patons 2958 fairytale baby book - internet archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forpatonsfairytaledk...

PBNOOOO-02958 Code P 1 2 designs for babies up to 2 years knitted in FAIRYTALE DK & 4PLY

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Page 1: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

PBNOOOO-02958 Code P

1 2 designs for babies up to 2 years knitted in


Page 2: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches
Page 3: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches
Page 4: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches








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APatonsA collection of new designs in

Patons Fairytale DK and 4 Ply

AdaDaisy ....







MaggieMayPeggy ..


Design 10

Design 6Design 9

Design 4Design 3

Design 7

Design 2

Design 1

Design 11

Design 5

Design 12

Design 8

TENSiONIt is important to check your tension

before starting your garment. If there

are too many stitches to 1 0 cm,your tension is tight and you shouid

change to a larger size needle. If

there are too few, your tension is

loose and you should change to asmaller size needle.

The standard stocking stitch tension

for Patons Fairytale DK is 22 stitches

and 30 rows to 10 om.

The standard stocking stitich tension

for Patons Fairytale 4 ply is 28 stitches

and 36 rows to 10 cm,

Individual stitch pattern tensions

are quoted in the design


CAUTIONIt is essential to work to the stated

tension and we cannot acceptresponsibility for the finished

product if any yarn other than the

specified yarn is used.

ABBREVIATIONSK = knit; P = purl; st(s) = stitch(es);

garter st = every row knit;

stocking st = 1 row knit, 1 row purl;

tog = together; tbi = through backof loops; inc = increase by working

into front and back of stitch;

dec = decrease by working 2 stitches

together; beg = beginning;

alt = alternate; rep = repeat;

RS = right side; WS = wrong side;

cont = continue; meas = measures;

foil = following; rem = remain(ing);

sLI K = slip 1 knitways; yfwd = yarn

forward; yrn = yarn round needle;

psso = pass slipped stitch over;

patt = pattern; 0 = no stitch, row or

time to be worked in this size;

cm = centimetres; in = inches;

mm = millimetres; MS = Main Shade;

1st C = 1st Contrast or Colour;

2nd C = 2nd Contrast or Colour;

3rd C = 3rd Contrast or Colour;

Ml = make a stitch by picking uphorizontal loop lying before next

stitch and working into back of it.

U.S.A. GLOSSARYCast off = bind off; tension = gauge;knit up = pick up and knit;

stocking st = stockinette st; yarn

forward, yarn over needle or yarn

round needle = yarn over.

Instructions are given for the first

size, with larger size(s) given in

square brackets ( ) . Where only

one figure is given, this applies to

both (all) sizes.

Before starting to knit, read the

instructions carefully and circle all

figures relating to your size with acoloured pencil.


See Make Up section of eachdesign.

DRYING INSTRUCTIONSYou may tumble dry your garmentwith confidence in any domestictumble dryer at temperatures of upto 60°C. Dry flat if garment is not

tumble dried. all the up-to-date news, designs,

product information and ideas


Crafts UKWe shall be pleased to deal wth your queries. For yam queries please write enclosing a ball band of the yam specified and a stamped addressed envelope to the following address:

Consumer Heiplirre, Coots Crafts UK PO Box 22. Lingfiefd House, Lingfield Point, McMullen Rood, Darlington, Co. Durham, DU 1YQ or phone (01325) 394 237. For pattern errquirles please phone (01 484) 681 881

WARNING - COPYRIGHT All Patons patterns are protected by the low of copyright and may not be reproduced either by photocopying or any other means They are sold on condition that they are

used only for non-commercial purposes, Aii other rights are expressly reserved by Coats Crafts UK.

Made and printed in Great Britain ©Coats Crafts UK 2003 B481 POOl

Page 6: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches


To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16 18 20 22 24 in

Actual size

46 52 57 63 68 cm18 2072 2272 25 27 in

Finished length

22 25 29 33 37 cm8V2 10 1 172 13 1472 in

Sleeve length

13 16 20 26 30 cm5 672 8 10 12 in

Patons Fairytale DK (6307) (6360)

2 2 3 4 4 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements,

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of 3V4 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

5 (5, 6, 6, 6) buttons. (6307) 0582 5/D

(6360)121 25/3


22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (pattern

and stocking stitch) on 4 mm needles

or size needed to achieve stated


For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


With 4mm needles, cast on 1 21 (1 32,

143, 154, 165] sts.

**Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 - Knit.

Row 3 - *P1, K3, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K3, PI ; rep from * to end.

Row 4 - *K1 , P9, K1 ; rep from * to end.

Rows 5 and 6 - As rows 3 and 4.

Row 7 - *P1, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl, K2tog,

PI; rep from * to end(99(108, 117, 126, 135] sts).

Row 8 - *K1, P7, Kl; rep from * to end.

Row 9 - *P1, K2, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K2, PI; rep from * to end.

Row 10 - *K1, P7, Kl; rep from * to


Row 1 1- *P1 , sLl K, Kl, psso, yfwd,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2tog, PI;

rep from * to end(77 (84, 91, 98, 105] sts).

Row 1 2 - *K1 , P5, Kl ; rep from * to


Row 13 - *P1, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

Kl , PI ; rep from * to end(55 (60, 65, 70, 75] sts).

Row 14 - Knit.**

0-3, 3-6 and 6- 1 2 months sizes:

Row 15 - K5 (9, 15], K2tog, (K12 (18,

31], K2tog) 3 (2, 1] times, K6 (9, 15]

(51 (57, 63] sts).

1 -2 years size:

Row 1 5 - K34, K2tog, K34 (69 sts).

2-3 years size:

Row 15 - Knit.

All sizes:

Row 1 6 - Knit.

These 1 6 rows complete border


Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Knit.

Row 5 - K5 (8, 1 1, 4, 7], *yfwd, sLl K,

Kl,psso, K8; rep from * to last 6 (9, 1 2,

5, 8] sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K4 (7, 10,

3, 6].

Row 7 - K3 (6, 9, 2, 5], *K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K5; rep from*

to last 8 (11, 14, 7, 10] sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLl K: Kl, psso, K3 (6, 9, 2, 5].

Row 9 - As row 5.

Rows 1 1 and 13 - Knit.

Row 15 - KIO (3, 6, 9, 12], *yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, K8; rep from * to last

11 (4, 7, 10, 13] sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K9 (2, 5, 8, 11].

Row 17 - K8 (1, 4, 7, 10], *K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K5;

rep from * to last 13 (6, 9, 12, 15] sts,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K8 (1, 4, 7, 10].

Row 1 9 - As row 1 5.

