pentagon day

Pentagon Days Blueprint Foundation is sponsoring a global day of celebration for Peace and day of protest against War. We start in July 2009. A Ying and Yang balance. Founder: Denis Hugo Braun Sponsor: Blueprint Foundation Supplier: CH

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Page 1: Pentagon Day

Pentagon Days

Blueprint Foundation is sponsoring a global day of celebration for Peace and day of protest against War. We start in July 2009. A Ying and Yang balance.

Founder: Denis Hugo Braun

Sponsor: Blueprint Foundation

Supplier: CH

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Event Name

• Muntadhar-Al-Zeidi Day in the Middle East

• Pentagon Day in other national capitals and major cities globally

• Proposed Dates: Local organizers select in 2009.

• Beginning in 2010 it will be held globally in the first week in July each year.

• July 1,2,3,4,5,6,or 7.

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Complete Information

• At• Application forms to become a city organizer.• Rules and Themes, • Press releases, Sponsors.• Permits. Posters.• Educational components.• Replica Pentagon structure. • Ceremonies, peace advocates etc.

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The Centerpiece Structure

Plywood Replica. 5 sides. 5 alcoves. 5 posters. 18 feet wide. 8 feet high. Center perforated steel cylinder. Plywood flat roof. Portable KD design. Erect in 3 hours. Dismantle in 30 minutes. Stone base to protect ground, pavement, or floor surfaces.

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Replica erected in 3 hours

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• Two-fold purpose. A Ying-Yang scenario.• 1. To celebrate the gift if Peace in much of the world.

55 to 65 years in East Asia, Western Europe (except Britain) , Scandinavia, South America, and parts of Africa. Peace seminars on our Kitchen Table Peace Plan, a Peace podium, peace seminars, local initiatives.

• 2. To protest militarism in the World; and to commemorate the act of defiance by Muntadhar-al-Zeidi the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at Prescient George Bush at a press conference in Baghdad on December 12th 2008.

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Posters or Mannequins

• Local organizers select from a cast of war monger characters in history.

• Examples: Bush. Truman. Johnson. Nixon. • Domestic Favorites• McKinley (Spain / Philippines/ Mexico. US invasion 1899-1901)• Kennedy in Cuba (Cuba invasion 1963)• James Madison in Canada (War of 1812)• Bush Sr. in Iraq (Gulf War). Clinton in Iraq (bombings)• Margaret Thatcher in Argentina (Falklands invasion)• Arafat in Israel. Began in Egypt. • Saddam Hussein in Kuwait• Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Israel• A litany of Israeli leaders in Palestine• Hirohito and Hitler from WWII• The possibilities are endless.

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Typical Pentagon Day

• For the first few years, perhaps just the replica pentagon in the city square or a walking street.

• Later A stationary festival day in a park, stadium, or fair grounds. No parade, marching, slogans, flags, banners, drinking, or drugs,

• People simply gathering for a picnic to learn how to become peace activists; throw old shoes at posters or mannequins; then have a bonfire after collecting, sorting, cleaning, and packing the old shoes in ocean containers. 40% to go to charitable organization in the host country and 60% to be shipped to NGO organizations in Africa, Latin America, South America, and Asia for distribution to the impoverished.

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Future Pentagon Days

• Stationary All-Day Outdoor Events: • Local Festival and Picnic. • Concessions. Arts and Crafts. Bands. Peace

seminars. Tent exhibits. Clowns. • Shoe throwing contest. Shoe collecting,

cleaning, packing, and shipping. • Peace Podium. Floral display. • Poster auction. National anthem.• Evening bonfire.

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Peace Process Education

• We have little admiration for peace treaties, political solutions, sanctions, throwing money at countries, or bribes.

• We believe Peace is a 10 generation 200 year one-on-one kitchen table peace process where we try to eradicate hatred, prejudice, animosity, and revenge one family; one village, one community, and one country at a time.

• It all starts with the journey of 10,000 meals when we are snatched from our cribs (the end of breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed) and brought to the kitchen table to eat. For the next 17 years we hear the good; the bad; and the ugly. How fast you eradicate the ugly and most of the bad determines how quickly a country can attain peace.

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Blueprint’s Mission• Our mission is to refocus the typical Asian, European, and North

American home and revert to the kitchen as the centerpiece; rather than the TV room, the home-office, theatre room, garage, computer and Internet room. In Blueprint’s Peace Plan, it is the kitchen table that has primacy; and not the computer, TV, fireplace, home theatre, or the work bench.

• Aggressive peace activism is an integral part of parenting and must be taught, practiced and rehearsed in primary and high school, pre-martial classes, anger management, parenting classes, and geneology research.

• If there are resources in the World ready to finance the training and indoctrination of religious fanaticism and suicide bombers; then there must be counter pools of funds ready to research, teach, practice, rave, and reward practical Peace initiatives in our society.

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Education Themes

• History and tradition of peace in your community and country. Congratulations in most cities. Encourage to repent in others.

• Tent seminars on Blueprint’s “Kitchen Table Peace Process”. How to organize and become local proactive aggressive peace activists.

