pensacola journal. (pensacola, florida) 1909-12-09 [p...

I i 8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 9 I90H r If the Underwear you are vearing gives you that in ernal feeling let our expert nowledge help you Ve have the winter cot- tons linens and mesh gar- ments ¬ some men require We nave woolens that dont irri ¬ tate some that dont shrink- in the light comfortable weigh best for most men 50c to 325 the garment- A thin Summer Suit cant feel comfortable this chilly weather Then why feel miserable when we have such good winter ones waiting for you 10 to 35 A Sweater Coat is a handy garment to have 50c to S4 Mufflers are warm neck piecesthe kind that button- at the neck SOc Warm bed fellows Do met night robes 50c and 75c Flannel Pajamas 150 to 250 A Smoking Jacket is a comfortable coat to wear around the house and a most appreciable Xmas gift to 8 If hubby doesnt mind wearing a last years style wifey saves 25 per cent as this is what we offer you from the regular price Sizes are not too badly broken The John Vhite Store Tbe Store With the Reputation 203207 S Palafox St SEJS nrtrffVk- f BOWLING ALLEYS I Open from 9 a m til midnight t 1 tp ladles and gentlemen i WEST ROMANA STREET b d 1- oC 1 r = jE J MeadowBrook Farm which is W F Manns new offering is a play peculiarly and provincially of a new England type and is bound to outlive many more pretentious dramas It portrays truly the character of the Yankee and it pictures scenes of cul ¬ minating interest in a New England settlement but this is merely a nar- row ¬ view of the play as it is one that contains intense Interest which ap¬ peals straight to the heart of a con itltuency that perhaps never saw New England Uncle Si Holdon Tim Slocum ntl Sim Smith the town constable Rnd justice of the pence and their in- timates ¬ are mere repetitions of boy ¬ hoods associates which will cause almost any city man to swear to an I affidavit that he has been carried back- to the time of his youth Lou Streeter has been especially en ¬ gaged to create th part of hSI Hol ¬ den in MeadowBrook Farm The Author of Mrs Carters Play Tho new play in which Mrs Leslie Carter is appearing this seaon the play in which she has scored her biggest success was written for her- D Mr Edward Peple best known in the theatrical world as the author of The Princ Chap Mr Peple was born In Richmond Va some 3S years ago and was educated in the Univer- sity ¬ of Virginia lIe came to Nec exhausts the vitality more quickly than any ordinary food or medicine can re fore it For over thirtyfive years Oii9S Emulsion I has relieved bronchitis in all I it is the tonic lung 1 remedy used the world over in 1 this disease nothing equals- it in keeping up and restoring flesh and strength FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS S Send 1V Dar > of yajersnd this ad foroor beactIul SsTimw Hunt anl Childs Sketch- Book Lieb boA COD taln a >od Luc Ieaay SCOTT = DOWNEi 409 PeailSL NY I Builds up the rundown and depleted ner- vous ¬ system stimulates a normal flow of blood to the organs which have become depleted and fail to perform their functions properly and restores the whole system to a healthy normal condition- In all cases of Nervous De- bility ¬ Nervous Breakdown Neurasthenia Spermatorrhea Impotency and all other nervous troubles the beneficial effects of COCEX are quickly noticeable- It palliates the effects of abuses and excesses and builds up the organs to their normal condition- of vigor and health Money Refunded If it fells PRICE JJOO PER BOX FOR SALE BY crystal Pharmacy SANTA CLAUS MATINEE- at The Orpheum Next WeekS- ee the beautiful Christmas tree Bring the little ones to see old Santa Claus He Is going to give them a toy York as a bookkeeper and was known as an expert accountant of more than ordinary ability He came- to New York also with two or three libretti which he had written just af- ter ¬ his college days and which he tried in vain to get a hearing for from New York managers But like W W Jacobs in London who turned to literature in his spare moments as a bank clerk Mr Peple devcted his spare time from book ¬ keeping to the writiins of short stories and long before he became known as a playwright he bad won a reputation as a writer of animal stories that had caused the New York critics to compare his work to that of Kipling Among the more prominent- of the many short stories he has writ- ten ¬ are Malletts Masterpiece which- is being turned into a croact sketch- for the use of William Farnum the Cur and the Coyote The Play ¬ wrights Ghost and The Fall of Sedri Azem In addition to his short stories he has written several novels the most noteworthy of which Samaramus be trayed the authors intimate knowledge- of tho ancient history of Assyria Other of his novels are Richard the Brazen The Spitfire and others He is also a poet of no mean ability and has published one volume of verse The first play he wrote was The Prince Chap which was immediate- ly ¬ successful then came The Love Route and his third and what he be- lieved to be his strongest play is the one which Mrs Leslie Carter has chosen to be her principal production- this season Mr Peple is a member- of the Authors Club the Dramatists Club The Players The Friars and The Lambs and is also a prominent member of the Southern Society Mrs Carter will be at the opera house on Dec 17- MeadowBrook Farm When the curtain rises on the first act of MeadowBrook Farm at the opera house on Dec 13 those who have been fortunate enough to secure seats will experience a most pleasing effect The scene is on a Nov Eng ¬ land farm in the vicinity of Cathedral Hills in the state of New Hampshire- The smell of the new mown singing of the birds and the perfume from the blooming roses are all so desernable as to cause one to forget- for the time he is in a theatre- Si Holden and his wife Jane are two lovable character who will re- mind you of your father and mother- or grandmothers as you remember them Incidentally Sim Smith and Tim Slocum the town constable and justice of the peace and Polly Bird who was born tird and Billy Bates the circus billpcstcr will drive away all dull cares and cure the worst kind of a case of the blues I The company headed by Lou Street er are especially selected to fit the various characters W F Mann has in h MeadowBrook Farm a play that- is bound to live lone in the hearts of American people This attraction car is its own band and orchestra At the Orpheum Nxt Week The Orpheum is putting on one or the best shows this week that has ever