pc3000 - manual instalare.pdf

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  • 8/16/2019 PC3000 - Manual Instalare.pdf




    Control Panel Specifications

    21 zones including:

    •16 fully program m ab le sup ervised zones (EO L resistors)

    •Supervised fire zone

    •1 auxiliary norm ally open zone

    •3 keypad activated zones

    Audible alarm output:

    •Bell output700 m A , fused at 5 A m ps, 12 V D C unregulated

    •Steady or pulsed output

    EEPROM memory:

    •Does not lose codes or system status on com plete A Cand battery failure

    Programmable output:

    •Transistor sw itch sinks 50 m A to g round

    •O peration controllab le throug h prog ram op tions

    Powerful 1.5 amp regulated power supply:

    •400 m A auxiliary supply, 12 VD C unregulated

    •Separately fused for battery, keypad/auxiliary supply andbell output

    •Sup ervision for loss of A C pow er, low battery

    •Internal clock locked to AC pow er freq uency

    Switched Smoke Detector Supply Output:

    •Controlled from keyp ad [][4] com m and

    Battery required:

    •12 volt 4 Ah m inim um rechargeable gel-cell or sealedlead-acid battery

    Transformer required:

    •16.5 V AC , 40VA


    •11" x 11.8" x 3.3" deep (279 x 300 x 84 m m )


    •6.5 lbs (3 kg)

    Remote Keypad Specifications


    •Four w ire (Q U AD ) hook-up and up to 3 keypads per

    system•Built-in piezoelectric buzzer

    •Full annunciation of zones and system status

    •N om inal current draw 60 m A

    •Dim ensions 5.5" x 4.5" x 1" deep (140 x 114 x 25 m m )

    Output Voltage Specification

    Typically, w ith norm al AC in and a fully charged battery, theoutput voltage w ill be 13.8 VD C. W ith A C off and adischarged battery, the voltage w ill go to 10 volts. D evicesthat req uire pow er from the control panel should be cap ab leof norm al op eration over the voltag e rang e of 10 to 14 V D C.

    Digital Communicator Specifications

    •94 rep orting codes

    •Transm its all 10BPS and 20B PS sing le line and extendedform ats

    •Radionics R ound s and Rad ionics P arity form ats

    •Sescoa Superfast form at

    •3/1, 4/2 and hexadecim al num bers

    •DTM F and Pulse dialing

    •DPD T line seizure

    •True d ial tone d etection

    •Anti-jam feature

    •Tw o telephone num bers and tw o account codes

    •Split reporting of selected transm issions to each telephonenum ber

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  • 8/16/2019 PC3000 - Manual Instalare.pdf



    Bench Testing

    The PC 3000 contains a factory default prog ram . Anyadditional prog ram m ing required can be done through thekeypad. For m any applications all that w ill be required is to

    enter the telephone num ber and alarm codes w ith keyp adentries that are as straight forw ard as dialing a telephonenum ber. If you need help talk to your D SC equipm entdistributor.

    C onnect 1K ohm 1/2 w att end of line resistors from eachzone (Z1 to Z 16) input to the closest com m on “C O M ”term inal. C onnect an end of line resistor betw een the “Fire”input term inal and the “C O M ”term inal betw een “Z1”and“Z2”. U nless all zone loops are properly term inated w ith endof line resistors the “Ready”light w ill not be on and thepanel w ill not arm unless the “Ready”light is on.

    C onnect the four keypad w ires to the control panel asshow n in the connection d raw ing.

    To com pletely test the P C 3000 includ ing the com m unicator

    data, it is necessary to connect the panel to a digitalreceiver through a telep hone line connection or byconnecting the telep hone term inals on the PC 3000 to adigital com m unicator test set such as the D SC D TS -1. TheD SC D TS -1 digital com m unicator test set is an inexpensiveunit w hich can sim ulate the telep hone system dial tone andthe receiver hand shake and kiss-off tones as w ell asdisplay the data sent out by a digital com m unicator. A lso,the D TS-1 has a “listen-in”feature w hich m akes it ideal form onitoring the transm ission b etw een com m unicator andreceiver w hen the PC 3000 is connected to the telephoneline.

    If you are using a D TS -1, connect the green and redtelephone clips to the “TIP”and “RIN G ”term inals and

    connect the red and black pow er clips to the “AU X [+]”and“AU X [-]”term inals on the PC 3000. W hen p ow er is appliedto the panel press the red local-line button on the D TS -1 andobserve the display w indow area. The “local-line”indicatorshould be in the local position.

    For testing purposes, so that the sound level is not too loud,connect a sm all buzzer to the “BELL [+]”and “BELL [-]”term inals to indicate w hen the p anel is in alarm .

    C onnect a 16.5 VAC , 40 VA transform er to the “AC”term inals. B efore plugging in the transform er be sure thecircuit board is not resting on anything m etallic w hich m aycause a short.


    W hen the transform er is plug ged in there should be lightson the keypad and the buzzer connected to the bellterm inals m ay g o on for a few second s. The “Arm ed”lightm ay be on or off the first tim e the panel is pow ered. The lastarm ed/disarm ed condition is stored in the EE PRO M m em oryso the panel w ill alw ays pow er up in the last arm ed /disarm ed state. If the “Arm ed”light is on, enter the d efaultM aster Code [1234] to disarm the panel. If the keyp ad is notactive, check for the presence of AC pow er at the “AC”term inals, check the keyp ad connections and check thepanel fuses.

    If all the zones are properly connected w ith end of lineresistors all of the zone lights w ill be off. N ote that the panelw ill arm only if all zones are p roperly connected w ith end ofline resistors (including FIRE circuit) so that the “Ready”lightis on. The keypad should beep several tim es to ind icate

    acceptance of the m aster code. Enter the M aster C ode toarm or disarm the panel.

    Read the “Keyp ad C om m ands”section of this m anual or theInstruction M anual and enter com m ands on the keypad tobecom e fam iliar with the different com m ands.

    Turn to the “Prog ram m ing G uide”in this m anual and enter asam ple prog ram into the panel through the keyp ad tobecom e fam iliar w ith the program m ing com m and s.

    Mounting Panel

    Select a dry location close to an unsw itched A C source, aground connection and the telephone connection.

    Rem ove printed circuit board, m ounting hardw are andkeypad from cardboard retainer inside p anel. Beforeattaching cabinet to w all, press the five w hite nylon printedcircuit board m ounting stud s and the ground connectionscrew into cabinet from the back.

    Pull all cables into cabinet and prepare them for connectionbefore m ounting the circuit board to the back of the cabinet.Press circuit board dow n onto m ounting stud s.

    Hook-up Procedure

    D O N O T connect transform er or battery until all other w iringhas been connected. See pow er-up procedure.

    C onnect a g round cable from the cabinet ground connection

    by the shortest and m ost direct route to a ground ing rod .

    C onnect zone cab les to zone loop inp uts and put end of lineresistors on any unused zones. C onnect w ires sup plyingpow er for m otion detectors to auxiliary supply.

    Install keypad s and connect w ires to keypad term inals onpanel. C onnect R J31-X cord to telephone term inals. D o notinsert plug into R J31-X jack.

    Warning: Do not use this equipment on a telephone line equipped with “call holding” feature because the tone 

    generated may interfere with the communicator 


    C onnect bell or siren to “BELL [+]”and “BELL [-]”term inals.O bserve correct polarity for sirens and polarized bells.C onnect 1K ohm 1/2 w att resistor across term inals toelim inate trouble condition if bell circuit is not being used.

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    Terminal Connections“AC” Power Terminals

    U se a 16.5 VA C transform er w ith a m inim um 40 VA rating tosupply AC pow er to the P C 3000. The transform er should not

    be connected to an outlet that is controlled by a sw itch. If A Cfailure occurs it is displayed as a trouble on the keypad (see“Keypad Functions [][2] Trouble C onditions”). It can also betransm itted to the m onitoring station as a trouble condition(see “Program m ing G uide [][8]”sections [09] and [10] foralarm and restore cod es and section [20] for ACtransm ission d elay).

    Auxiliary Power Terminals “AUX” and “GND”

    The auxiliary pow er supply can b e used to p ow er m otiondetectors and other devices req uiring 12 VD C. 400 m A 12VD C is available from the “AU X”(positive) and “G N D”(negative) term inals w hen the PC 3000 is used w ith onekeypad . For each ad ditional keypad the auxiliary supplyrating m ust be red uced by 60 m A. The auxiliary sup ply isfused w ith the keypad supply at 1 am p. Auxiliary fuse failuretransm ission can be sent (see [][8] sections [09] and [10]).

    Switched Auxiliary Power Terminals“SW AUX” and “GND”

    The sw itched auxiliary supply can be sw itched offm om entarily from the keypad (see “Keypad C om m and s[][4]”). The “SW A U X”term inal is p ositive and the “G N D”term inal negative. The 400 m A auxiliary supply rating m ust bered uced by any current taken from the sw itched auxiliarysup ply. The sw itched sup ply shares the sam e fuse as theauxiliary supply.

    Bell/Siren Terminals “BELL [+]” and “BELL [-]”These term inals are for pow ering bells or other devicesrequiring a steady output voltage on alarm . The bell output isfused for 5 am ps. W hen connecting sirens (speakers w ithsiren driver already built-in), be sure to observe the correctpolarity. C onnect the positive lead to the “BELL [+]”term inaland the negative lead to the “BELL [-]”term inal.

    If no siren or bell is used, connect a 1000 ohm resistorbetw een “BELL [+]”to “BELL [-]”. The bell/siren alarm outputis pulsed (1 second on 1 second off) w hen an alarm iscreated by the [F] keypad zone, by the FIR E zone, or w henthe B ell Pulse option is enabled in section [19] light 1.

    Keypad Terminals “RED”, “BLK”, “YEL” and “GRN”

    C onnect the four coloured w ires from the keyp ads to theseterm inals. W hen connecting m ore than one keypad, connectin p arallel across the keypad term inals at the control panel(i.e. all reds w ires together, all blacks together, all yellow stog ether and all greens tog ether). The keyp ad red and blackpow er sup ply term inals are fused throug h the auxiliary fuse.

