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TESDA CIRCULAR Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) Page 1 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016 Date Issued: January 20, 2016 Effectivity: As indicated Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007 Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7796 which empowers TESDA to establish and maintain a system of accrediting, coordinating, integrating, monitoring and evaluating formal and non-formal WET programs; TESDA Board Resolution 98-03 which approved the establishment of UTPRAS in the pursuit of a quality-assured WET system; and in view of the need to continually improve our system of quality-assuring WET programs, the following policies and guidelines are hereby adopted: I. OBJECTIVES 1. To prescribe updated policies and guidelines in the registration of TVET programs with TESDA that will lead to continual improvement of the quality management system; and 2. To ensure the delivery of quality TVET programs to the public. II. DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purpose of this Circular, the following terms shall be defined as follows: 1. Bundled Program — refers to the combination of several WTR qualifications offered as a program to produce multi-skilled graduates. 2. Bundling — refers to the grouping or clustering of qualifications that result in multi-qualification program and, consequently, in multi-skilled graduates. Bundling can be done either through vertical articulation (under same qualification with different national certification levels) and horizontal or lateral progression (under different qualifications within the same sector and same national certification levels). 3. Certificate of Competency (COC) — refers to a document issued by TESDA to individuals who were assessed as competent in a single unit or cluster of related units of competency as defined in Section 4 of the Training Regulations. 4. Certificate of WET Program Registration (CTPR) — refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned institution as a manifestation that the TVET program offered complies with the minimum requirements or standards prescribed by TESDA.

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Page 1: TESDA CIRCULAR - TESDA Batangastesdabatangas.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/CIRCULAR-007-2016...TESDA CIRCULAR Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under


Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 1 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7796 which empowers TESDA to establish and maintain a system of accrediting, coordinating, integrating, monitoring and evaluating formal and non-formal WET programs; TESDA Board Resolution 98-03 which approved the establishment of UTPRAS in the pursuit of a quality-assured WET system; and in view of the need to continually improve our system of quality-assuring WET programs, the following policies and guidelines are hereby adopted:


1. To prescribe updated policies and guidelines in the registration of TVET programs with TESDA that will lead to continual improvement of the quality management system; and

2. To ensure the delivery of quality TVET programs to the public.


For the purpose of this Circular, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

1. Bundled Program — refers to the combination of several WTR qualifications offered as a program to produce multi-skilled graduates.

2. Bundling — refers to the grouping or clustering of qualifications that result in multi-qualification program and, consequently, in multi-skilled graduates. Bundling can be done either through vertical articulation (under same qualification with different national certification levels) and horizontal or lateral progression (under different qualifications within the same sector and same national certification levels).

3. Certificate of Competency (COC) — refers to a document issued by TESDA to individuals who were assessed as competent in a single unit or cluster of related units of competency as defined in Section 4 of the Training Regulations.

4. Certificate of WET Program Registration (CTPR) — refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned institution as a manifestation that the TVET program offered complies with the minimum requirements or standards prescribed by TESDA.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

Page 2 of17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016


5. Cluster of Units of Competency — refers to a group of competencies as defined in the Training Regulations that corresponds to a Certificate of Competency. A cluster of units of competency includes the basic, common and core competencies addressing a Certificate of Competency that can be offered as a registered program.

6. Competency — refers to the specification of the knowledge, skills and attitude and the application of that knowledge, skills and attitude to the standard of performance required in the workplace.

7. Competency Assessment — refers to a process of collecting evidence and making judgments whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to confirm that an individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as expressed in the competency standards defined in TR. The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove possession of competencies. The process may be applied to an employable unit or units of competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification. The competency assessment leads to the issuance of a National Certificate (NC) or a Certificate of Competency (CoC).

8. Competency-based curriculum — refers to the specifications for a program or module, which describes all the learning experiences a learner undergoes. It generally includes learning outcomes, contents, conditions, methodologies, and assessment methods. It specifies outcomes, which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as defined in the TRs or based on industry or community consultations and/or supported by a demand or employability study for NTR.

9. Competency-based training — refers to a system by which the learner acquires a competency or a qualification based on demonstrated ability rather than on the time spent on training.

10. Institutional Assessment — refers to an assessment conducted by the institution for its learners to determine their achievement of the learning outcomes in the module/s of instruction in a given unit of competency or clusters of competency. This assessment applies to both WTR and NTR registered programs.