Row 20 - Purl.

These 20 rows form main patt.

Cont in main patt until Back meas22 (25, 29, 33, 37] cm, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulders

Keeping patt correct, cast off 5 (6 , 7,

7, 8] sts at beg of next 4 rows, then

6 (6, 6, 8, 8] sts at beg of foil 2 rows.

Leave rem 1 9 (21, 23, 25, 27] sts ona holder.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 66 (66,

77, 77, 88] sts.

Work as for Back from ** to**

(30 (30, 35, 35, 40] sts).

Row 15 - Kl (4, 2, 8, 4], K2tog, (K3 (8,

5, 15, 8], K2tog) 5 (2, 4, 1, 3] times,

K2 (4, 3, 8, 4] (24 (27, 30, 33, 36] sts).

Page 7: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Row 16- Knit.

These 16 rows complete border patt,

Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Knit.

Row 5 - K5 (8, 11,4, 7), (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8) 1 (1,1, 2, 2) times, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K7.

Row 7 - K3 (6, 9, 2, 5], (K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K5) 2 (2, 2,

3, 3) fimes, Kl


Row 9 - As row 5.

Rows 1 1 and 13 - Knit,

Row 1 5 - Kl 0 (3, 6, 9, 1 2), (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2] times, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K2.

Row 17 - K8 (1, 4, 7, 10), (K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K5) 1 (2, 2,

2, 2) times, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 19- As row 15.

Row 20 - Purl.

These 20 rows form main patt.

Cent in main patt until 10 (12, 12,

14, 14) rows less than on Back havebeen worked before start of

shoulder shaping, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 21 (23, 25, 28, 30),

turn and leave rem 3 (4, 5, 5, 6) sts

on a holder.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neckedge on next 4 rows, then on foil

1 ( 1 , 1, 2 , 2) alt rows

(16 (18, 20, 22, 24) sts).

Work 3 (5, 5, 5, 5) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 5 (6, 7, 7, 8) sts at beg of

next and foil alt row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (6, 6, 8, 8) sts.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 66 (66,

77, 77, 88) sts.

Work as for Back from ** to**

(30 (30, 35, 35, 40) sts),

Row 15 - Kl (4, 2, 8, 4), K2tog, (K3 (8,

5, 15, 8), K2tog) 5 (2, 4, 1, 3) times,

K2 (4, 3, 8, 4) (24 (27, 30, 33, 36) sts),

Row 16 - Knit.

These 1 6 rows complete border


Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Knit.

Row 5 - K8, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8)

1 (1, 1, 2, 2) times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K4 (7, 10, 3, 6).

Row 7 - K6, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5) 1 (1, 1, 2, 2) times,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K3 (6, 9, 2, 5).

Row 9 - As row 5.

Rows 1 1 and 13 - Knit.

Row 15 - K3, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K8) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K9 (2, 5, 8, 1 1),

Row 1 7 - Kl, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K8 (1, 4, 7, 10),

Row 1 9 - As row 1 5.

Row 20 - Purl.

These 20 rows form main patt,

Cont in main patt until 10 (12, 12,

14, 14) rows less than on Back havebeen worked before start of

shoulder shaping, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 3 (4, 5, 5, 6)

and slip these sts onto a holder,

patt to end (21 (23, 25, 28, 30) sts).

Complete to match Left Front,

reversing shapings, working anextra row before start of shoulder



With 374 mm needles, cast on 29 (33,

35, 37, 39) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - PI, *K1, PI; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8, 10, 10,

10) rows, inc 1 st at each end of last

row and ending with RS facing for

next row (31 (35, 37, 39, 41) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,0, 0, 0)

times, K to last 1 (1,0, 0, 0) st, (inc in

last st) 0 (0 , 1, 1 , 1) times

(33 (37, 37, 39, 41) sts).

Row 5 - Inc in first st, K5 (7, 7, 8, 9),

*yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8; rep from*

to last 7 (9, 9, 10, 11) sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K4 (6, 6, 7, 8), inc in last st

(35 (39, 39, 41, 43) sts).

Row 7 - (Inc in first st) 1 (0, 0, 0, 0)

times, K4 (7, 7, 8, 9), *K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K5; rep

from * to last 1 0 (12, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4) sts,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd. sLlK, Kl, psso.

K4 (7, 7, 8, 9), (inc in last st) 1 (0, 0,

0, 0) times (37 (39, 39, 41, 43) sts).

Row 9 - Inc in first st, K7 (8, 8, 9, 1 0),

*yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8; rep from *

to last 9 (10, 10, 11, 12) sts, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K6 (7, 7, 8, 9), inc in

lastst(39(41,41,43, 45) sts).

Row 1 1 - (Inc in first st) 1 (0, 0, 0, 0)

times, K to last 1 (0, 0, 0, 0) st, (inc in

last st) 1 (0, 0, 0 , 0) times

(41 (41,41,43, 45) sts).

Row 13 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1, 1 , 1, 0)

times, K to last 1 (1, 1, 1, 0) st, (inc in

lastst) 1 ( 1 , 1, 1,0) times

(43 (43, 43, 45, 45) sts).

Row 15 - (Inc in first st) 0 (0, 0, 0, 1)

times, K6 (6, 6, 7, 6), *yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K8; rep from * to last 7 (7, 7, 8,

8) sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K5 (5, 5,

6, 5), (inc in last st) 0 (0, 0, 0, 1 ) times

(43 (43, 43, 45, 47) sts).

Row 17 -(Inc in first st) 1 (1, 1, 1, 0)

times, K3 (3, 3, 4, 6), *K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K5; rep

from * to last 9 (9, 9, 10, 11) sts, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K3 (3,

3, 4, 6), (inc in lastst) 1 (1, 1, 1, 0) times

(45 (45, 45, 47, 47) sts).

Row 19 - K7 (7, 7, 8, 8), *yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8; rep from * to last 8 (8,

8, 9, 9) sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K6 (6, 6, 7, 7),

Row 20 - Purl.

These 20 rows set patt and start

sleeve shaping.

Cont in patt as set, shaping sides byinc 1 st at each end of next andevery foil 4th (4th, 4th, 6th, 6th) rowuntil there are 49 (53, 57, 61, 65) sts,

taking inc sts into patt.

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Cont straight until Sleeve meas 13(16,

20, 26, 30) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Cast off,


Press iightly under a dry cloth using

a cooi iron.

Join shouider seams.

