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The Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory’s Acoustic Library: An archive for studying soundscape ecology Eric P. Kasten * ,a , Stuart H. Gage b , Jordan Fox c , Wooyeong Joo d a Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, Biomedical Research Informatics Core, Michigan State University, 888 Wilson Road, Room 100 East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA b Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA c Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services, Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101, East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA d Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101 East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA Abstract Acoustic signals constitute a source of information that can be used to measure the spatial and temporal distributions of vocal organisms in ecosystems. Measuring and tracking those species that produce sounds can reveal important information about the environment. Acoustic signals have been used for many years to census vocal organisms. Moreover, acoustics can be used to compute indexes for measuring biodiversity and the level of anthropogenic disturbance. We developed the software and system that automates the process of cataloging acoustic sensor observations into the Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory (REAL) digital library that can be accessed through a website (http://lib.real.msu.edu). The REAL digital library enables access and analysis of collected acoustic sensor observations. We report on current library status and the mechanisms that enable the selection, extraction and analysis of acoustic data to support investigations on automating species census as well as measuring diversity and disturbance. We implemented numeric and symbolic search mechanisms and unsupervised learning techniques to ease retrieval of acoustic information, including recordings and processed data, pertinent to visitor goals. Key words: acoustics, informatics, sound archive, normalized difference soundscape index, soundscape ecology, symbolic representation, unsupervised learning. 1. Introduction With the growth and expansion of human populations has come an increasingly greater need to understand the dynamics of ecosystems and their complex interactions (Michener et al., 2001). As urban areas continue to expand, fragile surrounding ecosystems are often affected as they are redesigned to support urban infrastructure. In Michigan, urban populations are esti- mated to increase 180 percent by the year 2040 (Skole et al., 2002). When human development impacts critical components or linkages within an ecosystem, the function and structure of that ecosystem is dramatically altered (Vitousek et al., 1997). The need to better understand these effects has led to the de- velopment of ecological indicators, which are variables mea- sured within an ecosystem that contain information regarding the degree of ecosystem stress and perturbation. Vitousek et al. (1997) argue that these ecological indicators need to capture the complexities of the ecosystem, yet need to be routinely and eas- ily monitored. This work was supported in part by Research Excellence Fund grant from Michigan State University and the Kellogg Biological Station, a National Sci- ence Foundation long term ecological research site. * Corresponding author Email addresses: [email protected] (Eric P. Kasten), [email protected] (Stuart H. Gage), [email protected] (Jordan Fox), [email protected] (Wooyeong Joo) URL: http://www.msu.edu/kasten (Eric P. Kasten), http://www.real.msu.edu/gages (Stuart H. Gage) Acoustics as an ecological attribute has the potential to in- crease our understanding of ecosystem change due to human disturbance, as well as provide a measure of biological diversity and its subsequent change over time (Truax, 1984; Wrightson, 2000; Sueur et al., 2008; Joo et al., 2011). The analysis of entire soundscapes may also produce valuable information on the dy- namics of interactions between ecological systems in heteroge- neous landscapes (Carles et al., 1999; Pijanowski et al., 2011b; Joo et al., 2011). Moreover, timely analysis and processing en- ables rapid delivery of important environmental information to those responsible for conservation and management of our nat- ural resources, and can promote public involvement through public access to ready information about the environments in which we live. For instance, increased interest in renewable energy sources has driven the development of wind resource ar- eas and the need to better understand the unintended impact of wind farms on wildlife. In turn, state and federal agencies have put forth guidelines for evaluating the potential effects that a wind farm might have on wildlife that include acoustic moni- toring (Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, 2005; United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2003; Anderson et al., 1999). In addition, the National Park Service has sup- ported studies to measure the temporal variability of the sound- scape in US National Parks (Krause et al., 2011). Acoustic signals have been used for many years to census vocal organisms. For example, the North American Breeding Preprint submitted to Ecological Informatics June 11, 2012

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The Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory’s Acoustic Library:An archive for studying soundscape ecologyI

Eric P. Kasten∗,a, Stuart H. Gageb, Jordan Foxc, Wooyeong Jood

a Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, Biomedical Research Informatics Core, Michigan State University, 888 Wilson Road, Room 100 East Lansing,Michigan 48824, USA

b Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101, East Lansing, MI 48823, USAc Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services, Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101, East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA

d Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory Michigan State University, 1405 S. Harrison Road, Suite 101 East Lansing, Michigan 48823, USA


Acoustic signals constitute a source of information that can be used to measure the spatial and temporal distributions of vocalorganisms in ecosystems. Measuring and tracking those species that produce sounds can reveal important information about theenvironment. Acoustic signals have been used for many years to census vocal organisms. Moreover, acoustics can be used tocompute indexes for measuring biodiversity and the level of anthropogenic disturbance. We developed the software and systemthat automates the process of cataloging acoustic sensor observations into the Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory(REAL) digital library that can be accessed through a website (http://lib.real.msu.edu). The REAL digital library enables access andanalysis of collected acoustic sensor observations. We report on current library status and the mechanisms that enable the selection,extraction and analysis of acoustic data to support investigations on automating species census as well as measuring diversity anddisturbance. We implemented numeric and symbolic search mechanisms and unsupervised learning techniques to ease retrieval ofacoustic information, including recordings and processed data, pertinent to visitor goals.

Key words: acoustics, informatics, sound archive, normalized difference soundscape index, soundscape ecology, symbolicrepresentation, unsupervised learning.

1. Introduction

With the growth and expansion of human populations hascome an increasingly greater need to understand the dynamicsof ecosystems and their complex interactions (Michener et al.,2001). As urban areas continue to expand, fragile surroundingecosystems are often affected as they are redesigned to supporturban infrastructure. In Michigan, urban populations are esti-mated to increase 180 percent by the year 2040 (Skole et al.,2002). When human development impacts critical componentsor linkages within an ecosystem, the function and structure ofthat ecosystem is dramatically altered (Vitousek et al., 1997).The need to better understand these effects has led to the de-velopment of ecological indicators, which are variables mea-sured within an ecosystem that contain information regardingthe degree of ecosystem stress and perturbation. Vitousek et al.(1997) argue that these ecological indicators need to capture thecomplexities of the ecosystem, yet need to be routinely and eas-ily monitored.

IThis work was supported in part by Research Excellence Fund grant fromMichigan State University and the Kellogg Biological Station, a National Sci-ence Foundation long term ecological research site.∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses: [email protected] (Eric P. Kasten),

[email protected] (Stuart H. Gage), [email protected] (Jordan Fox),[email protected] (Wooyeong Joo)

URL: http://www.msu.edu/∼kasten (Eric P. Kasten),http://www.real.msu.edu/∼gages (Stuart H. Gage)

Acoustics as an ecological attribute has the potential to in-crease our understanding of ecosystem change due to humandisturbance, as well as provide a measure of biological diversityand its subsequent change over time (Truax, 1984; Wrightson,2000; Sueur et al., 2008; Joo et al., 2011). The analysis of entiresoundscapes may also produce valuable information on the dy-namics of interactions between ecological systems in heteroge-neous landscapes (Carles et al., 1999; Pijanowski et al., 2011b;Joo et al., 2011). Moreover, timely analysis and processing en-ables rapid delivery of important environmental information tothose responsible for conservation and management of our nat-ural resources, and can promote public involvement throughpublic access to ready information about the environments inwhich we live. For instance, increased interest in renewableenergy sources has driven the development of wind resource ar-eas and the need to better understand the unintended impact ofwind farms on wildlife. In turn, state and federal agencies haveput forth guidelines for evaluating the potential effects that awind farm might have on wildlife that include acoustic moni-toring (Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth,2005; United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 2003; Andersonet al., 1999). In addition, the National Park Service has sup-ported studies to measure the temporal variability of the sound-scape in US National Parks (Krause et al., 2011).

