people. ” profitable “asset” to · you get to select , create , and curate your perfect...

“Exclusive access to our most respected asset class: people.” Friend — At the end of the day, we have realized the greatest, and most profitable “asset” to steward well, is people . The beautiful thing about the age we live in is this: You get to select , create , and curate your perfect environment of relationships, networks, friendships, advisers, trusted mentors, and partners.

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 “Exclusive access to our most respected asset class: people.”  Friend — At the end of the day, we have realized the greatest, and most profitable “asset” to steward well, is people. The beautiful thing about the age we live in is this: You get to select, create, and curate your perfect environment of relationships, networks, friendships, advisers, trusted mentors, and partners.


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I think the greatest tragedy in the world today is that people are not selective enough. They have lots of low standards both in life and business. These low standards lead to remission to the lowest common denominator, instead of the highest and BEST they are capable of achieving. This letter is about choosing NOT to leave your income, impact, fulfillment, longevity, and legacy to chance any longer. I want to introduce you to our Elite Partnership program, in hopes that whatever goals you have set out to accomplish for yourself, we can help bring you there faster, with more ease, control, and certainty.


In the Elite partnership program, you will be surrounded by people playing and winning at a level very few in the world know how to do. You will be surrounded, inundated, positively injected and infected with the greatest humans & business thinkers in the world today. We maintain a vast and masterful network of advisors all over the world, who are rare experts in all the powerful and applicable business strategies we’ve created for you and our other business clients.


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The partnership program represents a significant opportunity for you to get personalized level coaching not only from me, Chris, and my team - but also my personal band of business building and business protection experts...

● Financial infrastructure & economics ● Advertising, acquisition & scale ● Personal achievement, performance & mental mastery ● Sales, persuasion & influence ● Capital allocation, investing & wealth ● Business mechanics, leadership & team

All of these topics and more are offered to you in this world renowned partnership group that I would like to humbly tell you about today. Let me tell you about one of our longest (and youngest) partners, Aleric. Aleric came in through ClientKit™ — our program well documented and renowned for building offers and validating with clients, but he was soon “stuck.” He had hit the “invisible cap.” Where armed with the right information and the right strategy, you still can’t seem to break through this income barrier no matter what you do. All of the clients we’ve worked with have eventually hit it. Luckily, we skipped down to the 6th bullet point on the list above, Business mechanics, leadership & team, and we started changing “HOW” he was actually collecting money and fulfilling on his promises to clients. He started growing again. Then we skipped up a to deal with some areas on bullet 2 — acquisition & scale — and growth started again. That’s how this partnership works.


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We’ve been through the different trenches and recognize them from miles away, so you don’t have to WAIT until you’re stuck to deal with them. He now does $3,000,000 per year, with extremely high margins, a small team, and has years of growth ahead of him.

Write your own ticket…   We have been privileged and quite lucky to provide counsel to many thousands of diverse and successful, talented people. In the last several years, more than 7,000 individuals have chosen to call us mentors… but I do not tell you this to brag. I believe we are far from our cap and that is why I’ve put so much time into writing this letter for you. More than anything, Chris and I find our highest source of validation and fulfillment in business from helping our clients advance. If you were given the ability to write your own ticket in life and work, right now at this very moment…

A blank check, waiting for you to write in whatever financial incentive you would like to earn — for yourself, your family, or the passion projects you are passionate about — this partnership is a proverbial way to cash that check once written.


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There is not a business, marketing, cash flow, sales, advertising, or people problem at least one of our clients has not dealt with or called upon us to help solve. Another partner, Molly, is an excellent example of “writing your own ticket.” She wasn’t sure if partnering with Elite was something she should do “now” or “later.” There are always concerns about timing and if you read this and wonder about timing that only means you are probably normal. Luckily, she decided “sooner rather than later.” Good thing she did. There was a damaging belief about her personal success and money that would have gone on robbing from her for years. This is bullet 3 and many people who see some growth quickly end up dealing with personal roadblocks that they might have had for a long time but just never broken through. It’s fixed, and she records revenue records quite regularly now.  