Neck Border

With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

slip 3 (4, 5, 5, 6) sts from right front

holder onto right-hand needle, rejoin

yarn and knit up 10 (12, 12, 14, 14] sts

up right side of neck, K19 (21, 23,

25, 27] from back, knit up 10 (12,

12, 14, 14] sts down left side of neck,

then patt 3 (4, 5, 5, 6] sts from left

front holder (45 (53, 57, 63, 67] sts).

Row 1 - (WS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep from*

to end,

Row 2 - K2, *P1 , Kl ; rep from * to

last St, Kl


Rep these 2 rows once more, then

row 1 again.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Button Border

With 3'/4 mm needles, cast on 7 sts.

Row 1 - (RS), K2, (PI, Kl) twice, Kl


Row 2 - Kl,(PI , Kl ) 3 times.

Rep these 2 rows until Border, whenslightly stretched, fits up Left Front to

top of Neck Border, sewing in placeas you go along and ending with

RS facing for next row.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Mark position of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6] buttons

on Border, first to come 1 cm upfrom lower edge, last to come at

centre of Neck Border, and remainder

spaced evenly between.

Buttonhole Border

Work as for Button Border with the

addition of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6] buttonholes

to correspond with positions

marked for buttons.

To make a buttonhole; (RS), rib 3, yrn,

P2tog, rib 2.

Place markers 11 (12, 13, 14, 15] cmdown from shoulder seams on Backand Fronts to mark armhole depth,

then sew cast-off edge of sleeves in

place between markers.

Join side and sleeve seams. Sew onbuttons securely,


To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 cm16 18 20 22 in

Actual size

42 47 55 60 cm1672 1872 21 V2 2372 in

Finished length

20 23 28 32 cm8 9 1 1 1272 in

Sleeve length

12 15 19 23 cm472 6 772 9 in

Patons Fairytale DK (6308)

2 3 3 4 50 gm bolls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly,

Pair each of 374 mm (UK 10/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

374 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3) circular


Cable pin.

1 X0092 9/A button.

Length of ribbon.


22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (stocking

stitch) on 4 mm needles or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


Tw2L = K into back of 2nd st on left

needle, then K into front of first st

and slip both sts off needletogether.

C4F = slip next 2 sts onto cable pin

and leave at front of work, K2, then

K2 from cable pin.


With 374 mm needles, cast on 48 (58,

66, 76] sts.

**Patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), (P2, Tw2L) 0 (0, 1, 1]

time, *P2, K4, P2, Tw2L; rep from * to

last 8 (8, 2, 2] sts, (P2, K4) 1 (1,0, 0]

time, P2,

Row 2 - (K2, P2) 0 (0, 1, 1] time, *K2,

P4, K2, P2; rep from * to last 8 (8, 2,

2] sts, (K2, P4) 1 (1,0, 0] time, K2.

Row 3 - (P2, Tw2L) 0 (0, 1 , 1] time, *P2,

C4F, P2, Tw2L; rep from * to last 8 (8 ,

2, 2] sts, (P2, C4F) 1 (1,0, 0] time, P2.

Row 4 - As row 2,

Rep these 4 rows once more, then

rows 1 to 3 again.

Row 12 - PI (2, 2, 4], *(P2tog, P2)

twice, P2tog, P3 (1, 3, 1]; rep from *

Page 9: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

to last 8 (12, 12, 6) sts, (P2tog, P2)

1 (2, 2, 0) times, P2tog, P to end(37 (43, 51, 57) sts).

Change to 4mm needles andstarting with a K row, work in

stocking st for 4 rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape front slope

3-6, 6- 1 2 and 12-18 months sizes:

Dec 1 st at end (front slope edge)of next row.

Work 3 rows.

Rep last 4 rows (0, 3, 5) times more((42, 47, 51) sts).

All sizes:

Dec 1 st at end (front slope edge)of next and every foil alt row until

30 (34, 39, 42) sts rem.

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for nex’t row.

Shape raglan

Next row - Cast off 3 sts, K to last 2 sts,

K2tog (26 (30, 35, 38) sts).

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at raglan edge on next andevery foil 4th row, at the same time

dec 1 st at front slope edge on next

and every foil alt row until 9 (19, 27,

33) sts rem.

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 5 sts rem.

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at raglan edge only onnext and foil 2 alt rows (2 sts).

Work 1 row.

Next row - K2tog and fasten off.


Work as for Left Front, reversing



With 3'Amm needles, cast on 68 (78,

86, 96) sts and work in patt as onLeft Front for 1 1 rows.

0-3 and 3-6 months sizes:

Row 12 - PI (0), *P2tog, PI; rep from* to last 4 (0) sts, (P2tog, P2) 1 (0) time

(46 (52) sts).

6- 1 2 and 12-18 months sizes:

Row 12 - PI, *(P2tog, PI) (3, 4) times,

P2tog, P2; rep from * to last (7, 15) sts,

(P2tog, PI) (1, 4) times, P2tog, Ptoend ((60, 66) sts).

All sizes:

Change to 4 mm needles andstarting with a K row, work in

stocking st until Back matches Fronts

to start of raglan shaping, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Shape raglans

Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows

(40 (46, 54, 60) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next row.

Work 3 rows.

Rep last 4 rows 4 (2, 1 , 0) times more(30 (40, 50, 58) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 1 8 (18, 20, 22) sts


Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Leave rem sts on a holder.


With S'Amm needles, cast on 38 (38,

46, 46) sts and work in patt as onLeft Front for 1 1 rows.

0-3, 3-6 and 12-18 months sizes:

Row 12 - PO (3, 2), *P2tog, P2 (8, 6);

rep from * to last 2 (5, 4) sts, P2tog,

PO (3, 2) (28 (34, 40) sts).

6- 12 months size:

Row 1 2 - P3, *(P2tog, P3) twice,

P2tog, P4; rep from * to last 1 1 sts,

P2tog, P3, P2tog, P4 (38 sts).

All sizes:

Change to 4 mm needles andstarting with a K row, work in

stocking st, shaping sides by inc 1 st

at each end of 5th (7th, 13th, 13th)

and every foil 6th (6th, 12th, 12th)

row until there are 36 (38, 44, 48) sts.

3-6 months size:

Inc 1 st at each end of every foil 8th

row until there are 42 sts.

All sizes:

Work straight until sleeve meas 12(15,

19, 23) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape raglans

Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows

(30 (36, 38, 42) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next row.

Work 3 rows.

Rep last 4 rows 2 (0, 1


0) times more(24 (34, 34, 40) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 4 sts rem.

Work 1 row.

Leave rem sts on a holder.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join raglan, side and sleeve seams.

