paul rotary magazine_emanuele mancini

P U A L I R T N V E T I E S Luca Leonori di Giorgia Cingolani GRINTA E CAPACITÀ DI PROPORSI pag 15 Salvatore Accardo Club Viterbo Cimina di Domenico Apolloni di Domenico Apolloni UNA VITA PER LA MUSICA ADOTTIAMO UN LICEO pag 20 pag 22 R R A N N O E Y T T A L T R I A N I O A V T O 8 T T T D I R G 0 E O I T I P 2 T E E I S R 0 À T T T I A

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Istituto Quasar - Design University Roma Laboratorio di Design per l'editoria_GCV2 | a.a. 2012/2013. Progetto grafico: Emanuele Mancini




Luca Leonori

di Giorgia Cingolani

Grinta e capacità di proporSi

pag 15

Salvatore Accardo

Club Viterbo Cimina

di Domenico Apolloni

di Domenico Apolloni

una Vita per la muSica

adottiamo un liceo

pag 20

pag 22





















Lorenzo Sartorelli

Salvatore Accardo

Formazione e lavoro

Ignazio Raimondo

Luca Leonori

Club Viterbo Cimina

Silvio Piccioni

Federico Capeci







Periodico del Distretto 2080 R.I.Registrato al Tribunale di Latina il 7/8/08 al n°903 del Registro della Stampa.

Anno 1, numero 0Ottobre-Dicembre 2012

ProPrietàRaimondo Editori.

redazionePiazza Cola di Rienzo, 69 [email protected]

edizione, imPaginazione e distribuzioneRaimondo EditoriVia Tiziano 15 - LatinaT. 0773.558803 - mob.335.7050100

direzioneIgnazio [email protected]

art directorClaudio Raimondo

comitato di redazioneDomenico Apolloni, Giorgia Cingolani, Romano Dalla Chiesa, Stefania Del Gaizo, Massimo della Pena, Carlo Noto La Diega. Hanno collaborato: Salvatore Trapani, Eugenio Sassaresi.

FotograFieClaudio Raimondo, fornite dagli uffici stampa, dalle persone intervistate.

Foto di copertina: Claudio Raimondo

Pubblicità e marketingRaimondo Editori. 335.7050100

stamPaMorconia Printing spa

Progetto graFico di baseEmanuele Mancini

Questo numero di Paul, Rotary Magazine è stato chiuso il 19/02/2013.


di Ignazio Raimondo

di Domenico Apolloni

di Ignazio Raimondo

di Giorgia Cingolani

di Domenico Apolloni

di Ignazio Raimondo

ViSione, motiVazione ed educazione

una Vita per la muSica

il rotary per i GioVani: un impeGno Sempre più attuale

il futuro al centro

Grinta e capacità di proporSi

adottiamo un liceo

una Scelta per il futuro

comprendere per Vincere

pag 12

pag 20

pag 7

pag 5

pag 15

pag 22

pag 5

pag 18






















> Ignazio Raimondo

> Silvio Piccioni

una scelta per il futuroI giovani di oggi che si applicano con qualità nella formazione scolastica prima, superiore e professionale poi, dovrebbero in teoria divenire la classe dirigente di domani. Saranno cioè quelle persone, che potendosi definire leader in quanto altamente rappresentative di categorie professionali, imprenditoriali e del mondo del lavoro in generale, potranno andare a ricoprire le categorie rotariane. In poche parole dal momento che la nostra associazione sceglie i propri soci tra uomini e donne che siano leader nelle diverse posizioni sociali è fondamentale che il Rotary guardi ai giovani ed alla loro formazione professionale con grande interesse. L’interesse non sta solo nel pensare ai giovani di oggi come a potenziali rotariani di domani ma soprattutto nell’essere convinti che dare un contributo positivo affinché la nostra società migliori non prescinda dall’impegno in favore della cultura, dei giovani e della loro formazione. E non a caso le linee guida del Rotary International puntano molto su tali argomenti. A questi temi abbiamo dedicato questo numero di Paul che con un taglio editoriale e contenutistico molto particolare e diverso da “Voce del Rotary” cercherà di far perdonare la lunga assenza. Buona lettura!

il futuro al centroÈ un “Paul” diverso quello che state per leggere. Poggia le sue fondamenta su un’idea di cui nei Club si parla spesso. L’idea è che sia sempre più urgente, importante e fondamentale applicare ed applicarsi affinché nella nostra società si creino le condizioni migliori possibili innanzitutto perché i giovani possano formarsi al meglio e poi affinché possano inserirsi nel mondo del lavoro in modo proficuo tanto da potersi fare strada e divenire successivamente dei leader. A chi non conosce a fondo il Rotary potrebbe sembrare un’idea strana. Eppure le linee guida, i principi ed i progetti del Rotary International con al centro i giovani stanno lì a dimostrare che questa non è solo un’idea ma un’azione portata avanti quotidianamente. Ed allora questo Paul presenta diversi punti di vista sull’argomento nuove generazioni (che certo non possono essere esaustivi), la formazione ed il lavoro. C’è innanzitutto un pezzo di contestualizzazione con dati, statistiche ed i progetti rotariani. Poi la voce autorevole del nostro Governatore. Ci sono poi tre interviste rispettivamente ad un cacciatore di teste, ad un esperto dei new media, ad un formatore. A chiudere, il progetto di un Club Rotary altamente paradigmatico dell’impegno della nostra associazione nei confronti delle nuove generazioni. P.S. A proposito di nuove generazioni... il Direttore si scusa con i lettori per il ritardo di Paul dovuto tra le altre cose all’arrivo ed alla difficoltà di gestione di due figli... gemelli...





di Ignazio Raimondo

Formazione e lavoro

“Quello che ci deve assillare è come rilanciare lo sviluppo del nostro Paese: sviluppo produttivo, sviluppo dell’occupazione, e soprattutto, prospettiva di valorizzazione delle personalità e dei talenti dei giovani, delle giovani generazioni. Questo deve essere il nostro assillo. E dobbiamo sapere che la cultura può rappresentare un volano fondamentale per avviare una nuova prospettiva di sviluppo non solo in Italia ma anche, più in generale, in Europa.” Le parole del Capo dello Stato Giorgio Napolitano ben introducono al tema caro ai rotariani: i giovani, la loro formazione professionale, l’opportunità di metterli nelle condizioni migliori per emergere e per divenire il leader del futuro. Un tema cui il Rotary International dedica da sempre risorse, programmi ed energie. Un contesto nel quale i club operano sul territorio con sensibilità e praticità. Si tratta del tema cui questo numero di Paul è dedicato. Oggi l’emergenza legata alle giovani generazioni è sotto gli occhi di tutti, bastano pochi dati a ricordarne il fenomeno. A novembre scorso il tasso di disoccupazione giovanile è balzato al 37,1%, il top dal 1992. Il tasso di disoccupazione nella fascia tra i 15 e i 24 anni, che misura l’incidenza dei disoccupati sul totale di quelli occupati o in cerca, è quindi in aumento di 0,7 punti percentuali rispetto ad ottobre 2012 e di 5 punti percentuali nel confronto tendenziale (vale a dire rispetto a novembre 2011).L’Istat che ha reso noti tali dati ha evidenziato come tra i 15-24enni le persone in cerca di lavoro siano 641mila e rappresentino il 10,6% della popolazione in questa fascia d’età. Il dato sull’occupazione giovanile in qualche modo è legato al fatto che l’Italia, a differenza di quanto avvenuto ad esempio in Germania, in questi anni non ha più investito nella formazione professionale e nell’educazione in generale. Non a caso i settori più colpiti dalla riduzione di risorse sono stati proprio la cultura e la formazione. Eppure quando si chiede ad esperti di vari contesti cosa debbano fare i giovani per non trovarsi all’interno di quel brutto

novero del 37,1% di disoccupati la risposta è sempre la stessa: formazione, formazione, formazione. Ed infatti i numeri dimostrano come chi si sia dotato di una preparazione di alto livello più o meno specialistico trovi spesso lavoro e spessissimo anche a tempo indeterminato. Basti pensare che al numero uno tra i profili professionali meglio retribuiti (1.625,00 euro medi) ed assunti a tempo indeterminato (95,7%) ci siano i medici (o professioni sanitarie), 10,7% delle assunzioni annue nelle imprese. Al secondo e terzo posto ci sono gli ingegneri ed i laureati in scienze economico statistiche. Eppure oggi in Italia tra i 25-34enni abbiamo solo il 20% dei laureati contro il 37% dei paesi Ocse. In più i diciannovenni che si iscrivono all’università rappresentano solo il 29% dei coetanei.

In una società che investe sempre meno sulla formazione, sulla cultura e sui giovani in genere e che per ciò appare sempre più in declino, il Rotary si distingue per i progetti in favore delle nuove generazioni.

il rotary per i GioVani: un impeGno Sempre più attuale




Nella speciale classifica dei paesi al mondo che presenta la più alta percentuale di popolazione tra i 35 ed i 44 anni in possesso di almeno l’istruzione secondaria superiore l’Italia occupa il 29° con un magro 57,1% dietro a paesi come la Polonia, l’Estonia, il Cile o la Grecia. Ciò la dice lunga sulla difficoltà di reagire ad un declino che sembra legato a doppio filo con la preparazione della gioventù e l’incapacità di uno stato di mettere in rilievo il patrimonio umano di cui dispone. Un patrimonio quello dei giovani su cui il Rotary International punta da sempre tanto è vero che l’Azione Nuove Generazioni è la quinta via d’azione del Rotary. Una delle direttrici in cui si sviluppano i programmi dell’associazione fondata da

Paul Harrys nel 1905. Ogni anno grazie a questa azione migliaia di giovani di età compresa tra i 12 ed 30 anni possono vivere un’esperienza incredibile nell’ambito di un programma studiato ed organizzato ad hoc per loro. Il Rotaract e l’Interact offrono ai giovani l’opportunità di prestare il loro servizio nell’ambito della comunità in cui vivono o all’estero. Con lo scambio giovani esplorano nuove culture, con i Ryla acquistano nuove doti che li aiuteranno ad avere successo come futuri leader della comunità. In più il Rotary ha una lunga tradizione di promozione della comprensione internazionale attraverso l’istruzione, grazie ai programmi educativi.



il rotaractE’ l’associazione di giovani tra i 18 ed i 30 anni dediti al volontariato e non solo. Ogni club è sponsorizzato dal club Rotary. Nato nel 1968 oggi il Rotaract conta oltre 8.400 club presenti in 170 paesi per un totale di circa 200.000 soci. I soci rotariani del Club padrino sono di pungolo e stimolo per la formazione in ambito rotariano ma anche culturale e professionale per i giovani del Rotaract. Questi ragazzi hanno così la possibilità di iniziare ad entrare in contatto con un mondo adulto fatto di eccellenze rappresentative del mondo lavorativo e professionale.

l’interactVi aderiscono i giovani tra i 12 ed 18 anni, ogni club è sponsorizzato da un Rotary che fornisce consulenza e supervisione, è autonomo anche dal punto di vista finanziario. I soci provengono spesso da un’unica scuola e più scuole vicine. Ogni anno il club deve portare a termine almeno due progetti di servizio. L’adesione al club interact come a quello rotarat favorisce lo sviluppo delle capacità di leadership, il valore del service, il senso della responsabilità personale ed il valore del lavoro. Nel mondo ci sono 10.700 club diffusi in 109 Paesi cui aderiscono circa 200.000 ragazzi.

lo scambio giovaniE’ attivo da oltre 75 anni a dimostrazione di come sin dagli albori il Rotary creda nella formazione in ottica internazionale dei giovani. In tanti anni lo scambio giovani del Rotary ha toccato più di 80 Paesi coinvolgendo decine di migliaia di giovani. Quest’anno sono 8.000 i ragazzi che stanno usufruendo di questo meraviglioso programma che li mette in condizione di imparare una nuova lingua e soprattutto di entrare in contatto con nuove realtà arricchendo così il patrimonio culturale, umano e professionale base per divenire un’eccellenza.

il rylaL’acronimo sta per Youth Leadership Award. Il programma, organizzato dai Rotary Club, proprio per rispondere alle esigenze dei più giovani, fornisce a ragazzi dai 14 ai 18 anni e a giovani tra i 19 ed i 30 anni la possibilità di sviluppare le qualità di leadership, il senso di responsabilità civica e la crescita personale. Si tratta di seminari di studio di durata variabile (1-3 giorni) in cui i giovani si trovano in una full immersion formativa nei più svariati settori professionali e/o imprenditoriali. Il Rotary International suggerisce ai Club di approfondire i seguenti temi: principi della leadership, l’etica della leadership, l’importanza della comunicazione, la risoluzione dei conflitti e la mediazione, il Rotary ed il suo operato.

le borse di studioIl programma di borse di studio degli ambasciatori è iniziato nel 1947 e terminerà proprio quest’anno per assumere una nuova veste. Da allora sono state assegnate borse di studio per un totale di 532 milioni di dollari che hanno messo nelle condizioni 41.000 uomini e donne di vivere per un anno all’estero un’esperienza di studio e di vita estremamente formativa. Durante la permanenza all’estero i borsisti fungono da Ambasciatori per la pace nel Paese in cui si sono recati, fanno presentazioni che riguardano la propria cultura presso il Rotary club “ospitante”. Al loro rientro i borsisti condividono con i rotariani l’esperienza vissuta che ha permesso loro di conoscere in modo approfondito la cultura del Paese che li ha ospitati.