Power .  True power to change things for the better - that is what most of our partners and clients are really after. In my experience, power comes categorically from just two things:

1. Knowing what to do / when to do it / how to do it, for the purposes of getting what you want

2. Longevity or consistency Well, we have identified 6 unique categories of mastery inside of these two areas, and the principles of achievement inside those 6 categories are quite simple. We call them power principles, and they are as follows:

● Marketing + Advertising


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● Sales ● Team + Leadership ● Performance + Energy ● Business Mechanics + Models ● Finance + Wealth + Investing

If you score reasonably high in just 2 of these areas, you will create for yourself the means by which you may earn a high income doing what you love. Increase that number to 3 categories, and you will surpass 95% of all high income earners alive today, all while doing what you love. Increase that number to 4 and you enter a realm where true wealth and rewards are finally possible… To define “true wealth,” I offer you this: A year or so ago, Chris and I crossed a unique threshold. We exited the world in which we used to work for money. We do not work for money anymore, nor will we ever again. We do not strive and grind and push against hidden business obstacles. We do not fear and wonder aimlessly about the future or what it might hold for us. To stop all labor entirely & indefinitely would result in lowering our standards or our income by exactly zero. This is how I define true wealth, a place beyond the normal issues of shallow business thinkers… a place defined by using your time and expertise wisely for long periods of time. Elite partnership is about securing your long term, long lasting success. It’s about helping you get to the place on the map where you no longer work for money, but instead work for play and for passion. We choose not to do 1 month partnerships because, frankly, there isn’t any point.  

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You do not arrive at this level of mastery in your business by one month or six months of good effort. Many of our best and highest paid clients have been partnered with us for 2 to 3 years and are earning more now than they ever thought possible, while working sometimes less than they ever thought they could. You can rest assured that everything we do, we are doing from an unfailing craving for client results, as well as a desire for long term benefit for you and our other members.

Process . 

We have a tried & true, vetted and verified roadmap for helping experts and client businesses get to 7-figures and STAY there. Here you will find some information on our process. // 1 the group lives up to its name, it is expensive Elite: a select group that is superior… excluding certain things (or people) or not admitting qualities below standard. A 6 month membership block is $18,000 and includes the following:

● 2 In Person Office Days (providing customizable and calibrated mentorship, coaching, and training from our offices; you get access to the livestream + recording of all office days if you cannot make it)

● 2 “Panels” (training intensives from our staff and partners, covering various and diverse topics such as, but not limited, to the following: building sales teams, advanced media buying + traffic, training marketing staff, operations and legal, offers & scaling, etc). These are performed via online stream where you can engage and share the recordings with your team.


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● 1 Large “Elite Gathering” (we gather all partnership clients once per quarter in Nashville, we eat together, bring in speakers from around the world, share high level trainings, offer networking opportunity, and provide the environment you need to get inspired, recalibrated, and ready for your upcoming quarter)

We offer a 6 month block for your first term as an Elite partner for several reasons. First, we like to mutually decide the advantages and benefits of staying long term. Secondly, we are very protective with our team, and obviously, our time. It is not profitable to take short term clients who are not long term thinkers. We mitigate this by offering a shorter “starter term” that allows you to experience the unrivaled caliber of our group. From there, we can entertain a longer term, which we call “GOLD,” which I’ve provided more info on at the end of this letter. // 2 it is high level, by design There are very few providers who can bring the strategy that we can, but that comes at a cost. Every Gathering you attend, every Panel wath, ever Office Day you participate in, will widen and stretch your thinking. If your history in entrepreneurship is “Just Getting Started,” this will not be the ideal place for you to get started. Although, if that is you then there is no judgement and never any condescension — we perhaps have other programs that would suite you more appropriately. Many contemporaries might say “A sale is a sale” and allow you to enroll with them regardless of what is BEST for you. We believe in protecting our clients from any investment decision that is not the highest and best use of their funds. That includes buying something that might make us more money but won’t make THEM more money. For that reason, we sometimes choose to place clients in cheaper products not because it is in our “short term” interest, but because doing right by you is in our “long term” interests.  

