paul revere

American Revolutions Paul Revere In the history of the U.S.A. who can not say that name, and some how think of one’s self?. A .PPT on Paul Revere Dennis Nelson History 140 Tu/Thur LL-109 This to the right is a picture of Paul Revere. It also is on the cover of the book that the Professor selected for me. I wanted to do something on the ‘Military’ of the Revolution. The real word’s of warning were, 'The Regulars are coming out!!!’

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Page 1: Paul Revere

American RevolutionsPaul Revere

• In the history of the U.S.A. who can not say that name, and some how think of one’s self?.

• A .PPT on Paul Revere

• Dennis Nelson History 140 Tu/Thur LL-109

This to the right is a picture of Paul Revere. It also is on the cover of the book that the Professor selected for me. I wanted to do something on the ‘Military’ of the Revolution. The real word’s of warning were, 'The Regulars are coming out!!!’

Page 2: Paul Revere

Introduction to, Paul Revere• The two main players will be

Paul Revere for the colonist side, and Gen. Thomas Gage for the British. Paul had no formal rank at this time, but he was a member of the ‘Sons of Liberty’.

• History has a clouded vision of his part in the act of the night of 4-18-1775. The main thing is that he was not acting alone, it was fully planed as a warning, and it worked.

• That night he had many adventures that lead to many myths about the evening. His capture, and release shows it in myth, and poems about his ride, they weren’t even where he rode it was a totally different town. That leads to more myth, it helps sell war bonds.

Sons Of Liberty Flag

Paul's last ride with North church in back ground

Page 3: Paul Revere

The mission • Both side had missions, both did them differently. Paul's side was

connected to a large circle of friends that shared a common goal. Gen Gage was stuck with the dilemma that no matter how many of the American he arrested, there was always some one else to fill that place. Gage also thought that if he attacked that ‘armed resistance’ would occur, that was a plan of the Americans.

• Both side needed the other to fire the first shot, this would be justification. Its funny the Americans wanted to stay British, and Gen Gage didn’t want to fight them. Gen. Gage already did, but lost in Portsmith, and Salem.

• Intelligence gathering was like night and day between the two side. On the British side it was from the top down. Gen Gage would give questions to his commanders to ask, then he put it all together. The Americans went from the bottom up (but what was up with no real commander even though there many leaders in New England). The bottom up included groups like Paul’s ‘Voluntary Association of Mechanics’.

• The main ‘mission’ mistake of Gen. Gage was not the ability of the Americans to fight, it was their quality of leadership.

• I have to say this about another ‘Nelson’ . Scouts from Major Mitchell, riding patrol on the road to Concord startled him that night he ask them ‘Do you know anything about the Regulars coming out?” It could have been Mitchell, but Nelson was slashed by a sword, and told “To say nothing of what was happing”. Bleeding all over his wife bandaged him. He then road out to spread the news.

Page 4: Paul Revere

The warning !!!• On the afternoon of 4-18-1775 for the third time a person runs

into Paul’s shop with information, this time it was a small stable boy with news that the ‘Regulars were on the march’. Paul thanked him, and confided that he too had seen all the British action plus all the extra officers. Yankee ears were every where.

• Later that afternoon British long boats were all over the harbor, with a lot of action going on the H.M.S. Boyne. These movements were reported to Paul and Dr. J. Warren. All the Whigs, S. Adams, and J. Hancock had all left weeks ago. In their absence Dr. Warren working in his office was receiving the reports. He was assenting them for Paul, and the rest.

• Dr. Warren had an ‘informant’ high up in the British command. He was told the British planed to capture S. Adams, and J. Hancock in Lexington, then go to Concord and burn the stores.

• It was Paul’s mission not to alarm the population, but warn Adams, and Hancock so they could make their escape, because they were vital to the effort. Paul only heard about the burning of the store in a second hand way, and was not the main mission.