MATERA - L’Hotel Residence Cave del Sole Resort and Beauty, risultato di una sapiente ed attenta opera di ristrutturazione di un’antica dimo-ra materana, è una struttura, al suo interno, moderna ed accogliente, co-struita nel pieno rispetto dell’ambien-te e del territorio in cui è collocata.Immerso nel suggestivo panorama del Parco Archeologico Storico Natu-rale delle Chiese Rupestri del Mate-rano, l’hotel domina una vasta area di cave di tufo settecentesche ed è inoltre circondato da un giardino con piante autoctone in un’affascinante cornice di ulivi secolari. Un albergo di grande charme, dall’atmosfera elegante, che offre ai propri ospiti ca-mere curatissime, arredate con mo-bili di design, preziosi dettagli dalle raffinate sinfonie di colori, soffitti in legno con travi a vista.Gli ospiti possono scegliere tra sedi-ci stanze, allestite con riferimenti ai temi della flora e della fauna locale, spaziando dall’orchidea mateolana e l’ulivo fino al falco grillaio, simbolo del Parco.La nuova struttura dispone di came-re standard dotate di tutti i comfort,

camere deluxe più ampie con par-quet e soffitti in legno, alcune dotate di angolo cottura, due eleganti junior suite con letto a baldacchino e arre-di raffinati ed appartamenti bilocali con divano letto ed angolo cottura per i soggiorni più lunghi. L’atmo-sfera accogliente e familiare offrirà all’ospite la massima riservatezza affinchè possa godere il suo soggior-no in pieno relax, sentendosi come a casa propria. Per gli ospiti più curio-si e dinamici, invece, il personale/la struttura promuove numerose atti-vità interessanti per scoprire il terri-torio con visite anche in luoghi non accessibili a tutti. A disposizione dei nostri ospiti itinerari nella civiltà ru-pestre dei Rioni Sassi tra arte, fede e tradizioni locali o percorsi all’insegna dell’ambiente e del territorio nel Par-co della Murgia Materana, ricco di te-stimonianze dall’età preistorica fino

ai giorni nostri ed inserito, con i Sassi, nel Patrimonio dell’Unesco dal 1993.La colazione a buffet, sempre offerta e servita su richiesta anche in came-ra, propone una vasta scelta di pro-dotti, dal dolce al salato, per offrire agli ospiti un lieto risveglio. Caffè, the, cappuccino, spremute di arance, frutta di stagione, miele della Murgia Materana, dolcetti tipici come straz-zate e spumette, torte, pane di Mate-ra, focaccia, il tutto all’insegna della bontà locale.L’Hotel Cave del Sole si presta, infine, perfettamente, all’organizzazione di eventi privati speciali, degustazioni buffet, cocktail ed aperitivo. La strut-tura con i suoi sedici ambienti e tren-totto posti letto è il luogo ideale per celebrare feste, anniversari, incontri di famiglia, rimpatriate fra vecchi compagni di scuola o piccoli raduni di vario genere.


ZI AD I- LAB OR EL NE Hotel Residence Cave del Sole


L’Hotel offre una moltitudine di servizi ai suoi ospiti, tra cui la possibilità di celebrare feste ed eventi privati ma anche escursioni e percorsi culturali.

contatti e informazioni:

Hotel Residence Cave del Sole Resort and Beauty

C.da La Vaglia - MateRa

Tel: +39 0835 33.15.86

e-mail: [email protected]:




di Ignazio Raimondo



Lorenzo Sartorelli

Il mondo del lavoro

ViSione, motiVazioneed educazioneSono queste alcune delle componenti più importanti per avere chances nella ricerca di occupazione. Parola di cacciatore di teste.

politiche di acquisto, ecc all’offerta aziendale; è una professione che non esisteva sino a qualche anno fa e che si sta costruendo sulla base di esperienze precedenti anche eterogenee, che includono l’area commerciale, quella del regolatorio (l’insieme di norme che regolano l’immissione di un farmaco sul mercato) o quella delle relazioni pubbliche ma che relegano la competenza scientifica su un secondo piano Oltre alle figure di vertice, in quest’area dell’organizzazione aziendale sono nate le posizioni, più operative, dei “regional area manager” o dei “key accounts”, comunque sostanzialmente diverse da quelle degli informatori.Al di fuori del farmaceutico, per rispondere alla sua domanda, la mia impressione è che ci si limiti a sostituire professionalità che lasciano l’azienda ma dopo aver ben guardato se non vi siano candidati interni disponibili per competenze ed esperienza maturata; molte delle nuove “professioni” che si sono create con l’avvento delle nuove tecnologie, penso a tutto ciò che ruota intorno al “web”, hanno finito per rappresentare un’offerta di “servizio esterno” più che funzioni inserite nelle strutture aziendali e quindi oggetto di ricerche da parte di head hunters. Un caso interessante è invece quello dei “Responsabili della comunicazione interna”, figura affermatasi di

HeadHunter, cacciatore di teste, selezionatore per conto delle aziende di uomini e donne cui offrire un posto di lavoro. È la specializzazione di Lorenzo Sartorelli partner dello studio Frezzaepartner. Il suo è un punto di vista privilegiato che getta una luce particolare su questo mondo utile soprattutto per i più giovani...

In un mondo del lavoro che offre poche opportunità è un privilegio poter raccogliere da chi di mestiere fa il “cacciatore di teste” per le aziende tentare di capire in quale direzione va il mondo del lavoro. Nella Sua professione di Head Hunter nel mondo della sanità e farmaceutica (ma non solo) quali ritiene siano i profili oggi più richiesti dal mercato?

Il mondo delle aziende farmaceutiche in Italia sta attraversando, in questi anni, una fase di profonda ristrutturazione. Diversi fenomeni hanno ridotto i margini delle industrie farmaceutiche in modo significativo e hanno portato al drastico ridimensionamento di una professione, quella dell’informatore scientifico del farmaco dedicato ai medici di base (e delle relative strutture di capi area, sales mangers, ecc), che aveva dato lavoro a moltissimi laureati nelle discipline scientifiche. È rimasta in piedi la figura dell’informatore specialista, quello che si interfaccia con le specializzazioni ospedaliere con farmaci di origine biotecnologica, figura basata su una profonda conoscenza del farmaco associata ad una capacità di costruire relazioni efficaci con gli utilizzatori ( di solito i primari ospedalieri) fino a diventare per loro un riferimento e un anello di collegamento con le strutture aziendali che possono fornire consulenze specifiche.La regionalizzazione ha spinto molte aziende a creare la figura del “market access”, una professione nuova che deve facilitare l’incontro da domanda regionale, legata alle scelte locali in termini di prontuari terapeutici, alle


recente nelle medie e grandi aziende, che si stanno un po’ inventando il loro lavoro. In questo caso le tecnologie mettono a disposizione canali di comunicazione rapidissimi, di fatto senza limiti alla quantità di informazione distribuibile, potenzialmente interattivi. Questi sistemi vanno a sostituire quello che in passato era un importante ruolo delegato ai capi a i vari livelli, con i vantaggi di cui dicevo sopra, rapidità, quantità, uniformità, ma anche con l’effetto di togliere loro la funzione di “portavoce” della società nei confronti dei propri collaboratori. Direi che sul bilanciamento di questi equilibri si gioca l’efficacia del “Responsabile della comunicazione interna”.Una volta che un candidato risponda per conoscenze ed esperienze, preparazione etc cos’è che fa la differenza, che fa vincere il posto ad un candidato piuttosto che ad un altro?

Direi prima di tutto, che dipende dal tipo di azienda in cui si deve inserire la persona e distinguerei tra aziende imprenditoriali private con un “decision making” di solito verticistico, ad aziende multinazionali, più inclini alla managerialità e ad un decision making condiviso, ad aziende pubbliche dove sono presenti altri meccanismi operativi.

Se restiamo nell campo delle aziende multinazionali, senz’altro le sue “caratteristiche personali”, in particolare le sue capacità di le adership da un lato e di saper lavorare “in gruppo” da un altro. Tra le “ capacità di leadership” direi, con una frase che può apparire banale, il “sapere dove andare”. In mercati in continuo cambiamento è vitale guardare avanti, interpretare, dai segnali disponibili, come sarà il futuro e preparare l’organizzazione a farvi fronte. Occorre poi saper comunicare questa “visione” e saper “mobilitare le risorse” verso gli obiettivi. Questi tre macro aspetti (visione, comunicazione e mobilitazione) sottintendono capacità manageriali di diverso tipo che si affinano con l’esperienza, che è fatta di tempo ma anche di “contesti giusti”in cui maturarle (non tutte le aziende sono uguali). Alla leadership si aggiunge però anche la capacità di lavorare con gli altri in modo efficace, considerando gli obiettivi aziendali come qualcosa da costruire insieme come somma degli obiettivi delle singole funzioni.

Quanto contano le esperienze pregresse, voglio dire... le aziende oggi cercano maggiormente i giovani per la facilità loro riservata di inserirsi contrattualmente o ha ancora il suo peso l’esperienza?

Dipende molto dalle posizioni. In un mondo che cambia, talvolta l’esperienza pregressa può essere di ostacolo più che di aiuto. L’evoluzione delle tecnologie favorisce certamente i giovani, che sono nati e cresciuti con esse, rispetto a generazioni che fanno fatica a ragionare con riferimento ad un mondo digitale e interattivo. È un po’ la situazione dei politici tradizionali che devono confrontarsi con un M5S che semplicemente attraverso il web sembra aver messo insieme in poco tempo una percentuale significativa di elettori…


Tuttavia esistono ancora posizioni per le quali l’esperienza è imprescindibile: per tornare agli esempi del mondo farmaceutico, un informatore specialista deve aver accumulato nel tempo competenze e relazioni, chi si occupa di tecnology transfer deve averlo fatto varie volte in precedenza e aver imparato a risolvere i problemi connessi, un responsabile dell’amministrazione deve dimostrate di aver redatto bilanci, di conoscere gli aspetti fiscali, aver magari gestito ispezioni della “guardia di finanza”; chi è responsabile delle Risorse Umane deve aver gestito riorganizzazioni, negoziazioni, le funzioni di formazione e sviluppo, quelle di compensation ecc.

Si parla spesso di internazionalizzazione e necessaria predisposizione alla dinamicità e flessibilità, quanto conta la conoscenza delle lingue straniere e magari le esperienze all’estero.

Direi che la conoscenza della lingua inglese è ormai un “must”, fatta forse eccezione per alcuni (non tutti) i mondi del settore pubblico. La ovvia ragione sta nella globalizzazione dei mercati. Anche in una fase di crisi profonda dei mercati “maturi” come quelli europei, sopravvivono ( e anche bene) quelli che hanno un mercato internazionale e che compensano i down turn di un’area con le crescite di un’altra. Per internazionalizzarsi occorre quella dinamicità e flessibilità di cui mi chiedeva. Flessibilità che credo sia prima di tutto “mentale”: occorre prendere atto che le culture non sono tutte uguali, occorre saperle capire e adattare ad esse il proprio ragionamento. Questo fatto segna il passaggio da “esportatore” di prodotto e cultura locale a “player internazionale” e poi “globale”. L’altro aspetto della dinamicità e flessibilità è legata allo spostamento fisico: l’accettare di andare a vivere lontano dal luogo di origine in funzione del lavoro e della crescita professionale. Su questo gli italiani (ma sono in buona compagnia) sono abbastanza restii e se accettano di spostarsi lo fanno su base di pendolarismo ma evitando di spostare la famiglia. E questo, alla lunga, si rivela difficilmente sostenibile.

Da ipotetico ma probabile piazzatore/collocatore di uomini e donne nel mercato del lavoro, quali crede siano le armi migliori che un giovane deve esibire in sede di colloquio... e cosa deve necessariamente essere presente nel suo C.V

Tendenzialmente il nostro lavoro è concentrato su posizioni organizzative di livello elevato, dirigenti, direttori o Amministratori Delegati per intenderci, in ambito di aziende multinazionali. Tuttavia, se dovessi dare un suggerimento ai giovani, in relazione al mondo che conosciamo meglio, direi loro che occorre dimostrino di aver “guidato” la loro crescita, stabilendosi un percorso e realizzandolo, facendo bene in quello in cui ci si è “cimentati”: bene negli studi, tempi e votazioni; bene nello sport, o nelle attività sociali, o nella musica se ha dedicato una parte importante del suo tempo a questa attività. Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese. Iniziative per fare esperienze di lavoro durante gli studi attraverso gli stages.Capacità di risolvere problemi, di collaborare con altri, di avere iniziativa, di comprendere quello che sta accadendo nel mondo, di essere propositivi, flessibili, curiosi, in certi casi innovativi e predisposti ad accettare e gestire il cambiamento, sono tutti aspetti che aiutano a dare di sé una buona impressione. “Last but non least”, essere “educato”… In fase di colloquio è importante la capacità di comunicare, di “raccontarsi” in modo sintetico, rispondendo in modo onesto e trasparente (anche ammettendo alcune “incompetenze”: quello che conta è la capacità di imparare). Una cosa poi che molti giovani dimenticano è di mostrarsi interessato all’azienda e al possibile lavoro offerto. Troppo spesso si comportano come all’esame all’università per cui “vado bene se rispondo bene”. In sede di colloquio si possono (e si devono ) fare domande sul contenuto di lavoro e sull’azienda e per queste occorre prepararsi in anticipo (studiare il sito è la prima cosa da fare) e… la domanda sullo stipendio è l’ultima da fare!

Lorenzo SartorelliComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.




di Giorgia Cingolani

Luca Leonori

Sono queste le componenti che non devono mancare nei giovani che vogliono emergere nel mondo del lavoro.

Grinta e capacità di proporSi

È il direttore didattico dell’istituto Quasar di Roma, una struttura di ricerca e di formazione orientata allo studio ed alla progettazione dell’ambiente, degli oggetti e delle nuove forme comunicative. In poche parole l’Architetto Luca Leonori, docente universitario, è tra gli interlocutori più validi per capire in che direzione va la formazione professionale se vuole offrire ai giovani più possibilità d’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro. E ciò soprattutto perché l’istituto che dirige forma quelli che in teoria sono i professionisti più ricercati oggi dal mercato: grafici, designer, web designer, habitat designer, interior designer, esperti in ipergrafica etc.

Professore, dopo tanti anni di insegnamento sia all’Università che nella struttura privata che dirige come ha visto cambiare i giovani ed è cambiato il modo di insegnare?