    Programmable Output Terminal “PGM OUT”

    The operation of the P rogram m able O utput depend s uponw hich op tion is selected in the prog ram m ing tab le. See the“Program m ing G uide”section [28] for a list of options for the“PG M O U T”output. The “PG M O U T”is a 50 m A m axim um

    sw itch to ground. A 100 ohm current lim iting resistor isconnected in series. A sm all relay, a buzzer or other D Coperated device m ay be connected betw een the 12 V D C“AU X”(positive) term inal and the “PG M O U T”(sw itchednegative) term inal on the m ain board.

    Auxiliary Input Terminal “AUX IN” (also KEY ARMING)

    The “AU X IN”inp ut term inal is a norm ally open 24 hour zone.It can b e program m ed from the keypad to b e silent oraudible. There is no display on the keypad for the “AU X IN”input. An alarm on this input is created by applying a positivevoltag e or by closing a contact betw een the “AU X IN”term inal and the positive auxiliary supply. See “Program m ingG uide [] [8]”sections [09] and [10] for program m ing thealarm and restoral codes.

    The “AU X IN”term inal can also b e used as a m om entary keyarm ing /disarm ing inp ut. See “Prog ram m ing G uide”section[28] for a list of options for the “AU X IN”term inal.

    “FIRE” Zone Input

    The “FIRE”zone is a supervised (norm ally open alarminitiating contact) end-of-line resistor circuit designed toaccept “Latching”four-w ire sm oke detectors.(See “Fire C ircuit Installation D iagram ”.)

    O n alarm , (fire loop shorted) the bell output w ill pulse thesignal to indicate that the fire loop has been activated. Alarm

    m em ory and transm ission by the digital com m unicator isdelayed 30 seconds. If the alarm is acknow led ged, bypressing the [#] key before the 30 second delay has expiredthe signals w ill silence and the transm ission w ill be delayed.If the alarm is not acknow ledged and the 30 second delayexpires, the fire m em ory latches and the transm ission cannotbe cancelled.

    If the sm oke detector is not restored to norm al after thesignal has silenced, the signal w ill resound after 90 seconds.And 30 seconds after that, the com m unicator w ill transm it. Ifthe signals resound , they m ay again be silenced, [#] key,and the com m unicator w ill be delayed if silence occursw ithin the 30 second delay period .

    To restore the sm oke detector to norm al, clear all prod ucts

    of com bustion from the detector and reset the detector bypressing [] and then holding dow n [4] for 2 or 3 second s.This action w ill rem ove pow er from the sm oke detector and ifit is clear of sm oke, the detector w ill return to norm al. If thedetector is still in alarm , the signals w ill sound im m ediatelyand the above sequence w ill repeat.

    For an open on the FIRE loop, the keypad sounder w ill beeptw ice every 10 seconds and the “Trouble”light w ill show onthe keypad . The com m unicator w ill transm it the troublecondition if program m ed for trouble transm ission. Theaudible “Trouble”signal m ay be silenced by pressing the [#]key. To d eterm ine the nature of the trouble, press [][2]. (seethe “Trouble D isp lay”section.)

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    Zone Input Terminals “Z1” to “Z16”

    Zone inputs “Z1”to “Z16”are supervised end of line (E.O .L.)resistor circuits. Each input m ust be term inated w ith a 1Kohm E.O .L. resistor. An alarm condition w ill be created if anorm ally op en contact is used to short across the E.O .L.resistor. An alarm is also created if norm ally closed contacts,w ired in series w ith the E.O .L. resistor, are opened. See thew iring diag ram for norm ally open and norm ally closedcontact connection. The type of circuit or zone d efinition(delay, instant, 24 hour etc.) is prog ram m ed from the keypadusing the [][8] Installer’s Prog ram m ing com m ands("Prog ram m ing G uide" sections [16] and [17]).

    Telephone Terminals “TIP”, “RNG”, “T-1” and “R-1”

    The w ires from the RJ31-X telephone jack are connected tothese term inals in the follow ing w ay.

    TIP G reen w ire Incom ing line from 

    R N G R ed w ire telephone com pany T-1 B row n w ire O utgoing line to R -1 G rey w ire house telep hone(s)

    Note: For proper operation there must be no other 

    telephone equipment connected between the control panel and the telephone company's facilities.

    Battery Connections

    D o not connect the battery or the transform er until the w iringis com plete. C onnect the red battery lead to the positivebattery term inal and the b lack lead to the negative batteryterm inal. If the connection is m ade in the reverse the battery

    fuse w ill fail.

    Keypad Installation

    M ount the keypads near the exit-entry doors. The PC 3000RKkeyp ad has a red, a black, a green and a yellow w ire on theback. C onnect these four w ires to the four keypad term inalson the control panel using four cond uctor (quad) telep honew ire. U p to three keypads m ay be connected to onePC 3000. C onnect all green w ires from the keyp ad s to the“G RN”term inal on the p anel. C onnect all yellow w ires fromthe keypads to the “YEL”term inal on the panel. C onnect allred w ires from the keypad s to the “RED”term inal. C onnectall black w ires from the keypads to the “BLK”term inal.

    Power-up Procedure

    If the keypads are located a d istance from the p anel, installan extra keyp ad tem porarily at the panel during pow er uptesting . An extra keypad w ith a short leng th of cab le andalligator clips attached is helpful for testing andprogram m ing PC 3000 system s.

    C onnect the transform er, w ait ap prox. 5 seconds.

    Enter a few keypad com m ands and open a zone to be surethat the panel and keypad are responding to signals. If thekeypad does not respond and there are no indicators on,check for A C voltage at the “AC”term inals. If there is 16 VACpresent, check that the keypad w iring is correct and checkthe keypad/auxiliary supply fuse. If the keypad/auxiliarysupply fuse is blow n check for a short betw een the keyp adred and black w ires b efore rep lacing the fuse.

    If the keypad is responding norm ally, connect the battery.The red battery lead attaches to the p ositive battery post andthe black battery lead attaches to the negative battery post.


    Testing The System

    See Installer’s test - [] [6] [M aster C od e] [0] (pag e 9), or dothe follow ing. C ontact the m onitoring station to req uest atransm ission test. Plug the telephone cord into the R J31-Xjack. If a D TS -1 is being used to m onitor com m unicatortransm issions, connect as described in “Bench Testing”section and place the D TS-1 in the line m ode by pressing thered “LIN E/LO C A L”button. Arm the p anel, w ait for the exitdelay to expire and trip a d etector on an instant circuit. W aitfor the com m unication to com plete. D isarm panel and checkw ith the m onitoring station to confirm the transm ission.Perform additional transm issions required by the m onitoringstation.

    C heck the “Trouble”light on the keypad. If it is on, press []then [2] to determ ine if there is a system trouble. The“Trouble D isplay”section in “Keypad C om m ands”gives adescription of the different trouble conditions.

    Instructing End-User

    Fill out the system reference guide in the PC 3000 InstructionM anual. C heck off sections in the m anual w hich ap ply to theuser’s system and m ake ad ditional notes if necessary.

    D escribe the system to an authorized user. D escribe arm ingand disarm ing procedures. D escribe the basic keypad

    functions. Assist the user in w orking throug h exam ples ofeach type of com m and.

    Provide user w ith the Instruction M anual and instruct them toread the m anual to becom e fam iliar w ith the systemoperation.

    Instruct the user to test the system on a regular basis asdescribed in the Instruction M anual. The M aster Codeshould be changed from the default setting and recorded inthe Instruction M anual.

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    Exp erience has show n that all hostile fires in fam ily livingunits generate sm oke to a greater or lesser extent.Exp erim ents using typ ical fires in fam ily living units indicatethat detectab le q uantities of sm oke preced e detectab le

    levels of heat in m ost cases. For these reasons, sm okedetectors should be installed outside of each sleeping areaand on each additional story of the fam ily unit.

    The follow ing inform ation is for general guidance only and itis recom m ended that the sm oke detector m anufacturer'sliterature be used for detailed installation instructions.

    It is recom m ended that additional sm oke detectors beyondthose required be installed for increased protection. Theadded areas include: basem ent, bedroom s, dining room s,furnace room , utility room and hallw ays not protected by therequired detectors.

    FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the 

    sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.

    FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to 

    protect each sleeping area.

    FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story of the living unit.

    FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space.

    The smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling,spreads out across the ceiling surface and begins to 

    bank down from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling 

    and wall meet is an air space into which the smoke may have difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air 

    space measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown 

    in Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead 

    air space.

    Be droom Be droom

    D iningRoom


    H all

    Basem ent

    Be droom Be droom

    Be droomB athroom


    B edroom


    D iningRoom

    KitchenBe droom

    Be droom

    Fam ilyRoom

    Acceptable here

    Top of detectoraccep table he re

    Side w all

    N ote:M easurem ents show n are to theclosest ed ge of the detector.

    4 in.(0.1m )

    m inim um

    12 in.(0.3m )m axim um

    N ever here

    C eiling

    4 in.(0.1m )


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    The P C 3000R K rem ote keypad provides com pleteinform ation and control of the PC 3000 control panel. Thepanel can be fully program m ed from the keypad. The 16

    zone lights and the fire alarm light provide alarm and statusindication for the alarm circuits. The 6 function lights guidethe user in operating the system . The built-in b uzzer lets theuser hear correct key entries and other alert signals. The 12-key keypad is used for code entry and other program m ingfunctions. All keyp ad entries are m ad e by pressing one keyat a tim e.

    The keyp ad is norm ally resting in the arm -disarm m ode. Inthis condition the zone lights are indicating the opening andclosing of zones. The “Ready”light com es on w hen all zonesare closed. The system can be d irected to perform otherfunctions such as zone bypassing , displaying troubleconditions, displaying alarm m em ory and program m ing byentering one of the various [] com m ands described below .Pressing the [#] key or not m aking any key entry for 2

    m inutes alw ays returns the keypad to the arm -disarm m ode.

    Master Code

    A default M aster Security C od e “1234”is prog ram m ed intothe PC 3000 at the factory. The M aster Security C od e is usedfor arm ing and disarm ing the control panel, for prog ram m ingup to fifteen additional security codes using the [][5]com m and and for entering other user functions using the[][6] com m and. The M aster C ode can be reprogram m ed ifthe installer leaves section [19] light 2 off. Because thePC 3000 uses EEPR O M m em ory the codes and other dataare retained even after com plete AC and battery failure.

    Installer’s Programming CodeA default Installer’s P rogram m ing C ode “3000”isprogram m ed into the PC 3000. This code is used w ith the[][8] com m and by the installer to gain access to the systemin order to enter panel or com m unicator prog ram inform ation.The Installer’s Program m ing C ode m ay b e changed by theinstaller.


