peptide d-turn:literature survey and recent progressszolcsanyi/education/files/organicka... ·...

& Conformational Analysis Peptide d-Turn: Literature Survey and Recent Progress Claudio Toniolo,* [a] Marco Crisma, [a] Alessandro Moretto, [a] Cristina Peggion, [a] Fernando Formaggio, [a] Carlos AlemƁn, [b] Carlos Cativiela, [c] Chandrasekharan Ramakrishnan, [d] and Padmanabhan Balaram [d] Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 13866 – 13877 # 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 13866 Minireview DOI: 10.1002/chem.201501467

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Page 1: Peptide d-Turn:Literature Survey and Recent Progressszolcsanyi/education/files/Organicka... · 2016. 2. 10. · &Conformational Analysis Peptide d-Turn:Literature Survey and Recent

&Conformational Analysis

Peptide d-Turn: Literature Survey and Recent Progress

Claudio Toniolo,*[a] Marco Crisma,[a] Alessandro Moretto,[a] Cristina Peggion,[a]

Fernando Formaggio,[a] Carlos Alem�n,[b] Carlos Cativiela,[c]

Chandrasekharan Ramakrishnan,[d] and Padmanabhan Balaram[d]

Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 13866 – 13877 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim13866

MinireviewDOI: 10.1002/chem.201501467

Page 2: Peptide d-Turn:Literature Survey and Recent Progressszolcsanyi/education/files/Organicka... · 2016. 2. 10. · &Conformational Analysis Peptide d-Turn:Literature Survey and Recent

Abstract: Among the various types of a-peptide folding

motifs, d-turn, which requires a central cis-amide disposition,has been one of the least extensively investigated. In partic-

ular, this main-chain reversal topology has been studied in-depth neither in linear/cyclic peptides nor in proteins. ThisMinireview article assembles and critically analyzes relevant

data from a literature survey on the d-turn conformation in

those compounds. Unpublished results from recent confor-mational energy calculations and a preliminary solution-state

analysis on a small model peptide, currently ongoing in ourlaboratories, are also briefly outlined.

1. Introduction

Folded conformations stabilized by intramolecular H bonds be-

tween a main-chain amide N¢H donor and a main-chain amideC=O acceptor are very common observations in solution stud-

ies and crystal-state analyses of peptides and proteins. More-

over, fully extended, intramolecularly H-bonded, 3D structuralmotifs have been also reported, although to a limited extent.

A H bond joining the N¢H group of the a-amino acid resi-due m of a peptide (protein) and a C=O group of the residue

n of the same sequence is traditionally termed m!n (arrowgoes from H bond donor to acceptor). Therefore, the possible

conformations in a system of four linked peptide units are:

1) the 3!1 (or 4!2 or 5!3), the 4!1 (or 5!2), and the 5!1 (Figure 1 A), and 2) the 2!2 (or 3!3 or 4!4), the 2!3 (or

3!4), and the 2!4 (Figure 1 B) intramolecularly H-bondedforms. The number of atoms in the pseudo-ring closed by the

intramolecular H bond is the basis of an additional, extensivelyused, terminology for those conformations: C7, C10, C13 (Fig-

ure 1 A), and C5, C8, C11 (Figure 1 B).

Peptide main-chain reversal does take place in all thosemotifs, with the single exception of C5, which is fully extend-

ed.[1–4] Even more familiar to structural peptide chemists isa third type of nomenclature where the C7, C10 and C13 intra-

molecularly H-bonded forms are called g-,[1, 2, 5–15] b-[1, 2, 13–21] anda-turns,[1, 22–25] respectively, while the C5, C8 and C11 forms are

called fully extended, d- and e-turns,[1] respectively. The C8, C10,

C11 and C13 forms are either sterically forced to or may includea cis-amide disposition. The peptide d-turn (or C8 or 2!3 /

3!4 intramolecularly H-bonded motif ; Figure 2), only occa-sionally mentioned, rarely authenticated, and never highlight-

ed in any exclusively devoted article so far, is the subject ofthe present Minireview.

2. Literature Survey

In the early days of polypeptide 3D structural studies, the d-type of folded form was not considered energetically al-

[a] Prof. C. Toniolo, Dr. M. Crisma, Prof. A. Moretto, Dr. C. Peggion,Prof. F. FormaggioICB, Padova Unit, CNR, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Padova, 35131 Padova (Italy)E-mail : [email protected]

[b] Prof. C. Alem�nDepartament d’Enginyeria Quimica, ETSEIBUniversitat PolitÀcnica de Catalunya, 08028 Barcelona (Spain)

[c] Prof. C. CativielaDepartment of Organic ChemistryInstituto de S�ntesis Qu�mica y Cat�lisis Homog¦nea (ISQCH)CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

[d] Prof. C. Ramakrishnan, Prof. P. BalaramMolecular Biophysics UnitIndian Institute of Science, 0091 Bangalore (India)

Figure 1. Possible intramolecularly H-bonded conformations in a system offour linked peptide units. a) The 5!1 form corresponds to C13, while the4!1 and 5!2 forms correspond to C10, and the 3!1, 4!2, and 5!3forms correspond to C7. b) The 2!4 form corresponds to C11, while the 2!3 and 3!4 forms correspond to C8, and the 2!2, 3!3, and 4!4 formscorrespond to C5.

Figure 2. The 2!3 intramolecularly H-bonded (C8) peptide structure (d-turn). The central amide is in the cis-conformation.