“I giovani oggi sono chiamati a reagire in modo molto pronto ed energico perché a differenza di quanto avveniva solo qualche anno fa la nostra società è in crisi e non mi riferisco solo ai problemi epocali di tipo economico. Credo che si stia vivendo quasi un livello di oscurantismo del sapere, è come fossimo tornati al medioevo. In tale contesto diventa fondamentale


Luca LeonoriComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.

per i giovani ricercare, con tenacia e con forza, la migliore preparazione possibile per affrontare con più armi possibile un mondo così difficile e così chiuso all’inserimento professionale. Per quanto riguarda le modalità di insegnamento devo dire che almeno personalmente non ho apportato, in quasi trent’anni di insegnamento, grandi cambiamenti. Forse questa è una mia lacuna ma il verificare quotidianamente l’interessamento dei discenti alle lezioni svolte a braccio dimostra quanto sia importante arrivare ad intrigare e quasi a divertire , voglio dire che può non cambiare l’approccio, l’importante è raggiungere l’obiettivo di ottenere riscontro e feedback. Certo devo constatare come in questi ultimi anni i giovani mostrino una curiosità culturale minore rispetto a prima, credo però che questo vada attribuito ad una formazione scolastica sempre meno più lacunosa.

Qual’è la qualità del materiale umano su cui vi trovate a lavorare e quali i limiti maggiori che i giovani professionisti del futuro presentano?

“Dipende molto dai diversi corsi cui i ragazzi si iscrivono. Quelli triennali presentano degli studenti molto interessati e motivati, quelli annuali un po’ meno, ma naturalmente questa come tutte le semplificazione presenta molti limiti. Quanto alle criticità credo che il problema maggiore legato alla possibilità di trovare

un’occupazione sia dovuto a problemi di linguaggio, di vocabolario, di capacità espressive, di errori di ortografia, tutto ciò si nota molto, troppo direi.”

Per citare un successo di Gianni Morandi, ed in tempi di festival di San Remo ci sta bene, “Uno su mille ce la fa”, cos’ha in più degli altri quello che ce la fa?

“Sicuramente la grinta, la tenacia, la volontà di emergere che spesso spinge molti studenti, bravi e talentuosi, cui certo non manca la preparazione ad inventarsi nuovi modi di proporsi per emergere. A tal proposito potrei citare molti casi di nostri studenti che hanno trovato presto la loro strada in autonomia magari associandosi con altri giovani e proponendosi con successo in questo duro mondo del lavoro. Ecco credo proprio che faccia la differenza la capacità di proporsi, di presentarsi con abilità ed educazione, una capacità che comunque non può superare il limite invalicabile della mancanza di talento e di preparazione che quindi devono essere superate con attenzione e pervicacia grazie a scuole serie ed a percorsi formativi confacenti alle proprie caratteristiche ed alle possibilità di apprendimento”.

Luca LeonoriComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.


di Ignazio Raimondo



I R TN V ET IE S Federico Capeci

Così come le aziende per vendere devono capire le esigenze del pubblico, allo stesso modo i giovani per emergere devono capire chi sono e perseguire l’obiettivo.

comprendere per VincereL’intervista, formazione e comunicazione

Come si diventa esperti e professionisti di brand community...?

Studiando molto, riferendosi ai contesti internazionali più evoluti, e con tanta pratica, poiché le cose cambiano in fretta e molto è ancora da scrivere: modelli interpretativi e frames con cui muoversi non sono ancora tutti totalmente condivisi e “cristallizzati”. Per questo occorre provare e far tesoro delle esperienze, cercando di teorizzare ed astrarre i concetti di base per definire le regole di agire. Come e quanto è cambiato il mercato dei consumatori e quindi del marketing/advertising negli ultimi 20 anni?

A dire il vero, secondo me, i consumatori e i mercati non sono cambiati più di tanto. Hanno le loro necessità, i bisogni da scoprire, le opportunità da scovare come tanti anni fa… si è vero, hanno più devices in mano, sono più informati, più istruiti, etc ma non mi dite che fare marketing nel Novecento era molto più semplice. È vero, comunque, che le modalità con cui ci si deve relazionare con loro sono cambiate: le attività di marketing sono diventate più frenetiche, veloci, complesse per la moltitudine di canali e strumenti che oggi abbiamo in mano.

Una lunga esperienza nel mondo delle ricerche di mercato poi il salto e la formazione continua nello specifico settore delle community sul web. Ciò nel costante tentativo di comprendere le esigenze dei consumatori ed anticiparne le tendenze; è il lavoro di Federico Capeci della 2 punto zero research. Ospite relatore ad una conviviale del Rotary Roma Est è l’interlocutore ideale per approfondire il mondo di internet, le sue professioni, i suoi segreti.

Internet, il suo mondo soprattutto le sue community non hanno segreti per Lei, può provare a spiegare (anche a chi sa poco del web) qual’è il suo mestiere e svelare il perché le community sul web rappresentino un’occasione per chi vuole conoscere e trarre beneficio da tale conoscenza?

Potrei definirmi un market researcher di nuova generazione. Più nel concreto, mi occupo di ricerche di mercato per il marketing e la comunicazione di impresa, utilizzando nuove tecniche e soprattutto gli strumenti digitali. Quindi, in sostanza, se un’azienda - o anche una persona – mi contatta è per comprendere come poter usare il web per capire il proprio consumatore, per comunicargli messaggi rilevanti, o per dialogare con esso, farlo partecipare ai processi aziendali e, ovviamente, sviluppare il business. È un nuovo modo di pensare al marketing e un nuovo paradigma di agire, che crea nuove professioni come la mia. Nei social network, nei blog, nei forum, nelle community, infatti, i consumatori non solo sono presenti, lì pronti ad essere “colpiti” (come si diceva un tempo … e ahimè ancora oggi, spesso), ma sempre più spesso sono disponibili ad una nuova relazione con ibrand, che parte dal voler contribuire in prima persona al dialogo, fino a creare anche prodotti insieme all’aziende. Questo, come potete capire, cambia di molto le regole del gioco e i parametri di relazione tra azienda e consumatore.


Federico CapeciComnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati de none.

•Plique dempos doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt moluptati.

•Officiderro que officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

Forse, quindi, è diventato più difficile sapersi destreggiare tra le diverse possibilità di contatto e mktg offerte dal digitale. È diventato più difficile conoscere di volta in volta uno strumento nuovo, diverso, evolutivo rispetto a pochissimo tempo prima. Questo si. Per questo occorre studiare, approfondire, a volte sbagliare… ma capire, innanzitutto, ruoli e plus degli strumenti.

Perchè ha deciso di entrare in questo settore, c’è anche un motivo “passionale”?

Non saprei dirlo, sinceramente. Lavoravo per una grande azienda multinazionale e ad un certo punto il mio capo diede le dimissioni, pensando a me come sostituto. Purtroppo i vertici invece ritennero che fossi troppo giovane per quel ruolo. Allora decisi di lasciare l’azienda e di cercare altre strade, forse più idonee a me e alla mia voglia di fare, al di là dell’età anagrafica di quel momento… qui incontrai il web e iniziai la mia carriera in questo ambito, di certo molto poco formale e molto più aperto all’innovazione di altri. Una volta dentro, e superate le prime difficoltà di dover inventare tutto da zero e di dover capire il glossario tecnico che mi mancava, ho trovato le soddisfazioni che cercavo, appassionandomi sì ogni giorno di più. La passione, per me, è sinonimo di creatività, innovazione, scoperta… a volte anche un po’ di rischio. L’ascesa del pubblico fruitore della rete è data per inarrestabile ? ..., un pubblico giovane ed in quanto tale dinamico e quindi interessante per chi?........è ricco?... Ovviamente si, anche se in Italia ci scontriamo con problemi molto gravi di diffusione strutturale della banda larga. Ancora metà della popolazione italiana non è connessa ad Internet: tra questi ci sono le generazioni più senior, è vero, ma anche le persone che non sono raggiunte dal segnale. Questo è per me non accettabile e anche, ammetto, poco comprensibile. Anche il profilo sta cambiando molto ed è vero che tutti i giovani sono oramai online, ma la fascia di età più rappresentata nel web è quella che ha tra i 35 e i 45 anni. Sono tante oggi le persone che si trovano in rete, non più solo giovani, anche se sono loro a tirare le innovazioni, spesso. Hanno un profilo più alto dell’altra metà della popolazione off-line, sono molto interessanti per le aziende, anche se spesso difficili da soddisfare e poco fedeli.

Cosa è cambiato nel suo lavoro rispetto a dieci anni fa....

Tutto. Se prima dovevamo chiamare e chiedere alle persone di partecipare alle interviste, oggi molte delle informazioni utili per capire i consumatori e le opportunità di comunicazione le troviamo in rete, disponibili nei forum, blog, social network. Le persone parlano di sé online, raccontando chi sono, cosa amano, cosa odiano, perché scelgono un prodotto o di cosa sono insoddisfatti. Non dico che sia facile capire tutto questo, poiché un conto è leggere un post e riportarlo alle aziende, un altro conto è capirne le motivazioni e darne una lettura approfondita e mirata. Però questo è il vero grande cambiamento nel nostro lavoro: la ricerca si fa bottom-up. Ma c’è di più: non solo osservazione, ma anche coinvolgimento: oggi si possono coinvolgere i consumatori e dare loro un ruolo attivo nei processi di costruzione di marca e comunicazione. Non sono più tutti solo soggetti passivi delle nostre comunicazioni e dei nostri prodotti, ma possono intervenire attivamente e aiutarci a creare cose insieme. Questa è la vera rivoluzione del mio lavoro: avere a disposizione la voglia del consumatore di scrivere insieme i propri prodotti e comunicazioni, in modo che siano davvero attinenti ai suoi bisogni e desideri. Quale consiglio darebbe ad un giovane perchè possa al più presto trovare un’occupazione?

La cosa più importante che un giovane deve, a mio avviso, avere per fare qualsiasi cosa è la consapevolezza. Sapere chi si è, quali i propri valori e quali i punti di debolezza, in modo serio e sereno, è cruciale per poter progettare il proprio futuro. E una volta capito se stesso, il consiglio migliore che posso dare è: provaci! Anzi, non solo provaci, perché si può sbagliare e si può non raccogliere subito: provaci, riprovaci, credici. La strada per il successo oggi passa dall’imprenditorialità, nello spirito, nella voglia di fare e di mettersi in gioco, anche se si è dipendenti a tempo indeterminato, anche se il proprio capo è più anziano di due generazioni e farà fatica a capire.



di Domenico Apolloni

YRATOR Salvatore Accardo

Ho incontrato Salvatore Accardo all’Hotel Ambasciatori di Roma, la mattina presto, nel giorno del Concerto “Luce per il Tempo”, organizzato dal Rotary Club “Roma Appia Antica” (assieme ai propri Rotaract e Interact) con il FAI, per restaurare la Meridiana del Bianchini, nella Basilica “Santa Maria degli Angeli” (tanto cara agli Italiani). Il sole splendente d’inizio marzo disponeva già l’animo alla cortesia ma è stato il fare simpatico del Maestro a decidere quale sarebbe stato il tema della nostra conversazione. Un modo di proporsi che appartiene a chi ha iniziato giovanissimo a darsi da fare (a quattro anni iniziò col violino, a quindici prese il diploma superiore, a diciassette vinse a Genova il Premio Paganini (sotto la “lanterna” se ne ricorderanno nel 2008, dopo cinquant’anni, con la nomina a cittadino onorario), a chi ha negli occhi i colori del Golfo di Napoli, a chi ha la ventura d’essere sempre giovane nell’animo.

Accardo, è una gloria del nostro Paese: ha suonato ovunque, esibendo un repertorio incredibilmente vasto, con i suoi violini dal valore inestimabile (possiede anche un “Guarneri del Gesù”, appartenuto allo stesso Paganini); è, giustamente, stimato il più grande violinista della sua

generazione e dirige l’Orchestra da Camera Italiana (O. C. I.) da lui stesso fondata una quindicina d’anni fa’.Grande Ufficiale e Cavaliere di Gran Croce al merito della Repubblica, Salvatore Accardo ha messo un accento prezioso, con il Concerto in Santa Maria degli Angeli, sopra una delle Basiliche romane più conosciute (progettata da un ottantenne Michelangelo e ripresa dal Vanvitelli) e su una Meridiana dal valore unico, artistico e scientifico.

Alle mie domande, rivolte semplicemente al coetaneo, oltre che all’Artista, così ha risposto:

Maestro, lei ha iniziato giovanissimo, i giovani d’oggi sono interessati alla Musica Classica?

Per interessarsi occorre conoscere; i giovani, specie i bambini, assorbono come spugne, hanno spazio per fare delle scelte ma soltanto dopo una conoscenza vasta della Musica, in tutte le sue manifestazioni (non limitata a certi indirizzi); questa possibilità di conoscere ad ampio raggio, andrebbe incoraggiata. Oggi c’è un problema di base: manca l’educazione musicale. Poi, la difficile situazione attuale presenta ostacoli all’interesse da parte dei giovani per la Musica

Un magnifico concerto del maestro Salvatore Accardo organizzato dal Rotary Club Appia Antica ha offerto a “Paul” l’occasione per un’intervista particolare.

una Vita per la muSica


Classica; i tagli finanziari si fanno sentire, specie quando colpiscono le piccole Istituzioni, quelle che – in definitiva – rappresentano la palestra per i giovani stessi (si comincia da quelle…non dalla Scala o dal Teatro dell’Opera). Sono ottimista per il futuro…ma non tanto!

Preferisce suonare il violino o dirigere l’orchestra?

Non vedo distinzioni: far musica impegna, si suona ascoltando…si ascolta suonando. Nel violino c’è la tua prova con te stesso, nell’orchestra c’è la metafora della vita: ti accorgi quando finisce la tua libertà, perché inizia quella degli altri. Entrambe le cose appagano, forse in egual misura.

Quanto conta, per l’Artista, l’emozione suscitata nel pubblico?