11. Module of Instruction — refers to a self-contained instruction materials that include one or more units of competency with learning outcomes, appropriate learning materials and methods, and associated criterion-reference measures with valid institutional assessment and method.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 3 of 17 pages Number D7 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

12. Mobile Training Program (MTP) — refers to a registered program that is transportable bringing with it all the necessary tools, equipment, consumables including the qualified trainer.

13. Moratorium — refers to a suspension in the processing of new program registration applications for a given Qualification due to oversubscription or no employment opportunities for the graduates as revealed in the Labor Market Intelligence Reports or any other similar issuances; or due to the undergoing review status of its Training Regulations.

14. National Certificate (NC) — refers to the document issued to individuals as proof that they have achieved all the required units of competency of a national qualification defined under the promulgated Training Regulations (TR). NCs are aligned to specific levels in the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF).

15. Nominal Duration - refers to the estimated learning hours, which indicate the time for an average person to achieve the learning outcomes of the units of competency, inclusive of classroom contact time, laboratory/field work/practicum and other methods of study/assignments as defined in the TR. It is an indicative duration per qualification based on experts' consensus or advice that will also serve as a guide to the TVET providers in the delivery of the Qualification depending on specific guidelines to be issued by the TESDA Director General.

16. No Training Regulations (NTR) — refers to the programs registered under UTPRAS not covered by any Training Regulations.

17. Online program — refers to a WET program that can be accessed primarily or entirely through the use of an internet-connected computer or mobile device.

18. Program Accreditation — refers to the process leading to a formal recognition granted by an authorized accrediting agency to an institution's program as possessing certain standards of quality as defined by the accreditation agency.

19. Program Migration - refers to the process of re-registering a With Training Regulation (WTR) program to conform to the requirements of an amended Training Regulations. It also covers the registration of a previously registered No Training Regulations (NTR) program to the appropriate Training Regulations that covers it.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 4 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

20. Program Registration — refers to the process by which TVET programs are registered with TESDA. It is the first stage of the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS). Applying for program registration indicates the intent of the institution to offer WET programs. The registration process attests to the capacity of the Technical Vocational Education and Training Institution (TVI) to deliver its stated curricula to learners against the minimum standards prescribed in the Training Regulations; or in the case of NTR program, as determined by an expert panel in the absence of such. Registration begins with the program registration documentation submitted to TESDA by the applicant WI. It also includes the conduct of periodic compliance audits to ensure continuing compliance to the requirements for programs granted Certificate of WET Program Registration (CTPR).

21. Program Re-registration — refers to a process wherein a registered program is re-evaluated against the registration requirements for re-issuance of a new CTPR due to any of the following conditions: a. Program migration; and b. Transfer of location/address of the WI.

22. Qualification - refers to a package of competencies describing a particular function or job role existing in an economic sector, covering the work activities required to undertake a particular job. Depending on the breadth, depth and scope of competency, a qualification may fall under National Certificate level I, II, Ill, IV or Diploma. A Training Regulations is a full qualification while a Certificate of Competency is leading to a qualification.

23. Special Order (SO) — refers to the authority granted to the WI by the TESDA Provincial Director to graduate a particular learner from a specified registered program on a certain date, provided the learner has satisfied the training requirements.

24. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - refers to the process in which the individual's previous learning outside the formal system, which contributes to the achievement of current competency/ies, can be assessed against the relevant unit or units of competency and given recognition through the issuance of the appropriate National Certificate or Certificate of Competency.

25. Technical Vocational Education and Training (WET) — refers to the education or training process which involves, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and the acquisition of practical skills relating to occupations in various sectors of economic and social life.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 5 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

26. Technical Vocational Education and Training Institution (TV!) — refers to an institution whether public or private offering TVET program(s). This shall include TESDA Technology Institutions, Public and Private Technical Vocational Institutes, and Higher Education Institutions (HEls), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs), Training Centers, and enterprises offering WET programs.

27. TESDA Technology Institutions — refer to TESDA Regional Training Centers, TESDA Provincial Training Centers, TESDA administered schools and TESDA specialized centers (e.g. TESDA Women's Center, Korphil, LSI, HRDI, etc.).

