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  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    BY-Pavan M Dave


  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    Mc Donald

    KFCBurger king

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019



    Slogans: McDonalds. I'mlovin' it.

    What you want iswhat you get

    It's a good time for

    the great taste ofMcDonalds

    Nothing can do itlike McDonald's

    You deserve abreak

    McDonald'sWe love to see you


  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    Remember that McDonald's isn't just selling burgers and fries. Itsells fast food that tastes the same, no matter when or where it'sordered, in an environment that's clean and friendly to families.

    A cheeseburger is a cheeseburger, you may think. But look howMcDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's differentiate their fastfood. They offer different side dishes (onion rings at Burger King,french-fried potatoes at McDonald's), different toys with kids'meals (a big incentive for the under-age-10 set), and differentways of cooking their burgers (Burger King's are broiled,

    McDonald's, grilled).

    In New England, McDonald's is the only fast-food chain to offerlobster rolls (a lobster salad sandwich served in a grilled hot-dogroll) in the summer.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    Kids need a variety of foods and nutrients every day to help themgrow strong, play long, and learn better in school. Wereconstantly looking at our menu to ensure were giving ourcustomers (including our youngest guests) a selection of balanced


    Dr. Cynthia Goody, Director of Nutrition at McDonalds, is aregistered and licensed dietitian and a member of the AmericanDietetic Association, the world's largest organization of food and

    nutrition professionals. Dr. Goody oversees McDonald's nutritionstrategy, serves as a brand spokesperson and provides expertise indeveloping the McDonalds U.S. menu.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019



    Slogan: "Have it your way"- Burger KingWhat they are reallysaying: We care about you,what you want matters to

    us. We are willing to dothings different just foryou, our customers arespecial to us.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    The first element of the solution consisted of carving a unique fastfood identity for Burger King that would clearly distinguish itfrom McDonald's. Contrary to its rival, Burger King did not havethe advertising budgets to communicate a spectrum of menuitems, therefore it was necessary to be single-focused.

    Burger King chose to concentrate on a narrower productpositioning. Burger King opted for a hamburger-focusedadvertising positioning that would hopefully make them theQuebec hamburger fast food specialists.

    Translating this positioning into advertising, it was decided tofocus the campaign on Burger King's most popular product: theWhopper. Taste test research conducted by Burger King indicatedthat consumers preferred the grilled taste of the beef andcondiments found in the Whopper more than McDonald'schopped condiments and fried Big Mac.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019



    Wendy's Old FashionedHamburgers, fast foodrestaurantsSlogans: Do what tastesright.

    Wendy's. Qualityis our Recipe.

    It's better here.Where's the Beef?

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    Wendy's really has flipped its wig. The No. 3 burger chain haselected to focus on adult consumers rather than "heavy fast-foodusers" ages 18-24a move that some analysts are calling risky.

    Innovations like Wendy's Garden Sensations Salads, launched

    under Calwell's watch, will be harder to come by since the burgerscene has changed dramatically.

    Namely, older consumers tend to gravitate away from fast food.Wendy's is currently attempting to lure them back in with itsthree-pronged value-menu approach, which offers the DoubleS

    tack Cheeseburger, Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and Crispy ChickenSandwich for 99 cents. But, unlike the late 1980s when the chaincreated the 99-cent value menu concept, the playing field has beenleveled.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    In 1979, Wendy's was the first fast-food chain to introduce thesalad bar. Garden Sensations salads were added in 2002Read more:

    The Wendy's new fries will be in what's known as "the boardwalkstyle," using Russet potatoes with the skin on, cut thinner andsmaller, cooked in a revised blend of vegetable oils, and sprinkledwith sea salt, and more salt than before. An advertising campaignfor the new fries is about to begin. The fries have been test-marketed in five cities over 2010, and the company is pleased withthe results.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019



    Kentucky Fried Chicken -KFCAd slogans: There's FastFood, Then There's KFC.

    We do chicken

    right.Finger Lickin'


  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    KFC has to be positioned appropriately to the cultural mooringsof the country.

    The chicken in the KFC may have to infect be submerged in avegan conservative cultural environment. Also the messages thatit maintains an absolutely strict QC checks to ensure palatabilityand the safety in the foods (free of steroidal elements etc) shouldbe part of its HQC positioning, with a sense of value addition and

    ethnic drama to the presentation of the wares.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    During the Great Depression in the 1930s, Colonel HarlandSanders served fried chicken at a gas station he owned in NorthCorbin, Kentucky. He named his restaurant Sanders Court andCaf.

    Although ColonelS

    anders began selling his famous chicken in1929, he actually founded Kentucky Fried Chicken as a franchisein 1952 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    Colonel Sanders restaurant was so successful that in 1936,Kentucky Governor Ruby Laffoon named Sanders the KentuckyColonel.

  • 8/7/2019 pavan 10mba019


    Colonel Sanders original handwritten recipe is located in a secretlocked room at KFCs main headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky.In fact, the recipe is so secretive that only 2 company executiveshave the key to the room where its located. KFC also usesmultiple suppliers to prevent any single supplier from having thecomplete ingredients list for the chicken spices.

    In 2006, KFC created a logo made up of 65,000 square tiles.The company claimed that it could be seen from space.Honestly, what are we trying to do? Let aliens know theycan stop at KFC on the journey to their home planet?

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