Acoustic signals have been used for many years to censusvocal organisms. For example, the North American Breeding

Preprint submitted to Ecological Informatics June 11, 2012

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Bird Survey, one of the largest long-term, national-scale avianmonitor programs, has been conducted for more than 30 yearsusing human auditory and visual cues (Bystrak, 1981). TheNorth American Amphibian Monitoring Program is based onidentifying amphibian species primarily by listening for theircalls (Weir and Mossman, 2005). Recent advances in sensornetworks enable large-scale, automated collection of acousticsignals in natural areas (Estrin et al., 2003). The systematicand synchronous collection of acoustic samples at multiple lo-cations, combined with measurements of ancillary data such aslight, temperature, and humidity, can produce an enormous vol-ume of ecologically relevant data. Transmuting this raw datainto useful knowledge requires timely and effective processingand analysis.

The main contribution of this paper is to describe the currentstatus of the Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory’s(REAL) digital library of acoustic sensor observations collectedusing in-field acoustic sensor units. This library enables searchresults to be heard, visualized, plotted and downloaded to con-struct data sets using geographic, temporal, symbolic and datacluster-based search criteria for retrieving sets of acoustic ob-servations. We investigate symbolic and unsupervised learningtechniques that aim to ease the extraction of data pertinent to li-brary visitor needs. Unsupervised learning refers to techniquesthat group observations according to some metric of similarity(e.g., Euclidean distance) without a priori categorical knowl-edge (Duda et al., 2001). This process is often called data clus-tering because data are clustered into “natural groupings.” Wedescribe how these techniques are used to support query-by-example library searches.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-tion 2 describes our motivation for constructing the REAL dig-ital library. Section 3 presents a description of the current statusof the library and describes the example study area that we usethrough out this article. Basic search operations are discussed inSection 4. Symbolic representations and unsupervised learningto support query-by-example search operations are described inSections 5 and 6, respectively. Section 7 describes our evalu-ation methods and Section 8 presents our experimental results.Finally, we conclude and describe future work in Section 9.

2. Motivation for the REAL Digital Library

Acoustic measurement exhibits several desirable properties.First, whereas traditional approaches to species census andmeasuring biological complexity are labor intensive, the infras-tructure used to collect acoustic data can be managed by non-expert field staff (Thompson et al., 2001; Michener et al., 2001;West et al., 2001; Hobson et al., 2002). Second, continuousand stationary acoustic monitoring reveals spatiotemporal pat-terns that cannot be captured in site-by-site observations. Byremaining in one location and monitoring continuously, acous-tic information can reveal changes in ecosystems over diurnal,monthly, seasonal, yearly, and other temporal scales (Truax,1984). Third, because acoustic monitoring systems can simul-taneously monitor in multiple locations, acoustical variancescan be compared to environmental heterogeneity and landscape

structure (Thompson et al., 2001; Michener et al., 2001; Westet al., 2001; Pijanowski et al., 2011b). Fourth, microphones cancollect data from all directions simultaneously despite occlu-sions, such as trees or buildings, and cover of darkness. Finally,ecological acoustics can be measured automatically with min-imal human interference. Recording technology operates in-dependently in the field, thereby allowing observation to takeplace without interference generated by human presence (Westet al., 2001). However, when ecological sensor platforms col-lect data on a continuous or regular periodic basis, the sheervolume of the data might preclude the extraction of pertinentinformation of interest. Addressing these problems will likelybecome increasingly important in the future as technology im-proves and more sensor platforms and sensor networks aredeployed (The 2020 Science Group, 2005; Pijanowski et al.,2011a). The REAL digital library represents a step towardapplying automated processing to organize large archives ofacoustic sensor data with the goal of providing novel data rep-resentations and search mechanisms that ease the retrieval ofpertinent information. Below we suggest two potential applica-tion challenges that automated sensor data acquisition and cat-aloging in archives, such as the REAL Digital Library, can helpaddress.

2.1. Automated census

Traditionally, one of the most commonly used survey meth-ods for identifying bird species and estimating abundance hasbeen the point count survey (Ralph et al., 1995; Rosenstocket al., 2002; Thompson, 2002). The point-count method de-pends on a human observer to identify birds using acoustic andvisual cues within a fixed distance at specific points in an areablock or along a line transect during the breeding season (Huttoet al., 1986; Ralph et al., 1995). Several studies have expressedconcerns about using the point count method to survey birds be-cause of inconsistencies in detection probability among speciesand across habitats or over time (Thompson et al., 2001; Rosen-stock et al., 2002). They also noted that even highly skilledobservers cannot detect every bird that is present or singing si-multaneously. Others have raised concerns regarding the highvariability found among observers with respect to their abil-ity to accurately conduct surveys (i.e., experience and surveyskills, age, and hearing loss) (O’Connor et al., 2000). Point-count results can vary considerably due to diurnal and seasonalchanges that occur during survey periods (Canadian WildlifeService, 2006). In addition, when using only the point-countmethod, there is no validation of the species identified by an ob-server. The traditional point count method, although valuable,has several deficiencies that can be improved through the use ofautomated techniques for capturing, organizing and searchingacoustic observations.

2.2. Studying soundscape ecology

Ecosystem sounds create a soundscape, comprised of acous-tic periodicities and frequencies emitted from the ecosystemsbiophysical entities (Schafer, 1977; Truax, 1978, 1999; Qi et al.,


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Figure 1: Library browse screen for the Twin Lakes Soundscape, Cheboygan, MI. When browsing, a library visitor can access data for a specific sensor unit byclicking on the geographic location of the sensor unit as indicated through a Google™ enabled geographic interface.

2008) Soundscape ecology is “the study of systematic rela-tionships between humans, organisms, and their sonic environ-ment” (Schafer, 1994; Pijanowski et al., 2011a,b) or “the studyof the effects of soundscape on the physical responses or behav-ioral characteristics of living organisms in the system” (Truax,1999). Additionally, some studies explored the relationship be-tween sounds and the images of their associated locations andinvestigated the influence of sounds on landscape value andcharacteristics (Carles et al., 1999; Adams et al., 2006), be-cause visual sensing of landscapes by humans and organismsis closely correlated with the sound experience (Southworth,1969).

The use of environmental acoustic sensor data has rarelybeen considered as informative or as a useful quantitativemeasure in the environmental sciences (Carles et al., 1999).On the other hand, it has been shown that modification ofnatural systems affects biodiversity, ecosystem processes andfunctions (Vitousek et al., 1997), and the associated sound-scape (Porter et al., 2005). In some cases, the characteristicsoundscape has even disappeared from the system after mod-ification (Warren et al., 2006; Joo, 2008; Barber et al., 2009).Moreover, the processing and analysis of complex acoustic datarequires advanced computation technologies and newly devel-oped algorithms. Recently, it has been realized that analyzingthe structure and patterns of the soundscape can provide usefulspatiotemporal information (Schafer, 1977; Gage et al., 2001;Qi et al., 2008; Joo, 2008; Joo et al., 2011). Notably, advancesin modern technology and high-powered computation instru-ments enable novel approaches for processing and quantifyingenvironmental acoustic data (Gage et al., 2001; Estrin et al.,2003; Qi et al., 2008; Kasten et al., 2007, 2010; Joo, 2008) andextracting a variety of ecological information such as vocalizing

species identification (Chou et al., 2007; Kasten et al., 2010),diversity metrics (Sueur et al., 2008), and the effects of hu-man noise on natural and human systems (Hannah et al., 1994;Neumann and Merriam, 1972; Romano et al., 2004; Krausmanet al., 1986).

