peggy a. thoits - indiana university

VITA PEGGY A. THOITS January, 2016 Department of Sociology 744 Ballantine Hall Fax: (812) 855-0781 1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue Office: (812) 856-2243 Indiana University Department: (812) 855-4127 Bloomington, IN 47405 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1978 Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, California M.A. 1976 Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, California M.A. 1973 Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado B.A. 1971 Sociology (summa cum laude), University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado HONORS AND AWARDS: 2013 James R. Greenley Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Sociology of Mental Health, Society and Mental Health Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems 2012 Outstanding Mentor Award, Graduate Student Association, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 2010 Trustees Teaching Award, Indiana University, for excellent teaching, especially at the undergraduate level2010 Cooley-Mead Award for Lifetime Contributions to Distinguished Scholarship in Sociological Social Psychology, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association 2010 Leo G. Reeder Award for Distinguished Contributions to Medical Sociology, Medical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association 2006 Sociology of Emotions Lifetime Achievement Award, Emotions Section, American Sociological Association 2005 Leonard I. Pearlin Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Sociology of Mental Health/Illness, Mental Health Section, American Sociological Association

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January, 2016

Department of Sociology

744 Ballantine Hall Fax: (812) 855-0781

1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue Office: (812) 856-2243

Indiana University Department: (812) 855-4127

Bloomington, IN 47405 E-mail: [email protected]


Ph.D. 1978 Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, California

M.A. 1976 Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, California

M.A. 1973 Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado

B.A. 1971 Sociology (summa cum laude), University of Colorado,

Boulder, Colorado


2013 James R. Greenley Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Sociology of Mental

Health, Society and Mental Health Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems

2012 Outstanding Mentor Award, Graduate Student Association, Department of Sociology,

Indiana University

2010 Trustees Teaching Award, Indiana University, for “excellent teaching, especially at the

undergraduate level”

2010 Cooley-Mead Award for Lifetime Contributions to Distinguished Scholarship in

Sociological Social Psychology, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological


2010 Leo G. Reeder Award for Distinguished Contributions to Medical Sociology, Medical

Sociology Section, American Sociological Association

2006 Sociology of Emotions Lifetime Achievement Award, Emotions Section, American

Sociological Association

2005 Leonard I. Pearlin Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Sociology of Mental

Health/Illness, Mental Health Section, American Sociological Association

Page 2: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

2004 Two articles (1983, 1986) in the American Sociological Review’s “Greatest Hits”

(articles with 100 or more citations since the journal’s inception in 1936). See the “Greatest

Hits” site: or American Sociological

Review, 2004, 70 (February): 1-4.

2003 Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Vanderbilt


2003 Designated “Highly Cited Researcher” in the Social Sciences, by Institute for Scientific

Information (ISI) (see

2002 Outstanding Educator, Peabody College Honoree, Vanderbilt University, for

“outstanding service in education”

1999 Mentoring Award for “outstanding contributions to the professional and intellectual

development of Vanderbilt women,” Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, Vanderbilt


1998 Appointed Fellow of the American Psychological Society (now the Association for

Psychological Science) for “sustained outstanding contributions to the science of psychology"

1996-97 NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and

Public Health, Department of Mental Hygiene, Prevention Research Center, Baltimore,


1990-91 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California.

1989 Elected to Sociological Research Association (honorary society).

1989 Edwin H. Sutherland Teaching Award, Department of Sociology, Indiana University.

1985-86 NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley.

1974-77 NIMH Predoctoral Fellow, Stanford University.

1970 Phi Beta Kappa

1970 Val B. Fischer Award in Sociology, University of Colorado

1967-71 Regents Scholarships, and Honors Student, University of Colorado


Virginia L. Roberts Professor of Sociology, Indiana University, July 2009 - present.

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Professor – Department of Sociology, Indiana University, August, 2008 – June, 2009.

Elizabeth Taylor-Williams Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Research Professor of

Social Medicine - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, July, 2004 – June, 2008.

Fellow, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina –

Chapel Hill, February, 2005-2008.

Professor - Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, September, 1990 - July, 2004.

Professor - Department of Sociology, Indiana University, July 1989 - August, 1990.

Acting Program Director, NIMH Training Program in the Measurement of Affect,

Department of Sociology, Indiana University, July, 1989 - June, 1990.

Associate Professor - Department of Sociology, Indiana University, August 1986 - August


Visiting Assistant Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow - Department of Sociology, University

of California-Berkeley, September 1985 - September 1986.

Assistant Professor - Department of Sociology, Princeton University, September 1980 - June

1986 (awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor, May 1986).

Assistant Professor - Department of Sociology, Washington State University, September 1978

- August 1980.

Research Sociologist - Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International, Menlo Park,

California, September 1977 - September 1978.

Research Analyst - Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, Stanford Research Institute,

Menlo Park, California, June 1976 - September 1977.

Research Assistant - Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, Stanford Research Institute,

Menlo Park, California, June 1974 - June 1976.

Teaching Assistant - Sociology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1975-


Experimental Assistant - Laboratory for Social Research, Stanford University, California,


Associate Director and Instructor - Colorado Summer Work-Study Program in Mental Health,

University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 1971 - April 1973.

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Teaching Assistant - Sociology Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado,

August 1971 - June 1972.


Sociology of Mental Health Stress, Coping, and Support Processes

Social Psychology Sociology of Emotion

Research Methods Self and Identity

Medical Sociology



Coming Thoits, Peggy A. “Sociological Approaches to Mental Illness.” In the Handbook for the

Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems, 3rd Edition, edited by

Teresa L. Scheid and Eric R. Wright. Cambridge University Press.


Coming Thoits, Peggy A. “’I’m Not Mentally Ill’: Identity Deflection and Well-Being.” Journal

of Health and Social Behavior.


Coming Thoits, Peggy A. and Bruce G. Link. “Stigma Resistance and Well-Being among

Persons in Treatment for Psychosis.” Society and Mental Health.

2014 Smith-Lovin, Lynn and Peggy A. Thoits. “Introduction to the Special Section on the

Sociology of Emotions.” Emotion Review 6:187-188.

2013 Thoits, Peggy A. “Volunteer Identity Salience, Role Enactment, and Well-Being:

Comparisons among Three Salience Constructs.” Social Psychology Quarterly 76:373-


2013 Thoits, Peggy A. “Self, Identity, Stress, and Mental Health.” Pp. 357-377 in Handbook

of the Sociology of Mental Health, Second Edition, edited by Carol S. Aneshensel, Jo C.

Phelan, and Alex Bierman. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

2012 Thoits, Peggy A. “Role-Identity Salience, Purpose and Meaning in Life, and Well-

Being among Volunteers.” Social Psychology Quarterly 75:360-384.

2015. Results appear as featured article: “Visiting Has its Benefits,” Heartbeat

Magazine (Spring): 14-17.

2012 Longest, Kyle C. and Peggy A. Thoits. “Gender, the Stress Process, and Health: A

Configurational Approach.” Society and Mental Health 2:187-206.

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2012 Thoits, Peggy A. “Emotional Deviance and Mental Disorder.” Pp. 201-222 in

Emotions Matter: A Relational Approach to Emotions, edited by Dale Spencer, Kevin

Walby, and Alan Hunt. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.