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lowed.[17, 26] Also, in an investigation on the classical pentapep-tide model of the fibrous protein elastin -l-Val-l-Pro-Gly-l-Val-

Gly- the existence of this 3D structural the motif was exclud-ed.[27]

However, in 1977 from an analysis of molecular models byScheraga,[28] the occurrence of the peptide C8 conformation, al-

though unlikely, was shown not to be impossible. In particular,if the disposition of the internal ¢CONH¢ group in Figure 2 isassumed to be cis (w�08), it is realistic to construct an eight-

membered pseudo-ring form with the relevant N···O separationnot far from the ideal value (�3.0 æ).[29–31] For the simplest (ter-minally protected) sequence -Gly-l-Pro-, the most favorablebackbone torsion angles according to ECEEP calculations were

found to be f2 = 1738, y2 = 858, f3 =¢758, y3 = 1678[28] (this di-peptide was selected for this study because Gly is the least

sterically hindered among coded amino acids, and the Xxx-Pro

tertiary amide function is known to accommodate in the cis-

conformation relatively often as compared to secondaryamides).[1, 19, 21, 26, 32–37] Moreover, a stabilization of this turn struc-

ture was obtained when the amide torsion angle, w, was al-lowed to fluctuate in the range �10–158. Interestingly, X-ray

diffraction investigations on medium-sized lactams revealedthat the eight-membered ring compound of this class (enan-

tholactam) is too small to accommodate a trans-amide confor-mation (w= 1808).[38] In this case, the cis-amide is obligatorilydisposed with both N¢H and C=O functionalities pointing out-

ward.Good chances to experimentally observe a d-turn were at-

tributed to cyclic tetrapeptides with the amino acid sequencecyclo-(X-Y3)-, where X is any coded residue except Pro and the

three Y residues are any N-alkylated residue (Figure 3). Crystal-lographic investigations on the cyclo-[Gly-(Sar)3]- where Sar is

sarcosine (N-methylglycine) and cyclo-[d,l-Ala-(Sar)3]- cyclo-tet-

rapeptides demonstrated that these molecules do adopt the

Carlos Alem�n graduated in Chemistry fromthe University of Barcelona (Spain). He re-ceived his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Universi-ty of Catalonia in 1994, where he was pro-moted to Professor of Physical Chemistry. Hewas postdoctoral researcher and Visiting Pro-fessor at the ETH (Zìrich), and Visiting Profes-sor at the University of Naples “Federico II”,University of Twente, Universidade Federal doRio Grande do Sul, among others. Since 2003he is the leader of the Innovation in Materialsand Molecular Engineering (IMEM) group. Hisresearch interests focus on conducting poly-mers with biomedical applications, peptidesas materials, and peptide–polymer conjugates.

Padmanabhan Balaram obtained his M.Sc. in1969 from IIT Kanpur (India), and his Ph.D. in1972 from Carnegie Mellon University (Pitts-burgh). After a postdoctoral year at HarvardUniversity he joined the faculty of the Molecu-lar Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science(Bangalore) in 1973 as a Lecturer and waspromoted to Professor in 1986. He formallyretired from the position in 2014.

Carlos Cativiela is Professor of OrganicChemistry at the University of Zaragoza(Spain) since 1996. His main scientific activityis related to the synthesis of nonproteinogenicamino acids in enantiomerically pure form.He has developed methodologies for the prep-aration of a wide variety of noncoded aminoacids by applying enantio-/diastereoselectiveprocedures or chromatographic resolutiontechniques. His current research interests alsoinvolve the use of such amino acids in differ-ent applications, mainly in the peptide field.

Marco Crisma received his Master’s Degree inChemistry at the University of Padova (Italy)in 1980, with a thesis on Aib homopeptidesunder the supervision of Prof. Claudio Toniolo.Between 1981–1982 he worked as postdoctor-al fellow with Prof. G. D. Fasman at BrandeisUniversity (Waltham). Back in Italy, in 1985 hejoined Prof. Toniolo’s group in Padova, ap-pointed by the National Research Council(CNR) of Italy, where he currently holds theposition of Senior Researcher in the PadovaUnit of the Institute of Biomolecular Chemis-try. His research interests are mainly focusedon the conformational properties (both in so-lution and in the crystal state) of peptides from noncoded amino acids.

Fernando Formaggio received his Master’sDegree in Chemistry at the University ofPadova (Italy) in 1985 under the guidance ofProf. Claudio Toniolo. After about two yearsas a research fellow at the University of Louis-ville (KY) in the laboratory of Prof. A. F. Spato-la, he returned to the University of Padovawhere he developed his academic career. Heis currently Professor of Organic Chemistry.His main research interests focus on peptidesynthesis and bioactivity and on the exploita-tion of rigid peptide scaffolds for applicationsin spectroscopy, electrochemistry and materialsciences.

Alessandro Moretto studied Chemistry at theUniversity of Padova (Italy) and at the sameUniversity he completed his Ph.D. in 2002under the supervision of Prof. Claudio Toniolo.He then started his postdoctoral work at theScripps Institute Research Laboratories in SanDiego (CA), followed by additional three yearsof postdoctoral work in the DSM Life ScienceCompany (Geleen, The Netherlands). Since2015 he is Associate Professor of OrganicChemistry at the University of Padova. Hiscurrent research focuses on the design and in-vestigation of peptide-based self-assemblingsystems, molecular machines, and nanoparti-cles.

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classical (for cyclo-tetrapeptides) trans-cis-trans-cis amide con-formation, with the single (Gly/Ala) secondary amide trans.[39]

However, this N¢H group does not participate in an intramo-lecular H bond, but rather it is involved in an (intermolecular)

H bond with a neighboring molecule. Even solution studies onthese cyclo-tetrapeptides did not reveal the presence of the in-

tramolecular H bond.[40] However, it is worth pointing out thatonly slight variations of the torsion angles of the annularsystem are required to provide the intramolecularly H-bonded

C8 conformation.The peptide C8 turn might exist in linear peptides in solvents

of low polarity at very low concentration (to avoid intermolec-ular amide···amide N¢H···O=C H bonds). In this connection, in

1977 Urry and co-workers carried out conformational energy

calculations on Ac-l-Val-Gly-OMe (Ac, acetyl ; OMe, methoxy) in-corporating the effect of solvent and an NMR spectroscopy

study on the same terminally blocked dipeptide.[41] Their re-sults apparently suggest the co-existence of the C8 conforma-

tion with other turn structures in equilibrium mixtures in sol-vents such as CCl4 and CDCl3.

