penyelidik upm menang 11 pingat di usa

40 Media Representatives Visited Ayer Hitam Forest J 3 September 2010 BiI.65 . PP1054010712011(028082) 9772180 080004 Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA Oleh Shurlatl Ab Rahim PITTSBURGH - Seramai enam penyelidik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) berjaya meraih sebelas pingat di Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA sempena Pameran Antarabangsa Inovasi dan Produk Baru (INPEX). Dr. Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan menerima dua plngat iaitu pingat em as (kategori Pertanian) dan pingat perak (kategori software) melalui produknya Hyperspectral-based Tree Assessment System yang boleh mengesan dan menilai pokok yang terdapat di hutan dan kebun besar di Malaysia. Produk ini bukan sahaja dapat mengesan jumlah bllangan pokok tetapi dapat mengetahui tahap kesihatan pokok dan amat sesuai untuk digunakan oleh industri kelapa sawit dan badan-badan pengurusan hutan. Plngat emas kedua (kategori Software) dimenangi oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Jamaloddin Noorzaei dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan dengan produknya Development of 3-D Nonlinerar Earthquake Resistance System for Framed Building yang dapat menyerap dan mempertahankan keselamatan serta fungsi bangunan ketika gempa bumi dan taufan dengan memasang alat viscous damper sebagai rangka bangunan konkrit. Prot Madya Dr. Robiah Yunus daripada Fakulti Kejuruteraan telah rnernenangi tiga pingat iaitu satu pingat perak (kategori alam sekitar) dan dua pingat gangsa (kategori sains dan tenaga alternatif) dengan Dari kiri Prof. Madya Dr. Loh Teck Chwen, Dr. Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri, Farzad Hejazi, Prof. Madya Dr. Ratnasamy Muniandy, Prof. Madya. Dr. Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Prof. Dr. Hashim Musa, Prof.Dr.Suhaiia Mohamed, Prof. Madya Dr. Faa Hooi Ling dan Prof. Madya Dr. Robiah Yunus. hasil ciptaannya Innovative Technology in Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil di mana penemuan ini melibatkan proses penghasilan minyak diesel daripada minyak Jatropha dengan hanya melalui proses ekstrasi pelarut dan proses pra-rawatan asid dan melenyapkan proses pemurnian minyak seperti kaedah yang terdahulu. Dua pingat perak telah dimenangi oleh Prof. Dr. Hashim Musa dari Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi dengan produk HB Melayu - Analayzing How True Malay Are You? (kategori pendidikan dan perisian). Manakala dua pingat gangs a rnasing- rnasing dimenangi oleh Prof. Dr. Suhaila Mohamed dan Prof. Madya Dr. Loh Teck Chwen dengan produk mereka iaitu Mental and CardioVascular Health products from Oil Palm Leaf dan Novel Natural Feed Additive for Monogastic Animals. Daripada 700 penyertaan seluruh dunia, produk dari Malaysia yang dipertandingkan ialah dari UPM, UiTM, Uniten dan Beta Factor Sdn. Bhd. Tribun pijtra \m';n;gu'i:l~\:antahniah kepada 7,57~:gra'dllari\sempena Majlisi~on~~~kesyenJl!PM ke-34 > LlHAT MUKA 2 Oleh Mohd Falsal Md Noor Prof. Dr. Yaakob Che Man (kiri) menerima mock cek daripada Tlmbalan Perdana Menterl Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. SERDANG Seramai 7,575 graduan iaitu Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) seramai 252 orang, Ijazah Sarjana (Master) 1554, Bacelor (5277) dan Diploma (492) akan menerima ijazah masing-masing pada Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Putra Malaysia. (UPM) Ke-34 dari 9 hingga 13 Oktober. Ketua Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat UPM, Abdullah Arshad berkata Tuanku Canselor UPM, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah akan mengurniakan ijazah pada hari pertama (sesi pertama) dan hari kedua (sesi ketiga) di Dewan Besar, Pusat Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PKKSSAAS). "Majlis yang melibatkan sepuluh sesi selama lima hari itu akan turut dikurniakan oleh tiga Pro Canselor iaitu Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Nayan Ariffin pada sesi kedua, sesi kelima dan sesi kesembilan, Tan Sri Dato' Sri Lim Ah Lek pada sesi keempat, dan ketujuh serta Tan Sri Rozali Ismail pad a sesi keenam dan kelapan. "UPM akan menganugerahkan Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Pentadbiran Awam kepada Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Zainul Ariff Hussain pada sesi pertama iaitu pagi 9 Oktober, diikuti Anugerah Profesor Emeritus kepada Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Omar Abdul Rahman pada sesi ketiga iaitu pagi 10 Oktober," > LlHAT MUKA 3 Konvokesyen 2010 Kurnia Ijazah 7,575 Graduan

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Page 1: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

40 Media RepresentativesVisited Ayer Hitam ForestJ 3

September 2010 BiI.65 . PP1054010712011(028082)

9772180 080004

Penyelidik UPM Menang11 Pingat di USAOleh Shurlatl Ab Rahim

PITTSBURGH - Seramai enam penyelidikUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) berjayameraih sebelas pingat di Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, USA sempena PameranAntarabangsa Inovasi dan Produk Baru(INPEX).

Dr. Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri dariFakulti Kejuruteraan menerima dua plngatiaitu pingat em as (kategori Pertanian) danpingat perak (kategori software) melaluiproduknya Hyperspectral-based TreeAssessment System yang boleh mengesandan menilai pokok yang terdapat di hutandan kebun besar di Malaysia.

Produk ini bukan sahaja dapatmengesan jumlah bllangan pokok tetapidapat mengetahui tahap kesihatan pokokdan amat sesuai untuk digunakan olehindustri kelapa sawit dan badan-bad anpengurusan hutan.

Plngat emas kedua (kategori Software)dimenangi oleh Prof. Madya Dr. JamaloddinNoorzaei dari Fakulti Kejuruteraandengan produknya Development of 3-DNonlinerar Earthquake Resistance Systemfor Framed Building yang dapat menyerapdan mempertahankan keselamatan sertafungsi bangunan ketika gempa bumi dantaufan dengan memasang alat viscousdamper sebagai rangka bangunan konkrit.

Prot Madya Dr. Robiah Yunus daripadaFakulti Kejuruteraan telah rnernenangi tigapingat iaitu satu pingat perak (kategori alamsekitar) dan dua pingat gangsa (kategorisains dan tenaga alternatif) dengan

Dari kiri Prof. Madya Dr. Loh Teck Chwen, Dr. Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri, Farzad Hejazi, Prof. Madya Dr. Ratnasamy Muniandy, Prof. Madya. Dr.Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Prof. Dr. Hashim Musa, Prof.Dr.Suhaiia Mohamed, Prof. Madya Dr. Faa Hooi Ling dan Prof. Madya Dr. Robiah Yunus.

hasil ciptaannya Innovative Technology inBiodiesel Production from Jatropha Oil dimana penemuan ini melibatkan prosespenghasilan minyak diesel daripada minyakJatropha dengan hanya melalui prosesekstrasi pelarut dan proses pra-rawatanasid dan melenyapkan proses pemurnianminyak seperti kaedah yang terdahulu.

Dua pingat perak telah dimenangi olehProf. Dr. Hashim Musa dari Fakulti BahasaModen dan Komunikasi dengan produk HBMelayu - Analayzing How True Malay Are

You? (kategori pendidikan dan perisian).Manakala dua pingat gangs a rnasing-

rnasing dimenangi oleh Prof. Dr. SuhailaMohamed dan Prof. Madya Dr. Loh TeckChwen dengan produk mereka iaitu Mentaland CardioVascular Health products fromOil Palm Leaf dan Novel Natural FeedAdditive for Monogastic Animals.

Daripada 700 penyertaan seluruhdunia, produk dari Malaysia yangdipertandingkan ialah dari UPM, UiTM,Uniten dan Beta Factor Sdn. Bhd.

Tribun pijtra \m';n;gu'i:l~\:antahniahkepada 7,57~:gra'dllari\sempenaMajlisi~on~~~kesyenJl!PMke-34


Oleh Mohd Falsal Md Noor

Prof. Dr. Yaakob Che Man (kiri) menerima mock cek daripada Tlmbalan Perdana MenterlTan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

SERDANG • Seramai 7,575graduan iaitu Ijazah DoktorFalsafah (Ph.D) seramai 252orang, Ijazah Sarjana (Master)1554, Bacelor (5277) danDiploma (492) akan menerimaijazah masing-masing padaMajlis Konvokesyen UniversitiPutra Malaysia. (UPM) Ke-34 dari9 hingga 13 Oktober.

Ketua Bahagian KomunikasiKorporat UPM, Abdullah Arshadberkata Tuanku Canselor UPM,Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shahakan mengurniakan ijazah padahari pertama (sesi pertama)dan hari kedua (sesi ketiga) diDewan Besar, Pusat Kebudayaandan Kesenian Sultan SalahuddinAbdul Aziz Shah (PKKSSAAS).

"Majlis yang melibatkansepuluh sesi selama lima hari ituakan turut dikurniakan oleh tigaPro Canselor iaitu Tan Sri Dato' Dr.Nayan Ariffin pada sesi kedua, sesikelima dan sesi kesembilan, TanSri Dato' Sri Lim Ah Lek pada sesikeempat, dan ketujuh serta Tan SriRozali Ismail pad a sesi keenamdan kelapan.

"UPM akan menganugerahkanIjazah Kehormat DoktorPentadbiran Awam kepada Tan SriDato' Seri Dr. Zainul Ariff Hussainpad a sesi pertama iaitu pagi 9Oktober, diikuti Anugerah ProfesorEmeritus kepada Tan Sri Datuk Dr.Omar Abdul Rahman pad a sesiketiga iaitu pagi 10 Oktober,"


Konvokesyen2010 KurniaIjazah 7,575Graduan

Page 2: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

2TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 I ) II II Prime News

MGP Awarded Deserving StaffBy Mohd Falsal Md Noor

SERDANG, 15 July - Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) awarded prestigiousrecognitions to the staff of the Universityin teaching, research, professionaland supporting services at the 2010Majlis Gemilang Putra (MGP) held hererecently.

Among the seven proud recipients ofthe Vice Chancellor Fellowship are Assoc.Prof. Dr. Noordin Mohamed Mustapha(Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) and Dr.Manohar Mariapan (Faculty of Forestry)for the Excellence in Teaching category.

Other winners are Prof. Dr. AbdulHalim Shaari (Faculty of Science) for theExcellence in Research category, Prof.Ir. Dr. Mohd Saleh Jaafar (Faculty ofEngineering) and Hamzah Ismail (SportsCentre) for Professional Services andSn. Nur Lina Chong Abdullah (SportsCentre) and Norhana Ali (Student Affairs)for Excellence in Supporting Services

category.Each winner walked away with a

grant of RM10,000, a commemorativeplaque and a certificate of achievementfrom the Vice Chancellor of UPM, Prof.Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Nik Mustapha R.Abdullah.

MGP has also awarded threerecipients with the Jasamu Dikenangawards and a number of 91 recipientsfor the Jasa Putra awards, each baggeda BSN premium saving certificate worthRM300 along with a certificate ofachievement.

In addition, 32 recipients of the SetiaPutra award received commemorativewatch each and a certificate ofachievement, 499 were awarded theExcellence in Service, walking home withRM1000 cash prize. A number of 119Bakti Putra awards and BSN premiumsaving certificates worth RM500 eachas well as certificates of achievementwere given out to deserving recipients. Vice Chancel/or UPM with the recipients of the Vice Chancel/or Fel/owship.

Tuanku Chancel/or UPM, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah launch the 18th Edition ofGempur Magazine session 2009-2010.

Tuanku Canselor Awarded11 PALAPES OfficersBy Noor Eszereen Juferl

PUTRAJAYA, 19 June - TuankuChancellor of Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM), Sultan SharafuddinIdris Shah presented the bestwards to 11 cadet officers of fromthe Reserved Officers Training Unit(PALAPES) at the 2010 RegimentalDinner Reception.

The Best Overall Cadet OfficerAward (Army category) went toLt. Muda Mohd Faizan Zolkifti andthe Best Overall Senior Cadet Officer

. title (Navy category), was awarded toLt. Muda Norashikin Anjur.

Under the Army category, BestMale Cadet Officer went to Lt. MudaYuslan Yusoff; Best Female CadetOfficer, Lt. Muda Siti KhairiyahHussin; Best Academe Cadet Officer,Lt. Muda Siti Norafidah Mahussin;Best Military Studies Cadet Officer,Lt. Muda Mohd Hafizan Md Yusop;Best Firearm, Lt. Muda MohammadFakhri Hanif Johari and BestMarching Cadet Officer, Lt. MudaMohd Zuriman Zakaria.

Under the Navy category, BestMale Senior Cadet Officer went toLt. Muda Veillinrin Suresh SavunthiPandiyan; Best Female Senior CadetOfficer , Lt. Muda Siti Asmida MdRahim and Best Academic Senior

Cadet Officer, Lt. Muda Tea BoonChian.

The Regimental DinnerReception is a ceremony heldannually in conjunction with theRoyal Commisioning of PALAPESUPM for the 29th Intake (Army) and4th Intake (Navy) that have undergonethe military training.

At the ceremony, the 18th editionof Gempur magazine session2009/2010 a compilation of profilesand annual activities of PALAPESUPM edited by Tribun Putra Editor,Khairul Anuar Muhamad Noh waslaunched by the Royal Highness.

In addition, Vice Chancellor ofUPM, Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. NikMustapha R. Abdullah expressed hishopes that the aspiring officers ofPALAPESUPM would set an exampleespecially in military leadership inorder to broaden the credibility ofUPM graduates.

"Make yourself an epitome ofsuccess to for the betterment of oursociety and the country; he said.