By advancing our capacity for collecting, organizing andsearching large archives of acoustic data, we strive to enablethe study of ecological objectives that fall under the researchthemes proposed by Pijanowski et al. (2011b). These researchthemes include questions related to: (1) improving the measure-ment and quantification of sounds, (2) improving our under-standing of spatial-temporal dynamics across different scalesand how environmental covariates impact sound, (3) assessingthe impact of the soundscape on humans and wildlife, and (4)assessing the impact of human activity on soundscapes.

3. Background

In this section, we first discuss other projects and acoustic li-braries of natural sounds that are related to our work. Second,we present an overview on the collection of in-field acousticobservations and the process by which they are cataloged in theREAL digital acoustic library. Third, we discuss the current sta-tus and contents of the library. Finally, we describe the examplestudy area that we use in this article to illustrate our approachesfor search and retrieval of acoustic sensor data.

3.1. Related projects and libraries

There are several other libraries of environmental and nat-ural acoustics (Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 2009; De-partment of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology, 2009;


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Spectrogram thumbnail 1 kHz SAX signature.

Color and black and whitebitmaps.

Figure 2: Library search screen. Each summary box displays a spectrogram thumbnail, basic temporal and location information, a normalized difference soundscapeindex (NDSI), 1 kHz Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX) string, and color and black-and-white SAX bitmaps. In addition to the time, date and locationsearch interface on the right, the library can be searched using symbolic and cluster-based mechanisms.

The British Library, 2009; Florida Museum of Natural His-tory, 2009). Typically, these libraries are organized by criteriasuch as location, taxonomy and common name. Although thesedatabases provide important reference to scientific informationand bioacoustics they do not address the need for automated or-ganization and searching of acoustic sensor data. When datais continuously collected, automated processing facilitates theorganization and searching of the resulting data repositories.Without timely processing, the sheer volume of the data mightpreclude the extraction of information of interest. Addressingthese problems will likely become increasingly important in thefuture as technology improves and more sensor platforms andsensor networks are deployed.

Mellinger and Clark (2006) created Mobysound to providepublic access to a repository of data sets to support researchin automatic recognition of marine animal vocalizations. Thisdatabase comprises a set of recordings that can be used by re-searchers for training neural networks and other automated callrecognition systems. Such publicly available data sets providean important service to the research community by providingcommon access to data sets that can be be used for compar-ing different recognition methods. Whereas the REAL Digi-tal Library targets the organization and searching of acousticrecordings to ease visitor access to sensor data, Mobysound en-ables topic and purpose specific data sets to be downloaded tosupport the study of automated recognition of marine mammalcalls. It is anticipated that subsets of REAL library data will en-

able the construction of new data sets that can be used to furtherresearch on call recognition.

Classification of organisms based on their vocalizations is anactive area of research (Berndt and Clifford, 1994; Kogan andMargoliash, 1998; Somervuo and Harma, 2004; Fagerlund andHarma, 2005; Vilches et al., 2006; Fagerlund, 2007). For in-stance, Mellinger and Clark (2000) addressed classification ofwhale songs, with specific application to identification of bow-head song end notes, using spectrogram correlation, Chou et al.(2007) used HMMs for recognition of bird species based onsong syllables, and Kasten et al. (2010) used anomaly detectionfor detection and extraction of acoustic events for classificationof bird species. Moreover, researchers have also used com-puter vision techniques to help in the recognition of recordedmusic. For example, Ke et al. (2005) used such techniquesto produce signatures from acoustic spectrograms for recordedsongs. Automated recognition and classification of bioacous-tic signals will likely be important for cataloging and searchingacoustic sensor data. However, the techniques that we describein this article use constant space representations and unsuper-vised learning to organize and search entire recordings basedon their similarity. Unlike classification methods that targetspecific sets of vocalizations, our techniques enable summa-rization and organization of acoustic clips without knowledgeof a priori classification categories.


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Figure 3: Example study area. Twin Lakes, Cheboygan, Michigan. Insets from left to right, sandhill crane (Grus canadensis), Canadian geese (Branta canadensis),common loon (Gavia immer), American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), double crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus).

3.2. Data collection overview

Automated collection of acoustic and ancillary data is an im-portant goal of this project. Sensor clusters comprise two ormore sensor platforms and an optional cluster server. Each sen-sor platform collects data at pre-programmed times with min-imal site disturbance or regular human intervention. A typi-cal platform comprises a pole-mounted sensor unit and option-ally a solar panel coupled with a deep cycle battery for pro-viding power over extended periods. Platforms include sev-eral custom sensor unit types, designed and implemented byREAL personnel, and the SongMeter™ produced by WildlifeAcoustics®(2009). The custom sensor units were designed torecord acoustic clips and transmit them over a wired or wire-less network directly to the sensor data depot or to a regionalcluster server for later relay to REAL to the data depot. Whenusing SongMeters™, data must be manually collected and lateruploaded to the REAL library system for batch processing.

The depot. The sensor data depot provides near real-timeprocessing and analysis of sensor data as it transmitted fromsensor units and cluster servers, enabling early vetting of sen-sor unit operation and data collection. Once a user logs intothe system and selects a project, the sensors associated with theproject are accessible. The user can access specific sensor ob-servations based on the time and location of the observation.The depot enables the acoustic observation to be viewed (oscil-logram, spectrogram, frequency bins) and listened to.

Digital library. After sensor data arrives in the depot, it issubsequently processed for cataloging in the REAL digital li-

brary. We implemented a relational database schema to enablerapid access to large sensor data sets. As shown in Figures 1and 2, library visitors can access sensor data collections througha browse or search interface, and can download data to a localcomputer for customized analysis, or use the general analysisroutines provided through the library’s web-based workbench.Our data acquisition system has the capacity to automaticallypopulate this acoustic library at our sensor observatory as datais transmitted from in-field deployments.

3.3. Digital library components and processes

The digital library was designed and implemented to accom-modate a large number of acoustic recordings and to support thestorage, processing, and analysis of these data. There are sevenbasic components involved in library data processing including:collection, upload, data processing, archiving, analysis, access,and interpretation. Each of these components are described be-low and related to the diagram shown in Figure 4 as follows.Collected recordings are uploaded to temporary storage (1). Ifthe acoustic sensors are online and can transmit data to the li-brary, the recordings from the sensors are sent directly to the de-pot. Otherwise, recordings are manually retrieved from the sen-sors and subsequently uploaded via the upload toolbox (2). Therecordings are processed by the sound processing module (3).Once the recordings have been processed, the raw recordingsand processed data are loaded into the library database by thedatabase integration module (4). Raw soundscape recordings,metadata, and the results of initial computational processing are


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linked using relational database technology. Soundscape an-alysts and users access this information using the acoustic li-brary access and output modules (5). The access module en-ables browsing, query, search and cluster retrieval using rela-tional queries. These queries are focused through selection of aproject, geographical location, date and time. The visual, audi-tory and digital results of searches are provided to the user, andquery results can be downloaded using the download Toolbox(6). Desktop analysis of the sensor recordings can be conductedusing other statistical or signal processing software, enablinguser specific analysis and interpretation of the soundscape (7).

