paul, the man december 12, 2010. we’re throwing the whole project 4:4 schedule out the window... ...

Paul, The Man December 12, 2010

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Page 1: Paul, The Man December 12, 2010.  We’re throwing the whole Project 4:4 schedule out the window...  And focusing on Paul the man  Class, Meet Saul of

Paul, The Man

December 12, 2010

Page 2: Paul, The Man December 12, 2010.  We’re throwing the whole Project 4:4 schedule out the window...  And focusing on Paul the man  Class, Meet Saul of

We’re throwing the whole Project 4:4 schedule out the window ...

And focusing on Paul the manClass, Meet Saul of Tarsus

This Week


Page 3: Paul, The Man December 12, 2010.  We’re throwing the whole Project 4:4 schedule out the window...  And focusing on Paul the man  Class, Meet Saul of

Goals for this week: To introduce you to Saul of Tarsus, who later

became Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles To lay out his qualifications

for the mission assigned tohim

To help you see who hereally was and why he madesuch a difference

To develop a 3-dimensionalimage of Paul

Saul of Tarsus


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Acts 22:6-11 6“About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly

a bright light from heaven flashed around me. 7I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’ 8“‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. “‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied. 9My companions saw the light, but they did not understand the voice of him who was speaking to me. 10“‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I asked. “‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’ 11My companions led me by the hand into Damascus, because the brilliance of the light had blinded me.

Saul’s Conversion


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Acts 22:12-16 12“A man named Ananias came to see me.

He was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living there. 13He stood beside me and said, ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight!’ And at that very moment I was able to see him. 14“Then he said: ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. 15You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. 16And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.’

Saul’s Conversion (cont)


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Acts 21:39 39Paul answered, “I am a Jew, from Tarsus in

Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Please let me speak to the people.”

Saul was born in Tarsus of Cilicia “No mean city” Capital City of Cilicia On major East-West trade route Many schools of learning (rivaled Athens and

Alexandria as a center of education) Once home to Marc Antony & Cleopatra

Saul’s Birthplace and Upbringing


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Cilicia was a Roman Province Part of current-day Turkey

Region known for cilicium, a rough cloth made from goat hair Used in tent-making

Saul’s Birthplace and Upbringing


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Where is Tarsus?


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Romans 11:1b 1bI am an Israelite myself, a descendant of

Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. Tribe of Benjamin

Benjamin was the only Patriarch born in the Promised Land

Tribe always led Israel into battle Saul, the first King of Israel, was a Benjamite Only the Tribe of Benjamin remained loyal to

Judah in the Divided Kingdom

Paul’s Ancestry


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Philippians 3:4b-6 4bIf anyone else thinks he has reasons to put

confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 6as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless.

Born a Jew Circumcised on the 8th Day according to

the Law Family were followers of the Jewish Religion

Paul’s Ancestry (cont)


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Acts 22:3a  3“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but

brought up in this city. Brought Up in Jerusalem

Center of Jewish identity Received his religious education there

Acts 22:3b  3bUnder Gamaliel I was thoroughly

trained in the law of our fathers and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today.

Studied at the feet of Gamaliel Gamaliel, a highly respected teacher

Paul’s Training and Upbringing


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Acts 5:33-35 33When they heard this, they were furious

and wanted to put them to death. 34But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 35Then he addressed them: “Men of Israel,consider carefully what youintend to do to these men. 


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Acts 5:36-39 36Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to

be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing.  37After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 38Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

Gamaliel (cont)

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Philippians 3:5 5circumcised on the eighth day, of the

people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 

A “Hebrew of Hebrews” One who holds to Mosaic Law and its

customs One who speaks and reads Hebrew (unlike

the Hellenists) Especially impressive for someone who lived

outside of Judea

Paul’s Training and Upbringing


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2 Corinthians 11:22 22Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they

Israelites? So am I. Are they Abraham’s descendants? So am I. 

An Israelite Indicative of racial purity A member of the Covenant Nation

Romans 11:1b 1bI am an Israelite myself, a descendant of

Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. Descendant of Abraham

A son of the Promise

His Religious Purity


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Philippians 3:4b-5 4bIf anyone else thinks he has reasons to put

confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee

A Pharisee One obsessed with the Law The son of a Pharisee

Acts 23:6b 6b“My brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of a

Pharisee. I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead.”

His Religious Purity (cont)


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Sadducees Law of Moses only No resurrection, angels or spirits Good standing politically Very “boorish” and rough

Pharisees Believe in a resurrection Include oral tradition as binding Built a “Hedge” around the Law Reverenced learning over civil rank Socially progressive

Pharisees & Sadducees


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Acts 22:25-28  25As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to

the centurion standing there, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?” 26When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. “What are you going to do?” he asked. “This man is a Roman citizen.” 27The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” “Yes, I am,” he answered. 28Then the commander said, “I had to pay a big price for my citizenship.” “But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.

Born a Roman Citizen Hebrew (Jewish) name is Saul Roman (Gentile) name is Paul – means “little”

Paul’s Roman Background


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Roman citizenship was of inestimable value in the First Century Citizens had rights

Citizenship could be obtained by: Birth Service to the Empire Purchase (or bribe) Grant

Roman Citizenship plays a major role in Paul’s experiences

Roman Citizenship


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Galatians 1:13-14 13For you have heard of my previous way of life in

Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 

Advancing in Judaism beyond his peers What did the future hold for Saul in the Jewish

religion? Possibly a Member of the Sanhedrin or at least on

track to be Acts 8:1

1And Saul was there, giving approval to his death.

A Promising Future


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Acts 22:3 3“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but

brought up in this city. Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today. 

Zealous Present for Death of Stephen (Acts 8:1,

22:20) Persecution of the Church

Acts 8:3 3But Saul began to destroy the church.

Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.

A Promising Future (cont)


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Saul was “brought up” in Jerusalem Yet he never mentions any first-hand

knowledge of Jesus’ ministry or crucifixion It is possible that Saul returned to Tarsus

for secular education He was likely 10-11 years younger than

Jesus and would have been in his early 20’s at Jesus’ death

Then returned to Jerusalem after the resurrection and ascension

What Did Saul Know of Jesus?


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Gal 1:13 13For you have heard of my previous way of

life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it.

Why did Saul feel that he ought to do everything possible to destroy the Nazarene Sect? What was their crime? He was 100% committed to

Judaism and felt that theChristians were blasphemers

Persecution of the Way


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2 Timothy 1:3 3I thank God, whom I serve, as my

forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.

How could Paul later claim aclear conscience after all that hedid to destroy the Christianmovement?

A Clear Conscience


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1 Timothy 1:12-13 12I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given

me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.

One of the most powerful statements in all of Paul’s writings Saul always did what he understood to be

right in following God And did it with great zeal!

Once he understood, he used that same zeal FOR the cause of Christ

Ignorance and Unbelief


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How did Saul’s religious, as well as secular, training prepare him for his “planned” future in Judaism?

How did it prepare him for his “unplanned” future in service to Jesus?

How did service in one translate into service in the other?

Is there a parallel for Saul in today’s world?

Discussion Questions


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Paul’s Gospel

Next Week