points to note while rectifying mistakes -methodology of the prophet s.a.w in correcting people

Points To Note While Rectifying Mistakes Ust Mohammad Khalid Rafi

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Points To Note While Rectifying Mistakes

Ust Mohammad Khalid Rafi


1) Purifying Intentions

We should examine our motives, purify our intentions and advise sincerely for the sake of Allah, without seeking ostentation, fame, worldly gain or showing superiority.

Our intentions, can act as the catalyst in determining the final outcome of our actions.

The Prophet (saw) said: “Actions are but by intentions and each person will have but that which he intended.” (HR Bukhari)


1) Purifying Intentions

This will give us an opportunity to continue if we feel we are sincere or pause and take a moment to purify our intentions for our current psyche might lead us to condemn the person we are seeking to advise.


2) Knowledge

If we have enough knowledge about that particular matter at hand and knowledge about the situation of the person in question, then we should proceed and give advice and maintain sincerity.

If we do not have enough knowledge about the matter or the person, then it is preferable best not to advise and to find someone else who is better equipped to do the job.


2) Knowledge

Say (O Muhammad) "This is my way; I invite

unto with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me. And Glorified and Exalted be Allah. And I am not of the Mushrikun.“ (Yusof : 108)

ذه سبيلي أدعو إلى للاه ـ نيأنا ومن اته على بصيرة قل ه ب

وما أنا من المشركين وسبحان للاه


3) Maintain Privacy

Giving advice in Islam should not involve exposing the personal weaknesses of people.

The Prophet (saw) said, “Whoever pursues the shortcomings of people, Allah will pursue theirs.”

(HR Tirmidzi; Shahih)


3) Maintain Privacy

Al-Fudayl ibn `Iyad said,"A believer covers up and advises (believers), whereas an evildoer exposes and humiliates ."

Imam Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali commented on Al-Fudayl's words saying, "It is considered an advice if it is done in private while humiliation if it is broadcasted."

He adds, “The one who exhorts his brother privately, it is an advice.

The one who exhorts him publicly, it is merely scolding"


4) Gentleness

Avoid giving advice in the form of a reprimand. Instead, offer our insights, experiences, and ideas as if they were another point of view for the other person to consider without being forceful.

“Call [people] to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching. Argue with them in the most courteous way, for your Lord knows best who has strayed from His way and who is rightly guided.”

(An Nahl : 125)


4) Gentleness

The Prophet (saw) said, “Kindness is not to be found in anything but that it adds to its beauty, and it is not withdrawn from anything but it makes it defective.”

(HR Muslim)


5) Ask Permission

We should never impose ourselves on anyone.

We should always ask if someone actually wants our advice otherwise it will fall on deaf ears.

Sometimes people have their own unique problems and issues that only they can solve.


6) Listen First

Issues are often more complex than they initially appear.

By listening first, we can truly appreciate a matter and understand it fully and then offer any suitable advice.

This type of empathetic listening ensures ‘connection before correction’, making the person we are advising more willing to listen to what we may have to offer.


7) Consider the Person’s Capability

After listening to the other person, it advisable to ask them what they think they can do to solve their problem.

Asking them what they would like to do and what they can actually do and then offering any suitable solutions might be a better way forward.


8) Avoid Making Judgments

Advising is a gentle process, which requires love, mercy and compassion.

If our advice is perceived as harsh or judgmental then it is likely to offend causing the listener to avoid anything we say –good and bad.

Righteousness never gives birth to religious arrogance, so be careful whenever we give words of advice.


9) Lead by example

It is likely that a person will listen to you if you have faced a similar situation in the past and acted according to how you are currently giving advice.

“Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.”

(As Saff : 3)


9) Lead by example

Francis Bacon, a famous English philosopher, clearly describes the harm of preaching what one does not practice.

"He that gives good advice builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example builds with both, but he that gives good admonition and bad example builds with one hand and pulls down with the other."


10) An Act of Worship, Not a Habit

For some people, giving advice turns into a habitual pattern.

Sometimes one gives advice to others to avoid dealing with one's own problems. Be Specific and Brief.

There is a saying "He who is preoccupied with telling others to be good may find no time to be good."

Giving Advice to Different Types Of People


1) Willing to do good but is negligent

This type of person is good but negligent and has little insight and understanding about his mistakes.

This person needs to be invited wisely by guiding him the truth while inviting him to the immediate and deferred benefits of following it.

In this case, he will accept the invitation and become heedful and hasten to follow the truth.


2) Renounce The Truth & Disregards

This type of person is one who has doubts which obstructs his understanding of the truth.

Such person needs good explanations, clarifications & removal of his syubhah. This is made easier by exposing him to unrefutable evidence against his syubhah.


3) Deluded With A Doubtful Matter

This type of person is deluded with a doubtful matter which hinders him from understanding and following the Truth.

Such a person should be dealth with extra leniency and patience when arguing with them until all doubts are removed by introducing various evidence and providing sufficient and clear explanation that agrees with the recipient's language and customs.