pendant monitor

8 Accessing iPendant Screens Through the Web Server The robot iPendant screens can be accessed through the robot web server using one of the following URLs: http://myrobot/frh/cgtp/echo.htm (non-interactive TP display) http://myrobot/frh/cgtp/cgtp.htm (interactive TP display, independent TP session) Access to cgtp.htm requires a password to be configured for the iPendant resource. Refer to the “Advanced iPendant Functions” appendix in the application-specific FANUC Robotics SYSTEM R-J3iB Setup and Operations Manual for more information.

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Page 1: Pendant Monitor Accessing iPendant Screens Through the Web Server

The robot iPendant screens can be accessed through the robot web server using one of the following URLs:

• http://myrobot/frh/cgtp/echo.htm (non-interactive TP display) • http://myrobot/frh/cgtp/cgtp.htm (interactive TP display, independent TP session)

Access to cgtp.htm requires a password to be configured for the iPendant resource.

Refer to the “Advanced iPendant Functions” appendix in the application-specific FANUC Robotics SYSTEM R-J3iB Setup and Operations Manual for more information.

Page 2: Pendant Monitor

G.3 Remote Monitoring

G.3.1 Overview

Remote monitoring provides you with the capability to display and monitor the current iPendant screens and operations on a PC using Microsoft® Internet Explorer. It is meant as a DISPLAY ONLY mode and therefore, the remote connection normally cannot interact with the screens or affect the operation of the iPendant or robot controller. See Section G.3.4 for limitations.

The following can be displayed remotely:

• All iPendant screens available from the MENUS and [TYPE] keys. • All popup menus, and windows. • Multiple window configurations (Double and Triple modes on the iPendant

for example, ). • Any input from the iPendant numeric keypad, Function keys or cursor

movement. • Any custom screens that are accessible from the [TYPE] menu in the

BROWSER Screen. • Any top level HELP or DIAGNOSTIC Screens.

G.3.2 Setup

Setup consists of:

• Identifying requirements • Configuring Internet Explorer ™ • Testing the Network Connection

G.3.2.1 Requirements

The following are the requirements for remote display of the iPendant screens.

• The PC must have Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater installed. • The PC must have the iPendant Controls installed. Refer to Procedure

G.1 Installing FANUC Robotics iPendant Controls for installation instructions.

• The PC must be connected to a network , and be properly configured to allow a TCP/IP connection to the robot controller with the iPendant connected.

• The Robot Controller must be connected to a network and be properly configured for Network access to the above PC.

G.3.2.2 Configuring Internet Explorer ™

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The following settings are required in Microsoft® Internet Explorer for proper operation of the Remote Monitoring function.

Procedure G.2 Configuring Internet Explorer

1. In Internet Explorer ™ go to TOOLS>Internet Options. 2. If you are using a proxy server, make sure that your access to the robot

does not go through the proxy. a. Select the Connections Tab. b. Select LAN Settings. c. Click Advanced. d. Go to Exceptions and include local network which includes the

robots. For example, 192.* would exclude from the proxy all the robots on the 192.x.x.x network from going through the proxy.

3. Select the Security Tab. 4. Select Custom Level. 5. Make sure that under ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins the following is

checked: • Run ActiveX Controls and plug-ins – Enabled.

G.3.2.3 Testing the Network Connection

This section describes a method to verify that the network connection from the PC to the robot is configured correctly and operational.

Procedure G.3 Testing the Network Connection


Before performing the test, make sure the following conditions are met:

• The PC is connected to a network that can be used to access the robot. • The PC has Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater loaded and is

properly configured as detailed in Section G.3.2.2 above. • The robot is turned on and is connected to a network that is accessible by

the above PC.


1. Bring up Internet Explorer on the PC. 2. In the Internet Explorer Address field, Enter “http://<myrobot_name_


Where <myrobot_name_ or_address> is either the DNS name of your robot i.e. or the IP address of your robot. (for example

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If the connection is successfully made you will see the HOME page of the robot displayed in Internet Explorer. It will be similar to that shown in Figure G.1 Robot HOME page.

Figure G.1 Robot HOME page

If you are unable to make this connection, refer to the FANUC Robotics SYSTEM R-J3iB Controller Internet Options Setup and Operations Manual for additional information or contact your System Network Administrator.

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G.3.3 Operation

After you have properly configured Microsoft® Internet Explorer and verified that you can connect to the robot as detailed above you can now access the Remote iPendant screen. The following sections detail the procedure required for this and the limitations of this feature.

G.3.3.1 Remotely Monitoring the iPendant

This section will describe the method to connect to the robot controller and display the remote iPendant screen for monitoring the iPendant operation.

Procedure G.4 Remotely Monitoring the iPendant


• The PC is connected to a network that can be used to access the robot. • The PC has Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater loaded and is

properly configured as detailed in Section G.3.2.2 above. • The PC has the iPendant Controls installed as detailed in Procedure G.1

Installing FANUC Robotics iPendant Controls . • The robot is turned on and connected to a network that is accessible by

the above PC. • The robot has a functional iPendant connected and operational.


1. Bring up Internet Explorer on the PC. 2. In the Internet Explorer Address field, Enter “http://<myrobot_name_


Where <myrobot_name_ or_address> is either the DNS name of your robot (i.e. or the IP address of your robot. (i.e.

If the connection is successfully made you will briefly see the LOGIN screen, similar to that shown in Figure G.2 Remote iPendant LOGON Screen, displayed in Internet Explorer.

Figure G.2 Remote iPendant LOGON Screen

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After the LOGON Screen, you will see a remote display of the current iPendant screen. The display will show the current iPendant screen and any activity that might be occurring on it (popup menus, dynamic data, screen reconfigurations, for example). It might be similar to that shown in Figure G.3 Remote iPendant Monitoring Screen.

Figure G.3 Remote iPendant Monitoring Screen

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G.3.4 Limitations

Remote monitoring provides the user with the capability to display and monitor the current iPendant screens and operations on a PC using Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

The following limitations apply to the remotely displayed iPendant screen during the remote monitoring operation:

• It is meant as a DISPLAY ONLY mode, as such the remote connection normally cannot interact with the screens or affect the operation of the iPendant or robot controller except in the following cases:

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If any web page is being displayed, any active link or component (ie iPendant Control) can be selected on the remote iPendant screen and activated. This may cause an interaction with the robot or with the actual iPendant. Care must be taken when viewing web pages remotely.

• • The remote display will look similar to the iPendant but will not be an exact

duplicate. Fonts, Character sizes, colors, images, and overall format might be different.

• If a popup menu is being displayed on the iPendant when the remote monitoring connection is made to the robot controller, that popup menu will not appear on the initial remote display. Subsequent pop-ups will be displayed on the remote screen as they occur on the iPendant.

• Highlighted“Links” on a web page, a custom screen, a Help or Diagnostics screen, being displayed on the iPendant, are not highlighted on the remote screen as shown in Figure G.4 Highlighted Links .

Figure G.4 Highlighted Links