pedagogia specialǍ şi noile tehnologii · pedagogia specialǍ şi noile tehnologii partea ii...

PEDAGOGIA SPECIALǍ şi NOILE TEHNOLOGII Partea II Educaţia incluzivǎ pe mapamond – o colecţie tematicǎ de resurse online – Gertrude Cseh, M.A. - documentar ştiinţific - SIMPOZIONUL INTERNAŢIONAL ,,Teorie şi practică în Psihopedagogia specialăorganizat de CENTRUL ŞCOLAR PENTRU EDUCAŢIE INCLUZIVĂ ,,PAUL POPESCU NEVEANU” TIMIŞOARA 27.05.2010 Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung, Frankfurt, Schloßstraße 29, 60486 Frankfurt am Main

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Partea II

Educaţia incluzivǎ pe mapamond

– o colecţie tematicǎ de resurse online –

Gertrude Cseh, M.A.

- documentar ştiinţific -

SIMPOZIONUL INTERNAŢIONAL ,,Teorie şi practică în Psihopedagogia specială”




Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung, Frankfurt, Schloßstraße 29, 60486 Frankfurt am Main

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I. Introducere II. Portalul dedicat educaţei pe plan internaţional:

„Bildung weltweit – Education worldwide – Éducation dans le monde” III. Educaţia incluzivǎ pe mapamond

a) Definirea termenilor b) Aspecte teoretice – Documente cheie de provenienţǎ internaţionalǎ şi naţionalǎ c) Aspecte practice – Exemple din practica educativǎ d) Literaturǎ – incitare la cǎutare în bǎncile de date

- Fachinformation System [FIS] Bildung Literaturdatenbank - Education Resources Center Collection [ERIC]

IV. Incheiere – în loc de concluzie ________________________________________________________________________________ Partea a II a seriei Pedagogia specială şi noile tehnologii preia firul Ariadnei şi al argumentaţiei din partea I în încercarea-i de a ilustra cu exemple concrete paleta de posibilităţi, care stau la dispoziţia expertului şi a practicianului în dorinţa-i de a-şi adînci cunoştinţele în domeniul cercetării sau de a se perfecţiona pentru activitatea practică. Daca partea I a oferit o privire de ansambru asupra modului de a utiliza pasiv sau activ posibilităţile oferite de noile tehnologii din domeniul informaţional, partea a II focusează asupra unei teme de interes general internaţional şi anume „educaţia incluzivă”.

Comunitatea internaţională, prin delegaţiile participante la conferintele internationale, s-a angajat 1990 să asigure o educaţie de bază de calitate tuturor copiilor, tinerilor şi adulţilor din toata lumea. Acţiunea „educaţia pentru toţi” cu şanse identice pentru toţi, lansată şi coordonată de UNESCO şi-a propus, în numele dreptului la educaţie al fiecarui individ, să realizeze programul propus pînă în anul 2015 cel tîrziu.

Ideile propagate de “educaţia incluzivă” sînt o provocare pentru oricare şcoală, susţinându-i totodată evoluţia către idealul „şcolii pentru toţi”. Incluziunea este adeseori asociată cu elevi, care au disabilităţi, sau care au nevoi educaţionale speciale. De fapt, incluziunea se referă şi în acest material la educaţia şcolară a tuturor copiilor şi tinerilor, conform conceptului „şcolii pentru toţi”, important din multiple perspective: a personalului angajat, a elevilor, a părinţilor, precum şi a altor membri şi organizaţii din comunitate. Colecţia de resurse online referitoare la „educaţia incluzivă” reflectă aceste eforturi pe plan naţional şi internaţional. Ea poate fi consultată [în versiuni actualizate pe parcurs] şi pe site-ul portalului ce urmeaza a fi prezentat şi dedicat educaţiei pe mapamond – „Bildung weltweit – Education worldwide – Éducation dans le monde” – accesînd adresa: la rubrica „Dienste – Services”.

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II. Portalul dedicat educaţiei pe plan internaţional - „Bildung weltweit – Education worldwide – Éducation dans le monde”, un Portal al Serverului Educativ German Germanǎ:



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Ce oferǎ portalul? [Remarcǎ: Exemplele prezentate se bazeazǎ pe versiunea germanǎ a portalului]

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III. Educaţia incluzivǎ pe mapamond

“We believe and proclaim that: - every child has a fundamental right to education, and must be given the opportunity to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of learning, - every child has

unique characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs …” [Salamanca Statement, 1994]