2011 Thoits, Peggy A. “Mechanisms Linking Social Ties and Support to Physical and Mental

Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 52: 145-161.

One of the top ten most-cited articles in sociology during 2010 – 2104 (see ASA

Footnotes, December, 2015).

2011 Thoits, Peggy A. “Resisting the Stigma of Mental Illness.” Social Psychology

Quarterly 74: 6-28.

2011 Thoits, Peggy A. “Perceived Social Support and Voluntary, Mixed, or Pressured Use of

Mental Health Services.” Society and Mental Health 1: 4-19.

2011 Payton, Andrew R. and Peggy A. Thoits. “Medicalization, Direct-to-Consumer-

Advertising, and Mental Illness Stigma.” Society and Mental Health 1: 55-70.

2010 Thoits, Peggy A. “Stress and Health: Major Findings and Policy Implications.” Journal

of Health and Social Behavior 51 (Special Issue): S41-S53.

2010 Thoits, Peggy A. “Sociological Approaches to Mental Illness.” Pp. 106-124 in A

Handbook for the Study of Mental Health, Second Edition, edited by Teresa L. Scheid

and Tony N. Brown. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Revised, updated


2010 Thoits, Peggy A. “Compensatory Coping with Stressors.” Pp. 23-34 in Advances in the

Conceptualization of the Stress Process: Essays in Honor of Leonard I. Pearlin, edited

by William R. Avison, Carol S. Aneshensel, Scott Schieman, and Blair Wheaton. New

York: Springer-Verlag.

2008 Thoits, Peggy A. and Ranae J. Evenson. “Differential Labeling of Mental Illness by

Social Status Revisited: Patterns Before and After the Rise of Managed Care.”

Sociological Forum 23, 1: 28-52.

2007 Thoits, Peggy A. “Extending Scherer’s Conception of Emotion.” Social Science

Information 46, 3: 429-433.

2006 Thoits, Peggy A. “Personal Agency in the Stress Process.” Journal of Health and Social

Behavior 47: 309-323.

2005 Inaba, Akihide, Peggy A. Thoits, Koji Ueno, Walter R. Gove, Ranae J. Evenson, and

Melissa M. Sloan. “Depression in the United States and Japan: Distributions by

Gender, Marital Status, and Socioeconomic Status.” Social Science & Medicine 61, 11:


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2005 Thoits, Peggy A. “Differential Labeling of Mental Illness by Social Status: A New

Look at an Old Problem.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 46, 1: 102-119.

2004 Thoits, Peggy A. “Emotion Norms, Emotion Work, and Social Order.” Pp. 359-378 in

Feelings and Emotions: The Amsterdam Symposium, edited by Antony S. R.

Manstead, Nico H. Frijda, and Agneta H. Fischer. NY: Cambridge University Press.

2008, Reprinted in Within the Social World: Essays in Social Psychology, edited

by Jeffrey Chin and Cardell K. Jacobson. Boston, MA: ABLongman.

2003 Thoits, Peggy A. “Personal Agency in the Accumulation of Multiple Role-Identities.”

Pp. 179-194 in Advances in Identity Theory and Research, edited by Peter J. Burke,

Timothy J. Owens, Richard Serpe, and Peggy A. Thoits. New York: Kluwer


2003 Burke, Peter J., Timothy J. Owens, Richard Serpe, and Peggy A. Thoits (Editors).

Advances in Identity Theory and Research. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

2001 Thoits, Peggy A. and Lyndi N. Hewitt. “Volunteer Work and Well-Being.” Journal of

Health and Social Behavior 42, 2: 115-131.

2000 Thoits, Peggy A., Ann A. Hohmann, Mary R. Harvey, and Bill Fletcher.

“Similar-Other Support for Men Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.”

Health Psychology 19: 264-273.

1999 Thoits, Peggy A. “Introduction to the Special Issue: Sociological Contributions to the

Understanding of Emotion.” Motivation and Emotion 23, 2: 67-71.

1999 Thoits, Peggy A. “Self, Identity, Stress, and Mental Health.” Pp. 345-368 in

Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health, edited by Carol S. Aneshensel and Jo. C.

Phelan. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

1999 Thoits, Peggy A. “Sociological Approaches to Mental Illness.” Pp. 121-138 in A

Handbook for the Study of Mental Health, edited by Allan V. Horwitz and Teresa L.

Scheid. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1997 Thoits, Peggy A. and Lauren K. Virshup. “Me's and We's: Forms and Functions of

Social Identities.” Pp. 106-133 in Self and Identity: Fundamental Issues, Volume I,

edited by Richard D. Ashmore and Lee Jussim. New York, NY: Oxford University


1996 Thoits, Peggy A. “Managing the Emotions of Others.” Symbolic Interaction 19, 2:85-


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1995 Jackson, Pamela Braboy, Peggy A. Thoits, and Howard F. Taylor. “Composition of

the Workplace and Psychological Well-Being: The Effects of Tokenism on America's

Black Elite.” Social Forces 74:543-557.

1995 Thoits, Peggy A. “Social Psychology: The Interplay between Sociology and

Psychology.” Social Forces 73: 1231-1243.

1998, Reprinted in Sociological Analysis 1: 169-180.

1995 Thoits, Peggy A. “Stress, Coping and Social Support Processes: Where Are We?

What Next?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35 (Extra Issue): 53-79.

1998, Reprinted in Readings in Medical Sociology, edited by William C.

Cockerham, Michael Glasser, and Linda S. Heuser, Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Prentice Hall.

2000, Reprinted in Readings in Medical Sociology, 2nd Edition, edited by

William C. Cockerham and Michael Glasser. NJ: Prentice Hall.

1995 Thoits, Peggy A. Identity-Relevant Events and Psychological Symptoms: A

Cautionary Tale. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36:72-82.

1994 Thoits, Peggy A. Stressors and Problem-Solving: The Individual as Psychological

Activist. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35:143-159.

1999, Reprinted in Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Investigating the Social

World: The Process and Practice of Research, Second Edition, by Russell K.

Schutt and Matthew E. Archibald. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

1992 Thoits, Peggy A. Identity Structures and Psychological Well-Being: Gender and

Marital Status Comparisons. Social Psychology Quarterly 55, 3:236-256.

Selected Top 5 Finalist paper for the 1992 Reuben Hill Award, National

Council on Family Relations.

1992 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support Functions and Network Structures: A Supplemental

View. Pp. 57-62 in Hans O. F. Veiel and Urs Baumann (eds.), The Meaning and

Measurement of Social Support. New York: Hemisphere Publishing.

1991 Thoits, Peggy A. On Merging Identity Theory and Stress Research. Social Psychology

Quarterly 54, 2:101-112.

1991 Thoits, Peggy A. Patterns in Coping with Controllable and Uncontrollable Events. Pp.

235-258 in E. Mark Cummings, Anita L. Greene, and Katherine H. Karraker (eds.),

Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Perspectives on Stress and Coping. Hillsdale,

NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

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1991 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender Differences in Coping with Emotional Distress. Pp. 107-138

in John Eckenrode (ed.), The Social Context of Coping. New York: Plenum.

1990 Thoits, Peggy A. Emotional Deviance: Research Agendas. Pp. 180-203 in Theodore

D. Kemper (ed.), Research Agendas in the Sociology of Emotions. Albany, NY:

SUNY Press.