    C heck to see if the “Trouble”or “Byp ass”light is on beforearm ing the PC 3000. C lose all protected doors and w indow sand stop m ovem ent in areas covered by m otion detectors.C heck to see that the “Ready”light is on (all zones areclosed). The system cannot be arm ed unless the “Ready”

    light is on. Enter a [4 D igit Security C ode]. As each d igit isentered the keypad buzzer w ill beep . If the security cod ew as entered incorrectly, the sounder w ill beep steadily for 2second s. If the code w as entered correctly but the “Ready”light w as not on, the keypad w ill beep quickly follow ed by asteady tone. W hen the correct code is entered, the “Arm ed”light w ill com e on and the keypad buzzer w ill beep quickly.Exit the prem ises throug h the designated exit-entry d oor. Atthe end of the allow ed exit tim e all lights on the keypad w illgo out except the “Arm ed”light. See the “Installer’sProgram m ing [][8] C om m and”section [22] for instructionson how to chang e the exit tim e. Also see, “Q uick Arm ”and“At H om e A rm ing”.


    Enter the prem ises throug h the designated exit-entry door.The keypad buzzer w ill be on. G o to the keypad and enterthe [4 digit security code]. If an error is m ade in entering the

    code, press the [#] key and enter the code again. The“Arm ed”light w ill go out and the keypad sounder w ill stop.The correct security cod e m ust be entered before theallow ed entry tim e expires. To change the entry tim e see“Installer’s Program m ing C om m and”, [][8]. If an alarmoccurred w hile the panel w as arm ed , the “M em ory”light andthe “Zone”light w hich caused the alarm w ill start to flash andstay flashing for 2 m inutes w hen the panel is disarm ed .Pressing the [#] key returns the panel to the norm al arm -disarm m ode.

    Auto-bypass/Home-Away Arming

    If a correct security code is entered, and you do not exit theprem ises, the system w ill, at the end of the Exit delay tim e,

    arm w ith interior zones autom atically bypassed if thoseinterior zones have been program m ed as “H om e-Aw ay”zones. The “Bypass”light w ill com e on im m ediately follow ingthe arm ing code b eing entered until a d elay zone is trippedor [] [1] is entered to reactivate bypassed hom e-aw ayzones. (See prog ram m ing sections [16] and [17], zonedefinitions for prog ram m ing zones as “H om e-Aw ay”.)

    This is a convenience feature for the user who w ishes torem ain at hom e w ith the system arm ed. The user does nothave to m anually bypass the hom e-aw ay zones.

    To reactivate the hom e-aw ay zones that have b eenautom atically bypassed, press [] [1]. The “Byp ass”light w illgo out. This com m and is a q uick m ethod of fully arm ing thesystem before g oing to b ed.

    Zone Bypassing

    A bypassed zone w ill not cause an alarm . If a zone isbypassed the panel m ay be arm ed (“Ready”light w ill be on)even if the zone is open. U se zone bypassing w hen accessis needed to part of the protected area. Also, dam agedw iring or contacts on a zone m ay be tem porarily bypasseduntil repairs can be m ade so that the panel can be arm ed.

    []+[1]To bypass zones, enter [] [1] and the zone num ber(s) to b ebypassed. Press [#] to return to “Ready”(arm -disarmm ode). W hen bypassing zones, tw o digits m ust be enteredfor the zone num ber(s) to be bypassed (e.g. [] [1][01]....[16]). To rem ove all bypasses, enter [] [1] [00] [#].The “Zone”lights w hich are on, w hile the “Byp ass”light isflashing , ind icate the bypassed zones. Rem em ber that if nokeypad entry is m ade for m ore than 2 m inutes the keypadw ill return to the arm -disarm m od e. Then, in order to bypassa zone the com plete com m and m ust be re-entered. O ncethe bypass com m and is entered , pressing [99] recalls thelast zone or group of zones w hich w as b ypassed. If thesam e group of zones is bypassed each tim e, this bypassrecall feature can be used instead of having to bypass zonesindividually.

    W hen the PC 3000 is program m ed, the ability to b ypasscertain zones m ay be elim inated. In this case, the “Zone”lights for those zones w ill not com e on in resp onse to the

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    bypass com m and. See the “Zone Bypass M ask”instructionin the [][8] Installer’s p rogram m ing section. If the “Byp ass”light is on w hen arm ing the panel, the [][1] com m andshould be used to see w hich zones are b ypassed so thatzones are not unintentionally bypassed. Zone bypasses are

    autom atically cancelled w hen the panel is disarm ed .

    [] + [1]+ [Access Code]If light 8 in section [19] is on then a code m ust be enteredw ith []+[1] to bypass zones. O nly the zones assigned to thesam e side of the system as the user cod e can be bypassed.The ability to b ypass using certain access codes can beelim inated. See the “Access B ypass M ask”instruction in the[] [8] Installer’s Program m ing section.

    Note: At no time can any armed zone be bypassed.

    Trouble Display


    The PC 3000 continuously m onitors a num ber of possibletrouble conditions. If one of these conditions occurs, thekeyp ad “Trouble”indicator w ill light and the audibleind ication w ill sound (tw o short beeps every 10 second s).W hen the [#] key is pressed the audible indication w ill stopbut the “Trouble”indicator light w ill rem ain on until thetrouble is cleared. Trouble conditions can also betransm itted to the m onitoring station (see “Program m ingG uide”sections [09] and [10] for alarm and restoral troublecodes). Press the [] then [2] keys to display the type oftrouble. The “Zone”lights indicate the typ e of troublecondition.

    1 Low stand-by battery2 AC pow er failure

    3 D ay zone troub le4 Telephone line trouble5 Fail to com m unicate6 Bell circuit failure7 Fire alarm circuit trouble8 Loss of tim e on internal clock

    Press [#] to return to “Ready”.

    1 Low Battery...A battery trouble w ill be displayed and canbe reported if the b attery is w eak, disconnected or thebattery fuse is blow n. O nly one low battery alarm or restoraltransm ission takes p lace p er arm ing period . Low batterytrouble display is latching and can only be cleared bybattery restoration, arm ing and disarm ing panel.

    2 AC Power Failure...There is no audible annunciation on

    AC pow er failure. The system “Trouble”light w ill com e on butthe audible indication w ill not sound until there is a lowbattery cond ition. Transm ission delay can be prog ram m edfor 1 to 99 m inutes. See “Prog ram m ing G uide”section [22].

    3 Day Zone Trouble...This trouble applies only to zonesw hich have been p rogram m ed as day zones. (“Program m ingG uide”sections 16 and 17). A day zone creates a troublesignal w hen the panel is disarm ed and an alarm signal w henthe panel is arm ed.

    44444 Telephone Line Trouble...Telephone Line Trouble...Telephone Line Trouble...Telephone Line Trouble...Telephone Line Trouble...A telephone line trouble isgenerated w hen the line voltage drop s below 3 volts for m orethan 60 second s. It generates a keyp ad trouble w hen thesystem is disarm ed and ring s a local alarm w hen the panel isarm ed if section [19] light 5 is off.

    55555 Fail to Communicate...Fail to Communicate...Fail to Communicate...Fail to Communicate...Fail to Communicate...If the digital com m unicator isunsuccessful com m unicating w ith the m onitoring station aftereight attem pts, a trouble is generated.If a later attem pt to com m unicate is successful the trouble iscleared. Also the trouble w ill be cleared w hen the troubledisplay is view ed and exited .

    6 6 6 6 6 Bell Circuit Failure...Bell Circuit Failure...Bell Circuit Failure...Bell Circuit Failure...Bell Circuit Failure...If the bell fuse fails or the bell circuitis open, a keypad trouble and a trouble transm ission aregenerated .

    7 7 7 7 7 Fire Alarm Circuit Trouble...Fire Alarm Circuit Trouble...Fire Alarm Circuit Trouble...Fire Alarm Circuit Trouble...Fire Alarm Circuit Trouble...If a Fire zone is open circuit,a keyp ad trouble and a trouble transm ission are generated .A trouble on the Fire zone w ill unconditionally initiate anaudible ind ication on the keypad . This m eans that even if

    any other previous trouble has been silenced, a Fire zonetrouble w ill restart the keypad buzzer.

    88888 Loss of Internal Time...Loss of Internal Time...Loss of Internal Time...Loss of Internal Time...Loss of Internal Time...W hen the PC 3000 is pow ered upor reset, the internal tim e of day clock needs to be set to thecorrect tim e. This trouble is cleared w hen the trouble displayis view ed and exited or w hen an attem pt is m ad e to reset theinternal tim e of day clock. See “[][6] U ser’s FunctionC om m and”for resetting tim e of day clock.

    If the [9] is p ressed w hile in the trouble display m ode them ost recent trouble w ill be d isplayed on the zone LE D s. Thistrouble m em ory feature is useful as a diag nostic aid w heninstalling and servicing the PC 3000.

    Alarm Memory Display[]+[3]

    Press [] then [3] to enter the alarm m em ory m od e. The“M em ory”light w ill flash and any alarm caused during thelast arm ed period w ill be d isplayed on the zone lights. Inaddition to the last alarm m em ory there are 2 history levels.After entering the m em ory m ode (pressing [] then [3]),pressing [9] w ill cause the keypad to display the tw o otherlevels of alarm history. Each tim e [9] is pressed the keypadw ill beep 1, 2 or 3 tim es to indicate w hich level of history isbeing view ed. W hen the panel is arm ed , the last alarmm em ory is cleared and the contents m oves to the 1st historylevel. The “M em ory”light w ill only be on w hen there w as analarm during the last arm ed period .

    Press [#] to return to “Ready”.

    Switched Auxiliary Supply Control

    []+[Hold Down 4]

    To interrupt the sw itched auxiliary pow er supply press []then hold dow n [4] for the desired interrup t tim e. W hen the[4] is released the system returns to the “Ready”m od e andthe sw itched auxiliary supply is restored.

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    User’s Programming Commands

    []+[5]+[MASTER CODE]

    The [][5] user’s prog ram m ing com m and is used to prog ramadditional access codes. U p to 16 user arm -disarm codes

    m ay be program m ed. The 1st code is the M aster C ode(factory default [1234]). The 16th code is optionally a “O neTim e U se”or m aid code. The 16th cod e m ay be changedfrom a “O ne Tim e U se”code to a regular code using aninstaller’s program m ing com m and (section [18]...1st systemoption code). R em em ber if no keypad entry is m ade for m orethan 2 m inutes the keypad w ill return to the norm al arm -disarm display and the com plete com m and w ill have to bere-entered to program a new access cod e.