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We can discuss this on a quick consult or your advisor can give expert counsel on the matter. // 3 your time required We attract (and work best with) the kinds of clients & partners who are mentally invested into their businesses. This does not ONLY mean monetarily, this means engagement. More profits. More time. More freedom. More certainty. More confidence. More fulfillment. More impact. These things do not come for free or without sacrifice. Many of our members are thrilled to hear us say that time is, from both parties, required. We are thrilled by our clients engaging us at the highest levels. We offer you our full investment, and we expect the same in return. If you are interested or currently hunting for quickie-fixie solutions that require only monetary investment but no mental or intellectual investment into fully UTILIZING the depth and breadth of expertise we offer… Well, we once believed in fairy tales too. No longer. That version of mentorship is purely “transaction” and it is simply not what we do nor do we believe it even exists successfully. Some clients come into membership immediately wanting to add 7 figures in additional monthly revenue. We've done that. Sometimes clients come into membership and want to maintain current income, while removing themselves from actually doing anything so they can spend time and enjoy family. We’ve done that also.


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No matter where you are, there is a level of higher achievement, income, efficiency, and leadership you can get to — BUT please be aware, we are not advocates of “quick & easy fixes” and bandaids that break under repeated use. We are proponents of stabilizing and maximizing steady, unbreakable, recession-proof business entities that add not only to your net worth but your enjoyment, fulfillment and peace of mind.

Here is how the membership works and a few of the advantages it provides.

You invest into a term, and we partner with you to grow your business utilizing the 6 categories of achievement that every expert or client business uses to achieve 7 figures. The support mechanisms listed above are planned quarterly so that you can fully utilize everything available to you as members. From Panels, to Gatherings, to Office Days — you will be fully equipped with everything WE are implementing, as well as constant access to our team of advisors & partners who are growth-minded and hungry just as you are. You will have access to Chris and Taylor at gatherings and office days, as well as our team whenever and however you need them. We reserev the right to remove any member


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from the program based on poor behavior, and we only accept 6 month rounds for first time partners. After that we can mutually decide whether a longer term GOLD term is applicable and beneficial for you in your pursuits. We would love to explore partnering with you. As stated earlier, our fulfillment at this point comes from serving and equipping clients and partners at the highest level. I am in and have been in MANY high end masterminds and programs. I can assure you, as someone who is still very much BUILDING out companies, teams, and offers — there is nothing quite like the Elite Partnership Program. It is as adaptable as it is potent, and I think you will enjoy it (and profit from it) so much, that you will be inclined to stick around for the long haul. Upon joining, you will receive a quick onboarding plus access to all recordings of gatherings, panels and office days. There will be much information & training made available to you (as well as complimentary access to our ClientKit™ program) — but our main goal upon enrollment will be as follows:

1. Identification of where your targets are and by what date you hope to achieve them

2. SIMPLIFICATION of the strategy and tactical road map to achieve those targets with certainty & efficiency

We will happily direct you along the surest route to achieve what you want to achieve (and likely, uncover more areas of profit, influence, fulfillment, and operational efficiency in your business than you are currently aware of). Let’s get on a quick consult if you have questions — or your advisor can share more details with you :-)


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I hope to partner with you very soon.

Taylor Welch Co-Founder & Owner ELITE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM © Traffic & Funnels™

P.S. It occurred to me halfway through writing this letter that you might not be familiar already with who we are or what we’ve accomplished. If you are speaking with a member of our team, they can provide this for you, but allow me to offer you a hasty bulleted list of our recent achievements and WHY we believe you might benefit from our experience.

● One recent test group of about 200 members reported annualized earnings of just over $54,000,000… all client based businesses.

● We currently own (outright) 3 seven-figure businesses creating over $20,000,000 per year w/100% ownership and averaging over 50% profit margins.

● In 2019 we started a wealth management + real estate holdings company and are on pace to grow it to nearly $21,000,000 in portfolio holdings by the end of 2020.


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● Over 7,000 people all over the world pay us for our advice via a monthly business newsletter. We pay more in shipping fees for one month today, than our combined total income from the entire year of 2014.


For information on Elite GOLD, a 12 months partnership term, please read below.