been seen at this popular place of amuse m ° nt The show opens with Miss LuCell in illustrated melodies and the Way she is receiving applause indicates that the Pensacola public appreciates her sweet voice Next come the Mor- gan ¬ Bros comedy acrobats who are among the best in their line that have ever usrd a nat on the Orpheum stag Miss Essie St Clair is clever1 n her singing and dancing has to respond to several encores on each show The show closes with Al I Ifn and Keener who are the laugh provokers of the bill They are doin = a clover comedy sketch and takinz thc house by storm I For next wvk Manager Viicovicl say that things are coinp to liven tu a tli Orpheum HP has arranged tw- pla cno of th strongest bill that ha- evpr << rilaved ppnsacola And on nrr AVoln > s 1ay tho Orpheums reguar j Christmas Santa Claws matinee wi t > ko y111t A beautiful Christnwsj rre loaded with toys will the of fMnz tuwl old Santa Claus will h there to reet the little outS and pre- sent ¬ them with a toy Subscribe for The Journal NORTH HillH- IGHLANDS TO HAVE CAR liNE ORDINANCE INTRODUCED LAST NIGHT GRANTING FRANCHISE- FOR EXTENSION FROM NORTH HILL TO END OF KUPFRIAN PARK LINEEXPECTED TO CON ¬ NECT WITH NEW LINE TO RACE- TRACK The ordinance introduced in the city council last night granting a fran ¬ chise to the Dallas Land Co for an extension of the Xorth Hill street car- line is another step in Pensacolas de- velopment ¬ Speaking of this fran chise a member of the OwenClark Co sales agents for the Dallas Land Co said The company is going to build this road because it has faith in Pensacola- and is willing to stake its money on the belief that Pensacola is destinorl to a most remarkable future Th line will be bum the Dallas Land Co and that company will pay the cost of operation urtil the line is on a paying basis at which time the Pen ¬ sacola Electric Co agrees to take it over It will run from the North Hill Lino through the beautiful North HiT Highlands property which we are now- I tfevclopng and will connect with tho Kupfrian Park line From there w > ex- pect to extend it to the race track The North lull Highlands tract whirh joins North Hills residence section is developing so rapidly con- tinued ¬ the speaker that a car line thrcugh it will in a short time be prac- tically ¬ a necessity though it will of I coure hardly pay expenses at once I expect however that within a year- or a soon as the residences on North Hill Highlands can be built it will lie on a paying basis The franchise was read the first time last night end will take its regu- lar ¬ course with the ordinance and franchise committee- A Thrilling Rescue How Bert R Lean of Clieny Wash was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world A hard cold ho writes brought on a desperate lung trouble that baffled an expert doctor here Then I paid 10 to q5 a visit to a lung special- ist ¬ in Spokane who did not help me Then I went to California but with ¬ out benefit At last I used Dr Kings Now Discovery which com- pletely ¬ cured me and now I am as well as ever For Lung Trouble Bronchitis Coughs and Colds Asth ¬ ma Croup and Whooping Cough its supreme 50c and 100 Trial bot- tles ¬ free Guaranteed by all drug- gists ¬ BUIlDINGS AND BUIlDING NEWS NUMBER OF ERECTION OR RE- PAIR PERMITS ISSUED FROM OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPE- CTORMONSTERWAREHOUSE ¬ Permits issued from the office of the building inspector yesterday were few One was for the erection of a small dwelling one for the erection- of a moving picture stage etc while two were for reshingling and one an addition to a house They were- as follows- To H G DeSilva T09 East Greg- ory ¬ street to reshingle the house at SOO To H G DeSilva 307 East Gregory street to reshingle and stain value- of house 1500 of ropairs approxi- mately ¬ 175 To E L Mitchell block 135 East King tract dwelling valued at 75 To Frank Kramer at 227 West Ro mana street addition 15x15 to cost 500To C H Reilly northeast corner of Wright and DeVilliers streets to erect stage for moving ipicture thea- tre ¬ auditorium with an asbestos cur- tain ¬ 350 To J M Roberts 11 East Gregory street repairs cost 10 A monster warehouse for the Vii liams Naval Stores company which is wing erected by that firm at the corner of Commandancia and Main streets is now being walled up The plans for the building were on me- at the office of the building inspector yesterday and they showed what a large and imposing structure the place will be It will occupy a ground space of 80x250 feet will he twostory I of reenforced concrete and will be I placed on a network of over seven i hundred pilings Building Inspector Johnson yes- terday ¬ received his certificate of membership in the American Tech- nical i Society an organizations com- posed ¬ of over SOflOO men experts in I their respective lines I 1Tt The merit and reliabili- ty ¬ of the Bit- ters i 4 STOMACH has been- unquestioned BITTE RS for years over Then 56 y o u rrally orcht to try a bottle for Sick Head- ache ccPt Sour i Stomah i dI1 Costiveness Indigestion i Colds Grippe and Malaria I A Tainted Breath- HighlyDisagreeable A Quick and Permanent Relief for This Trouble at Small Expense There are many thousands of peo- ple ¬ who are the unfortunate posses ¬ sors of offensive and obnoxious breath which has its origin in chronic nasal and throat catarrh or an unhealthy condition of the stomach or decay of the teeth and when these persons realize they are the victims of such- an undesirable possession they fre- quently feel constrained to remain off to themselves the greater part of the time because they understand only too well how disagreeable it must be to others with whom they come in con ¬ tactFor it is an undeniable fact that I people will comment on and critcise the person whose breath is foul and offensive Very frequently we hear the comment Soandso is a most agreeable companion an 5nU resting talker with a large fund of informa- tion is wellposted on worldhistory j and the biographies of many eelrbri ties can talk fluently on current I topics is an accomplished musician and literat ur and would bo a mot desirable addition to any social gath- ering ¬ I except for the deplorable fat that his or her breath is so extremely I offensive that persons of refinement good breeding and delicate sensibili- ties ¬ do not care to come into con- tact ¬ I with then And very naturally too for an ob I nxious breath taints the very atmos- phere ¬ and affects the persons sur- rounding the affected one in a way which is