De mulţi ani, părinţii cer acceptarea necondiţionată a copiilor cu dizabilităţi intelectuale în şcoli obişnuite şi participarea acestora la viaţa socială a şcolii. Cu toate acestea, în multe state copiii cu dizabilităţi intelectuale sunt încă încadraţi în şcoli speciale care nu favorizează interacţiunea cu copiii fără dizabilităţi. Copiii cu dizabilităţi au nevoie de sprijin pentru a se integra cu succes în şcolile din vecinătatea domiciului şi în clase obişnuite. Acest obiectiv presupune şi un angajament de a percepe copiii mai degrabă prin ceea ce pot face decât prin ceea ce nu pot face. [] Colecţia de resurse online pusǎ la dispoziţia publicului interesat constǎ dintr-o selecţie de resurse referitoare la aceastǎ tematicǎ vastǎ de actualitate. [Remarcǎ: Pentru scurta descriere a fiecarei resurse a fost folositǎ limba documentului original - germana, engleza, franceza, româna.]

a) Definirea termenilor

Inklusion - mehr als nur ein neues Wort!?

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Die inklusive Pädagogik - Unterschiede zur integrativen Pädagogik Die Inklusion ist in vielen Ländern verbreitet und gesetzlich reguliert. Sie ist in Deutschland noch relativ wenig bekannt und wird kaum praktiziert. Oft wird sie fälschlicherweise als Disziplin der Sonderpädagogik betrachtet oder als ein weiteres Modell für die Integration von Schülern mit Behinderungen in den gemeinsamen Unterricht. Der Inklusionsbegriff in der Pädagogik. Theorieverständnis - Praxiseinblicke – Bedeu-tungsgehalte, Marcel Gräf Die hier vorliegende Arbeit möchte sich mit diesem Inklusionsbegriff im Kontext von Pä-dagogik näher auseinander setzen. Ziel ist es zu ergründen, ob der Inklusionsbegriff in pä-dagogischen Zusammenhängen etwas umfassend Neuartiges darstellt, ob sich in lediglich in synonymer Verwendung neben einen bereits bestehenden Integrationsbegriff gesellt oder ob er vielleicht einfach nur eine neue, in eine andere Richtung gedachte Form von Integration repräsentiert.

Inklusion statt Integration – eine Verpflichtung zum Systemwechsel. Deutsche Schul-verhältnisse auf dem Prüfstand des Völkerrechts In der deutschen Öffentlichkeit ist der Begriff Inklusion noch weitgehend unbekannt und selbst in pädagogischen Kreisen herrscht erstaunlich viel Unsicherheit über seine Bedeu-tung. Der Beitrag macht die Differenz zwischen dem älteren Begriff der Integration und dem neueren Begriff der Inklusion deutlich, verweist auf internationale Vereinbarungen und zeigt die Unvereinbarkeit des gegliederten Systems mit dem Anspruch von Inklusion. Delimitări conceptuale În literatura psihopedagogică se utilizează o mulţime de termeni (deficienţă, incapacitate, handicap, reabilitare/recuperare, normalizare, educaţie integrată/învăţământ integrat, educaţia cerinţelor speciale, educaţie incluzivă/şcoală incluzivă) a căror delimitare şi clarificare semantică facilitează înţelegerea corectă a problematicii persoanelor cu cerinţe speciale. Schools for All. Including disabled children in education, SC UK, 86 p. These guidelines are aimed at Save the Children UK (SC UK) education staff and partners who are trying to develop inclusive education practices and, in particular, the inclusion of disabled children in education. In Chapter 1, are defined key terms such as ‘inclusive’, ‘spe-cial’ and ‘integrated’ education. Thematic Key Words for Inclusive and Special Needs Education, 67 p. This document is a glossary of key terms in 21 languages. All of the terms included in the glossary are taken from Agency thematic and project work. The glossary contains 240 terms grouped in ten categories – corresponding to thematic project areas

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b) Documente cheie

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) The basic premise of the Convention is that children (all human beings below the age of 18) are born with fundamental freedoms and the inherent rights of all human beings. Many gov-ernments have enacted legislation, created mechanisms and put into place a range of creative measures to ensure the protection and realisation of the rights of those under the age of 18. Each government must also report back on children's rights in their country. World Declaration on Education for All, Jomtien, Thailand (1990) and the Dakar Framework for Action (2000) The World Declaration on Education for All is a call to arms to address continued disparities in educational opportunities and address the needs of the millions of people who do not have access Meeting Basic Learning Needs: A Vision for the 1990s. Background Document, World Conference on Education for All Meeting Basic Learning Needs, Jomtien, Thailand This document provides useful background information on the rationale and ideas contained in the World Declaration on Education for All and the Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs, which were adopted by the World Conference on Education for All (Jom-tien, Thailand, 1990). The reader will also find in this document numerous examples of ac-tual experiences in meeting basic learning needs to illustrate how the “expanded vision" of basic education can be applied. United Nations Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993) This document, listing 22 rules summarizing the World Programme of Action, was one of the outcomes of the United Nations’ Decade of the Disabled Person. Although not a legally binding instrument, the Standard Rules represent a strong moral and political commitment of Governments to take action to attain equalization of opportunities for persons with disabili-ties. The rules serve as an instrument for policy-making and as a basis for technical and eco-nomic cooperation. Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on special needs education (1994) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris:UNESCO,1994,50 p. ;