28. Technology-based Community Training Program — refers to a program conducted in the community by public or private WI or by local government units, non-government organizations, and other government agencies that involves the application of technology. Programs conducted under this modality must address specific skills leading to a unit or units of competency needed by the community and promote employment opportunities. TESDA shall register these programs for public and safety concerns based on TRs, for WTR and industry or community requirements, for NTR.

29. Training Regulations (TRs) — refers to the package of competency standards, training standards, assessment and certification arrangements promulgated by the TESDA Board for nationwide application. The TRs contain the following sections: a) Sectionl — Title and Description of Qualification; b) Section 2 - Competency Standards; c) Section 3 - Training Arrangement; and d) Section 4 - Assessment and Certification Arrangements.

30. With Training Regulations (WTR) — refers to the programs registered under UTPRAS with corresponding Training Regulations as basis for its registration.


These guidelines shall apply to all WET programs open to the public for a fee. TVET programs of TESDA Technology Institutions are covered by these guidelines.

Other public and private TVIs that are not fee (fees include tuition, miscellaneous and other fees collected by the TVIs) charging may register their WET programs under these guidelines.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 6 of 1i7 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

In general, these guidelines shall apply to all delivery modes including institution-based, enterprise-based, technology-based community training program, mobile training, blended and online learning. Each Program delivery mode shall be covered by separate implementing guidelines, which shall not be in conflict with these Omnibus Guidelines.


1. All WET programs offered for a fee shall be registered as VVTR or NTR under these guidelines before they are authorized to be offered to the public.

2. Registration of WET programs under WTR category shall conform to the levels and descriptors of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF).

3. TVIs shall have the option to bundle qualifications into multi-qualification programs to produce multi-skilled graduates.

4. A TVET program shall be governed by the principle of full disclosure in the submission of the following documentary requirements:

a. Competency-based curriculum indicating the units of competency and targeted learning outcomes, and the methods by which such competencies shall be achieved;

b. The institutional assessment which determines whether or not such competencies have been acquired; and

c. List of range of jobs for which such competencies may apply.

5. Recognition of Prior Learning principle shall be adopted. Prior Learning shall be given consideration by the TVIs in their WET program offerings. Prior Learning shall be assessed in both institutional and national competency assessment.

6. For programs which are not in the list of TRs with mandatory OJT, the Dual Training System (DTS) shall be encouraged.

7. Special Order shall be issued by the concerned TESDA Provincial Office to graduates of all registered programs whether WM or NTR and whether full qualification or in cluster of units of competency.

8. A registered WET program shall be eligible for program accreditation.


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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 7 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007


1. The UTPRAS is primarily intended to promote public interest and welfare by ensuring the quality of all TVET programs.

2. The registration system is anchored on the Quality Assured Philippine WET System. WET programs WTR shall be categorized on the basis of the qualification levels in the Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF) namely: National Certificate (NC) I, National Certificate (NC) II, National Certificate (NC) Ill, National Certificate (NC) IV and Diploma.

3. The registration system utilizes the competency-based training (CBT) approach, where acquisition of a qualification by a person is based on his/her learning (Knowledge, Skills and Attitude) of a set of competencies rather than the completion of a fixed period of study.

4. The Training Regulations sets the minimum requirements: competency standards; training arrangement; and assessment and certification arrangement necessary to deliver the program.

5. The registration system is designed to lead to a more efficient, effective and quality-assured management of the WET sector.


The registration process shall follow the Procedures Manual on Program Registration. This contains the detailed step-by-step procedures in the registration of WET programs.


The requirements for program registration shall be in accordance with the Checklist of Program Registration Requirements contained in the Procedures Manual on Program Registration.


1. With Training Regulations (WTR) programs shall be registered either as full qualification or TESDA-prescribed cluster of units of competency.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

Page 8 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016


2. Programs registered as full qualification may be offered as cluster of units of competency contained therein, unless otherwise provided in the Implementing Guidelines of the corresponding Training Regulations (TRs).

3. The Training Regulations (TRs) prescribe the minimum standards that shall be used in registering a WTR program, whether full qualification or cluster of units of competency.

4. Programs which conform in full with the TR shall strictly follow the title of the qualification and the appropriate NC level in the TR.

Example: Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II with a duration of hours

5. The title of programs covering a cluster of units of competency shall be indicated in the CTPR per TESDA Circular on Clustering of Competencies with the phrase "Leading to" preceding the title of the qualification which is being addressed:

Example: Servicing Consumer Electronic Products and Systems Leading to Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II

with duration of hours

6. Assessment of Learners completing a WTR program is mandatory. Such assessment shall be conducted before graduation. However, passing the National Assessment is not a requirement for graduation.