Earlier on, Crown Prince ofPerlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putracommissioned a number of 70 cadetofficers from PALAPES UPM underthe Army and Navy categories at theUniversiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi (right) with the freshmen.

UPM Welcome New StudentsBy Mohd Falsal Md Noor

SERDANG, 4 July - Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) opened its doorsto 5,103 new students through 60courses offered for the first semestersession 2010/2011 on the 3rd and4th of July, just recently.. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student

Affairs and Alumni) of UPM, Prof. Dr.Mohd Fauzi Ramlan said the numbercomprised of 3,717 bachelor degreestudents, 884 diploma students and502 new students registered under

the foundation studies for agriculturalscience.

He also reminded those who havenot received the offers may appealwithin these two weeks to avoid missinglectures.

He commented on the femalestudents' ratio to male studentsas 3453 to 1649 was due to theimplementation of meritocracy systemto secure a list of good students.

"As for this year, five top preferredcourses are accountancy, medicine,

engineering, allied health and educationand this is probably due to the careerprospects they can offer.

New students will also attend theMinggu Perkasa Putra for a week wherethis orientation programme shall easethe students' adjustment to the newenvironment.

"In accordance to the recent self-accreditation status, UPM will enhancehuman capital by producing qualitygraduates that meet employabilityrequirements" .


Inovasi peralatan mengesan kandungan babi dalam makananPUTRAJAYA, 5 ogos - PengarahInstitut Pen~e,lidikan ProdLlk Halal(IFlPIiI) U i'Vefsiti Putra Malaysia(UPM), Pr0f. Iilr. Yaakob Ohe Manmemenangi Anugerah Khas InovasiIslam 2010 dalam Karnival InovasiIslam Peringkat Kebangsaan.

Beliau memenangi anugerahtersebut melalui peralatanmengesan kandungan babidalam makanan yang merupakan

sumbangan paling besar dalambidang h'al ehwaf tstam.

~atal'lya alat yang €likenalisebagai HaFSY atau sistempengesanan halal yangdibangunkan IPPH mengesanasid deoxyribonucleic (DNA)dalam sesuatu produk sama adarnengandungi DNA babi atau tidak.

"Produk penyelidikan yangdibangunkan selama lebih setahun

ini terbukti pantas mendapatkankeRuttlsan dan mucah dibawa ke"mane-mana.

"Dengan penggunaan prosuk ini,sesiapa saja boleh menguji sesuatuproduk tanpa memerlukan kelayakandalam bidang kajian DNA: katanyapada majlis yang diadakan di MasjidTuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin di sinidan dihadiri oleh Timbalan PerdanaMenteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Page 3: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

Prime News Cl I I I I 3TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010

Digital System for Medicinal HerbsBy Noor Eszereen Juterl

SERDANG - As part of the initiativesto modernize high impact agriculture,Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) hasintroduced a digital system for medicinalherbs available at the ConservatoryPark.

Vice Chancellor of UPM, Prof. TanSriDatuk Dr. Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah saidthe system is developed to improve theinformation access on the plants availableat the Agricultural Conservatory Park andas paint of reference for the communityand the industry as part of the effort togenerate new technology and to apply aninnovation towards agriculture.

"The system is a pilot project whichinvolves botanical gardens, among themany interesting places in the countrythat attract local and foreign visitors allyear round" he said during his visit at theInstitute of Bioscience (IBS).

He also stressed that the taglineUPM 'A World Leader in New TropicalAgriculture' will require constantdedication to sustain as it reflects the

innovation effort we have applied inagriculture to a higher level.

"This is in line with the government'saspiration to incorporate technology inagriculture and as a form of support inresearch planning and implementation,"he said.

The Agriculture Conservatory Parkwas established in 2006 with 500species of herbal plants available forbiological science research.

In addition, director of IBS, Prof.Dr. Fatimah Md. Yusoff informed themedia that IBS is soon to be equippedwith Biohazard Safety Level (BSL-3)machineries in orderto fulfill requirementsfrom the European Standard EN12128and World Health Organization (WHO)Guidelines (2004) commencing August2010 once it is approved.

"The laboratory construction is forresearch conducted on the handling ofthird class pathogen virus such as theNipah virus, SARS Coronavirus, YellowFever Virus, Mycobacterium Tuberculosisdan Bacillus Anthracis" she said. One of the officer of the Agriculture Conservatory Park briefing The Vice Chancellor UPM on herbs.

1,505 Postgraduate Students Recited OathBy Mohd Falsal Md. Noor

SERDANG, 14 July - A numberof 1,505 new postgrads for the2010/2011 session gatheredto recite the new intake oath tosymbolize their new journey forthe quest of knowledge here inUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

The Vice Chancellor ofUPM, Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. NikMustapha R. Abdullah disclosedthat the enrollment comprised of1,380 Master students and 125PhD students.

"The number breaks down to263 international students (Master149 and PhD 114) and the overallenrollment stated 9,895 comprisedof 2,455 international students and7,395 of local students (Master6,011 and PhD 1,384).

The application was receivedthrough Graduate School ofStudies (SGS), Graduate School ofManagement (GSM) and the Externaleducation Centre (PPL).

A few students gave differentreactions when approached byreporters from Tribun Putra right afterthe official ceremony.

Among the new students wereMazura Shareena and her twin,Masniza Shaheeda, 25, from Jerantut,Pahang, who both decided to take upMasters in Computer Science.

Mazura disclosed that her sisterwished to experience the wind ofchange in Serdang that is well knownfor its research activities.

Maria Victoria Lucas, an American,said she had chosen UPM for itscutting edge technology in research

and at the same time UPM's locationin a lush green setting has capturedher interest to pursue her postgraduate studies here in Malaysia.

Yusser A. Taqi AI-Qazwini fromIraq has long made UPM her secondhome thus it was no surprise that shedecided to continue her PhD here rightafter she completed her BachelorDegree with First Class Honours.

In addition, the International Officehas put together a New InternationalStudent Welcoming Programme as forthe new students.

The orientation-based programwill guide these new students onculture and tradition adjustment, tipson campus safety, introduction toVisa, health services, the academicmanagement, how to file a complaintand a campus tour. The new postgrads reciting the new intake oath.

40 Media Representatives VisitedAyer Hitam Forest ReserveBy Mohd Falsal Md. Noor

PUCHONG - A group of 40 mediarepresentatives from local and abroadunder the Selangor Shines Discovery FAM-Tour 2010 had fun in the sun when theyvisited the Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve ofUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Organized by Selangor Tourism incollaboration with Gaya Travel magazine,the event was aiso attended by mediarepresentatives and tour agents fromJapan, the Philippines, includingAustralia.

During the event, media delegateshad the opportunity to explore thehidden treasures of Ayer Hitam forestreserve accompanied by the Deputy ViceChancellor (Research and Innovation),Prof. Data' Dr.Abu Bakar Salleh.

Data' Abu Bakar said the supportgiven by both local media and abroadmight boost UPM's image as an education-tourism in Selangor.

Most of the media delegates wereimpressed with their discoveries especiallythe systematic management of the forestreserve equipped with good amenitiesand clean surrounding, plus they wereamazed by the breathtaking view of the

waterfall on site and the abundance ofherb plants under the care of UPM.

Theywere given the chance to releaseLampam fries into the crystal clear river,led by Prof.Dr. Siti Shapor Siraj, a lecturerwith the Faculty of Agricultural of UPMfollowed by an exploration at the herbsgarden making discoveries using themost coveted handheld device, the iPad.

Therewas also a video demonstrationby Coordinator of Biodiversity Unit, Dr.Faridah Qamaruz Zaman on tissuecultures and a briefing on Ayer HitamForest Reserve by the Dean of Facultyof Forestry UPM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. AwangNoor Abd. Ghani.

A journalist from Japan, IshiyamaAkita was utterly astounded with thebeauty of the waterfall and was certain tospread the good words on its uniquenessupon his return to Japan.

Pak Wong Sun hailed from Koreasaid the forest reserve would make anideal edu-tourism spot in Malaysia.

Ayer Hitam is under the jurisdictionof Forest Department of SelangorCentral and was granted 80 yearlease to UPM since 1996 by theSelangor Government for the purposeof research and forest development.

The media representatives releasing Lampam fries into the river at the Ayer Hitam ForestReserve, UPM.


katanya.Tuanku Canselor juga berkenan

mengurniakan hadiah kepadapemenang hadiah peringkatuniversiti iaitu Hadiah Pingat EmasCanselor kepada Teng Wern Jyet,Bacelor Sains (Kepujian) SainsInstumentasi; Hadiah AnugerahPelajaran DiRaja kepada NurulShazini Ramli, Bacelor Sains(Pemakanan . dan KesihatanKomuniti) dan Lau Cin Dee, BacelorEkonomi.

Pingat lain yang dikurniakanbaginda ialah pingat Emas Alumnikepada Aini Azeqa Ma'rof (BacelorPendidikan Bimbingan danKaunseling), Pingat Emas YayasanPak Rashid kepada Sherwin LeeChan Kit (Bacelor Sains Hortikultur),Hadiah Agribio kepada Mohd ZalieRamli (Bacelor Sains Pertanian),Hadiah Syed Kechik kepada NoarAini Nazari (Bacelor Sains denganPendidikan Kepujian Kimia) danPingat Emas Tan Sri ProfesorEmeritus Dr. Rashdan Baba kepadaMelissa Aw Hey Mun.

Seramai 445 penerima ijazahBacelor mendapat kelas pertama,3388 kelas kedua tinggi, 1238kelas kedua bawah dan 28 kelasketiga.

Page 4: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

4TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 I » II II Research

UPM Produced a Solution forMercury Removal from FishBy Mohd Falsal Md. Noor

SERDANG - A team of UniversitiPutra Malaysia's (UPM) researcherssuccessfully invented a solution, whichefficiently removes mercury from fishduring washing treatment to leach outmercury from fish.

A researcher from the University'sFaculty of Science, Prof. Dr. JinapSelamat came up with the EfficientMercury Removal Solution where thesolution is able to remove most ofthe mercury using slurry of a highlyabsorbent acidic solution containingmercury-chelating agents.

"Mercury is known for its hazardouseffects and its enhanced toxicity.Hence, this solution is able to removemost of mercury trace during washingtreatment and fish is subsequentlyrinsed with water.

"This product is proven to removemore than 90 percent of mercury and itstill preserves the original colour, taste,texture and overall appearance of fishand products," she said during a pressconference held at the Banquet Hall ofUPM.

The invention has won Prof. Jinap agold medal and a Special Award (BestFemale Inventor) at the recently heldITEX 2010.

The product has yet to becommercialized and the price couldfetch RM200 for 4 liter per solutionfor 100kg of fish and it is highlyrecommended for the fish processingindustries.

Prof. Dr. Jinap (left) and Bakri Bakar (right) with their invention and medals.

Also contributing to the success ofthe invention are fellow researchers,Dr. Parvaneh Hajeb, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Fatimah Bakar and Prof. Dr. JamilahBakar.

In addition, a researcher fromFaculty of Design and Architecture,Bakri Bakar invented the 'Self-RetainingAnal Speculum' that can be used by aspecialist during medical procedure inthe area of anus and rectum.

He said normally medicalexamination would rely on conventionalapparatus such as the pricey stainlesssteel but it proves to be beneficial for

the specialist only."The disposable device is made of

bio composite plastic that decreasesthe chance of infections," said Bakri,who bagged 2 gold medals at PRPI2009 and ITEX2010 respectively.

The yet to be commercializedproduct is a collaboration of UPM andthe Sheffield Hallam University, ofthe United Kingdom involving fellowresearchers from Sheffield, SaifulHasley Ramli and Paul Chamberlain.

The cost of constructing the deviceis RM25 and expected to retail atRM48.

UPM Developed AgricultureTechnology for FarmersBy Noor Eszereen Juterl

TANJONG KARANG - Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) could be entrustedwith a big role in developing agriculturetechnology for farmers in the country,said Agriculture and Agro-BasedIndustry Minister, Datuk Seri NohOmar.

He added that UPM strengths relyon the field of agriculture that focuseson innovation biotechnology thatwould be able to educate farmersin transforming the system throughmodern agricultural technology.

"This will increase the standardof living by providing ease for thefarmers in adapting technology henceleading the agricultural sector for thecountry's economic growth," he saidin his speech during the Juara RakyatKementerian Bersama Pakar PertanianUPM program held here.

The program organized by Centreof Extension, Entrepreneurship andProfessional Advancement (APEEC)UPM in collaboration with the Ministryof Agriculture and Agro-Based Industrygarnered pool of expertise fromUPM straight to the site to offer freeconsultation for the local and to identifypotential problem of the TanjongKarang's community.

The Vice Chancellor of UPM,Prof. Datuk Dr. Nik Mustapha R.Abdullah said the program held inTanjong Karang was the fifth run afterthe success of similar programs held inTemerloh, Pahang; Jeli, Kelantan; BatuPahat; Johor and Pekan, Pahang.

"This open day is part ofthe University's corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) effort UPM by

The expertise from UPM consulting the local to identify potential problem In Tanjung Karang.

incorporating agricultural developmentin order to get closer to the communityespecially the farmers, breeders andlocal entrepreneurs.

"This program will also allow theopportunities for UPMto showcase theirresearch and technology discoveriesfor the farmers and entrepreneurs'benefits so that they can grip theconcept of agricultural developmentcompletely," he said.

One of UPM's agriculture's experts,Assoc.Prof. Dr. Maheran Abd Aziz fromthe Department of Technology Faculty

of agriculture said most farmers werekeen with tissue culture technologyas the modern technique is ableto expedite the growth process ofconventional plants such as banana.

"In order to apply the technology,farmers must initially acquire alaboratory to place the tissue culturesbefore they can be transferred tothe planting ground. The project isestimated to be valued at RM50, 000.