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The World conference on special needs education: access and quality launched the concept of inclusive education. The Salamanca statement (World Conference on Special Needs Edu-cation: Access and Quality, Salamanca, Spain, 7-10 June 1994) is a major international pol-icy document, outlining the global consensus on the needs for educational reform and the policies and strategies needed to include disabled children in the education system.

c) Aspecte teoretice [documente relevante ale organizaţiilor internaţionale precum şi de provenienţǎ naţionalǎ]

Historical and theoretical basis of inclusive education, Joseph Kisanji [The author] intend, in this paper, to show how the inclusive education movement was born and the inclusive education approach can ensure that the right to an appropriate edu-cation is guaranteed. [He] also want to argue that the measures currently in place will not guarantee this right unless there are major reforms in the education systems. The tide is moving towards those reforms, some experiments are already underway, but obstacles to the changes are indeed great. Perhaps the greatest of these obstacles is the unwillingness of those who wield different types of power, and thus make important decisions as to why and who should be excluded from receiving an appropriate education, to surrender power. The Relation between the View of the Human Being and Inclusive Education, Georg Feuser Using the term of "inclusive Education", today many questions are discussed concerning the joint living and learning of handicapped and non-handicapped people, including every aspect of a person's course of life. Legislation Pertaining to Special Needs Education A review of legislative provision concerning education of children and young people with special educational needs, based on data compiled from 52 countries. Quality Education & Inclusion: A look back and the way ahead, Dr. Gordon L. Porter, 35 p. The material contains some key questions about inclusive education with reflections of the author.

Politica educativǎ

International Consultation on Early Childhood Education and Special Educational Needs, 51 p. The consultation examined the nature of services that should be provided for young chil-dren, guided by the principle of inclusion. Better Education for All. A Global Report (2009) site_uploads/File/Better%20Education%20for%20All_Global%20Report_October%202009.pdf This report is designed to tell the story of inclusive education from the perspective of par-ents, families and self-advocates. The authors want to show the impact schooling and the

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education system have had on the lives of children with an intellectual disability and on families themselves. Review of the Present Situation in Special Needs Education Based on replies from 62 countries, the review consists of two parts, presenting country en-tries followed by a summarized analysis. Multicultural Diversity and Special Needs Education, European Agency for Devel-opment in Special Needs Education, 88 p. This report is a summary of the analysis conducted by the European Agency for Develop-ment in Special Needs Education, at the request of member countries’ representatives on the topic of Special Needs Education and Immigration. Agency representatives asked to receive information from the different countries about the combined effects of this double issue. Special Needs Education in Europe, 64. S The publication provides a summary of the relevant information, collected by the European Agency National Working Partners in the priority areas of special needs education: Inclusive Education Policies and Practices, Funding of Special Needs Education, Teachers and Special Needs Education, Information and Communication Technology in Special Needs Education, Early Intervention. Information has been collected through the provision of national reports per topic, prepared by the European Agency members via questionnaires and, in some cases, practical examples. The document has been edited by the European Agency, with contribu-tions mainly from the Eurydice National Units in those countries not represented in the European Agency. Key Principles for Special Needs Education. Recommendations for Policy Makers European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 23 p. A policy recommendations document produced within the framework of activities of the European Year of People with Disabilities. This document makes recommendations about key aspects of special needs education policy that seem to be effective in supporting the inclusion of learners with special educational needs (SEN) within mainstream provision. Even though there are different national contexts for inclusion, it has been possible to draw out Key Principles of inclusive policies and describe Policy Findings emerging from Agency thematic projects. It has been prepared by educational policy makers in order to provide fellow policy makers across Europe with a synthesis of the policy findings that have emerged from the thematic work to date of the European Agency. Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education, UNESCO, 38 p. The concept and practice of inclusive education have gained importance in recent years. The objectives of these Guidelines are to assist countries in strengthening the focus on inclusion in their strategies and plans for education, to introduce the broadened concept of inclusive education and to highlight the areas that need particular attention to promote inclusive edu-cation and strengthen policy development.