7. WTR Programs with certification rate lower than the national sectoral average rate for three (3) consecutive batches shall be subject to closure proceedings in accordance with the Section on Procedures in the Closure of Programs and Revocation of CTPR contained in the Procedures Manual on Compliance Audit.


1. A TV1 registering a program either in full qualification or by cluster of units of competency, whether WTR or NTR, shall pay the non-refundable registration fee of two thousand pesos (P2, 000.00) per program.

2. A TV1 applying for re-registration of programs migrating from NTR to WTR and from WTR to updated VVTR shall pay the non-refundable registration fee of two thousand (P2, 000.00) per program.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 9 of 17 pages Number D7 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

3. TESDA Technology Institutions are exempted to pay the registration fee.


1. A program offered for a fee not covered by a Training Regulations (TR) shall be registered as No Training Regulations (NTR) provided it is proven to lead towards employment opportunities evidenced by any of the following:

a. The skills requirement of critical emerging industry or specific areas identified in Development Plans such as Priority Skills Plan, National/Regional/Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Plan, Industry Studies, Development Imperatives, and other development plans;

b. The industry with high employment potentials based on Labor Market Intelligence Report, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration publications, news clippings on job vacancies, Phil. Jobnet, and other employment studies/reports;

c. The employment commitment from enterprises which may be in the form of a Memorandum of Agreement, certification from employers, job orders, employment commitments; and

d. The regulatory and licensing requirements for the practice of an occupation/profession such as in the case of Master Electrician.

2. Language programs for employment purposes, specifically for workers intending to work abroad shall be registered as NTR.

3. Learners of NTR programs shall be subjected to institutional competency assessment based on the assessment tools submitted to and approved by the TESDA Provincial Office.

4. NTR Programs with employment rate lower than the national TESDA average employment rate of TESDA graduates based on Impact Evaluation study (IES) results, for three (3) consecutive batches shall be subject to closure proceedings in accordance with the Procedures in the Closure of Programs and Revocation of CTPR of the Procedures Manual on Compliance Audit.

5. Trainer of NTR program must possess a training certificate on Trainers Methodology (TM) Level I or other training methodology certificates in addition to the certificate gained from other certifying bodies.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 10 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007


A registered program shall undergo re-registration in any of the following instances:

1. Migration Either from NTR to WTR or Old WTR to Updated WTR

a. The period of migration of the affected WTR or NTR program shall be in accordance with what is prescribed in the Implementing Guidelines of the Training Regulations;

b. Within the migration period, the TESDA Provincial Office (PO) shall not accept and process program applications under the old VVTR/NTR;

c. TVIs with affected programs are allowed to accept new enrollees freshmen) within the migration period in the Implementing Guidelines of the Training Regulations;

d. Programs which are not migrated within the period as stated in the Implementing Guidelines of the TR shall be closed in accordance with the Section on Procedures on Closure of Programs and Revocation of CTPR contained in the Procedures Manual on Compliance Audit.

2. Change of Location of the TVI/ Ownership

a. A TVI that transfers to a new location shall be required to re-register its program to the concerned TESDA Provincial Office that has jurisdiction over the new location of the WI; and

b. If there is a change of ownership, the WI shall submit to TESDA Provincial Office the revised General Information Sheet and Articles of Incorporation indicating the changes in ownership approved by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). Said documents will be noted by TESDA and re-registration of the program is no longer required.


1. All registered programs shall be issued with the corresponding CTPR.

2. Issuance of a new CTPR shall be done in any of the following instances after substantially complying with the requirements:

a. Program migration from NTR to VVTR or old VVTR to new VVTR; or b. Re-registration due to change of location of the WI.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 11 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

3. A registered program shall be issued another CTPR if there is a change of name of the institution. The institution shall submit the following documents:

a. Letter informing TESDA of the change of the institution's name; b. Certified true copy of the Board Resolution regarding the change of name

for private institutions; and c. Certified true copy of the SEC Registration showing the amendment on

the institution name for private institution.

4. A new CTPR number shall be issued consistent with the prescribed coding in the Procedures Manual on Program Registration.

