penguins news article


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Penguins news article

WHY ARE YOU KILLING PINGU?We chuffing love penguins, just look at all their celebrity appearances - Pingu, that one in "Wallace and Gromit" and recently the Oscar winning "Happy Feet" - we can't get enough of their funny walks, and little squeaking beaks! So if we love these zebras of the ice so much why are we killing them?

Yeah yeah, "It's not us killing the cute fluffy penguins" I hear you cry, but you're wrong, and I'll tell you why.

Yes it's global warming again. You. With your car, and your fridges, and your factories, and your planes, and your "I'll just leave the TV on stand-by" attitude. It's all polluting and ruining the delicate balance of life. Leaving the lights on at night means YOU'RE killing a penguin, that's the news from Greenpeace.

Global warming is bad, here's the science bit:

Global warming is melting the ice from right under the penguins feet - penguins being land birds need the ice under their feet to use as land - without the land (ice) the penguins die, because all that is left is water, due to global warming. And it just gets worse - the more ice melts the more the warming accelerates.

And the polar bears are dying too - same problem - as they become more and more desperate to survive they're actually eating the baby penguins - THE BABY ONES! Putting an even greater strain on the fragile, already crippled penguin population.

You see it's not just about the third world anymore, it's not all drought and freak weather (yeah, I watched "The Day After Tomorrow" too, scary huh?) now we're killing the penguins, man's favourite animal (after dogs).

So what can you do? All the obvious things of course; don't leave the TV on standby, put a brick in the cistern. Every little helps. But more than that - tell your friends, your mum, the man on the street - get the knowledge out there, let everyone know what they're doing, what consequences of their actions are, and change the world, for the penguins.

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