Neck Border

With RS facing and 3'A mm circular

needle, starting at lower edge of

Right Front, knit up 60 (68, 84, 96) sts

up right front to sleeve, K4 from right

sleeve, K18 (18, 20, 22) from backdec 1 st at centre, K4from left sleeve,

then knit up 60 (68, 84, 96) sts downto lower edge of Left Front

(145 (161, 195, 221) sts).

Row 1 - (WS), PI, *K1, PI; rep from *

to end.

Row 2 - Kl, *P1, Kl; rep from * to


Rep these 2 rows twice more, then

row 1 again.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Girl’s Version

Cut ribbon into 2 equal lengths andsew in place to WS at lower edgeof Right Front and lower side seamof Left Front. Make a buttonloop at

top of patt rows on inside right side

seam. Sew button securely to lower

Left Front to correspond with


Boy’s Version

Cut ribbon into 2 equal lengths andsew in place to WS at lower edgeof Left Front and lower side seam of

Right Front. Make a buttonloop at

top of patt rows on inside left side

seam. Sew button securely to lower

Right Front to correspond with


Page 10: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches



To fit age, approx0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 months

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 cm16 18 20 22 in

Actual size, at underarm45 50 55 61 cm1772 1972 2172 24 in

Finished length

30 34 38 42 cm12 1372 15 1672 in

Sleeve length to underarm, approx5 6 7 7 cm2 272 3 3 in


To fit age, approx0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 months

BooteesTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 months

Patons Fairytale DKDress (6302)

2 3 3 4 50 gm bolls

Bonnet (6302)

1 1 1 1 50 gm bolls

Bootees (6302)

1 1 50 gm bolls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of S'A mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles for

Dress and Bonnet.

Pair of 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles

for Bootees,

Buttons - 3 X 859 5/C for Dress and1 X 859 5/C for Bonnet.

Length of narrow ribbon for Dress

and Bootees.


22 sts and 30 rows to 10 cm (pattern

and stocking stitch) on 4mm needles

or size needed to achieve stated


For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.



With 4 mm needles, cast on 81 (91,

101, 1 1 1 ) sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kl, *yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from* to end.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - K2, *yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from * to last

9 sts, yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2,

yfwd, K2.

Row 5 - K3, *yfwd, Kl, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from * to last

8 sts, yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K3.

Row 7 - K4, *yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K7; rep from * to last 7 sts,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K4.

Row 9 - K3, *K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5; rep from * to last

8 sts, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K3.

Row 1 1 - K2, *K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K3; rep from*

to last 9 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K2.

Row 13 - Kl, *K2tog, yfwd, K5,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from *

to end.

Row 1 5 - K3, *yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K5; rep from * to

last 8 sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl,

K2tog, yfwd, K3.

Row 17 - As row 7,

Row 19 - K5, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K8; rep from * to last 6 sts, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K4.

Row 21 - As row 9.

Row 23 - As row 1 1


Row 25 - As row 7.

Row 27 - As row 19,

Row 28 - Purl,

These 28 rows complete border patt.

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st until Back meas 1 9 (22,

25, 28) cm, ending with RS tacing

for next row.

Next row - (RS), Kl (3, 1, 3), *(K2tog)

twice, Kl ; rep from * to last 0 (3, 0,

3) sts, KO (3, 0, 3) (49 (57, 61, 69) sts).

Next row - Knit.

Next row - (Eyelet row), Kl , *yfwd,

K2tog; rep from * to end.

Next row - (K2tog) 0 (1, 0, 1) times,

K to last 0 (2, 0, 2) sts, (K2tog) 0 (1,

0, 1) times (49 (55,61,67) sts).

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st for 4 rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape armholes and yoke patt


Row 1 - (RS), cast off 2 sts, K2 (5, 8, 3)

(including st on needle after cast-off).

Page 11: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

MAKE UP*yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K6; rep from


to last 5 (8 , 1 1 , 6) sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K3 (6, 9, 4),

Row 2 - Cast off 2 sts, purl to end(45 (51, 57, 63] sts).

Row 3 - K2tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog.

Row 4 - P2tog, P to last 2 sts, P2tog.

Row 5 - K2tog, K2 (5, 8, 3], *yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, K6; rep from * to last

5 (8, 1 1, 6] sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl (4, 7, 2), K2tog,

Row 6 - (P2tog) 0 (0, 0, 1) times, P to

last 0 (0, 0, 2) sts, (P2tog) 0 (0, 0, 1)


Row 7 - K2tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog

(37 (43, 49, 53] sts).

Row 8 - Purl.

These 8 rows set patt.

3-6, 6- 1 2 and 12-18 months sizes;

Cont in patt as set and dec 1 st at

each end of next and toll (0, 1 , 1]

alt rows (41, 45, 49] sts).

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for next row.

All sizes:**

Cont in patt as set on these 37 (41 , 45,

49] sts and work straight tor 2 (2, 4,

6] rows, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Divide for bock openingNext row - (RS), patt 1 7 (1 9, 2 1 , 23),

turn and work this side first.

Cont straight until armhole meas9 (10, 11, 12] cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape shoulder

Keeping patt correct, cast off 4 (5,

5, 6] sts at beg of next row, then

5 (5, 6, 6] sts at beg of foil alt row.

Leave rem 8 (9, 10, 1 1] sts on a holder.

With RS facing, rejoin yarn and cast

off centre 3 sts, patt to end(1 7 (19, 21, 23] sts). Complete to

match first side, reversing shapings,

working an extra row before start of

shoulder shaping.


Work as for Back to **.

Cont in patt as set on these 37 (41


45, 49] sts until 10 (10, 12, 12] rows

less than on Back have beenworked before sfart of shoulder

shaping, ending with RS facing for

nexf row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 14 (15, 1 7, 18],

furn and work fhis side first.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at neckedge on next 4 rows, then on foil

1 (1,2, 2] alf rows (9 (10, 11, 12] sts).

Work 3 rows, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 4 (5, 5, 6] sts at beg of next


Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 5 (5, 6, 6] sts.

With RS facing, slip centre 9(11, 11,

13] sts onto a holder, rejoin yarn

and patt to end (14 (15, 17, 18] sts).

Complete to match first side,

reversing shapings, working an extra

row before start of shoulder shaping.


With 3'/4 mm needles, cast on 27 (31,

33, 35] sts.

Work in garter st for 4 rows, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Next row - (RS), Kl (2, 2, 1], Ml (by

picking up horizontal loop lying

before next st and working into backof it), *K3 (4, 3, 4], Ml, K3 (5, 4, 4],

Ml ; rep from * to last 2 (2, 3, 2] sts,

K2 (2, 3, 2] (36 (38, 42, 44] sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and purl

1 row.