"The problem of cost is hoped to besolved with the assistance of funding,subsidy or loan, apart from guiding

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatimah demonstrating on how to use the biosensor. From rightco-researcher, Prof. Dato' Dr. Abu Bakar Sal/eh. i

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U·PM Invented'::~~"~a Device '.H' "j

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to Trace ~..lFormaldehyd:ein FishBy Noor Eszereen Juterl

SERDANG, 26 August - A group ofresearchers from Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) invented the enzyme-based biosensor technology thatis able to trace formaldehyde; achemical, which could be found infish and fish products.

Head of researchers, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Fatimah Abu Bakar from theInstitute of Bioscience, UPM saidthe technology provides a rapid andeffective method in determining thelevel of formaldehyde, a chemicalwhich can increase the risk of lungand brain cancer as well as leukaemiawhen consumed excessively.

"Despite the abusive usageof formaldehyde as preservativesin fish and fish products, there isstill no standard and systematicmonitoring procedures, hence withthis technology we might be able todetect the use of prohibited chemicalby the unscrupulous traders," sheinformed the reporters at the UPMNew Product press conferenceorganized by the University'sResearch Management Centreand the Corporate CommunicationDivision.

She said the biosensor. onlytakes 10 minutes to produce resultsas opposed to the conventional

these farmers to fully make use of thetechnology," he said.

The open-day was attended by1,000 participants, made up of mostlyfarmers, agro-based entrepreneurs andthe locals.

The expert's clinic of UPM


method, which normally took a day Jand it can be used at any location, moving transportation and a1S9' jat the fish retailers, .

The project kicked off in 2007and finally completed this year witha filed patent and funded by the .Ministry of Science and Technology, .,.j

(MOSTI).The research team was assisted

by fellow researchers, Prof. Dato'Dr. Abu Bakar Salleh, Deputy Vice 'Chancellor (Research and Innovation)of UPM, Assoc. Prof. Dr, Nor AzahYusof (UPM), Nur Indang Marzuki(UPM) and Prof. Dr. Lee Yoke Heng(UKM).

"The retail price will bedetermined by the manUfacturer butthe approximate cost of producingthe device is RM50 and it can bereused for 60 times,' she said as~-she expressed her hopes that th'is ~product will soon capture the interest ~of targeted buyers. 1

Formaldehyde is -ar;) ,importantchemical used widely by manufacture building, ateriat;and numerous household prodtlcts 1and, also used in hospital aspreservatives, for anatomi~alspecimens. Embalming in fiSV' , si, g Ithe formeldehyde Will ens,ure"' thequality appearance of th~fiSI'(and' fot:prolonged..freshness. .

offers consultation in Crop Science,Agribusiness, Aquaculture, PlantProtection, Agriculture Technology,Fertilization and Land Management,Poultry and Animal Feeds, AquaticMedicine, Ruminant Medicine and FoodTechnology.

Page 5: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

Networking II II I TRIBUN PUTRA • September 20105

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) UPM, Prof. Dato' Dr. Abu Bakar Salleh (left) in a firm handshakewith the President and the CEOof Alnair, Dr. sze Y Set (right).

UPM-ALNAIR toCollaborate on OpticCommunicationBy Mohd Faisal Md Noor

SERDANG - The Photonic Laboratory under theCentre of Excellence for Wireless and PhotonicNetwork (WiPNet), Faculty of EngineeringUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) join hands withAlnair Labs Corporation (Alnair) to advance theiralliance in optic communication research.

A senior lecturer with the Department ofComputer and Commmunication, Faculty ofEngineering, Dr. Ahmad Shukri MohammadNoor said the Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) will consist of fabrication, fiber bragggranting (FBG) that is being used in the PhotonicLaboratory.

"The fabrication machine will be placed atPhotonic Laboratory under the Wireless andPhotonic Network (WiPNet) under the supervisionof 10 researchers and 6 of them are the mainresearchers for photonic fields," he said.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research andInnovation) UPM, Prof. Data' Dr. Abu BakarSalleh , the president and the CEO of Alnair, Dr.Sze Y Set all signed the MoU.

Upon a complete tour at the PhotonicLaboratory, Dr. Sze is absolutely satisfied withthe laboratory's facilities and expressed hisapproval to open doors for UPM's staff andstudents to Alnair Laboratories in Japan for

internship.The collaboration between UPM and Alnair

began in 2004 with members from the Alnairboard of directors, and Professor Dr. Kikuchi fromthe University of Tokyo as an external examinerat Department of Computer and Communication,Faculty of Engineering, UPM.

His involvement fairly prolonged the alliancebetween UPM and Alnair even though he has nolonger in service as an external examiner.

Alnair was established in 2001 and it isa nano-technology based research suppliercompany intended for optic system developmentworth 413 mil yen (in 2008).

Alnair has international repute on its label as20 of its optic communication related productsare already on the market such as the 40Gb/sBERTtester and ultra compact femtosecond fiberlaser, amongst the most cutting-edge devices oflate.

Alnair (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. is based in PulauPinang and it handles the operation of Alnair inthe country.

Alnair is constantly seeking for opportunitiesto expand its research collaboration on photonicoutside of Japan and here in Malaysia, UPM hasa photonic research laboratory that is completelyequipped and modern led by Profesor Dr. MohdAdzir Mahdi.

UPM·Desmet Joined Forces onPalm Oil Specialty FatsBy Pari mala Subramani

SERDANG 6 July- Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) entered a memorandum of understanding(MoU) with Desmet Ballestra Company fromBelgium to work on a research on specialty fatsproduced from palm oil using the pilot plant.

The company proposed a collaborativeresearch with the Department of Food Processand Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and toplace the palm oil fractionation system.

The Direcror of Desmet Ballestra (M) SdnBhd, Khoon Kiak Kern said the collaborativeresearch will optimize the supplying process ofvarious specialty fats where the system is ableto perform fractionation up to 200kg of palm oilfor each attempt.

"Our company joins forces in researchwith universities in the Europe and the UnitedStates.

Research activities on palm oil will becarried out with the local universities," hesaid.

Khoon expressed his hopes that there willbe an increase in the consumers' demand ofproduct manufactured by this collaborative

research on palm oil specialty fats that isproven to be of high quality, reasonably priced,which then made into confectioneries such aschocolates, ice cream, icing cake and Vegancheese.

The Vice Chancellor of UPM Prof. Tan SriDatuk Dr. Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah said theMoU has the potential to generate humancapital from the economic sectors as stipulatedby the government's new economic policies.

"Malaysia should look into furthering theinvestment on palm oil nutrition research alongwith the non governmental bodies and thecommunity in order to optimize the resource:he added.

The collaborative research with Desmetshall allow heaps of opportunity especially tothe students of Food Process and EngineeringUPM to undergo for internship and to gainexposure in producing specialty fats usingefficient energy.

The ceremony was also attended by theDean, faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Mohd.Saleh Jaafar, Head of Department, Dr. Yus AnizaYusof, Assoc. Professor Dr. Chin Nyuk Ling andDr. Mohd Noriznan Mokhtar.

The MoU handover by Prof Dr der SOl Gumilar R Somantri to Prof Tan Sri Datuk Dr Nik Mustapha R Abdullah. Fromright, Prof. Dr. Sidek Abd AliI


UPM · Universitas Indonesia toCollaborate on Field of ScienceBy Prof. Dr. Sidek Abd Aziz

JAKARTA - Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) inkeda memorandum of understanding in the field ofscience with Universitas Indonesia (UI) held at thecampus on 23rd of June, in Depok, Jakarta.

Vice Chancellor of UPM, Tan Sri Datuk Dr NikMustapha R Abdullah said the collaboration ledby the Faculty of Science UPM and the FakultasMatematika dan Pengajian Imu Alam (FMIPA) UIwill work on research, teaching, learning, studentsexchange and shall be reviewed from time totime.

"It is my great hope that this collaborativeresearch will contribute to something beneficialespecially for the development of both countries

and is anticipated to extend to other faculties,"he said.

Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Der. Soz Gumilar RusliwaSomantri said UI students who are involved in thisMoU are those from the Biology Department forIndonesia housed an array of plants and tropicanimals which are suitable to be studied on.

Also present during the MoU signing were theDean from Faculty of Science UPM Prof. Dr. SidekAbdul Aziz, and the Dean from Fakultas Matematikadan Ilmu Alam (FMIPA)Dr. Adi Basukriadi.

Universitas Indonesia is one of Indonesia'spremier universities and ranked 201st in the world(34th in Asia and 5th in South East ASia) basedon Times Higher Education-QS World UniversityRanking in 2009.

UPM-MVP to ProduceAnimal VaccinesBy Pari mala Subramani

SHAH ALAM The Innovation andCommercialization Centre (ICC) of UniversitiPutra Malaysia (UPM) inked a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) with the Malaysia Vaccine& Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd (MVP) under aresearch project to produce animal vaccine fromlocal livestock.

The MoU was signed in conjunction withMVP 1st Convention 2010 joining hands withUPM and the Department of Veterinary Service(JPV) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrobased Industry. The convention was set to fuelthe commercialization effort for local researchproducts to penetrate the international market.

Apart from UPM, MVP also signed a MoU withJPV,Nano One Sdn. Bhd. including the CharoenPokphand Thailand at the same event.

The MoU is signed by Deputy Vice Chancellor(Research and Innovation) UPM, Prof. Data' Dr.Abu Bakar Salleh and the Managing Directorof MVp, Ishan Pawan Ahmad as witnessed byAgriculture and Agro based Industry Minister,Data' Mohd Johari Baharum.

Data' Mohd Johari said collaborationbetween the government, varsities, researchcenters and the private sectors is quintessentialin order to further develop the vaccine industryfor livestock.

"Malaysia can save millions ringgit annuallyif the local research institute is given theopportunity to produce animal vaccines insteadof importing like we are practicing currently," hesaid during the signing.

Prof. Dato' Dr.Abu Bakar Salleh (further left) briefingthe Agriculture and Agro based Industry Minister,Dato' Mohd lohari Baharum. (center).

Data' Mohd Johari expressed his hopes thatthe Veterinary research Institute, (VRI) under JPVwill share their expertise with UPM to expand thevaccine industry for the country's livestock.

"Positive feedback seen in 20 countriesincluding ASEAN, Asia and Africa has proven thequality and safety and foremost, the Malaysianvaccine's standard is at par as our foreigncounterparts' ," he added.

MVP is the sole Malaysian company that hadproduced 16 animal vaccines over the period of16 years with the capacity of producing 700doses of vaccine annually for poultry and swine,thanks to the privatization of VRI research.

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6TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 I ) » II Nasional / Editorial

'Recycling Rally' PupukKesedaran Kitar Semula

Oleh Noor Eszereen Juterl

SERDANG - Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) memperkenalkan program'Recycling Rally' bagi memupukwarga kampusnya kesedaranmencintai alam sekitar melalui kitarsemula bahan buangan.

Penasihat program, FairuzMuchtar berkata program anjuranPejabat Pemasaran dan Komunikasiyang julung kali itu membudayakanamalan kitar semula dalam kehidupanwarga UPM dan menyokongpenyertaan UPM dalam GreenMetricRanking of World Universities.

"Program ini memperkenalkansistem Recycle & Reward iaitumereka yang menghantar barangankitar semula seperti kertas, akhbarlama, beg plastik, botol plastikdan barangan elektronik akandiberi mata ganjaran oleh SyarikatRecycling Reward Sdn Bhd," katanyapada majlis pelancaran kempen kitarsemula di sini.

Sementara itu, wakil SyarikatFuji Xerox Asia Pacific, MarcellinusFrederick Lamhai berpendapatprogram itu perlu diadakan di setiap

Wakil Recycle Reward (kanan) sedang menimbang barangan kitar semula disaksikan o/eh pe/ajar UPM, Parimala Subramani (kiri).

untuk memaklumkan kepada rakansebaya mengenai usaha ini yangkini dipandang ringan oleh golonganremaja," katanya.

Selain itu, program tersebutmenampilkan aktiviti seperti

persembahan muzikal istimewaYayasan Anak Warisan Alam (YAWA)Eco Drum Circle yang mensmpilkankonsep kesenian dan alammenggunakan barangan kitar semulabertemakan Recycle Your Music.

institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) lainuntuk mendidik stat dan pelajarkepentingan memelihara alamsekitar.

"Penglibatan pelajar pentingkerana mereka merupakan 'duta'

Dr. Lim Swee TinBahasa Melayu, FBMK

putusan QS World University Rankingsang dikeluarkan baru-baru ini merupakanerita baik buat Universiti Putra Malaysia

(UPM) kerana UPM memperbaiki kedudukannyadaripada tempat ke-345 pada tahun 2009melonjak ke tangga 319 tahun 2010.

Sebanyak dua universiti di Malaysia jatuhkedudukan iaitu Universiti Malaya (tangga 180 ke207) dan UTM (tangga 320 ke 365); sementaratiga universiti memperbaiki kedudukan iaituUKM (291 ke 263) dan USM (314 ke 309)selain UPM.

Jumlah peningkatan tangga tiga universitiitu ialah UKM (28 tangga), UPM (26 tangga)dan USM (5 tangga). Tahniah kepada seluruhwarga UPM yang sama-sama mengemblengtenaga dalam memperkukuhkan peningkatankedudukan universiti dan Awang berharapUPM sentiasa memperbaiki kedudukan dalamsetiap ranking berasingan oleh pelbagai pihak.Walaupun ada dakwaan yang mempertikaikankaedah metodologi penilaian data, secaraperibadi Awang masih merasakan ranking-ranking ini memberi kesan kepada persoalanpersepsi.

Awang memetik kenyataan PengarahPengurusan QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd,Nunzio Quacquarelli kepada akhbar The Stariaitu QS mengukur kualiti penyelidikan universiti,kelayakan keda siswazah, komitmen pengajarandan komitmen antarabangsa.

