pernicious team presentation


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Post on 15-Apr-2017



Presentations & Public Speaking

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Page 1: Pernicious team presentation
Page 2: Pernicious team presentation


Work by Thomas Fry

Page 3: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Thomas Fry

Page 4: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Thomas Fry

Age CertificateAge Certificate

Religious Views

Financial issues



Page 5: Pernicious team presentation

When figuring out ethical issues I first decided upon the age certificate. Age certificate was 18 in accordance to the amount of horror and scares involved in this game.

Religious factors came in shortly after with slight Catholic elements placed into one of our levels. We have decided to tone this down as much as possible.

Financial issues will be explained.

All genders apply as this is a Unisex project.

Location is irrelevant at this stage as the game should be playable all over the world unless it is banned for violent content. No races or communities are effected by our project.

Page 6: Pernicious team presentation

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 40







Column 1Column 2Column 3

£30.00 a game copy

£10,000 rough loan

Split amongst team

3.8% APR through research

Calculations – Payback of 13,0066,70Difference – 3066.70Sales for interest – 103Sales for loan – 333Sales before profit – 436

Sources come from the financial document by Thomas Fry

We have a large team base so money will be split for wages and all software is available. We had issues with software problems with one of our team members but issues have been resolved. DLC’s for future iteration.

Work by Thomas Fry

Page 7: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Aljeth

Page 8: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Aljeth

Page 9: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Rex

Page 10: Pernicious team presentation
Page 11: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Darren

Page 12: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Darren

Page 13: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Darren

Page 14: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Sam

Page 15: Pernicious team presentation

Work by sam

Page 16: Pernicious team presentation

Work by Sam