Conta enormemente…direi che questa emozione sia fondamentale: tutto si fa’ insieme e la presenza attiva del pubblico rende possibile e viva la recita, l’esibizione, la prova con se stessi. Il pubblico fa’ parte di qualunque Concerto, anzi…è il suo elemento essenziale. Succede anche per gli Attori; la differenza tra il Cinema e il Teatro è questa: quando c’è il pubblico, tutto diventa diverso. Cambia la stessa

performance dell’Artista: davanti al pubblico numeroso, si esalta ogni cosa.

Quanto vale lo stimolo di un Artista per un restauro importante (la Meridiana del Bianchini)?

Molto…anche per attirare i giovani verso la bellezza, la completezza dell’Arte. Questa è universale e si sposa bene con se stessa: Arte con Arte…un binomio vincente.

Ci conosce come Rotariani?

Vi conosco…eccome! Ho tenuto altri Concerti nel Mondo sotto l’egida rotariana. Conosco la Vostra Associazione, i Progetti che porta avanti, la Vostra disponibilità. Sono contento di essere utile al Rotary.

Per finire…quali interessi coltiva al di fuori della Musica?

Sono appassionato al Calcio ma anche al Cinema vintage (da buon partenopeo, mi piacciono i film di Totò); poi, leggo molto, specie in viaggio, quando posso stare solo con me stesso. La mia passione sono comunque le mie due figlie (gemelle) di quattro anni: con loro passo i migliori momenti della mia vita!

AdottiAmo un liceoIl progetto del Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia prevede una strettissima collaborazione con il liceo di Ronciglione, un esempio notevole di sostegno sul territorio dei giovani.















di Domenico Apolloni

Il sostegno alle nuove generazioni che il Rotary Club può mettere in pratica può assumere naturalmente molteplici sfaccettature. Ciò dipende dalla sensibilità ed azione dei singoli soci del club, dall’attivismo e capacità del gruppo dirigente del Club. Il progetto “Adottiamo un liceo” promosso dal Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia, presieduto quest’anno da Giacomo Borgna è altamente paradigmatico di come sia bello fare Rotary. Più che a lungo termine, potremmo considerarlo come un Progetto che “guarda

in avanti”. È nato quasi per caso, dopo l’incontro con gli Studenti del Liceo “Meucci” a Ronciglione. Il progetto che inizialmente ha avuto le mosse dall’organizzazione di un ryla è diventato un’attività rotariana con vasta risonanza nella Tuscia. Certo, lo stesso termine “adottare” è abbastanza impegnativo: per il Club, si traduce, semplicemente, nel diffondere i principi del Rotary in zona (quale miglior veicolo dei Giovani e delle rispettive Famiglie?), nel tracciare e sviluppare la quinta via d’azione

della nostra Associazione, quella, appunto, delle Nuove Generazioni. Un progetto importante in cui credere fermamente, per il futuro del Territorio, del Paese, del Mondo. Altrettanto è necessario sostenere la positività di una collaborazione con la Scuola per l’aspetto dei crediti formativi; il domani, per i ragazzi d’oggi, già bussa alla porta e, presto, sarà sulla scena: che non si perda non l’occasione per aiutarli a prepararsi nel giusto modo! Il progetto “Adottiamo una scuola” si articola su più punti. Innanzitutto

Club Viterbo Ciminia


nell’organizzazione di un RYLA, acronimo che mette in piazza tutto il suo programma, dalla R di Rotary, all’Y di Youth (a testimonianza dell’interesse nei giovani), alla L di Leadership (idee e linee guida per essere protagonisti domani), all’A di Awards (riconoscimento delle doti latenti o già manifestate). È un pilastro del Progetto stesso, da ripetersi annualmente per dar modo alle idee lanciate di causare riflessioni costruttive. Poi nel determinare la nascita di un INTERACT (in pratica scolastico), necessario per dar seguito, negli anni, all’azione intrapresa (partendo dai giovanissimi). Da ultimo il progetto passa per il coinvolgimento dei giovani su “LEGALITÀ e CULTURA dell’ETICA” (noto Progetto Distrettuale, con valenza sociale forte perché incide sul radicamento dell’educazione civica). L’INTERACT transiterà attraverso l’intesa con i genitori dei ragazzi e con la rappresentanza della stessa Scuola: esistono i contatti, il tema è stato già proposto e si nutre fiducia per una prossima apertura del Club (come accadde lo scorso anno, dopo il RYLA, quando il Club Rotaract diventò una realtà).Il collegamento al Progetto Distrettuale “LEGALITÀ e CULTURA dell’ETICA” avverrà con la partecipazione attiva degli stessi studenti: saranno chiamati

a produrre un manifesto, un cortometraggio, una foto ma, anche a frequentare un forum/una conferenza, a svolgere un componimento specifico.Nulla sarà lasciato al caso, anche perché – nel frattempo – sono stati fatti i passi per un “Global Grant” (assieme a un Club della Turchia) per la dotazione di tavolette informatiche (tablet) agli studenti stessi ma, soprattutto, si è deciso di sostenere economicamente un “Giornalino del Liceo” (tiratura di tremila copie) per la diffusione di notizie inerenti la vita scolastica e le

attività del Rotary. La vicinanza del Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia ed i giovani ed in particolare il Liceo di Ronciglione è testimoniata anche dalla donazione avvenuta ultimamente e col concorso di due privati, di 25 PC. Il più il Club ha favorito l’acquisto di magliette col logo del liceo e del RI che vengono date agli studenti e indossate in manifestazioni ufficiali (premi, sport ecc). Una collaborazione dunque costante segno evidente di quanto il Rotary molto praticamente e sul territorio riesca a fare per i giovani.

di Ignazio Raimondo

PE AN UG L 2223
















The project of the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia provides for close cooperation with the school of Ronciglione, one notable example on support of young people.

adopt a School

by Domenico Apolloni

Support for new generations Rotary Club can put into practice can naturally take many facets. This depends on the sensitivity and effectiveness of individual club members, from activism and ability of the management team of the Club. The project “Adopt a school” sponsored by the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia, chaired this year by Giacomo Banik is paradigmatic of how very nice to do. More long-term, we could consider it as a project that “look forward”. He was born almost by accident, after the

Leadership (ideas and guidelines to be protagonists tomorrow), of Awards (recognition of latent qualities or already manifested). Is a pillar of the project itself, by repeated annually to give way to the ideas thrown to cause constructive reflections.Then in determining the birth of an INTERACT (basically Scholasticus), needed to follow up, over the years, the action taken (starting with the very young). Finally the project through the involvement of young people on “LEGALITY and ETHICAL culture” (known District Project, with strong social value because it affects the rooting of civics). INTERACT will transit through consultation with children and parents with the representation of the same school: there are contacts, the theme was already proposed and feeds on trust for an upcoming opening of the Club (as happened last year, after the RYLA, when the Rotaract clubs became a reality).Connection to District Project “legality and ETHICAL culture” will take place with the active participation of these students: will have to produce a poster, a short film, a photo but also to attend a forum/Conference to play a specific poem.Nothing is left to chance, partly because – meanwhile – were made the steps to a “Global Grant” (along with a Club of Turkey) to

meeting with the students of the Lyceum “Meucci” in Ronciglione. The project initially had the moves by organizing a ryla became a Rotarian activities with broad resonance in the Tuscia. Of course, the term “adopt” is quite challenging: to the Club, translates simply to spread the principles of Rotary in the area (what better vehicle for young people and their families?), in the plot and develop the fifth via our Association’s action, that, in fact, of new generations. An important project that firmly believe in the

the i.t. tablets (tablet) students themselves but, more importantly, it was decided to support financially a “high school” Magazine (circulation of 3,000 copies) to disseminate news about school life and activities of Rotary. The proximity of the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia and young people and in particular the Lycée in Ronciglione is testified also by the donation occurred lately

and with the concurrence of two private, 25 PC. The most the Club has promoted the purchase of t-shirts with the logo of the high school and are given RI students and worn in official events (press, sport etc). Therefore constant collaboration evidence than Rotary very practically and territory can do to young people.

future of the territory of the country, the world. Just as you need to support a positive collaboration with the school for the appearance of credits; tomorrow, for the kids of today, already knocking at the door and, soon, will be on the scene: that is not lost on this occasion not to help them prepare in the right way! The project “Adopt a school” is based on multiple points. First of all, in organizing a RYLA, acronym which puts in place its program, from Rotary to R Y of Youth (a testimony to the interest in the young), the

Club Viterbo Ciminia

PE AN UG L 2223
















The project of the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia provides for close cooperation with the school of Ronciglione, one notable example on support of young people.

adopt a School

by Domenico Apolloni

Support for new generations Rotary Club can put into practice can naturally take many facets. This depends on the sensitivity and effectiveness of individual club members, from activism and ability of the management team of the Club. The project “Adopt a school” sponsored by the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia, chaired this year by Giacomo Banik is paradigmatic of how very nice to do. More long-term, we could consider it as a project that “look forward”. He was born almost by accident, after the

Leadership (ideas and guidelines to be protagonists tomorrow), of Awards (recognition of latent qualities or already manifested). Is a pillar of the project itself, by repeated annually to give way to the ideas thrown to cause constructive reflections.Then in determining the birth of an INTERACT (basically Scholasticus), needed to follow up, over the years, the action taken (starting with the very young). Finally the project through the involvement of young people on “LEGALITY and ETHICAL culture” (known District Project, with strong social value because it affects the rooting of civics). INTERACT will transit through consultation with children and parents with the representation of the same school: there are contacts, the theme was already proposed and feeds on trust for an upcoming opening of the Club (as happened last year, after the RYLA, when the Rotaract clubs became a reality).Connection to District Project “legality and ETHICAL culture” will take place with the active participation of these students: will have to produce a poster, a short film, a photo but also to attend a forum/Conference to play a specific poem.Nothing is left to chance, partly because – meanwhile – were made the steps to a “Global Grant” (along with a Club of Turkey) to

meeting with the students of the Lyceum “Meucci” in Ronciglione. The project initially had the moves by organizing a ryla became a Rotarian activities with broad resonance in the Tuscia. Of course, the term “adopt” is quite challenging: to the Club, translates simply to spread the principles of Rotary in the area (what better vehicle for young people and their families?), in the plot and develop the fifth via our Association’s action, that, in fact, of new generations. An important project that firmly believe in the

the i.t. tablets (tablet) students themselves but, more importantly, it was decided to support financially a “high school” Magazine (circulation of 3,000 copies) to disseminate news about school life and activities of Rotary. The proximity of the Rotary Club Viterbo Ciminia and young people and in particular the Lycée in Ronciglione is testified also by the donation occurred lately

and with the concurrence of two private, 25 PC. The most the Club has promoted the purchase of t-shirts with the logo of the high school and are given RI students and worn in official events (press, sport etc). Therefore constant collaboration evidence than Rotary very practically and territory can do to young people.

future of the territory of the country, the world. Just as you need to support a positive collaboration with the school for the appearance of credits; tomorrow, for the kids of today, already knocking at the door and, soon, will be on the scene: that is not lost on this occasion not to help them prepare in the right way! The project “Adopt a school” is based on multiple points. First of all, in organizing a RYLA, acronym which puts in place its program, from Rotary to R Y of Youth (a testimony to the interest in the young), the

Club Viterbo Ciminia




by Domenico Apolloni

Y R A T O RSalvatore Accardo

I met Salvatore Accardo at Hotel Ambasciatori in Rome, early in the morning on the day of the concert “the Light”, organized by the Rotary Club “Rome Appia Antica” (along with its Rotaract and Interact) with the FAI, to restore the Sundial of Bianchini, in the Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli “(so dear to Italians). The sunshine of early March was already the soul courtesy but was doing nice teacher to decide what would be the topic of our conversation. A way to offer that belongs to people who started at a very young age to get busy (four years began with the violin, at fifteen he took diploma, at seventeen won the Premio Paganini in Genoa (under the “lanterna” If you remember in 2008, after fifty years, with his appointment as honorary citizen), who has eyes the color of the Gulf of Naples, who has the good fortune of being forever young in mind.Accardo, is a glory of our country: played everywhere, exhibiting a incredibly vast repertoire, with his priceless violins (also owns a “Guarneri del Gesù”, belonged to the same Paganini); is rightly esteemed the greatest violinist of his generation and conducts the Orchestra da Camera Italiana (O. C. I.) he founded some 15 years ago.Grand Officer and Grand Cross of merit of the Republic, Salvatore

Prefers to play the violin or directing the orchestra?

I don’t see any distinction: make music engages, it sounds listening... you hear playing. In the violin there is your proof with yourself, in the orchestra there is the metaphor of life: you feel when it ends your freedom, because that of others begins. Both satisfy, perhaps in equal measure.

How important, for the artist, the emotion aroused in public?

Counts enormously ... I would say that this emotion is crucial: everything you do together and the active presence of the audience makes it possible and viva the recitation, performance, testing themselves. The public part of any concert, indeed... is its essential element. It also happens to actors; the difference between the Cinema and theatre is this: when there is public, everything becomes different. Change the same performance of the artist: in front of the large audience, exalted all things.

How much is the stimulation of an artist for a major restoration (the Sundial of Bianchini)?

Much... even to attract young people to the beauty, the completeness of art. This is universal and marries well with itself: art with art... a winning combination.

Do you know us as rotarian?

You know ... all right! I held concerts worldwide under the aegis Rotarian. Know your Association, which is pursuing projects, your availability. I am glad to be helpful to Rotary.

Finally... what interests grows outside of music?

Are passionate about football but also to vintage Cinema (from Neapolitan I like good movies of Totò); then, I read a lot, especially on the road, when I can be alone with myself. My passion is still my two daughters (twins): four years with them up the best moments of my life!

Accardo has tagged a precious accent, with the concert in Santa Maria degli Angeli, on one of the most famous Roman basilicas (designed by an octogenarian Michelangelo and resumed by Vanvitelli) and on a sundial from unique, artistic value and scientific.My questions, addressed simply to the contemporary, as well as to the artist, so he replied:

Master, she started very young, young people today are interested in classical music?