positively nauseating There is no longer any excuse for a I person however foul pud offensive- I their lr ath may 1r of inflicting its j rl > T5oousness upon th delicate nos- trils i and olfactory nerve of others t Charcoal the great absorbent is the J ideal remedy for conditions decrihl l < rein and STTTARTS CHARCOAL LOZENGES we have the very best form in which charcoal ma be taken I These little lozenges absorb one hun tired times their own volume in foti- lgasei and tainted breaths and be- sides ¬ deodorizing and purifying the j brenth end rendering it sweet and agreeable they also act as antiseptics- and I cleansers of the stomach and in- testinal ¬ i system absorbing all offensive I gases which may be present there df stroying disease germs poisons and I microbe and putting a stop to such i morbid processs as fermentation and I decomposition in eases of chronic d > pepsla and intestinal indigestion Dont allow yourself to be kept out of company of your friends bocaus you may ly FO unfortunate as to have i offensive reath from an cause Tse- i Stnarts Charcoal Lozenges and you- i may r > st assured that your trouble i will be removed thoroughly and rapidly j Purchase a box from your druggist for 2Hc and send us your name and address for free sample package Ad- dress ¬ F A Stuart Company 200 Stu- art Dldg Marshall Mich The Greatest Show on Earth at I The Orpheum I THIS WEEK I DONT MISS IT- ICANCROWINC THAT PAYS WEll MR ANDERSON GETS 53 GALLONS- OF SYRUP FROM SMALL FRAC ¬ TION OF ACRE AND ITS WORTH HALF A DOLLAR WHOLESALE- AT ANY TIME BIDDLES ACRE OF JAP Tax Assessor Ang Anderson who cant help agreeing with the fellow who thinks he is a pretty good farm- er ¬ brought us in a sample of his syrup Saturday that looked as good- as it could and was as good as it looked He it remembered that there- is not a mu < h poorer looking piece of ground in Valton county than tha1 upon which this caiio grew and we were curious to know how it turned from a profitmaking point of vie v From 20ths of acre he made 53 gallons of this syrup or at the rate of 360 gallons per acre and such syrup- as this is worth at any time 50 cents- a gallon wholesale At the same ra- tio ¬ of cost to produce as this would give a profit of 120 net ths iot counting the labor Ang put on it him ¬ selfRight along side of this take The object lesson in Japanese cane shown by P L Riddle on the street tin pst week 1000 gallons of syrup from one acre of this cane with one ton of a lowgrade fertilizer with seven plow- ing ¬ and two hoeings It is tne the Japanese cane is a little more expen- sive ¬ to handle and the SYIUP does Trt sell quite so readily in the Market but The yield is larger narricularlv on the sandier land it stands dry weather and decs not have to be replanted but 40 cents a gallon anti allowing f1OC to produce and manuf j nre i vrv liberal allowance and Teri is a profit of Sftrt per aer > in and there are thousands of acres of land as good- as that upon which his was grown which can be boiicht at less than SIb per acr ° PeFunis k Breeze Stuarts Bnchc and Juniper Cossposnd f- all liver and kidney troubles Relieves I Bridits Disease All DrnfiCists 100 Have Your- Christmas Suit or Overcoat i Tailored to Measurew- hile our fl WJ 25 per cent Cut Price Sale- is in progress- The seasons handsomest and most dependable fabrics and our best tailoring are none too good for you The prices 25 Suits and Overcoats 1875 30 Suits and Overcoats 2250 40 Suits and Overcoats 3000- and so onnothing reserved RICKETT PERSON ARDNE- RTAlLOS y Em y Building Incorporated FRANK B GARDNER Manager- i I JI8 1l k The Carts With Red Signs I are running on schedule time Place your order now I for coal wood charcoal Coal or wood delivered the day orderedcleanf- ree burning coal and dry wellseasoned wood EXPORT FUEL ICE CO I Phone 3C3 O J SEMMES JR Mgr i DOG DIGS BAIT I FOR HIS MASTER ACCOMMODATING CANINE WENT OUT AND PROCURED CAN FULL OF WORMS FOR MAN WHO WANTED TO GO FISHINGKNEW- GUNS FROM LINES TlielDeFuniak Herald comes no fish story this year but it lands the plum for dog stories as it never was landed before Incline your ear three min ¬ utesA sportsman can no more keep from prevaricating than a poultryman It is as impossible for a poultryman to talk to you for two minutes about his fowls without stretching the truth to the breaking point as it is for snow to keep from melting in the sunshine And a sportsman is just as bad One evening last week a bunch of men were sitting in the DeFuniak Drug companys store when the con- versation ¬ turned upon hunting fishing A Public Benefit Pensacola People Greatly In ¬ terested in the Generous Offer of The Crys- tal ¬ Pharmacy- The people have already lemon str ted that they would rather trust- a man who is naturally honest than one who is honest only because he had to- The be Crystal Pharmacy has a firmiy established reputation for square deal ¬ ing and sterling honesty When they told the people that Hexall Remedies- are the purest and most dependabe medicines that it is possible for mod- ern ¬ science to produce and that they would tell the public what each ono of these 300 or more remedies contained and that they sold Rxall Remedies on their personal guarantee that they would give entire satisfaction or they would not cost the user a single cent they were believed Ever since this announcement th Crystal Pharmacy has hen largely patronized by people uing ReaM Remedies all of which proves tha this store has the confidence of the peope and that honesty is the best policy There is no cureall amon the Rexall Remedies There ar ° different and separate medicines each one df vised for a certain human ailment or a class of ailments closely allied For instance Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are recommended for the positive relief- of stomach irritation indigestion i flatulency and dyspepsia They ar4 j rich in BlsmntnSubnitrate Pepsin and Carainativs They are prepared by i special processes which perfect and enhance the great remedial vaa > of these wellknown medicinal agents This remedy sells for 2r cent > cents and hiia pr package Every- one suffering from stomach disorder should try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets inasmuch as they cost nothing if they do not saifvR- emember Th Crystal Pharmacy is the only tore in Pensaeola where thrse remedies tatty lr obtain and- over one in need of raedfcfix Is urged to investigate and take attt- age of the frank and seaerasr man- ner la which they are soil j Alt MCLEOD GO SAILMAKERS