1989 Thoits, Peggy A. The Sociology of Emotions. Annual Review of Sociology, 15:317-


1989 Pollak, Lauren Harte and Peggy A. Thoits. Processes in Emotional Socialization.

Social Psychology Quarterly 52:22-34.

1987 Angel, Ronald and Peggy A. Thoits. The Impact of Culture on the Cognitive Structure

of Illness. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 11:465-494.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender and Marital Status Differences in Control and Distress:

Common Stress versus Unique Stress Explanations. Journal of Health and Social

Behavior 28, 1: 7-22.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Negotiating Roles. Pp. 11-22 in Faye J. Crosby (ed.), Spouse,

Parent, Worker: On Gender and Multiple Roles. New Haven, CT: Yale University


1986 Thoits, Peggy A. Multiple Identities: Examining Gender and Marital Status

Differences in Distress. American Sociological Review 51, 2: 259-272.

1986 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support as Coping Assistance. Journal of Consulting and

Clinical Psychology 54, 4: 416-423.

1986 Feinson, Marjorie C. and Peggy A. Thoits. The Distribution of Distress among Elders.

Journal of Gerontology, 41, 2: 225-233.

1985 Alexander, Victoria D. and Peggy A. Thoits. Token Achievement: An Examination of

Proportional Representation and Performance Outcomes. Social Forces 64, 2: 332-


1985 Thoits, Peggy A. Self-Labeling Processes in Mental Illness: The Role of Emotional

Deviance. American Journal of Sociology 92, 2: 221-249.

1985 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support and Psychological Well-Being: Theoretical

Possibilities. Pp. 51-72 in Irwin G. Sarason and Barbara R. Sarason (eds.), Social

Support: Theory, Research, and Applications. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus


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1985 Thoits, Peggy A. Negative Outcome: The Influence of Factors Outside Therapy. Pp.

249-263 in Daniel T. Mays and Cyril M. Franks (eds.), Negative Outcome in

Psychotherapy and What to Do About It. New York: Springer.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Coping, Social Support, and Psychological Outcomes: The Central

Role of Emotion. Pp. 219-238 in Phillip Shaver (ed.), Review of Personality and

Social Psychology, Volume 5. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Explaining Distributions of Psychological Vulnerability: Lack of

Social Support in the Face of Life Stress. Social Forces 63: 453-481.

1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Multiple Identities and Psychological Well-Being: A Reformulation

and Test of the Social Isolation Hypothesis. American Sociological Review 48, 2:


2010 Reprinted in Jane D. McLeod and Eric R. Wright (eds.), Sociology of

Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Reader, Oxford University Press.

1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Dimensions of Life Events that Influence Psychological Distress:

An Evaluation and Synthesis of the Literature. Pp. 33-103 in Howard Kaplan (ed.),

Psychosocial Stress: Trends in Theory and Research. New York: Academic Press.

1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Main and Interactive Effects of Social Support: Response to

LaRocco. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 24, 1: 92-95.

1982 Thoits, Peggy A. Life Stress, Social Support, and Psychological Vulnerability:

Epidemiological Considerations. Journal of Community Psychology 10 (October):


1982 Thoits, Peggy A. Longitudinal Effects of Income Maintenance Upon Psychological

Distress: Four Waves of Analysis. Social Science Forum 4, 1: 38-57.

1982 Thoits, Peggy A. Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Problems in Studying

Social Support as a Buffer Against Stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 23,

2: 145-159.

The above paper was designated a "Citation Classic" by the Social Sciences

Citation Index, in 1992.

2015. Reprinted in Common Mental Health Problems, edited by David

Pilgrim, Sage.

1981 Thoits, Peggy A. Undesirable Life Events and Psychophysiological Distress: A

Problem of Operational Confounding. American Sociological Review 46, 1: 97-109.

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1979 Thoits, Peggy A. and Michael T. Hannan. Income and Psychological Distress: The

Impact of an Income Maintenance Experiment. Journal of Health and Social

Behavior 20, 2: 120-138.

1980, Reprinted in P. K. Robins, R. G. Spiegelman, S. Weiner and J. G. Bell

(eds.), A Guaranteed Annual Income, New York: Academic Press.

1978 Thoits, Peggy A. Life Events, Social Integration, and Psychological Distress.

Sociology Department, Stanford University, Stanford, California. (Dissertation.)

1977 Thoits, Peggy A. Review of False Starts: A Memoir of San Quentin and Other

Prisons. Contemporary Sociology 6, 2: 175.

1975 Nielson, Joyce McCarl and Peggy A. Thoits. Sex-Role Stereotypes of Feminists and

Nonfeminists. Sex-Roles: A Journal of Research 1, 1: 83-96.


Thoits, Peggy A. “We Know What They’re Going Through”: Social Support from

Similar versus Significant Others. (Under revision)


University Research Council Award (leave supplement), Vanderbilt University, 1996-1997.

University Research Council, Vanderbilt University, Grant #1-36-690-2003, "Maintaining

Identity: Struggling Musicians," January 1996-December 1996, $800.

NIMH, RO1 MH43802, "Identity-Relevant Events and Psychological Distress," April, 1988-

March, 1992, $259,661 (direct costs).

Biomedical Research Support Grant, S07 RR7031, Indiana University, "Identity-Relevant

Events and Psychological Distress," January 1-June 30, 1988, $4,138.

Grant, Cornerhouse Foundation, Dr. Howard Taylor, Principal Investigator, P. A. Thoits, Co-

Principal Investigator, "The Structure of a National Black Elite," July 1, 1983-June 30,

1985, $120,000.

Faculty Summer Research Award, Princeton University, Program in Women's Studies,

"Gender and Marital Status Differences in Psychological Reactivity to Stressful

Events: The Importance of Objective and Subjective Control," July 1-September 15,

1983, $3,000.

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Princeton University Committee on Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, "Life

Crises, Social Support, and Psychological Well-Being: A Test of the Buffering

Hypothesis," August 15-November 15, 1981, $640.

NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant, "Life Stress, Social Support, and Psychological

Vulnerability," Princeton University, November 1980-March 1982, $3,000.

Grant-in-Aid Proposal, "Reducing Vulnerability to Life Stress: The Role of Social Support,"

Washington State University, July 1979-July 1980, $6,500.

Subcontract, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, "Income Maintenance Impacts Upon Mental

Health and Other Quality of Life Indicators," September 1978-June 1979, $18,500.


2012 Thoits, Peggy A. Mended Hearts Visitors: Volunteer Work and Well-Being. Report

to Mended Hearts, Incorporated, Dallas, TX.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Position Paper. Pp. 80-102 in Anita Eichler and Delores Perron

(eds.), Women's Mental Health: Agenda for Research. NIMH, Rockville, MD.

1984 Taylor, Howard F., Peggy A. Thoits, and Karen A. Solomon. The Network Structure

of America's Black Leadership: A Progress Report. Department of Sociology,

Princeton University.

1979 Groeneveld, Lyle P., James F. Short, and Peggy A. Thoits. Design of a Study to

Assess the Impact of Income Maintenance on Delinquency. Final Report prepared for

the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Department of Justice. SRI

International, Menlo Park, California.