3.4. Library catalog

The real library can be accessed through a web site athttp://lib.real.msu.edu. This web site is supportedby several technologies including: the Apache web server (TheApache Software Foundation, 2009), JavaScript (Flanagan,2006) a MySQL database server (Sun Microsystems, 2009),the PHP scripting language (Achour et al., 2009), and theDynamic River distributed stream processing toolbox (Kastenet al., 2007). Currently, the REAL digital library comprises 20projects that contain more than 2.8 Terabytes of digital acousticdata recorded in more than one million files that can be accessedonline, and continues to grow with the addition of new projectsand the upload of sensor data. Projects cover time frames thatspan a few days to several years, including one project thatspans the period from 2001 until the present. Locations in-clude among others: Twin Lakes, Cheboygan, MI; The Kel-logg Biological Station Long Term Ecological Research Sta-tion, Hickory Corners, MI; Crane Island, Montmagny, Quebec,Canada; Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve, San Diego, Cali-fornia; the Samford Ecological Research Facility, Queensland,Australia; the University of Notre Dame’s Environmental Re-search Center, Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin, and the University ofWisconsin’s Trout Lake Station, Boulder Junction, Wisconsin.Typically, the library comprises 30 or 60 second sound clipscollected every half-hour at each location at a rate of 22050samples per second, sufficient for capturing the vocalizationsof most organisms in the Great Lakes, temperate region. How-ever, the library can support higher sampling rates and longerdurations if required. Acoustic project goals vary from speciescensus to comparison of urban/rural soundscapes to ecologicaleducation. Descriptions of past and current REAL projects canbe found at http://www.real.msu.edu/projects/.

3.5. Example study area: Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes is located in Grant Township, CheboyganCounty, Michigan. As shown in Figure 1, Twin Lakes is a chainof seven small interconnected basins separated by narrow chan-nels. The surface area is only 207 acres but the shoreline lengthis 46,262 feet due to basin configuration. Twin Lakes is locatedin forested land comprising mixed coniferous and deciduoustrees with predominately sandy soil. The lake chain has a fewsmall creeks as inlets and has only one outlet, Owens Creek.The lakes are primarily groundwater fed. Most basins are 25-45 feet deep with one basin extending to 73 feet in depth. One

of the key features is an uninhabited island, located near thecenter of the lake basins. The island is co-owned by the Stateof Michigan and the Federal Government.

Amphibians such as green frog, spring peeper, and leopardfrog inhabit the aquatic vegetation. As shown in Figure 3,many species of birds, amphibians and mammals inhabit theecosystem including bald eagles, osprey, Caspian terns, beltedkingfishers, blue herons, trumpeter swans, common loons, mer-gansers, pheasant, ruffed grouse, wild turkey and many smallerwoodland birds. Field and forest dwellers include black bear,white-tailed deer, coyote, fox, beaver, river otter, marten, rac-coon, rabbit, squirrel and chipmunk.

Twin Lakes include a significant population of human inhab-itants. Gannon (1974) noted that there were approximately 50widely scattered, mostly summer cottages on the Twin Lakesshoreline, and that this lake chain has the highest shorelinedevelopment factor of any inland water body in CheboyganCounty. Because of the configuration of these lakes, there ismore shoreline in relation to the size of the lakes and is sub-ject to much greater potential for development and recreationalpressure. Since 1974 the number of dwellings on these lakeshas more than doubled, and many of the dwellings are now oc-cupied by permanent residents.

Wildlife Acoustics® SongMeters™ were used to recordacoustic observations at this site. Recordings were made ev-ery half hour for a duration of 60 seconds at a sampling rate of22050 samples per second, providing a usable frequency rangeup to 11 kHz. As shown in Figure 1, 6 sensor units were locatedon the island and 3 units on the mainland. Data was collectedmanually for later cataloging in the library. There are currentlymore than 205,582 audio recordings, using more than 515 GBof disk storage, cataloged for the Twin Lakes Soundscape in theREAL digital library.

4. Organization and Searching

In this section, we first describe how the library can besearched by location, date and time. Then, we introduce anormalized difference soundscape index (NDSI) and discusshow observations can be retrieved using basic frequency andthe NDSI.

4.1. Searching by location, date and time

As shown in Figure 2, a library visitor can select acoustic ob-servations by project, sensor unit, date and time using the panelon the right. In addition, results can be grouped and orderedby date, time or sensor unit. Results are shown as spectro-gram thumb nails with basic information such as sensor unitidentifier, location and collection date and time. A spectro-gram depicts frequency on the vertical axis and time on thehorizontal axis. Shading indicates the intensity (power spectraldensity) of the signal at a particular frequency and time. Wecomputed spectrogram power spectral density using Welch’smethod (Welch, 1967) with a 50% overlap between segments oflength 1024 that were filtered using a Hamming window priorto processing with the fast Fourier transform. each observation


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Figure 4: Library components and processes. A diagram of the acoustic library showing the processes of: soundscape data collection (1), data uploading (2),automated computing of acoustic energy and clustering (3), archiving computed results and soundscape recordings into the acoustic library (4), access via relationaldatabase to browse, query or cluster recordings in the acoustic library and output generation (5), desktop analysis of downloaded query results (6) and interpretationof recordings, patterns and analysis (7).

can be listened to using the embedded audio player provided.Other visual and symbolic representations are also shown in-cluding: a bar plot of the NDSI (see Section 4.2), a 1 kHz SAXstring (see Section 5), and a pair of SAX bitmaps (see Sec-tion 6). A larger, more detailed spectrogram, oscillogram andplot of the 1 kHz frequency bins for a specific observation canbe viewed by clicking on the thumb nail.

4.2. Searching the frequency spaceNormalized Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI). The

goal of our Normalized Difference Soundscape Index (NDSI)is to estimate the level of anthropogenic disturbance onthe soundscape by computing the ratio of human-generated(anthrophony) to biological (biophony) acoustic componentsfound in field collected sound samples. As shown in Figure 5,the analysis of a large number of recordings collected at severallocations, revealed that mechanical sounds are most prevalentbetween 1-2 kHz and biological sounds are most prevalent be-tween 2-8 kHz (Gage et al., 2001; Gage and Napoletano, 2004).

To compute the overall level of biophony present in anacoustic signal, we first compute the power spectral density







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Frequency (kHz)


er (






Figure 5: Example 1 kHz frequency bins. Each bin is an estimate of the totalpower spectral density (PSD) for a specific 1 kHz range. Anthrophony is shownusing gray fill and biophony using white fill. Bin values are vector normalizedfor plotting.

(PSD) (Welch, 1967) of the signal. Then, a rectangular esti-mate of the PSD integral is computed for the anthropogenic andbiophonic frequency ranges, and NDSI computed as: NDSI =(β - α) / (β + α), where β and α are the total estimated PSDfor the largest 1 kHz biophony bin and the anthrophony bin re-


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spectively. The NDSI for the soundscape at a location does notremain constant, and changes according to time of day or dayof year and can be used to plot how NDSI changes over time.Note that NDSI is a ratio in the range [-1 to +1], where +1 in-dicates a signal containing no anthrophony. However, for somebiophonic vocalizations a low NDSI can also indicate the pres-ence of certain types of animals. For instance, the common loon(Gavia immer) has a low frequency call that often produces aNDSI score less than -0.8. Such anomalies are expected whenattempting to characterize the highly variable nature of sound-scape acoustics, and indicates that advancements are needed tohelp characterize and search acoustic observations. However,searching by NDSI can be a useful filter to help limit the num-ber of recordings for further examination.