To concern you must know; young people, especially children, absorb

like sponges, have space to make choices but only after an extensive knowledge of music, in all its manifestations (not limited to certain addresses); this opportunity to meet wide-ranging, should be encouraged. Today there is a basic issue: no musical education. Then, the difficult current situation presents obstacles to young people’s interest for classical music; financial cuts are felt, especially when they hit small institutions, those that – ultimately – represent the gym for young people themselves (we start from those ... not on the scale or the Opera House). I am optimistic for the future ... but not so much!

A magnificent concert of maestro Salvatore Accardo, organized by Rotary Club Appia Antica has offered to “Paul” the opportunity for an interview.

a life through muSic




by Domenico Apolloni

Y R A T O RSalvatore Accardo

I met Salvatore Accardo at Hotel Ambasciatori in Rome, early in the morning on the day of the concert “the Light”, organized by the Rotary Club “Rome Appia Antica” (along with its Rotaract and Interact) with the FAI, to restore the Sundial of Bianchini, in the Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli “(so dear to Italians). The sunshine of early March was already the soul courtesy but was doing nice teacher to decide what would be the topic of our conversation. A way to offer that belongs to people who started at a very young age to get busy (four years began with the violin, at fifteen he took diploma, at seventeen won the Premio Paganini in Genoa (under the “lanterna” If you remember in 2008, after fifty years, with his appointment as honorary citizen), who has eyes the color of the Gulf of Naples, who has the good fortune of being forever young in mind.Accardo, is a glory of our country: played everywhere, exhibiting a incredibly vast repertoire, with his priceless violins (also owns a “Guarneri del Gesù”, belonged to the same Paganini); is rightly esteemed the greatest violinist of his generation and conducts the Orchestra da Camera Italiana (O. C. I.) he founded some 15 years ago.Grand Officer and Grand Cross of merit of the Republic, Salvatore

Prefers to play the violin or directing the orchestra?

I don’t see any distinction: make music engages, it sounds listening... you hear playing. In the violin there is your proof with yourself, in the orchestra there is the metaphor of life: you feel when it ends your freedom, because that of others begins. Both satisfy, perhaps in equal measure.

How important, for the artist, the emotion aroused in public?

Counts enormously ... I would say that this emotion is crucial: everything you do together and the active presence of the audience makes it possible and viva the recitation, performance, testing themselves. The public part of any concert, indeed... is its essential element. It also happens to actors; the difference between the Cinema and theatre is this: when there is public, everything becomes different. Change the same performance of the artist: in front of the large audience, exalted all things.

How much is the stimulation of an artist for a major restoration (the Sundial of Bianchini)?

Much... even to attract young people to the beauty, the completeness of art. This is universal and marries well with itself: art with art... a winning combination.

Do you know us as rotarian?

You know ... all right! I held concerts worldwide under the aegis Rotarian. Know your Association, which is pursuing projects, your availability. I am glad to be helpful to Rotary.

Finally... what interests grows outside of music?

Are passionate about football but also to vintage Cinema (from Neapolitan I like good movies of Totò); then, I read a lot, especially on the road, when I can be alone with myself. My passion is still my two daughters (twins): four years with them up the best moments of my life!

Accardo has tagged a precious accent, with the concert in Santa Maria degli Angeli, on one of the most famous Roman basilicas (designed by an octogenarian Michelangelo and resumed by Vanvitelli) and on a sundial from unique, artistic value and scientific.My questions, addressed simply to the contemporary, as well as to the artist, so he replied:

Master, she started very young, young people today are interested in classical music?

To concern you must know; young people, especially children, absorb

like sponges, have space to make choices but only after an extensive knowledge of music, in all its manifestations (not limited to certain addresses); this opportunity to meet wide-ranging, should be encouraged. Today there is a basic issue: no musical education. Then, the difficult current situation presents obstacles to young people’s interest for classical music; financial cuts are felt, especially when they hit small institutions, those that – ultimately – represent the gym for young people themselves (we start from those ... not on the scale or the Opera House). I am optimistic for the future ... but not so much!

A magnificent concert of maestro Salvatore Accardo, organized by Rotary Club Appia Antica has offered to “Paul” the opportunity for an interview.

a life through muSic

PE AN UG L19 18

by Ignazio Raimondo

Federico Capeci

As well as companies to sell must understand the needs of the audience, likewise young to emerge have to understand who they are and pursue the objective.

underStand to winThe interview, training and communication

Federico CapeciComnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati de none.

•Plique dempos doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt moluptati.

•Officiderro que officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

How do you become experts and professionals of brand community?

Studying a lot, referring to the most advanced international contexts, and with lots of practice, since things change quickly and much is still to be written: interpretative models and frames that move are not yet all fully shared and “crystallized”. For this you must try and capitalising experiences, trying to theorize and abstracting the basic concepts to define the rules of Act. How and how much has changed the consumer market and then of marketing/advertising over the past 20 years?

To be honest, in my opinion, consumers and markets have not changed all that much. Have their needs, needs to be discovered, the opportunities to find as many years ago ... it is true, have more devices in hand, they are more informed, more educated, etc but I do not say that marketing in the twentieth century was much simpler. It is true, however, that the manner in which you have to relate with them have changed: the marketing activities have become more hectic, fast, complex for the multitude of channels and tools that we have in hand today.Perhaps, then, it became more

A long experience in the world of market research then the jump and continuous training in the specific sector of community on the web. This constant attempt to understand consumer needs and anticipate trends; It is the work of Frederick Capeci of zero point 2 research. Guest speaker at a convivial of Rotary Roma Est is the ideal partner to delve into the world of the internet, his occupations, his secrets.

Internet, its world especially his community have no secrets for You, may try to explain (even to those who know little about the web) what is your profession and unravel why web communities represent an opportunity for those who want to learn and benefit from that knowledge?

I could call myself a market researcher of new generation. More specifically, I deal with market research to marketing and corporate communication, using new techniques and especially digital tools. So basically, if a company-or even a person – contact me is to understand how to use the web to understand their consumers, relevant messages to tell him, or to communicate with it, do participate in business processes and, of course, develop the business. Is a new way of thinking about marketing and a new paradigm of Act, which creates new professions like mine. In social networks, blogs, in forums, in community, in fact, consumers are not only present, there ready to be “struck” (as it was at one time ... and alas even today, often), but are increasingly available to a new relationship with ibrand from wanting to contribute personally to dialogue, to create products together with the companies. This, as you can understand, it changes the rules of the game and the relationship between company and consumer.

difficult to cope with the various contact addresses and mktg offered by digital. Has become more difficult to know each time a new, different, evolutionary than no time before. This is. For this we must investigate, investigate, sometimes make mistakes ... but first, understand roles and plus.

Why he decided to get into this area, there is also a “passionate”?

I couldn’t tell you, sincerely. I used to work for a big multinational company and at one point my boss resigned, thinking of me as a substitute. Unfortunately the leaders instead believed that I was too young for that role. Then I decided to leave the company and look for other ways, perhaps more suitable for me and my desire to do, beyond the age of that time ... here I met the web and I started my career in this field, certainly very little formal and much more open to innovation than others. Once inside, and overcome the first difficulty of having to invent everything from scratch and having to understand the technical glossary that I missed, I found the rewards I was looking for, being keen on Yes every day. The passion, for me, is synonymous with creativity, innovation, discovery ... sometimes even a bit of risk. The rise of the public network user is given for unstoppable? a young and dynamic as such and therefore interesting for who? is rich? Obviously, even if in Italy we collide with very serious problems of structural diffusion of broadband. Yet half of the Italian population is not connected to the Internet: among these there are more senior generations, admittedly, but even people who are not reached by the signal. This is not acceptable to me and, I admit, a little understandable. The profile is changing too much and it is true that all young people are now online, but the age group most represented in the web has between 35 and 45 years. Today there are many people who are in the network, not just young people, even if they pull innovations, often. Have a higher profile than the other half of the population off-line, are very interesting for companies, though often difficult to satisfy and not very faithful.

What has changed in his work compared to ten years ago...

Everything. If before we had to call and ask people to participate in interviews, today many of the useful information to understand consumers and communication opportunities we find them on the net, available in forums, blogs, social networks. People talk about themselves online, telling who they are, what they love, what they hate, why choose a product or thing are unsatisfied. I’m not saying that it is easy to understand all this, because it is one thing to read a post and bring it back to companies, another thing is to understand the motivations and give a thorough reading and focused. But this is the real big change in our work: research is bottom-up. But there’s more: not only observation, but also involvement: today you can engage consumers and give them an active role in the processes of communication and brand building. Are no longer only taxable all of our communications and our products, but may actively intervene and help us create things together. This is the real revolution of my work: to have the consumer’s desire to write with their products and communications, so they are really relevant to your needs and desires. What advice would you give to a young why can soon find a job?

The most important thing that a young person must, in my view, have to do any thing is awareness. Know who you are, what their values and what the weaknesses so serious and serene, it is crucial to be able to design your own future. And once you understand himself, the best advice I can give is: try it! Indeed, not only play it because you can get it wrong and you can not collect now: try it, you can try again, believe it. The road to success today comes from the entrepreneurship spirit, desire to do and get involved, even if you are addicted to an indefinite period even if your head is two generations older and will struggle to understand.


PE AN UG L19 18

by Ignazio Raimondo

Federico Capeci

As well as companies to sell must understand the needs of the audience, likewise young to emerge have to understand who they are and pursue the objective.

underStand to winThe interview, training and communication

Federico CapeciComnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest, quati de none.

•Plique dempos doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt moluptati.

•Officiderro que officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

How do you become experts and professionals of brand community?

Studying a lot, referring to the most advanced international contexts, and with lots of practice, since things change quickly and much is still to be written: interpretative models and frames that move are not yet all fully shared and “crystallized”. For this you must try and capitalising experiences, trying to theorize and abstracting the basic concepts to define the rules of Act. How and how much has changed the consumer market and then of marketing/advertising over the past 20 years?

To be honest, in my opinion, consumers and markets have not changed all that much. Have their needs, needs to be discovered, the opportunities to find as many years ago ... it is true, have more devices in hand, they are more informed, more educated, etc but I do not say that marketing in the twentieth century was much simpler. It is true, however, that the manner in which you have to relate with them have changed: the marketing activities have become more hectic, fast, complex for the multitude of channels and tools that we have in hand today.Perhaps, then, it became more

A long experience in the world of market research then the jump and continuous training in the specific sector of community on the web. This constant attempt to understand consumer needs and anticipate trends; It is the work of Frederick Capeci of zero point 2 research. Guest speaker at a convivial of Rotary Roma Est is the ideal partner to delve into the world of the internet, his occupations, his secrets.

Internet, its world especially his community have no secrets for You, may try to explain (even to those who know little about the web) what is your profession and unravel why web communities represent an opportunity for those who want to learn and benefit from that knowledge?

I could call myself a market researcher of new generation. More specifically, I deal with market research to marketing and corporate communication, using new techniques and especially digital tools. So basically, if a company-or even a person – contact me is to understand how to use the web to understand their consumers, relevant messages to tell him, or to communicate with it, do participate in business processes and, of course, develop the business. Is a new way of thinking about marketing and a new paradigm of Act, which creates new professions like mine. In social networks, blogs, in forums, in community, in fact, consumers are not only present, there ready to be “struck” (as it was at one time ... and alas even today, often), but are increasingly available to a new relationship with ibrand from wanting to contribute personally to dialogue, to create products together with the companies. This, as you can understand, it changes the rules of the game and the relationship between company and consumer.

difficult to cope with the various contact addresses and mktg offered by digital. Has become more difficult to know each time a new, different, evolutionary than no time before. This is. For this we must investigate, investigate, sometimes make mistakes ... but first, understand roles and plus.

Why he decided to get into this area, there is also a “passionate”?

I couldn’t tell you, sincerely. I used to work for a big multinational company and at one point my boss resigned, thinking of me as a substitute. Unfortunately the leaders instead believed that I was too young for that role. Then I decided to leave the company and look for other ways, perhaps more suitable for me and my desire to do, beyond the age of that time ... here I met the web and I started my career in this field, certainly very little formal and much more open to innovation than others. Once inside, and overcome the first difficulty of having to invent everything from scratch and having to understand the technical glossary that I missed, I found the rewards I was looking for, being keen on Yes every day. The passion, for me, is synonymous with creativity, innovation, discovery ... sometimes even a bit of risk. The rise of the public network user is given for unstoppable? a young and dynamic as such and therefore interesting for who? is rich? Obviously, even if in Italy we collide with very serious problems of structural diffusion of broadband. Yet half of the Italian population is not connected to the Internet: among these there are more senior generations, admittedly, but even people who are not reached by the signal. This is not acceptable to me and, I admit, a little understandable. The profile is changing too much and it is true that all young people are now online, but the age group most represented in the web has between 35 and 45 years. Today there are many people who are in the network, not just young people, even if they pull innovations, often. Have a higher profile than the other half of the population off-line, are very interesting for companies, though often difficult to satisfy and not very faithful.

What has changed in his work compared to ten years ago...

Everything. If before we had to call and ask people to participate in interviews, today many of the useful information to understand consumers and communication opportunities we find them on the net, available in forums, blogs, social networks. People talk about themselves online, telling who they are, what they love, what they hate, why choose a product or thing are unsatisfied. I’m not saying that it is easy to understand all this, because it is one thing to read a post and bring it back to companies, another thing is to understand the motivations and give a thorough reading and focused. But this is the real big change in our work: research is bottom-up. But there’s more: not only observation, but also involvement: today you can engage consumers and give them an active role in the processes of communication and brand building. Are no longer only taxable all of our communications and our products, but may actively intervene and help us create things together. This is the real revolution of my work: to have the consumer’s desire to write with their products and communications, so they are really relevant to your needs and desires. What advice would you give to a young why can soon find a job?