Experimental NMR spectroscopy data in aqueous solution of

small linear peptides partially or fully deprotected at their N/Ctermini provided some support in favor of the occurrence of

the C8 form stabilized by interactions involving charged spe-cies, in which for example the H-bonding donor is either an

ammonium or an amide moiety, and the H-bonding acceptoris the carboxylate moiety.[42–47]

Details of interesting eight-membered ring structures, which

include a covalent ¢S¢S¢ bond, were unraveled in X-ray dif-fraction studies of two cyclic disulfides from the terminally freeor protected homodipeptide -l-Cys-l-Cys-.[48, 49] Figure 4 illus-trates the 3D structure of the terminally protected, disulfide-

containing, Boc-l-Cys-l-Cys-OMe (Boc, tert-butyloxycarbonyl)dipeptide. In both cases, the internal amide group was found

in the cis-conformation with both the N¢H and C=O groupspointing outward. However, the potentially occurring, intramo-lecularly H-bonded C8 turn, further stabilized by an ¢S¢S¢bridge, was not observed.

Cristina Peggion obtained her Master’s Degreein Chemistry at the University of Padova(Italy) in 1993 under the guidance of Prof.Claudio Toniolo. She spent four years at theUniversity of Lausanne (Switzerland), in thegroup of Prof. M. Mutter, where she receivedher Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1998. Then, she re-turned to Padova where she developed heracademic career. She is currently AssistantProfessor at the Department of Chemical Sci-ences, University of Padova. Her main re-search interests focus on peptide synthesisand conformational analysis of biologicallyactive natural antibiotics and their tailor-made modified analogues, containing Ca-tetrasubstituted a-amino acids andspectroscopic probes for the exploration of their interaction with biologicalmembranes.

Chandrasekharan Ramakrishnan obtained hisM.Sc. in 1960 and Ph.D. degree in 1965 fromthe University of Madras (India). His Ph.D.thesis, carried out under the supervision ofProf. G. N. Ramachandran, was based on thework that resulted in the Ramachandranmap. He joined the faculty of the Departmentof Biophysics and Crystallography at the Uni-versity of Madras in 1964 and spent a post-doctoral year at the University of Chicago (IL)between 1967–1968. He moved to the Molec-ular Biophysics Unit at the Indian Institute ofScience (Bangalore) as an Assistant Professorin 1972 and was promoted to Professor in1984. He retired formally in 2001 and has continued to work in the area ofpeptide and protein conformation.

Claudio Toniolo received his Master’s Degreein Chemistry in 1965 at the Institute of Organ-ic Chemistry, University of Padova (Italy)under the supervision of Prof. Ernesto Scof-fone. Between 1967–1968 he worked in thegroup headed by Prof. M. Goodman at thePolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (New York).Back at the University of Padova, in 1980 hewas promoted to Professor of OrganicChemistry. He retired in 2012 and is currentlySenior Scientist at the University of Padova.He is presently Associated Editor of Biopoly-mers (Pept. Sci.), and member of the EditorialAdvisory Boards of Chem. Eur. J. , ChemBio-Chem, Chem. Biodivers. , and Chemistry Open.

Figure 3. Model of a cyclo-tetrapeptide of the type cyclo-(X-Y3)- with the se-quence of amide conformations trans-cis-trans-cis and the potentially occur-ring, single (C8-type) intramolecular H bond. At variance with residue X, thethree residues Y are N-alkylated a-amino acids.

Figure 4. X-ray diffraction structure of Boc-l-Cys-l-Cys-OMe (intramoleculardisulfide). Adapted from reference [49] .

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Also, IR absorption spectroscopy was proposed by Balaram,Rao and co-workers in 1979 as a quick and reliable technique

to probe the onset of intramolecularly H-bonded conformersin diluted solutions in CDCl3.[50] The protected dipeptide Z-Aib-

l-Pro-OMe (Z, benzyloxycarbonyl ; Aib, a-aminoisobutyric acid)studied in this work is a very simplified model compound in

that it carries a single NH donor group. Its interaction with thetertiary amide carbonyl oxygen generates a fully extended C5

conformation[1–4] (Figure 5 a), while its interaction with the

ester carbonyl oxygen produces a C8 (d-turn) conformation(Figure 5 b). The IR absorption spectrum of this dipeptideshows two peaks, a significantly intense one at 3437 cm¢1, as-signed to a free (solvated) N¢H group, and one that is 50 %

less strong at 3385 cm¢1, typical of an intramolecularly H-bonded N¢H group.[4, 13, 51–54] The low intensity band at

3385 cm¢1 may be ascribed to a relatively small percentage of

molecules populating the H-bonded species. The high-frequen-cy position of this maximum is compatible with the limited

strengths of the C5 and C8 H bonds. These results, however, didnot allow the authors to discriminate between the contribu-

tions of the C5 and/or C8 conformation(s).

In 1987 Van Binst and co-workers[55] synthesized and investi-

gated by 500 MHz 2D NMR spectroscopy the preferred confor-mation of a structural mimetic variant of the highly activecyclopeptide analogue of somatostatin, an effective inhibitor

of growth hormone release, namely cyclo[Xxx-l-Phe-d-Trp-l-Lys-l-Thr-Yyy] , known to include a cis amide bond betweenthe Yyy and Xxx residues.[56] Their variant cyclopeptide is char-acterized by an ortho-AMPA [where AMPA is an (aminomethyl)-

phenylacetyl] spacer, which mimics a -Gly-Gly- unit with a cispseudopeptide bond as a replacement for the Yyy-Xxx dipep-

tide sequence (Figure 6 a and b). In addition to the well knowntype-II’ b-turn encompassing the -d-Trp-l-Lys- sequence,[56] theauthors proposed the predominant occurrence of an intramo-

lecular H bond connecting the N¢H and C=O groups of theortho-AMPA bridge, generating a pseudo-C8 (d-turn) local con-

former. However, it is important to mention here that Amblardand co-workers[57] quite convincingly reported that peptidomi-

metics characterized by the ortho-AMPA spacer are more in-

clined to fold into a pseudo-C10 (b-turn) form (Figure 6 c). Inany case, to the best of our knowledge of the peptidomimetic

literature, no other homologated amino acid unit of this classis known to give rise to a pseudo-C8 form.

