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Post on 29-Oct-2015




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  • SISTEM EKONOMI(ECONOMIC SYSTEM)PENGERTIAN:Economic system is institutional means by which scarce resources are allocated to satisfy the wants of society KATA KUNCI DEFINISI (KEYWORDS):Scarce resources, or allocation of resources(Persoalan utama dalam sistem ekonomi adalah sistem distribusi sumber daya/penguasaan faktor produksi: tanah, modal dan tenaga kerja. Artinya siapa pelaku utama yang menguasai faktor produksi tersebut. Dominasi penguasaan oleh pelaku tertentu akan merepresentasikan sistem ekonomi itu sendiri

  • TO SATISFY THE WANTS of SOCIETY:Terpenuhinya keinginan masyarakat merupakan indikator utama tercapainya kesejahteraan ekonomi WELFARE ECONOMIC(Merupakan Tujuan Sistem Ekonomi)Social Welfare


    Pada intinya sistem ekonomi itu bicara tentang alokasi (penguasaan) faktor produksi. Siapa yang dominan (punya kuasa) atas faktor produksi? Bila dikuasai oleh swasta (diserahkan ke pasar), maka sistem ekonomi menjadi sistem ekonomi pasar. Bila dikuasai oleh negara sepenuhnya, maka sistem ekonomi menjadi sistem ekonomi komando (sosialiasis/komunis). Bila pemerintah dan swasta punya kuasa atas faktor produksi, maka sistem ekonomi menjadi sistem ekonomi campuran

    Sistem ekonomi Islam adalah sistem ekonomi campuran, karena pemerintah dan swasta memiliki kuasa atas faktor produksi

    Sistem ekonomi Islam adalah sistem ekonomi yang didasarkan pada nilai-nilai Islam

  • PEMBAGIAN SISTEM EKONOMI1. MARKET ECONOMY:Is one in which individuals and private firms make the major decisions about production and consumption2. COMMAND ECONOMY:Is one in which the government makes all important decisions about production and distribution3. MIXED ECONOMY:With elements or market and command4. ISLAM:Sistem ekonomi yang berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai Islam


    Sistem ekonomi Indonesia adalah demokrasi ekonomi (sistem ekonomi campuran), cirinya :Tidak boleh terjadi penumpukan aset pada seorang atau sekelompok orang;Pengusaha lemah harus diberi prioritas dan dibantu;Usaha kecil menengah dan koperasi sebagai pilar utama ekonomi nasional dan harus memperoleh kesempatan utama, dukungan dst.;Usaha besar diberi hak dan bermitra dengan pengusaha kecil, menengah dan koperasi;Perbankan wajib membantu UMKM;dst. (lihat Tap MPR No : XVI/MPR/1998)

  • FAKTOR PRODUKSI(RESOURCES)CAPITAL (physical capital):Machine, roads, computers, hammer, truct, steel mills, ect.LABOUR:The human time spent in production

    LAND:Land used for farming, factories and road;Non-energy resources: Copper (tembaga) , iron, sand, ect.

  • PEMBAGIAN MODAL (CAPITAL)HUMAN CAPITAL:Human capital : .. is a set of skills that can be rented out to employers or the knowledge and skills of a workers


  • HARGA FAKTOR PRODUKSICAPITAL (MODAL ):Bunga (interest)LABOUR (TENAGA KERJA):Upah/gaji (wage/Salary)

    LAND (TANAH): Sewa (rent)

    Dalam Sistem Ekonomi Islam, konsep bunga diganti dengan prinsip (sistem): Produk Penghimpunan Dana, Produk Pembiayaan, dan jasa layanan lainnya

  • MACAM-MACAM OPPORTUNITY COSTUntuk Land adalah sewa (rent). Maksudnya, manfaat yang dikorbankan kalau tanah itu tidak digunakan ataupun digunakan oleh pemiliknya adalah sewaUntuk Capital adalah bunga (interest), bila sistem ekonominya konvensional. Untuk sistem ekonomi syariah, konsep opportunity cost adalah semua produk yang dijual dalam perbankan syariah (Islam), lihat kembali konsep pengganti bunga dalam perbankan IslamUntuk labour adalah upah (gaji)


    PRINSIP WADIAH: Giro Tabungan

    PRINSIP MUDHARABAH: Deposito TabunganPRINSIP JUAL BELI:Murobahah, Istisna, Salam (inden), dan IMBTPRINSIP BAGI HASIL:Mudharabah, MusyarakahWakalah: Pemberian kuasa kpd BankKafalah: Pemberian jaminan (bank garansi)Hiwalah: Pengalihan utangRahn: GadaiQardh: Pinjaman tanpa bunga/dana talangSharf: Jual beli valasIjarah: Sewa-menyewaQardhul Hasan: Pinjaman kebaikan/sumbangan

  • PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY FRONTIER (PPF) or PPCPENGERTIAN:It represents the maximum amount of a pair of goods or services that can both be produced with an economy s given resources, assuming that all resources are fully employed (Samuelson-Nordhaus, 2010: 18)PPF akan sangat berkaitan erat dengan teknologi, knowledge, input (resources) yang digunakan dalam suatu Negara atau Wilayah KEGUNAAN:Untuk melihat kemampuan produksi suatu negara, sumberdaya yang dimiliki, tingkat efisiensi, dan teknologi yang digunakanThe maximum amount of a pair goods or services berkaitan erat dengan Aggregate Supply (AS) suatu Negara atau Wilayah, atau ia terkait juga dengan LPEANALISIS PPF: lihat keterangan selanjutnya


