personal statement

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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personal statement sample for university. do not copy this cause everyone statement is different



Human is an interpersonal being who had certain role such as work, perform necessary daily activities, and interact with other human in communication activities. This theory was lectured in Health Anthropology Subject which eventually inspired me in treating patient. In my mind, when human movement is disordered, he or she will feel uncomfortable when they move or unable to move at all. They will lose their function as interpersonal human being and feel psychological stress. As physiotherapist, I responsible to relieve the disorder and improve the movements in order to restore their function as interpersonal being with physiotherapy modalities and therapeutic communication.I finished my Bachelor of Physiotherapy at Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University Makassar Indonesia in 2014. I stepped up to Clinical Clerkship for one and half years in several health institution. Using physiotherapy knowledge and technique which I have learned to treat patients and Seeing patients improvement in movements was my personal pleasure. These reasons made me enjoying my clinical clerkship period. Working together as a team with my friends and other health profession in partnership was a great experience for me. It enriched my knowledge and technique on treating patient through discussion and teamwork about problems and evidences that we found in our clinical clerkships. I also have built communication skill as many times i interacted with patient. I gained skills that i could not got in academic education through clinical clerkship. I have finished my clinical clerkships and got my professional degree in 2015. I started my career as physiotherapist since then.As I work as physiotherapist, I sometimes find myself could not help patient effectively and efficiently. I realized that my knowledge and technique still not enough to comprehend disorder that I found, therefore, I have ambition to continue my study overseas. I have known that the education in my country is not enough to improve my knowledge which need higher level than undergraduate program since the highest physiotherapy education in Indonesia is Bachelor of Physiotherapy. In World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress in Singapore in May 2015, I was told that the concept, knowledge, and technology in other countries are more advanced both in system and application than Indonesia. These facts motivated me to continue my Master education in order to become a better physiotherapist. I decide to study Master of Clinical Physiotherapy in Curtin University which are ranked 40th in QS World University Rankings 2014-2015. Curtin University is globally known for high standing courses which prepared students to become physiotherapist with advance knowledge and highly skilled work through evidence-based practice as well as contemporary clinical practice. This system make me impressed since I do enjoy programs that educate physiotherapist through clinical practice. This will be a great chance for me to develop my skills in indentifiying, acquiring, and evaluating movements disorder based on evidence which found in patients. The Master of Clinical Physiotherapy not only teach about curative and rehabilitative role of physiotherapist but also service delivery which develop our skills in promotion of health and prevention of movement disease and dysfunction in public group. Desiderius Erasmus once said that, Better to prevent than to cure. I do concern about this problem which may be the main cause of untreated movement disorder ini Indonesia. This will be a great opportunity for me to improve Indonesians movement health since promotive and preventive role of physiotherapist in Indonesia are poor.The Women Health Courses is very interesting for me since my research focused on the same subject. I have researched about the influence of maternal age, parity, and exercises to pelvic floor disorder on postpartum women in various mother and child hospitals of makassar city. I found that 58,8% postpartum women suffered pelvic floor disorder after three weeks without physiotherapy treatment. I concluded that the consciousness and the knowledge of Mothers to have physiotherapy treatment and hopitals facility to detect and treat Mothers with pelvic floor diorder is poor. These have been a unsolved problem and concerned me which become a personal reason for me to choose Curtin University.My application for Curtin University for Master of Clinical Physiotherapy are my desire to to study in one of the best universities in the world which come from my passion in womens health as well as learning and training through clinical prectice. I do believe that I have many things to offer your university. My ambition is improving my knowledge and skill in physiotherapy so that I could develop physiotherapy education and system in Indonesia. I look forward to have a role to increase Indonesia Health and public productivity especially in movement health. Please allow me to have a chance and take my education and career to be a better physiotherapist.