    Programming Additional Access Codes

    11111 Press the [] and [5] keys then enter the M aster SecurityC ode (default [1234]) to enter the additional codeprog ram m ing m od e. The “Prog ram ”light and “Zone 1”light

    w ill be on to show that the first code (the M aster C ode) isalready program m ed w ith the factory default code [1234].The M aster C ode m ay be chang ed but do not try to erasethe M aster Cod e. The installer can disab le user changing ofthe M aster C od e by turning on light 2 in section [19].

    22222 15 additional codes m ay be program m ed. The zone lightsare used to ind icate w hich of these codes are alreadyprogram m ed (zone light on steady) and the one w hich iscurrently being program m ed (zone light is flashing).

    33333 To program the second code, press [02] then enter a 4digit code. Zone 2 light w ill flash and sounder w ill beep threetim es and zone light 2 w ill com e on steady after the 4 digitcode is entered .

    44444 To rem ove the second code, press [02] - the buzzer w ill

    beep three tim es and zone light 2 w ill flash. Enter [] [] [] [],the buzzer w ill beep three tim es and zone 2 light w ill go outto show that the code has been rem oved.

    55555 Follow the instructions in 33333 or44444 for program m ing orrem oving any of the other ad ditional codes.

    6 6 6 6 6 D o not try to rem ove the M aster C ode (1st code). TheM aster C ode m ay be chang ed but it m ust not be rem oved.W hen changing the M aster C ode be sure to enter a valid 4digit num ber (use only num ber keys 0 to 9). D o not enter [#]or [] as one of the digits. If the M aster C ode is forgotten andthe panel is left disarm ed , prog ram a new M aster C odeusing the [][8][Installer’s C ode][25] com m and. If the M asterC ode is forgotten and the panel is left arm ed, the entireprogram m ing can be reset to factory default by using the

    “H ardw are R eset”m ethod described on page 21.7 7 7 7 7 To successfully program or rem ove additional codes, thepanel m ust be p ut into the code p rogram m ode b y follow ingstep 1 follow ed by steps 3 or 4. N ote that if no key entry ism ad e for 2 m inutes the panel w ill go back to the norm alarm /disarm m ode, after w hich step 1 m ust be repeated toget back into the code program m ode.

    88888 To exit the code program m ode press [#].

    To review :

    program m ing a new code;

    enter [] [5] [M aster C od e] [01 to 16] [4 digit code]elim inating an existing code;

    enter [] [5] [M aster C od e] [02 to 16] [   ].Note: The access code, numbers must be entered as two digits. E.g. 02, 03,......, 15, 16.

    User’s Functions Command

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]

    This com m and is used to set the system clock tim e and toset the Auto-arm tim e. It is also used to turn on and off anum ber of system functions. The com m and is used byentering [], [6], [M aster C od e] then a num ber from thefollow ing list to select the item to be changed.

    [0] Installer’s test

    [1] System 24 hour clock (enter H H :M M )

    [2] A uto-arm ing tim e (enter H H :M M )

    [3] D O N O T USE

    [4] Q uick arm enab le/disable

    [5] Auto-arm enab le/disable

    [6] D oor chim e enable/disable

    [7] D O N O T USE

    [8] Bell test function

    [9] U ser Initiated C allup

    Note: The system clock is a 24 hour clock and times must be entered as two digit number.

    e.g. HH - 00, 01,.....10, 11,.....22, 23 MM - 00, 01,.....35, 36.....58, 59 

    Item s 1 and 2 are tim e setting functions. Enter 4 digitsrepresenting the tim e in hours and m inutes (H H :M M ) basedon the 24 hour or m ilitary clock. A lw ays enter a leading zerow here only one digit is req uired , 8:05 am w ould be enteredas 0805, 1:30 pm w ould be entered as 1330. Item s [0], [4],[5] and [6] turn on and off various features. W hen the itemkey is pressed, the feature is turned on if the keypad beepsquickly 3 tim es. The feature is turned off if the keypadsounds one long beep. Pressing item [8] gives a 2 secondbell and keypad light test. Pressing [9] m akes the panel callthe D ow nloading com puter if enabled in section [47].

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    Installer’s Test

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[0]

    This feature is d esigned to assist the installer in testing thesystem . In this m ode, the bell or siren w ill operate for tw o

    seconds each tim e a device is tripped and the zone alarmw ill be put into the first level m em ory. The feature isautom atically disab led w hen the panel is arm ed anddisarm ed . Each tim e a zone is tripped or restored in thism ode, a signal, if program m ed, w ill be transm itted to them onitoring station. If this is not desired, it is p ossible todisable the com m unicator during the test (see section [18]“1st System O ption C ode”).

    Notes: Do not use the PC16OUT module during the 

    installer’s test.

    Do not use the installer’s test when the panel is partially armed.

    Setting the Clock

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[1]

    Setting the “System 24 H our C lock”(item [1]) tells the systemthe correct tim e of day. If the system is w ithout battery andAC pow er it cannot continue to keep tim e. Therefore w henthe panel is first pow ered up or w hen it has been w ithout ACpow er long enough to com pletely discharge the stand-bybattery, the “System 24 H our C lock”m ust be reset. If the tim eneeds to be reset a “Trouble #8”w ill be indicated on thekeypad (see [][2] “System Troub le C om m and”).

    Auto-arm Time of Day

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[2]

    The PC 3000 can be program m ed to arm at the sam e tim eeach day. Prog ram m ing item [2] sets this tim e and thefeature m ust be enab led as show n in item [5] (see “Auto-armEnable”on this pag e).

    At the selected auto-arm tim e the keyp ad beeper beg ins tosound and the Bell/Siren w ill pulse once every 10 second s toalert anyone on the prem ises that the system is ab out to arm .The Bell/Siren pulse can be silenced in section [51] byturning light 1 on.

    The keypad beeper w ill sound for one m inute before auto-arm ing unless one of the follow ing tw o m ethods is used tocancel the auto-arm .

    •Auto-arm Cancel: Any key can be pressed to cancel theauto-arm sequence and silence the keypad during the onem inute pre-alert (this is the default condition).

    •Auto-arm Cancel with code: If section [51] light 2 is on,then a valid 4 digit access code is req uired to cancel theauto-arm sequence.

    The auto-arm w ill be attem pted at the sam e tim e thefollow ing day. Any tim e an auto-arm is cancelled using oneof the above m ethods, the reporting code p rogram m ed insection [53] w ill be transm itted to the central station.

    W hen the p anel does arm by auto-arm ing, any op en zonesw ill be “Force-arm ed”. There is no exit delay follow ing the 1m inute auto-arm pre-warning . The panel is fully arm ed at them om ent the 1 m inute has expired.

    Quick Arm

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[4]

    The “Q uick Arm ”feature is enabled by p ressing the [4] keyw hile in the “U ser Functions C om m and”section. W henenabled (enab led 3 beeps....disab led one long beep) thepanel can be arm ed by entering [][0]. The closing codetransm itted for “Q uick Arm ”is the sam e as the code w hich isprogram m ed for the M aster C ode.

    Auto-arm Enable

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[5]

    Entering [] [6] [M aster C ode] [5] w ill enable/disable theAuto-arm ing feature. W hen the feature is being Enabled , thekeypad buzzer w ill sound 3 b eeps and w hen being D isabledthe buzzer w ill sound one long beep.

    Door Chime

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[6]

    The “D oor C him e”feature is enabled by pressing the [6] key

    w hile in the “U ser’s Functions C om m and”section. W henenabled the keyp ad buzzer w ill beep quickly 5 tim es eachtim e any zone defined as a d elay or instant circuit op ens orcloses. The “D oor C him e”feature does not op erate on otherzone definitions. Zone bypass m ay be used to elim inate“beeping”on doors w here it is not w anted. This featureop erates only w hile the panel is disarm ed .

    System Test

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[8]

    The system test feature sounds the bell or siren, lights thekeypad indicators and beeps the keypad buzzer for 2second s. If a code is prog ram m ed in section [54] it w ill betransm itted at the sam e tim e.

    User Callup

    []+[6]+[MASTER CODE]+[9]

    This function is enabled in section [47]. W hen activated,the panel w ill call the dow nloading com puter. Thedow nloading com puter m ust be w aiting for the panel to callbefore dow nload ing can be perform ed.

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    Utility Output Command

    []+[7] OR []+[7]+[ACCESS CODE]

    The program m able output (PG M term inal) on the PC 3000can b e m ade to activate by a com m and from the keypad .

    This output can b e used for op erating other devices such as;garage d oor opener, special lighting or door strikes.

    The prog ram m ab le output m ust be selected for keypad utilityusing the [][8][Installer’s C ode][28] com m and andprogram m ing a [2], [3], [4] or [5].

    D epending on the option chosen in the program m ingsection, the prog ram m ab le output is activated by pressingthe [] then [7] keys follow ed by a G roup A access code.G roup B access cod e, any access code, or no cod e at all.W hen the p roper keys are pressed the keypad sound er andthe prog ram m able output are activated for 5 seconds.

    Installer’s Programming Commands

    []+[8]+[INSTALLER’S CODE]

    The PC 3000 is com pletely program m ed from the keypad byusing com m ands in the [] [8] section. The com m ands aredescribed in d etail in the p rogram m ing section of thism anual.

    “At Home” Arming

    []+[9]+[ACCESS CODE]

    Entering [], [9] before the arm ing code, arm s the panelw ithout any entry delay on the delay zones and bypasseszones that are d efined as “H om e-A w ay”. This com m and isused for arm ing the system w hile at hom e. W hen the panel is

    arm ed using [], [9], the “Arm ed”light w ill be on flashing andthe “Byp ass”light w ill be on to indicate that the “H om e-Aw ay”zones are b ypassed . O nce the panel is arm ed in thism ode, using [], [1] will rem ove the bypass from those zonesdefined as “H om e-Aw ay”if they have NOT  been m anuallybypassed. The [], [1] com m and used here, only rem ovesthe bypass from zones that have been A utom aticallybypassed w ith the [], [9] com m and.