5. A new CTPR is no longer necessary in case there is a change in the name of the designated trainer(s). The institution shall only submit the following documents:

a. Letter informing TESDA of the change of name of the trainer(s); b. Copy of the National Trainer's Training Certificate (NTTC) Level I or

II of the new trainer(s) for WTR programs. c. For NTR programs, Copy of the Training Certificate on Trainer

Methodology (TM I) or other training methodology certificates; and evidence of specialization of the trainer of the program ; and

d. Certified true copy of notarized contract of employment.

6. Re-issuance of CTPR due to loss/destruction shall be free of charge subject to submission of Affidavit of Loss. Re-issuance due to subsequent loss (es) shall be charged a fee of Php2,000.00.


Bundled programs shall be allowed consistent with offering multi-qualifications program to produce multi-skilled graduates under the following conditions:

1. Only programs covering full qualifications can be bundled;

2. Registration of bundled programs shall be by qualification. In no particular instance shall a TVI include in its bundling system any program or qualification that is not duly registered with TESDA. The TVI has the responsibility to report to the TESDA PO the individual programs which it intends to bundle and the proposed title thereto. In no particular instances shall a WI offer a bundled program to the public stakeholders without prior approval from TESDA;

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 12 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

3. Only the following may be bundled:

a. Same qualifications with different NC levels; or b. Qualifications within the same sector provided the entry requirements of

each TR are complied with; or c. Inter-sector qualifications that are interrelated to support an occupation or

career progression.

4. Mandatory assessment of Learners shall be per qualification;

5. TVIs may use their own title for the bundled program, however, they will have to:

a. Get the approval from RO through the PO of the title for the bundled qualifications and the qualifications that were bundled;

b. The title should not contain the phrases "Associate", Bachelor's Degree" or "AA" or "BS" or words that would mislead the public to believe that the course is a Bachelor's or a Higher Education Degree;

c. The title that contains "Diploma" shall only be allowed if the program complies with the PQF Level 5 descriptors; and

d. The qualifications and/or units of competency in the bundled program shall be specified in the MIS reports, signages, curriculum, other institution and student documents.

6. Certificate of Training Completion shall be issued for every qualification completed in the bundled program; and

7. In the issuance of the Special Order (SO) and Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV), the title for the bundled program and the qualifications that were bundled shall be indicated.


The compliance audit process shall follow the procedures contained in the Procedures Manual on Compliance Audit.


1. TVIs with registered programs shall submit the required MIS- 03-02 Report to the TESDA PO based on Implementing Guidelines;

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 13 of 17 pages Number Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

2. Provincial Offices (POs) shall maintain a hard copy and digitized/scanned copy of the registration documents and store them in safe locations; and

3. TVIs with registered program(s) shall submit to the TESDA PO the digitized copy of the following students/Learners credentials not later than one month after completion of the programs:

1) Transcript of Records; or 2) Diploma or Certificate of Training stating the units of competency



1. The TESDA Central Office, RO and PO shall publish the list of registered WET programs in any form of media;

2. TVls with registered programs shall put up a signage of their registered programs in conformance with the following:

a. The word(s) "Registered Programs" shall be used and not the word "Accreditation" which entails different processes; and

b. Title and duration of the registered program shall conform to Section VIII-4 or VIII-5 of these guidelines.

3. Any WI that advertises or announces a program before a CTPR is granted shall be subject to sanctions.


A. Grounds for Imposing Sanctions and Penalties

1. The following shall be grounds for imposing sanctions against a WI:

a. Unauthorized offering of an unregistered training course, qualification or program; or

b. Public misrepresentation and deceit concerning advertisement of an unregistered training course, qualification or program; or

c. Any false declaration, fraud and deceit in connection with the TVIs application for program registration; or

d. Unauthorized sharing of Program Registration by a WI to either its affiliate, subsidiaries, branch or to any third person.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 14 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

2. If the TVI has committed the violations referred to in Paragraphs 1(a) and 1(b) above, TESDA may after due process, impose the following sanctions:

a. If the WI has no any existing Certificate of WET Program Registration (CTPR) issued by TESDA, it shall be barred or blacklisted from applying for any program registration with TESDA;

b. If the WI has an existing CTPR issued by TESDA, the latter shall suspend the effectivity of all such existing CTPRs of the WI concerned for a period of three (3) months in case of first offense, six (6) months in case of second offense or up to one (1) year in case of third (3) offense without however affecting the status of its currently enrolled students who shall be allowed to finish their course/s. During period of suspension however, the WI shall not be allowed to accept new enrollees; and

c. If the TVI has committed the same violation's for the fourth offense, TESDA shall revoke the effectivity of all such existing CTPRs of the WI concerned without however affecting the status of its currently enrolled students who shall be allowed to finish their courses. After revocation however, the WI shall no longer be allowed to accept new enrollees under any of its TVET program.