• Protest against militarism in the world and war-mongers who governed militaristic societies. Shoe throwing contest to collect +30,000 pairs of shoes to send to impoverished communities locally and around the World. (target volume).

• Peace podium. Local citizens, charities, service clubs, community organizations, politicians, and media nominate, vote, and elect 5 world peace leaders who are honored on a Peace Podium next to the Pentagon at the festival; Their posters or woven tapestries are auctioned off to raise funds for next years event.

• Peace Sign: An innovative 60 second ritual started by BlueprintAsia to help disputing parties to be able to mentally survive confrontation and put the impact of a bad decision, bad judgment, a settlement, a labor contract, an arbitration, a firing, a demotion, a sentence, or a court decision behind them; and psychologically prepare to carry on with a happy and productive life. Our PEACE SIGN mimics life as a series of breast strokes in swimming.

• © dbraun Zug CH 2008

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2009 Budget

1. 100 Pentagon Kiosks 100 cities: $150,000

2. 600 textile posters and flags 18,000

3. 20 x 40’ foot shipping containers 60,000

4. Promotion and publicity 50,000

5. Travel / accommodation 20,000

6. Miscellaneous 50,000

• Total $348,000

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Pentagon Day Kit• A KD (knock-down) prefabricated Pentagon Day kit sent to organizers in all

franchise cities: Cost estimate is $1500 delivered anywhere in the world.• 1. A complete replica prefabricated 16 foot (5 meter wide) wood and plywood

Pentagon structure with Base HUB, 5 Spokes. 5 Main Posts. 5 Cross Beams. 5 flat roof panels and 5 roof beams that hook to a cylindrical perforated steel center core (700 mm diameter and 2200 mm high). Plus flags, posters, tapestries, 10 aluminum holders, seminar tent, signs, monger dolls and fireworks.

• 2. The center core perforated steel cylinder can be filled with firewood or construction waste.. A flag holder acts as the cylinder stabilizer. The cylinder sits on a fireproof stone base.

• 3. 5-7 posters or mannequins of war monger political leaders.• Posters of peace leaders and display frames for the Peace Podium. Selected by

local ballot.• DVD, Pentagon erection manual, insurance notes, briefing notes, media kits,

promotion ideas, and draft contracts for concessions, arts and crafts booths, bands, entertainers, seminar leaders and lecturers, permit application notes for organizers. Etc.

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Replica Pentagon Kit 1.5m x 2.5m x .8m high

5 ft. x 8 ft. x 3 ft high

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Sample War Mongers

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At the close of the event day, organizers can either:

1) Dismantle the whole Pentagon structure the next day and save it for next year; or

2) Auction off the posters and burn the whole structure in a bonfire to end the day by igniting the wood inside the perforated steel cylinder core; or

3) Dismantle and remove the Pentagon structure in the late afternoon (20 minutes with 6 people) and leave the core cylinder and 5 posters, tapestries, or mannequins to burn in the closing bonfire.

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Peace Podium• 5 living global peace proponents to be elected locally

by ballot. (polls, media contests, text messaging, business and civic leaders, etc)

Examples that might be selected locally:

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The Precedent :Guy Fawkes Day

• On November 5th each year, Britain and former Commonwealth countries around the world celebrate Guy Fawkes Day with bonfires and fireworks.

• It commemorates the 1604 gunpowder plot by a returning British war veteran to blow up the British Parliament and kill the King.

• Imagine the Brits and Americans fighting a “War on Terror” while still celebrating an original home-grown terrorist with annual bonfires. How ironic is that folks !!!! And the British parliament funds these celebrations under a disguised cultural heritage program.

• “Oh how red can cheeks become when all the cards are shown as one”. King Lear.

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The Folk Heroes

Muntadhar-al-Zeidi: 2008

Guy Fawkes: 1604

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• Since 1604, 3 traditions have survived the bombing plot of Guy Fawkes and his conspirators.

• On the opening day of each annual session of Parliament, guards from the Tower of London (Beefeaters as gin lovers know them) search the Parliament cellars to make sure there are no kegs of gunpowder.

• Each year on November 5th, people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day and children make stuffed dummies called Guys and use them to collect money for charity.

• To this day, it is the law in Britain that a Roman Catholic cannot hold the office of monarch.

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What Traditions will Pentagon Days initiate?

• We open this up to a competition among journalists around the world. The prize is a Swiss PANT “beer bubble” watch for each of the top 10 suggestions. We have 2 entries already.

• Journalists at all Iraqi press conferences featuring foreign leaders will attend barefoot.

• Sell stuffed dummies of George Bush for children to raise money for children's medical facilities around the world. “Bucks for The Bush” instead of “A penny for The Guy”.

• The dummies will be burned each year in the Pentagon Day evening bonfire.

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Keynote Speech

• At each Pentagon Day, a local peace activist or politician will make a 3-5 minute keynote speech in front of the replica Pentagon and next to the Peace Podium. We provide this text as a guide.

• “Tear down these walls President Obama. The Pentagon is a negative image of American aggression around the world. If America really wants to change its direction and reject militarism as the cornerstone of its foreign policy; then this building must come down. Bulldoze this building Sir”

• Deja vu the Regan speech at the Berlin Wall in 1988. • 2 years later in 1990 the Soviet Union and Communism collapsed.

