dynamic b) sociablec) helpfuld) honeste) sympatheticf) disorganizedg) stubbornh) reliablei) organizedj) generousk) hard-workingl) insensitivem) shyn) creativeo) selfish

Answers: 1 g, 2 e, 3 i, 4 f, 5 l, 6 b, 7 k, 8 m, 9 c, 10 a, 11 o, 12 n,13 d, 14 j, 15 h.

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2. Speaking activity

1) Describing people

T: Divide the adjectives into two groups: positive and negative and make up sentences with them.

Use the drawings and the context to describe these people.

‘Don’t you know Mary? She’s got shoulder-length wavy / straight blond hair. She’s quite short / tall and slim / overweight. She’s got blue eyes. She’s middle-aged / in her early twenties. Her brother, Tony, is a good friend of mine. Both of them like outdoor sports like skiing / stamp collecting and hiking / listening to music. She’s a very outgoing, sociable / shy sort of person who seems to know hundreds of people.

She’s very cheerful / stubborn — you know, the sort of person who is always laughing. But she can be a bit disorganized / reliable. She once lost everybody’s cinema tickets and we all had to pay again!’ ‘We had Mr Kemp for history last year. He’s got a moustache / beard and short, curl straight hair. He’s quite short and well-built / overweight. He’s probably in his mid teens / thirties. He really loves his subject and he knows a lot about history. He’s also interested in climbing / surfing. He went up some of the mountains in the Tatras one year, he told us. He was a very hard working / insensitive teacher. He gave us lots of essays and always marked them quickly. He was never moody / dynamic — always the same, always smiling. He was also very confident / patient with us. If anybody didn’t understand something he explained it again in a different way. He did everything he could to be selfish / helpful’.

2) Look at the photos. Do you know the characters?

Is each person:

Kind or unkind? Funny or serious? Lazy or hard-working? Generous or mean?

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Trinity, from the Matrix films: the first officer of the hovercraft ship Nebuchadnezzar. She is a legendary computer hacker with super-human combat skills.

Blofeld, from the James Bond films: a villain who plots to take over the world.

Garfield, originally a newspaper cartoon: a fat, lazy cat who makes humorous observations about human behavior.

Yoda, from the Star Wars films: a 900-year-old and 66 cm tall wise master and trainer of the Jedi Knights.

Cruella de Vil, the villain in the Disney film 101 Dalmatians. She kidnaps Dalmatian dogs with a plan to kill them for their fur.


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3. Listening activity

T: We spoke much about people’s appearance. And it’s time to talk about personal qualities. Try to name them.

Listen to the interview with a psychologist. Put a tick (V) in the correct box. Do you agree with Dr Graaf ?

1. Dr Graaf believes that all good leaders have

A v special personal qualities.

B team spirit.

C a great sense of humour.

2. Dr Graaf says that leaders have to

A try to be more popular.

B v make difficult decisions.

C please everybody.

3. What does Dr Graaf say about bosses?

A They sometimes make bad choices.

B They are sometimes in a panic.

C v They are not always liked.

The text for listening (Track 6).

PRESENTER: Do you know what it takes to be a successful leader? It seems that some of us do, but that most of us don’t. My guest on today’s programme is psychologist Dr Ralf Graaf, who’s here to explain why. Dr Graaf, what is it exactly that distinguishes a really good leader from everyone else?

DR GRAAF: Well, David let me begin by assuring our listeners that they probably have some of the unique personal qualities necessary for good leadership. Honestly, fairness and intelligence, for example, are all qualities you would expect to find among successful bosses, managers, and team leaders. The same people are also often polite and humorous.

PRESENTER: That sounds exactly like my friend Tom. He’s kind, funny and generous. Everybody likes him because he’s always making us laugh! DR GRAAF: Yes, but how does your friend behave in difficult or, perhaps, dangerous situation? Tom sounds like a very likeable person, but I’m afraid that being popular just isn’t enough. It takes a lot more than that to be a good leader. You see, leaders sometimes have to make decisions which don’t please everybody. Suppose you are a boss and you have to tell ten hardworking members of staff that your company can no longer afford to employ them. Bosses not only have to be absolutely sure that they are making the right choices, they must also be strong and determined enough to act on those choices, even if doing so occasionally makes them unpopular. Or imagine being responsible for the safety of hundreds of people who are trapped in a burning building. People usually panic in this situation, or simply don’t know

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what to do. Leaders must be able to think fast and act quickly in all kinds of circumstances. They have to stay calm, cool-hearted and in control, even if others are not.

PRESENTER: Hmm, I see what you mean. What you’re saying, then, is that leadership requires a rather special sort of person?

DR GRAAF: In a way, yes. Of course, you don’t have to be a superhero to be an effective leader, but you must certainly win the trust and respect of others and prove that you do, indeed, have all the qualities and abilities I’ve just mentioned.

PRESENTER: No wonder good leaders are so rare! Dr Graaf, thank you very much for being with us today.

4. Reading activity

a) Pre- reading task. Answer the questions.

Do you look like your brother or sister? Whom do you look like?

b) Reading. Complete the text with the words in the box.

Elsa is talking about herself and her brother.

TEXT. This is my brother, Will, He’s a … older than me- about a year-but people often don’t believe we’re brother and sister because he looks completely different … me. To begin with he’s so … taller – I’m only 1.50m and Will’s nearly 2m tall! In fact he’s … of the tallest people … his year at school. I’m the …in the family. But that doesn’t matter – I’m … the nicest, and Will definitely isn’t as intelligent … me! Physically, I think he’s very similar …our father but he’s got the … eyes as our mother- bright blue.

as, far, from, in, little, much, one, same, smallest, to.

5. Writing activity

1) Match the personality adjectives in A with their opposites in B.

Personality adjectives

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2) Label the pictures with the adjective in the box.

__________________ _________________--

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

_____________________ ____________________

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3) Choose the correct adjectives.

1. He's kind / unkind. He never helps people.2. He's optimistic / pessimistic. He always thinks bad things are going to happen.3. She's patient / impatient. She doesn't mind waiting.4. He's funny / serious. He always tells jokes.5. She's generous / mean. She always spends money on other people.

IV. Summarizing. Home Assignment. Marks

T: At our today’s lesson we have spoken about people’s appearance and characters, that’s why your homework is to describe one of the members of the family. Use as many adjectives as you can. I would like to finish our lesson with the words of Albert Einstein:


V. Homework

T: Describe one of the members of the family according to the plan:

1. appearance;2. interests;3. personality.

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