Using the search bar. As shown in Figure 2, a search baris provided above the search results. Using the search bar, a li-brary visitor can further refine the set of results returned aftersensor unit, date, and time selection. By selecting a field (e.g.,NDSI, Biophony, or a frequency bin) and a mathematical com-parison operator, and then entering a value in the search field,acoustic observations can be retrieved that meet the specifiedfrequency constraints. In addition, a boolean search can be en-tered by typing a search string directly into the search field. Forinstance, to retrieve the subset of observations where the NDSIis less than −0.9 and the total power in the 1 kHz bin from 1 to2 kHz is greater than 0.2, enter: $ndsi < −0.9 and $L1 > 0.2.Power magnitudes (e.g., L1, L2 or Biophony) are vector nor-malized so that values are in the rage [0−1] to ease selection ofsearch criteria. When entering a boolean search, the drop-downselection boxes for field and operator selection are ignored.

5. Symbolic Representations

In this section, we first review methods used to represent andprocess acoustic data, including piecewise aggregate approxi-mation (PAA) (Keogh et al., 2000; Yi and Faloutsos, 2000) andsymbolic aggregate approximation (SAX) (Lin et al., 2003).Then we describe how a symbolic representation can be usedto search the digital acoustic archive.

Piecewise aggregate approximation. Piecewise aggregateapproximation (PAA) was introduced by Keogh et al. (2000),and independently by Yi and Faloutsos (2000), as a means to re-duce the dimensionality of time series. For completeness a briefoverview of PAA is presented here; full details can be foundin (Keogh et al., 2000; Yi and Faloutsos, 2000). As shown inFigure 6, an original time series sequence, Q, of length n is con-verted to PAA representation, Q. First, Q is Z-normalized (Liand Porter, 1988) as follows: ∀i qi = (qi − µ)/σ, where µ isthe vector mean of the original signal, σ is the correspondingstandard deviation and qi is the ith element of Q. Second, Q issegmented into w ≤ n equal sized subsequences, and the meanof each subsequence computed. Q comprises the mean valuesfor all subsequences of Q. Thus, Q is reduced to a sequence Qwith length w. Each ith horizontal segment of the plot shown inFigure 6(b) represents a single element, qi, of Q. Thus, the com-plete PAA algorithm first Z-normalizes Q and then computesthe segment means to construct Q, as depicted in Figure 6(b).

Z-normalization and conversion to PAA representation af-fords two benefits that facilitate unsupervised learning. First,clustering acoustic observations collected in natural environ-ments is often impeded by variance in signal strength due todistance from the sensor station or differences between indi-vidual vocalizations. Z-normalization converts two signals thatvary only in magnitude to two identical signals, enabling com-parison of signals of different strength. Second, conversion toPAA representation helps smooth the original signal to facilitatecomparison of recordings.

Symbolic aggregate approximation. Extending the bene-fits of PAA is a representation introduced by Lin et al. (2003)called Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX). The purposeof SAX is to enable accurate comparison of time series using asymbolic representation. As shown in Figure 7, SAX convertsa sequence from PAA representation to symbolic representa-tion, where each symbol (letter) appears with equal probabilitybased on the assumption that the distribution of time series sub-sequences is Gaussian (Lin et al., 2003). Thus, each PAA seg-ment is assigned a symbol by dividing the Gaussian probabilitydistribution into α equally probable regions, where α is the al-phabet size (α = 5 in Figure 7). Each PAA segment falls withina specific Gaussian region and is assigned the correspondingsymbol.

5.1. Symbolic frequency search

Similar to the process for constructing a time series SAXrepresentation, a 1 kHz symbolic signature was constructed foreach acoustic observation, as shown in Figure 8. First, a sym-bolic signature is constructed by Z-normalizing a vector com-prising the 1 kHz bin PSD values for that recording. Each vec-tor value is then assigned an alphabetic character based on theassumption that the distribution of PSD values (for a large num-ber of recordings) is Gaussian. A visitor can retrieve similar re-sults by clicking on the the 1K SAX string (shown in Figure 2).A search request can also be entered directly into the searchbar. For instance, to search the Twin Lakes Soundscape data setfor the call of the common loon (Gavia immer), a visitor couldfirst select the entire Twin Lakes data set, and then enter the fol-lowing search string: $1ksax like jdddd%, indicating that thesubset of observations with a 1 kHz SAX string beginning withjdddd should be retrieved. Note, The entire data set is selectedif all sensors, dates and times have been selected in the righthand panel (see Figure 2). Specific bin values can also be omit-ted from the search by replacing a letter in the SAX string withan underscore.

6. Unsupervised Learning

In this section, we first describe the hierarchical data clus-tering system we use for our studies on unsupervised learn-ing using acoustics. As mentioned earlier, unsupervised learn-ing refers to techniques that group observations according tosome metric of similarity without a priori categorical knowl-edge and is often called data clustering. Second, we presentrelevant background on the construction of SAX bitmaps that


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−4 0 1.5 3

(a) original signal.



−4 0 1.5 3

(b) Z-normalized signal with PAA

Figure 6: Example signal and results of Z-normalization and subsequent PAA processing.

aSAX =





c b d c c c d e c a b d d c d cb


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−2









Figure 7: Conversion of the example PAA processed signal to SAX (adaptedfrom (Lin et al., 2003)).

SAX = d f f d d c c cj g







−3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Frequency (kHz)

11 1








er (





Figure 8: Conversion of the Z-normalized example 1 kHz frequency bins shownin 5 to SAX format (SAX=dffjgddccc).

we later adapt to support visualization, clustering of acousticobservations, and searching of the digital library. Finally, wedescribe our adaptation of SAX bitmaps to support clusteringand retrieval of library observations based on frequency spacesimilarity.

MESO. For clustering acoustic observations we useMESO1 (Kasten and McKinley, 2007; Kasten et al., 2010), aperceptual memory system designed to support online, incre-mental learning and decision making in autonomic computing

1The term MESO refers to the tree algorithm used by the system (Multi-Element Self-Organizing tree)

systems. MESO is based on the well-known leader-followeralgorithm (Hartigan, 1975), an online, incremental techniquefor clustering a data set. A novel feature of MESO is its useof small agglomerative clusters, called sensitivity spheres, thataggregate similar training patterns. Sensitivity spheres are par-titioned into sets during the construction of a memory-efficienthierarchical data structure. This structure enables the imple-mentation of a content-addressable perceptual memory system:instead of indexing by an integer value, the memory system ispresented with a pattern similar to the one to retrieve from stor-age. MESO can be used strictly as a pattern classifier (Dudaet al., 2001) if a categorization is known during training. Inthis case, each pattern is labeled, assigning each pattern to aspecific real-world category. When evaluated on standard datasets, MESO accuracy compares very favorably with other clas-sifiers, while requiring less training and testing time in mostcases (Kasten and McKinley, 2007). However, MESO is notdependent on labeled data and can be used to cluster unlabeleddata and construct a hierarchical model of the training data.

As shown in Figure 9(a), two basic functions comprise theoperation of MESO during data clustering: training and clusterpath extraction. During training, patterns are stored in percep-tual memory, enabling the construction of an internal model ofthe training data. Each unsupervised training sample is an un-labeled pattern xi, where xi is a vector of continuous, binaryor nominal values. The size of the sensitivity spheres is de-termined by a δ value that specifies the sphere radius in termsof distance (e.g. Euclidean distance) from the sphere’s center.Sensitivity sphere size is calculated incrementally, growing theδ during training.