America’s response? Neo Con aggression to unilaterally police the World; be the World’s banker; the World’s arms and munitions maker and dealer; and be the World’s gatekeeper for all science, information, and the Internet)

• What progress has America made in the 22 years since the speech was delivered ? All students of theatre will appreciate the ironies in the Reagan speech that called for disarmament.

• The goal in North America is to get Americans themselves to petition their President to tear down the existing Pentagon.

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Peace Sign

1. BlueprintAsia has developed an innovative 60 second ritual to help disputing parties be able to mentally survive confrontation and put the impact of a bad decision, bad judgment, a settlement, a labor contract, an arbitration, a firing, a demotion, a sentence, or a court decision behind them.

2. It psychologically prepares the parties to carry on with a happy and productive life.

3. Our new PEACE SIGN mimics life as a series of breast strokes in swimming. Each stroke is a major decision and with the passing of each stroke we inculcate the productive and discard the futile and negative elements.

4. © denisbraun Zug CH 2008

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Replica Pentagon Appearance

• Wood is the primary material. Wood HUB spokes, posts, beams, panel walls, roof. 18mm plywood.

• No doors. 5 Alcoves with 5 posters or life sized mannequins.

• One standard size. 160 sq.ft.• Flat sectioned roof to mimic the real

pentagon.• Each alcove is about 2.2 meters (8 feet)

wide and 2 meters (7 feet) deep.

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Base and Core

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Body and Roof

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Apply to be a Pentagon Day Organizer Now

[email protected]

Skype: MegazeboChina: 135 2478-7658

Pentagon Kits are assembled in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Vancouver Canada

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• Blueprint Foundation presents:

• New Peace Sign. © denisbraun CH 2007

• A ritual and 60 second ceremony that we seek to license to HR departments, courts, arbitrators, labor-management negotiators, lawyers, parole boards, and mediation specialists around the World.

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• The #1 Key Factor to achieving personal peace and global peace is the ability to confront adversity; deal with it; and then put it behind us and progress forward. Forgiveness is the gift.

• The process resembles the breast stroke in swimming.

• #2 Key Factor to fulfillment is for individuals and countries to have a deep respect for Culture, Faith, Language, and Borders

• So I present our innovative Peace Sign and guide to a Happy Life. Go do it !!!

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• Generally we confront issues and individuals in a formal environment in the presence of a mediator, judge, counselor, or official.

• Once a settlement or decision is reached the parties separate, walk away, and restitution begins.

• Before that occurs, we recommend that an optional formal ritual (Peace Sign) be performed between the parties to psychologically close the event and put both parties in a positive mood to confront the future and the consequences therein.

• Our goal is to start a global tradition.

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The RitualThe Ritual

Our innovative “Peace Sign” (© DH Braun 2007) is a final face-to-face 30 second ritual between opposing parties in courtrooms, arbitration chambers, divorce proceedings, and labor-management negotiations around the world. Both parties first face and bow to one another then simultaneously extend their hands vertically above their heads and then slowly bring them down to their sides as if they were doing the breast stroke in water. Then hands together again in a prayer pose; a 5 degree bow to one another and the alternate recitation of relevant positive words such as ….. peace, respect, calm, honor, culture, faith, duty, forgiveness.

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Main Professional UsersMain Professional Users

• Lawyers• Professional Arbitrators• Union – Management Negotiators• Psychologists and Psychiatrists.• Marriage councillors• Accountants in litigation or mergers.• Human Resource Departments. Private and Public

sectors• Parole Boards and Jail Wardens releasing prisoners• Criminal, Civil, and Small Claims court judges• Political Parties after conventions or primary races.

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New Peace Sign New Peace Sign © db 2007© db 2007

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Thanks for your time.Thanks for your time.

Follow us on YouTube.


[email protected]

Skype name: “Megazebo”Denis Braun. Shanghai

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In 2010 we will ride national trains through 14 Asian Countries from Tokyo to Tehran to promote our kitchen table peace process. Our Peace Sign © will be part of

that Legacy.

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Many TrainsAcross Fields

Over Mountains

Span Deserts Two FerriesOne Caravan

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We are studying possible routes

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The Objectives Are:The Objectives Are:

• 1. To Celebrate each country’s peace record. 30-65 years. Congratulations

• 2. To Explain the Peace Process A 10 generation 200 year process starting at the kitchen table. Swiss experience 160 years since 1848

• 3. Our kitchen table peace plan; the voyage of 10,000 meals when we learn the Good; Bad; and the Ugly.

• 4. A Basic personal right. We can react to adversity as we choose. Spend your life singing love songs; or sticking pins in a voodoo dolls.

• 5. The Breast Stroke Theory of Life. Put adversity behind you.• 6. A New Peace Sign. Cultural non-verbal communication.• 7. We Presented our 60 year Blueprint for Asia. Common purpose.

Common currency. Common Security. Common Defense. Common Visa.

• 8. The Global Patriarchs. We have a great Corps of current leaders in Asia. The time to act now.

• 9. All have a deep respect for Faith, Culture, Language and Borders.