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st, shaping sides by inc 1 st

at each end of 3rd (next, 3rd, next)

and every foil 4th row 1 (2, 2, 3] times

(40 (44, 48, 52] sts).

Cont straight for 3 rows, endihgwith RS facing for next row.

Shape top

Cast off 2 sts at beg of nexf 2 rows

(36 (40, 44, 48] sts),

0-3 and 3-6 months sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 4fh row (32 (36) sts).

Work 1 row.

All sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alf row until 22 sts rem,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join shoulder seams.

Neck Border

With RS facing and S'Amm needles,

K8 (9, 10, 11] from left back, knit up1 0 (10, 1


, 1


] sts down left side of

neck, K9 (1 1, 1 1, 13] from front, knit

up 1 0 (1 0, 1 2, 1 2] sts up right side of

neck, then K8 (9, 10, 11] from right

back (45 (49, 55, 59] sts).

Work in garter st for 4 rows.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Back Buttonhole Border

With RS facihg and S'A mm needles,

starting at cast-off edge of NeckBorder, knit up 1 5 sts down right

side of back opening.

Work in garter st for 2 rows.

Row 3 - (WS), K2, (yfwd, K2fog, K3)

twice, yfwd, K2tog, Kl (3 buttonholes


Work in garter st for 1 row.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Back Button Border

With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

knit up 15 sts up left side of backopening, ending at cast-off edgeof Neck Border.

Work in garter st for 4 rows.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Placing Back Buttonhole Border

over Back Button Border, sewborders to base of back opening.

Join side and sleeve seams. Insert

Sleeves, gathering in extra fullness

at top of sleeve. Sew on buttons

securely. Starting and ending at

centre front, thread ribbon through

eyelet row just below armholes.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 63 (73,

83, 93] sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K2, *yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl ; rep from* to last st, Kl


Row 2 and every foil alt row - Kl , P

to last st, Kl


Row 3 - K3, *yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from * to end.

Row 5 - K4, *yfwd, Kl, sLl K, K2tog,Cast off.

Page 12: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

0-3 months size:psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from * to lost

9 sts, yfwd, Kl, sLl K, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K4.

Row 7 - K5, *yfwd, sLl K, K2fog, psso,

yfwd, K7; rep from * to last 8 sts,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K5.

Row 9 - K4, *K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5; rep from * to last

9 sts, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, K4.

Row 1 1 - K3, *K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, K3; rep from * to end.

Row 13 - K2, *K2tog, yfwd, K5, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from * to last st,


Row 15 - K4, *yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K5; rep from * to

last 9 sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl,

K2tog, yfwd, K4.

Row 17 - As row 7.

Row 19 - K6, *yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K8; rep from * to last 7 sts, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5.

Row 21 - As row 9.

Row 23 - As row 1 1


Row 25 - As row 7.

Row 27 - As row 1 9.

Row 28-Kl, Pto last St, Kl.

These 28 rows complete border patt,

Starting with a K row, cont in

stocking st until work meas 11 (12,

14, 15] cm, ending with WS facing

for next row.

Piace a marker at each end of iast


Next row - (WS), Knit.

Next row - K2, *yfwd, K2tog; rep

from * to iost st, Kl


0-3 months size:

Next row - Inc in first st, K to iast st,

inc in iast st (65 sts).

3-6 months size:

Next row - Knit to end.

6- 12 months size:

Next row - K2tog, K to last 2 sts,

K2tog(81 sts).

12- 18 months size:

Next row - Kl 1 , K2tog, (K21 , K2tog)

3 times, Kl 1 (89 sts).

All sizes:

Shape backRow 1 - (RS), Kl, *K2tog, K6 (7, 8, 9];

rep from * to end (57 (65, 73, 81] sts).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Kl, *K2tog, K5 (6, 7, 8]; rep

from * to end (49 (57, 65, 73] sts).

Row 5 - Kl, *K2tog, K4 (5, 6, 7]; rep

from * to end (41 (49, 57, 65] sts).

Cont thus, dec 8 sts in this way,working 1 st less between decreases

on every foil alt row until 1 7 sts rem.

Break yarn, thread through rem sts,

pull up tightly and fasten off securely.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back seam to markers.

Neck Border and Strap

With RS facing and 3’A mm needles,

knit up 49 (53, 61


65) sts evenly

along neck edge.

Next row - Cast on 1 5 (1 7,


9, 21 ] sts,

K across these sts, K to end(64 (70, 80, 86] sts).

Work in garter st for 1 row,

Buttonhole row - (WS), K2, yfwd,

K2tog, Kto end.

Work in garter st for 1 row.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Sew on button securely to other

side of Neck Border,

BOOTEES (Both alike)

With 4 mm needles, cast on 41 sts

and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kl, *yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from* to end.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - K2, *yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from * to last

9 sts, yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2,

yfwd, K2.

Row 5 - K3, *yfwd, Kl , sLl K, K2tog,

psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from * to last

8 sts, yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K3.

Row 7 - K4, *yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K7; rep from * to last 7 sts,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K4.

Row 8 - Purl.

These 8 rows complete border patt.

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st for 4 rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Next row - (RS), Kl, *K2tog, Kl, K2tog,

K2; rep from * to last 5 sts, K2tog, Kl,

K2tog (29 sts).

3-6 months size:

Next row - (RS), K2, *K2tog, K3; rep

from * to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2 (33 sts).

Both sizes:

Next row - Knit.

Next row - (Eyelet row), Kl , *yfwd,

K2tog; rep from * to end.

Next row - Knit.

Divide for instep

Next row - (RS), Kl 9 (22), turn.

Next row - P9 (1 1], turn.

Cont on these 9 (1 1) sts for instep

and starting with a K row, work in

stocking stfor 12 (14] rows, endingwith RS facing for next row. Break

yarn and leave these sts on needlefor front of foot.

With RS facing and starting where the1 0 (1 1) sts were left on right-hand

needle, rejoin yarn and knit up1 0 (1 1] sts along right side of instep,

K across 9 (1 1] sts at front of foot,

knit up 1 0 (1 1 ] sts along left side of

instep, then K across rem10(ll]sts(49(55]sts).

Work in garter st for 9 (1 1] rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape sole

Row 1 - (RS), (Kl, K2tog, K19 (22],

K2tog) twice, Kl.

Row 2 - Kl , K2tog, K to last 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl


Row 3 - (Kl, K2tog, K16 (19], K2tog)

twice, Kl.

Row 4 - Kl , K2tog, K to last 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl


Row 5 - (Kl, K2tog, K13 (16), K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 6 - Kl , K2tog, K to last 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl


Cast off rem 31 (37] sts.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back and sole seam.