Manufacturers of Hammocks Cots Awn ¬ ings Tents Tarpaulins and Canvas Hose MACHINEMADE SAILS A SPECIALTY- If Its Made of Canvas We Can Do It No 708 S Palafox Phone 1176 I guns dogs etc After two or three of the local sportsmen and a drummer or two had divested themselves of some pretty stunning and unreasonable ex- periences ¬ a drummer who had been saying nothing took the floor and re- marked ¬ Gentlemen most of you are stran gers to me and I shall therefore not feel offended if some of you take what- I am about to tell you with a grain of salt but what I am going to tell ou is true and I can prove it by Harley Cawthon- I once owned a dog gentlemen which was the most intelligent animal- I ever saw When that dog saw me so out with my rifle it would hunt nothing but deer If I took my shot ¬ gun the dog hunted nothing but jirds One day I had a notion to go fish ¬ ing For an hour or two I was busy vetting my fishing tackle together When I reached my front gate there stood that noble dog with a can full of bait worms which he had dug Arise and sing I want to be an Angel Foleys Honey and Tar is the best and safest cough remedy for child- ren ¬ At the first symptoms of a cold give as directed and ward off danger of croup bronchitis sore throat cold in the head and stuffy breathing It brings comfort and ease to the little ones Contains no opi ¬ I ates or other harmful drugs Keep I always on hand and refuse substi ¬ tutes W A DAlemberte druggist- and apothecary 121 S Palafox street ALWAYS FRESH Gunthers famous candies received weekly Fresh ship ¬ ment just in Hannah Grant Phone 88- 1INDICTED ON- MURDERCHARGE LUCIUS GROVER COLORED IS TO BE TRIED IN CIRCUIT COURT- ON DECEMBER 16 FOR KILLING COLORED WOMAN Lucius Grover colored wp = jr 1 f by the grand jury on the L a murder yesterday the true Ill C the first found by the jury P alleged that he murdered a o woman in the eastern secfrn r city by striking her on the h ad a batch Grower was taken Before th < where he entered a plea of ri a His case was set for trial on iY No cases wera heard in th fr noon by the court and an adjourn was taken to 2 ovfe in th f r Tfww wi r f X GoIJrv- A U fl ris waa C and tfrtiruonv heard ITHE SWAN LARGEST MOTOR BOATP- lying Out of Pensacola Stops at All Choctawhatchiea- nd Santa Rosa SoundPo- ints Leaves Pensacola at 530 a m every Wednesday and Saturday returning Mon- days ¬ and Thursdays I at Harris Mary Esther Camp Walton Garnlers Destin Kocky Bayou and BOSSY Bayou Reaches all of the best fishing points In these waters Dimensions feet over all J7 ft 7 In beam 50h p engine Speed 5 mites I per hour Two toilet rooms Large cabi- nLandingFoot of Palafox treet Passenger and Freight Service- N N IHULISOX Master Notice The owners will not be respon- sible ¬ for debts made by anyone other than themselves ElECTRIC CO Will OPERATE THE NEW LINER- ACE TRACK PROPOSITION IS AC ¬ CEPTED BY STONE WEBSTER MEETING IS TO BE HELD SOME TIME NEXT WEEK WHEN MR BICKERS IS PRESENT- If the acceptance by Stone Web- ster of tho proposition to operate cars- on the line is all that is necessary the race track plant is assured for Pen ¬ sacola for yesterday representatives of that concernaccepted the proposi ¬ tion as offered by real estate firms to extend the present West Hill lino to the site selected about two miles dis ¬ tantA meeting is to be held some time next week the date of which will be I announced later when the real state firms expect to have all of the con- tracts ¬ signed up W II Bickers who- is promoting the track will be in the city at that time and be present at the meeting At this meeting it is expected everything relating to the track will be closed up If you are suffering from bilious ¬ ness constipation indigestion chron- ic ¬ I headache invest one cent in a pos- tal ¬ I card send to Chamberlain Medi- cine ¬ Co Des Moines Iowa with your name and address plainly on the back and they will forward you a free sam- ple ¬ of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Sold iby all dealers The Great Contest- For The Crystal Pharmacy prizes is waxing warm and large batches of advertisements and Rexall wrappers- are I brought in every day HAD THRilLING TRIP TO DULUTH PACKAGE FREIGHT STEAMER IN HEAVY SOUTHEASTER ARRIVES- AT HER DOCK A VERITABLE ICE BERG OiIL a11i- T By Associates Press Duluth Minn Dec 7The package freight steamer Muncy of the Anchor line which arrived here last night had a thrilling trip from Houghton to I Duluth The Muncy as she lies at the Omaha dock is a vertiable ice- berg Second mate J J Smith said- A heavy southeastern with much snow struck us The waves washed over the leeks and the spray dashed SO to 40 feet up the spars The wa ¬ ter froze as fast as it struck A big wave washed away the tank fastened to the forward leek and tore away the pilot house bridge The water en- tered ¬ the cabin windows and at times- we believed that the ship was sinking- FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHES Whfthnr from CVIalarlous condition Colla or ovcrhcatins try Hicks CAIUDIXB It redtirrs the fever andrclievos the ach- ing ¬ Its Liquid 10 25 and SO cents at Drug Stores HOGS BRING RECORD PRICE- IN THE KANSAS CITY MARKET- 9v Associated Press Kansas City Dec iWhen hogs sold at SIn a hundred at th stock- yards Iire toda a record frr- yars l7 was established d In Julv of i- serril > carloads Aerr fold at S MI h I his was df to a cholera t 4ii hi mi I I 4- S en- s i 4 5 L- fi r Benj C Heinberg Pro- pSWEATER r COATS All Colors All Sizes and All Prices from I SOct- o 500 Opposite the Post Offi- ceOIdsmobHes Oaklands Brush f Escambia Motor Car Co East Garden Street- CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS- An Illustrated Jewelry Catalogue containing many suggestions for holiday gifts- at prices to suit all purses will be sent free upon re- quest Engraved Calling cards and monogram stationery make appropriate presents Samples and prices for the asking Kodaks and Premo Came- ras ¬ are always acceptable Illustrated booklets will also be sent If you are Interested- Our goods are of the high ¬ est standard Every piece guaranteed EOZadek Jewelry Co Dept J MOBILE ALA Imported Chestnuts 2 pounds 25c They are just what you will need for the Christmas Holiday Season We also have ASSORTED NUTS 20c per pound 1 2 and 5lb FRUIT- CAKES 25c per pound NECCO CHOCOLATES- 50c per pound This store is headquarters for everything in keeping- with Christmastime Order by phone or call Marine Grocery Co V J VIDAL Manager Phone 725 604606 Sfouth Palafox St l I