Figure 9(b) shows an example of sensitivity spheres for a 2Ddata set comprising three clusters. A sphere’s center is calcu-lated as the mean of all patterns that have been added to thatsphere. The δ is a ceiling value for determining if a trainingpattern should be added to a sphere, or if creation of a newsphere is required.

Once MESO has been trained, a representation of the hier-archical structure produced can be extracted from MESO. Forclustering acoustic observations, the representation extracted


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Train Extract



(a) MESO operation.






0 5 10 15 0

(b) Sensitivity spheres.

Figure 9: MESO operation and sensitivity spheres. (a) The training of MESO using unlabeled patterns and the extraction of the cluster path associated with aspecific training pattern. Each digit of the cluster path, 2030, represents the partition position of the sphere that contains the training pattern at each level of the tree.(b) Sensitivity spheres for three 2D-Gaussian clusters. Circles represent the boundaries of the spheres as determined by the current δ. Each sphere contains one ormore training patterns, and each training pattern belongs to one of the three Gaussian clusters (diamond, square, or triangle).

comprises the training pattern identifiers and associated clusterpaths that indicate where each pattern is stored in the tree. Forinstance, as shown if Figure 9(a), the cluster path 2030 is ex-tracted, where each digit represents a step in the path down thetree that leads to the sphere that contains one or more trainingpatterns. Each step in the path represents an increase in similar-ity (smaller distance) between a smaller set of training patterns.For instance, the cluster subpath 203 comprises a larger set ofpatterns that includes all the patterns for path 2030 and otherpatterns that are somewhat less similar. Therefore, the desiredlevel of similarity between patterns can be specified by select-ing pattern subsets as represented by partial cluster paths. Thebranching factor of the MESO tree can also be specified. Thatis, if a branching factor of 2 is specified, each node will haveup to 2 children, while a branching factor of 8 will produce upto 8 children per node. A branching factor of 8 will produce awider, shallower tree than a branching factor of 2. In Section 8,we will plot results that show how the branching factor influ-ences searching with cluster paths. For clustering with MESO,we use SAX bitmaps as a constant space representation of col-lected acoustic observations.

SAX bitmaps. Kumar et al. (2005) proposed time seriesbitmaps for visualization and anomaly detection in time se-ries. SAX bitmaps are constructed by counting occurrences ofsymbolic subsequences of length n (e.g., 1, 2 or 3 symbols ).Each bitmap can be represented using an n-dimensional matrix,where each cell represents a specific subsequence. An exampleis shown in Figure 10; using subsequences of length n = 2, ma-trix cell (a, a) contains the count and frequency with which thesubsequence aa occurs. Frequencies are computed by dividingthe subsequence count by the total number of subsequences.

6.1. Frequency-based clustering

We adapted SAX bitmaps to support frequency-based clus-tering and searching of library observations as follows. For

Figure 10: Computing a SAX bitmap for a signal (see (Kumar et al., 2005)for more information). Number of subsequences occurrences shown over fre-quency.

each recording, the time varying spectral density is computed(spectrogram). Then, the set of spectral density values for eachtime step (spectrogram column) is converted to SAX represen-tation. Finally, a SAX bitmap is constructed by counting thetotal number of occurrences of 3 letter subsequences for allcolumns and the rates of occurrence computed. In our study,we used an alphabet size of n = 4 (a,b,c,d). The 3-dimensionalmatrix of subsequences is mapped to an 8x8 bitmap as shown inFigure 11. As shown in Figure 2, two bitmaps were constructed.The rates of occurrence were used directly to construct a colorbitmap, where different colors indicate the rate of occurrence(lighter colors indicate higher rates). A black-and-white bitmapwas constructed by coloring a bitmap cell white if the rate wasgreater than the per cell rate when subsequences are equallydistributed (µ = 1

64 ) and colored black otherwise.For clustering two vectors were constructed. The first vec-


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aaa aab aba abb baa bab bba bbbaac aad abc abd bac bad bbc bbdaca acb ada adb bca bcb bda bdbacc acd adc add bcc bcd bdc bddcaa cab cba cbb daa dab dba dbbcac cad cbc cbd dac dad dbc dbdcca ccb cda cdb dca dcb dda ddbccc ccd cdc cdd dcc dcd ddc ddd

Figure 11: Positions of sequences of length 3 in a bitmap with an alphabet sizeof 4.

tor was constructed using the rates of occurrence directly. Thesecond vector comprises the binary values from the black-and-white bitmap. For all recordings in each library data set, a vec-tor is constructed for each color and black-and-white bitmap.These vectors are then used to train MESO. After training, thecluster paths are extracted and added to the database to sup-port bitmap-based similarity searches. By clicking on eitherthe color or black-and-white bitmap, a visitor can execute asearch for other observations that have similar bitmaps. Thesearch string used also appears in the search bar to enable edit-ing of the cluster path and allow the visitor to retrieve a largerset of observations. For instance, after clicking on a colorbitmap, the following search string might appear in the searchbar: $cphex64 like 077321%. By removing the last digitfrom this string a shorter cluster path can be specified that ex-tends to a shallower depth in the MESO tree. This new clusterpath encompasses a larger number of sensitivity spheres thatcomprise a larger number of observations. By executing thisnew search, the visitor can retrieve a new, larger set of observa-tions that are somewhat less similar that the original search.

7. Evaluation Methods

In this section, we describe our approach for evaluating SAXstrings and bitmaps for retrieval of similar bioacoustic record-ings. The use of SAX strings and bitmaps for summarizationenables users to use query-by-example for efficient search ofthe acoustic library. These summarized representations can beeasily inserted into a relational database to support timely on-line retrieval. However, it is important to determine how wella summarized representation can be expected to perform as asearch key. To evaluate the use of SAX strings and bitmaps forinformation retrieval, we will use clustering evaluation tech-niques to compare their performance against that of a baselinecreated using species census data created through expert inter-pretation of 228 one minute recordings. In general, data clus-tering is a method for organizing a data set into one or moregroups (clusters) based on a feature vector (pattern) comprisedof values that describe each element of the data set in a mean-ingful way. Typically, the relative similarity of one element toanother is computed using a distance metric, such as Euclideanor Hamming distance. A more detailed discussion of the datasets, baseline, and a brief introduction to the evaluation metricsis presented below. For a more in depth discussion on clustering

evaluation metrics, including mutual information and entropy,the reader is encouraged to see Section 7.3 and Manning et al.(2008).

7.1. Evaluation data setThe evaluation data set comprises 228 one minute record-

ings. Each recording was labeled according to the dominatevocalizing species heard within the recording. An integer valuein the range 1 to 3 was used to indicate the abundance of species(small sized population, moderate size population, and full cho-rus, respectively). Although, labeling only indicates the dom-inate species and an estimate of abundance, other sounds arealso found in these recordings (e.g., wind and other less domi-nate vocalizations). Typically, recordings collected by sensorsin natural environments are noisy and highly variable. Table 1is a list of the the species labels, including the number of oc-currences within the data set and a species code used in laterdiscussion.

Code Occur Common name (scientific name)AMCR 8 American crow (Corvus brachyrhyn-

chos)BCCH 15 Black-capped chickadee (Poecile atri-

capillus)BLJA 7 Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

CANG 41 Canada goose (Branta canadensis)CHSP 20 Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina)COLO 26 Common loon (Gavia immer)PSCR 35 Northern spring peeper (Pseudacris cru-

cifer)RACL 19 Green frog (Rana clamitans)RASY 25 Wood frog (Rana sylvatica)RWBL 2 Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius

phoeniceus)TIXX 30 Dog day cicada (Tibicen spp.)