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Implementarea educaţiei incluzive - de la teorie la practicǎ

Index für Inklusion. Lernen und Teilhabe in der Schule der Vielfalt entwickeln, Tony Booth und Mel Ainscow, 118 p. In Manchester wurde 2000 der Index for Inclusion vorgestellt. Mit ihm begegnete man erst-malig die Verbindung zwischen Prozessen der Schulentwicklung und dem Leitbild der in-klusiven "Schule für alle". Zunächst hat die Verbindung von Lernen/Leistung und Teilhabe irritiert, doch eigentlich ist es nichts anderes als die gelungene Synthese der Herausforde-rung und der gegenseitigen Bedingung von kognitivem und sozialem Lernen innerhalb einer guten Schule. Index für Inklusion. Lernen, Partizipation und Spiel in der inklusiven Kindertageseinrich-tung entwickeln, Tony Booth, Mel Ainscow und Denise Kingston, 148 p. Der Index für Inklusion (Frühkindliche Erziehung, Bildung und Betreuung) ist eine Hilfe-stellung und Handreichung zur Unterstützung der inklusiven Entwicklung in allen institutio-nellen Formen von Tageseinrichtungen für Kinder einschließlich Krippen, Spielplätze, Fa-milienzentren, Krabbelstuben, Babysitten, Tagespflege, Kinderläden und Kinderhäuser. Der Index ist ein umfassendes Werk, das allen in diesen Einrichtungen helfen kann, ihre eigenen „nächsten Schritte“ zu finden, um die Partizipation der Kinder und Jugendlichen an Spiel und Lernen zu erhöhen. Die Materialien sind so konzipiert, dass sie auf dem Wissen und der Erfahrung der Erzieherinnen aufbauen und die Entwicklung jeder beliebigen Einrichtung an-regen und unterstützen, unabhängig davon, wie „inklusiv“ die Einrichtung auch immer im Moment eingeschätzt wird. Indexul incluziunii şcolare. Promovarea educării şi a participării tuturor copiilor la învăţământul de masă, Tony Booth, Mel Ainscow Indexul este o resursă pentru susţinerea dezvoltării incluzive în şcoli. Este un document comprehensiv care poate ajuta orice persoană sau organizaţie în identificarea paşilor ne-cesari dezvoltării gradului de incluzivitate al unei şcoli. Materialele sunt concepute astfel încât să se bazeze pe cunoştinţele şi experienţa dobândită de cadrele didactice în practica lor pedagogică. Ideile cuprinse în volum constituie o provocare pentru oricare şcoală, susţinându-i totodată evoluţia către idealul „şcolii pentru toţi”. Discuţiile provocate de In-dex sunt utile chiar şi în cazurile în care şcolile se consideră a fi şi în prezent integrative. Guide de l’éducation inclusive développer les apprentissages et la participation dans l’école, Tony Booth et Mel Ainscow, CEEI - Centre pour l’étude de l’éducation inclusive, soutenir l’inclusion, refuser l’exclusion; Index for inclusion: developing learning and parti-cipation in schools, 2nd ed., BOOTH, Tony; AINSCOW, Mel , Bristol: Centre for Studies in Inclusive Education (CSIE), 2002, 102 p. [inaccesibil in engleza] The Index for Inclusion is a set of materials to guide schools through a process of inclusive school development. It is about building supportive communities and fostering high achievement for all staff and students. Open file on inclusive education: support materials for managers and administra-tors, Paris: United National Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2002, 150 p.

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This report brings together experience from a wide range of countries in a collaborative effort by researchers, administrators and practitioners, who were asked to summarise their knowledge and experience in relation to the development of more inclusive education systems. Given the enormous variation between national systems, it does not address every detail of every situation. Instead it attempts to identify some underlying principles, which inform practice across a wide range of contexts. These principles are supported by brief illustrations from a number of countries. Development of a set of Indicators – for inclusive education in Europe, European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 46 p. The document presents the main findings of an Agency project involving 23 European countries. The aim of the project was to develop a methodology that would lead to a set of indicators suitable for monitoring developments at the national level, but that could also be applied at the European level. Such a set of indicators requires a clear focus on the policy conditions that may support or hinder the development of inclusive education within schools. Several European and international institutions have undertaken work in developing indicators in specific policy areas and this project has built upon those experiences to develop indicators in the field of inclusive education. Understanding the development of inclusive education system, Mel Ainscow, 16 S. This paper is an attempt to make a contribution to a better understanding of these complex issues in the field. As such it is intended that the ideas discussed will stimulate thinking and debate in ways that will enable further progress to be made in taking forward the inclusion agenda. Making Schools Inclusive. Save the Children’s experience, 64 p. This book is about how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) can help school systems in developing countries become more inclusive. It shares experience of developing tools and approaches that have improved education for the most excluded children in society. While the principles of inclusive education have been broadly accepted by many since the interna-tional Salamanca Statement of 19941 on special needs education, efforts to make these a re-ality have been patchy. The need for progress on inclusive education is becoming increas-ingly urgent in the context of efforts to achieve international targets such as the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of universal primary education by 2015, and the goal of Educa-tion for All (EFA) by 2015. This book aims to use the experience of Save the Children and its partners to help answer the question: ‘What changes are needed for school systems to be-come inclusive of all children?’