    “Quick Arm” Command


    Entering [][0] is accep ted as a valid arm ing code w hen

    the “Q uick A rm ”feature is activated. Q uick A rm m ay beused as a convenience for reg ular users or w hen thesytem is to b e arm ed by ind ividuals w ho are notauthorized to d isarm the system . See instructions in the“[][6] U ser’s Functions C om m and”section for activatingthe “Q uick A rm ”feature. This feature should not beenabled if the O ne Tim e U se C ode is enab led. The O neTim e U se C od e m ust be used for arm ing before it iserased .

    Quick Exit

    []+[0] When Armed

    Entering [] [0] w hen the system is fully arm ed w ill allow theuser 2 m inutes to exit the prem ises through any delay zone

    w ithout altering the status of the system if the Q uick Exitfeature is enab led . The Q uick Exit feature can be enabled byturning on light 6 in section [51]. After [] [0] is entered intoan arm ed system , one and only one delay loop m ay betripped. Any additional activity on any other active loop w illcause that loop to beg in its alarm seq uence.

    [] [0] for Q uick Exit on a partially arm ed system is notsupported.

    Q uick Exit is not designed to extend the Standard ExistD elay.

    Keypad Zones

    There are three zones w hich can b e activated from thekeypad. The alarm and restoral codes for keypad zones areprogram m ed using the [][8] com m and.

    [F]ire Key

    Pressing the [F] key for 2 second s activates a Fire alarm . Thefire alarm sounds the siren/bell in a pulsed m od e and isannunciated as a m em ory condition.

    [A]uxiliary Key

    Pressing the [A] key for 2 seconds activates an A uxiliarykeypad zone. If a rep orting attem pt is m ad e to an alarmreceiver and it is successful the PC 3000 w ill acknow led gethe transm ission w ith a short series of beeps from thekeypad.

    [P]anic Key

    Pressing the [P] key for 2 seconds activates the Police (orPanic) alarm . The panic alarm can be program m ed foraudible or silent operation (see section [18] in “Program m ingG uide”).

    There is no light annunciation from the keypad for the lasttw o keypad zones, how ever, the keypad buzzer beeps 3tim es to confirm activation on any of the keypad zones. If thekeys are held dow n the buzzer continues to b eep. The p anicalarm can b e p rog ram m ed for silent confirm ation in section[51] light 4.

    See section [15] for alarm and restoral codes for all threekeypad zones.

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    The PC 3000 w ith version 7.0 or higher softw are, supports theD SC “dow nload ing”package. See the dow nload ing m anualfor details on sp ecific capabilities.

    There are several sections p ertaining to the dow nloadingfeature w hich m ust be program m ed.

    Section [23]

    The tim e of day that the period ic d ow nload or testtransm ission w ill be done, if selected, is program m ed in thissection.

    Section [26] - Downloading Access Code

    A four digit code m ust be p rog ram m ed into this section toallow access to the control panel by the dow nloadingcom puter.

    Section [46] - Downloading Computer Telephone Number

    If C allback is enabled, section [47] zone light [8], then thissection m ust be program m ed w ith the telephone num ber ofthe dow nloading com puter.

    Section [47] - Modem Configuration

    Zone lights [1] to [4]  are program m ed to set the num ber ofrings the panel w ill look for before it answ ers a call from thedow nload ing com puter.

    Zone light [5]  is prog ram m ed to enable or disab le thecontrol panel for dow nloading. If dow nloading is disabled, allother program m ing sections relating to d ow nloading neednot be program m ed.

    Zone light [6]  enables or disables user initiated callup to thedow nload ing com puter.

    Zone light [7]  enab les or disab les the answ ering m achinedefeat op tion (Answ ering M achine O ver-ride).

    Downloading and Answering Machine

    The PC 3000 softw are provides a m eans to handledow nload ing w hen an answ ering m achine is also connectedto the telephone line. In section [47], if zone light 7 is off, it isassum ed that there is no answ ering m achine connected tothe telephone line and the panel w ill capture the line after theset num ber of ring s.

    If zone light 7 is off and an answ ering m achine is connectedand it is set to answ er before the panel, the panel w ill beunab le to receive a call from a dow nloading com puter. If thepanel is set to answ er before the answ ering m achine, theansw ering m achine w ill be unable to receive incom ingm essages.

    If zone light 7 is on and the panel is called for 1 or 2 ringsonly and then called ag ain w ithin a set tim e of 60 or 120seconds (set in section 51, light 7), the panel w ill thenansw er the second call on the first ring (Answ ering M achineO ver-ride Tim er).

    O nce the panel is connected to a d ow nloading com puter, no[] functions can b e p erform ed. If the [] key is pressedw hile the panel is connected to a dow nloading com puter, thekeypad buzzer w ill sound one long tone to ind icate an error.

    Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8] is prog ram m ed to enable or disab lecallback. If callback is disabled, the dow nloadingcom puter w ill have im m ed iate access to the control panel.The disabled m ode is useful if there are m ultipledow nloading com puters (at different telep hone num bers). Ifcallback is enabled the dow nloading com puter w ill call,req uest access then hang up and w ait for the control panelto call. A fter the control panel has called back and thedow nload ing com puter and the control panel accept each

    other as valid, dow nloading op erations are enab led .

    Section [48] - Panel Identification Code

    A four digit code m ust be p rog ram m ed into this section toallow the dow nloading com puter to identify the panel it iscom m unicating w ith.

    Section [49] - 4th System Option Code

    Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8]Zone light [8] is program m ed to choose betw een periodicdow nload (light O N ) or test transm ission (light O FF).

    Section [51] - 3rd System Option Code

    Zone light [7]Zone light [7]Zone light [7]Zone light [7]Zone light [7] sets the Answ ering M achine O ver-ride Tim erto either 60 or 120 second s for defeating the answ eringm achine.

    See “D ow nloading and A nsw ering M achine”.

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    [01] 1st Phone Number 

    This is the 1st telephone to w hich the com m unicator w ill dial.See section [33] “C om m unicator C all D irection O ptions”.After entering the section num ber [01], enter the

    com m unicator telephone num ber the w ay you w ould dial iton a telephone. Press [#] after the last digit to com plete thetelephone num ber program m ing.

    Enter [ 2  ] to dial a ‘’(H ex B )Enter [ 3  ] for a 4 second pause (H ex C )Enter [ 4  ] for additional dial tone search (H ex D )Enter [ 5  ] to dial a ‘#’(Hex E)

    The total num ber of digits including dial tone searches andpauses m ust not exceed 16. R em em ber to press [#] afterentering the last digit of the phone num ber. Press [02] toprogram the next section, enter another section num ber orpress [#] a second tim e to return to the arm /disarm m od e.

    [02] 1st Account Code

    The 1st account code is alw ays transm itted to the 1st phonenum ber to identify the alarm custom er. After entering theSection num ber [02], enter a 4 digit num ber. If “H EX”digits Ato F are required; enter [], [1]...[6] and [] again to returnkeys to norm al decim al entry. W here a zero d igit in theaccount code is req uired use “H EX A”([][1][] to transm it10 pulses. The receiver at the m onitoring station interprets10 pulses for a digit as a zero. If a three digit code isrequired as in 3/1 form ats, enter [0] as the last digit. [0]represents a null digit....no p ulses transm itted.

    [03] 2nd Phone Number 

    This is the second telephone num ber to w hich thecom m unicator will dial. See section [01] “1st Phone N um ber”for prog ram m ing instructions.

    [04] 2nd Account Code

    The 2nd account code is alw ays transm itted to the 2ndphone num ber. See section [02] “1st A ccount code”forprog ram m ing instructions.

    [05]...[15] Reporting Codes Explanation

    Sections [05] to [15] are used to prog ram the com m unicatorreporting codes. A reporting code is transm itted along w iththe account code w ith each transm ission. If the reportingcodes are not program m ed in these sections notransm ission w ill be sent w hen an event (i.e. alarm , restoral,opening/closing, trouble etc.) takes place. To prevent a

    transm ission from being sent for any event in the follow ingsections leave it unprog ram m ed or enter [00] as therep orting code.

    Eight reporting codes are program m ed in each section.O nce the section num ber is entered, the keypad expects 8tw o digit num bers to b e entered for the 8 rep orting codes inthat section. The keypad beeps tw ice and the “Arm ed”lightflashes after each 2 digit num ber is entered. After the 8thcode is entered, prog ram m ing of the current section iscom plete. The keypad w ill beep 5 tim es, the “Ready”lightw ill go off and the “Arm ed”light w ill go on. The keypad isthen ready to accep t the next section num ber forprogram m ing.

    W hen changing the rep orting codes in a section, only codeentries up to the one w hich is being changed need to beentered . Press [#] to exit from the prog ram m ing seq uence.O nly codes up to the last one entered w ill be chang ed .

    [05] Alarm Reporting Codes Zones 1 to 8

    O nce the Section code [05] is entered , the keyp ad exp ects 8tw o digit num bers to be entered as the rep orting codes forzones 1 to 8 alarm s (restorals in Section [07]). These codesare used by the com m unicator w hen there has been analarm on zones 1 to 8. Listed below are severalprog ram m ing exam ples and the resulting transm ission usingdifferent form ats for the reporting codes. O btaining differentform ats requires entering data correctly in the account codesection ([02] or [04]) reporting codes sections ([05] to [15])and com m unication form at op tions, section ([27]).

    3/1 Format....Single Line or Non-extended Reporting

    Required:•3 digit account code in sections [02] or [04]i.e. enter [1230] for account code 123

    •Form at code [0], [1], [2], [3], [4] depending on receivertype selected in section [27]

    •Single digit alarm reporting code in section [05]i.e. enter [30] for single digit code 3 (0 is null digit i.e. nopulses transm itted)

    Transm ission sent:•123 3

    4/2 Format....Single Line Reporting


    •4 d igit account code in Sections [02] or [04]i.e. enter [1234] for account code 1234

    •Form at code [0], [1], [2], [3], [4] depending on receivertype selected in section [27]

    •Tw o digit alarm rep orting code in section [05]i.e. enter [31] for tw o digit code 31

    Transm ission sent:•1234 31

    3/1 Format....Extended Reporting


    •3 d igit account code in Sections [02] or [04]

    i.e. enter [1230] for account code 123•Form at cod e [8], [9], [A ], [B], [C ] dep ending on receivertype selected in section [27]

    •Tw o digit alarm rep orting code in section [05]i.e. enter [31]

    Transm ission sent:•1st round 123 3•2nd round 333 1

    If a transm ission is not w anted for a particular reportingcode, then enter 00 to disable that rep orting code.