Starting and ending at centre front,

thread ribbon through holes in

eyelet row.

Page 13: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches


To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16 18 20 22 24 in

Actual size

48 53 58 64 69 cm19 21 23 25 27 in

Finished length

24 27 30 34 38 cm9V2 IOV2 12 1372 15 in

Sleeve length to underarm12 15 19 23 27 cm472 6 772 9 1072 in

CardiganPatons Fairytale DK (6361)

2 3 3 4 5 50 gm bolls

SweaterPatons Fairytale DK (6310)

2 3 3 4 5 50 gm bolls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actuai yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactiy.

Pair each of 3 'A mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

Cable pin.

Buttons - 5 (5, 6, 6, 6) x 361 50/3 for

Cardigan, 2 x 220 65/1 for Sweater,


25 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm(pattern), 22 sts and 30 rows to

1 0cm (stocking stitch) on 4mmneedles or size needed to achievestated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


C4F = slip next 2 sts onto cable pin

and leave at front of work, K2, then

K2 from cable pin.


Row 1 - (RS), K2, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K2.

Row 2 - Purl.

Row 3 - Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl


Row 4 - Purl.

These 4 rows form eyelet panel patt.


Row 1 - (RS), K4, PI, K4.

Row 2 - P3, Kl, PI, Kl, P3.

Row3- K2, PI, K3, PI, K2.

Row 4- PI, Kl, P5, Kl, PI.

These 4 rows form texture panel



When working in patt, refer to

instructions for eyeiet panel patt ORtexture panel patt as required.



With 374 mm needles, cast on 59 (65,

71, 79, 85) sts.

Rib row 1 ~(RS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep

from * fo end.

Rib row 2 - PI, *K1, PI; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8, 1 0,

10, 10) rows, Inc 1 st at centre of last

row and ending with RS faoing for

next row (60 (66, 72, 80, 86) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K3 (6, 9, 13, 1), *panel

patt as row 1 , K6; rep from * to last

1 2 (0, 3, 7, 1 0) sts, (panel patt as

row 1)1 (0, 0, 0, 1 ) times, K3 (0, 3,

7, 1).

Row 2 -P3 (0, 3, 7, 1), (Kl, P4, Kl) 0 (1,

1 , 1,0) times, *panel patt as row 2,

Kl, P4, Kl; rep from * to last 12 (0, 3,

7, 1 0) sts, (panel patt as row 2) 1 (0,

0, 0, 1) times, P3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

Row 3 - K3 (1, 4, 8, 1), (C4F, Kl) 0 (1,

1, 1,0) times, *panel patt as row 3,

Kl, C4F, Kl; rep from * to last 12 (0,

3, 7, 1 0) sts, (panel patt as row 3)

1 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, K3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

Row 4 -P3 (0, 3, 7, 1), (Kl, P4, Kl) 0 (1,

1 , 1,0) times, ‘panel patt as row 4,

Kl, P4, Kl; rep from * to last 12 (0, 3,

7, 1 0) sts, (panel patt as row 4) 1 (0,

0, 0, 1) times, P3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

These 4 rows form patt,

Cont in patt until Back meas 12(14,

16, 19, 22) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape raglans

Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 sts

at beg of next 2 rows

(54 (60, 66, 74, 80) sts).

0-3 and 3-6 months sizes:

Next row - (RS), Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso,

patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, Kl (52 (58) sts).

Next 3 rows - K2, patt to last 2 sts, K2,

Aii sizes:

Next row - (RS), Kl, sLl K, Kl, psso,

patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, Kl


Page 14: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Next row - K2, patt to last 2 sts, K2.

Rep last 2 rows until 22 (24, 26, 32,

38) sts rem, ending with RS facing

for next row.

1 -2 and 2-3 years sizes:

Next row - K1 , sLl K, K1,psso, patt to

iast 3 sts, K2tog, K1


Next row - K1 , K2tog, patt to iast 3 sts,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl,

Rep iast 2 rows (0, 1) times more((28, 30) sts).

All sizes:

Cast off rem 22 (24, 26, 28, 30) sts.


With 3'/i mm needles, cast on 26 (30,

32, 36, 40) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), *K1 , PI; rep from *

to last 2 sts, K2.

Rib row 2 - Kl, PI; rep from * to end,

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8 , 10, 10,

10) rows, inc 1 (0 , 1, 1 , 0) st at centre

of last row and ending with RS facing

for next row (27 (30, 33, 37, 40) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K3 (6, 9, 13, 1), (panel

patf as row 1, K6) 1 (1, 1, 1, 2) times,

panel patt as row 1


Row 2 - (Panel patf as row 2, Kl , P4,

Kl) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times, (panel patt as

row 2) 1 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, P3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

ROW3-K3 (1, 4, 8, 1), (C4F, K1)0 (1,

1 , 1,0) times, (panel patt as row 3,

Kl, C4F, Kl) 1 (1, 1, 1, 2) times,

panel patf as row 3.

Row 4 - (Panel patt as row 4, Kl


P4, Kl) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times, (panel

patt as row 4) 1 (0, 0, 0, 1 ) times,

P3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

These 4 rows form patt,

Cont in patt until Left Front matchesBack to start of raglan shaping,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape raglan

Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 sts

at beg of next row

(24 (27, 30, 34, 37) sts).

Work 1 row.

0-3 and 3-6 months sizes:

Next row - (RS), Kl, sLlK, Kl, psso,

patt to end (23 (26) sts).

Next row - Patt to last 2 sts, K2.

Next row - K2, patt to end.

Next row - Patt to last 2 sts, K2.

All sizes:

Next row - (RS), Kl, sLl K, Kl,psso,

patt to end.

Next row - Patt to last 2 sts, K2.

Rep last 2 rows until 13 (15, 16, 19,

21) sts rem, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), Kl, sLl K, Kl, psso,

patt to last 2 (2, 3, 3, 4) sts, cast off

last 2 (2, 3, 3, 4) sts,

Break yarn.

With WS facing rejoin yarn to rem10 (12, 12, 15, 16) sts, work 2 tog,

patt to last 2 sts, K2,

Dec 1 St at raglan edge as before

on next and foil 1 (2, 2, 3, 3) alt

rows, at the same time dec 1 st at

neck edge on next 3 rows, then onfolio (1, 1, 2, 2) alt rows

(4 (4, 4, 5, 6) sts).

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for next row.

0-3, 3-6 and 6- 1 2 months sizes:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 1


Next row - Patt 1 , K2.

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl, psso.

Next row - K2.

1 -2 years size:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 2.