Two unequivocal proofs for the presence of the intramolecu-larly H-bonded C8 conformation were obtained in the crystal

state by X-ray diffraction analyses. The first evidence, reportedin 1980 by Duax et al. ,[58] was found in the cyclo-octadepsipep-

tide cyclo[-(d-Ile-l-Lac-l-Ile-d-Hyi)2-] , where Lac and Hyi are twoa-hydroxy acids, lactic acid and 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-valeric

acid, respectively. In this compound, formed by cyclization of

dimers of -d-Ile-l-Lac-l-Ile-d-Hyi- and synthesized as part ofa study of ion-transport antibiotics analogues of valinomicin,

the stereosequence of the heterochiral building blocks is-(DLLD)2- and the alternating sequence of the bond joining the

eight units is -(ester-amide-ester-amide)2-. Despite these ratherunusual features, this cyclic compound exhibits a pair of intra-

molecular H bonds, both encompassing the -d-Ile-l-Lac- se-

quences and forming C8 conformations associated with kinksin the depsipeptide backbone (Figure 7).

The torsion angles are listed in Table 1. Some of the featuresin each C8 turn of this 3D structure are unexpected because:

1) the acceptor of the intramolecular H bond is an ester car-bonyl, and 2) the covalent bond, joining the two residues in-

volved, is part of an ester function and exhibits a trans confor-

mation. In this 3D structural situation, the observed N···O sepa-rations are rather long (Table 2),[29–31] but the H bonds are still

strong enough to compensate for the highly distorted fromplanarity (by approximately 258) w torsion angles. Interestingly,

the f,y backbone torsion angles of the l-Lac residues (at posi-tion 3 in Figure 2) are quite close to those predicted by Schera-

Figure 5. Possible intramolecularly H-bonded conformations for Na-acyl-Aib-l-Pro-OMe: a) C5, and b) C8.

Figure 6. a) The ortho-AMPA spacer unit mimics a b) -Gly-Gly- dipeptide se-quence with a cis pseudo-peptide bond (pseudo-C8-turn). c) The alternativepseudo-C10 (b-turn) form proposed for the ortho-AMPA spacer.[57]

Figure 7. X-ray diffraction structure of cyclo[-(d-Ile-l-Lac-l-Ile-d-Hyi)2-] . Thetwo (C8) intramolecular H bonds are highlighted by dashed lines. Adaptedfrom reference [58] .

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ga,[28] whereas those of the d-Ile residues (at position 2 inFigure 2) differ substantially [however, it should be stressed

that in this cyclo-depsipeptide the stereosequence (d-l) is nothomochiral] .

In the second, unambiguous example of a C8-turn, the

chemical features of the cyclopentapeptide cyclo[Gly-l-Pro-d-Phe-l-Ala-l-Pro] , published by Gierasch and co-workers in

1988,[59] are much less unusual : 1) no a-hydroxy acid in the se-quence and therefore no ester bond in the backbone, and2) only one d-residue. A cis peptide bond is seen between Gly

and l-Pro (Figure 8 and Table 1). All other w peptide bondsadopt the trans conformation, close to planarity (1808). A d-turn is observed across the -Gly-l-Pro- sequence, with the Glyamide NH group as donor and the l-Pro carbonyl oxygen as

acceptor of an intramolecular C8 H bond of normalstrength.[29, 31] (Table 2) Except for the f torsion angle of the

flexible Gly, all other backbone torsion angles of the dipeptidesequence are quite close to those predicted by Scheraga.[28] In-terestingly, the l-Pro amide carbonyl oxygen is also H bonded

to a co-crystallized water molecule. Preliminary NMR conforma-tional results favored the conclusion that for the Gly-l-Pro

bond both the cis and trans conformations exist in solution,the relative amount of which depends on the solvent proper-

ties.[59] Interestingly, in a previous study in the crystal state by

the same group,[60] it was shown that the sequentially relatedcyclopentapeptide cyclo[l-Ala-l-Pro-Gly-d-Phe-l-Pro] , although

possessing a conformation at the -l-Ala-l-Pro- dipeptide unitclose to that of -Gly-l-Pro-,[59] appears not to form the intramo-

lecularly H-bonded d-turn. The authors attributed the absence(or the extremely weak character)[32] of the H bond to the

steric requirements of the l-residue at the left corner positionof the putative C8 conformer. In particular, the f,y torsion

angles of the Ala residue are found in the region of the left-handed helix of the Ramachandran map, known to be unfavor-

able for an l-configured residue.

Therefore, experimental observations of the intramolecularly

H-bonded d-turn conformation in the crystal state for two cy-clopeptides with entirely different characteristics[58, 59] point to

its intrinsic stability. Also, a common 3D structural feature ex-tracted from the energy calculations[28] and the X-ray diffrac-

tion investigations[58, 59] is the semi-extended conformation ofthe residue at the right corner of the d-turn (Figure 2), whereas

the set of f,y torsion angles of the residue at the left corner is

more variable.In 1992, a statistical analysis from available crystal data spe-

cifically devoted to the conformation of the cis-amide contain-ing -Xxx-Pro- dipeptide segment in peptides and proteins was

conducted by Ramakrishnan and collaborators.[32] In both typeof compounds, it was shown in particular that, when Xxx is dif-ferent from Gly, the preferred conformation at Pro is semi-ex-

tended, termed trans’. In proteins, when Xxx is different fromGly, the Xxx conformation is nearly extended. It is worthnoting that in peptides the bulk of the cis-amide examplesfound and analyzed is associated to cyclic compounds where

the overall conformation is largely dictated by the restrictionsimposed by the ring closure. Obviously, among them the two

cyclopentapeptides mentioned earlier in this text[59, 60] werelisted and discussed. From their data, the authors concludedthat there is no direct explanation for the pertinent question

why the intramolecularly H-bonded C8-turn is not commonlyobserved in peptides.