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-12-09 [p 8] · I i 8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 9 I90H r If



rIf the Underwear you are

vearing gives you that inernal feeling let our expertnowledge help youVe have the winter cot-

tons linens and mesh gar-ments


some men require Wenave woolens that dont irri ¬

tate some that dont shrink-in the light comfortableweigh best for most men

50c to 325 the garment-

A thin Summer Suit cantfeel comfortable this chillyweather

Then why feel miserablewhen we have such goodwinter ones waiting for you

10 to 35

A Sweater Coat is a handygarment to have 50c to S4

Mufflers are warm neckpiecesthe kind that button-at the neck SOc

Warm bed fellows Domet night robes 50c and 75c

Flannel Pajamas 150 to250A Smoking Jacket is a

comfortable coat to weararound the house and a mostappreciable Xmas gift

to 8If hubby doesnt mind

wearing a last years stylewifey saves 25 per cent asthis is what we offer youfrom the regular price

Sizes are not too badlybroken

The John Vhite StoreTbe Store With the Reputation

203207 S Palafox St

SEJS nrtrffVk-

f BOWLING ALLEYSI Open from 9 a m til midnight t

1 tp ladles and gentlemen





jE JMeadowBrook Farm which is W

F Manns new offering is a playpeculiarly and provincially of a newEngland type and is bound to outlivemany more pretentious dramas Itportrays truly the character of theYankee and it pictures scenes of cul ¬

minating interest in a New Englandsettlement but this is merely a nar-row


view of the play as it is one thatcontains intense Interest which ap¬

peals straight to the heart of a conitltuency that perhaps never saw NewEngland

Uncle Si Holdon Tim Slocumntl Sim Smith the town constableRnd justice of the pence and their in-timates


are mere repetitions of boy ¬

hoods associates which will causealmost any city man to swear to an I

affidavit that he has been carried back-to the time of his youth

Lou Streeter has been especially en ¬

gaged to create th part of hSI Hol ¬

den in MeadowBrook Farm

The Author of Mrs Carters PlayTho new play in which Mrs Leslie

Carter is appearing this seaon theplay in which she has scored herbiggest success was written for her-D Mr Edward Peple best known inthe theatrical world as the author ofThe Princ Chap Mr Peple was

born In Richmond Va some 3S yearsago and was educated in the Univer-sity


of Virginia lIe came to Nec

exhausts the vitality morequickly than any ordinaryfood or medicine can refore itFor over thirtyfive years

Oii9S EmulsionI has relieved bronchitis in allI it is the tonic lung1 remedy used the world over in1 this disease nothing equals-

it in keeping up and restoringflesh and strength


S Send 1 V Dar> of yajersnd this ad foroorbeactIul SsTimw Hunt anl Childs Sketch-Book Lieb boA COD taln a >od Luc IeaaySCOTT = DOWNEi 409 PeailSL N Y

I Builds upthe rundown and depleted ner-


system stimulates a normalflow of blood to the organs whichhave become depleted and fail toperform their functions properlyand restores the whole system toa healthy normal condition-

In all cases of Nervous De-


Nervous BreakdownNeurasthenia SpermatorrheaImpotency and all other nervoustroubles the beneficial effects ofCOCEX are quickly noticeable-

It palliates the effects of abusesand excesses and builds up theorgans to their normal condition-of vigor and health

Money Refunded If it fellsPRICE JJOO PER BOX FOR SALE BY

crystal Pharmacy



The OrpheumNext WeekS-

ee the beautiful Christmas treeBring the little ones to see old SantaClaus He Is going to give them a toy

York as a bookkeeper and wasknown as an expert accountant ofmore than ordinary ability He came-to New York also with two or threelibretti which he had written just af-


his college days and which he triedin vain to get a hearing for from NewYork managers

But like W W Jacobs in Londonwho turned to literature in his sparemoments as a bank clerk Mr Pepledevcted his spare time from book¬

keeping to the writiins of shortstories and long before he becameknown as a playwright he bad won areputation as a writer of animalstories that had caused the New Yorkcritics to compare his work to that ofKipling Among the more prominent-of the many short stories he has writ-ten


are Malletts Masterpiece which-is being turned into a croact sketch-for the use of William Farnum the

Cur and the Coyote The Play¬

wrights Ghost and The Fall of SedriAzem

In addition to his short stories hehas written several novels the mostnoteworthy of which Samaramus betrayed the authors intimate knowledge-of tho ancient history of AssyriaOther of his novels are Richard theBrazen The Spitfire and othersHe is also a poet of no mean abilityand has published one volume ofverse

The first play he wrote was ThePrince Chap which was immediate-ly


successful then came The LoveRoute and his third and what he be-lieved to be his strongest play is theone which Mrs Leslie Carter haschosen to be her principal production-this season Mr Peple is a member-of the Authors Club the DramatistsClub The Players The Friars andThe Lambs and is also a prominentmember of the Southern Society