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    [06] Alarm Reporting Codes

    Zones 9 to 16

    These reporting codes are used by the com m unicator totransm it a zone alarm for zones 9 to 16. U se instructions in

    section [05] as a guide for prog ram m ing.

    [07] Restoral Reporting Codes

    Zones 1 to 8

    These reporting codes are used by the com m unicator totransm it a zone restoral for zones 1 to 8. U se instructions insection [05] as a guide for prog ram m ing.

    [08] Restoral Reporting Codes

    Zones 9 to 16

    These reporting codes are used by the com m unicator totransm it a zone restoral for zones 9 to 16. U se instructions in

    section [05] as a guide for prog ram m ing.

    [09] Utility Alarm Reporting Codes

    These reporting codes are used by the com m unicator totransm it the follow ing conditions.•Fire Zone•Auxiliary Input Zone•Battery Trouble•AC Failure Trouble•Day Zone(s) Trouble•Bell C ircuit Trouble•Fire Z one Trouble•Auxiliary Pow er Supply Trouble

    U se instructions in section [05] as a g uide for prog ram m ing .See “Term inal C onnections”section of m anual for adescription of the operation of the Fire Zone and the AuxiliaryInput Zone. Section [28] contains options for A uxiliary InputZone. The B attery Trouble rep orting code w ill be sent w henthe battery voltage drops b elow 11.5 volts. This reportingcode w ill also be sent because of a battery fuse failure. Thebattery is tested under load every 10 seconds. O nly onetransm ission w ill be sent during an arm or disarm period toprevent m ultiple transm ission from a w eak battery. The A CFailure Trouble reporting code w ill be sent after the delaytim e prog ram m ed in section [22]. This preventstransm issions during tem porary pow er failures. AuxiliaryPow er Sup ply Trouble rep orting code is sent w hen the

    auxiliary pow er supply fuse failed. The Bell C ircuit Troublereporting code is sent w hen the bell circuit is open or thefuse failed. The Fire Z one Trouble code is sent w hen the firezone becom es op en circuit (E.O .L. resistor is disconnected ).The D ay Zone Trouble code is sent w hen any zone definedas a D ay Z one (see section [16], [17]) goes op en w hen thesystem is disarm ed. See [][2] “Troub le C om m and”sectionfor additional description of troubles.

    [10] Utility Restoral Reporting Codes

    These reporting codes are used by the com m unicator totransm it the follow ing list of restoral conditions w hichcorrespond to alarm cond itions in section [09]. U se

    instructions in section [05] as a guide for prog ram m ing .•Fire Zone•Auxiliary Input Zone•Battery Trouble•AC Trouble•Day Zone(s) Trouble•Bell C ircuit Trouble•Fire Zone Trouble•Auxiliary Pow er Supply Trouble

    [11] Reporting Codes for Closing

    (Arming) via Access Codes 1 to 8

    The reporting codes in sections [11] to [14] are used toidentify “O pening s and C losing s”(disarm ing and arm ing ofthe system ) by user access code.

    After entering the section code [11], enter 8 tw o digitreporting codes. The 8 rep orting codes corresp ond to thefirst 8 access codes w hich are p rogram m ed using the [][5]com m and. W hen the system is arm ed using one of theaccess cod es, the corresp onding reporting code istransm itted.

    W hen transm itting in any of the extended form ats, (seeexam ples in section [05]), closing codes w ould beprog ram m ed as follow s. [C 1], [C 2], [C 3], [C 4], [C 5], [C 6],[C 7], [C 8]........

    W here the first digit “H EX C”is one w hich is used torep resent a closing signal (this could be another num berdep ending on w hat is used at the m onitoring station) the 2nd

    digit rep resents the access code w hich w as used to arm thesystem .

    The closing code transm ission takes place after the exitdelay tim e. Therefore if the system is arm ed and disarm edbefore the expiry of the exit tim e, no transm ission w ill takeplace.

    R em em ber that the 1st user code is the m aster code andthat the 16th cod e m ay be the tem porary or m aid’s code.The 16th user code can be converted to a norm al cod eusing one of the options in section [18].

    W hen the system has b een arm ed using “Q uick A rm ”[][0]or “Auto-arm ”(see [][6] “Keypad C om m ands”), the 1strep orting cod e (rep orting code for m aster code) w ill betransm itted . The m aster code is req uired to enab le or disable

    these functions.W hen the system is arm ed w ith one or m ore zones bypassed(see [][1] com m and for zone bypassing), the m onitoringstation can be notified by p rog ram m ing the Partial Armreporting in section [15]. N ote that the Partial C losing code issent in tandem w ith the regular closing code to identify it asa partial closing condition.

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    [12] Reporting Codes for Closing

    (Arming) via Access Codes 9 to 16

    See section [11] for further inform ation.

    [13] Reporting Codes for Opening

    (Disarming) via Access Codes 1 to 8

    The 8 rep orting codes correspond to the first 8 user accesscodes w hich are program m ed using the [][5] com m and.W hen the system is disarm ed using one of the accesscodes, the corresponding reporting code in this section istransm itted.

    See section [11] for an exam ple of “O pening and C losing”reporting code program m ing.

    [14] Reporting Codes for Opening

    (Disarming) via Access Codes 9 to 16

    See section [13] for further inform ation.[15] Reporting Codes for Miscellaneous


    The rep orting codes prog ram m ed in this section includ e thePartial C losing code described in section [11], A larm andRestoral codes for the keyp ad zones and the Period ic Testrep orting code (every 1 to 99 days). The Period ic Test cycletim e is set in Section [22] and reporting tim e of day is set insection [23].

    The reporting codes are p rog ram m ed in the follow ing order.•Partial C losing

    •Keypad P anic A larm [P]•Keypad Fire A larm [F]•Keyp ad Auxiliary A larm [A ]

    •Keypad Panic R estoral [P]•Keypad Fire R estoral [F]•Keypad A uxiliary Restoral [A ]•Period ic Test Transm ission

    [16] Zone Definitions for Zones 1 to 8

    As in the rep orting codes, once this section num ber isentered, 8 tw o digit num bers are req uired . Each 2 digitnum ber entered describes how a zone w ill operate. The 8tw o digit num bers entered correspond to zone definitions forzones 1 to 8.

    The first digit entered determ ines w hether the zone w ill beaudible or silent and w hether it w ill have a fast or slow

    resp onse tim e (loop resp onse tim e m ay be altered in section[22]). The second digit determ ines the zone type (i.e. delay,instant, interior, or 24 hour zone).

    1st DIGIT 2nd DIGIT0 = Slow , audible 0 = D elay1 = Slow , silent 1 = Instant2 = Fast, audible 2 = Interior3 = Fast, silent 3 = Interior H om e-aw ay

    4 = 24 H our..bell5 = 24 H our..bell/buzzer6 = 24 H our buzzer7 = D ouble d elay8 = 4 X Delay9 = D a yA = D elay H om e-away

    A ll of the zone types, except the 24 hour loops and dayzone, have an exit delay (see section [22] for setting exit andentry d elay tim es). A ll zones w ith an exit delay m ay betripped during the exit delay w ithout creating an alarm .

    If you are not fam iliar w ith the different loop typ es, test themto see how they function. To avoid confusion, be sure the exittim e has expired before creating alarm s (“Ready”light w illgo out w hen exit tim e has expired). Set short exit and entry

    tim es for testing.[0] Delay Zone is used for the exit/entry d oor. It has anexit delay and an entry delay. The exit delay starts assoon as the p anel is arm ed. The zone m ay be opened andclosed during the exit delay w ithout creating an alarm .A fter the exit delay has expired, an op en on the zone w illcause the entry d elay tim e to start. D uring the entry tim ethe keypad buzzers w ill sound steady. If the panel isdisarm ed before the entry tim e expires no alarm w ill begenerated . Typ e [7] and [8] D elay zones are used w herea long er entry delay tim e is req uired such as w ith agarag e door. W ith these tw o zone types the exit delay isthe sam e as the type [0] delay. H ow ever, the entry d elaytim es are either 2 or 4 tim es as long (set the exit delay

    tim e for the m axim um req uired ).[1] Instant Zone is norm ally used for door and w ind owcontacts. This zone has a norm al exit delay but w illgenerate an alarm im m ed iately w hen opened after the exitdelay.

    [2] Interior and [3] Interior Home-Away Zones are usedw ith interior m otion detectors. B oth zones have stand ardexit delays. They also have entry delays provided that adelay zone has been tripped first. If the b uilding isentered w ithout com ing through the norm al delayentrance and a type [2] or [3] zone is tripped , anim m ed iate alarm w ill be generated . The type [3] zone isbypassed if the system is arm ed using the [][9]com m and (at hom e arm ing ) or if a D elay zone is not

    tripped during the exit delay.[4], [5] and [6] 24 Hour Zones provide different audiblevariations. 24 H our Zones are alw ays active and create analarm w hether or not the panel is arm ed . Typ e [4] alw aysrings the bell or siren. Typ e [5] rings the bell or siren w henarm ed and the keypad buzzer w hen d isarm ed. Type [6]alw ays sound s the keyp ad buzzer.

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    [7] Double Delay and [8] 4 x Delay Zones feature entrydelay that are 2 tim es and 4 tim es as long as a norm alentry delay. They w ould be used for zones that req uire anextra long entry delay tim e; for exam ple, an overheadgarage door.

    The E xit D elay for these tw o zones is sam e as Exit D elayprog ram m ed in section [22].

    [9] Day Zone is a variation of a 24 hour zone. It operatesas a type [5] zone b y ring ing the bell or siren w hen arm edand the keypad buzzer w hen disarm ed (2 b eep s every 10seconds; pressing any key silences keypad buzzer).H ow ever, a trouble transm ission (prog ram m ed in section[10]) is sent w hen the system is disarm ed rather than analarm transm ission (prog ram m ed in section [05] and/or[06]).

    [A] Delay Home-Away Zone operates the sam e w ay asthe Typ e [3] zone w ith the follow ing exception. If thezones are not bypassed m anually ([] [1] bypassed or [][9] arm ed), or autom atically (not opening a d elay zoneduring the exit delay), and the zone is tripped, a standardentry delay w ill be initiated. This allow s the user to disarmthe system preventing false alarm s inside the prem ises.U pon entering [] [1] to activate H om e-A w ay zones, thetype [A] zone w ill have a standard exit delay.