"Ranking QS menggunakan kombinasitinjauan global dan data yang diaudit termasukjumlah citation dari Scopus iaitu pengkalandata penerbitan akademik terbesar di dunia,"katanya.

Pada kesempatan ini Awang mewakiliEditorial Tribun Putra mengucapkan SelamatHari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua pembacaTribun Putra dan warga UPM serta ucapantahniah kepada seluruh mahasiswa yangmenerima ijazah pada Majlis Konvokesyen UPMkali ke 34. Tidak lupa juga kepada tiga sahabatAwang yang bekeria sebagai staf pentadbiranUPM iaitu Shahrul Azli (MarComm) keranamemperolehi ijazah Bachelor serta Sharil NizamSha'ri (Penerbit) dan Paiman Bawon (FakultiPerhutanan) yang memperolehi PhD masing-masing. Semoga kalian menjadi contoh buat statbukan akademik untuk melanjutkan pengajiansecara sambi Ian.

Awang tidak sangka akan menulis semuladalam ruangan komentar Awang Kampus kaliini kerana tajuk komentar asal yang sepatutnyakeluar ialah "Pesan Akhir Awang Kampus kepadawarga UPM "tetapi telah Awang tarik kembali.

Sesuai dengantuntutanzaman, pertambahanpelajar luar negara menuntut perubahan padawadah bahasa Tribun Putra di mana ketika mula-mula Awang mengambil tugas sebagai EditorTribun, halaman bahasa Inggerisnya antara 5 ke10 peratus, kini halaman bahasa Inggeris TribunPutra telah ditingkatkan ke 50 peratus. 'Ii rimakasih kepada teraju penting pentenemahan yangbanyak membantu, Puan Sabrina Mahili yangbekeria keras demi memenuhi keperluan terkini.


Ketua Editorial Eksekutlt Pemberlta Pentadblran & ISO JurufotoProf. Dr. Sidek Ab. Aziz Noor Eszereen Juferi Nor Azizah Sabirin Noor Azreen Awang

Mohd Faisal Md Noor Kalpana Subramaniam Marina IsmailTimbalan Ketua Editor Eksekutit Noralis Bujang (praktikal)Abdullah Arshad Pari mala Subramani (praktikal) Penulls Bersekutu Konsep Layout

Huda Mohd Farid (praktikal) Prof. Madya Dr. Lim Swee Tin Khairul Anuar Muhamad NohKetua Editor Mohd Nazri YasinKhairul Anuar Muhamad Noh Sub-Editor Bahasa Inggerls Graflk

Sabrina Mahili Ketua Jurutoto Arafat Mashhuri AwangPenolong Editor Ahmad Fua'ad AlwiNoor Eszereen Juferi Sub-Editor Bahasa Melayu Penyelenggara online

Ahmad Yusoff Buyong Mohd Mazlimin Omar

PemasaranKamarol Abu Bakar

Tribun Putra diterbitkan oleh BahagianKomunikasi Korporat, Universiti PutraMalaysia. Tujuan penerbitan untukmenyampaikan maklumat di sampingpelbagai rencana, berita, laporansemasa berkaitan bidang pendidikandan penyelidikan Negara.

alamatkan kepada:

Editor Trlbun PutraBahagian Komunikasi KorporatPejabat Pemasaran dan KomunikasiUniversiti Putra Malaysia43400 Serdang, Selangor

Teleton: 03-89466013Fakslmlli: 03-89422609

Surat menyurat dan kiriman artikelj Ernel: [email protected]/rencana hendaklah di

Page 7: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

MPP II «« « I7

TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010

M PP UPM Berlta dan foto oleh Anas Hassan. Exco Penerbitan dan Penerangan MPPUPM

~ 7

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Lawatan Muhibah MPP UMPHadiri Konvensyen di Bulan RamadhanMPP IPTABANGI - Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) UniversitiPutra Malaysia (UPM) rnenghadlrl KonvensyenMajlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) institut pengajiantinggl awam Malaysia (IPTA) yang berlangsungpada awal ogos lalu.

Konvensyen dihadiri oleh perwakilan MPPseluruh IPTA dianjurkan oleh Universiti MalaysiaPahang (UMP) dengan kerjasama Majlis LatihanKepimpinan Universiti Malaysia (MAKLUM) danBahagian Hal Ehwal Pembangunan Pelajar (BHEPP)Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia.

Konvensyen selama tiga hari itu dianjurkanuntuk menghimpunkan semua perwakilan MPPbagi membincangkan isu-isu nasional berkaitanpembangunan mahasiswa selain menjadi platformbagl perwakilan MPP untuk menjalinkan kerjasamaantara universiti maslng-rnaslng,

Siti Fatimah Md Akhir, Setiausaha Agung MPPUPM berkata, konvensyen ini wajar untuk di hadiri

oleh semua perwakilan MPP kerana ia merupakansalah satu ruang untuk pimpinan mahasiswabersuara.

"Melalui konvensyen ini, pimpinan mahasiswaberpeluang untuk berdiskusi dan berinteraksisesama mereka dalam menentukan hala tujupembangunan mahasiswa di negara kita. Selainitu, hubungan yang eratjuga dapat dibentuk antaraperwakilan MPP universiti masing-masing.

"Hal ini penting kerana melalui hubungandiplomatik yang terjalin ini, kita dapat mengetahuiperkembangan pimpinan mahasiswa di setiapuniversiti", katanya mewakili Yang Di Pertua MPPUPM.

Terdahulu telah berlangsungnya MesyuaratMajlis Perundingan Pelajar Kebangsaan (MPPK)yang dipengerusikan oleh Timbalan PerdanaMenteri, Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin dari 4-6 Ogoslalu.

SERDANG - Seramai 21 Majlis PerwakilanPelajar (MPP) Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)mengadakan lawatan muhibah ke UniversitiPutra Malaysia (UPM) baru-baru ini.

Lawatan yang diadakan pad a awal Ramadhanlalu merupakan sebahagian daripada rangkakerja mereka untuk mengadakan lawatan keinstitut pengajian tinggi awam Malaysia(IPTA)sekitar Lembah Klang.

Yang di Pertua MPP UPM, Syed MuhammadAdam Syd Abdul Rahman, berkata dia berharapagar lawatan ini dapat mengeratkan lagihubungan antara UMP dan UPM.

"Kami berbesar hati di atas kunjunganUMP ke sini, saya mewakili pelajar dari UPMingin mengucapkan selamat datang dan terimakasih kepada MPPUMP kerana menjadikan UPMsebagai destinasi persinggahan yang pertama

"Banyak perkongsian idea dibuat dalam

pertemuan ini dan saya yakin ia mampumemastikan lagi perlaksanaan program yanglebih berimpak tingg: terhadap universiti masing-masing," katanya.

Menurut Yang Dipertua MPP UMp, MohdAedlan Nur Ahmad, rangka kerja lawatan merekake IPTA sekitar Lembah Klang ini merupakansalah satu agenda dalam takwim tahunanmereka.

"UPM menjadi pilihan kami pada kali inikerana kami ingin melihat dan berinteraksidengan MPP UPM dalam hal-hal kebajikansekitar kampus selain melihat sendiri suasanakampus hijau ini", katanya.

Terdahulu delegasi UMP yang menginap diKolej Tun Dr Ismail UPM sempat berbuka puasa,berterawikh serta bersahur di UPM sebelummeneruskan perjalanan ke Universiti IslamAntarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM).

Lancarkan UPM IGreen Scout'SERDANG - Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar(MPP) Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) dengan kerjasama PersatuanMahasiswa Fakulti Pengajian AlamSekitar (FAS)melanearkan satu programiaitu majlis Pelanearan Green ScoutUPM baru-baru ini.

Pelanearan program inidisempurnakan oleh Timbalan NaibCanselor UPM, Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi HajiRamlan (garnbar) dan merupakan salahsatu program yang dirangka sejajardengan konsep Green Campus.

Dr Mohd Fauzi dalam ueapanpelanearannya berkata, para pelajarUPM harus menghayati konsep GreenCampus ini dalam memelihara danmemulihara alam sekitar supayagenerasi akan datang akan dapatmenikmati udara bersih.

Menurut pengarah program ini,Koh Joo Fong, program Green Scout inidiwujudkan atas kesedaran dan inisiatifMPP serta FAS ialah usaha untukmemelihara alam sekitar daripadabahan merbahaya seperti polisterina.

"Polisterina digelar sebagai thewhite coffin dan bahan ini tidak mudah mereputserta mengambil masa yang lama untuk dieernaoleh tanah.

"Situasi ini akan membahayakan alam

sekitar di sarnping meneemarkan kawasansekeliling kita serta menjadikan bumi dipenuhidengan sampah yang tidak diperlukan," katanyayang juga memegang jawatan selaku TimbalanYang Dipertua V MPP UPM.

'Roadshow' KampusSERDANG - Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar universitiPutra Malaysia (MPPUPM) telah mengadakansatu siri 'roadshow' ke kolej kediaman di sekitarUniversiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Siri 'roadshow' yang diadakan pada minggukedua dan ketiga kuliah itu bertujuan untukmemberi peluang kepada para pelajar untukberinteraksi seeara terus dengan perwakilanMPPUPM.

Melalui program 'roadshow' ini, para perwakilanMPPUPM dapat turun padang dan berjumpa parapelajar untuk mendengar seeara terus tentangmasalah yang timbul di sekitar kolej kediaman.

Pengarah program 'roadshow', Choon Faiberkata, 'roadshow' pada kali ini diadakan mengikutfasa-fasa tertentu. Terdapat 4 fasa yang ditetapkan

iaitu fasa satu hingga fasa empat dan setiap fasadiwakili oleh perwakilan MPPUPM tertentu terdiridaripada perwakilan di kolej tersebut.

"Antara fasa yang terlibat ialah fasa satu iaitumelibatkan KTDI, K2 dan KC, manakala fasa duamelibatkan Kolej Serumpun serta fasa tiga pulaterdiri daripada K10, K11 dan K17, dan fasaterakhir meliputi K5, KTP dan K13.

"Setiap fasa ini diadakan selama satu hari dankeseluruhan 'roadshow' ini membabitkan tempohmasa 4 hari," katanya selaku Exeo hubungandiplomatik dan' komuniti MPPUPM.

Seorang pelajar Kolej Kelima (K5), AmirIbrahim pula ketika ditemui berkata, para pelajardapat mengenali seeara lebih dekat lagi perwakilanMPPUPM di kolej masing-masing.

Page 8: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

Oleh Khalrul Anuar Muhamad NohFoto oleh Noor Azreen Awang & Marina small

foto mengenaiUPMdi media cetak dan elektronikdari 1 Oktober 2009 hingga 30 Jun 2010 yangmempertandingkan 12 Anugerah Individu dan 6AnugerahOrganisasi.

'Pemenang terpilih berdasarkan bahanyang menaikkan imej, publisiti dan berimpaktinggi kepada UPM selain menyumbang kepadapembangunan sosial, ekonomi dan negara,"katanya selepas merasmikan Anugerah MediaUPM2010 di sini.

Seramai 14 pemenang individu daripadapelbagai organisasi media memenangi 12anugerahyangbemilai RM1000 hingga RM1,500

yangdisampaikanoleh NaibCanselorUPM.Padamajlis yangsamajuga UPMmelancarkan

Kelab Sahabat Tribun laitu kelab yang bakaldianggotai oleh pelajar yang berminat dalambidangpenulisandanmerekaakandibimbinguntukrneniadi penulis sambilan akhbar kampus UPMiaitu TribunPutrayangterbit empat kali setahun.

Anugerah Media UPM tidak mempelawapihak media mencalonkan penyertaan,sebaliknyaBahagian Komunikasi Korporat UPM mempunyaiarkib bahan media mengenai UPM yang telahtersiar di dalam media sepanjang tahun untukdikemukakankepadajuri.

SERDANG, 6 ogos - Anugerah Media UniversitiPutraMalaysia (UPM)2010 kali ketiga mengiktirafperanan media yang telah memberi sumbanganliputan berimpak tinggi terhadap aktiviti danpencapaianUPM.

Naib Canselor UPM, Prof. Tan Sri DatukDr. Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah berkata perananmedia mempublisitikan aktiviti dan pencapaianUPM bukan sahaja meningkatkan imej universititetapi berupaya menarik minat industri untukmengkomersialkanteknologi penyelidikannya.

Katanyaseramai lapanjuri ahli akademikUPMtelah menilai sebanyak 2,501 bahan artikel dan



BERnA TERBAIKKhairina Yasin

, Berita HarianLapan Penye!idika~ UPM Raih Anugerah Pingat IBS-MakmalPertama 01 Duma Jalankan Penyelidikan Status Halal '

2 November 2009 'RENCANA TERBAIKShamran Sarahan

Harian Metro'UPM Lahir Robot Terbaik', 3Mei 2010


KOSMO!'Makmal Halal Standard Dunia' 4 Jun 2010


The Star'Varsity's Green Project'


New Straits Times'Communication Without Borders', 27 Jun 2010


Berita Harian

PENULIS RENCANA PRODUKTIFAshriq Fahmy AhmadMega, Utusan Malaysia

WARTAWAN HARAPANHazwan Faisal Mohamad

Berita Harian '


Hello Malaysia, BERNAMA TV'Sekuriti Makanan-/su, Cabaran dan Masa Hadapan'

30Jun 2010 '&

Sherkawi JirimHello Malaysia, BERNAMA TV

'Sekuriti Makanan-/su, Cabaran dan Masa Hadapan'30Jun 2010 '


, Buletin Utama, TV3Penanaman Pokok Hutan UPM-Mitsubishi', 22 -23 November


Razak IbrahimBuletin Utama TV3

'Penanaman Pokok Hutan 'UPM-Mitsubishi'22 -23 November 2009 '


. PERSONALITI MEDIA UPMProf. Madya Dr. Mohammad Shatar Sabran

Pengarah,Pusat Kokurikulum, UPM








Page 9: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

10TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 I J J I II Student

18 Students Lent AHelping HandBy Syed Salfulazry AI-Edrus

TAWAU - A group of 18 students fromPendeta Za'ba residential College,Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) spentquality times with special children atthe Sri Stella Children Shelter in KotaKinabalu recently.