    TEKNIK MEMBUAT GRAFIK:Menggunakan sumbu tegak (Y) dan sumbu datar (X), asumsi hanya dua jenis barang

    KENAPA HANYA DUA JENIS BARANG:Ini sebuah asumsi saja (penyederhanaan dunia nyata), tujuannya agar analisis dapat dilakukan secara sederhana dan mudah

    RATE OF PRODUCT TRANSFORMATION (RPT):RPT merupakan rasio (perbandingan) antara perubahan salah satu barang untuk ditranformasi menjadi barang lain. RPT = (Y/X) = opportunity cost

    OPPORTUNITY COST:It is the benefits sacrificed because of the choosing another alternatives. Samuelson (2010) defined : It is also the value of the best alternative use of an economic goods

  • Production Possibilities Frontiers Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Todays AgendaA simple two-good model of productionProduction possibilities frontiersUse PPFs to illustrate various conceptsSlope of the PPFExamplesScarcityEfficiency / inefficiency and unemploymentOpportunity costEconomic GrowthConcave PPFLinear PPF

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Production Possibilities FrontierSuppose there are only two goods...the production possibilities frontier, is a graph showing the various combinations of output that can be produced when all resources are being utilized in the most (productively) efficient manner possible, given the current level of technology

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Production Possibilities in a Two-Good EconomyConsider an economy that produces computers and carsHow can we illustrate the production possibilities for this economy using a graph?...

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Attainable and UnattainableAll points on or inside the frontier are attainablePoint A is attainable, so is point B. In fact B is better!Point C is unattainableProductionPossibilities frontier

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Illustrating Concepts Using a Production Possibility FrontierScarcity Efficiency, Inefficiency and UnemploymentOpportunity CostEconomic Growth

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000ScarcityAll points on or inside the frontier are attainablePoints A and B are attainableAt point C more cars and computers are being produced than at A or BBut point C is unattainable. Why?ScarcityProduction possibilities are bounded

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Efficiency, Inefficiency and UnemploymentAll points on the PPF are attainable if society uses all of its resources in a productively efficient mannerBut point A, which is not on the frontier, is also attainable.What is happening at A?WasteUnemploymentInefficiencyInside the frontier!

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Opportunity CostStart at B1800 cars and 1500 computers Say we want to increase the number computers to 2000At point B2 we are producing 2000 computers, but only 600 cars. To increase computer-production by 500, we must give up car-production by 200The negative slope of the PPF implies that whenever we increase production of one goodwe must give up some of the other goodNot Possible!B11,500B22,000800600C

  • **3,0001,000Economic GrowthLong RunOver time an economy can growMore labor and capitalTechnological progressWhat happens to the PPF?Shifts outward!Previously unattainable levels of productionnow become attainable1,5004,000Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced

  • **AQuantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Economic GrowthShort RunConsider an economy at point ARecessionHigh unemploymentSuppose the central bank cuts interest rates to bring the economy out of recessionThe economy moves to BUnemployment falls, output increasesBut production possibilities are unaffectedB

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Why Does the PPF Bow Outward?PPF does not necessarily have to be concave!But it is reasonable assumption. Why?Because not all resources are equally suited at producing the same goodComputer manufacturers make poor car makers and vice versaIf more and more resources were diverted into the production of cars say, then even computer manufacturers would find themselves on the automobile assembly line. But their productivity would be low!

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000BIllustrating the PointSuppose we go from A to B. Production of cars is virtually unaffected, but production of computers falls by 750!Computer manufacturers are lousy at making carsPPF is steepSuppose we go from C to D. Production of computers is virtually unaffected, but production of cars decreases by 250!Car makers are lousy at making computersPPF is flat750D250As we move up the PPF its slope decreases

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Linear PPFsThe slope of the PPF.measures the opportunity cost of producing good X (in this case cars) in terms of good Y (in this case computers)If the PPF is linear, then the opportunity cost of producing X in terms of Y is constant at all levels of productionThis is unrealistic, but linear PPFs are easier to deal withDYDXSlope = DY/DXSlope at Aequals Slope at B

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*Marginal Rate of TransformationThe slope of the PPF is sometimes called the marginal rate of transformation of good X (in this case cars) for good Y (in this case computers)For linear PPFs the MRTXY is constantFor concave PPFs the MRTXY (o/c of X in terms of Y) increases with X

    Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics

  • **Quantity ofComputersProducedQuantity ofCars Produced3,0001,000Measuring the Opportunity CostWhat is the opportunity cost of producing cars?Pick any two points on the PPFAs we move from A to BDY = -1800 andDX = 600Slope = -1800/600 = -3O/C of 1 car is 3 computersSlope = DY/DX2008002,400600

  • *Antu Panini Murshid--Principles of Macroeconomics*SummaryA PPF shows all combinations of goods and services that can be produced given available resources and technologyThe PPF is used to illustrate concepts such as scarcity and opportunity costThe slope of the PPF measures the o/c of producing good X in terms of good YThe curvature of the PPF reflects increasing opportunity cost when substituting one type of production for another