To conclude this Section, it is interesting to mention twotheoretical contributions,[32, 61] which, although focused on the

much more widespread b-turn motif, treated the d-turn as

well, also called 1!2 H-bonded conformer in reference [32](Figure 9 and Figure 10) and dLeD conformer (or its enantiomer

dDeL) in reference [61] (Figure 11), respectively. Ramakrishnanand collaborators[32] used grid-search energy calculations fol-

lowed by an energy minimization procedure. In particular, theystudied the -Gly-(cis)-l-Pro- sequence and the related sequen-

Table 1. Backbone torsion angles [8] for the C8-turn forming dipeptide se-quences of the two cyclopeptides[58, 59] discussed in this section.

f y w

cyclo[-(d-Ile-l-Lac-l-Ile-d-Hyi)2-]d-Ile 133 ¢41 156l-Lac ¢68 163d-Ile 125 ¢34 153l-Lac ¢76 157

cyclo[Gly-l-Pro-d-Phe-l-Ala-l-Pro]Gly 109 94 9l-Pro ¢74 170

Table 2. Intramolecular H-bond parameters observed for the C8 turns oc-curring in the two cyclopeptides[58, 59] discussed in this section.

Donor (D) Acceptor (A) D···A [æ] H···A [æ] <D-H···A [8]

cyclo[-(d-Ile-l-Lac-l-Ile-d-Hyi)2-]N (Ile) O (Lac) 3.13 2.21 141N (Ile) O (Lac) 3.15 2.26 138

cyclo[Gly-l-Pro-d-Phe-l-Ala-l-Pro]N (Gly) O (Pro) 2.92 2.33 139

Figure 8. X-ray diffraction structure of cyclo[Gly-l-Pro-d-Phe-l-Ala-l-Pro] . TheC8 intramolecular H bond is represented by a dashed line. Adapted from ref-erence [59] .

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ces where Gly is replaced by l-Ala or d-Ala. Remarkably,among the variety of energy minima identified, they found

that some minima contain the eight-membered pseudo-ringH bond in a bent conformation. In each of the cases examined,

two minima of this type were found (termed in particular G2and G7, see the “arrow diagrams” in Figure 9 and their 3D rep-

resentations in Figure 10, for the -Gly-l-Pro-sequence). Theconformer G2 implies a cis’ disposition for l-Pro, at variance

with the G7 conformer which requires a trans’ disposition.

Analogous results were reported for the dipeptides with l-Alaor d-Ala at the N-terminus.

Perczel, Csizmadia and co-workers[61] computed by the HF/3-21G method a set of minimum energy conformations for HCO-(Ala)2-NH2, including, in addition to 30 different b-turns, a con-

former characterized by an eight-membered pseudo-ring(Figure 11). Notably, all amide bonds of this structural motif aretrans. Not unexpectedly, however, the intramolecular H bond is

weak, with a bent N¢H···O system and a remarkable pyramidal-ization of the nitrogen atom of the Ala-Ala peptide bond.

3. Statistical Analysis on Proteins

In the present work, two of us (C.R. and P.B.) surveyed well-re-fined X-ray diffraction structures of globular proteins for the

occurrence of dipeptide units Xxx-Yyy with a cis-peptide bond.Not surprisingly,[1, 19, 21, 26, 32–37] almost all cis-peptide bonds have

Yyy =l-Pro. The total number of cis Xxx-l-Pro bonds found is1276 (5.3 %), while that of trans Xxx-l-Pro bonds is 22 659

(94.7 %). Among the cis Xxx-l-Pro dipeptide units, l-Pro resi-dues in the semi-extended (trans’) conformation are markedly

preferred (824; 64.6 %), while those in the right-handed helical

(cis’)/“bridge”[62] conformation sum up to 452 (35.4 %).Figure 12 graphically shows these data.

The next step was to identify the intramolecularly H-bonded

C8 (d)-turns within the 1276 cases of cis Xxx-l-Pro bonds. Al-though most of the 57 examples found (without X-ray resolu-tion cutoff and tetrapeptide sequence identity cutoff filters)

would clearly be from homologous entries, at least six of themcan be considered prototypes. All exhibit acceptable parame-ters for both the f,y,w torsion angles (Table 3 and Figure 13)and the intramolecular H bonds (Figure 13). They were recog-

nized in the following proteins: 1) cytochrome P450 105P1from Streptomyces avermitilis ;[63] 2) pyridoxamine-pyruvate ami-

notransferase from Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099;[64] 3) phos-phoserine aminotransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculo-sis ;[65] 4) Io1I protein from Bacillus subtilis ;[66] 5) calf spleen

purine nucleoside phosphatase;[67] and 6) subunit B of A1A0

ATP synthase.[68] Interestingly, upon binding the bisubstrate an-

alogue pyridoxyl-l-Ala-OH (PLA), the region of the cis peptidebond in the enzyme pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase

approaches the active site by 1.7 æ, thus plugging it and

shielding the small PLA molecule from the solvent environ-ment.[64] It is worth pointing out that as many as four out of

the six cis Xxx-l-Pro bonds are in fact Gly-l-Pro bonds.[63–66]

This finding agrees well with the experimental observation on

the cyclopentapeptide model compound[59] and the Scheraga’spredictions.[28] The same conclusions apply to the dipeptide

Figure 9. Arrow diagrams for the two intramolecularly H-bonded C8 mini-mum energy conformations: a) G2, and b) G7 of the -Gly-(cis)-l-Pro- peptidesystem. The base of the arrow corresponds to the conformation of Gly andthe head to that of Pro. Adapted from reference [32].

Figure 10. 3D representation of the intramolecularly H-bonded C8 minimumenergy conformations: a) G2, and b) G7 of the -Gly-(cis)-l-Pro- peptidesystem. Adapted from reference [32].

Figure 11. The C8 conformation (called dLeD) for the dipeptide HCO-(Ala)2-NH2. Adapted from reference [61].

Figure 12. Ramachandran plot showing the distribution of the Pro confor-mations within cis-amide Xxx-l-Pro sequences in proteins (this work).

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f,y torsion angles. In all four examples, the l-Pro residue issemi-extended (trans’), while the set of positive torsion angles

for the residue at the left corner are compatible with an achiraland flexible amino acid such as Gly. The additional two exam-

ples, involving an l-Ile-l-Pro[67] and an l-Asp-l-Pro[68] sequence,respectively, are, at least in part, 3D structurally more unusual.