1979 Thoits, Peggy A. Income Maintenance, Life Changes and Psychological Distress:

Implications for Life Events Theory. Research Memorandum 66, Socioeconomic

Research Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, California.

1978 Thoits, Peggy A. and Michael T. Hannan. Income and Psychological Distress:

Evidence from the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments. Research

Memorandum 50, Center for the Study of Welfare Policy, SRI International, Menlo

Park, California.


2010 Thoits, Peggy A. “Mechanisms Linking Social Ties and Support to Physical and Mental

Health.” Presented at the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August. (Leo G.

Reeder Award Address)

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2010 Thoits, Peggy A. “Resisting the Stigma of Mental Illness.” Presented at the American

Sociological Association, Atlanta, August. (Cooley-Mead Award Address)

2009 Thoits, Peggy A. "Stress and Health." Presented at the American Sociological

Association, San Francisco, August, 2009.

2009 Payton, Andrew R. and Peggy A. Thoits. "Medicalization, Direct-to-Consumer-

Advertising, and Mental Illness Stigma." Presented at the Mental Health Roundtables,

American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August, 2009.

2009 Thoits, Peggy A. "Emotional Deviance and Mental Disorder." Presented at the

"Emotions Matter" Workshop, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 8-9,


2008 Thoits, Peggy A. "Compensatory Coping with Stressors." Presented at the Festschrift for

Leonard I. Pearlin, American Sociological Association, Boston, July 31, 2008.

2007 Longest, Kyle and Peggy A. Thoits. "The Stress Process and Physical Health."

Presented at the American Sociological Association, New York, August.

2005 Thoits, Peggy A. “Personal Agency in the Stress Process.” Presented at the American

Sociological Association, August, 2005. (Leonard I. Pearlin Award Address)

2004 Griffin, Larry J. and Peggy A. Thoits. “Region as Social Identity: The American South

and the Self.” Presented at the Southern Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, April.

2002 Thoits, Peggy A. “Emotional Deviance: Antecedents and Consequences.” American

Sociological Association, Chicago, August.

2002 Thoits, Peggy A., Plenary Speaker, “Emotion Norms and Emotion Work: Psychological

and Social Implications.” International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE),

Cuenca, Spain, July 20-24.

2001 Thoits, Peggy A., Keynote Speaker, “Emotion Norms, Emotion Work, and Social Order,”

at Feelings and Emotions: The Amsterdam Conference, June 13-16 at the University of

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2001 Thoits, Peggy A. Personal Agency in the Accumulation of Multiple Role-Identities.

Presented at the Mini-Conference on the Future of Identity Theory and Research, Indiana

University, Bloomington, April 27-28.

2000 Thoits, Peggy A. Symbolic Interaction and Its Connection to Other Faces of Social

Psychology. Invited symposium presentation, American Sociological Association,

Washington, DC, August.

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2000 Thoits, Peggy A. Emotion and Psychopathology: A Sociological Point of View. Paper

presented at the International Society for Research on Emotion, Quebec City, Quebec,

Canada, August.

1999 Thoits, Peggy A. and Sheppard G. Kellam. Adolescents’ Role Involvements and Mental

Health: Long-Term Effects of the Baltimore Preventive Intervention Trials. Paper

presented at the American Sociological Association meetings, Chicago, IL, August.

1999 Thoits, Peggy A. Stress and Identity Change. Paper presented at the Southern

Sociological Society meetings, Nashville, TN, April.

1999 McDaniel, Darren and Peggy A. Thoits. Social Comparisons as Cognitive Strategies:

Protecting Threatened Identity in the Case of Striving Musicians. Paper presented at the

Southern Sociological Society meetings, Nashville, TN, April.

1998 Thoits, Peggy A., Ann A. Hohmann, Mary R. Harvey, and Bill Fletcher. Stress and

Similar-Other Support: Enhancing Physical and Psychological Recovery from Coronary

Artery Bypass Surgery. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, San

Francisco, CA, August.

1997 Thoits, Peggy A. Infusing Emotions into Social Psychology and Mental Health: The

Research of Peggy Thoits. Invited Talk, Special Session of the Section on Emotion,

American Sociological Association, Toronto, August 1997.

1995 Thoits, Peggy A. Managing the Emotions of Others. Paper presented at the American

Sociological Association, Washington, DC, August.

1995 Thoits, Peggy A. and Lauren K. Virshup. Me's and We's: Forms and Functions of Social

Identities. Paper presented at the Symposium on Self and Social Identity, Rutgers

University, New Brunswick, NJ, April.

1994 Thoits, Peggy A., Keynote Speaker, "Stressors and Problem-Solving: Viewing

Individuals as Psychological Activists." Conference on Social Stress, Manoa, Hawaii,


1994 Thoits, Peggy A. The Interplay between Sociology and Psychology. Paper presented at

the Southern Sociological Society, Raleigh, NC, April.

1994 Jackson, Pamela Braboy, Peggy A. Thoits, and Howard F. Taylor. Composition of the

Workplace: The Effects of Tokenism on America's Black Elite. Paper presented at the

American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, CA, August.

1992 Milkie, Melissa A. and Peggy A. Thoits. Gender Differences in Coping with Positive and

Negative Emotional Experiences. Paper presented at the American Sociological

Association, Pittsburgh, PA, August.

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1992 Thoits, Peggy A. The Psychological Effects of Identity-Relevant Events. Paper

presented at the International Conference on Stress Research, Venice, Italy, June.

1991 Thoits, Peggy A. Identity Structures and Psychological Well-Being: Gender and Marital

Status Comparisons. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems,

Cincinnati, OH, August.

1990 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender and Emotional Deviance. Paper presented at the International

Society for Research on Emotion, New Brunswick, NJ, July.

1988 Thoits, Peggy A. Patterns in Coping with Controllable and Uncontrollable Events. Paper

presented at the West Virginia University Conference on Life-Span Developmental

Psychology, Morgantown, March.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender Differences in Coping. Paper presented at the International

Conference on Stress and Mental Health, Tianjin, People's Republic of China, October.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender Differences in Coping with Emotional Distress. Paper

presented at the American Public Health Association, New Orleans, October.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Emotional Deviance: Research Agendas. Presented at the American

Sociological Association,Chicago, August.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Emotional Deviance: Implications of Deviations from Emotion Norms

for Stress and Mental Health. Presented at the American Psychological Association, New

York, August.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Prying Open the Black Box: New Directions for Research on Social

Support. Paper presented at the Iowa Conference on Personal Relationships, University

of Iowa, Iowa City, June.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. On Merging Identity Theory with Stress Research. Paper presented at

the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, May.

1987 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender by Marital Status Differences in Psychological Distress as a

Function of Identity-Relevant Events. Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological

Society, Chicago, April.

1986 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support and Cardiovascular Disease. Paper presented at the

Sociophysiology of Social Relationships Conference, Palo Alto, California, November.

1986 Thoits, Peggy A. What's New in the Sociology of Emotion? Paper presented at the Bay

Area Sociologists for Women in Society, Berkeley, March.

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1985 Thoits, Peggy A. Emotion-Management and Psychological Well-Being. Paper presented

at the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, August.