Next row - Patt 2, K2.

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 1


Next row -sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

2-3 years sizes:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 3.

Next row - Patt 2, sLl K, Kl,psso, Kl


Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 1


Next row - sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl


All sizes:

Next row - K2tog and fasten off.


With 3'A mm needles, cast on 26 (30,

32, 36, 40) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P1, Kl; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - *P1 , Kl ; rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8, 10, 10,

1 0) rows, inc 1 (0, 1 , 1 , 0) st at centre

of last row and ending with RS facing

for next row (27 (30, 33, 37, 40) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), (panel patt as row 1 , K6)

1 (2, 2, 2 , 2) times, (panel patt as

row 1) 1 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, K3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

Row 2 - P3 (0, 3, 7, 1), (Kl, P4, Kl)

0 ( 1 , 1, 1,0) times, (panel patt as

row 2, Kl, P4, Kl) 1 (1, 1, 1, 2) times,

panel patt as row 2.

Row 3 - (Panel patt as row 3, Kl, C4F,

Kl) 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times, (panel patt as

row 3) 1 (0, 0, 0, 1) times, K3 (0, 3, 7, 1).

Row 4 - P3 (0, 3, 7, 1), (Kl , P4, Kl) 0 (1,

1 , 1,0) times, (panel patt as row 4,

Kl, P4, Kl) 1 (1, 1, 1, 2) times, panelpatt as row 4.

These 4 rows form patt.

Cont in patt and complete to matchLeft Front, reversing shapings, working

an extra row before start of raglan

shaping and working K2tog instead

of sLlK, Kl, psso at raglan shaping.


With 3’/4 mm needles, cast on 33 (35,

37, 39, 41) sts.

Work in rib as on Back for 9 (9, 11,

11, 11) rows, ending with WS facing

for next row.

Next row - (WS), rib 5 (5, 6, 6, 6), Ml(by picking up horizontal loop lying

before next st and working into

back of it), *rib 11 (12, 12, 13, 14),

Ml; rep from * to last 6 (6, 7, 7, 7) sts,

rib 6 (6, 7, 7, 7) (36 (38, 40, 42, 44) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K6 (7, 8, 9, 10), (panel

patt as row 1 , K6) twice, KO (V 2, 3, 4)




- PO (1, 2, 3, 4), Kl, P4, Kl,

(panel patt as row 2, Kl, P4, Kl)

twice, PO (1, 2, 3, 4).

Row 3 - Inc in first st, KO (1, 2, 3, 4),

(C4F, Kl, panel patt as row 3, Kl)

twice, C4F, KO (1, 2, 3, 4), inc in last st

(38 (40, 42, 44, 46) sts).

Row 4- PI (2, 3, 4, 5), Kl, P4, Kl,

(panel patt as row 4, Kl , P4, Kl


twice, PI (2, 3, 4, 5).

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These 4 rows set patt and start

sleeve shaping,

Working appropriate rows of panelpatt, cont in patt as set, shaping sides

by inc 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt (alt, alt, alt, 4th) rowuntil there are 54 (54, 54, 50, 76) sts,

taking inc sts into patt.

0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6- 1


months and 1 -2 years sizes:

Inc 1 st at each end of every foil 4th

row until there are 56 (60, 66, 70) sts.

All sizes:

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 1 2 (1 5,

1 9, 23, 27) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape raglans

Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 sts

at beg of next 2 rows

(50 (54, 60, 64, 70) sts)

Next row - (RS), K1 , sLl K, K1,psso,

patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1


Next row - K2, patt to last 2 sts, K2.

Rep last 2 rows until 22 (22, 30, 30,

38) sts rem, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Next row - K1 , sLl K, K1,psso, patt to

last 3 sts, K2tog, K1


Next row - K1 , K2tog, patt to last 3 sts,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl,

Rep last 2 rows until 10 sts rem,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join raglans with a flat seam.

Neck Border

With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

knit up 12 (14, 15, 17, 18) sts up right

side of neck, 8 sts from right sleeve,

1 9 (21, 23, 25, 27) sts from back, 8 sts

from left sleeve, then 12 (14, 15, 17,

1 8) sts down left side of neck

(59 (65, 69, 75, 79) sts).

Row 1 - (WS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep from *

to end.

Row 2 - K2, *P1, Kl; rep from * to

last st, Kl


Rep these 2 rows once more, then

row 1 again.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Button Border

With 3'/4 mm needles, cast on 7 sts.

Row 1 - (RS), K2, (PI, Kl) twice, Kl.

Row 2 -Kl, (PI, Kl) 3 times.

Rep these 2 rows until Border, whenslightly stretched, fits up Left Front for

Girl's Version, Right Front for Boy's

Version to top of Neck Border, sewing

in place as you go along andending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Mark position of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6) buttons

on Border, first to come 1 cm upfrom lower edge, last to come at

centre of Neck Border, andremainder spaced evenly between.

Buttonhole Border

Work as for Button Border with the

addition of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6) buttonholes

to correspond with positions

marked for buttons.

To make a buttonhole: (RS), rib 3,

yrn, P2tog, rib 2.

Join side and sleeve seams, Sew onbuttons securely.



Work as for Back and Sleeves of



Work as for Back until 32 (36, 38,

44, 48) sts rem in raglan shaping,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), Kl , sLl K, Kl


patt 8 (10, 10 , 13 , 14), turn and workthis side first (10 (12, 12, 15, 16) sts).

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 4 rows,

then on foil 0 (1, 1, 2, 2) alt rows, at

the same time dec 1 st at raglan

edge as before on every foil alt row

(4 (4, 4, 5, 6) sts).

Work 1 row, ending with RS toeing

for next row.

0-3, 3-6 and 6- 1 2 months sizes:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl, psso, patt 1


Next row - Patt 1 , K2.

Next row - Kl, sLl K, Kl, psso.

Next row - K2.

1 -2 years size:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 2.

Next row -Patt 2, K2.

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 1


Next row - sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl


2-3 years sizes:

Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 3.

Next row - Patt 2, sLl K, Kl,psso, Kl


Next row - Kl , sLl K, Kl,psso, patt 1


Next row - sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl


All sizes:

Next row - K2tog and fasten off.

With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts,

cast off centre 10(10, 12, 12, 14) sts,

patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, Kl

(10 (12, 12, 15, 16) sts).

Complete to match first side, reversing

shapings, working K2tog instead of

sLl K, Kl, psso at raglan shaping.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join raglans with a flat seam,leaving left back raglan open.

