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Implementa)on Step1: Master performs handshake with all the nearby peers (iDevices) which offer the service of MapReduce using MulAPeer ConnecAvity. Job is to count the occurrences of alphabet (A, E, W, Z) in a data file. The data file is a dicAonary of words with more than 5 million characters. Avg Speedup: 2.56 Introduc)on A single iDevice like iPhone or iPad does not have enough processing power to process computaAonally complex funcAons on large data sets. This project envisions a mesh of interconnected iDevices to accomplish a task like that. How? By working together on a single data set. Background Conclusions It can be noAced that the Ame required to perform the job is inversely proporAonal to the number of peers used. Using this methodology many clientserver systems can be transformed into clustered client systems, such as facerecogniAon. Implemen’ng MapReduce framework on iOS devices using Mul’Peer Connec’vity Student: Varun Goyal Advisor: Dr. Peizhao Hu Rochester InsAtute Of Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 5603 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 Peer 2 Peers 3 Peers Count of A Count of E Count of W Count of Z Results This was recently made possible when Apple released Mul’Peer Connec’vity(MPC) as a part of iOS 7 release. MPC makes it possible for iDevices to discover services provided by other iDevices near by. Uses basic infrastructure like WiFi or bluetooth. MapReduce with word count example: 1. Master splits the input data into chunks and sends it to each worker node 2. Map: counts the number of occurances for each key 3. Shuffle: data is shuffled based on key 4. Reduce: adds up the count for each key Step 2: User selects the job to be performed Master divides the data according to number of peers. Master sends data, job, and command to run Map funcAon to peers in a JSON. Step 3: Peers perform Map funcAon on their data set Peers return the map funcAon’s output to Master to be shuffled. Step 4: Depending the number of unique keys and the number of peers shuffled data from step 3 is divided in different parts and sent back to the peers to run reduce funcAon on it. Step 5: Peers perform reduce funcAon on their data set. Peers return the reduced data back to master. Master displays the final result. References MulApeer framework by Apple: hgps://developer.apple.com/library/ prerelease/ios/documentaAon/MulApeerConnecAvity/Reference/ MulApeerConnecAvityFramework/index.html MulAPeer ConnecAvity, Apple Docs. hgps://developer.apple.com/library/ prerelease/ios/documentaAon/MulApeerConnecAvity/Reference/ MulApeerConnecAvityFramework/index.html Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat. 2008. MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. Commun. ACM 51, 1 (January 2008), 107113. DOI=10.1145/1327452.1327492 hgp://doi.acm.org/ 10.1145/1327452.1327492 Contact Info Name: Varun Goyal Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 585 743 8102 Future Work Technical Challenges Cannot inject code yet hence cannot supply user defined job. Need individual device’s permission to join the network every Ame a peer needs to join the system which provides added security from Apple but reduces the technical enhancements and new possibiliAes. Face RecogniAon job was implemented using this system, however due to shortage of Ame the actual task of performing facerecogniAon is performed using Kairos API. Once a soluAon is found to inject code into the system, which Apple can approve, the framework could be enhanced to perform user defined jobs. FaceRecogniAon algorithm could be implemented on iOS and provided as a job to this framework to determine the effecAveness of the framework and viability of the algorithm to perform face recogniAon in fixed amount of Ame. If Apple updates the MulAPeer ConnecAvity framework to be able to use system resources in the background (like an Ideal Mode) this framework can be used with minimum user interacAon. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1 Peer 2 Peers 3 Peers Dear Bear Car Tree Job is to count the occurrences of words (Dear, Bear, Car, Tree) in a data file. The data file is a dicAonary of words with more than 83 million characters. Avg Speedup: 2.97

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Implementa)on  Step1:    •  Master  performs  handshake  with  all  

the  nearby  peers  (iDevices)  which  offer  the  service  of  MapReduce  using  MulAPeer  ConnecAvity.  

•  Job  is  to  count  the  occurrences  of  alphabet  (A,  E,  W,  Z)  in  a  data  file.  

 •  The  data  file  is  a  dicAonary  of  words  

with  more  than  5  million  characters.  

•  Avg  Speedup:  2.56  

Introduc)on  •  A  single  iDevice  like  iPhone  or  iPad  does  not  

have  enough  processing  power  to  process  computaAonally  complex  funcAons  on  large  data  sets.    

•  This  project  envisions  a  mesh  of  inter-­‐connected  iDevices  to  accomplish  a  task  like  that.  

•  How?  By  working  together  on  a  single  data  set.  