d) Aspecte practice [exemple din practica educativǎ] Ghiduri în sprijinul implementǎrii eduacţiei incluzive la nivelul şcolii şi al clasei

Schools for All. Including disabled children in education These guidelines are aimed at Save the Children UK (SC UK) education staff and partners who are trying to develop inclusive education practices and, in particular, the inclusion of disabled children in education. They are also aimed at staff and partners working in disabil-

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ity, community-based rehabilitation (CBR), and other sectors, who are developing links with education programmes – or who may be called upon to provide input into inclusive educa-tion work. Embracing diversity: toolkit for creating inclusive, learning-friendly environments, Shaeffer, Sheldon et al, Bangkok: UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Educa-tion, 2004, 320 p, ill. This toolkit contains six booklets which aim to help teachers, school administrators, parents and children create schools which are inclusive for all. The toolkit aims to assist teachers to acknowledge the diverse range of backgrounds amongst students and to build on the strengths of the children. It can be adjusted to the specific needs of each school, classroom and child and should not be read as a 'recipe book'. The booklets are easy to read and contain tables, illustrations, checklists and examples to illustrate the application of inclusive schools. Booklet 1: Becoming an inclusive, learning-friendly environment (ILFE). Booklet 2: Work-ing with families and communities to create an ILFE Booklet 3: Getting all children in school and learning Booklet 4: Creating inclusive, learning-friendly classrooms Booklet 5: Managing inclusive, learning-friendly classrooms Booklet 6: Creating a healthy and protec-tive ILFE. Understanding and responding to children's needs in inclusive classrooms: a guide for teachers, McConrey, Roy et al, Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2001, 116 p, ill. This guide discusses the challenge of how teachers and policy-makers can promote the in-clusion of children with different needs in the classroom. It implies a shift in the role of edu-cation towards addressing the needs of the individual rather than making the individual meet a set of required standards Guides for Special Needs Education, The guides, which are intended for teachers, parents and community workers, aim at stimu-lating discussion on basic knowledge, methods and techniques relevant to the education of handicapped persons, and offer practical advice for action in this field.

No.2: Working Together - Guidelines for partnership between professionals and par-ents of children and young people with disabilities. No.4: Education of Deaf Children and Young People, No. 6: Education of Visually Impaired Pupils in the Ordinary Classroom No. 7: Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy: An Educational Guide No.9: Children and Young People with Specific Learning Disabilities No.10: Education of Children and Young People with Autism

Studii de caz

Supporting the Development of Schools for All. Workshop Materials

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If we are to be effective in teaching all children we will need to develop the practice of teachers and the organisation of schools. These workshop materials should be used by teachers in a school, and those who work with them, to develop the skills needed for review-ing and improving practice and organisation. The aim is to create schools where people work together effectively in order to provide better learning conditions and to overcome bar-riers to participation. The materials involve six activities. Each of these has a series of steps. These need not be followed rigidly. Where necessary they should be modified to suit par-ticular circumstances. The activities are intended to help participants in a workshop to use existing practice as a basic for further development. Towards Inclusive Education. Examples of Good Practices of Inclusive Education In this publication we introduce six examples of good practice from different European countries. We have chosen good school practices and project presentations supporting inclu-sive processes through the work of non-governmental organizations. The published exam-ples fulfil the criteria of qualified and well established educational institutions fully engaged in the work for social inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities through inclusive education. Teachers, parents, communities, school authorities and other stakeholders in-volved in the educational systems across European countries can serve as valuable resources in support of inclusion. Inclusive education is about improving learning environments but also about providing opportunities for all learners to become successful in their learning ex-periences. The successful examples from different parts of Europe demonstrate that the process of inclusion is not easy, but fully realistic. Inclusive education. Approaches, Scopes & Content, Diane Richler,1, Inclu-sive education: Approaches, Scope & Content Good practices of inclusive education can be seen around the world. As part of the Interna-tional Conference on Education, Inclusion International would like to share some of the best practices from their member organizations. First Steps: Stories on Inclusion in Early Childhood Education A compilation of 13 case studies, examples where children with special educational needs are included in regular early childhood programs. Including the Excluded: Meeting Diversity in Education. Example from Romania This case study provides an account of the efforts to address marginalization in and exclu-sion from education. Making It Happen A compilation of twelve country stories, examples of good practice in integrated education and community-based programs.

Diferiţi dar împreunǎ [Romania] Proiecte care sprijină integrarea şcolară şi profesională a copiilor/tinerilor cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale şi a celor din sistemul de protecţie socială.