Table 1: Major vocalizing species identified in the acoustic data set used forevaluating the clustering potential of the summarizing metrics.

In addition to the SAX strings and bitmaps, a census pat-tern was constructed for each recording. A census pattern is avector of integer values that represent the abundance of eachspecies. The field of the dominate vocalizing species is setto 1, 2, or 3, depending on its abundance, all other fields areset to 0 (species is not dominate). This data set is used as abaseline for comparison with our SAX representations to bet-ter understand how these automated summarization techniquescompare with manual interpretation. Notably, our goal is notspecies recognition but an understanding of how well these syn-optic representations capture the information required to relatesimilar recordings. Shown in Figure 12, are two polar dendro-grams constructed using average link clustering and Euclideandistance with a randomly selected 100 pattern subset of the fulldata set. A visual comparison reveals that census patterns clus-ter into a small number of clusters comprised of like species.The SAX patterns also tend to cluster like species together, butinto a larger number of clusters with a dendrogram of greater


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depth. Although this visualization is informative, it is not suffi-cient to fully clarify how well the SAX representations will sup-port query-by-example retrieval. Next, we will introduce twodistance metrics, two information-theoretic, and two decision-based metrics that we will use to further evaluate the potentialof the SAX representations.

7.2. Distance measures

To evaluate the use of SAX strings and bitmaps for clusteringacoustic observations, we use two distance metrics: Hammingand Euclidean distance. Hamming or edit distance is the countof differences between two patterns. That is, if two patternsdiffer at location i, the distance between these two patterns isincremented by 1, otherwise the distance remains unchanged.Intuitively, Euclidean distance is the length of the line segmentbetween two patterns. Formally, Euclidean distance is definedas:

distanceEuclidean(Q, P) ≡

√√√ n∑i = 1

(qi − pi)2, (1)

where Q and P are two patterns of length n.

7.3. Evaluation metrics











Figure 13: Example clusters showing two clusters comprised of four species ofbirds and amphibians. Examples described in the discussion refer to this figure.More in depth examples can be found in Manning et al. (2008).

Purity. Purity is a measure of the homogeneity of the dataclusters produced by a clustering algorithm. To compute purity,each cluster is labeled as belonging to the most common patternclass assigned to that cluster. For example, the first cluster inFigure 13 would be assigned to class BCCH and the second toclass RASY. The number of patterns in each class that belongto that cluster’s class label are summed and divided by the totalnumber of patterns. Formally, purity is defined as:

purity(Ω,C) =1N


maxj|wk∩c j|, (2)

where Ω = w1,w2, . . . ,wk is the set of clusters, C =

c1, c2, . . . , c j is the set of species classes, and N is the totalnumber of patterns clustered.

Purity is a measure that ranges from [0, 1], where 0 indicatesa low level of purity, where patterns are well mixed betweenclasses. A purity of 1 indicates that patterns have been assigned

only to clusters with the same species class. Referring to Fig-ure 13, we can compute the purity of these two clusters by ob-serving that the largest intersection for the left and right clustersoccurs for BCCH (3) and RASY (3), respectively. Therefore,the purity of this clustering is 6/10 = 0.60 (N = 10).

Normalized mutual information. Intuitively, Normalizedmutual information (NMI) measures the increase in informa-tion afforded by a particular set of clusters and normalizes thismeasure to the range [0, 1]. Formally, NMI is defined as:

NMI(Ω,C) =I(Ω,C)

[H(Ω) + H(C)]/2, (3)

where I is mutual information and H is entropy. Mutual infor-mation is defined as:

I(Ω,C) =∑



|wk∩c j|


N |wk∩c j|

|wk ||c j|, (4)

and cluster entropy is defined as:

H(Ω) = −∑


|wk |


|wk |

N, (5)

and similarly class entropy is defined as:

H(C) = −∑


|c j|


|c j|

N, (6)

An NMI of 0 indicates that no information has been gained,and that patterns are essentially randomly assigned to differentclusters, while an NMI of 1 indicates that the patterns have beenassigned to clusters that exactly recreate the species classes.The NMI of the clustering shown in Figure 13 can be com-puted by observing that the cardinality of each cluster is 5, andthat the cardinality of each species class is 3, 1, 4, and 2 forBCCH, CHSP, RASY and RACL, respectively. The cardinalityof the intersection between each cluster and each species classcan also be computed for BCCH, CHSP, RASY and RACL as 3,1, 1 and 0 (left cluster) and 0, 0, 3, 2 (right cluster). These car-dinalities can then be inserted into equations 4, 5, 6 and 3to compute I(Ω,C) = 0.68, H(Ω) = 1, H(C) = 1.85 andNMI(Ω,C) = 0.47.

Rand index. Intuitively, the Rand index (RI) is a measure ofaccuracy that measures the number correct classifications as arate that ranges between [0, 1]. Computing RI requires countingthe number of pattern pairs that have the same label for eachcluster. That is, if two patterns belonging to the same clusterhave the same label, then they are considered to be correctlyclassified. If only one pattern with a particular label is present ina cluster, it is considered as incorrectly classified. For instance,using Figure 13, the true positive count (TP) can be computeddirectly by counting the number of like labeled pattern pairs foreach cluster or by using combinations:

T P =






)= 7, (7)

where T P is the number of patterns that are true positives(T P = 7 for Figure 13). The first combination in Equation 7


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(a) census features.

(b) 1 KHz SAX features.

Figure 12: Polar dendrograms for a randomly selected subset of 100 acoustic observations: a) a dendrogram constructed using Euclidean distance and census patternfeatures (baseline), b) a dendrogram using Euclidean distance and 1 KHz SAX pattern features with an alphabet of size 10.


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corresponds with BCCH in the left cluster and the second andthird combinations correspond with RASY and RACL in theright cluster. A true positive is a pattern with a specific speciesclass that has been classified as such. Similarly, a false posi-tive is a pattern that is classified as a species that differs fromits true species class. True negatives and false negatives aredefined similarly to true positives and false positives. We cancalculate the true negatives (T N), false positives (FP), and falsenegatives (FN) as follows below. First, compute the total num-ber of true and false positives, by summing the total number ofpairs for each cluster:

T P + FP =




)= 20. (8)

Subtracting the true positives (equation (7)) from the resultof equation (8) gives us the false positives (13 pairs). The totalnumber of pairs for all 10 patterns can be then computed asfollows:

T P + FP + T N + FN =


)= 45, (9)

and subtracting the result of equation (8) from (9) gives usT N + FN (25 pairs). To compute the false negatives, weneed to compute the total number of pairs for each class(BCCH,CHSP,RASY,RACL) and subtract the class-wise truepositives as follows:

FN =












)]= 5, (10)

where the first, second and third bracketed term represent thepair-wise computation for classes BCCH, RASY and RACL,respectively (CHSP has no pairs and is omitted). To computethe true negatives we subtract the result of equation (10) fromT N + FN (20 pairs). Using the results of preceding equations,RI can be formally defined as:

RI =T P + T N

T P + FP + FN + T N= 0.6. (11)

Although computing the combinations required by RI couldbe prohibitive for large data sets, the following closed form re-duces the computational load significantly:(



n(n − 1)2

. (12)

Precision. Intuitively, precision is the probability that a ran-domly chosen pattern is correctly clustered together, or classi-fied, with other patterns with the same species label. Precisionis also known as the true positive rate. Precision is defined as:

P =T P

T P + FP, (13)

where T P and FP are the number of true and false positives,respectively.