The most important thing that a young person must, in my view, have to do any thing is awareness. Know who you are, what their values and what the weaknesses so serious and serene, it is crucial to be able to design your own future. And once you understand himself, the best advice I can give is: try it! Indeed, not only play it because you can get it wrong and you can not collect now: try it, you can try again, believe it. The road to success today comes from the entrepreneurship spirit, desire to do and get involved, even if you are addicted to an indefinite period even if your head is two generations older and will struggle to understand.



ple to seek, with perseverance and forcefully, the best possible preparation to deal with more weapons can a world so hard and so closed to employability. As regards teaching mode I have to say that at least personally I made, in almost thirty years of teaching, great change. Maybe this is my gap but the daily check the involve-ment of learners classes held in the arm demonstrates how important it is to intrigue and almost amusing, I mean they can not change the approach, it is important to achieve the goal of getting feedback and feedback. Of course I have to see how in recent years young people show a cultural curiosity less than before, but I think this should be attributed to a less and less education more flawed.

What is the quality of the human material on which you are working and what more limits that young professio-nals of the future feature?

“It depends a lot from several courses where kids sign up. Those three years have students very interested and motivated, those slightly less annual, but of course this like all simplification has many limitations. As for the problems I think the biggest problem related to the possibility of finding employment is due to problems of language, vocabulary, expressive capacity of spelling mistakes, everything you notice much, too I’d say. “

To cite a success of Gianni Morandi, and in times of San Remo festival there is fine, “One in a thousand will do”, what has more than others what we do?

“Surely the grit, the determination, the will to emerge that often drives many students, skilled and talented, which certainly does not lack the preparation to invent new ways to offer to emerge. In this regard I could cite many cases of students who have quickly found their way into autonomy perhaps associating itself with other young people and acting successfully in this hard work. Here’s credo proprio che face except the ability to propose, to show up with skills and education, a capa-city which, however, cannot overcome the insurmoun-table boundary of lack of talent and preparation should be overcome with caution and tenacity that thanks to series schools and training courses tailored to their characteristics and learning opportunities”.

Luca LeonoriComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.


ple to seek, with perseverance and forcefully, the best possible preparation to deal with more weapons can a world so hard and so closed to employability. As regards teaching mode I have to say that at least personally I made, in almost thirty years of teaching, great change. Maybe this is my gap but the daily check the involve-ment of learners classes held in the arm demonstrates how important it is to intrigue and almost amusing, I mean they can not change the approach, it is important to achieve the goal of getting feedback and feedback. Of course I have to see how in recent years young people show a cultural curiosity less than before, but I think this should be attributed to a less and less education more flawed.

What is the quality of the human material on which you are working and what more limits that young professio-nals of the future feature?

“It depends a lot from several courses where kids sign up. Those three years have students very interested and motivated, those slightly less annual, but of course this like all simplification has many limitations. As for the problems I think the biggest problem related to the possibility of finding employment is due to problems of language, vocabulary, expressive capacity of spelling mistakes, everything you notice much, too I’d say. “

To cite a success of Gianni Morandi, and in times of San Remo festival there is fine, “One in a thousand will do”, what has more than others what we do?

“Surely the grit, the determination, the will to emerge that often drives many students, skilled and talented, which certainly does not lack the preparation to invent new ways to offer to emerge. In this regard I could cite many cases of students who have quickly found their way into autonomy perhaps associating itself with other young people and acting successfully in this hard work. Here’s credo proprio che face except the ability to propose, to show up with skills and education, a capa-city which, however, cannot overcome the insurmoun-table boundary of lack of talent and preparation should be overcome with caution and tenacity that thanks to series schools and training courses tailored to their characteristics and learning opportunities”.

Luca LeonoriComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.




by Giorgia Cingolani

Luca Leonori must have run reorganizations, negotiations, training & Development, compensation etc.

You often speak of internationalization and necessary predisposition to dynamism and flexibility, how impor-tant is the knowledge of foreign languages and expe-riences abroad.

I would say that knowledge of English is a must, with the exception perhaps for some (not all) public sector worlds. The obvious reason is the globalization of mar-kets. Even in a period of deep crisis “mature” markets such as those in Europe, would survive (and even good) ones who have an international market and offset the down turn of an area with the growth of another. To internationalize it that dynamism and flexibility would ask me. Flexibility which I think is first of all “mental”: you should take note that the cultures are not all the same, you must know how to understand and adapt to your own reasoning. This fact marks the passage from “exporter” and local culture to “international player” and then “global”. The other aspect of dynamism and flexibility is linked to physical movement: the accep-tance going to live away from their place of origin as a function of work and professional growth. On this the Italians (but I’m in good company) are quite reluctant to accept if they do so on the basis of commuting but not move the family. And this, in the long run, it is hardly tenable.

From hypothetical but likely goalkicker/distributor of men and women in the labour market, which he believes are the best weapons that a young person must exhibit in the interview... and what must necessarily be present in his c.v.

Basically our work is focused on high-level organiza-tional positions, managers, directors or Ceos to un-derstand, in the context of multinational companies. However, if I were to give advice to young people, in relation to the world that we know better, I would say to them that we must demonstrate that he “drove” their growth, settling a path and implement it, doing well in that in which it is “grappled”: well in studies, timing and voting; well in sports or social activities, or in the music if you have dedicated a major portion of his time to this activity. Good knowledge of English. Initiatives to do work experience while studying through the stages.Ability to solve problems, collaborate with others, ha-ving initiative, to understand what is happening in the world, to be proactive, flexible, curious, innovative and sometimes prepared to accept and manage change, are all aspects which help to give a good impression. “Last but not least”, be “educated” … Talk time is important to the ability to communicate, to “tell” concisely, answer honestly and transparently (even if some “incompe-tence”: what matters is the ability to learn). One thing that many young people forget is to be interested in the company and the job can be offered. Too often behave like the examination at the University that “I go well if I am responding well”. In the interview you can (and should) ask questions on job content and the business and for these you should prepare in advance (study site is the first thing to do) and ... the salary question is the latest to do!

These are the components that must not fail in young people who want to stand out in the workplace.

grit and ability to act

It is the educational Director of the istituto Quasar in Rome, a training and research geared to the study and the design of the environment, objects and new com-munication forms. In a nutshell the architect Luca Lam, a University Professor, is among the most valid interlo-cutors to understand in which direction goes vocatio-nal training if you want to offer young people a better chance of entering the world of work. And this mainly because the Institute who heads form those which in theory are the most sought-after professionals today from the market: graphs, designer, web designer, habitat designer, interior designers, experts in ipergrafica etc.

Professor, after so many years of teaching both at the University and in private structure that directs as he saw change young people and has changed the way we teach?

“Young people today are challenged to react so much ready and energetic because unlike what happened just a few years ago our society is in crisis and I am not re-ferring only to the epochal economic problems. I believe that you are experiencing almost an obscurantism of knowledge level, it’s like we’re back to the middle ages. In this context becomes fundamental for young peo-

Lorenzo SartorelliComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.




by Giorgia Cingolani

Luca Leonori must have run reorganizations, negotiations, training & Development, compensation etc.

You often speak of internationalization and necessary predisposition to dynamism and flexibility, how impor-tant is the knowledge of foreign languages and expe-riences abroad.

I would say that knowledge of English is a must, with the exception perhaps for some (not all) public sector worlds. The obvious reason is the globalization of mar-kets. Even in a period of deep crisis “mature” markets such as those in Europe, would survive (and even good) ones who have an international market and offset the down turn of an area with the growth of another. To internationalize it that dynamism and flexibility would ask me. Flexibility which I think is first of all “mental”: you should take note that the cultures are not all the same, you must know how to understand and adapt to your own reasoning. This fact marks the passage from “exporter” and local culture to “international player” and then “global”. The other aspect of dynamism and flexibility is linked to physical movement: the accep-tance going to live away from their place of origin as a function of work and professional growth. On this the Italians (but I’m in good company) are quite reluctant to accept if they do so on the basis of commuting but not move the family. And this, in the long run, it is hardly tenable.

From hypothetical but likely goalkicker/distributor of men and women in the labour market, which he believes are the best weapons that a young person must exhibit in the interview... and what must necessarily be present in his c.v.

Basically our work is focused on high-level organiza-tional positions, managers, directors or Ceos to un-derstand, in the context of multinational companies. However, if I were to give advice to young people, in relation to the world that we know better, I would say to them that we must demonstrate that he “drove” their growth, settling a path and implement it, doing well in that in which it is “grappled”: well in studies, timing and voting; well in sports or social activities, or in the music if you have dedicated a major portion of his time to this activity. Good knowledge of English. Initiatives to do work experience while studying through the stages.Ability to solve problems, collaborate with others, ha-ving initiative, to understand what is happening in the world, to be proactive, flexible, curious, innovative and sometimes prepared to accept and manage change, are all aspects which help to give a good impression. “Last but not least”, be “educated” … Talk time is important to the ability to communicate, to “tell” concisely, answer honestly and transparently (even if some “incompe-tence”: what matters is the ability to learn). One thing that many young people forget is to be interested in the company and the job can be offered. Too often behave like the examination at the University that “I go well if I am responding well”. In the interview you can (and should) ask questions on job content and the business and for these you should prepare in advance (study site is the first thing to do) and ... the salary question is the latest to do!

These are the components that must not fail in young people who want to stand out in the workplace.

grit and ability to act

It is the educational Director of the istituto Quasar in Rome, a training and research geared to the study and the design of the environment, objects and new com-munication forms. In a nutshell the architect Luca Lam, a University Professor, is among the most valid interlo-cutors to understand in which direction goes vocatio-nal training if you want to offer young people a better chance of entering the world of work. And this mainly because the Institute who heads form those which in theory are the most sought-after professionals today from the market: graphs, designer, web designer, habitat designer, interior designers, experts in ipergrafica etc.

Professor, after so many years of teaching both at the University and in private structure that directs as he saw change young people and has changed the way we teach?

“Young people today are challenged to react so much ready and energetic because unlike what happened just a few years ago our society is in crisis and I am not re-ferring only to the epochal economic problems. I believe that you are experiencing almost an obscurantism of knowledge level, it’s like we’re back to the middle ages. In this context becomes fundamental for young peo-

Lorenzo SartorelliComnimin nectus eum

eost, atest, quati

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.•Plique dempos

doluptam re, od qui ut doloribus, unt

moluptati.•Officiderro que

officit la sendiate earcias nis aut volupid elibus.

•Comnimin nectus eum eost, atest,

quati de none.



by Ignazio Raimondo

Lorenzo Sartorelli

The world of work

ViSion, motiVation and educationThese are some of the most important components to get chances in finding employment. Word of headhunter.

market) or that of public relations but that relegate the scientific competence on a second floor addition to the vertex figuresin this area of business organization are born, more operational positions, regional area mana-ger “or” key accounts “, however substantially different from those of informers.Outside of the pharmaceutical industry, to answer your question, my impression is that there are limits to replace professionalism that leave the company but well looked after if there are no internal candidates available for skills and experience; many of the new “jobs” that are created with the advent of new technologies, I think everything revolves around the “web”, have come to represent an offer of “external” service that features included in business structures and subject of research by head hunters. An interesting case is that of “responsible for internal communications,” recently established figure in medium and large com-panies, who are a little inventing their work. In this case the technologies offer rapid communication channels, in fact no limits to the amount of distributable informa-tion, potentially interactive. These systems should be to

HeadHunter, headhunter, recruiter on behalf of men and women that offer a job. It is the specialty of Loren-zo Sartorelli partner of the firm Frezzaepartner. His is a privileged perspective that casts a particular light on this world especially useful for younger ...

In a world of work that offers little opportunity is a privi-lege to collect from those who craft makes “headhunter” for companies trying to figure out which direction is the world of work. In his profession of Head Hunter in the world of health and pharmaceutical industry (but not only) what would be the most popular on the market today?

The world of pharmaceutical companies in Italy is experiencing, in recent years, a deep restructuring phase. Several phenomena have reduced the margins of pharmaceutical industries significantly and resulted in the drastic downsizing of a profession, that of the scientific informant of medication dedicated to primary care physicians (and related structures of area managers, sales mangers, etc), which had given many graduates work in scientific disciplines. It remained standing figure of informant specialist, what interfaces with hospital specializations with source biotechnological drugs figure based on a deep knowledge of the drug combined with a capacity to build effective relationships with users (usually the hospital primary) until it becomes for them a reference and a link to the corporate structures that can provide specific advice.Regionalisation has pushed many companies to create the figure of “market access”, a new profession that should facilitate the meeting by regional demand, linked to local choices in terms of therapeutic formulary, purchasing policies, etc corporate offer; is a profession that didn’t exist until a few years ago and which is being built on the basis of previous experience also varied, including the commercial area, the coverage (the set of rules governing the placing of a drug on the

replace what was formerly an important role leaders de-legate at various levels, with benefits that I was saying above, speed, quantity, consistency, but also with the effect of removing them “spokesman” of the company towards its employees. I would say that on balance of these balances is played the effectiveness of “communi-cations officer”.Once a candidate meets for knowledge and experiences, preparation etc what is it that makes the difference, it does win way to one candidate rather than another?

I would say first of all, it depends on the type of business in which you should enter the person and distinguish between entrepreneurial private companies with a “decision making” top-down, usually to multinatio-nal companies, more prone to managerial and shared decision making, public companies where there are other operating mechanisms.

If we remain in the field of multinational companies, certainly his “personal characteristics”, particularly its ability to le adership on one hand and knowing how to work “together” by another. Among the “leadership skills” I would say, with a phrase that may appear trivial, “know where to go”. In changing markets it is vital to look ahead, interpret, from the available signals, as is the future and prepare the Organization to cope. You should then be able to communicate this “vision” and to “mobilize” resources towards the objectives. These three main aspects (vision, communication and mobilization) imply different types of managerial skills that improve with experience, which is made of time but also “the right frameworks” where maturarle (not all companies are the same). The leadership is also adds the ability to work with others effectively, considering business objectives as something to be built together as a sum of the objectives of individual functions.

How important is previous experiences, I mean ... com-panies today are looking for more young people to ease their contractually or join private still has its weight experience?