    [17] Zone Definitions for Zones 9 to 16

    1st DIGIT 2nd DIGIT

    0 = Slow , audible 0 = D elay1 = Slow , silent 1 = Instant

    2 = Interior3 = Interior H om e-aw ay

    Note:Note:Note:Note:Note: 4 = 24 H our..bell

    Zones 9-16 cannot beZones 9-16 cannot beZones 9-16 cannot beZones 9-16 cannot beZones 9-16 cannot be 5 = 24 H our..bell/buzzer programmed for fast programmed for fast programmed for fast programmed for fast programmed for fast 6 = 24 H our buzzerresponse - Do not useresponse - Do not useresponse - Do not useresponse - Do not useresponse - Do not use 7 = D ouble delayfast response devicesfast response devicesfast response devicesfast response devicesfast response devices 8 = 4 X Delayon these loops.on these loops.on these loops.on these loops.on these loops. 9 = D a ye.g. vibration detector.e.g. vibration detector.e.g. vibration detector.e.g. vibration detector.e.g. vibration detector. A = D elay H om e-away

    [18] 1st System Option Code

    The First System O ption C od e is set using the Zone Lights asshow n in the tab le below . O nce section [18] is entered,Zone Lights 1 through 8 w ill indicate the status of eachoption. Press the num ber key corresp onding to the Z oneLight to turn the Zone Light O N or O FF. P ress [0] to turn all

    the Z one Lights O FF.[1] Communicator Disabled / Enabled

    O N = C om m unicator D isabled.The system ’s com m unicator will be shut off and eventsw ill not be transm itted to the m onitoring station.

    Note: Downloading functions may still be performed if they are enabled.

    O FF = C om m unicator Enabled.The system ’s com m unicator will be enabled and allevents w ith reporting codes w ill be reported to them onitoring station. R efer to the Telep hone N um ber,Reporting C ode and C all D irection Program m ing


    [2] Restorals Reporting Option

    O N = R estorals on Bell Tim e-O ut.Zone restoral reporting codes w ill not be transm itted untilthe zone has b een restored and the B ell C ut-off Tim e hasexpired. If the zone is still active w hen the B ell C ut-offTim e expires, the restoral w ill be transm itted w hen thezone restores or w hen the system is disarm ed .

    O FF = Restorals on D isarm ing.Zone restoral reporting codes w ill not be transm itted untilthe zone has been m echanically restored and thesystem has been d isarm ed.

    Notes: If any zones other than 24-hour Burglary Zones are open when the system is armed, their restoral reporting codes will be transmitted upon disarming.

    This option does not apply to the Fire Zone. The Fire Zone restoral reporting code will only be transmitted when the zone is mechanically restored.

    While the system is disarmed, restoral codes for 24- hour Zones will be transmitted when the zones are mechanically restored, regardless of the option programmed. While the system is armed, 24-hour restoral reporting codes will be transmitted according to the option selected.

    [3] Alarm Display Options

    O N = Alarm s Alw ays Displayed.Alarm conditions w ill be d isplayed on system keyp ad s

    w hether the system is in the arm ed or disarm ed state.O FF = Alarm s D isplayed W hile D isarm ed O nly.Alarm cond itions w ill be d isplayed only w hen the systemis in the disarm ed state.

    [4] DTMF or Pulse Dialing

    O N = D TM F D ialing.The control panel w ill dial telep hone num bers usingD TM F (dual tone m ulti-freq uency) dialing .

    O FF = Pulse D ialing.The control panel w ill dial telep hone num bers usingpulse (rotary) dialing.

    [5] Zone Loop Options

    O N = N orm ally Closed Zones.

    All zones are w ired as norm ally closed circuits w ithreturn to g round . A n alarm w ill be g enerated w hen thecircuit is opened.

    O FF = End-of-Line Resistor Zones.All zones m ust be w ired w ith an end-of-line resistorconnected betw een the ZO N E and C O M term inals. Analarm w ill be generated w hen the circuit is op ened orshorted. If the zone is prog ram m ed as a Fire Zone, anopen circuit w ill be reported as a Fire Trouble, and ashort circuit w ill be reported as a Fire Alarm .

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    [6] [P] Key Bell Options

    O N = [P] Key A udible A larm .The B ELL output w ill be activated w hen the [P] Key ispressed and held for 2 seconds.

    O FF = [P] K ey S ilent Alarm .The B ELL output w ill not be activated w hen a [P] KeyAlarm is generated .

    [7] Transmission Back-up Options

    O N = C all First Telephone N um ber O nly.W hen events program m ed to report to the FirstTelephone N um ber are to be transm itted, up to eightattem pts w ill be m ad e to com m unicate to the FirstTelephone N um ber. If all eight attem pts to com m unicatefail, a Failure to C om m unicate Troub le w ill be generated .

    O FF = Back-up to Second Telephone N um ber.If eight attem pts to com m unicate to the First Telep honeN um ber fail, up to eight attem pts w ill be m ad e tocom m unicate to the Second Telephone N um ber. If alleight attem pts to com m unicate to the Second Telephone

    N um ber fail, a Failure to C om m unicate Trouble w ill begenerated. D o not select Back-up to Second TelephoneN um ber if a Second Telephone N um ber is notprogram m ed is section [03]. A lso, refer to section [33]C om m unicator Call D irection O ptions.

    [8] One Time Use Code Option

    O N = O ne Tim e U se C ode Enabled.Access C ode 16 m ay be used to disarm and then laterarm the system only once. A fter the O ne Tim e U se C odeis used to arm the system , it w ill be deleted and w ill notbe able to arm or disarm the system .

    O FF = O ne Tim e U se Cod e D isabled.Access C ode 16 functions as a norm al A ccess C ode.

    [19] 2nd System Option Code

    Refer to section [18] First System O ption C od e forprog ram m ing instructions.

    [1] Bell Pulse Options

    O N = B ell Pulses for A ll Alarm s.The bell or siren w ill pulse for all types of alarm s.

    O FF = B ell Pulses for Fire A larm O nly.The bell or siren w ill pulse for Fire and [F] K ey alarm s.For all other audible alarm s, the bell or siren w ill sound asteady alarm .

    [2] Master Code Options

    O N = M aster C ode N ot U ser-C hangeab le.

    The M aster C ode m ay not be changed by the user, andm ay only be prog ram m ed in the Installer’s Prog ram m ingM ode.

    O FF = M aster C ode U ser-C hangeab le.The M aster C ode m ay be program m ed b y the user usingthe [][5][M aster C ode] com m and. The M aster C odem ay also be prog ram m ed in the Installer’s Prog ram m ingM ode.

    [3] Bell Squawk Options

    O N = Bell Sq uaw k on Arm ing and D isarm ing.The bell or siren w ill sound a sing le sq uaw k w hen thesystem is being arm ed, and a double squaw k w hen thesystem is being disarm ed.

    O FF = N o B ell Squaw k.The b ell or siren w ill not squaw k w hen the system isarm ed or disarm ed.

    [4] PC16OUT Options

    O N = PC 16O U T M odule Enabled.A PC 16O U T m odule m ay be connected to the controlpanel; refer to the PC 16O U T Installation Sheet.

    O FF = PC 16O U T M odule D isabled.The system w ill not support the use of a PC 16O U TM odule.

    [5] Telephone Line Monitor Trouble Options

    O N = TLM G enerates Troub le C ondition.

    A Telep hone Line M onitor Trouble w ill generate a troubleindication; the “Trouble”light w ill com e O N and thekeypad sounder will beep until the [][2] View TroubleC onditions C om m and is entered.

    O FF = TLM G enerates Alarm W hen Arm ed.W hen the system is disarm ed, a Telephone Line M onitorTrouble w ill generate a trouble indication as describedabove. If the system is arm ed , a Telep hone Line M onitortrouble w ill generate an audible alarm on the b ell orsiren.

    [6] Radionics Handshake Frequency Selection

    O N = 1400H z Handshake.The system w ill accept handshake tones at 1400H zw hen using R adionics com m unications form ats.

    O FF = 2300Hz H andshake.The system w ill accept handshake tones at 2300H zw hen using R adionics com m unications form ats.

    C onsult w ith the m onitoring station to d eterm ine w hichcom m unication form ats and handshake frequencies arereq uired .

    [7] Telephone Line Monitor Disabled / Enabled

    O N = Telephone Line M onitor D isabled.The TLM function w ill be shut off and telep hone linetroubles w ill not be indicated by the system .

    O FF = Telephone Line M onitor Enab led.The TLM function w ill be active and the system w ill rep orttelephone line troubles by indicating Trouble C ondition 4

    w hen using the [][2] View Trouble C onditionsCom m and.

    [8] Bypass and Access Code Options

    O N = Access C ode R equired to Bypass Zones.After entering the [][1] Bypass Zones C om m and, anAccess C ode m ust be entered b efore zones m ay bebypassed.

    O FF = Access C ode N ot Required to B ypass Zones.Enter the [][1] B ypass Zones C om m and to bypasszones.

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    If a test transm ission fails to com m unicate after allattem pts and a Fail To C om m unicate Trouble isgenerated , then that rep orting cod e is erased from thebuffer and w ill not be transm itted w ith the next successfulcom m unication.

    [23] System Clock Times

    After the section num ber [23] is entered, tw o 4 digit num bersare expected . These num bers are the follow ing systemtim es:•Autom atic arm ing tim e of day (H H :M M )•Test transm ission tim e of day (H H :M M )

    Tim es are entered using the “24 hour clock”(m ilitary tim e).Valid entries are 00 to 23 for H H (i.e. hours) and 00 to 59 forM M (i.e. m inutes). Note: IF INVALID TIMES ARE ENTERED FUNCTIONS WILL NOT WORK. The automatic arm function is enabled and disabled using the [   ][6][Master Code] User’s Functions Command.

    [24] New Installer’s Code

    [25] New Master Code (A ccess Cod e N um ber 1)

    [26] Downloading Access Code

    Enter a new 4 d igit code in each of sections 24, 25 and 26once the section num ber has been entered . O nly use digits0 to 9 as cod e num bers. D o not press the [] or [#] keys.

    Note: If an error is made in entering a code, continue to 

    enter the four digits then enter the section number again and re-enter the correct code. Do not press the [   ] or [#] while entering these codes. Do not make any of the three codes the same.

