
How to issue your ESA Evaluation Letter from a licensed healthcare professional? Many people at some point experience severe psychological or emotional setbacks in their life, and emotional support animals can help people by providing unconditional support and companionship. If you are interested in qualifying your animal companion as an ESA, the first thing you should know is that a recommendation letter is required from a licensed psychologist or a healthcare professional. By possessing a legitimate ESA Evaluation Letter, you will get various rights such as able to travel with your animal on airlines and live in housing or other public places that may not otherwise accept pets. Remember that if you issue your letter from an unlicensed person or a

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Post on 19-Feb-2021




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Many people at some point experience severe psychological or emotional setbacks in their life and emotional support animals can help people by providing unconditional support and companionship. If you are interested in qualifying your animal companion as an ESA, the first thing you should know is that a recommendation letter is required from a licensed psychologist or a healthcare professional.


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How to issue your ESA Evaluation Letter from a licensed healthcare professional?

Many people at some point experience severe psychological or

emotional setbacks in their life, and emotional support animals can

help people by providing unconditional support and companionship. If

you are interested in qualifying your animal companion as an ESA, the

first thing you should know is that a recommendation letter is required

from a licensed psychologist or a healthcare professional.

By possessing a legitimate ESA Evaluation Letter, you will get various rights such as able to travel with your animal on airlines and live in housing or other public places that may not otherwise accept pets. Remember that if you issue your letter from an unlicensed person or a

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company, then airlines, co-ops, landlords, and HOAs will not recognize your letter as valid and you will also lose your credibility.

How to Get Emotional Support Animal Letter

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Usually, your doctor will be happy to write an ESA letter for you but, maybe they refuse to write it if your mental condition is not specified in a list which mentions requirement of an emotional support animal. However, if your therapist agrees that you need an ESA, then he/she can write an ESA letter for you. Also, make sure that your therapist write your ESA evaluation letter on the official letterhead, having all the information regarding your healthcare professional’s license number and expertise. Look below to know the steps of asking for an emotional support animal letter:

1. Talk to your therapist about your mental conditions, so that he/she can understand your disorder and can write an ESA letter according to your current mental health status.

2. Ask them to add all details about your health and why you need an emotional support animal, so that you don’t get any legal trouble in future.

3. In the end, receive your ESA letter written on the official and genuine letterhead.

Contact PDSC professionals for getting a legally-approved ESA letter and also get assistance to increase the awareness about various ESA rights, such as Fair Housing Act.