8. Experimental Results

In this section, we present results using the cluster metricsdescribed in Section 7. We plot these results against dendro-gram cut depth to show how the metrics change as clusters be-come smaller and more numerous at greater depths. For SAXstrings, we consider SAX alphabets of size 10 and 20 to betterunderstand the effect of alphabet size on cluster quality. ForSAX bitmaps, we plot how the metrics change with MESObranching factor, helping understand if smaller branching fac-tors are more favorable than larger ones. We provide baselineplots using census patterns for comparing SAX summary rep-resentations with manual, expert interpretation. First, we willconsider how SAX strings compare with the baseline, and thenwe will investigate SAX bitmaps. It is worth noting that al-though we have labeled the recordings to indicate the predomi-nate vocalizing species, our goal is not specific to species iden-tification but to better understand how our synoptic represen-tations enable retrieval and organization of similar recordings.The baseline is provided for comparison with the results of amanual survey.

As shown in Figure 14, the number of clusters producedusing the baseline census patterns is lower than that for SAXstrings with an alphabet size of 10 or 20. This is consistent withwhat is shown using the polar dendrograms in Figure 12. Thisis as expected since representations, such as SAX strings andbitmaps, strive to summarize more complex representations, butdo not reduce the recordings to basic census information. No-tably, the baseline with Euclidean distance produces more clus-ters than that for Hamming distance.

8.1. Evaluation of SAX strings

Figure 15 plots purity, NMI, precision and RI cluster metricsagainst the baseline for SAX strings with alphabet sizes of 10and 20 using Hamming distance. For each metric, both SAXstrings have a similar response, while the baseline for NMI andprecision shows a notable improvement over the SAX repre-sentations at greater cut depths. Notably, this improvement islikely due, in part, to the baseline dendrogram having a shal-lower depth than that produced for the SAX string represen-tations. The similarity of response between the baseline andthe SAX string representations indicates that SAX strings arecapturing important characteristics of the recordings despite re-duction to a much smaller characterization than that affordedby the raw recordings.

Figure 16 plots purity, NMI, precision and RI cluster met-rics against the baseline for SAX strings with alphabet sizesof 10 and 20 using Euclidean distance. In general, these plotsshow a greater similarity between the SAX string representa-tions and the baseline. This is likely due to Euclidean distanceproducing more clusters at increasing cut depths than Hammingdistance. However, it is notable that the use of Euclidean dis-tance is encouraging a convergence between the baseline andthe SAX string representations. As such, the SAX string repre-sentations show promise as useful summarizations of acousticrecordings for organizing and searching large data sets.


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(a) Hamming distance. (b) Euclidean distance.

Figure 14: Number of clusters produced using Hamming and Euclidean distance for the baseline and 1 KHz SAX strings with alphabets of size 10 and 20.

8.2. Evaluation of SAX bitmaps

Figure 17 depicts the plots for purity, NMI, precision andRI for the species census and abundance patterns (column 1)for comparison with the plots of these metrics for black-and-white and color SAX bitmaps shown in columns 2 and 3, re-spectively. In general, all metrics improve more rapidly asthe MESO branching factor increases, indicating, as expected,that a larger branching factor will produce more rapid improve-ment of cluster quality along shorter cluster paths. As shown incolumns 2 and 3 of Figure 17, a larger branching factor has asimilar effect when using black-and-white or color bitmaps.

The cluster metrics for using black-and-white bitmaps areplotted in the second column of Figure 17. The plots for black-and-white bitmaps are similar to those for species census pat-terns (Figure 17 column one), but attain lower values, indicat-ing that there is some loss of information when summarizingacoustic recordings using black-and-white bitmaps. Notably,for a branching factor of 8, census patterns attain approximatevalues of: 1.0, 0.9, 1.0 and 0.96 for purity, NMI, precision andRI, respectively. These values compare with those for black-and-white bitmaps of: 0.8, 0.53, 0.34 and 0.88, indicating asignificant degradation in NMI and precision, while purity andRI only reduced by 0.2 and 0.08, respectively.

Shown in the third column of Figure 17 are the cluster met-rics for using color bitmaps. Again, the plots are similar to thosein column one of Figure 17, but attain somewhat lower val-ues. However, color bitmaps also show some improvement overblack-and-white bitmaps, indicating that they capture more ofthe information found in the acoustic recordings than black-and-white bitmaps. For a branching factor of 8, the purity, NMI,precision and RI values for color bitmaps are: 1.0, 0.58, 1.0 and0.88, respectively. Notably, there is only slight improvementin NMI over black-and-white bitmaps (0.05), and their RIs areequal. Purity and precision are equal to those for species censuspatterns.

8.3. Correlative summaryTable 2 shows the Pearson’s correlation between each sum-

marization method and the species census patterns for each ofthe four metrics, and the number of clusters produced when us-ing SAX bitmaps. Pearson’s correlation ranges from −1 to +1,with +1 indicating a strong positive correlation and −1 indicat-ing a strong negative correlation. In most cases, a strong pos-itive correlation exists for each metric. However, only a weakpositive correlation exists for precision when using SAX stringsdue to commission errors when using this method. In general,the plots for the summarized acoustic representations correlatewell with those for the census patterns, but would likely returnmore unwanted results during execution of a search than wouldbe returned using census patterns. However, this is expectedsince summarization of acoustic recordings elides some infor-mation in order to ease organizing and searching large archives.Moreover, summarization can proceed automatically withoutmanual, human interpretation that would be time prohibitivefor large numbers of recordings.

9. Conclusions and Future Work

We have described the current status of the REAL digi-tal library and our use of temporal, geographic, symbolic andcluster-based search techniques. Our evaluation of these tech-niques indicates that representations that summarize acousticrecordings can enable improved organization and searching oflarge acoustic archives. As such, these archives will better sup-port scientific inquiry, by allowing users to distill the data downto relevant subsets for addressing specific questions. In addi-tion, a small set of manually identified recordings of interest canbe used as keys for query-by-example searches of large archivesthat return larger sets of pertinent acoustic observations.

Based on our investigations, we intend to build on this proof-of-concept system and extend our studies by adding more depth


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(a) purity. (b) NMI.

(c) precision. (d) RI (accuracy).

Figure 15: Purity, NMI, precision and RI cluster metrics when using Hamming distance with 1 KHz SAX pattern features. Baseline included for comparison.

and rigor to our investigation of symbolic and machine learningtechniques to better understand and evaluate their applicationfor searching and organizing large sensor data repositories. Inour study, we used cluster evaluation metrics that relied on eachpattern having a single, discrete label. However, environmentalsound recordings may contain the vocalizations of more thanone species. It is our intent to investigate evaluation metrics thatcan encompass datasets of observations with multiple labels.

We have discussed techniques for organizing and searchingacoustic recordings collected in natural settings. Sensed acous-tic data is a highly complex and dense data type that presentssignificant processing challenges due to both size and complex-ity. The extraction of interesting signals and the characteriza-tion of recordings in a meaningful way can enable wider use ofacoustics for monitoring and managing the ecosystems aroundus. It is our intent to develop algorithms and methods that ease

interpretation of acoustic and other complex sensor data types,and provide public access to methods and data through our website. It is our hope that our approach to open access to sensordata will help promote research and education at all levels.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported in part bya Research Excellence Fund grant from Michigan State Uni-versity and by the Kellogg Biological Station, a National Sci-ence Foundation long term ecological research site. The authorswould like to thank Evan Bowling at Michigan State Universityfor their contributions to this work. We also thank the reviewersfor their helpful comments and suggestions.


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