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Exemple de buna practicǎ din domeniul serviciilor comunitare privind copiii şi tinerii cu dizabiliţǎţi din Romania Acest document a fost alcǎtuit pe baza rǎspunsurilor primite de la organizaţiile prezente în broşurǎ. Prezentarea fiecǎrui proiect aparţine organizaţiei care îl implementeazǎ. Zur Wirkung der internationalen Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Be-hinderung und ihres Fakultativprotokolls auf das deutsche Schulsystem – [Deutsch-land] On 24 February, 2009 Germany has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Since then little has changed concerning inclusive education al-though the CRPD recognizes the right to inclusive education to all children. Dr. Riedel, a widely recognized professor of international law, has reviewed the laws and facts. Results show: disabled children have the right to attend regular schools in Germany. But immediate action has to be taken to protect the right to inclusive education. Inclusion in schools – am Beispiel England, Maria Kailer Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich diesem Aspekt des Themas Inclusion - nämlich der Inc-lusion von Kindern mit Special Educational Needs in Schulen. Genauer gesagt: der Inclusion wie sie in englischen Schulen gelebt wird. Da England - wie die meisten westlichen englisch-sprachigen Länder - in der Diskussion um Inclusion dem deutschsprachigen Raum um eini-ges voraus ist, scheint es wertvoll, genauer zu untersuchen, ob auch die dortige Praxis bereits Vorzeigecharakter aufweist. Special needs education within the education system – France, Complete national overview The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education facilitate the collection, processing and transfer of European level and country specific information (in this case about France) and offer member countries the opportunity to learn from each other through different types of knowledge and experience exchange. Our short and long term work pro-grammes reflect both our member countries’ priorities and agreed EU policies regarding learners with special educational needs and the promotion of their full participation within mainstream education and training. Special needs education within the education system - United Kingdom (England), Complete national overview The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education facilitate the collection, processing and transfer of European level and country specific information (in this case about United Kingdom) and offer member countries the opportunity to learn from each other through different types of knowledge and experience exchange. Our short and long term work programmes reflect both our member countries’ priorities and agreed EU policies regarding learners with special educational needs and the promotion of their full participation within mainstream education and training.

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Special needs education within the education system – Spain, Complete national overview The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education facilitate the collection, processing and transfer of European level and country specific information (in this case about Spain) and offer member countries the opportunity to learn from each other through different types of knowledge and experience exchange. Our short and long term work programmes reflect both our member countries’ priorities and agreed EU policies regarding learners with special educational needs and the promotion of their full participation within mainstream education and training. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice, European Agency for Development in Spe-cial Needs Education, 37 p. This report contains an overview of the findings of the Classroom and School Practice pro-ject. The project is focused on revealing, analysing, describing and disseminating classroom practices in inclusive settings in such a way that European teachers can implement inclusive practices on a wider scale in their classrooms. Furthermore, it addresses decision-makers within the educational system by presenting the necessary conditions for teachers to become inclusive in their practice. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education, European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, 35 S. This project Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education is an ex-tension of the work that has already been completed in relation to primary education. It makes use of the same study framework, goals and methodology. Based on an international literature review, case studies in 14 European countries, expert visits in five countries as well as various discussions involving experts and the European Agency National Co-ordinators, a number of features regarding the development of inclusive classrooms within secondary schools have been identified. These findings could be regarded as possible strate-gies for improving inclusion within secondary schools. In addition, the country case study reports and the reports of the exchange site visits provide expansion upon some of the strategies identified. Inclusive Education and Classroom Practice in Secondary Education, Literature Re-view, 245 p. European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education This report contains an overview of the findings of the first phase of the Classroom and School Practice project focussing upon the secondary level of educational provision. This project has been a replication of the European Agency project that examined the primary level of education. The current project aims to reveal, analyse, describe and disseminate in-formation about classroom practice in inclusive settings in secondary education in such a way that European teachers can implement inclusive practice on a wider scale in their class-rooms.