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Elite Gold, Please.  Elite GOLD is currently not open for new members, but I will briefly touch on it here so you know what is available to you after your first term of Elite. Elite works in 6 months increments. Most partnerships like this one are 12 months long, we decided against that. You will find very soon that we are after long term client partnerships. A personal mentor, Jay, taught us one time about how he views client relationships. “They are like ship lockes.” You often cannot take a client from level 1 to level 100 in the first stage. It takes sequence, and often, time. We recognize this as true in our own companies. That is why we are extremely cognoscenti, and focused on, protecting LONG TERM relationships and partnerships. Elite GOLD, is our second, layer II term of Elite. It offers the same incredible network, environment, events, but adds another dimension to the types of material you receive access to. It is a 1 year increment (not 6 months) and after you have participated in the group for your first 6 month term, you can join Elite GOLD which includes: ~/ Monthly GOLD conference call with Taylor & Chris (what we are investing in, how we’re diversifying, other businesses we are running, news, and open forum Q&A with the founders) > VIP days for GOLD only clients the full day prior to all events (when you fly into an event, fly in a day early and spend it masterminding and brainstorming personally with Chris, Taylor and other GOLD only clients)   


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 ‘The ELITE experience is like none else. It changed my beliefs on what is possible. It forces me to set new standards for myself, physically, mentally and emotionally. And holds me accountable every day to bigger and better things. Success at the level we are experiencing(50k/M and Scaling) seemed like a fairy 

tale until we got into the Elite program. Everyone on the team loves and cares about us as clients and it shows. If you have a crazy vision for yourself, this is the place to make it a reality.’ -Bryan Ostermiller     

‘Elite has allowed me to relax into growing my business. I have stopped hitting the panic button and begun to see mentorship as a long term thing. The greatest gift is being amongst the like minded and having proximity to the kind of people I aspire to be and the kind of business I want to build. It is encouraging, supportive, and when I see the kind of environment I've been 

invited to have access to, it makes me feel a little badass and creates new belief in myself and my potential. It simultaneously shows me how much I can grow and how much I've grown at the same time. I am afforded the ability to do this at my pace in a way that feels in alignment for me and this season of life I'm in. And the events---there is no word to explain what it is like sitting in a room of people that are KILLING it and to be able to talk like, business, and transformation. I've made some amazing friendships because of it.’ - Misty McIntyre.  

 ‘So I joined Elite mid December and really kicked things off in the new year. The experience has been freaking awesome - the environment and events alone are worth the price of admission. I had one of my best months in January, and even without any additional sales February is going to be my highest revenue month yet. That said, what I’m most excited about is 


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launching a consulting offer this month that is more impactful for my clients and scalable for me. Just the beginning!’ - Mike Rinard  

 ‘If you’ve ever wanted complete system reprogramming to become an instinctively influential person, Elite is the environment that creates osmosis for that. “There is synergy in the recipe” as Taylor says, & the lethal core of Elite is the NORMALIZATION of the people, whom I now call friends, in there. I am 21 at this point in time writing this, & know that this environment is the reason why I am & continue to become a powerful weapon in this game of influence. I booked a last minute flight to San Diego for next week, cause a friend in Elite told me to come to a party. Before Elite, this freedom that I have wouldn’t have been normal.’ - Mimi Tran 


 ‘Since joining the Elite program, my business has grown substantially. I've learned to control lead flow, crack the code to paid ads, and my closing percentage is the best it's ever been. But the biggest shift? Has been how I think. Being around Chris, Taylor and the community of high performers has shifted how I view business and life. Highly recommend this program for 

anyone looking to make more income and have more impact.’ -Molly Elmore  


‘I joined ELITE because I really had no other choice. My experience in CK was a whirlwind, primarily because I changed my offer several weeks in and had so much to learn. More than I even knew at the time. I love that ELITE is a long time commitment because that allows for real time to get to learn from others in the group. I am able to watch them grow, thrive & succeed, and 

consequently find new role models to admire (I have so many role models in ELITE). The events make the fantasy world of the Internet real life. Nothing virtual compares the experience of being in the same room with people you study, learn from & admire.’ - Pete Tansley