Depends a lot from the positions. In a changing world, prior experience can sometimes be a hindrance ra-ther than help. The evolution of technologies furthers certainly young, who were born and raised with them, compared to generations who find it difficult to reason with reference to a digital and interactive world. It’s a bit the situation of traditional politicians who must confront a M5S that simply through the web seems to have put together in a short time a significant percen-tage of voters ...However, there are still positions for which experience is essential: to return to examples of the pharmaceutical world, an informant specialist must have accumulated over time skills and relation-ships, anyone involved in technology transfer must have done so several times before and have learned to solve problems, a manager of Administration must demon-strate that he had drawn up budgets, to meet the fiscal aspects, having managed perhaps inspections of the “guardia di finanza”; who is Human Resources Manager



by Ignazio Raimondo

Lorenzo Sartorelli

The world of work

ViSion, motiVation and educationThese are some of the most important components to get chances in finding employment. Word of headhunter.

market) or that of public relations but that relegate the scientific competence on a second floor addition to the vertex figuresin this area of business organization are born, more operational positions, regional area mana-ger “or” key accounts “, however substantially different from those of informers.Outside of the pharmaceutical industry, to answer your question, my impression is that there are limits to replace professionalism that leave the company but well looked after if there are no internal candidates available for skills and experience; many of the new “jobs” that are created with the advent of new technologies, I think everything revolves around the “web”, have come to represent an offer of “external” service that features included in business structures and subject of research by head hunters. An interesting case is that of “responsible for internal communications,” recently established figure in medium and large com-panies, who are a little inventing their work. In this case the technologies offer rapid communication channels, in fact no limits to the amount of distributable informa-tion, potentially interactive. These systems should be to

HeadHunter, headhunter, recruiter on behalf of men and women that offer a job. It is the specialty of Loren-zo Sartorelli partner of the firm Frezzaepartner. His is a privileged perspective that casts a particular light on this world especially useful for younger ...

In a world of work that offers little opportunity is a privi-lege to collect from those who craft makes “headhunter” for companies trying to figure out which direction is the world of work. In his profession of Head Hunter in the world of health and pharmaceutical industry (but not only) what would be the most popular on the market today?

The world of pharmaceutical companies in Italy is experiencing, in recent years, a deep restructuring phase. Several phenomena have reduced the margins of pharmaceutical industries significantly and resulted in the drastic downsizing of a profession, that of the scientific informant of medication dedicated to primary care physicians (and related structures of area managers, sales mangers, etc), which had given many graduates work in scientific disciplines. It remained standing figure of informant specialist, what interfaces with hospital specializations with source biotechnological drugs figure based on a deep knowledge of the drug combined with a capacity to build effective relationships with users (usually the hospital primary) until it becomes for them a reference and a link to the corporate structures that can provide specific advice.Regionalisation has pushed many companies to create the figure of “market access”, a new profession that should facilitate the meeting by regional demand, linked to local choices in terms of therapeutic formulary, purchasing policies, etc corporate offer; is a profession that didn’t exist until a few years ago and which is being built on the basis of previous experience also varied, including the commercial area, the coverage (the set of rules governing the placing of a drug on the

replace what was formerly an important role leaders de-legate at various levels, with benefits that I was saying above, speed, quantity, consistency, but also with the effect of removing them “spokesman” of the company towards its employees. I would say that on balance of these balances is played the effectiveness of “communi-cations officer”.Once a candidate meets for knowledge and experiences, preparation etc what is it that makes the difference, it does win way to one candidate rather than another?

I would say first of all, it depends on the type of business in which you should enter the person and distinguish between entrepreneurial private companies with a “decision making” top-down, usually to multinatio-nal companies, more prone to managerial and shared decision making, public companies where there are other operating mechanisms.

If we remain in the field of multinational companies, certainly his “personal characteristics”, particularly its ability to le adership on one hand and knowing how to work “together” by another. Among the “leadership skills” I would say, with a phrase that may appear trivial, “know where to go”. In changing markets it is vital to look ahead, interpret, from the available signals, as is the future and prepare the Organization to cope. You should then be able to communicate this “vision” and to “mobilize” resources towards the objectives. These three main aspects (vision, communication and mobilization) imply different types of managerial skills that improve with experience, which is made of time but also “the right frameworks” where maturarle (not all companies are the same). The leadership is also adds the ability to work with others effectively, considering business objectives as something to be built together as a sum of the objectives of individual functions.

How important is previous experiences, I mean ... com-panies today are looking for more young people to ease their contractually or join private still has its weight experience?

Depends a lot from the positions. In a changing world, prior experience can sometimes be a hindrance ra-ther than help. The evolution of technologies furthers certainly young, who were born and raised with them, compared to generations who find it difficult to reason with reference to a digital and interactive world. It’s a bit the situation of traditional politicians who must confront a M5S that simply through the web seems to have put together in a short time a significant percen-tage of voters ...However, there are still positions for which experience is essential: to return to examples of the pharmaceutical world, an informant specialist must have accumulated over time skills and relation-ships, anyone involved in technology transfer must have done so several times before and have learned to solve problems, a manager of Administration must demon-strate that he had drawn up budgets, to meet the fiscal aspects, having managed perhaps inspections of the “guardia di finanza”; who is Human Resources Manager



O IL IR -T BI E LA DHotel Residence Cave del Sole


The Hotel offers a multitude of services to its guests, including the ability to celebrate festivals and private events but also excursions and cultural routes.

present day and inserted with Sassi, Unesco heritage since 1993. The buf-fet breakfast, always tender and ser-ved in your room upon request, offers a wide range of products, from swe-et to savory, to offer guests a happy awakening. Coffee, tea, cappuccino, orange juices, seasonal fruits, Murgia Materana honey, typical sweets such as strazzate and spumette, cakes, bre-ad of Matera, focaccia, all under the banner of local goodness.The Cave of the Sun lends itself, finally, perfectly, the Organization of special events, wine tastings, cocktail and aperitif buffet. The structure with its sixte-en rooms and 38 beds is the perfect place to celebrate holidays, anniver-saries, family gatherings, repatriated between old college buddies or small gatherings of various kinds.

MATERA - Hotel Residence Cave of the Sun Resort and Beauty, the result of a skilful and careful renovation of an ancient Matera, is a structure inside, modern and welcoming, built in full respect of the environment and the territory in which it is located.Nest-led in the scenic landscape of Parco Archeologico Storico Naturale delle Chiese Rupestri del Materano, the ho-tel overlooks a large area of 18th cen-tury Tuff quarries and is also surroun-ded by a garden with native plants in a charming setting of olive trees. A hotel of great charm, elegant atmo-sphere that offers guests well-equip-ped rooms, furnished with designer furniture, precious details from refi-ned colour symphonies, wooden cei-lings with beams.Guests can choose from sixteen rooms, decorated with references to themes of local flora and fauna, ranging from mateolana and Orchid l’Ulivo until falco grillaio, symbol of the Park. the new structu-re features standard rooms equipped with all comforts, larger deluxe ro-oms with parquet floors and wooden

ceilings, some with kitchenette, two elegant junior suite with four-poster bed and stylish furniture and 2-room apartments with sofa bed and kitche-nette for longer stays long. The cosy and homely atmosphere will offer guests the utmost privacy for you to enjoy your stay in complete rela-xation, feeling like at home. For the most curious and dynamic guests, on the other hand, the staff/the structu-re promotes many activities of inte-rest to discover the territory and visits even in places that are not accessible to all. Available to our guests in the itineraries of Sassi Rupestrian civilisa-tion between art, faith and traditions or paths under the banner of environ-ment and territory in the Parco della Murgia Materana, rich in testimo-nies from the prehistoric age to the



contact & information:

Hotel Residence Cave del Sole Resort and Beauty

C.da La Vaglia Matera

Phone: +39 0835 33.15.86

e-mail: [email protected]:



O IL IR -T BI E LA DHotel Residence Cave del Sole


The Hotel offers a multitude of services to its guests, including the ability to celebrate festivals and private events but also excursions and cultural routes.

present day and inserted with Sassi, Unesco heritage since 1993. The buf-fet breakfast, always tender and ser-ved in your room upon request, offers a wide range of products, from swe-et to savory, to offer guests a happy awakening. Coffee, tea, cappuccino, orange juices, seasonal fruits, Murgia Materana honey, typical sweets such as strazzate and spumette, cakes, bre-ad of Matera, focaccia, all under the banner of local goodness.The Cave of the Sun lends itself, finally, perfectly, the Organization of special events, wine tastings, cocktail and aperitif buffet. The structure with its sixte-en rooms and 38 beds is the perfect place to celebrate holidays, anniver-saries, family gatherings, repatriated between old college buddies or small gatherings of various kinds.

MATERA - Hotel Residence Cave of the Sun Resort and Beauty, the result of a skilful and careful renovation of an ancient Matera, is a structure inside, modern and welcoming, built in full respect of the environment and the territory in which it is located.Nest-led in the scenic landscape of Parco Archeologico Storico Naturale delle Chiese Rupestri del Materano, the ho-tel overlooks a large area of 18th cen-tury Tuff quarries and is also surroun-ded by a garden with native plants in a charming setting of olive trees. A hotel of great charm, elegant atmo-sphere that offers guests well-equip-ped rooms, furnished with designer furniture, precious details from refi-ned colour symphonies, wooden cei-lings with beams.Guests can choose from sixteen rooms, decorated with references to themes of local flora and fauna, ranging from mateolana and Orchid l’Ulivo until falco grillaio, symbol of the Park. the new structu-re features standard rooms equipped with all comforts, larger deluxe ro-oms with parquet floors and wooden

ceilings, some with kitchenette, two elegant junior suite with four-poster bed and stylish furniture and 2-room apartments with sofa bed and kitche-nette for longer stays long. The cosy and homely atmosphere will offer guests the utmost privacy for you to enjoy your stay in complete rela-xation, feeling like at home. For the most curious and dynamic guests, on the other hand, the staff/the structu-re promotes many activities of inte-rest to discover the territory and visits even in places that are not accessible to all. Available to our guests in the itineraries of Sassi Rupestrian civilisa-tion between art, faith and traditions or paths under the banner of environ-ment and territory in the Parco della Murgia Materana, rich in testimo-nies from the prehistoric age to the



contact & information:

Hotel Residence Cave del Sole Resort and Beauty

C.da La Vaglia Matera

Phone: +39 0835 33.15.86

e-mail: [email protected]:


the rotaractIt is the Association of young people between 18 and 30 years dedicated to volunteering. Each club is sponsored by the Rotary club. Born in 1968 today has more than 8,400 Rotaract club present in 170 countries for a total of about 200,000 members. Rotary Club members Godfather are prodding and encouragement for Rotary training but also culturally and professionally for the youth of Rotaract. These guys have a chance to start to come into contact with an adult world made by representative of the world business excellence and professional.

the interactThere are young people between 12 and 18 years, every club is sponsored by a Rotary that provides advice and supervision, is also autonomous financially. The members often come from a single school and more schools. Each year the club must complete at least two service projects. Interact club membership as to that rotarat promotes the development of leadership skills, the value of the service, the sense of personal responsibility and the value of work. In the world there are 10,700 clubs in 109 Countries comprising about 200,000 children.

Youth exchangeIt is operational since more than 75 years demonstrating how since the dawn Rotary education believe international youth perspective. Over many years the Rotary Youth Exchange has touched more than 80 Countries involving tens of thousands of young people. This year 8,000 kids who are taking advantage of this wonderful program that puts them in a position to learn a new language and above all to get in touch with the new realities by enriching the cultural heritage, basic human and professional to become an excellence.

the rYlaThe acronym stands for Youth Leadership Award. The program, organized by the Rotary Club, just to meet the needs of the youngest, provides children aged 14 to 18 years and to young people between 19 and 30 years to develop the qualities of leadership, the sense of civic responsibility and personal growth. This is study seminars of variable duration (1-3 days) where young people are in a formative immersion in various professional sectors and/or entrepreneurship. Rotary International clubs to further suggests the following themes: leadership principles, leadership ethics, the importance of communication, conflict resolution and mediation, the Rotary and its operations.

scholarshiPsThe program of ambassadorial scholarships began in 1947 and ends this year to take on a new look. Since then were awarded scholarships for a total of 532 million dollars that they put in the 41,000 men and women to live for a year abroad to study experience and extremely formative life. During the stay abroad Fellows serve as Ambassadors for peace in the country where they went, make presentations about their culture at the Rotary club “host”. On their return the scholars share with Rotarians the lived experience that allowed them to know in depth the culture of the country that hosted them.

education the Italy occupies 29° with a skinny 57.1% behind countries like Poland, Estonia, Chile and Greece. This speaks volumes about the difficulty of reacting to a decline that seems bound to double strand with the preparation of youth and the inability of a State to highlight the human heritage. A heritage to young people on which Rotary International always tip so much so that the new generations is the fifth via Rotary action. One of the directions in which they develop the programs of the Association founded by Paul Harrys in 1905. Every year thanks to this action thousands

of young people aged between 12 and 30 years old can live an incredible experience as part of a program designed and organized for them. The Rotaract and Interact offer young people the opportunity to lend their services within the community in which they live or abroad. Exchanging young people explore new cultures, with new talents acquire Ryla, which will help them to succeed as future community leaders. In addition the Rotary has a long tradition of promoting international understanding through education, thanks to educational programs.

9 8


the rotaractIt is the Association of young people between 18 and 30 years dedicated to volunteering. Each club is sponsored by the Rotary club. Born in 1968 today has more than 8,400 Rotaract club present in 170 countries for a total of about 200,000 members. Rotary Club members Godfather are prodding and encouragement for Rotary training but also culturally and professionally for the youth of Rotaract. These guys have a chance to start to come into contact with an adult world made by representative of the world business excellence and professional.

the interactThere are young people between 12 and 18 years, every club is sponsored by a Rotary that provides advice and supervision, is also autonomous financially. The members often come from a single school and more schools. Each year the club must complete at least two service projects. Interact club membership as to that rotarat promotes the development of leadership skills, the value of the service, the sense of personal responsibility and the value of work. In the world there are 10,700 clubs in 109 Countries comprising about 200,000 children.