The signs of the f,y torsion angles for l-Ile-l-Pro are all nega-tive, typical of l-residues (right-handed helical for l-Ile, butoutside any allowed region for l-Pro).[67] On the other hand,

the signs and absolute values for the l-Asp residue in thel-Asp-l-Pro dipeptide sequence are both positive (typical ofd-residues) and similar to those of the Gly residues in the fourGly-l-Pro dipeptide sequences, while those of l-Pro are right-handed helical (cis’ conformation).

4. Conformational Energy Calculations onModel Dipeptides

Based on the data from our literature survey (statistical analy-

sis) described earlier in the text, we decided to investigate theconformational preferences of the terminally blocked dipeptidesequence -Gly-l-Pro- (compound 1 in Figure 14) using confor-

mational energy calculations in vacuo. Moreover, this studywas expanded to include the corresponding results for the re-lated dipeptide -Gly-l-Dmp- (compound 2 in Figure 14), whereDmp is 5,5-dimethylproline. This residue,[69–75] as well as its 3Dstructurally related 2,2-dimethyl-thiazolidine-4-carboxylicacid,[76–78] is known (from preliminary energy calculations and

NMR analyses in solution) to provide an excellent “conforma-tional lock”[70] for the cis-amide disposition in peptides generat-ed by the severe steric hindrance associated with the presence

of the gem-dimethyl substituents on the carbon atom close tothe nitrogen of the five-membered heterocyclic moiety. More

specifically, we analyzed Na-acylated dipeptide esters to mini-mize the number of H-bonding donor groups and consequent-

ly to reduce to only two (C5 or fully extended[1–4] and C8) the

number of competing intramolecularly H-bonded conformers,as clearly shown in Figure 5.

In this work, density functional theory (DFT) calculationswere performed by one of us (C.A.) on two model peptides

with the sequence Ac-Gly-l-Pro-OMe (1) and Ac-Gly-l-Dmp-OMe (2 ; Figure 14) at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(d,p) level in vacuo.

The conformational potential energy surfaces of 1 and 2were systematically explored using a procedure inspired by

the build-up method developed by Scheraga and co-workersin 1987.[79] According to this approach, which is based on the

Table 3. Backbone torsion angles [8] for the C8-turn dipeptide sequencesin proteins.

Protein[a] Dipeptidesequence

f2 y2 w2 f3 y3 Ref.

3E5J Gly-Pro 111 76 3 ¢82 158 [63]2Z9X Gly-Pro 130 113 ¢9 ¢62 169 [64]2FYF Gly-Pro 126 114 ¢9 ¢51 161 [65]1NJH Gly-Pro 115 110 0 ¢64 177 [66]1A9T Ile-Pro ¢93 ¢31 0 ¢82 ¢104 [67]2BMH Asp-Pro 134 80 ¢1 ¢84 ¢77 [68]

[a] PDB ID.

Figure 13. a) X-ray diffraction structures of the four tetrapeptide sequencesin proteins (I–IV)[63–66] containing a central cis-amide Gly-l-Pro bond, andb) the corresponding intramolecularly H-bonded motifs identified in thisstudy.

Figure 14. Chemical structures and backbone torsion angles for the termi-nally blocked dipeptides (1–3) discussed in this work.

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assumption that short-range interactions play a dominant rolein determining the conformation of a given peptide, accessible

starting geometries for 1 and 2 were constructed by combin-ing all of the minima identified for each of the two residues in-

volved (i.e. , Gly and l-Pro or l-Dmp) after an exhaustivesearch. Geometry optimization in vacuo of all of the starting

3D structures built for 1 and 2 resulted in 19 and 10 differentconformations, respectively, which were characterized as

minima by computing the frequencies. The relative free ener-

gies (DGgp) were obtained by adding the zero-point vibrationalenergies and both thermal and entropic corrections to the en-ergies. The following analysis of our results is specifically fo-cused on the relative stability of the C8- (d-)turn conformations.

Figure 15 a and b display representative minima obtained for1 and 2, respectively, while the corresponding torsion angles

(Figure 14) and DGgp values are listed in Table 4.

A characteristic property of the lowest energy conformation

of 1 (1 a) is the presence of the fully extended (C5) structure(f1,y1 torsion angles in Figure 14; see also Figure 15) adoptedby the Gly residue and the trans arrangement of the peptidebond preceding Pro (w1 in Figure 14). This result is not surpris-

ing as Gly is a frequently found residue in the C5 structure.[4]

Four C8 conformers (1 b–1 e) were identified among the 18 re-maining minima. These 3D structures, which are characterized

by the cis disposition of the w1 torsion angle, exhibit DGgp

values ranging from 5.6 (1 b) to 8.5 kcal mol¢1 (1 e). The C8-type

intramolecular H bond involves the ester C=O and C¢Ooxygen atoms in three conformers (1 b, 1 c and 1 e) and one

conformer (1 d), respectively. It is well known that the strength

of N¢H···O(¢C=O) hydrogen bonds is weaker than that of N¢H···O = (C¢O).[80] In general, this finding is consistent with the

H-bond parameters (i.e. , H···O distance and <N¢H···O angle)displayed in Figure 15 a in all cases with exception of 1 e. It is

worth noting that this last conformer exhibits the most favor-able H-bond parameters (i.e. , the shortest H···O distance and

the <N¢H···O angle closer to 1808), even though it is destabi-lized by 8.5 kcal mol¢1. This apparent contradiction should be

attributed to the strain accumulated in the Pro f2 torsionangle, which adopts a value of ¢918 rather than the typicalvalue around ¢558.[33, 81] On the other hand, it is worth pointingout that the torsion angles of the most stable C8 conformer,1 b, are in excellent agreement with those obtained in the sta-tistical analysis from X-ray diffraction structures mentioned ear-

lier in the text.As for 2, the gem-dimethyls at the pyrrolidine ring not only

in general reduce the conformational freedom of the dipeptidebut, in particular, also produce some changes in the conformerpreferences (Figure 15 b). Thus, the minimum with the lowest

free energy (2 a) corresponds to a 3D structure in which thetorsion angle w1 adopts a cis arrangement, whereas the DGgp

of the minimum with w1 arranged in trans (2 a’) is 1.1 kcal

mol¢1. Interestingly, the torsion angles of the most stable C8

conformation (2 b), which is destabilized by DGgp = 4.3 kcal

mol¢1 with respect to 2 a (3.2 kcal mol¢1 with respect to 2 a’),resemble those obtained for 1 b that was not favored by