3. On the other hand, if the WI has committed the same violation's referred to in Paragraph 1(c) above, TESDA shall after due process revoke the Certificate of WET Program Registration (CTPR) which it issued in connection with the said fraudulent application without however affecting the status of the currently enrolled students, if there be any, who shall be allowed to finish their course/s. After revocation, however, the WI shall no longer be allowed to accept new enrollees under the said WET program;

4. The sanctions to be imposed shall be over and above the criminal liability that the head or owner(s) or officers who acted in bad faith, may incur in accordance with Section 68, Chapter 1, Title V of the Education Act of 1982 as well as the pertinent provisions of the Revised Penal Code on swindling or deceit; and

5. Furthermore, sanctions against the WI shall be without prejudice to the right of the aggrieved parties to go after the erring official and the institution.

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

B. Grounds for Closure of Programs and Revocation of Certificate of TVET Program Registration

In addition to the grounds cited in paragraph A above, the CTPR of a registered program of a TVI shall be revoked after due process for any of the following grounds:

1. Failure of the WI to continuously comply within a specified time frame as determined in a compliance audit conducted by TESDA or a TESDA-authorized third party auditor;

2. Failure of the WI to migrate its program from NTR to WTR or from old WTR to updated WTR within the prescribed period indicated in implementing guidelines of the relevant TRs;

3. Failure of the WI to submit the MIS 03-02 reports for three (3) consecutive years;

4. Mismanagement or gross inefficiency in the operations of the institution and its program offering; and

5. Fraud, falsification, misrepresentation, or any similar acts of the WI.

C. Closure of Programs

1. The procedures in the implementation voluntary closure of program shall follow Compliance Audit; and

2. The closure of a WET program while it is interest of the learners (e.g. allow to completion).

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1. Moratorium on the registration of new programs may be declared due to the following:

a. Program oversubscription — number of graduates is greater than demand based on labor market intelligence report issued by the Planning Office resulting to unemployment of graduates; and

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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified WET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 16 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007

b. Training Regulations (TR) affected by specific guidelines

2. No new program applications shall be accepted for registration when there is moratorium; and

3. WET programs covered by moratorium shall be allowed to re-register if the condition is as provided in Section X1.2 of these guidelines.


TESDA Circular 45 s. 2007 is hereby repealed. Provisions in the Manual of Policies and Guidelines on the Establishment and Operation of Public and Private TVET Institutions inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Other TESDA Circulars and issuances that are inconsistent herewith, such as TESDA Circular No. 31 series 2003 re: Promulgation of the Guidelines on Penalties and Sanctions under UTPRAS; Memorandum dated June 27, 2008 re: Re-registration of Programs; Memorandum dated September 4, 2009 re Clarification on any Changes/Replacement of Trainers; TESDA Circular 32 s. 2009 re: Implementing Guidelines in the Preparation of Standard Signage for All TVIs with TESDA Registered Programs; TESDA Circular No. 4 s. 2011 re: Prescribed Grading System and Training Certificate in all Technical Vocational Education and Training (WET); Memorandum dated June 29, 2011 re: Nominal Duration of TVET Programs; and Memorandum dated August 6, 2012 re: Clarifications in the Bundling of Qualifications, are likewise hereby repealed.

All other issuances, including provisions of the Manual of Regulations, inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


Should any provision or part of this Circular be declared by competent Authority to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions or parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall continue to be valid and effective.


The TESDA Board Committee on Support to TVET Provision together with the appropriate Committee of the TESDA Secretariat shall jointly review these guidelines once a year during their consultation meetings.


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Subject: Amended Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS)

Page 17 of 17 pages Number 07 Series of 2016

Date Issued: January 20, 2016

Effectivity: As indicated

Supersedes: TESDA Circular No.45 S. 2007


This TESDA Circular shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication of the TESDA Board Resolution No. 2015-28 Approving the Amendments to the Omnibus Guidelines on Program Registration under the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS) or the TESDA Circular No. 45 S. 2007.

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