personal soli letter

 UP VetSoc  ® Executive Committee 2011-2012 Arianne S. Guiaya President Ma. Kriza L. Gomez Vice President Internals Ruth Dianne M. Gica Vice President Externals Jessa Leianne M. Gamas Secretary Ian Paolo L. Panol Treasurer Lali Marie O. dela Costa  Auditor June Marlo M. Matundan Education and Publication Officer Dr. Bella C. Cruzana Senior Adviser Dr. Benjamin Reuel G. Marte Junior Adviser Contact Information E-mail: [email protected]  __________________________  __________________________  __________________________  __________________________ Dear Sir/Madame: Greetings in the light of service! The UP Veterinary Medical Students’ Society (UP VetSoc  ® ), a duly recognized academic and socio-civic organization of the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, has been actively committed to leadership and service to the university and the community for almost 32 years. Among its main goals are to promote academic excellence among veterinary students and as well as to be of service to the community. This scholastic year of 2011-2012 we have celebrated the 31 st anniversary of the organization. In line with our celebration UP VetSoc  ® will conduct the following activities: Z-QUIZ February 2012 (Quiz Contest for both Animal Science Majors and Veterinary Medicine Students) VACCINATION DRIVE February 2012 (Anti-rabies Vaccination Campaign) VETLYMPICS July September 2012 (Sports fest for Veterinary Medicine Organizations) PRE VETIONARY August 2012 (Quiz for Pre – Vet students) VETIONARY September 2012 (Quiz Contest Veterinary Medicine Students) The organization conducts Vaccination Drives. This vaccination drive is a campaign and a rab ies awaren ess act ivit y. The org aniz atio n usu ally cond ucts this act ivit y on the diff ere nt municipalities of Luzon. The Z-Quiz is a quiz contest that covers the Zootechnics subjects of the veterinary medicine proper curriculum. It is open for all veterinary medicine proper students and animal science majors in the College of Agriculture within the university. This quiz contest aims to develop and gauge the knowledge of the students as well as to prepare the students for the many challenges in the veterinary and field practice. The Vetlympics is a spor ts fest wher e all the org ani zati ons in the Colleg e of Veter inar y Medicine in the university. This is hosted every year by a different organization. This year of 2012, we have the privilege of hosting this grand event in the college. This aims to promote camaraderie and sportsmanship of the 10 college organizations here in the university.

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UP VetSoc ® 

Executive Committee


Arianne S. GuiayaPresident 

Ma. Kriza L. Gomez

Vice President Internals

Ruth Dianne M. GicaVice President Externals

Jessa Leianne M.Gamas


Ian Paolo L. PanolTreasurer 

Lali Marie O. delaCosta


June Marlo M.Matundan

Education and Publication Officer 

Dr. Bella C. CruzanaSenior Adviser 

Dr. Benjamin ReuelG. Marte

Junior Adviser 

Contact Information


[email protected]

 __________________________  __________________________  __________________________  __________________________ 

Dear Sir/Madame:

Greetings in the light of service!

The UP Veterinary Medical Students’ Society (UP VetSoc ® ), a duly recognized academsocio-civic organization of the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the PhilipLos Baños, Laguna, has been actively committed to leadership and service to the universitthe community for almost 32 years. Among its main goals are to promote academic exceamong veterinary students and as well as to be of service to the community.

This scholastic year of 2011-2012 we have celebrated the 31stanniversary of the organizatiline with our celebration UP VetSoc ® will conduct the following activities:

Z-QUIZ February 2012(Quiz Contest for both Animal Science Majors

and Veterinary Medicine Students)

VACCINATION DRIVE February 2012(Anti-rabies Vaccination Campaign)

VETLYMPICS July – September 2012(Sports fest for Veterinary Medicine Organizations)

PRE – VETIONARY August 2012(Quiz for Pre – Vet students)

VETIONARY September 2012(Quiz Contest Veterinary Medicine Students)

The organization conducts Vaccination Drives. This vaccination drive is a campaign arabies awareness activity. The organization usually conducts this activity on the difmunicipalities of Luzon.

The Z-Quiz is a quiz contest that covers the Zootechnics subjects of the veterinary medproper curriculum. It is open for all veterinary medicine proper students and animal scmajors in the College of Agriculture within the university. This quiz contest aims to develogauge the knowledge of the students as well as to prepare the students for the many challein the veterinary and field practice.

The Vetlympics is a sports fest where all the organizations in the College of VeteMedicine in the university. This is hosted every year by a different organization. This y2012, we have the privilege of hosting this grand event in the college. This aims to procamaraderie and sportsmanship of the 10 college organizations here in the university.

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UP VetSoc ® 

Executive Committee


Arianne S. GuiayaPresident 

Ma. Kriza L. Gomez

Vice President Internals

Ruth Dianne M. GicaVice President Externals

Jessa Leianne M.Gamas


Ian Paolo L. PanolTreasurer 

Lali Marie O. delaCosta


June Marlo M.Matundan

Education and Publication Officer 

Dr. Bella C. CruzanaSenior Adviser 

Dr. Benjamin ReuelG. Marte

Junior Adviser 

Contact Information


[email protected]

The Pre - Vetionary is another quiz contest that is open to all pre-veterinary medicine studIt covers all the general courses taken in the pre-veterinary medicine years. This quiz coaims to promote and keep the interest of the pre-veterinary medicine students in the courwell as to gauge their knowledge as students as well to prepare them for the proper yeveterinary medicine years and for the National Veterinary Achievement Test (NVAT).

The Vetionary is a quiz contest that covers the major subjects of the veterinary medicine pcurriculum. It is open for all veterinary medicine proper students within the university. Thicontest aims to develop and gauge the knowledge of the students as well as to preparstudents for the many challenges in the veterinary practice

In line with these activities, it is necessary that we gather enough resources and raise enfunds. We therefore ask for your assistance to ensure the success of these events. In returassure to promote and advertise your company in our activities by all means and includelogo in all the issues of  VetSocials, the organization’s official newsletter. Below arpackages we have set on how we can promote and advertise your company.

For inquiries, please contact the following numbers. You may also email [email protected] .

Ian Paulo S. Panol - (+63) 9053225869Lali Marie O. Dela Costa- (+63) 9177516086

UP VetSoc ® will greatly appreciate your assistance.

Thank you very much and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,

Ian Paulo S. PanolTreasurer, UP VetSoc ® 

Noted by:

Arianne S. Guiaya Dr. Bella C. CruzanaPresident Senior Adviser  

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