1985 Thoits, Peggy A. What Can Sociologists Add to the Study of Emotion? Paper presented

to the International Society for Research on Emotion, Harvard, March.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Gender and Marital Status Differences in Psychological Distress:

Issues of Objective and Subjective Control. Paper presented at the American

Sociological Association, San Antonio, August.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Multiple Identities: Explaining Gender and Marital Status Differences

in Distress. Paper presented at the Self and Identity Conference, Cardiff, Wales, July.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support and Mental Health. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the AAAS, New York, May.

1984 Thoits, Peggy A. Multiple Roles: Social and Interpersonal Implications. Paper

presented at the Yale Conference on Modern Woman: Managing Multiple Roles, New

Haven, May.

1984 Taylor, Howard F., Peggy A. Thoits, and Karen A. Solomon. The Network Structure of

America's Black Leadership: A Progress Report. Presented at the Albany Conference on

Ethnicity and Race, SUNY, Albany, April.

1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support Processes and Psychological Well-Being: Theoretical

Possibilities. Paper presented at the NATO Workshop on Social Support, Toulouse,

France, September.

1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Transforming Emotions: A Reconceptualization and Extension of

Hochschild's Theory of Emotion-Work with Applications to Stress, Coping, and Social

Support. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Detroit, August.

1983 Alexander, Victoria and Peggy A. Thoits. Tokenism and Performance: A Test of

Kanter's Hypothesis. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Detroit,


1983 Thoits, Peggy A. Reconceptualizing Mental Illness: Deviant Feelings and Expression.

Paper presented at the Pacific Sociological Association, San Jose, April.

1982 Thoits, Peggy A. Social Support as a Differential Buffer of Life Stress: Explaining

Epidemiological Distributions of Psychological Vulnerability. Paper presented at the

National Stress Conference, Durham, New Hampshire, October.

1982 Thoits, Peggy A. Dimensions of Life Events as Influences Upon the Genesis of

Psychological Distress and Associated Conditions. Presented at the International

Sociological Association, Mexico City, August.

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1981 Thoits, Peggy A. Conceptual, Methodological, and Theoretical Problems in Studying

Social Support as a Buffer Against Stress. Presented at the American Sociological

Association, Toronto, August.

1981 Thoits, Peggy A. Identity Accumulation and Psychological Well-Being: A

Reformulation and Test of the Social Isolation Hypothesis. Presented at the Society for

the Study of Social Problems, Toronto, August.

1980 Thoits, Peggy A. Longitudinal Effects of Income Maintenance Upon Psychological

Distress. Presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, August.

1979 Thoits, Peggy A. Life Events and Psychological Distress: Disconfirming Evidence.

Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Boston, August.

1978 Thoits, Peggy A. and Michael Hannan. The Impact of Income Maintenance Upon

Psychological Distress. Paper presented at SIME/DIME Conference, Orcas Island,

Washington, May.

1978 Thoits, Peggy A. and Michael Hannan. The Impact of an Income Maintenance Experiment

on Psychological Distress. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems,

San Francisco, California, September.

1975 Nielson, Joyce McCarl and Peggy A. Thoits. Sex Role Feminists and Nonfeminists. Paper

presented at Midwest Regional Women's Studies Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, April.


American Sociological Association

Sections: Medical Sociology, Social Psychology, Emotions, Mental Health

Society for the Study of Social Problems

Section: Mental Health

International Society for Research on Emotion (by invitation, 1984-present)

Society of Experimental Social Psychology, (by invitation, 1990-present)

Association for Psychological Science (formerly American Psychological Society)


Reviewing, Consulting, and Editing

Editorial Advisory Board Member, Advances in Medical Sociology, January 2015 – December


Page 17: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Review Panel Member, Swiss National Science Foundation: Annual reviews of a National Centre

of Competence in Research: Centre for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2007 – June


Associate Editor, Emotion Review, April 2011 – May 2014.

Associate Editor (with Lynn Smith-Lovin), Emotion Review, Special Section on “Sociology of

Emotions,” June 2013 - January 2014.

Editorial Board, Society and Mental Health, August, 2010 – December, 2012.

Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2011.

Editorial Board, Social Forces, January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2010.

Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2007.

NIH Study Section (Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior /Personality, Social Psychology and

Inter-Personal Processes), National Institute of Health, June 1999-June 2003.

Consulting Editor, Acta Sociologica, January, 2002-March, 2004.

Associate Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, August 1999-December 31, 2002.

Consulting Editor, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 1997-2002.

Guest Editor, Special issue on “Sociological Contributions to the Understanding of Emotion,”

Motivation and Emotion, September, 1997-March, 1999.

Study Section Member, NIMH, Behavioral and Social Sciences, October 1998-February 1999.

Editorial Board, American Journal of Sociology, 1995-1997.

Deputy Editor, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1992 - 1996.

Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1992-1994.

Consultant, Committee on Social Support, University of Illinois-Chicago, November, 1988-1989.

Ad-Hoc reviewer for National Science Foundation, NIH, and NIMH, including B/START reviews,


Reviewer for American Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly, Journal of Personality

and Social Psychology, 1981-present.

Page 18: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Associate Editor, American Sociological Review, 1986-1988.

Associate Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 1981-1984.

Ad Hoc Consultant, MacArthur Foundation, 1987-1988.

Consultant - Research Project: The Effect of Social Support on Functional Limitation after CABG

Surgery. Birmingham VA Medical Center. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,

March 1986-March 1989.

Consultant, Chapter on "Stress," for the second, third, and fourth editions of Psychology, by J.

Darley et al., Prentice-Hall, June 1982, December 1984, March, 1987.

Committees: Professional

Cooley-Mead Award Committee member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological

Association, October 2015 – August 2016.

Nominations Committee member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association,

October 2014 – August 2015.

Council Member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, August, 2013 –

August, 2016.

Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological

Association, August 2011 – August 2012.

Chair, Publications Committee, and Chair, Freidson Award Committee, Medical Sociology Section,

American Sociological Association, August 2009 – August 2011.

Nominations Committee, Emotions Section, American Sociological Association, September 2007 -

August 2008.

Publications Committee, Southern Sociological Society, April 2007 - April 2008.

Lifetime Achievement Awards Committee, Section on Emotions, American Sociological

Association, August 2006 – August 2007.

Nominations Committee, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, August,

2004-August, 2005.

Chair of Publications Committee and Council Member, Mental Health Section, American

Sociological Association, August, 2003-August, 2004.

Page 19: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Executive Committee, International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), March 2001-2003.

Cooley-Mead Award Committee Member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological

Association, 1991-1992, 1994-1995, 2000-2001.

Program Committee, International Society for Research on Emotion, September 1997-August 1998.

Chair, Nominations Committee, Mental Health Section, American Sociological Association, 1994-


Executive Committee Member, International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), 1992-1996.

Member, Nominations Committee, Medical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association,


Member, Nominations Committee, Mental Health Section, American Sociological Association,


Chair, Graduate Student Paper Competition, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological

Association, 1992-1993.

Council Member, Social Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, 1991-1994.

Council Member, Sociology of Emotions Section, American Sociological Association, 1988-1991.

Council Member At Large, Medical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association, 1987-


Program Committee, Emotions Section, American Sociological Association, 1987-1988.

Chair, Indiana Chapter, Sociologists for Women in Society, 1987-1988.