Mrs Carter will be at the operahouse on Dec 17-

MeadowBrook FarmWhen the curtain rises on the first

act of MeadowBrook Farm at theopera house on Dec 13 those whohave been fortunate enough to secureseats will experience a most pleasingeffect The scene is on a Nov Eng¬

land farm in the vicinity of CathedralHills in the state of New Hampshire-The smell of the new mownsinging of the birds and the perfumefrom the blooming roses are all sodesernable as to cause one to forget-for the time he is in atheatre-

Si Holden and his wife Jane aretwo lovable character who will re-mind you of your father and mother-or grandmothers as you rememberthem Incidentally Sim Smith andTim Slocum the town constable andjustice of the peace and Polly Birdwho was born tird and Billy Batesthe circus billpcstcr will drive awayall dull cares and cure the worst kindof a case of the blues

I The company headed by Lou Streeter are especially selected to fit thevarious characters W F Mann hasin h MeadowBrook Farm a play that-is bound to live lone in the hearts ofAmerican people This attraction caris its own band and orchestra

At the Orpheum Nxt WeekThe Orpheum is putting on one or

the best shows this week that hasever been seen at this popular place ofamuse m °nt

The show opens with Miss LuCellin illustrated melodies and the Wayshe is receiving applause indicatesthat the Pensacola public appreciatesher sweet voice Next come the Mor-gan


Bros comedy acrobats who areamong the best in their line that haveever usrd a nat on the Orpheumstag Miss Essie St Clair is clever1n her singing and dancinghas to respond to several encores oneach show The show closes with Al I

Ifn and Keener who are the laughprovokers of the bill They are doin =a clover comedy sketch and takinzthc house by storm

I For next wvk Manager Viicoviclsay that things are coinp to liven tua tli Orpheum HP has arranged tw-pla cno of th strongest bill that ha-evpr

< <

rilaved ppnsacola And on nrrAVoln > s 1ay tho Orpheums reguar j

Christmas Santa Claws matinee wit > ko y111t A beautiful Christnwsjrre loaded with toys will the offMnz tuwl old Santa Claus will hthere to reet the little outS and pre-sent


them with a toy

Subscribe for The Journal








The ordinance introduced in thecity council last night granting a fran ¬

chise to the Dallas Land Co for anextension of the Xorth Hill street car-line is another step in Pensacolas de-velopment


Speaking of this franchise a member of theOwenClark Co sales agents for theDallas Land Co said

The company is going to build thisroad because it has faith in Pensacola-and is willing to stake its money onthe belief that Pensacola is destinorlto a most remarkable future Thline will be bum the Dallas LandCo and that company will pay thecost of operation urtil the line is on apaying basis at which time the Pen ¬

sacola Electric Co agrees to take itover It will run from the North HillLino through the beautiful North HiTHighlands property which we are now-

Itfevclopng and will connect with thoKupfrian Park line From there w > ex-pect to extend it to the race track

The North lull Highlands tractwhirh joins North Hills residencesection is developing so rapidly con-tinued


the speaker that a car linethrcugh it will in a short time be prac-tically


a necessity though it will ofI coure hardly pay expenses at onceI expect however that within a year-or a soon as the residences on NorthHill Highlands can be built it will lieon a paying basis

The franchise was read the firsttime last night end will take its regu-lar


course with the ordinance andfranchise committee-

A Thrilling RescueHow Bert R Lean of Clieny

Wash was saved from a frightfuldeath is a story to thrill the world

A hard cold ho writes brought ona desperate lung trouble that baffledan expert doctor here Then I paid

10 to q5 a visit to a lung special-ist


in Spokane who did not help meThen I went to California but with ¬

out benefit At last I used DrKings Now Discovery which com-pletely


cured me and now I am aswell as ever For Lung TroubleBronchitis Coughs and Colds Asth ¬

ma Croup and Whooping Cough itssupreme 50c and 100 Trial bot-tles


free Guaranteed by all drug-gists









Permits issued from the office ofthe building inspector yesterday werefew One was for the erection of asmall dwelling one for the erection-of a moving picture stage etc whiletwo were for reshingling and onean addition to a house They were-as follows-

To H G DeSilva T09 East Greg-ory


street to reshingle the houseat SOO

To H G DeSilva 307 East Gregorystreet to reshingle and stain value-of house 1500 of ropairs approxi-mately


175To E L Mitchell block 135 East

King tract dwelling valued at 75To Frank Kramer at 227 West Ro

mana street addition 15x15 to cost500To

C H Reilly northeast corner ofWright and DeVilliers streets toerect stage for moving ipicture thea-tre


auditorium with an asbestos cur-tain


350To J M Roberts 11 East Gregory

street repairs cost 10

A monster warehouse for the Viiliams Naval Stores company whichis wing erected by that firm at thecorner of Commandancia and Mainstreets is now being walled up Theplans for the building were on me-

at the office of the building inspectoryesterday and they showed what alarge and imposing structure theplace will be It will occupy a groundspace of 80x250 feet will he twostory I

of reenforced concrete and will be I

placed on a network of over seven i

hundred pilings

Building Inspector Johnson yes-terday


received his certificate ofmembership in the American Tech-nical


Society an organizations com-posed


of over SOflOO men experts in I

their respective linesI

1Tt The meritand reliabili-ty


of the Bit-ters


4 STOMACH has been-unquestioned

BITTE RS foryears



y o u rrallyorcht to trya bottle forSick Head-acheccPt Sour i

Stomah i

dI1 CostivenessIndigestion


Colds Grippeand Malaria I

A Tainted Breath-

HighlyDisagreeableA Quick and Permanent Relief for This

Trouble at Small ExpenseThere are many thousands of peo-


who are the unfortunate posses ¬

sors of offensive and obnoxious breathwhich has its origin in chronic nasaland throat catarrh or an unhealthycondition of the stomach or decay ofthe teeth and when these personsrealize they are the victims of such-an undesirable possession they fre-quently feel constrained to remain offto themselves the greater part of thetime because they understand only toowell how disagreeable it must be toothers with whom they come in con ¬

tactFor it is an undeniable fact thatI people will comment on and critcisethe person whose breath is foul andoffensive Very frequently we hearthe comment Soandso is a mostagreeable companion an 5nU restingtalker with a large fund of informa-tion is wellposted on worldhistory

j and the biographies of many eelrbrities can talk fluently on current

I topics is an accomplished musicianand literat ur and would bo a motdesirable addition to any social gath-ering


