pearl characters


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Page 1: Pearl characters



Page 2: Pearl characters

WHAT IS CHARACTER?? Character are the people in the story. They

may be major characters or minor characters. The major character undergoes changes in personality or he or she will act in a variety of situations. On the other hand a minor character is not well develop and remains the same throughout the story.

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KINOPHYSICAL TRAITStrongYoungBrown skinBlack hairMexican indian

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PERSONALITY TRAITSSimple but not simple-minded Ambitious HarmonyProtective and concernedHonest, can became passionate, can also become savage

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Poor but midly satisfied fisherman

A loving husband and father

Full of desire Never satisfies with

what he had He dares to dream

the impossible Posseses bt the

pearl Lost everything at

the end

Before discovery of the pearl

After discovery of the pearl

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Physical traitsLong black hairCombs hair in two plaits tied with green ribbon

Strong like a manMexican indian


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“ And the rhythm of the family song was the grinding-stone where Juana worked the corn for the morning cakes.” (pg 2)

“ Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast.” (pg 3)

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LOVING, PROTECTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE MOTHEROn the other bare feet she went to the

hanging box where Coyotito slept, she leaned over and said a little reassuring word. Coyotito looked up for a moment, and closed his eyes and slept again.”

(pg 2)“ But Juana had the baby in her arms

now. She found the puncture with redness starting from it already. She put her lips down over the puncture and sucked hard and spat and suked it again while Coyotito screamed.”

(pg 5-6)

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“ Now Juana, back in her hidden place, heard the pad of the horse’s hoofs, and Coyotito gurgled. She took him up quickly and put him under her shawl and gave him her breast and he was silent.” (pg 71)

“ Juana laid Coyotito on the blanket, and she placed her shawl over him so that the hot sun could not shine on him.” (pg 15)

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RELIGIOUS PERSON“ Under her breath Juana repeated

an ancient magic to guard against such evil, and on top of that she muttered a Hail Mary between clenched teeth.” (pg 5)

“ She had not prayed directly for the baby – she had prayed that they might find a pearl with which to hire the doctor to cure the baby, for the minds of people are as unsubstantial as the mirage of the Gulf.”

(pg 15)

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ABLE TO BEAR PHYSICAL HARDSHIP“ Kino had wondered often at the iron in

his patient, fragile wife. She, who was obedient and respectful and cheerful and patient, could arch her back in child pain with hardly a cry. She could stand fatigue and hunger almost better than Kino himself. In the canoe she was like a strong man.” (pg 6)

“ Juana dragged herself up from the rocks on the edge of the water. Her face was a dull pain and her side ached. She steadied herself on her knees for a while and her wet skirt clung to her. There was no anger in her for Kino.” (pg 58)

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“ Kino, this pearl is evil. Let us destroy it before it destroys us. Let us crush it between two stones. Let us – let us throw it back in the sea where it belongs. Kino, it is evil, it is evil!” (pg 55)

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COYOTITO The infant son of Kino and Coyotito. After he is stung by a scorpion, the doctor

refuses to treat him because his parents have no money. Although Juana seemingly cures him with a

seaweed poultice, he receives treatment from the doctor only after

Kino finds the pearl. One of the trackers shoots Coyotito in the

head as they hide in a cave.

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JUAN TOMAS Kino’s older brother Apolonia’s husband Live in a brush hut like Kino

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APOLONIA Juan Tomas’s highly-strung wife – “ They heard

the cries of warning of their friends, and the shell keening cry of Apolonia, wife of Juan Tomas. She, being the nearest woman relative, raised a formal lament for the dead of the family.” (pg 62)

A fat lady. Obedient and supportive wife – “ in a few

moments Juan Tomas back with her. He lighted a candle and come to them where they crouched in a corner, and he said , ‘ Apolonia see to the dooor, and do not let anyone enter.’ He was older, Juan Tomas, and he assumed the authority.” (pg 63)

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♪ of Spanish descent ♪ drooping mouth

♪ fat folds of flesh ♪ hoarse voice

♪ very stout


♪ Cold and heartless- ‘ Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for “ little Indians”? I am a doctor, not a veterinary.’ [ page 11 ]

♪ Loves to indulge in luxury- In his chamber the doctor sat up in his high bed. He had on dressing-gown of red watered silk that had come from Paris. On his lap, was a silver tray with a silver chocolate pot and a tiny cup of egg-shell china.