Chair, Nominations Committee, Medical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association,


Nominations Committee of the Social Psychology Section of the American Sociological

Association, 1982-1983.

Committee on the Regulation of Research, American Sociological Association, January 1982-

December 1984.

Steering Committee Member, Palouse Area Chapter of SWS, 1978-1980.

Steering Committee Member, Sociologists for Women in Society, 1977-1982.

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Chair, Membership Committee, Sociologists for Women in Society, 1979-1981.

Manager, Computerized Membership List, Sociologists for Women in Society, 1979-1985.

Secretary, Bay Area Chapter of SWS, 1975-1978.

Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession, Pacific Sociological Association, 1979-1980.

Session Organizer and Discussant Activities:

Session Organizer and Presider, “Stress-Buffering Processes,” Mental Health Section, American

Sociological Association, Denver, August, 2012.

Session Organizer and Presider, “Social Psychological Approaches to Mental Illness,” Social

Psychology Section, American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, August, 2011.

Workshop Organizer and Presider, “How to Get Published,” American Sociological Association,

Montreal, August, 2006.

Workshop Participant, “The Pluses, Minuses, Logistics, and Thrills of Being a Journal Editor,”

American Sociological Association, Montreal, August, 2006.

Discussant, “Emotions and Health,” Social Structure and Emotions Conference, Athens, GA, April

6-9, 2006.

Workshop Presider, “How to Get Published,” American Sociological Association, Philadelphia,

August, 2005.

Discussant, “Stress-Process Research in the 21st Century,” Society for the Study of Social Problems,

Chicago, August, 2002.

Session Organizer, Sociology of Emotion, American Sociological Association. Anaheim, CA,

August 20, 2001.

Discussant, “Macrostructural and Cultural Influences on Mental Health and Illness,” American

Sociological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2000.

Discussant, “Converging Diversity in Emotion Theory and Research,” American Sociological

Association. Chicago, August, 1999.

Discussant, “Social Change and Mental Health,” Society for the Study of Social Problems, San

Francisco, CA, August, 1998.

Page 21: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Session Organizer, Sociology of Emotion, American Sociological Association. Toronto, Canada,

August, 1997.

Workshop Presenter: "Problem-Solving and Problem-Compensating: The Individual as

Psychological Activist," American Sociological Association, Miami, August, 1993.

Discussant: "Health and Illness Processes: Stress, Coping and Social Support," American

Sociological Association, Miami, August, 1993.

Workshop Presenter: "The Role of Emotions in Social Psychology," American Sociological

Association. Pittsburgh, PA, August, 1992.

Session Organizer, Social Support, Stress, and Health, American Sociological Association,

Cincinnati, OH, August, 1991.

Session Organizer, Social Structure and Mental Health, American Sociological Association, San

Francisco, California, August, 1989.

Session Organizer, Sociology of Emotion, American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA,

August, 1988.

Session Organizer (with Roberta Simmons), Social Psychology of Emotion, American Sociological

Association, Atlanta, GA, August, 1988.

Refereed Roundtable, "Processes in Emotional Socialization," American Sociological Association,

Chicago, August, 1987 (with Lauren Harte Pollak).

Discussant, "Illness Appraisal: Social and Cognitive Processes," Midwestern Psychological

Association, Chicago, May, 1987.

Luncheon Roundtable Presider, "Stress and Emotion," American Sociological Association, New

York, August 1986.

Organizer and presider, Social Psychology Section Roundtable ("Multiple Roles/Multiple

Identities"), American Sociological Association meetings, Washington, D.C., August 1985.

Session Organizer, Emotion, American Sociological Association meetings, San Antonio, August


Session Organizer, Medical Sociology Section, (Session on Social Support) American Sociological

Association, San Francisco, August 1982.

Session Organizer, Social Psychology of Emotion, Pacific Sociological Association meetings, San

Diego, April 1982.

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Roundtable Discussion Session, "Role-Accumulation: Theoretical Issues," American Sociological

Association, August 1981 (with Judith Gerson).

Discussant, Sociology of Mental Health Session, American Sociological Association Meetings,

New York, August 1980.


Organizer, SHeL Workshop, Fall 2010, Fall 2014.

Acting Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University, July 2003-

July 2004.

Committees, Indiana University:

Faculty Mediation Committee, elected member (College-level), Fall 2013 – Spring 2015.

Bloomington Faculty Council, elected member (College-level), Fall 2012 – Spring 2014.

Search Committee for Director of the Elinor and Vincent Ostrom Workshop in Political

Theory, appointed member (University-level), Spring 2013 – Spring 2014.

Conflict of Interest Committee (College-level), Fall 2012 – Spring 2014.

Faculty Board of Review, elected member (College-level), Summer 2010 – Summer 2012.

Dean Search and Screening Committee (College-level), Fall 2010.

Faculty Research Support Program, Member (College-level), Spring, 2009.

Strategic Planning Committee for the Social Sciences, Member (College-level), Fall, 2008.

Sexual Harassment Liaison (Department-level), Fall, 2015.

Mentor Coordinator (Department-level), Fall 2013 – Spring 2014.

Executive Committee (Department-level), Fall 2012 – Spring 2014.

Search Committee, Race and CRRS Director (Department-level), Fall 2012.

Personnel Committee (Department-level), Fall 2011 – Spring 2012.

Graduate Evaluation and Recruitment Committee (Department-level), Fall 2009 – Spring 2010.

Personnel Committee (Department-level), Fall 2009 – Spring 2010.

Executive Committee (Department-level), Fall 2009 – Summer 2010.

Graduate Affairs (Department-level), 1989-1990.

Personnel Committee (Department-level, 1986-1989.

Human Subjects Committee (University-level), 1988-1990.

Committees, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill:

Teaching Evaluation Committee, Member (Department-level), 2008.

Post-Tenure Review Committee, Chair (Department-level), 2008.

Executive Committee (Department-level), 2004- 2005, 2007-2008.

Search Committee for Odum Chair Professor, Member (Department-level), 2005-2007.

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Committees, Vanderbilt University:

Committee on Educational Programs (College-level), 1997-2002.

Consultative Committee of the Faculty Senate (University-level), 2000-2001.

Faculty Senate (University-level), 1998-2001.

Professional Ethics and Academic Freedom Committee (University-level), 1998-2001.

Owen School of Management, Dean Search Committee (University-level), 1999-2000.

Co-Founder and Core Faculty Member of the Interdisciplinary Program in Social Psychology,


Co-chair (with William P. Smith), Social Psychology Seminar Series, 1993-1996.

A&S Dean Search Committee (College-level), 1993-1994.

Sexual Harassment Committee (College-level), 1992-1993.

Faculty Recruitment Committee (Department-level), 1992-1993, 1994-1995, 1997-1998, 1998-

1999, 2000-2001, 2001-2002.

Graduate Program Committee (Department-level), 1991-1993, 1994-1995, 1997-1998, 1998-1999,


Committees, Princeton University:

Human Subjects Committee (University-level), 1981-1984.

Computer Center Committee (University-level), 1982-1983.

Women's Studies Program Committee (University-level), 1983-1985.

Stevenson Fellow (University-level), 1980-1982.

Rockefeller Fellow (University-level), 1984-1985.