The UPM students put togetheran array of activities such as springcleaning, group painting, and preparingmeals for the children along with someleisure times to cheer them up.

Sri Stella's principal, HusseinDatu' Tambuyong said although thestudents got to spend only one daywith the children, they had a blastnonetheless and it was clearly reflectedon their happy faces.

The activity carried out at SriStella was one of the many BaktiSiswa 2010 programs outlined by thestudents' higher council where the6-day program placed UPM studentsat 11 foster families and having theopportunity to get to know the peopleof Merotai Besar village better.

The students carried out a springcleaning at the Hidayatullman mosque,Raudhatus-Salam Muslim cemetery aswell as the community hall.

In addition, the students also hadthe opportunity to become motivationalfacilitators and shared theirexperiences under the theme, "What'sNext After SPM" with 100 students atthe Tawau Secondary school who willsoon sit for their SPM.

Juriah Ahmad, the school'sprincipal described the philanthropy

The UPM students cheer up the children by various activity.

act among the UPM students as astepping stone to becoming a civilizedmember of community once theygraduated.

The students also paid a visit toAir Panas Old folk's Home and lent ahand in cleaning, painting murals andheld a jovial karaoke session.

Muhammad Taufiq Leong, thedirector said the day spent wassignificant to the elderly as it allowedthem to feel belonged.

UPM's students communityservice gained live media coverage for30 minutes by Tawau FM radio underthe /nteraktif@tawau FM program.

StudentsBreakMalaysiaRecordSERDANG, 8 July - StudentsAssociation from the Facultyof Veterinary and Medicine(VETERNAK) Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) along with theZoologico Association imprintedUPM into the 'Malaysia Book ofRecord' (MBR) for successfullygathering 1,100 dogs in thecampus, the largest canine crowdever recorded in the country.

It was in conjunction with'Dogathon 2010' held recently atExpo Hill, UPM and the gatheringhas toppled previous participationwhich registered only 611 dogs.

The record breaking event waswitnessed by MBR representative,Leona Paul and the Dean from theFaculty of Veterinary Medicine,Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bashir AhmadFateh Mohamed.

Dogathon 2010 was held tohelp raise fund for the Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine to maintainthe 'Pro-kaslh' program in theirbid to control the population ofstray animals including dogs.

Deputy Vice Chancellor ofUPM (Academic and International),Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Iderissaid the 'Pro-Kasih' program isaimed to improve the welfare offree-roaming dogs.

MAViC Set toSpark Nationalismin StudentsBy Noralls BuJang

SERDANG, 1 June - Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) ignited the nationalismspirit among the students through theorganizing of Merdeka Award VideoCompetiton (MAViC) 2010.

The program is aimed to promotethe spirit of unity and to highlight thelMalaysia motto, apart from showingsupport to hopeful youth to highlighttheirtalent in producing videos. The MerdekaAward Secretariat and the Departmentof Communication, Faculty of ModernLanguages and Communication(FBMK) UPM put the program togetherin collaboration with the PerbadananKemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia(FINAS)and ASTRO.

The Vice Chancellor of UPM, Prof.Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Nik Mustapha R.Abdullah said the program would actas a platform to showcase their talentsin the creative industry particularly inplaywrights, film and music.

"MAViC shall act as a platform forthe students majoring in Communication,Broadcasting, Film and Multimedia toshowcase their original masterpiece bytranslating the meaning of independencefrom their point of view," he said.

A number of 80 original masterworkout 150 submissions from the publicand private institution of higher learninghave been shortlisted and to beevaluated according to MAViC theme,'Aku dan Merdeka' (Independence and

I) on 29 May recently.After a challenging evaluejion, five

participants made it to the finals underthe Public Service Announcement with aprize worth RM3,OOO and another fivefor the Short Video category walkedawaywith a prize worth RM5,OOOduringa press conference held here. The cashprize will be used to cover the cost ofshooting which set to begin from the 1st

of June to July 16th•

A couple of students from theBachelor of Communication FBMKwho have made it to the finals are NurHakimah Izzati Jaapar for her work,'Titis-titis Kealpaan' under the ShortVideo category and Mohd ShakreenRazali for "Lain-Lain" under the PublicService Announcement category.

Nur Hakimah said she wouldproduce an impactful video thatredefines the meaning of independenceespecially to the youngsters.

"This is the first time that MAViChas come up with a theme that maytrigger nationalism among the youths,"she added.

In addition, Mohd Shakreenexpressed his hopes that throughMAViC, the public will able to perceiveUPM students in a different light; thatwe are of excellence when it comes toexpressing our creativity.

Apart from nurturing new talents inthe creative industry, MAViC is set tohighlight the quality of UPM students tothe public," he said.

Observation of the elderly carried out by the Community Welfare Department.

StudentsPerforlnedCharitableVVork atLelnbahBujangBy Noralis Bujang

BEDONG - A number of 75 studentsfrom Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) organized a communityservice programme for 52 familiesat the Lembah Bujang traditionalvillage from 3rd to 7th of Mayrecently.

On the first day, families fromdifferent social background offarmers, fishermen, and plantersopened doors for these studentsfrom Tun Dr. Ismail ResidentialCollege (KTDI) UPM as theirhomestay children throughout theprogramme.

The Community ServiceOrganizing Chairperson, NurulAkmah Ismail said the program,which carried the theme, 'LovingFamily, Harmonious Community'was set to inculcate good valuesof living in a community with hopeto generate -responsible futureleaders among the universitystudents.

Among the activities carriedout was the mass cleaning ofthe local community centre andthe cemetery performed by thestudents in collaboration with afew government agencies, thelocals; exploring the community'slifestyle in the Lembah Bujangarea; experiencing hands-on thesmall industries of the locals suchas small boat manufacturing, themaking of be/acan (shrimp paste)and bau/u (egg muffin); exploringthe fish and shrimps cage-culture,as well as the management oflivestock.

Also included in the programmewere cultural performance, theerect of UPM statuette at theLembah Bujang village, sailingthrough Sungai Merbok river andputting together a grand feast with

the locals.The five day programme is held

in collaboration with the FederalVillage Development and SafetyCommittee (JKKKP) of KampungPengkalan Bujang, Kampung KualaSegantang Garam, Kampungsegantang Garam, KampungSungai Gelam, Kampung Teluk CheLela, Kampung Ban Merbok, danKampung Bendang Dalam.

In addition, a number of12 government agencies alsoparticipated in the programme,which has gained publicity througha special media coverage by RTMKedah during a visit to PPK MerbokAgrotourisrn floating chalet.

Merbok Parliament Coordinatorand UMNO Chief, Data' Tajul UrusMat Zain officiated the programmeand assigned the families to theirhomestay children. He also took thetime to launch a new book, 'HarapanBaru Rakyat Satu Malaysia' fromInformation Department of Kedah.

KTDI former president, ZulhizamMohamad said the program hasbenefited the students enormouslyand it resonated well with UPM'smotto, 'With Knowledge We Serve'.

"Students of institutes ofhigher learning should be keen oncommunity service in order to addvalue to their academic repertoireand to build fine self esteem," hesaid.

Tau Chen San who participatedin the programme suggestedthat the programme should becontinued and revamped in terms ofactivities.

"I had nothing but fun duringmy participation in this programmeand it could be Improvised furtherparticularly in time managementand the activities outlined, hencemutually benefiting both studentsand the locals," he concluded.

Page 10: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

CADe Cl 1« I TRIBUN PUTRA • September 201011

LMS Mantapkan Pembelajarandan Pengajaran di UPME-pembe,ajaran merupakan satu bentuk inovasi

yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya. Adalahmenjadi tanggungjawab Pusat Pembangunan

Akademik (CADe) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)untuk meneroka dan seterusnya mencadangkaninovasi bagl memantapkan proses pengajarandan pembelajaran. CADe melihat penggunaansatu Sistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran (LMS)bagi seluruh kampus sebagai sebahagian usahaUPM untuk menyediakan prasarana yang lebihmantap bagi menyokong aktiviti Pembelajarandan Pengajaran (P&P). CADe yakin LMS dapatmembantu pensyarah memberi khidmat rundingandan kemudahan capaian nota kuliah dengan lebihefektif sebagai pelengkap bagi pembelajaransecara bersemuka. Ikuti temubual eksklusif KetuaPengarang Eksekutif Tribun Putra, Prof. Dr. SidekAb. Aziz dengan Pengarah CADe Prof. Madya Dr.Aida Suraya Md. Yunus baru-baru ini.

Prof Madya Or Aida Suraya Md Yunus, Pengarah CAOe.

TP (Tribun Putra) - Bagaimana denganperkembangan LMS di UPM?

UPM kini memfokus terhadap penggunaan 1LMS untuk keseluruhan kampus. Perkembanganpenggunaan LMS di UPM boleh dijejak seawaltahun SOan dengan penggunaan Kelas Maya.

Kelas Maya merupakan LMS terawal yangdibangunkan di UPM pada akhir dekad SO-an olehpensyarah Fakulti Sains dan Pengajian Alam Sekitarketika itu. Kelas Maya menggunakan teknologi LotusNotes. Bagaimanapun, LMS tersebut tidak begitupraktikal dan mesra pengguna kerana sebarangperubahan versi memerlukan pengemaskinian versiLotus Notes pada sistem pelayan dan pada setiapkomputer pengguna.

Dengan itu, LMS alternatif yang berasaskanteknologi web oerlu dipertimbangkan agar sistemyang diguna lebih fleksibel dan mudah untukpenyelenggaraan terutama sewaktu kemunculanera internet di rantau Asia ketika itu. Satu usahauntuk mengatasi masalah terse but adalah denganmembangunkan Uv1S sendiri. Maka sekumpulanpenyelidik Institut Multimedia dan Perisian, UPMpada akhir dekad 90-an berjaya membangunkanSistem e-Pembelajaran yang dikenali sebagaieSPRINT v1.0 (Sistem Pengurusan RangkaianIntegrasi Nota-Kuliah atas Talian). Seterusnyapada tahun 2003, pemantapan eSPRINT v2.0dilaksanakan dengan menaiktaraf sistem eSPRINTv1.0, dengan mengambil kira kelemahan dankekurangan fungsian versi awal. Kebetulan, sayaterlibat sam a dengan kajian untuk pembangunaneSPRINT v2.0.

Sistem LMS bo/eh dilawati me/a lui

menarik berbanding versi terdahulu, eSPRINT v2.0menambah fungsian efektif menerusi modul notakuliah, tutorial, info dan tugasan di mana pengajarboleh memasukkan nota berkaitan dan maklumatberkenaan kursus yang akan dan telah diajar. Selaindaripada itu, sistem tersebut juga menyediakanmodul forum yang membolehkan pelajar danpengajar berinteraksi antara satu sama lain.

''Antara kebaikan sistemadalah menyediakan satuplatform untuk pengajarmembuat dan menguruskegiatan akademik danmemudahkan pelajarmengakses nota melalui. "internet.TP - Bagaimana pula dengan Putra Learning

Management System (PLMS)?

Era Pembangunan LMS di UPM diteruskanpada tahun 2006 menerusi projek Putra LearningManagement System (PLMS). ObjektifpembangunanPLMS adalah menyediakan satu platform bagimembolehkan pengajar membuat dan menguruskegiatan akademik, di sam ping dapat mewujudkanmedan interaksi antara pelajar dengan pensyarahbagi pemantapan ilmu melalui teknologi internet.

PLMS telah diterima pakai sebagai salah satusistem Pengurusan Pembelajaran alternatif di UPM.Pe!bagai usaha penambahbaikan telah dilakukan keatas sistem dengan menambah beberapa fungsiansistem mengikut kehendak pengguna yang terdiridaripada pensyarah UPM. Usaha penambahanfungsian sistem adalah amat perlu dilaksanakanagar sistem sesuai digunakan dan mengikutperkembangan terkini.

TP Perkembangan eSPRINT v2.0 TP - Apakah harapan Dr Aida terhadapseterusnya? pembangunan LMS di UPM?

Matlamat utama pembangunan eSPRINT v2.0adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi sistem denganbeberapa penambahan fungsian mengikut keperluansemasa aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran.Di sam ping paparan antaramuka yang lebih

membuat dan mengurus kegiatan akademik danmemudahkan pelajar mengakses nota melaluiinternet. Di sam ping itu, LMS tersebut berfungsiuntuk mewujudkan medan interaksi antara pelajardengan pensyarah bagi pemantapan dan penyebaranilmu ke peringkat global. Walaupun PLMS ataueSPRINT telah banyak membantu sebilangan besarpensyarah dalam membudayakan e-Pembelajaran,masih terdapat kekurangan fungsiannya. Kedua-duasistem tidak mempunyai piawaian antarabangsaiaitu "SCORM Compliance". Selain itu, didapatipensyarah di UPMjuga menggunakan platform LMSyang berlainan.

data yang berasingan untuk rujukan. LMS yangseragam akan mewujudkan satu pangkalandata bersepadu dan sistematik untuk berkongsikandungan pembelajaran sistem pakar UPM. Iniakan memberi lebih ruang kepada pensyarah UPMuntuk menumpukan masa kepada penyelidikandan pada masa yang sama, kualiti pengajaran danpembelajaran dapat dipertingkatkan. Selenggaraansistem dan penyelarasan e-Pembelajaran jugamudah dilaksanakan dengan penggunaan satuLMS. Alhamdulillah kini mulai awal Julai 2009, UPMmempunyai satu LMS tunggal yang dikenali sebagaiPutraLMS yang boleh diakses melalui http.Z/

Usaha UPMdalam membudayakan penggunaanLMS ini telah kami tulis dan terbitkan sebagai satubab dalam buku terbitan antarabangsa. Maklumatbab ini adalah seperti berikut:

Aida Suraya Md. Yunus, Hamidah Meseran& Zaidan Abdul Wahab (2010). Enculturation ofthe Utilization of Learning Management System:Experience of Universiti Putra Malaysia. InS. Mukherji & P. Tripathi, Cases of InteractiveTechnology Environments and TransnationalCollaboration: Concerns and Perspectives, 323 -340. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

TP - UPM kini mempunyai LMS yang dapatdibanggakan. Boleh Dr Aida jelaskan.