• The ‘Alarm’ was, them, and other people they could get to help, ride up to peoples houses that were on the American side, and ask them to meet, or join up a selected places. All done very quietly.

Page 5: Paul Revere

The capTure of Paul Revere

• When the British forces began their march through Cambridge Paul R. and William Dawes were done with the ‘warning’ to Adams, and Hancock, now they were going to do the second hand job; that of warning those in Concord about the British burning the store of ammunition.

• Revere and Dawes meet up with a young Dr. Prescott all three were riding after leaving Concord toward a place called Charlestown. Revere was always thing a few steps ahead that why they were going in this direction, just passed the farms of the Nelson family. He see’s two British, he says ‘They are but two we should attack”. Dr Prescott turns his whip to the butt side, and wants to give battle, as they ride up to the Brits they begin to multiply. First four, the a whole regiment with swords, and pistol’s. They are shouted at “G-d damn you go another step, you’ll be shot”.

• In a moment later Dr. Prescott was able to escape into an area he knew well on his fresh horse. A little later Revere tries a move goes a bit then gets stopped by a small brick wall and now ten British horse have him surrounded with pistols. At this time planed or not Dawes uses the confusion and makes good his escape.

• Then there is a lot of history about the time Paul was under arrest. Paul was a persuasive, and charming type of guy, with a lot more savvy than your usual British horse man was used to, so they were interested in hearing his tales.

• Major Mitchell after the volleys of gunshot, and the church bell being rung in Lexington, and being told by Revere “The town’s Alarmed” cut lose Revere, and other prisoners. Paul had to give up Brown Beauty; Deacon Larkin’s horse to Mitchell

• Paul thought ‘now I’m free I should go and capture them’. The Brits were moving to fast. Paul went to Buckman’s Tavern on Lexington Green, suddenly he remembered one last task. He road out left on the main road north across the country side for one more adventure. The shot heard around the world was next.

Page 6: Paul Revere

The BaTTle• From: Brigadier Lord Hugh Percy, after returning from Lexington,

“Whoever dares to look upon them as an irregular mob, will find himself much mistaken. They have men amongst them who know very well what they are about”. The Brits heard lots of boast’s now its real.

• Many legends are born from war. or things leading to war; all tragedies are from war. (from me D.Nelson 2010).Military historian John Galvin thinks that The Battles of Lexington & Concord were the most misunderstood.

• The history of the battle covers many books. So what do you want to know? The regulars never thought that the ‘country people’ would fight against the Kings troops in formation.

• **The rest of the battle would lead around farm names known thru mystic time that we know in our days as, Brooks Hill, Battle Road, Tanner Brook, Lincoln Bridge, a place called ‘The Bloody Curve’ and a place behind the ‘Hartwell Farm’. What can you report in this report; but victory was inevitable, or loss would mean servitude forever.

• A quote for another chapter, or slide that I should ‘Title’ A Circle of Fire. Pg 233- Lord Percy said again “We retired 15 miles under incessant fire, which like a moving circle surrounded and followed us wherever we went’ 4-20-1775 !!

Page 7: Paul Revere

The afTermaTh !!• On Pg 261 3 great quotes, I wouldn’t want to give a break down of,

because people need things. • Wounded men were taken to different places. The battle was all over.

The whole thing (in my opinion was a mess) in the other leaders options it was worse (ha-ha).

• News of Lexington spreads into Kentucky a group of hunter call their camp site Lexington, a city of the same name.

• The battle cause a great amount of mail across the Atlantic. Some was on (my birthday) of April 16 1775 two days before the ‘Alarm’. By Isaiah Thomas, editor of the Massachusetts Spy.

• I would like to report the Gen. Gage was talked about. • In the end Thomas Paine had lost everything, except for a letter from

Ben Franklin. In Virginia George Washington was working at his Mt. Vernon Estate ; happily. He said “ Can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?”

• Thus I end this assignment, because I would really like to get into it, but by the ‘Big History’ functions, I am done, happy new year !!