I except for the deplorable fatthat his or her breath is so extremely

I offensive that persons of refinementgood breeding and delicate sensibili-ties


do not care to come into con-tact


I with thenAnd very naturally too for an ob

I nxious breath taints the very atmos-phere


and affects the persons sur-rounding the affected one in a waywhich is positively nauseating

There is no longer any excuse for aI person however foul pud offensive-I their lr ath may 1r of inflicting itsj rl >T5oousness upon th delicate nos-trilsi and olfactory nerve of others

t Charcoal the great absorbent is theJ ideal remedy for conditions decrihl

l < rein and STTTARTS CHARCOALLOZENGES we have the very bestform in which charcoal ma be taken

I These little lozenges absorb one huntired times their own volume in foti-lgasei and tainted breaths and be-sides


deodorizing and purifying thej brenth end rendering it sweet andagreeable they also act as antiseptics-and


cleansers of the stomach and in-


i system absorbing all offensiveI gases which may be present there dfstroying disease germs poisons and

I microbe and putting a stop to suchi morbid processs as fermentation andI decomposition in eases of chronic d >pepsla and intestinal indigestion

Dont allow yourself to be kept outof company of your friends bocausyou may ly FO unfortunate as to have

i offensive reath from an cause Tse-i Stnarts Charcoal Lozenges and you-i may r > st assured that your troublei will be removed thoroughly andrapidly

j Purchase a box from your druggistfor 2Hc and send us your name andaddress for free sample package Ad-


F A Stuart Company 200 Stu-art Dldg Marshall Mich

The Greatest Showon Earth











Tax Assessor Ang Anderson whocant help agreeing with the fellowwho thinks he is a pretty good farm-er


brought us in a sample of hissyrup Saturday that looked as good-as it could and was as good as itlooked He it remembered that there-is not a mu < h poorer looking piece ofground in Valton county than tha1upon which this caiio grew and wewere curious to know how it turnedfrom a profitmaking point of vie v

From 20ths of acre he made 53gallons of this syrup or at the rate of360 gallons per acre and such syrup-as this is worth at any time 50 cents-a gallon wholesale At the same ra-tio


of cost to produce as this wouldgive a profit of 120 net ths iotcounting the labor Ang put on it him¬

selfRight along side of this take Theobject lesson in Japanese cane shownby P L Riddle on the street tin pstweek 1000 gallons of syrup from oneacre of this cane with one ton of alowgrade fertilizer with seven plow-ing


and two hoeings It is tne theJapanese cane is a little more expen-sive


to handle and the SYIUP does Trtsell quite so readily in the Marketbut The yield is larger narricularlv onthe sandier land it stands dry weatherand decs not have to be replantedbut 40 cents a gallon anti allowingf1OC to produce and manuf j nre ivrv liberal allowance and Teri is aprofit of Sftrt per aer > in and thereare thousands of acres of land as good-as that upon which his was grownwhich can be boiicht at less than SIbper acr ° PeFunis k Breeze

Stuarts Bnchc and Juniper Cossposnd f-

all liver and kidney troubles Relieves I

Bridits Disease All DrnfiCists 100

Have Your-

Christmas Suit orOvercoat

i Tailored to Measurew-

hile our fl WJ

25 per cent Cut Price Sale-

is in progress-

The seasons handsomest andmost dependable fabrics and ourbest tailoring are none too good foryou The prices

25 Suits and Overcoats 187530 Suits and Overcoats 225040 Suits and Overcoats 3000-

and so onnothing reserved


RTAlLOS y Em y Building

IncorporatedFRANK B GARDNER Manager-



JI8 1l k

The Carts With Red Signs I

are running on schedule time Place your order nowI for coal wood charcoal

Coal or wood delivered the day orderedcleanf-ree burning coal and dry wellseasoned wood











TlielDeFuniak Herald comes no fishstory this year but it lands the plumfor dog stories as it never was landedbefore Incline your ear three min ¬

utesA sportsman can no more keep fromprevaricating than a poultryman It isas impossible for a poultryman to talkto you for two minutes about his fowlswithout stretching the truth to thebreaking point as it is for snow tokeep from melting in the sunshineAnd a sportsman is just as bad

One evening last week a bunch ofmen were sitting in the DeFuniakDrug companys store when the con-versation


turned upon hunting fishing

A Public BenefitPensacola People Greatly In¬

terested in the GenerousOffer of The Crys-


Pharmacy-The people have already lemon

str ted that they would rather trust-a man who is naturally honest thanone who is honest only because hehad to-

ThebeCrystal Pharmacy has a firmiy

established reputation for square deal ¬

ing and sterling honesty When theytold the people that Hexall Remedies-are the purest and most dependabemedicines that it is possible for mod-ern


science to produce and that theywould tell the public what each ono ofthese 300 or more remedies containedand that they sold Rxall Remedieson their personal guarantee that theywould give entire satisfaction or theywould not cost the user a single centthey were believed

Ever since this announcement thCrystal Pharmacy has hen largelypatronized by people uing ReaMRemedies all of which proves thathis store has the confidence of thepeope and that honesty is the bestpolicy

There is no cureall amon theRexall Remedies There ar° differentand separate medicines each one dfvised for a certain human ailment ora class of ailments closely allied Forinstance Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets arerecommended for the positive relief-of stomach irritation indigestion i

flatulency and dyspepsia They ar4 j

rich in BlsmntnSubnitrate Pepsin andCarainativs They are prepared by i

special processes which perfect andenhance the great remedial vaa > ofthese wellknown medicinal agentsThis remedy sells for 2r cent >

cents and hiia pr package Every-one suffering from stomach disordershould try Rexall Dyspepsia Tabletsinasmuch as they cost nothing if theydo not saifvR-

emember Th Crystal Pharmacy isthe only tore in Pensaeola wherethrse remedies tatty lr obtain and-over one in need of raedfcfix Isurged to investigate and take attt-age of the frank and seaerasr man-ner la which they are soil j