Penggunaan platform LMS yang pelbagaimenyebabkan kesukaran untuk penambahbaikandan penyelenggaraan kerana ia memerlukanperuntukan kewangan yang tinggi dari segi peralatandan pakar yang mengendalikan. Oleh yang demikian,CADe berpendapat perlunya satu LMS seragamdigunapakai oleh semua warga UPM.

Ketiadaan LMS tunggaljuga menyebabkan tiadapangkalan data seragarn dan ini mengakibatkankesukaran untuk melaksanakan selenggaraansistem. Laporan juga tidak dapat dikeluarkandengan segera kerana penggunaan pangkalan

Ikuti siri kedua temubual eksklusif ini di TribunPutra keluaran akan datang.

Kami akui bahawa PLMS atau eSPRINTtelah banyak membantu pensyarah dan pelajarmembudayakan leT dalam aktiviti pengajaran danpembelajaran. Antara kebaikan sistem adalahmenyediakan satu platform untuk pengajar Pegawai CAOe menguji sistem LBS di dalam makmal.

Page 11: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

12TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 I ) II II International Delegation

By Norafzan Jaafar and Kalpana Subramanlam, Section of International Relations, Corporate Communication Division (CCD) Photos by International Section, CCD

International VisitorsZimbabwe University to Benefit from 4 Weeks Visit

June 1- Mr. S.M. Chevo, a Registrar from Universityof Zimbabwe stayed for 4 weeks at UPM for aProfessional Attachment Program. Mr. Chevo wasattached at the Registrar Office, Corporate PlanningDivision, Students Affairs Division, GraduateSchool of Management, School of GraduateStudies, Research Management Centre, BursarOffice, Academic Division, Faculty of VeterinaryMedicine, Office of the Asset Management andDevelopment, Sultan Abdul Samad Library,

Institute of Bioscience, Student Health Centre andSecurity Division.

After 4 weeks of valuable input, Mr. Chevo washighly impressed with what UPM has to offer. "I wasimpressed with the organization's management andthe execution of my visit. I have visited a numberof universities in the UK, East Africa, Namibia andSouth Africa, I found the performance of UPM isexceptionally good by international standard: saidChevo before ending his visit.

Visit by Prof. A. Memarlanl, Scientific Counsellor & Director of Iranian Students Affairs InSouth East Asia to UPM

June 18 - Prof. A. Memariani, the ScientificCounsellor & Director of Iranian Students Affairsin South East Asia, Embassy of the IslamicRepublic of Iran visited UPM to discuss mattersof mutual benefit with Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. NikMustapha R. Abdullah, Vice Chancellor, UPM.In order to promote and diversify the scientific

collaboration with Malaysian universities, theMinistry of Science, Research and Technology,Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, hasmade the decision to renew the accreditationof the universities. Prof. Memariani also tookthis opportunity to meet the Iranian students'committee for a dialogue session.

President Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan Pays A Visit To UPM

August 3 - Prof. Dr. Mansoor Akhbar Kundi,President, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan,Pakistan paid an honourable visit to UPM todiscuss on placement of lecturers from GomalUniversity into the PhD programs in UPM.

Prof. Mansoor met up with representativesfrom School of Graduate Studies, Faculty ofAgriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences andInternational Centre.

Visit by Delegates from Glasgow University, UK

June 10 - Prof. Andrea Nolan, Deputy ViceChancellor and Ms. Helen Marie Clayton, SeniorInternational Officer paid an honourable visit toUPM, thus making a way for future collaborationbetween the two universities. The professor wasscheduled to meet up with Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr.

Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah, Vice Chancellor, UPMand Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Ideris, Deputy ViceChancellor (Academic and International), UPM ontalks about educational programs. In addition, Prof.Andrea Nolan also visited the Faculty of VeterinaryMedicine, UPM as an external examiner.

July 9 - Prof. Zahidol Haque, Department ofAgricultural and Extension visited UPM and metup witft- Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Ideris, Deputy ViceChancellor (Academic and International) andProf. Dr. Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Dean, Faculty of

Agriculture. The purpose of the visit is to observeand discuss future cooperation mainly in the fieldof agriculture. The delegates were optimisticthat UPM will be a role model for Sher-E-BanglaAgricultural University.

Visit by Delegates from YogJa State University, Indonesia

July 8 - A delegation led by Prof. Nurfina, DeputyVice Chancellor(Academic), Yogja State Universityvisited UPM in a bid to initiate collaborationon research and student exchange from both

institutions. The delegates were optimistic thatthis particular visit will bear fruitful cooperationin the near future for both institutions.

Page 12: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

UPM'sPertanikaJournals --------Citation Indexed

Getting your papers published injournals is one of the most recognisedways to get your novel ideasacknowledged. On top of that, a journalgenerally helps craft those ideas in avery coherent and scientific manner.Since research has become a valuableasset to higher learning institutionstoday, it is for this reason why mostuniversities make efforts in managingtheir own journals. This definitelyinvolves several steps which begin fromsubmission to acceptance before anarticle eventually gets published.

Although UPM's hallmark journals,Pertanika series (Journal of TropicalAgricultural Science, Journal of Scienceand Technology and Journal of SocialSciences and Humanities) which werehumbly started some 32 years ago, arenow gaining their momentum andrecognition as Malaysian journals ofgood repute. From being timely on itspublication schedule, "we are nowfocusing on reducing the lag time toabout 12 weeks," says the ExecutiveEditor of Pertanika journals.

Therefore, to alleviate those notionsand get back their reputability,prominent Editorial and Advisory Boardmembers have been appointed for eachjournal. The board is now fortified bymembers that encompass high profileacademicians who are not only expertsin their respective areas, but are alsointernationally recognized.

The Pertanika Editorial Office is proudto declare that each of the six issuesthat it publishes in a year is nowavailable online, right on time. TheExecutive Editor stated that the journalshave accomplished their first milestoneof being timely as per the journals'publication schedules, and achieved agood rejection rate of papers submittedto Pertanika, demonstrating anadherence of a high quality peer-reviewprior to any acceptance or rejection of

each paper.

Conferences are known for beingexcellent platforms in promoting newideas. Recently, UPM invited ProfessorKim as a speaker for a workshop on'Secured Wireless Network towardsSecured Nation: Computer Network andWireless Network Workshop' which wasjointly organised by the Faculty ofComputer Science and InformationTechnology, CyberSecurity Malaysia andthe Ministry of Science, Technology andInnovation (MOSTI). This initiative was asubsequence to the accomplishment ofthe Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) signing between UPM and Ajou

13TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010


Diversity In Rice Genotypes Under SaltAffected Soli Based on MultivariateAnalysisA. Anandan, R. Eswaran and M. PrakashJTAS·00137·2008

Physical Characteristics and WeightRelationship of Glgantochloa Scortechln/l(Buluh Semantan) 1·, 2- and 3-Years OldNatural Stand BambooAzmy Hi Mohamed, Othman Sulaiman and RazakWahabJTAS·0161·2009

short-term Changes In the Soli Physicaland Chemical Properties due to DifferentSoli and Water Conservation Practices Ina Sloping Land Oil Palm EstateChristopher Teh Boon Sung, Goh Kah loo, Law CtiuChien and Seah Tiong SengJTAS·0164·2009

Accumulation and Depuration of Cu andZn In the Blood Cockle Anadara granosa(Llnnaeus) under Laboratory ConditionsYap, C. K., Muhamad Azlan, A G., Cheng, W.H.and and S.G. TanJTAS·0166·2009

Relationships of Distribution ofMacrobenthlc Invertebrates and thePhysico-Chemical Parameters fromSemenylh River by using Correlation andMultiple Linear Stepwise RegressionAnalysesYap, C. K. and Rahim Ismail, AJTAS·0188·2009

IT5-PCR-RFLP Analysis of Ganoderma sp.Infecting Industrials CropsNussioeti SA, l.eutten Z. and Hassaan, A.R.JTAS·0190-2009

The Spatial Interconnection betweenAgro-ecologlcal Dissimilarities andPoverty In Bangladesh: A Case StudyMd. Jahan Boksh Moral and Ruslan RainisJTAS·0191·200g

Evaluation of the Use of Farmyard Manureon a Guinea Grass (Panlcum maximum) •Stylo (Stylosanthes gulanensls) MixedPastureAhmed SA, Halim, R.A. and Ramlan, M. F.JTAS·P192·20P9

CarCass Compositions In Three differentBreeds of Chicken and Their Correlationwith the Growth PerformanceIH Lokman, ABl Zuki, YM Gall, AQ Salili and MMNoordinJTAS·0193·2009

Impacts of Livestock Grazing on SelectedSoli Chemical Properties In IntensivelyManaged Pastures In Peninsular MalaysiaMajid Ajorlo, Ramdzani Bin Abdullah, Ahmad HusniMOhd. Hanif, Ridzwan Abd. Halim and Mohd KamilYusoffJTAS··O·195·2P09

Heavy Metal Concentrations In Ceiling Fanand Roadside Car Park Dust Collectedfrom Residential Colleges In UnlversltlPutra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangorc. K. Yap, Chew, W. Y., and S. G. TanJU5·01,97·2009

University, To further enhance theinternalization aspect of its editorialboard, Pertanika invited ProfessorKi-Hyung Kim as a member of theJournal of Science and Technology (JST)Editorial Board.

included an introduction to the lSIof Knowledge, the lSI journal selectionprocess, and journal citation report onthe lSI Web of Knowledge. Theparticipants were also interactively inthe hands-on training session on the lSIWeb of Science (Citation Indexes) andJournal Citation Reports (Impact

Factors).In line with the university's objective toobtain an lSI status for Pertanikajournals, RMCorganized a one·day UPM- Thomson Reuters workshop in Aprilthis year, in collaboration with ThomsonReuters. Participants of the JournalWorkshop 2010 were mesmerised bythe guest speaker, Dr. Lim Khee·Hiang,the Principal Trainer-CustomerEducation of Thomson Reuters. Histopic for the afternoon sessionemphasised on the Tools for BetterResearch and Academic Writing, which

In its continuousPertanika a highly regarded academicjournal, a Code of Ethics was recentlydeveloped. "This is primarily intended tospecifically address issues pertaining topublication ethics and conducts such asplagiarism, authorship and copyright, aswell as other relevant matters which areapparently becoming visible," saysDr Nayan Kanwal.

Paper Submission InstructionsFor the two 2011 issues, papers must be submitted only via theExecutive Editor's office. Please feel free to contact the executive editor [email protected],edu.myfor guidance on the Online submission process.

Please find the journal's profile at:

Teluk Bahang Permanent Forest Reserve,PenangAsyraf Mansor and Rahmad ZakariaJTAS·0199·2009

Phylogenetic Relationships among'Different Breeds of Domestic Chickens InSelected Areas of Peninsular MalaysiaUsing RAPD MarkersYap Fook Choy and Jayaraj Vijaya KumaranJTAS.{)209·2009

Mas Cotek (Ficus Deltoldea) A PossibleSupplement for Type" Diabetes: (A PilotStudy)S.Oraman, M. AM Aris, Razman, Akter SFV, AzlinaH., Nor Allina A R, MUlaffar , Norazlanshaf1 H.and AzianJTAS'0211'2009

Current ZP3·based ImmunocontraceptlveVaccine for Free Ranging Wild PestLa, S.C., Zeenathul, N.A, Sheikh Omar, AR. andMoM. Azmi, M.LJTAS·0213·2009

Cottonseed Oil as Health OilSavanam Chandra Sekhar and Bhaskara Rao, II.K.JTAS·0214·2009

Comparison of Anthocyanin and PhenolicContents between Tuber and Callus ofIpomoea batatas (L.)Seow Ying Chen, Wai Sum Yap and Wilson ThauLym YongJTAS·0215·2009

Genotyplng of Sarawak Rice CultlvarsUsing I'JIlcrosatelilte MarkersLee, H. 'H., Neon, P. P. N" Bong, W. S. T.,Puvaneswaran, J., Wong, S, C.. Yiu, P. H. andRajan, A.JTAS·0223·2009

Fish Biodiversity Survey (2009) ofStreams In the Ayer Hltam ForestReserve, Puchong, SelangorYuAbit, L., I.S. Kamaruddin, Z. Mohd-Rozhan, M, Y.Ina·Salwany and AS. Mustafa- KamalJTAS·0226·2009

Diversity and MorphologicalCharacteristics of Aspergillus species andFusarIum species Isolated from CornmealIn MalaysiaNithiyaa, P., Nur Ain Izzati, M.z .. Umi Kalsom, Y,Salleh, B.JTAS'{)228'2009

Utilization of Glucose Recovered by PhaseSeparation System from Acid-HydrolysedOil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch for BloethanolProductionMohd HUlairi MoM Zainudin, Nor'Aini AbdulRahman, Suraini Abd·Aziz, Masamitsu Funaoka,Takanori Shinano, Yoshihito Shirai, MinatoWakisaka, MoM Ali HassanJTAS·0246·2010

Applicability of Vlrtopsy In VeterinaryPractice: A Short ReviewAbdulazeel O. Ibrahim, Abu Bakar Z. Zuki andMustapha M. NoordinJTAS·0252·2010

Detection of Kol Herpesvirus (KHV) InCyprlnlus carpIo (kol) Stocks usingEnzyme-Linked Immunolorbent Assay(ELISA)Alila, A., Way, K., Wood, G., Ainol, Y. M. Y.,Kamisa, A .. Norfauzana, M. A .. Jafrizah, A. R, andSabri, M. YJTAS'{)254·2010

Malaysian Horseshoe and Roundleaf Bat.Sazali, S.N .. Besar, K. and Abdullah, M. T.JTAS·0280·2010

AUregate Stability of Tropical Solis InRelation to their Organic MatterConstituents and Other Soli PropertiesChristopher Teh Boon SungJTAS·0296·2010

Page 13: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

14TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010 J ) ), J, Fokus Fakulti

FSKTMFoto oleh Noor Azreen Awang dan Marina Ismail-Melestari Kecemerlangan ICT

Rkulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi MaklumatFSKTM) ditubuhkan pada 1 Oktober 1998elaras dengan perkembangan pesat sains

komputer dan teknologi maklumat dan keperluantenaga mahir dalam bidang berkenaan di negaraini. Penubuhan fakulti ini adalah hasil menaik tarafJabatan Sains Komputer yang dahulunya di bawahFakulti Sains dan Pengajian Alam Sekitar. JabatanSains Komputer itu sendiri telah ditubuhkan padaMac 1992 untuk memantapkan pengendalianprogram Bacelor Sains Komputer dan Diploma SainsKomputer yang telah ditawarkan semenjak tahun1982. Sebelum kewujudan jabatan ini, kedua-duaprogram pengajian tersebut telah dikendalikan olehJabatan Matematik.