- ‘ That,’ he said, ‘ was civilised living’- by which he meant that on a small income he had been able to keep a mistress and eat in restaurants. [ page 11 ]

- He remembered the room he had lived in Paris as a great and luxurious place, and he remembered the hard-faced woman who had lived with him as a beautiful and kind girl, although she had been none of these three.

- The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.

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♪ An Opportunist- ‘ He is a client of mine, ‘ the doctor said. ‘ I am treating his child for a scorpion sting.’ [ page 22 ] - He came to Kino’s hut to treat Coyotito.

♪ Careless with human life.-He didn’t care about Coyotito’s life : When Coyotito got stung by the scorpion, the doctor refused to treat him. After Kino found The Pearl of The World, the doctor came to his brush house to treat Coyotito. The doctor gave Coyotio a capsule filled with white powder, The capsule had make Coyotito fell very sick.

SYMBOL OF :♫ Evil ♫ Avarice ♫ Indulgence ♫ class exploitation

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♪ greying, ageing man with an old skin ♪ young sharp eye

♪ soft voice ♪ great father of the church


♪ Treats Mexican-Indians as children

- “ The priest came in – a greying, ageing man with and old skin and a young sharp eye. Children he consider these people, and he treated them like children.

♪ Uses the church to his benefit- ‘ It has come to me that thou hast found a great fortune, a great pearl.’ [ page 27 ]

- The priest gasped a little at the size and the beauty of the pearl.

- ‘I hope thou wilt remember to give thanks, my son, to Him who has given thee this treasure, and to pray for

guidance in the future.’

♪ Greedy and uncaring- He put a thoughtful looking in his eyes and a memory of certain repairs necessary to

the church.

- He wondered what the pearl would be worth.

- He also wondered whether he had baptized Kino’s baby, or married him for that matter.

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SYMBOL OF :♫ Spiritual authority ♫ Representative of the

rich♫ Avarice

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THE PEARL BUYERS Acted they worked for themselves, but they were actually all controlled by

one man. The pearl buyers cheat the Indians out of their pearls. By putting on a show of competing over the best price, the man in charge

and the pearl buyers were adept at ripping off the natives. The pearl buyers’ offices were clutered together in one narrow street.

(page 46 line 15) A fat man dealer told Kino that his great pearl was worth only a thousand

pesos. (page 49 line 1) There are other three dealer. The first dealer didn’t offer any price and mention that the pearl is a

monstrosity. (page 50 paragraph 4) The second dealer with a shy soft voice said that the pearl is soft and

chalky. (page 50 paragraph 6) The third dealer offer Kino five hunderd pesos. (page 50 paragraph 7) Kino got angry and snatched the pearl from the dealer. (page 51 line 1) A man at the desk quickly offer one thousand five hundred pesos but Kino

refuse it and walked away. (page 51 line 10 to 12)

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Two trackers and a man with a rifle followed Kino and Juana out of La Paz

Kino saw them coming while Juana hid in the woods When Kino realized that they were tracking him, he

and Juana hurried up to the smooth rocks of the mountains so that they would be harder to follow

When night fell, the trackers were just below the cave in which Kino, Juana, and Coyotito were hiding

Kino sneaked down the sheer face of the mountain and into their camp and killed them all

In the chaos, Coyotito was shot and killed

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PAST YEAR QUESTIONS 2001 – Which character do you like the best

in the novel you have studied? 2003 – Which character do you sympathize

with in the novel? 2006 – the writer describe the main

character as a very determined person. Using the details from the novel write about ; a) some instances that show the character’s determination, b) How the determination affects his/family

2007 – It is important to have a person you look up to in your life. From the novel that you have read, write about one character that you look up to.