Manufacturers of Hammocks Cots Awn ¬

ings Tents Tarpaulins andCanvas Hose


If Its Made of Canvas We Can Do ItNo 708 S Palafox Phone 1176


guns dogs etc After two or three ofthe local sportsmen and a drummer ortwo had divested themselves of somepretty stunning and unreasonable ex-periences


a drummer who had beensaying nothing took the floor and re-marked


Gentlemen most of you are strangers to me and I shall therefore notfeel offended if some of you take what-I am about to tell you with a grain ofsalt but what I am going to tell ouis true and I can prove it by HarleyCawthon-

I once owned a dog gentlemenwhich was the most intelligent animal-I ever saw When that dog saw meso out with my rifle it would huntnothing but deer If I took my shot ¬

gun the dog hunted nothing but jirdsOne day I had a notion to go fish ¬

ing For an hour or two I was busyvetting my fishing tackle togetherWhen I reached my front gate therestood that noble dog with a can full ofbait worms which he had dug

Arise and sing I want to be anAngel

Foleys Honey and Tar is the bestand safest cough remedy for child-ren


At the first symptoms of acold give as directed and ward offdanger of croup bronchitis sorethroat cold in the head and stuffybreathing It brings comfort and easeto the little ones Contains no opi ¬

I ates or other harmful drugs KeepIalways on hand and refuse substi ¬

tutes W A DAlemberte druggist-and apothecary 121 S Palafox street

ALWAYS FRESHGunthers famous candies

received weekly Fresh ship ¬

ment just in HannahGrant Phone 88-







Lucius Grover colored wp = jr 1 f

by the grand jury on the L amurder yesterday the true Ill C

the first found by the jury Palleged that he murdered a owoman in the eastern secfrn rcity by striking her on the h ada batch

Grower was taken Before th <

where he entered a plea of ri aHis case was set for trial on iY

No cases wera heard in th frnoon by the court and an adjournwas taken to 2 ovfe in th f rTfww wi r f X GoIJrv-A U fl ris waa C

and tfrtiruonv heard


lying Out of PensacolaStops at All


Santa Rosa SoundPo-ints

Leaves Pensacola at 530 a m everyWednesday and Saturday returning Mon-days


and ThursdaysI at Harris Mary Esther CampWalton Garnlers Destin Kocky Bayouand BOSSY Bayou Reaches all of thebest fishing points In these waters

Dimensions feet over all J7 ft 7In beam 50h p engine Speed 5 mites

I per hour Two toilet rooms Largecabi-nLandingFoot of Palafox treet

Passenger and Freight Service-NN IHULISOX Master

Notice The owners will not be respon-sible


for debts made by anyone other thanthemselves









If the acceptance by Stone Web-ster of tho proposition to operate cars-on the line is all that is necessary therace track plant is assured for Pen ¬

sacola for yesterday representativesof that concernaccepted the proposi ¬

tion as offered by real estate firms toextend the present West Hill lino tothe site selected about two miles dis ¬

tantA meeting is to be held some timenext week the date of which will beI

announced later when the real statefirms expect to have all of the con-tracts


signed up W II Bickers who-is promoting the track will be in thecity at that time and be present atthe meeting At this meeting it isexpected everything relating to thetrack will be closed up

If you are suffering from bilious ¬

ness constipation indigestion chron-ic


I headache invest one cent in a pos-tal


I card send to Chamberlain Medi-cine


Co Des Moines Iowa with yourname and address plainly on the backand they will forward you a free sam-ple


of Chamberlains Stomach andLiver Tablets Sold iby all dealers

The Great Contest-For The Crystal Pharmacy prizes iswaxing warm and large batches ofadvertisements and Rexall wrappers-areI brought in every day






BERG OiIL a11i-T

By Associates PressDuluth Minn Dec 7The package

freight steamer Muncy of the Anchorline which arrived here last nighthad a thrilling trip from Houghton to

I Duluth The Muncy as she lies atthe Omaha dock is a vertiable ice-berg Second mate J J Smith said-

A heavy southeastern with muchsnow struck us The waves washedover the leeks and the spray dashedSO to 40 feet up the spars The wa ¬

ter froze as fast as it struck A bigwave washed away the tank fastenedto the forward leek and tore away thepilot house bridge The water en-tered


the cabin windows and at times-we believed that the ship was sinking-

FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHESWhfthnr from CVIalarlous condition Collaor ovcrhcatins try Hicks CAIUDIXBIt redtirrs the fever andrclievos the ach-ing


Its Liquid 10 25 and SO cents atDrug StoresHOGS BRING RECORD PRICE-


9v Associated PressKansas City Dec iWhen hogs

sold at SIn a hundred at th stock-yards Iire toda a record frr-yars l7

was established d In Julv of i-


carloads Aerr fold at S MIh I his was df to a cholera t 4iihi mi


I 4-S




4 5 L-



Benj C Heinberg




All ColorsAll SizesandAll Pricesfrom




Opposite the Post




Brush fEscambia Motor

Car CoEast Garden Street-


An Illustrated JewelryCatalogue containing manysuggestions for holiday gifts-at prices to suit all purseswill be sent free upon re-

questEngraved Calling cards

and monogram stationerymake appropriate presentsSamples and prices for theasking

Kodaks and Premo Came-ras


are always acceptableIllustrated booklets will alsobe sent If you are Interested-

Our goods are of the high ¬

est standard Every pieceguaranteed

EOZadek Jewelry Co



2 pounds 25cThey are just what you

will need for the ChristmasHoliday Season We alsohave

ASSORTED NUTS 20cper pound

1 2 and 5lb FRUIT-CAKES 25c per pound

NECCO CHOCOLATES-50c per pound

This store is headquartersfor everything in keeping-with Christmastime Orderby phone or call

Marine Grocery Co

V J VIDAL Manager

Phone 725 604606 Sfouth Palafox Stl