DGgp = 5.6 kcal mol¢1 with respect to 1 a. The second and thirdC8 minima identified for 2 (2 c and 2 d) exhibit interactions and

Table 4. Backbone torsion angles [8] and related free energies (DG, kcalmol¢1) of the lowest energy conformations and the local minima with theC8-turn obtained from DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(d,p) level invacuo for the terminally blocked dipeptides 1 and 2 (for the torsionangle nomenclature, see Figure 14).

Conformer w0 f1 y1 w1 f2 y2 DG

Ac-Gly-l-Pro-OMe (1)1 a 179.4 ¢176.6 ¢178.3 178.6 ¢59.9 145.8 0.01 b ¢175.8 126.9 115.4 ¢9.3 ¢55.5 169.4 5.61 c ¢175.8 ¢84.7 ¢35.7 ¢7.7 ¢53.7 ¢57.8 7.61 d ¢176.3 ¢83.1 ¢40.0 ¢8.1 ¢54.5 134.8 8.31 e 177.3 123.6 78.8 ¢0.2 ¢90.9 ¢77.5 8.5

Ac-Gly-l-Dmp-OMe (2)2 a 177.5 177.5 ¢171.1 ¢8.2 ¢56.7 151.2 0.02 a’ 179.1 178.8 ¢169.6 178.4 ¢56.1 144.0 1.12 b ¢174.6 125.5 122.8 ¢17.9 ¢48.5 166.1 4.32 c ¢176.2 ¢80.2 ¢35.6 ¢14.2 ¢46.4 ¢53.0 6.52 d ¢176.5 ¢79.4 ¢38.5 ¢14.3 ¢48.9 137.5 7.32 e 176.4 115.0 115.7 ¢26.6 ¢54.0 ¢73.9 9.0

Figure 15. 3D structural representations of selected, calculated energyminima (i.e. , the most stable C5 conformers and those with the C8-turn char-acterized at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(d,p) level in vacuo for the terminally blockeddipeptides: a) 1, and b) 2. Dotted lines represent intramolecular H bonds. Ineach of the 3D structures of the C8-turn conformers, the H···O distance [æ]and the <N¢H···O angle [8] are indicated. In the C5 conformers, only theH···O distance [æ] is reported.

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torsion angles similar to those of 1 c and 1 d, even though theformer conformations are approximately 1 kcal mol¢1 more

stable with respect to 2 a than the latter with respect to 1 a.Obviously, this stabilizing effect is more pronounced when the

energies are relative to 2 a’ rather than to 2 a. Finally, the DGgp

of 2 e is 9.0 kcal mol¢1. Despite the favorable H-bonding geom-etry, the severe distortions observed in this 3D structure (i.e. ,the torsion angle w1, which adopts a value of ¢26.68) are re-sponsible for such a large free-energy penalty.

From the results of our conformational energy calculationsin vacuo on the model dipeptides -Gly-l-Pro- and -Gly-l-Dmp-,the following conclusions can be extracted. 1) In both cases,the most stable conformations (1 a, 2 a, and 2 a’) appear to befully extended at Gly with an intramolecular H bond of the C5

type. Both -Gly-l-Pro- and -Gly-l-Dmp- systems may accommo-

date either a cis or a trans -Gly-Xxx- amide bond. In any case, it

is quite evident that the preference for the C5 conformer,which precludes the onset of the C8-type intramolecular

H bond in the same molecule, is dictated by the presence ofthe Gly residue at position 1.[4] 2) Immediately following 1 a,

2 a, and 2 a’ in the list of the most stable conformers, a set ofC8-forming structures is found, all bearing the central amide in

the cis disposition.

To make a direct correlation between the results from con-formational energy calculations and those from experimental

investigations by FTIR absorption and NMR spectroscopies inchloroform solution (discussed in Section 5), we extended our

computational study to the same dielectric medium. To thisend, all minima displayed in Figure 15 were reoptimized in

chloroform, which was described using the polarizable contin-

uum model.[82] In general, the 3D structural changes inducedby solute···solvent interactions are quite small. However: 1) a

limited conformational rearrangement in the y2 torsion angleis enough to produce the loss of the C8 intramolecular H bond

in the 1 d species, and 2) the 2 e species is no more a C8

energy minimum, due to the evolution of the torsion angles of

the two residues towards a different minimum characterized

by an intramolecular C5 H bond. However, we would like toemphasize the important point that, in chloroform solution forboth compounds 1 and 2, the relative free energies of most ofthe conformers stabilized by the C8 H-bonding interaction (1 b,1 c, 2 b, 2 c, and 2 d) decrease by 1.0–2.2 kcal mol¢1 with respectto those obtained in the gas phase.

5. Experimental Solution Conformational Anal-ysis on a Model Dipeptide

Our preliminary conformational investigation in solution fo-

cused on the promising terminally blocked dipeptide -Gly-Dmp-. Recently, in the group of one of us (C.C.)[83] a versatile

methodology for the synthesis of racemic Dmp derivatives in

good amounts was developed. It represents a significant ad-vancement with respect to the old procedure published by

Todd and co-workers.[84, 85] In Padova, we therefore synthesizeda set of Na-acylated -Gly-d,l-Dmp-OMe compounds. However,

in our hands all of them were found to be oily and extremelyhygroscopic materials, except the solid racemic compound 3

in Figure 14 (where the acyl moiety is 2,3,5-triiodobenzoyl),possibly because of its markedly higher molecular weight andthe related higher melting point.