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Equity in Education. Thematic Review, OECD, 64 p. The review aims to assist countries in developing and implementing effective policies for equity in education. It examines the contribution of different phases of education to lifetime equity and inequity and looks, in particular, at socio-economic, ethnic, regional and gender issues. The thematic review involves four separate strands of work. Each participating coun-try prepares an analytical report on equity in education; country visits by teams of experts take place in a subset of participating countries, leading to the preparation of country notes such as this one; and a statistical profile of all OECD countries, in respect of educational equity, is prepared. All four strands of work feed into the preparation of a final comparative report. Understanding and Responding to Children's Needs in Inclusive Classrooms A teacher's job is not easy. You may have big classes of 40 and more pupils - all of them Individuals! Having children with disabilities or from disadvantaged backgrounds in your class often requires more work but it need not be so: you can manage differences among the children. Welcoming Schools This training material illustrates characteristics, competencies, skills and teaching and learn-ing practices used by teachers who are working to promote the inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in the classroom. Teacher Education Resource Pack: Special Needs in the Classroom - Student Materials This UNESCO Resource Pack has been developed with the help of many people. The jour-ney began with a small group of colleagues exploring ways of helping teachers to respond to special needs in their classrooms. As the journey progressed, this small group expanded as they made new friends who were interested in similar issues. Indeed, the creation of partner-ships for the purpose of extending thinking and improving practice has come to be the cen-tral strategy within the project that led to the creation of this pack. Changing Teaching Practices - using curriculum differentiation to respond to students’ diversity, UNESCO, 109 p. This material was developed to facilitate and support inclusive education. It is meant to help teachers become better at teaching all students together regardless of their abilities, disabili-ties or background of experiences. The need for this material has come from teachers work-ing in a range of conditions in classrooms around the world. Many of these teachers recog-nise that they have to adapt, modify and differentiate their teaching so as to ensure that all students in their classes learn to their potential. However, they have also felt that they lack skills and knowledge as to how this can be done, especially where there are low resources and large class sizes. Development of this material is based on experiences of teachers and other education professionals from different regions working together.

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Reţele de informaţii, Portale, Organizaţii

Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) CRIN is an independent, non political, non religious not for profit organisation registered in the United Kingdom. It envisions a world in which every child enjoys all of the human rights promised by the United Nations, regional organisations, and national governments alike. More than 2,100 organisations in 150 countries rely on CRIN's publications, research and information. Established in 1995, CRIN is a fully established global information net-work. Enabling Education Network (EENET) This is an excellent website focusing on inclusive education, which is regularly updated with publications from the South. It includes sections on parents, policy, teacher education, early childhood, deafness, gender, image-based methodologies and action research, among others. It also contains EENET newsletters and reports, and bibliographies. Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) It is a national network led by disabled people and supported by allies that include parents, educators and Head Teachers. The Alliance has campaigned successfully, over the last 15 years, to remove the legal conditions which have served to limit the rights of children with Special Educational Needs to secure a supported mainstream placement. The members have also been very influential in bringing education into the remit of the Disability Discrimina-tion Act, strengthening the right of disabled young people to protection from discrimination within the education system.

& & &

Global Report on Inclusive Education [Portal] This site is part of the initiative from Inclusion International and Inclusion Europe to de-velop a Global Report (Salamanca 1994-2009) on the status of Inclusive Education world-wide. The partners around the globe share their best practices in inclusive education that in-clude students with intellectual disability. The European Disability Forum (EDF) [Portal] It is the representative organisation of persons with disabilities in Europe. The work of EDF covers all fields of European Union competence and a great number of initiatives. International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) [Portal] IDDC aims to promote inclusive development, it means respecting the full human rights of every person, acknowledging diversity, eradicating poverty and ensuring that all people are fully included and can actively participate in development processes and activities regardless of age, gender, disability, state of health, ethnic origin or any other characteristic.

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Education: towards inclusion, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organi-zation [regularly updated] [Portal]'URL_ID=7939&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201 This section of the UNESCO's education website hosts definitions of concepts, policies and publications relating to inclusive education. Case studies, support materials for teachers and those promoting inclusive education, and a set of guides to the education of different groups of learners are also available in the online materials section. Inclusion Europe [Portal] Portalul Asociaţiei europene al societăţilor pers cu dizabilităţioanelor intelectuale şi a familiilor acestora, o asociaţie non-profit, care apara drepturile si interesele persoanelor cu dizabilităţi intelectuale şi ale familiilor lor în Europa. Respect, Solidaritate şi Incluziune sunt valorile fundamentale împărtăşite de membrii asociatiei, de persoanele cu dizibilităţi intelec-tuale şi de familiile acestora. Inclusion International [Portal] Inclusion International (II) is a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities worldwide. It represents over 200 member federations in 115 countries throughout five regions Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Africa and the Indian Ocean, the Americas, and Asia Pacific and it is one of the largest international disability non-governmental organizations and one of disability-related organizations to be officially recognized by the United Nations.

& & & Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE) The Centre is an independent centre, set up in 1982, actively supporting inclusive education as a human right of every child. Fundaţia de Abilitare “Speranţa” Fundaţia de Abilitare “Speranţa” este o organizaţie neguvernamentală înfiinţată în anul 1992. Ea se adresează copiilor cu cerinţe educative speciale şi familiilor acestora, pentru a asigura includerea lor în comunitate. Una din cele mai importante realizări ale fundaţiei este dezvoltarea şi sprijinirea unui centru de reabilitare, cunoscut astăzi ca Centrul de Resurse şi Asistenţă Educaţională “Speranţa”. În prezent, centrul este parte a sistemului naţional de educaţie, prin Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Timiş. Centrul de Resurse şi Asistenţǎ Educaţionalǎ "Speranţa" Centrul a fost infiinţat in 1993, a fost finanţat cu fonduri externe, în present fiind finantat de cǎtre Consiliul Judeţean Timiş. Centrul desfaşoara servicii de asistenţǎ educaţionalǎ si/sau predare-învaţare-educare, activitǎţi de formare, informare, documentare, consiliere, cercetare, proiecte şi programe. Pentru Voi Foundation