Pada Jun 2001 FSKTM telah berpindahke bangunan baru. Pada awal Mei 2010 yanglalu sebahagian dari pentadbiran FSKTM telahberpindah ke bangunan tambahan yang telahdibangunkan bersebelahan dengan blok bangunansedia ada. Setakat ini FSKTM telah mempunyai3 blok bangunan yang terdiri dari Blok A, Blok Bdan Blok C. Sejajar dengan keperluan pengajarandan pembelajaran fakulti telah menyediakan 13makmal komputer dan 13 makmal penyelidikandengan kemudahan komputer sebanyak 725 unit.Di samping itu fakulti juga menyediakan kemudahanasas yang lain iaitu sebuah Dewan Kuliah Utamayang boleh memuatkan seramai 200 pelajar, 3 buahBilik Kuliah dengan kapasiti muatan 50 - 80 pelajardan 2 buah Bilik Seminar yang boleh memuatkan50 orang pelajar setiap satu.

Bagl mengetahul rentetan keeemerlanganFSKTM, wartawan Trlbun Putra Noor EszereenJuferl telah menemubual Dekan FSKTM, Prof. Dr.Abdul AzIm Abd. Ghani baru-baru 1nl. Ikutl haslltemu bual tersebut.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Azim Abd. Ghani, Dekan FSKTM.

Trlbun Putra (TP) : Kekuatan kepakaran, tenagapengajar dan program pengajlan dl FSKTM?

Pada masa ini, fakulti menawarkan satuprogram prasiswazah yang mempunyai empatpengkhususan pada peringkat bacelor iaituBacelor Sains Komputer Pengkhususan SistemKomputer, Bacelor Sains Komputer PengkhususanMultimedia, Bacelor Sains Komputer PengkhususanKejuruteraan Perisian dan Bacelor Sains KomputerPengkhususan Rangkaian Komputer dengan jumlahkeseluruhan pelajar seramai 568 orang. Dariawal penawaran program Bacelor Sains Komputersehingga kini, seramai 6420 graduan telahdilahirkan daripada semua program prasiswazahyang ditawarkan. Pada peringkat pascasiswazahpula, FSKTM menawarkan program Master SainsKomputer dengan tiga bidang pengkhususan iaituKejuruteraan Perisian, Pengkomputeran Teragihdan Sistem Multimedia. Manakala Program MasterSains dan Doktor Falsafah (PhD) menawarkan13 bidang pengajian iaitu Bahasa dan SistemPengaturcaraan, Dapatan Semula MaklumatMultimedia, Grafik Komputer, Kejuruteraan Perisian,Keselamatan dalam Komputeran, PengkomputeranCerdas, Pengkomputeran Selari dan Teragih,Penglihatan Komputer, Pengurusan Pengetahuan,Rangkaian Komputer, Sistem Maklumat, SistemMultimedia dan Sistem Pangkalan Data denganjumlah keseluruhan pelajar adalah seramai 398.Sejak awal penubuhan fakulti sehingga kini, FSKTM

Mereu tanda bangunan hadapan fakulti.

telah melahirkan seramai 813 graduan programpascasiswazah.

Kini, FSKTM beroperasi dengan 4 jabatanberasaskan sains komputer dan ICT (Informationand Communication Technology) iaituJabatan Sains Komputer, Jabatan Multimedia,Jabatan Sistem Maklumat dan Jabatan TeknologiKomunikasi dan Rangkaian. Fakulti mempunyaiseramai 103 orang staf akademik yang terdiri

((FSJ([M merupakan di antarafakulti yang awal menerimastatus MSC yang diberikanolehMultimedia DevelopmentCorporation (MDeC). "

daripada 2 orang Profesor, 9 orang Profesor Madya,29 orang Pensyarah Kanan, 25 orang Pensyarahdan 38 orang Tutor yang mempunyai kepakarandalam pelbagai bidang. Peratusan pensyarahFSKTM yang berkelayakan Doktor Falsafah adalahsebanyak 70%.

Selain daripada itu, FSKTM bekenasemadengan Fakulti Ekologi Manusia untuk programdwimajor Bacelor Sains (Pembangunan Manusiadan Teknologi Maklumat).

TP : Pencapalan dan penglktlrafan terhadapfakultl yang cemerlang dl dalam dan luar negaramellbatkan pensyarah dan pelajar.

Fakulti merupakan di antara fakulti yangawal menerima status MSC yang diberikan olehMultimedia Development Corporation (MDeC).Selain daripada itu, fakulti telah dipilih sebagai IPTuntuk kajian awal dalam pembentukan standardpengkomputeran Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia(MQA).

Majlis Anugerah Penyelidik Cemerlang (APC)2007 telah diadakan untuk mengiktiraf parapenyelidik cemerlang Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM). Pada majlis ini, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Othmantelah menerima Anugerah Penerbitan Cemerlangbagi Kelompok Sains dan Teknologi.

Manakala pada Majlis Gemilang Akademia Putra(MGAP) 2009, Dr. Shamala Subramaniam telahmenerima Anugerah Pengajaran Putra bagi kategoriPengajar Muda. Hasil inovasi dan dengan kreativitibeliau yang tinggi dalam pembangunan pengajarandan pembelajaran menerusi hasil seperti penulisannota kuliah, buku, modul dan bahan pengajaran laintelah menyebabkan beliau tercalon dan seterusnyamenerima anugerah tersebut. Beberapa pelajarfakulti juga telah menerima Anugerah PelajarTerbaik daripada Exxon Mobil Malaysia semenjaktahun 2007. Beberapa staf dan pelajar fakulti jugatelah menerima anugerah Merit dalam Imaging CupCompetition dan Business Plan Competition.

Fakulti juga mendapat pensijilan MS ISO

9001:2000 pada 27 Julai 2007 untuk tempoh tigatahun. Pada tahun 2009, selaras dengan peralihanstandard kepada MS ISO 9001:2008, fakulti telahberjaya mendapat pensijilan MS ISO 9001:2008.

TP : Sejauh mana keJayaan penyelldikan danpenerbitan fakulti? (dalam dan luar negara)

FSKTM telah berjaya memperoleh danapenyelidikan e-Science Fund daripada KementerianSains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI), SkimGeran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) daripadaKementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPT) danSkim Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (RUGS).

Pada tahun 2009, FSKTM telah menerimasebanyak RM316,800.00 daripada e-Science Fund,RM100,000.00 diperolehi di bawah Skim FRGSdansebanyak RM402,280.00 diperolehi di bawah SkimRUGS. Perolehan dana ini telah menjadi pemangkinke arah pembangunan penyelidikan yang dapatmemberikan sumbangan dalam dunia ICT. Sehinggakini FSKTM telah memperolehi keseluruhanperuntukan dana penyelidikan sebanyak RM 5.8juta.

Penyelidik di fakulti juga telah menunjukkankejayaan dengan memenangi anugerah dalambeberapa pameran yang dianjurkan di peringkatuniversiti, kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. PadaPameran Rekacipta Penyelidikan dan InovasiUPM yang- bermula dari tahun 2002, FSKTM telahmenerima 32 pingat emas, 64 pingat perak dan 57pingat gangsa. Penyelidik FSKTM juga rnernenangibeberapa anugerah di peringkat kebangsaan sepertiEkspo Teknologi Malaysia (MTE 2006 - 2009) (1emas, 1 perak dan 9 gangsa), Ekspo Penyelidikandan Ciptaan IPTA 2007 (1 gangsa) dan MalaysiaInternational Invention, Innovation and TechnologyExhibition 2008 (1 perak). Di peringkat antarabangsapula, penyelidik FSKTM turut memenangi beberapaanugerah seperti di Invention and New ProductExposition 2007 (1 perak), British Invention Show,British Inventors Society 2007 (1 emas) dan Innova-Eureka Brussels Exhibition 2007 (1 emas).

Fakulti juga telah menunjukkan peningkatan

dalam penerbitan makalah. Pada tahun 2009,sebanyak 126 makalah telah diterbitkan dalamjurnal indeks sitasi (citation indexed), 46 dalamjurnal indeks bukan sitasi (non-Citation indexed), 1buku, 13 bab dalam buku, 34 prosiding persidangandan 3 untuk penerbitan lain. Tiga daripada presidingpersidangan antarebangsa telah beneya memenangianugerah "Best Paper Award". Jumlah keseluruhanpenerbitan fakulti sejak 2002 adalah sebanyak930 makalah. Selain itu, dua permohonan patendaripada penyelidik FSKTM telah beriaya difailkanke Perbadanan Harta Intelek Malaysia (MyIPO).

TP : Formula kejayaan dan perancangan masadepan fakulti untuk mencapai kecemerlangan

Untuk mencapai kejayaan, prinsip sebaik-baik manusia ialah orang yang memberi manafaatkepada orang lain menjadi penekanan. Penekanankepada prinsip ini selari dengan tujuan tugasanharian yang dilaksanakan oleh setiap staf fakulti.Prinsip ini juga bertepatan dengan motto UPM"BERILMU BERBAKTI".

Sehubungan dengan itu fakulti akan sentiasamenyemak kurikulum pengajian agar ianyabersesuaian dengan perkembangan ilmu, teknologi,dan pasaran. Untuk mengukuhkan sumber manusiadalam usaha melaksanakan tugasan secaraberterusan, keperluan kepada latihan terhadappenemuan dan teknologi baharu ICT akan dititikberatkan.

Manakala kumpulan penyelidikan bersama-sama dengan fakulti di galakkan untuk terusberusaha mempromosi program pengajian siswazahdan penyelidikan agar dapat menarik ramai pelajarsiswazah yang berkualiti menyambung pengajiandi UPM. Kursus pendek yang bersesuaian dengankeperluan pelajar siswazah akan diadakan agardapat membantu pelajar siswazah menjalankankerja penyelidikan dengan lancar.

Selain daripada itu usaha untuk menjalinkanhubungan dengan industri ICT tempatan danantarabangsa, dan universiti luar negara akandipergiatkan.

Suasana pembelajaran di da/am makmal komputer.

Page 14: Penyelidik UPM Menang 11 Pingat di USA

Nasional II C I C I15

TRIBUN PUTRA • September 2010

Ziarah RamadanBantu PelajarOleh Mohd. Falsal Md Noor

SERDANG, 1 Sep - Bahagian Hal EhwalPelajar (BHEP) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)menganjurkan program Ziarah Amal Ramadan bagimembantu pelajar-pelajar fakir UPM menyambutHari Raya Aidilfitri.

Timbalan Naib Canselor (HEPA)Prof. Dr. MohdFauzi Ramlan berkata seramai 17 orang pelajarUPM daripada keluarga fakir miskin dan daif diberibantuan zakat RM1,000 berserta barangan dapurbernilai RM200.

"Program bertujuan membantu pelajar dankeluarga mereka untuk membuat persiapanmenyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri dengan lebihsempurna.

"Program tahunan kali ketiga itu memulakanpenyerahan bantuan kepada tiga pelajar dariSabah dan Sarawak yang tidak pulang berhari raya

kerana kesempitan wang," katanya.Baki serahan kepada 14 pelajar lagi akan

dihantar oleh wakil BHEP kepada rumah pelajarterbabit di kampung rnasing-rnaslng.

Pelajar Bacelor Pendidikan Sains Rumahtangga, B.B Atika Yusof dari Tawau, Sabahberkata sumbangan itu adalah kali pertama yangditerimanya.

"Saya bersyukur kerana UPM mengambil beratterhadap kami yang susah," katanya yang berasaldari Tawau, Sabah.

Pelajar Bacelor Pendidikan Moral dari KotaBelud Sabah, Ramadhan Muntaha pula berkatabeliau bersyukur kerana terpilih daripada ramaipelajar yang memohon bantuan.

"Saya berharap surnbangan ini bolehmembantu bapa saya yang berpendapatansebanyak RM150 sebulan sebagai petani,"katanya Iagi,

UPM Juara KeseluruhanKejohanan Golf IPTOleh Noor Eszereen Juferi

KUCHING - Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)meraih johan keseluruhan Kejohanan Golf IPTMalaysia Ke-38 yang dianjurkan oleh UniversitiMalaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) pada 5-6 Jun laludi Kelab Golf Sarawak, Petra Jaya Kuching danSarawak Club Golf & Resort, Kota Samarahan,Sarawak.