Infrared absorption spectroscopy in the N¢H stretching(3500–3200 cm¢1) region in CDCl3 solution at high dilution isuseful to highlight the presence and to quantitate the extent

of intramolecularly H-bonded species in peptides.[13, 50–54] Asmentioned in Section 2, Balaram, Rao and co-workers[50] pub-lished the IR absorption spectrum in CDCl3 at 10¢4 m concen-

tration for the related Z-Aib-l-Pro-OMe dipeptide. It is charac-terized by a significantly intense band at 3437 cm¢1 (free N¢Hgroups), and a broad absorption of lower intensity at3385 cm¢1, attributed to a relatively small percentage of mole-

cules populating the C5 and/or C8 H-bonded states. In the pres-ent work, we recorded the FTIR absorption spectrum for the

racemic compound 3 in Figure 14 under the same experimen-

tal conditions as those exploited in reference [50] . An intense,rather broad, band centered at 3383 cm¢1 is seen in the spec-

trum, accompanied by a tiny shoulder near 3440 cm¢1

(Figure 16). The positions of these two absorptions are strictly

comparable to those published for Z-Aib-l-Pro-OMe,[50] but theintensity ratios diverge substantially, that is, the intramolecular-

ly H-bonded conformers are much more extensively adopted

by the -Gly-d,l-Dmp- sequence.

In the 400 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of compound 3 in CDCl3

two sets of signals stand out clearly for each proton of the-Gly-d,l-Dmp- dipeptide segment. The experimental trans to

cis ratio is approximately 1:4. From an analysis of the modelbuilt by using the calculated backbone torsion angles for the

third most stable (C8) conformer, the cis-amide 2 b (Table 4 and

Figure 15), a strong NOE cross-peak[86] is expected betweenaCH(Gly) and aCH(Dmp). An analogous NOE effect was report-

ed for each of the peptide sequences closely related to-Gly-l (or d,l)-Dmp- and attributed to the cis-amide confor-

mer.[69, 70, 76] In contrast, in the model with the calculated back-bone torsion angles for the second most stable (C5) conformer,

Figure 16. N¢H stretching region of the FTIR absorption spectra of Z-Aib-l-Pro-OMe (top; adapted from ref. [50]) and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoyl-Gly-d,l-Dmp-OMe (bottom) in CDCl3. Peptide concentration: 0.1 mm.

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the trans-amide 2 a’ (Table 4), the expected NOE is betweenaCH(Gly) and dCH3(Dmp). As the former NOE was observed

only for the more abundant conformer and the latter NOE onlyfor the less abundant conformer, the peak assignments (the

more abundant conformer is cis-amide and the less abundantis trans-amide) were straightforwardly derived.

At this point, it is worth pointing out that some conforma-tional aspects of Ac-Gly-l (or d,l)-Pro-OMe (compound 2 in

Figure 14) have been already examined by NMR spectrosco-

py.[87, 88] However, these authors did not focus their attentionon the type of intramolecularly H-bonded form (C8 vs. C5)adopted by this terminally protected dipeptide, but ratherthey studied in detail the kinetics and thermodynamics of the

cis/trans isomerization process about the Xxx-Pro tertiaryamide bond, notably as regards to the role of solvent.[87] In par-

ticular, it was found that the barrier to isomerization is propor-

tional to the strength of the H bonds formed by the solvent tothe amide carbonyl oxygen. However, solvent effects on the

equilibrium constant for the isomerization are small.

6. Summary and Outlook

The results of our detailed literature survey reported in thisMinireview validate the conclusion that intramolecularly H-

bonded d-turns do occur, although not frequently, in cyclicpeptides and in proteins. One reason for this rather limited

presence is certainly associated with their strict 3D structural

requirements, implying a rare cis-amide bond as an unescap-able marker. Because of the well-established observation that

the cis -Xxx-Yyy- bond in polypeptide molecules is much morecommon when this amide is tertiary, namely when Yyy is

(among the coded amino acids) Pro, it is not surprising thatthe by far most usual dipeptide sequence involved would be

of the -Xxx-Pro- type. The stringent 3D structural properties of

small cyclic peptides and the medium- and long-range interac-tions operative in proteins might have contributed to favorably

bias d-turn formation. The absence of any unambiguous reportin the literature so far for the occurrence of a d-turn in a linear

peptide might be indirectly correlated to such requirements.The overwhelming presence of Gly, the most flexible coded

amino acid, as the Xxx residue in the d-turn forming dipeptidesequences authenticated to date is the reason for our choice

to investigate (both theoretically and experimentally) the -Gly-

Pro- sequence, and its variant -Gly-Dmp- as well where the cistertiary amide disposition is even more biased. Our results, al-

though still at a preliminary stage, support our view that the-Gly-Dmp- sequence is a likely candidate for the first unambig-

uous experimental proof for the occurrence of the d-turn evenin a linear peptide, although our current data do not allow usto rule out the contribution of intramolecularly H-bonded C5

forms to the conformational equilibrium. In this connection,work is in progress in the Padova laboratory to deepen our un-

derstanding of the conformational behavior in solution of the-Gly-Dmp- sequence, and, hopefully, to expand its analysis to

the crystal state (by X-ray diffraction). To this aim, the designand study of additional, more appropriate -Xxx-Dmp- model

compounds, potentially able to reduce the impact of the C5

form, are also under scrutiny.

Moreover, we are confident that in future investigationsgreater attention will be paid by structural biochemists to the

presence of d-turns in globular proteins and by synthetic pep-tide chemists, spectroscopists, and X-ray diffraction specialists

to the preparation and conformational investigations of linearpeptides appropriately designed to this purpose. Hopefully,

this Minireview will stimulate peptide and protein experts to

specifically address the issue of the validation and in-depthcharacterization of this, still neglected, folded polypeptide sec-

ondary structure.


C.C. is grateful to Ministerio de Econom�a y Competitividad

(grant CTQ2013-40855-R) and Gobierno de Aragûn-FSE (re-

search group E40), and C.A. acknowledges support fromMICINN-FEDER funds (MAT2012-34498) and CESCA.

Keywords: cis-amide · conformational analysis · peptides ·statistical analysis · X-ray diffraction

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Published online on August 4, 2015

Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 13866 – 13877 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim13877