Committees, Washington State University:

Human Subjects Committee (University-level)

Deviance Area Committee (Department-level)

Social Psychology Area Committee (Department-level)

Graduate Studies Committee (Department-level)

Personnel Committee (Department-level)

Executive Advisory Committee (Department-level)

Chair, Ad Hoc Search Committee for Principal Undergraduate Advisor (Department-level)

Ad Hoc Committee to Revise Graduate Program (Department-level)

Founded Palouse Area Chapter of Sociologists for Women in Society

Committees, Stanford University:

Human Subjects Committee (University-level), 1975-1977.

Other Invitations

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Invited participant, “Translational Research: Bridging Basic and Applied Perspectives,” National

Institute of Mental health, Division of AIDS and Health and Behavior Research, Washington, DC,

May 4-5, 2006.

Invited Task Force Participant and Speaker, "Workshop on Social Support and Cardiovascular

Disease," National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Irvine, California, April 1986.

Invited symposium speaker, "Emotion Management and Psychological Well- Being," American

Psychological Association meetings, Los Angeles, August 1985.

Invited panelist, International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE), Harvard University, June


Invited member, Consortium for Research Involving Stress-Buffering Processes (CRISP), supported

by the William T. Grant Foundation, 1983-1995.

Award Lecture ("Gender and Marital Status Differences in Psychological Distress"), Faculty

Summer Research Award, Program in Women's Studies, Princeton University, December 1983.

Invited Lecture Series ("Stress" and "Social Support"), Utah State University, March 1983.

Visiting Professor, Graduate Seminar, "Stress, Coping, and Social Support," Rutgers University, for

the Rutgers-Princeton Mental Health Training Program, May-June 1982.

Invited address ("Social Support as a Buffer of Life Stress: Epidemiological Considerations"),

Laboratory for Socio-Environmental Studies, NIMH, Bethesda, Maryland, December 1981.

Visiting Scholar, ICPSR Summer Program in Research Methods, University of Michigan, Ann

Arbor, July-August 1981.

Workshop Discussion Leader, Social Imperatives and the Development of Science, Technology and

Medicine Program, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, December 1980.


Indiana University (2008 – present):

Graduate - Introduction to Social Psychology (S530)

Sociology of Mental Health/Mental Illness (S660)

Social Origins of Health Inequality (S660)

Qualitative Interviewing (S652)

Sociological Research Practicum: Similar-Other Support and Well-Being


Page 25: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Undergraduate - Emotions and Social Life (S101)

Research Methods in Sociology (S370)

Medicine and Society (S360)

Social Issues in Health and Medicine (S358)

University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill:

Graduate – Social Psychological Theory

Medical Sociology

Undergraduate - Measurement and Data Collection

Emotion and Social Life

Sociology of Mental Health and Mental Illness

Medicine and Society

Vanderbilt University:

Graduate - Participant Observation/Field Methods

Sociology of Emotion

Survey Seminar in Social Psychology

Sociological Inquiry (Research Methods)

Undergraduate- Emotion and Social Life

Social Dynamics of Mental Health

Society and Medicine

The Individual and Society

Introduction to Social Research

Research Practicum

Indiana University (1986 – 1990):

Graduate - Sociology of Emotion

Sociological Research Practicum: Identity, Multiple Roles, and Mental Health

Undergraduate - Social Problems: Mental Illness

Society and the Individual

Princeton University:

Graduate - Culture and Personality (Social Psychology)

Sociology of Mental Health

Empirical Seminar

Undergraduate - Research Methods

Sociology of Mental Health and Illness

Page 26: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Introductory Sociology

Stress, Coping, Support, and the Self

University of California, Berkeley:

Undergraduate - Social Psychology

Washington State University:

Graduate - Sociology of Mental Health

Sociology of Emotion

Undergraduate- Sociology of Mental Health

Social Psychology

Seminar on Stress Research

Research Methods


Spring, 2008 - Honors Student Advisor: Jacob Rosch

Fall, 2007 - Honors Student Advisor: Jacob Rosch

Fall, 2007 - Independent Study: Matt Wells, Margaret-Ann Griffin

Spring, 2007 - Honors Student Advisor: Tiffany Rivers

Fall, 2006 - Honors Student Advisor: Tiffany Rivers

Fall, 2006 - Independent Study: Kimyale Knox

Spring, 2006 - Honors Student Advisor: Timara Barker

Fall, 2005 - Honors Student Advisor: Timara Barker

Fall, 2004 - Internship Advisor (Soci 92): Crystal Shackleford

Spring, 2002 - Independent Study: Ranae Evenson, Melissa Sloan

Spring, 2002 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Social Psychology (director, graduate program)

Fall, 2001 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Social Psychology (director, graduate program)

Fall, 2001 - Independent Study: Melissa Sloan

Spring 2000 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Social Psychology (director, graduate program)

Fall 1999 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Social Psychology (director, graduate program)

Fall 1999 - Independent Study: Koji Ueno

Spring 1999 - Independent Study: Lyndi Hewitt, Judy Porter

Fall 1998 - Independent Study: Ben Johnston, Carrie Lee, Ellen Granberg

Spring 1998 - Independent Research: Ellen Granberg, Janelle Lee

Fall 1997 - Independent Research: Ellen Granberg

Summer 1996 - Independent Research: Nancy Malcolm, Kathryn Lively

Summer 1995 - Summer Research Intern: Kimberly Secrist

Fall 1995 - Independent Study: Lynn Hampton, Kathryn Lively, Cynthia Ganote

- Research Apprenticeship: Darren McDaniel

- Honors Research: Hayley Warshaw

Page 27: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Spring 1995 - Independent Research: Sheron Salyer (Nursing)

Directed Studies: Nicole Chira, Sara Clow

Fall 1994 - Independent Research: Lauren Virshup, Sharon Dowdy (Nursing)

Fall 1993 - Independent Research: Terrell Hayes, Judith Porter

Fall 1991 - Directed Studies: Mary Ellen Hill

Summer 1989 - Directed Studies: Sean Creighton and Kathy Kehl


Current dissertation students (Dissertation Chair):

Jaclyn Tabor, Sociology, Indiana University (Co-Chair with Brian Powell)

Jason Blind, Sociology, Indiana University (Co-Chair with Donna Eder)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Current memberships on dissertation committees:

Bianca Manago, Sociology, Indiana University

Long Doan, Sociology, Indiana University

Kody Steffy, Sociology, Indiana University

Scott Setchfield, Sociology, Indiana University

Kristina Simacek, Sociology, Indiana University

Jennifer Caputo, Sociology, Indiana University

Jane VanHeuvelen, Sociology, Indiana University

Rachel LaTouche, Sociology, Indiana University

Shibashis Mukherjee, Sociology, Indiana University

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Completed dissertation students (as Dissertation Chair), their awards, and current placement:

Sarah Hatteberg, Sociology, Indiana University; 2015 Assistant Professor, College of Charleston

Alex Lu, Sociology, Indiana University; 2015 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, Health Equity Institute,

San Francisco State University

Amy Irby-Shasanmi, Sociology, Indiana University; 2014, Postdoctoral Fellowship, William T.

