pecha kucha final assignment tsci

The future of education and learning in a digital era Research centre for digital education Charly Rozenberg Trends and Strategies in the Creative Industries 2009-2010

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Pecha Kucha final assignment TSCI


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The future of education and learning in a digital era

Research centre for digital education

Charly RozenbergTrends and Strategies in the Creative Industries2009-2010

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Research question

What are possibilities for the future of digtal learning environments?

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What is new media

Adding new abbilitiesConvergence old mediaNew ways of delivering a message

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What is new about media in education

New ways for teachingNew ways for learningNew technologies for educationNew sources for education

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Technical options for education

Several options:InternetPC’s for everybodyTeaching toolsLearning tools

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Technical options for education 2

People need to keep up with technologies

New education methods on education

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Wisdom of the crowds

Interesting way of educationEasy to do via new technologies

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Open source media

Free and or less expensive tools to educate students

Everybody can use the knowledge produced by a view

For example: cheaper textbooks via Creative Commons Licensing

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Peer production

Somewhere in between wisdom of the crowds and open source media

Helping each other with education and learning

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Media wisdom

Dutch government project

Education on how to use new media

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Cost of new tools in classroom are high

Computers for people can be expensive

Education on how to use new education takes time

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Economics 2

On the other hand:

Cheaper books

Free information on the internet

Creative Commons Licenses

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Theoretical Perspective



New comes fromt the old

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Newness of media and education

Media us in education is not new

Remediation and digitalization of media for education creates a new learning environment

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Vision for the future

Create and develop new and challenging ways to educatestudents and teachers

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Backcasting as methodology

Outline of a future situation

Evaluate preferences

Testing feasibility of desired future

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Backcasting as methodology 2

Create a roadmap of what to achieve in the future

Step by step timeline that addresses specified milestones thatneed to be conquered to change the future

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Concluding the pitch

Creating new and challenging education is a long process

All assets need to be researched carefully

It is about the future of delegation of knowledge in a new era

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Financial proposal

Cost of researcher: €80 an hour

Estimated time for research: 2 months(setting up research, contacts, interviews, evaluations, conlusions)

Costs research: €25.600

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Sources usedLister, M., J. Dovey, S. Giddings, I. Grant & K. Kelly (2009) New Media. A critical Introduction. Second Edition. London: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-43160-3)

Benkler, Y. (2006) The Wealth of Networks 2006

Slot, M. & V. Frissen (2007). Users in the Golden Age of the Information Society. In: Observatorio Journal. 3 (2007), pp. 201+224

Ots, M. (2008). Media and Brands: New Ground to Explore. In: Ots M. (ed.) (2008) Media Brands and Branding. Jönköping, Sweden: JIBS. Pp. 1-7.

Van Cuilenburg, J. (1999) ‘On competition, access and diversity in media, old and new: some remarks for communications policy in the information age. In: New Media & Society vol. 1, issue 2, p. 183-207

Leendertse, M., M. Manschot & A. de Korte (2009). Creating the ideal ICTenabled learning space. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education, Research & Innovation in Madrid, November 16-18 2009.

Ophir, Nass, Wagner. September 15, 2009. Cognitive control in media multitaskers. PNAS 106 (37).

Richard Baraniuk’s presentation for TED on open-source learning.

Wheeler, S. 2009. Blog about learning technology.

Plasterk, R. & Rouvoet A. 2008. Kamerstuk Mediawijsheid. Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science).

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Questions ?