UPM yang diketuai Zolkepli Othman selakukapten golf menjuarai kategori tetamu dan nettctengan skor 219 dan 575, manakala UniversitiTeknologi Mara (UiTM) menjuarai kategori gross

dengan skor 644 dan Universiti Pertahanan NasionalMalaysia menjuarai kategori VIP dengan skor 217.

Kejayaan UPM melayakkannya dinobatkansebagai juara keseluruhan, manakala UiTMdianugerahkan sebagai kontijen terbaik kejohanan.Sebanyak 20 IPT awam, dua wakil IPT swasta sertawakil Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi terbabit dalamkejohanan kali ini.

Kejohanan Golf Antara IPT Malaysia Ke-38 yangmerupakan usaha untuk menjadikan Kejohanan GolfIPTMalaysia sebagai kejohanan rasmi untuk semuainstitusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia.

UPM Bolot 4 EmasTaekwondo, 3 EmasBoling PadangOleh Khairul Ikhsan Shah

NILAI - Empat atlit Taekwondo UPM berjayameraih empat pingat emas acara Sparing danPoomsae dalam Kejohanan Sukan MASUM 2010Fasa 2 dari 23 hingga 30 Mei lalu di UniversitiSains Islam Malaysia (USIM) di sini.

Pingat Emas disumbangkan oleh NicholasNathan dalam acara Sparing Middle Lelaki,Nur 'Amirah Inani Sabri (Sparing Fin Wanita),Rachel Chua Yin Tse (Poomsae Individu Wanita)dan Pommsae Wanita berkumpulan. Gangsadisumbang melalui acara Sparing Light lelaki.

Sementara itu seperti yang dijangkakan,pasukan Bola Keranjang Wanita UPM

mempertahankan pingat emas tiga tallun berturut-turut dengan mengalahkan Universiti UtaraMalaysia (UUM) 62 -32 di Stadium Tertutup Nilai.

Ketua pasukan, Claudine Kok Hui Yinn berkatakemenangan dicapai hasil persiapan awal pasukanyang berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang baik.

Pasukan Boling Padang Wanita UPMmenambahkoleksi pingat emas apabila berjaya merangkul tigapingat emas sementara pasukan Boling PadangLelaki UPM menyumbang tiga pingat gangsa.Sebanyak 8 acara dipertandingkan dalam Fasa 2iaitu Boling Padang, Bola Baling, Bola Keranjang,Catur, Futsal, Pencak Silat, Taekwondo, Bola Sepakdan Bola Jaring.

Dr. Amini Arnir AbdullahFakulti Ekologi ManusiaUniversiti Putra Malaysia


YM. Raja Dr. Nazrin, Raja MudaPerak ketika menerima ijazah dalam

Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya padatahun 1990. Ketika itu baginda bertitahmenasihati graouan agar kembali kepangkuan masyarakat untuk menabur budi,jasa dan bakti setelah memperolehi ilmu diuniversiti. Baru-baru ini pada 16 Julai 2010saya berpeluang sekali lagi mendengartitah ucapan baginda dalam majlis anjuranAKEPT iaitu Siri Syarahan Tokoh TernamaAkademi Kepemimpinan Pengajian Tinggi diHotel Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur bertajuk"Pemimpin Membentuk Pemimpin: Ke arahKecemerlangan dan Persaingan Globaldi Institusi Pengajian Tinggl". Turut hadirdalam siri syarahan pada kali ini ialah VB.Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, Timbalan MenteriPengajian Tinggl; Tan Sri Dr Wan Mohd ZahidWan Nordin; Pengerusi Lembaga PenasihatAKEPT, dan Tan Sri Sidek Hassan; KetuaSetiausaha Negara.

Sebagai seorang yang bijak, berani,telus dan tegas, Raja Nazrin menyarankanagar muzakarah dan munaqasyah mengenaibidang pengajian tinggi sentiasa digalakkanagar ianya sentiasa bermomentum keranabidang pengajian tinggi bukanlah suatu"produk yang muktamad", Baginda jugamenyarankan agar institusi pengajian tinggidi Malaysia membandingkan dan bersaingdengan universiti-universiti ternama di luarnegara jika mahu menjadikan Malaysiasebagai hab pengajian tinggi.

Titah beliau lagi, sebarang usahapengantarabangsaan IPTperlu seiring denganusaha menangani globalisasi dan mengikutsenario semasa. Baginda merujuk kepadaEmerging Global Model (EGM) untuk universiti-universiti penyelidikan bergerak pantassebagai institusi utama yang menyumbangkepada kemajuan sosial dan ekonominegara. Strategi kerjasama kesarjanaan danintelektual serta penggabungan kepakarandan idea dengan universiti antarabangsadapat merealisasikan kecemerlangan IPTdan memperkasa persaingan di peringkattempatan dan persada antarabangsa. Disam ping itu, tumpuan mestilah diberikanjuga kepada disiplin dan ilmu yang kritikaldan penting agar ia lebih bermanfaat kepadasemua.

Namun demikian, dalam keghairahanmenggalakkari pengantarabangsaan, inovasidan penyelidikan berimpak tinggi, pengajarandan pembelajaran janganlah diabaikan.University of Oxford masih lagi mensasarkansebagai peneraju utama dalam pembelajarandan pengajaran walaupun ia adalah di antarauniversiti ternama di dunia yang menumpukankepada aspek penyelidikan. Apa yang menarikialah contoh yang diberikan oleh YM. RajaNazrin mengenai inisiatif bersama tiga buahuniversiti di Belanda iaitu University ofTwente,Delft University of Technology dan EindhovenUniversity of Technology yang menguruspengajian siswazah secara bersama melaluikerjasama merentasi sempadan organisasi.

Titahnya lagi, IPT perlu mempunyaimodel urustadbir dan amalan pengurusanyang tidak terlalu rigid kerana ia bolehmenghalang IPT daripada bergerak danmaju kehadapan. Beliau juga menyarankanagar rakyat diperlengkapkan dengankemahiran berfikir secara loglkal, bertindakberasaskan kewarasan, inovatif dan kreatif.Pembentukan modal insan berilmu daninovatif untuk persaingan ekonomi globalboleh dilakukan oleh Institusi PengajianTinggi (IPT) melalui satu transformasi tuntasdan ejen perubahan yang berkesan. Malaysiaberada pada kedudukan ke 11 di duniadaripada segi destinasi popular untuk pelajar-pelajar antarabangsa dengan jumlah seramai70,000 orang. Baginda juga mencadangkanperkongsian intelektual (brain sharing)untuk mempertingkatkan keberkesananpengurusan modal insan dalam sektorpengajian tinggi. Pendemokrasian pendidikanmelalui konsep pembelajaran sepanjanghayat masih lagi relevan demi untuk untukmemenuhi keperluan dan kehendak industri.

Tiga strategi untuk memartabatkanstandard pengajian tinggi mengikut tuntutanpasaran semasa ialah menyelesaikanpermasalahan stigma sosial mengenaiprofesion kolar biru. Strategi kedua ialahuntuk memastikan bahawa mereka yangterbukti mempunyai kelayakan akademik yangistimewa mutunya untuk terus berada dalamsistem pengajian tinggi dengan diberikaninsentif kewangan atau bukan kewanganuntuk membolehkan mereka merealisasikanpotensi yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri.Ketiga, relevansi praktikal sesuatu ilmu perluditerapkan dalam teras kurikulum untukmenggerakkan pendidikan bersepadu.

Baginda juga menyarankan betapapentingnya diwujudkan keseimbangan antaraekspektasi kerajaan dan autonomi universiti.IPT juga perlu bersedia memberikan responskepada ekspektasi pihak luar. Kecemerlanganpengajian tinggi memerlukan kerjasama eratantara IPT dengan pihak awam dan swastadalam penyelidikan dan latihan. Penyelidikandalam bidang kemanusiaan dan sains sosialpula tidak patut dikorbankan dalam menjanakepesatan p,enyelidikan dalam bidang sainsdan teknologi kerana asas sains sosialadalah penting untuk masa depan negara.

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TribSeptember 2010 Bil.65 PP10540101120I I (02B082)

Students PerformedCharitable Work atLembah Bujang110

Ziarah RamadanBantu Pelajar


• The Star

, . UPM Achievements . - .'Excellent' Score (Tier Five) for 18 VarsitiesPUTRAJAYA-Eighteen higher education institutionsachieved Tier Five or "excellent" status in theRating System for Malaysian Higher Education2009 (Setara).

Seven of them were public universities andthe rest were private universities.

The public universities are Universiti PutraMalaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaya,Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti IeknologiMalaysia and Universiti Teknologi Mara.

Another 25 institutions - 14 private and 11

public - were classified as Tier Four or "Very Good"while four achieved Teir Three or "Good" status.

No institutions managed to get the highestclassification of Tier Six, said Higher EducationMinister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin whenannouncing the Setara results.

"Those in Tier Five will receive incentives likebeing able to enroll local and foreign governmentsponsored students, have access to governmentgrants and can determine their postgraduatestudent intake," he said at a press conference.

Mohamed Khaled added that Tier Five private

institutions would also be exempted from certainprovisions in the Private Higher EducationalInstitutions Act 1996 (Act 555).

They need not have to apply for teachingpermits for lecturers, can determine the salary offoreign lecturers and set course fees.

Apart from giving education providers a clearpicture of their standing, the Setara results wouldbe used as a basis to improve higher educationpolicies, he added.

When tabling the 10th Malaysia Plan, PrimeMinister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced

that Government funding for public universitieswould depend on a varsity's performance inSetara.

Meanwhile, Universiti Putra Malaysia,Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysiaand Universiti Sains Malaysia retained their statusas research universities for another three yearsbeginning this year, Datuk Seri Mohamed KhaledNordin said.

He said the decision to retain their researchuniversity status was based on the audit report forthe year 2007 to 2009.

Dr. Tan - Winner of YoungScientist Award in ShanghaiBy Mohd. Falsal Md Noor

SHANGHAI, 7 July - A lecturer fromthe Faculty of Food Science andTechnology Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Chin Pingbrought home a prestigious award atthe 2010 Prosper. Net-Scopus YoungScientist Award in SustainableDevelopment held recently in TongjiUniversity, Shanghai on July 5th,2010.

He was declared a winner basedon the collective number of cite andh-index including high number ofpublication and under the 'Agricultureand Food Security' category.

He received USD 1,000 cashprize and a fellowship from theInternational Bureau of the GermanMinistry of Education to fund hisone-year research at any universityof his choice in Germany.

"Dr. Tan has published a numberof 100 scientific articles in prominentinternational journals, 4 books,3 patents, and presented more

Dr Tan receiving prestigious award fromUniversity.

than 120 papers in internationalconferences, recipient of 30international and local awards andhe has received 25 research fundsfrom various agencies.

"His research is focused onthe expansion of green processtechnologies and the processing

of palm oil as well as foodmanufacturing.

This year's award is sponsoredby Elsevier and awarded to youngresearchers and scientists of lessthan 40 years old who are constantlycontributing to research activities inthe Asia Pacific region.

UPM Awarded bySelangor Zakat BoardBy Irma Fahrl Shahrlzan

SHAH ALAM - Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) was awarded withthe 'Anugerah Prestasi PeningkatanPembayar Tertinggi Penolong AmilIPTA2009' in the 2009 Alms CollectorAward Ceremony by Selangor ZakatBoard (LZS) recently.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (HEPA) ofUPM, Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi Ramlanrepresented UPM in receivingthe award presented by the ChiefExecutive Officer of LZS, MohamedIzam Mohamed Yusof at De PalmaHotel Shah Alam.

"UPM has successfully increasedthe number of alms payer to 40.42 %or 487 as compared to the previousyear.

"I'm deeply grateful towards UPMstaff for fulfilling their duties throughUPM Zakat Fund," he said.

The event was attended by 70alms collectors and was held in

Deputy Vice Chancel/or (Student Affairs & Alumni) Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi Ramlan receive theaward presented by the Chief Executive Officer of LZS,Mohamed Izam Mohamed Yusof.

appreciation of these agents andtheir contribution for the managementof alms in Selangor.

12 awards were given out to

a number of collector agents whohave gathered high amount of alms,highest alms payee and also for thehighest collection.

The Crown Prince Perils Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra presenting Mohd Faizan Zolkifli theBest Officer Cadet award (Army).

Faizan, Norashikin·Best Officer Cadetsfor IPTA PALAPESBy Noor Eszereen Juferl

GEORGETOWN - The Crown Princeof Perlis Tuanku Syed FaizuddinPutra awarded two students fromthe Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)with the Best Officer Cadet award toSenior Under Officer Mohd FaizanZolkifli (Army) and to Senior OfficerCadet Norashikin Anjur (Navy).

Faizan is a student of Bachelorof Science Human ResourceDevelopment, Faculty of EducationalStudies and Norashikin Anjur is astudent of Bachelor of Agriculture(Aquaculture), Faculty of Agricultureand they were among 1,130 officercadet from the reserve officerstraining unit (ROTU/ PALAPES)during the ROTU Officer Cadet Royal

Commissioning Ceremony heldat the Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM).

A number of 70 officer cadets ofUPM PALAPES were commissionedthis year under the Army and Navycategories.

In addition, Tuanku SyedFaizuddin stressed in his speechthat the country is in constantneeds of human resources that aremade of resilient, intelligent, strong-minded and bold in facing futurechallenges and to brace up for thecountry's defense.

"We have vast responsibilitiesin ensuring peace and unity of ourcountry regardless of time andwhere we are," he said.

Diterbikan oleh Sahagian Komunlkasl Korporat, Unlversiti Putra Malaysia. Tlngkat 4, Bangunan Pentadbiran, UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor.Dicetak oleh MASHI PUBLICATION Sdn. Bhd.

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