Grant Foundation, IU, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health

Abigail Sewell, Sociology, Indiana University (Co-Chair with Bernice Pescosolido); 2013

University of Pennsylvania Postdoctoral Fellowship and Assistant Professor, Emory


Gerald Lackey, Sociology, University of North Carolina (Co-Chair with Barbara Entwisle); 2012

McKinsey and Company, research firm, Washington, DC

Michele Easter, Sociology, University of North Carolina (Co-Chair with Andrew Perrin); 2010

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Sheps Center, UNC

Victor Wang, Sociology, University of North Carolina (Co-Chair with Glen Elder); 2009 Carolina

Population Center Postdoctoral Fellowship, UNC

Page 28: PEGGY A. THOITS - Indiana University

Jeremy Pienik, Sociology, University of North Carolina (Co-Chair with Francois Nielsen), 2008


Maria Tempenis, Sociology, Vanderbilt University (Co-Chair with George Becker), 2007 Ph.D.

Ranae Evenson, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2006 Ph.D. (Co-Chair with Karen Campbell);

(2005 Honorable Mention, Graduate Student Paper competition, Health Division, Society

for the Study of Social Problems), Assistant Professor, Tennessee State University

Lori Westphal, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2004 Ph.D.; Research Associate, Health

Department, Florida.

Janelle Lee, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2004 Ph.D.

Koji Ueno, Sociology, Vanderbilt University (Co-Chair with Karen Campbell), 2004 Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Florida State University. (NSF Dissertation Award, 2002; 2003

Graduate Student Paper Award, Mental Health Division, Society for the Study of Social

Problems (SSSP) on the mental health of sexual minority students; 2003 Honorable

Mention, Graduate Student Paper Competition, Social Psychology Section, American

Sociological Association, stress vs. social control predictions for adolescent mental health.

April, 2004: Odum Award for Best Graduate Student Paper)

Mary Ellen Hill, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2003 Ph.D., Senior Research Associate, Health

Policy Research, Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada.

Ellen Granberg, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2001 Ph.D., Professor, Clemson University.

Nancy Malcom, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2000 Ph.D., Associate Professor, Georgia

Southern University

Kathryn Lively, Vanderbilt University, 1999 Ph.D., Professor, Dartmouth College (1999-

2000 NIMH Post-doctoral Fellow, Indiana University, Bloomington;1998, Award for

Best Graduate Student Paper, Section on Sociology of Emotion, ASA; 1999,

Honorable Mention for Best Graduate Student Paper, Section on Social Psychology,


Terrell Hayes, Vanderbilt University, 1996 Ph.D., Associate Professor, High Point University,

North Carolina

Pamela Braboy Jackson, Indiana University, 1993 Ph.D., Professor, Indiana University,

Bloomington (1993 Graduate Student Paper Award, Section on Mental Health, ASA.)

Robin W. Simon, Indiana University, 1992 Ph.D., Professor, Wake Forest University (1993,

Roberta Simmons Dissertation Award in Medical Sociology, ASA; 1990, Graduate Student

Paper Award, Section on Social Psychology, ASA; NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow, Rutgers


Michelle Gambone, Princeton University, 1989 Ph.D.

Susan Waller, Washington State University, 1987 Ph.D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Memberships, completed dissertations:

Hubert Izienicki, Sociology, Indiana University, 2015 Ph.D.

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Stacie Jankowski, Journalism, Indiana University, 2015 Ph.D.

Laura Backstrom, Sociology, Indiana University, 2014 Ph.D.

Shawna Rohrman, Sociology, Indiana University, 2014 Ph.D.

Christy Erving, Sociology, Indiana University, 2014 Ph.D.

Deidre Redmond, Sociology, Indiana University, 2013 Ph.D.

Jill Overholt, HYPER, Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies, Indiana University, 2013 Ph.D.

Erik Grollman, Sociology, Indiana University, 2013 Ph.D.

Uemura, Ryotaro, Sociology, Indiana University, 2010 Ph.D.

Youn Ok Lee, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2010 Ph.D.

Tyson Brown, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2009 Ph.D.

Mairead Moloney, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2009 Ph.D.

Hedwig Lee, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2009 Ph.D.

Kyle Longest, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2009 Ph.D.

Demetrius Semien, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2009 Ph.D.

Kim Manturuk, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2008 Ph.D.

Jennifer Moren-Cross, Sociology, Duke University, 2007 Ph.D.

Ashley Thompson, Vanderbilt University, 2007 Ph.D.

Bob Faris, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2006 Ph.D.

Heather Kane, Sociology, University of North Carolina, 2006 Ph.D.

Melissa Sloan, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2005 Ph.D.

Adam Long, Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 2005 Ph.D.

Carrie Lee, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2004 Ph.D.

Betty McCall, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2004 Ph.D.

Adam Sowa, Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt, 2003 Ph.D.

Ronda Royal, Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt, 2003 Ph.D.

Jessica Walker Guite, Psychology and Human Development, Peabody College, Vanderbilt, 2001


Timothy Caboni, Peabody College, Leadership and Organizations, Vanderbilt University, 2001


Joanne Sandberg, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 2000 Ph.D.

Sharon Wilson Dowdy, Nursing School, Vanderbilt University, 1999 Ph.D.

Jeanine Miller, Psychology, Vanderbilt University, 1998 Ph.D.

Susan Hinze Jones, Sociology, Vanderbilt University, 1994 Ph.D.

Kris Baufman, Sociology, Indiana University, 1998 Ph.D.

Richard Adams, Sociology, Indiana University, 1989 Ph.D.

Sarah Hewins, Sociology, Princeton University, 1991 Ph.D.

Betsy Fife, Sociology, Indiana University, 1990 Ph.D.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chair, M.A. committees:

Shandu Foster, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2013

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Megan Taliaferro, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2013

Lauren Apgar, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Jason Blind, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Lydia DiSabatino, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Natalie Friedman, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Matthew Grace, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Meredith Haag, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

Joseph Johnston, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2012

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Memberships on M.A. committees:

Hui Chen, Sociology, Indiana University

Mary Kathryn Tilly, Sociology, Indiana University

Elizabeth Zak, Sociology, Indiana University, completed summer, 2014

Long Doan, Sociology, Indiana University, completed summer, 2010

Rebecca Grady, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2011

HuiGuo Liu, Sociology, Indiana University, completed 2011

Scott Setchfield, Sociology, Indiana University, completed spring, 2010

Jason Smith, Sociology, Indiana University, completed spring, 2009

Andrew Payton, Sociology, UNC-Chapel Hill, completed 2007

Victor Wang, Sociology, UNC-Chapel Hill, M.A. completed 2006

Gerald Lackey, Sociology, UNC-Chapel Hill, M.A. completed 2006


Participating Faculty Member, Interdisciplinary Community Health Fellowship Program (ICHFP),

and Faculty Sponsor for Alicia Bonaparte, participating sociology graduate student. A drug

intervention program for children and teens in Nashville. June 1999-May 2001.


Co-organizer (with Peter Burke, Tim Owens, and Richard Serpe) of the Mini-Conference on the

Future of Identity Theory and Research, held at Bloomington, Indiana, April 26-28, 2001.


Emily Breuninger (IU Undergraduate Sociology Major), accepted as an ASA Honors Program

fellow for the 2010 ASA convention, Atlanta, with Peggy A. Thoits as advisor.