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It was the first non-governmental organization in Romania to develop and offer programs such as supported employment, independent living, self-advocacy, and an activity center for adults with profound intellectual disabilities. At this moment the organisation provides community-based services in partnership with the Local Council & Timisoara Municipality to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families, being a training provider, a resource center and a voice to be considered by the authorities. National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI) The Center advances learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities by fostering technology innovation. Specifically, it helps researchers, product developers, manufacturers and publishers to create and commercialize products of value to students with special needs. National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) This is the only national membership organization dedicated solely to meeting the needs of special education teachers and those preparing for the field of special education teaching. International Association of Special Education (IASE) Founded in 1989, the IASE is an organization of professionals who are dedicated to improv-ing the quality of life and service delivery for all individuals identified as having special needs. Members include teachers, teacher trainers, professors, speech clinicians, psycholo-gists, health care providers, social workers, counselors, family members and those associ-ated with related disciplines.

Reviste – Jurnale - Newsletter International Journal of Special Education The journal publishes original articles concerning special education. Experimental as well as theoretical articles are sought. Potential contributors are encouraged to submit reviews of re-search, historical, and philosophical studies, case studies and content analyses in addition to experimental correlation studies, surveys and reports of the effectiveness of innovative pro-grams. International Journal of Inclusive Education The journal provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue on inclusive education for all educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the form and nature of schools, universities and technical colleges. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) The journal is an established online forum for the dissemination of international research on special educational needs. JORSEN aims to: Publish original research, literature reviews and theoretical papers on meeting special educational needs; Create an international forum for researchers to reflect on, and share ideas regarding, issues of particular importance to them such as methodology, research design and ethical issues; Reach a wide multi-disciplinary national and international audience through online publication.

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e-Include e-Include is the online information service for members and friends of the Inclusion move-ment. Updated several times per week, it is the essential point of reference for European news, policies, actions and events related to the community of persons with intellectual dis-abilities, their families and their organisations.

Pentru Voi The Romanian organisation has issued a newsletter with their most important projects and activities organized during his activity. Include The responsible members want to promote the inclusive education in all European countries, as a good for everyone.

e) Literaturǎ

O cǎutare dupǎ literaturǎ referitoare la tematica tratatǎ poate efectuatǎ în regie proprie în bǎncile de date bibliografice cu profil pedagogic:

• Fachinformation System [FIS] Bildung Literaturdatenbank – [http://www.fachportal-] pentru literaturǎ provenind preponderent din spaţiul lingvistic germanophon;

• Education Resources Center Collection [ERIC] - [] pentru literaturǎ

provenind din spaţiul lingvistic anglophon. III. Incheiere – în loc de concluzie „Şcolile obişnuite care au o orientare incluzivă posedǎ mijlocul cel mai eficient de a combate atitudinile discriminatorii, cel de a crea comunităţi primitoare, de a construi o societate incluzivă şi de a oferi o educaţie pentru toţi; mai mult chiar, ele asigură o educaţie eficientă pentru marea majoritate a copiilor şi îmbunătăţesc eficienţa şi, până la urmă, chiar şi rentabilitatea întregului sistem de învăţământ” [Declaraţia de la Salamanca, 1994]. Numai o asemenea şcoală permite accesul la o educaţie de calitate pentru toţi copiii, indiferent cât de deosebiţi ar fi ei.

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Pentru a aduce o schimbare de perspectivǎ, este necesar ca sistemul educaţional sǎ fie restructurat [vezi imaginea de sus], astfel încât să se concentreze asupra dezvoltării personale şi a învăţării individualizate, este necesar ca managementul şcolar sǎ se implice activ şi nu în ultimǎ instantǎ este necesar ca profesorii şi educatorii prin schimbul permanent de idei în cadrul comunitǎţii educative internaţionale să îşi schimbe percepţia privind rolul lor în procesul educativ. _________________ Gertrude Cseh, M.A, documentar stiintific, specialist in domeniul informatiei si al documentarii educationale, responsabila pentru portalul educational „Bildung weltweit – Education worldwide – Education dans le monde” - [[email protected]] Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (DIPF), Informationszentrum (IZ) Bildung / Institutul de Cercetari Pedagogice Internationale, Centrul de Informare pentru domeniul Educatiei, Schloßstraße 29, 60486 Frankfurt/Main – [http:\\]