Conclusions  •  It  can  be  noAced  that  the  Ame  required  to  perform  

the  job  is  inversely  proporAonal  to  the  number  of  peers  used.  

 •  Using  this  methodology  many  client-­‐server  

systems  can  be  transformed  into  clustered  client  systems,  such  as  face-­‐recogniAon.  

Implemen'ng  MapReduce  framework  on  iOS  devices  using  Mul'Peer  Connec'vity  Student:  Varun  Goyal                  Advisor:  Dr.  Peizhao  Hu  

Rochester  InsAtute  Of  Technology,  One  Lomb  Memorial  Drive,  Rochester,  NY  14623  -­‐  5603  








1  Peer   2  Peers   3  Peers  

Count  of  A  

Count  of  E  

Count  of  W  

Count  of  Z  


•  This  was  recently  made  possible  when  Apple  released  Mul'Peer  Connec'vity(MPC)  as  a  part  of  iOS  7  release.  

•  MPC  makes  it  possible  for  iDevices  to  discover  services  provided  by  other  iDevices  near  by.  

•  Uses  basic  infrastructure  like  WiFi  or  bluetooth.  

•  MapReduce  with  word  count  example:  1.  Master  splits  the  input  data  into  chunks  and  

sends  it  to  each  worker  node  2.  Map:  counts  the  number  of  occurances  for  

each  key  3.  Shuffle:  data  is  shuffled  based  on  key  4.  Reduce:  adds  up  the  count  for  each  key  

Step  2:    •  User  selects  the  job  to  be  performed  •  Master  divides  the  data  according  to  

number  of  peers.  •  Master  sends  data,  job,  and  

command  to  run  Map  funcAon  to  peers  in  a  JSON.    

Step  3:  •  Peers  perform  Map  funcAon  on  their  

data  set  •  Peers  return  the  map  funcAon’s  

output  to  Master  to  be  shuffled.  

Step  4:    •  Depending  the  number  of  unique  keys  

and  the  number  of  peers  shuffled  data  from  step  3  is  divided  in  different  parts  and  sent  back  to  the  peers  to  run  reduce  funcAon  on  it.  

Step  5:  •  Peers  perform  reduce  funcAon  on  

their  data  set.  •  Peers  return  the  reduced  data  back  to  

master.  •  Master  displays  the  final  result.  


•  MulA-­‐peer  framework  by  Apple:  hgps://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentaAon/MulApeerConnecAvity/Reference/MulApeerConnecAvityFramework/index.html  

 •  MulAPeer  ConnecAvity,  Apple  Docs.  hgps://developer.apple.com/library/



•  Jeffrey  Dean  and  Sanjay  Ghemawat.  2008.  MapReduce:  simplified  data  processing  on  large  clusters.  Commun.  ACM  51,  1  (January  2008),  107-­‐113.  DOI=10.1145/1327452.1327492  hgp://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1327452.1327492  

Contact  Info  Name:  Varun  Goyal  Email:  [email protected]  Phone:  +1  585  743  8102  

Future  Work  

Technical  Challenges  •  Cannot  inject  code  yet  hence  cannot  supply  user  defined  job.    •  Need  individual  device’s  permission  to  join  the  network  every  Ame  a  peer  

needs  to  join  the  system  which  provides  added  security  from  Apple  but  reduces  the  technical  enhancements  and  new  possibiliAes.  

 •  Face  RecogniAon  job  was  implemented  using  this  system,  however  due  to  

shortage  of  Ame  the  actual  task  of  performing  face-­‐recogniAon  is  performed  using  Kairos  API.  

•  Once  a  soluAon  is  found  to  inject  code  into  the  system,  which  Apple  can  approve,  the  framework  could  be  enhanced  to  perform  user  defined  jobs.  

•  Face-­‐RecogniAon  algorithm  could  be  implemented  on  iOS  and  provided  as  a  job  to  this  framework  to  determine  the  effecAveness  of  the  framework  and  viability  of  the  algorithm  to  perform  face  recogniAon  in  fixed  amount  of  Ame.  

•  If  Apple  updates  the  MulAPeer  ConnecAvity  framework  to  be  able  to  use  system  resources  in  the  background  (like  an  Ideal  Mode)  this  framework  can  be  used  with  minimum  user  interacAon.  












1  Peer   2  Peers   3  Peers  





•  Job  is  to  count  the  occurrences  of  words  (Dear,  Bear,  Car,  Tree)  in  a  data  file.  

 •  The  data  file  is  a  dicAonary  of  words  

with  more  than  83  million  characters.  

•  Avg  Speedup:  2.97