Youth exchangeIt is operational since more than 75 years demonstrating how since the dawn Rotary education believe international youth perspective. Over many years the Rotary Youth Exchange has touched more than 80 Countries involving tens of thousands of young people. This year 8,000 kids who are taking advantage of this wonderful program that puts them in a position to learn a new language and above all to get in touch with the new realities by enriching the cultural heritage, basic human and professional to become an excellence.

the rYlaThe acronym stands for Youth Leadership Award. The program, organized by the Rotary Club, just to meet the needs of the youngest, provides children aged 14 to 18 years and to young people between 19 and 30 years to develop the qualities of leadership, the sense of civic responsibility and personal growth. This is study seminars of variable duration (1-3 days) where young people are in a formative immersion in various professional sectors and/or entrepreneurship. Rotary International clubs to further suggests the following themes: leadership principles, leadership ethics, the importance of communication, conflict resolution and mediation, the Rotary and its operations.

scholarshiPsThe program of ambassadorial scholarships began in 1947 and ends this year to take on a new look. Since then were awarded scholarships for a total of 532 million dollars that they put in the 41,000 men and women to live for a year abroad to study experience and extremely formative life. During the stay abroad Fellows serve as Ambassadors for peace in the country where they went, make presentations about their culture at the Rotary club “host”. On their return the scholars share with Rotarians the lived experience that allowed them to know in depth the culture of the country that hosted them.

education the Italy occupies 29° with a skinny 57.1% behind countries like Poland, Estonia, Chile and Greece. This speaks volumes about the difficulty of reacting to a decline that seems bound to double strand with the preparation of youth and the inability of a State to highlight the human heritage. A heritage to young people on which Rotary International always tip so much so that the new generations is the fifth via Rotary action. One of the directions in which they develop the programs of the Association founded by Paul Harrys in 1905. Every year thanks to this action thousands

of young people aged between 12 and 30 years old can live an incredible experience as part of a program designed and organized for them. The Rotaract and Interact offer young people the opportunity to lend their services within the community in which they live or abroad. Exchanging young people explore new cultures, with new talents acquire Ryla, which will help them to succeed as future community leaders. In addition the Rotary has a long tradition of promoting international understanding through education, thanks to educational programs.

9 8


by Ignazio Raimondo

Training and employment

“What we must pester is how to boost the development of our country: productive development, employment, development and prospect of development of personality and talents of young people, the younger generation. This must be our worry. And we know that culture can be a key enabler to initiate a new prospect of development not only in Italy but also, more generally, in Europe. “ The words of the head of State Giorgio Napolitano well introduce the theme dear Rotarians: young people, their training, the opportunity to put them in the best conditions to emerge and to become the leader of the future. A theme that Rotary International has always dedicated resources, and energy programs. A context in which clubs operate in the territory with sensitivity and practicality. This is the theme which this issue of Paul is dedicated. Today the emergency linked to younger generations is under everybody’s eyes, just a few details to remember the phenomenon. In November the youth unemployment rate has jumped to 37.1%, the top since 1992. The unemployment rate in between 15 and 24 years, measuring the incidence of unemployed persons out of the total of those employed or seeking, therefore increasing by 0.7 percentage points compared to October 2012 and 5 percentage points in the comparison trend (i.e. compared to November 2011).Istat, which announced that data pointed out that among the 15-24 year olds people seeking work are 641mila and represent 10.6% of the population in this age group. The data on youth employment in some way is related to the fact that Italy, unlike what has happened in Germany, for example, in recent years has been invested in vocational training and education in General. It’s no coincidence the sectors hardest hit by the reduction of resources were the culture and training. Yet when you ask experts of various contexts what should make the youth not to be inside that ugly list of 37.1% unemployed, the answer is always the same: training, training, training.

And, in fact, the numbers show that those with high-level training more or less specialized work often and are often even indefinitely. Suffice it to say that the number one among the better-paid professional profiles (1,625 average euro .00) and hired indefinitely (95.7%) there are doctors (or health professions), 10.7% of annual intakes in enterprises. The second and third place there are engineers and graduates in economic sciences statistics. Yet today in Italy among the 25-34 year we have only 20% of graduates versus 37% of OECD countries. In addition the nineteen who enroll at the University make up only 29% of peers.In the special ranking of countries in the world that has the highest percentage of the population between 35 and 44 years old have at least upper secondary

In a society that invests less and less on training, on culture and on young people in General and that for this appears increasingly in decline, Rotary stands for projects in favor of new generations.

rotary for youth: a more current commitment

7 6



by Ignazio Raimondo

Training and employment

“What we must pester is how to boost the development of our country: productive development, employment, development and prospect of development of personality and talents of young people, the younger generation. This must be our worry. And we know that culture can be a key enabler to initiate a new prospect of development not only in Italy but also, more generally, in Europe. “ The words of the head of State Giorgio Napolitano well introduce the theme dear Rotarians: young people, their training, the opportunity to put them in the best conditions to emerge and to become the leader of the future. A theme that Rotary International has always dedicated resources, and energy programs. A context in which clubs operate in the territory with sensitivity and practicality. This is the theme which this issue of Paul is dedicated. Today the emergency linked to younger generations is under everybody’s eyes, just a few details to remember the phenomenon. In November the youth unemployment rate has jumped to 37.1%, the top since 1992. The unemployment rate in between 15 and 24 years, measuring the incidence of unemployed persons out of the total of those employed or seeking, therefore increasing by 0.7 percentage points compared to October 2012 and 5 percentage points in the comparison trend (i.e. compared to November 2011).Istat, which announced that data pointed out that among the 15-24 year olds people seeking work are 641mila and represent 10.6% of the population in this age group. The data on youth employment in some way is related to the fact that Italy, unlike what has happened in Germany, for example, in recent years has been invested in vocational training and education in General. It’s no coincidence the sectors hardest hit by the reduction of resources were the culture and training. Yet when you ask experts of various contexts what should make the youth not to be inside that ugly list of 37.1% unemployed, the answer is always the same: training, training, training.

And, in fact, the numbers show that those with high-level training more or less specialized work often and are often even indefinitely. Suffice it to say that the number one among the better-paid professional profiles (1,625 average euro .00) and hired indefinitely (95.7%) there are doctors (or health professions), 10.7% of annual intakes in enterprises. The second and third place there are engineers and graduates in economic sciences statistics. Yet today in Italy among the 25-34 year we have only 20% of graduates versus 37% of OECD countries. In addition the nineteen who enroll at the University make up only 29% of peers.In the special ranking of countries in the world that has the highest percentage of the population between 35 and 44 years old have at least upper secondary

In a society that invests less and less on training, on culture and on young people in General and that for this appears increasingly in decline, Rotary stands for projects in favor of new generations.

rotary for youth: a more current commitment

7 6





Lorenzo Sartorelli

Salvatore Accardo

Ignazio Raimondo

Luca Leonori

Club Viterbo Cimina

Silvio Piccioni

Federico Capeci

pag 12

pag 20

pag 7

pag 5

pag 15

pag 22

pag 5

pag 18






















by Domenico Apolloni

adopt a School

by Domenico Apolloni

a life through muSic

by Ignazio Raimondo

underStand to win

by Giorgia Cingolani

grit and ability to act

by Ignazio Raimondo

ViSion, motiVation and education

by Ignazio Raimondo

rotary for youth: a more current commitment

Training and employment

> Ignazio Raimondo

> Silvio Piccioni


a choice for the future

the future at the center

a choice for the futureThe youth of today that apply with quality in schooling first, and then professional, should in theory become the leaders of tomorrow. Will IE those people who can define leaders as highly representative of professional groups, business and the world of work in General, will go to cover the Rotary categories. In a nutshell since our Association chooses its members among men and women who are leaders in various social positions it is essential that the Rotary watch for young people and to their vocational training with great interest. The interest is not only in thinking to the youth of today as to prospective Rotarians of tomorrow but especially in being convinced that make a positive contribution to our society is separate from the best non-commitment in support of culture, young people and their education. It is no coincidence that the Rotary International’s guidelines focus heavily on such topics. These themes we have devoted this issue of Paul with a cutting editorial content and very particular and different from “Rotary’s Entry” will try to forgive the long absence. Good reading!

the future at the centerIs a “Paul” other than what you are about to read. Its Foundation is based on an idea of where in the Club we speak often. The idea is that it is increasingly urgent, important and fundamental apply and apply that in our society will create the best possible conditions primarily because young people can develop to the fullest and then that they may join the labour market so profitable so they can make the road and become leaders later. To those unfamiliar with the Rotary idea might seem strange. Yet the guidelines, principles and Rotary International’s projects with young people are there to prove that this is not just an idea but an action carried out on a daily basis. And then this Paul has different views on the topic new generations (which of course cannot be exhaustive), training and work. There is first of all a piece of contextualization with data, statistics and Rotary projects. Then the authoritative voice of our Governor. There are also three interviews respectively to a headhunter, a new media expert, for a trainer. To close, the Rotary Club project paradigmatic commitment highly of our society towards new generations. P.S. About new generation... the Director apologizes to readers for the late Paul due among other things to the arrival and the difficulty of managing two sons... twins...







Periodico del Distretto 2080 R.I.Registrato al Tribunale di Latina il 7/8/08 al n°903 del Registro della Stampa.

Anno 1, numero 0Ottobre-Dicembre 2012

ProPrietàRaimondo Editori.

redazionePiazza Cola di Rienzo, 69 [email protected]

edizione, imPaginazione e distribuzioneRaimondo EditoriVia Tiziano 15 - LatinaT. 0773.558803 - mob.335.7050100

direzioneIgnazio [email protected]

art directorClaudio Raimondo

comitato di redazioneDomenico Apolloni, Giorgia Cingolani, Romano Dalla Chiesa, Stefania Del Gaizo, Massimo della Pena, Carlo Noto La Diega. Hanno collaborato: Salvatore Trapani, Eugenio Sassaresi.

fotografieClaudio Raimondo, fornite dagli uffici stampa, dalle persone intervistate.

Foto di copertina: Claudio Raimondo

Pubblicità e marketingRaimondo Editori. 335.7050100

stamPaMorconia Printing spa

Progetto grafico di baseEmanuele Mancini

Questo numero di Paul, Rotary Magazine è stato chiuso il 19/02/2013.






Lorenzo Sartorelli

Salvatore Accardo

Ignazio Raimondo

Luca Leonori

Club Viterbo Cimina

Silvio Piccioni

Federico Capeci

pag 12

pag 20

pag 7

pag 5

pag 15

pag 22

pag 5

pag 18






















by Domenico Apolloni

adopt a School

by Domenico Apolloni

a life through muSic

by Ignazio Raimondo

underStand to win

by Giorgia Cingolani

grit and ability to act

by Ignazio Raimondo

ViSion, motiVation and education

by Ignazio Raimondo

rotary for youth: a more current commitment

Training and employment

> Ignazio Raimondo

> Silvio Piccioni


a choice for the future

the future at the center

a choice for the futureThe youth of today that apply with quality in schooling first, and then professional, should in theory become the leaders of tomorrow. Will IE those people who can define leaders as highly representative of professional groups, business and the world of work in General, will go to cover the Rotary categories. In a nutshell since our Association chooses its members among men and women who are leaders in various social positions it is essential that the Rotary watch for young people and to their vocational training with great interest. The interest is not only in thinking to the youth of today as to prospective Rotarians of tomorrow but especially in being convinced that make a positive contribution to our society is separate from the best non-commitment in support of culture, young people and their education. It is no coincidence that the Rotary International’s guidelines focus heavily on such topics. These themes we have devoted this issue of Paul with a cutting editorial content and very particular and different from “Rotary’s Entry” will try to forgive the long absence. Good reading!

the future at the centerIs a “Paul” other than what you are about to read. Its Foundation is based on an idea of where in the Club we speak often. The idea is that it is increasingly urgent, important and fundamental apply and apply that in our society will create the best possible conditions primarily because young people can develop to the fullest and then that they may join the labour market so profitable so they can make the road and become leaders later. To those unfamiliar with the Rotary idea might seem strange. Yet the guidelines, principles and Rotary International’s projects with young people are there to prove that this is not just an idea but an action carried out on a daily basis. And then this Paul has different views on the topic new generations (which of course cannot be exhaustive), training and work. There is first of all a piece of contextualization with data, statistics and Rotary projects. Then the authoritative voice of our Governor. There are also three interviews respectively to a headhunter, a new media expert, for a trainer. To close, the Rotary Club project paradigmatic commitment highly of our society towards new generations. P.S. About new generation... the Director apologizes to readers for the late Paul due among other things to the arrival and the difficulty of managing two sons... twins...







Periodico del Distretto 2080 R.I.Registrato al Tribunale di Latina il 7/8/08 al n°903 del Registro della Stampa.

Anno 1, numero 0Ottobre-Dicembre 2012

ProPrietàRaimondo Editori.

redazionePiazza Cola di Rienzo, 69 [email protected]

edizione, imPaginazione e distribuzioneRaimondo EditoriVia Tiziano 15 - LatinaT. 0773.558803 - mob.335.7050100

direzioneIgnazio [email protected]

art directorClaudio Raimondo

comitato di redazioneDomenico Apolloni, Giorgia Cingolani, Romano Dalla Chiesa, Stefania Del Gaizo, Massimo della Pena, Carlo Noto La Diega. Hanno collaborato: Salvatore Trapani, Eugenio Sassaresi.

fotografieClaudio Raimondo, fornite dagli uffici stampa, dalle persone intervistate.

Foto di copertina: Claudio Raimondo

Pubblicità e marketingRaimondo Editori. 335.7050100

stamPaMorconia Printing spa

Progetto grafico di baseEmanuele Mancini

Questo numero di Paul, Rotary Magazine è stato chiuso il 19/02/2013.




Luca Leonori

by Giorgia Cingolani

grit and ability to act

pag 15

Salvatore Accardo

Club Viterbo Cimina

by Domenico Apolloni

by Domenico Apolloni

a life through muSic

adopt a School

pag 20

pag 22


