    [27] Communicator Format Options

    This section sets the type of form at w hich w ill be sent to eachof the tw o telephone num bers program m ed in sections [1]and [3]. Enter one H EX digit (i.e. w hen entering H EX “A”press [][1][]) for each. The num ber entered for eachphone num ber is determ ined by the requirem ents of thereceiver being called. Enter the form at num ber for the “1stTelep hone N um ber”first. It is necessary to prog ram theform at num ber for each telep hone num ber even if the first

    phone num ber is the only one being used. O ptions are asfollow s.

    [0] Silent Knight/Adem co slow , 10 B PS (1400 H zhandshake) 3/1 and 4/1, 4/2 non extended form at

    [1] Sescoa, Franklin, D C I, Vertex, 20 BPS (2300 H zhandshake) 3/1 and 4/1, 4/2 non extended form at

    [2] Silent K night fast, 20 B PS (1400 H z handshake)3/1 and 4/1, 4/2 non extended form at

    [20] Zones 1 to 8 Bypass Mask

    U se the sam e m ethod of program m ing as used in section[18]. U sing this section it is possible to control w hich zonesthe user is able to bypass using the [][1] com m and. If the

    zone light is on the zone can be bypassed. If the zone light isoff that zone cannot be bypassed .

    [21] Zones 9 to 16 Bypass Mask

    U se sam e m ethod of program m ing as used in section [20].

    Note: Zone lights 1 to 8 represent zones 9 to 16 in this section, to allow single digit entry.

    [22] System Times

    O nce the section num ber is entered , 6 three digit num bersare expected to be entered. The valid range for entries in this

    section is 001 to 255. H ex values or 000 are not allow ed . Thetim es are entered in the follow ing order:

    •Entry delay tim e (in second s)

    •Exit delay tim e (in seconds)

    •Bell cut off tim e (in m inutes)

    •D elay before A C failure trouble reporting (in m inutes)

    •Slow loop resp onse tim e (in 10 m s increm ents)D efault loop response - 500 m s

    •Test transm ission/period ic dow nload cycle tim e (in days)

    AC Failure Reporting Code is transm itted after the delayprogram m ed, w hich m ay be up to 255 m inutes. Therep orting code for A C Failure Trouble is prog ram m ed insections [09] and [10].

    The Zone Response Time is the length of tim e that analarm cond ition m ust be present on a zone before it isdetected . C ertain vibration detectors, shock sensors andglass break detectors req uire a fast response zone inorder to operate. The zones to w hich these types ofdetectors are connected should be p rogram m ed as fastresp onse zones. A ll other zones should b e prog ram m edas slow resp onse zones. Z ones are defined as either fastor slow response tim e in S ection [16]. The fast responsetim e is fixed at 10 m illiseconds. The S low Zone R esp onseTim e is prog ram m ab le in increm ents of 10 m illiseconds.The norm al entry w ould be 50 for a 500 m s slow responsetim e.

    A Test Transmission or a Periodic Download m ay be

    done according to how section [49] light 8 is set. The testtransm ission and period ic d ow nload both use the sam ecycle tim e w hich is set in section [22] and the sam e tim eof day as set in section [23]. The test transm ission is sentto the m onitoring station to confirm that thecom m unication link is intact. The rep orting cod e m ust beprog ram m ed in section [15]. The period ic dow nload m ustbe used in conjunction w ith the dow nloading com puter“w aiting for a panel to call”.

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    [3] Radionics, (2300/1400 H z handshake)3/1, 4/2 non extended form at

    [4] Radionics, (2300/1400 H z handshake)3/1, 4/2 non extended w ith parity form at

    [5] Sescoa super speed[6] N ot used

    [7] N ot used

    [8] Silent K night/A dem co slow , 10 BPS (1400 H zhandshake)3/1 extended form at

    [9] Sescoa, Franklin, D C I, Vertex, 20 B PS (2300 H zhandshake) 3/1 extended form at

    [A ] Silent Knight/Adem co fast, 20 B PS (1400 H z handshake)3/1 extended form at

    [B ] Radionics, (2300/1400 H z handshake) 3/1 extendedform at

    [C ] Radionics, (2300/1400 H z handshake) 3/1 extended w ith

    parity form at[D ] Sescoa super speed (w ith identified op ening s/closing s)

    [E] N ot used

    [F] N ot used

    10 BPS and 20 BPS Formats

    10 B PS is the standard slow form at used on Silent Knight/Adem co receivers.DATA=1900 Hz KISSO FF=1400 Hz SPEED=10 BAUD

    20 B PS is the standard fast form at used on D C I, Franklin,Sescoa and Vertex receivers.DATA=1800 Hz KISSO FF=2300 Hz SPEED=20 BAUD

    Radionics Format

    For conventional 3/1 R adionics form at the com m unicationsm od e should be set to either R adionics round s [B ] orRad ionics parity [C ]. The extended version of the Rad ionicsform at is norm ally used. The follow ing guidelines have beenprovided to help in configuring the PC 3000 for Rad ionicsform at.

    1.The custom er account code m ust be only 3 digits w ith azero m aking up the 4th d igit (i.e. prog ram 1230 for

    account code 123).

    2.The zone alarm rep orting codes m ust all be sing le d igitnum erical codes w ith no extended 2nd round being sent.The zero in the 2nd digit of the reporting code tells thePC 3000 not to send an extend ed round.

    3.A ll other non-alarm rep orting codes m ust be set up tosend an extended 2nd round . The 1st digit of the rep ortingcode is used to identify the event w hile the 2nd orextended digit is used to associate the event w ith aparticular item . (i.e. A reporting code of E3 m eans restorezone 3. E for restore and 3 for zone 3.)

    4.The follow ing is a list of 1st digit identifiers that should beused w ith the R ad ionics form at.

    R estorals “E” Exam ple “E3”= Restore Zone 3O penings “B”Exam ple “B2”= O pening by U ser 2C losings “C” Exam ple “C 4”= C losing by U ser 4Troubles “F” Exam ple “F5”= Trouble from Source 5M isc “D” Exam ple “D 1”= Partial C losing

    Sescoa Super Speed Format

    The Sescoa Super Sp eed Form at m ust be program m edexactly as follow s to function correctly.

    1.The account code m ust be four decim al digits in lengthand in the range of 0001 to 3374.

    2.The rep orting codes m ust be 2 digits in length andprogram m ed as follow s.Alarm s Zones 1-8 (section [05]) A1 to A8Alarm s Zones 9 -16 (section [06]) A9, 1A, 11 to 16R estorals Zones 1-8 (section [07]) A 1 to A8

    R estorals Zones 9 -16 (section [08]) A 9, 1A , 11 to 16A ll O pening C od es (sections [13] and [14])B AA ll C losing C od es (sections [11] and [12]) C AP artial C losing (section [15]) C 1Low Battery (section [09]) E1Battery Restorals (section [10]) E1A C Failure (section [09]) E1A C Restoral (section [10]) E1Bell CC T. Trouble (section [09]) F1Bell C C T. Restoral (section [10]) F1Troubles (sections [09] and [10]) AAM isc A larm s (section [15]) (A 1 to 99)Test C ode (section [15]) 1C or D CSystem Test Code (section [54]) CC

    After Alarm Code (section [50]) B1A uto-arm C ancel C ode (section [53]) C 8TLM Restoral Code (section [45]) EE

    [28] Programmable Input and Output


    Both the Auxiliary Input Zone and the Program m able O utputhave op tions w hich are prog ram m ed in this section. After thesection num ber [28] is entered, enter 2 H EX digits from thefollow ing lists.

    1st Digit Auxiliary Input Zone[0] Not used

    [1] Silent 24 Hour Input[2] Audible 24 Hour Input

    [3] Momentary Arming Input

    [4] Forced Answer

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    W hen option [4] is selected, a high input (+12 V) w ill forcethe panel to p ick up the phone line and aw aitcom m unications from dow nloading . This op tion is used foron-site dow nloading or for use w ith the LIN KS 1000 C ellularAlarm Transm itter.

    See Auxiliary Input Term inal in the “Term inal C onnections”section on p age 4 for details on the A uxiliary Input. W henop tion [3] is selected , a m om entary key closure betw een theAuxiliary Input and the Positive Auxiliary Pow er Supply w illalternately arm and disarm the system . The rep orting codesfor the Auxiliary Input (sections [9] and [10]) can b e used asopening and closing codes for key arm ing but w ill only betransm itted w ith side A op ening s and closing s.

    2nd Digit Programmable OutputSee prog ram m able O utput Term inal in the “Term inalC onnections”section on pag e 4 for details on connectingthe “PG M O U T”term inal.

    [0] LINKS Support Output. Select this option if a LIN K S1000 C ellular A larm Transm itter is to be used w ith thepanel. The P G M output term inal is used to control theLIN K S 1000. The PG M output w ill activate the LIN KS1000 after an unsuccessful com m unication attem pt onthe regular phone line.

    [1] Ground Start Pulse provides a 2 second ground startpulse before dialing begins to obtain the dial tone onground start telephone equipm ent.

    [2] Utility Output ([], [7]) no access code

    [3] Utility Output ([], [7]) any access code

    [4] Utility Output ([], [7]) Group A access code

    [5] Utility Output ([], [7]) Group B access code

    These options change the “PG M O U T”term inal to differentoptions used w ith the keypad utility output [][7] com m and.See U tility O utput C om m and in the “Keypad C om m and”section.

    [6] Keypad Buzzer Follow Mode. W ith this option the “PG MO U T”term inal sw itches to ground as long as the keyp adbuzzer is on.

    [7] System Status (Arm/Disarm) Output. W ith this optionthe “PG M O U T”term inal sw itches to ground w hen thepanel is arm ed. The sw itch is open w hen the panel isdisarm ed.

    [8] Strobe Output (latched alarm output). W ith this optionthe “PG M O U T”term inal sw itches to g round after analarm and rem ains sw itched on until the system isdisarm ed.

    [9] Failure to Communicate Output. W ith this option the“PG M O U T”term inal sw itches to g round if the systemfails to com m unicate w ith the m onitoring station after 8attem pts. The output stays sw itched to ground until asuccessful com m unication takes place or until trouble #5is cleared from the keyp ad . This op tion m ay b e used totie tw o system s together. O ne system can then be m adeto report a com m unication failure for the other.

    [A] TL