Neck Border

With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

knit up 8 sts from left sleeve, 1 0 (1 2, 1 2,

14, 14) sts down left side of neck, 8 (8,

10, 10, 12) sts from front, 10 (12, 12, 14,

1 4) sts up right side of neck, 8 sts from

right sleeve, then 19 (21, 23, 25, 27)

sts from back (63 (69, 73, 79, 83) sts).

Row 1 - (WS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep from*

to end.

Row 2 - K2, *P1, Kl; rep from * to

last st, Kl


Rep these 2 rows once more, then

row 1 again.

Cast off evenly in rib.

Join left back raglan with a flat

seam, leaving 7 cm open from topof Neck Border for back raglan


Bock Raglan OpeningWith RS facing and B'A mm needles,

knit up 30 sts evenly all round backraglan opening,

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Join side and sleeve seams.

Make 2 buttonloops on one side of

back raglan opening, first to comeat top of Neck Border and secondto come 3.5 cm below.

Sew on buttons securely to other

side of back raglan opening to

correspond with buttonloops.

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DK Version

Width, excluding border

119 cm47 in

Length, excluding border

1 1 8 cm4672 in

4 ply Version

Width, excluding border

93 cm3672 in

Length, excluding border

99 cm39 in

DK Version

Potons Fairytale DK (6301)

14 50 gm bolls

4 ply Version

Potons Fairytale 4 ply (4300)

8 50 gm bolls

Quontities of yarn ore opproximote

os they ore bosed on overogerequirements. Check octuol yarn

colour - as printing may not matchyarn exactly,

DK Version: Pair 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6)


4 ply Version: Pair SV^i mm(UK 10/USA 3) needles.


DK Version: 22 sts and 30 rows to

1 0 cm (pattern and stocking stitch)

on 4 mm needles or size needed to

achieve stated tension.

4 ply Version: 28 sts and 36 rows to

10 cm (pattern and stocking stitch)

on 3'/4 mm needles or size neededto achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 261 sts

and purl 1 row.

Patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K2, yfwd, K2tog, Kl,

*K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, K2tog,

Kl; rep from * to end.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Kl


purl to last st, Kl


Row 3 - K4, *K2tog, yfwd, Kl,yfwd,

sLl K, Kl,psso, K3; rep from * to last st,


Row 5 - K3, *K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from * to last

2 sts, K2.

Row 7 - K2, K2tog, yfwd, K5, *yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K5; rep

from * to last 4 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K2,

Row 9 - Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K3, *yfwd,

K2tog, K2, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K2; rep from * to last 7 sts, yfwd,

K2tog, K2, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl


Row 1 1 - K3, *yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K3, K2tog, yfwd, Kl; rep from * to

last 2 sts, K2,

Row 13 - K4, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K3; rep from * to

lastst, Kl.

Row 1 5 - K5, *yfwd, K3tog, yfwd,

K5; rep from * to end.

Row 16 - Kl, purl to last st, Kl


These 1 6 rows form patt.

Cont in patt and work a further

56 rows, ending with row 8 of patt

and RS facing for next row.

Keeping patt correct at sides, workcentre panel thus:

Row 1 - (RS), as row 9 of patt.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Kl


purl to last st, Kl


Row 3 - As row 1 1 of patt,

Row 5 - As row 1 3 of patt.

Row 7 - Patt 1 33 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 9 - Patt 1 25 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K7, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 1 1 - Patt 1 24 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K9, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 1 3 - Patt 1 23 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl 1, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 15 - Patt 121 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K13, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 7 - Patt 1 21 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl 5, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 19 - Patt 120 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K17, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 21 - Patt 1 19 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K9, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 23 - Patt 1 1 7 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLIK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 25 - Patt 1 1 7 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K8, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, patt

to end.

Row 27 - Patt 1 16 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl 1, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl 1,yfwd, sLl K, Kl

,psso, patt to end.

Row 29 - Patt 1 1 5 sts, K2tog, ytwd,

K13, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K12, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 31 - Patt 1 1 3 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K29, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, patt to end.

Row 33 - Patt 1 1 3 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K31, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end,

Row 35 - Patt 1 1 2 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K33, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end,

Row 37 - Patt 1 1 1 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K9, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K14, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, patt to end.

Row 39 - Patt 1 09 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl 1, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 41 - Patt 1 09 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K8, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K9, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, patt to end.

Row 43 - Patt 1 08 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl 1, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

K13, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl 1,yfwd, sLl K, Kl

,psso, patt to end


Row 45 - Patt 1 07 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K13, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K14, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K12, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

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psso, pattto end.

Row 47 - Patt 1 05 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K45, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, pattto end.

Row 49 - Patt 1 05 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K47, yfwd, sLl K, K1,psso, patt to end.

Row 51 - Patt 104 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K49, yfwd, sLl K, K1,psso, patt to end.

Row 53 - Patt 1 03 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K9, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K14) twice,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 55 - Patt 1 01 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl,yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kll) twice, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt

to end.

Row 57 - Patt 1 01 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K8, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K9) twice, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, patt fo end.

Row 59 - Patt 1 00 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kll, (yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

K13) twice, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, Kl 1, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, patt

to end.

3 times, yfwd, sLl K K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl 1,yfwd, sLl K, Kl

,psso, patt to end.

Row 77 - Patt 91 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K13,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14) 3 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K12, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 79 - Patt 89 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K77, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, pattto end.

Row 81 - Patt 89 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K79, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 83 - Patt 88 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K81,yfwd, sLl K, Kl

,psso, patt to end.

Row 85 - Patt 87 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K9,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14) 4 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, pattto end.

Row 87 - Patt 85 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1) 4 times, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt

to end.

Row 89 - Patt 85 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K8, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K9) 4 times, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, pattto end.

Row 61 - Patt 99 sts, K2tog, yfwd, Kl 3,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14) twice,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K12, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 63 - Patt 97 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K61, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, pattto end.

Row 65 - Patt 97 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K63, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 67 - Patt 96 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K65, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 69 - Patt 95 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K9,

(yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, K14) 3 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, pattto end.

Row 71 - Patt 93 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl,yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1) 3 times, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt

to end.

Row 73 - Patt 93 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K8, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K9) 3 times, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 91 - Patt 84 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

Kll, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl 3) 4 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, Kll, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, pattto end.

Row 93 - Patt 83 sts, K2tog, yfwd, Kl 3,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14) 4 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K12, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 95 - Patt 81 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K93, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, pattto end.

Row 97 - Patt 81 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K95, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 99 - Patt 80 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

K97, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, patt to end.

Row 1 01 - Patt 79 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K9,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl 4) 5 times,

yttA/d, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, pattto end.

Row 103- Patt 77 sts, yfwd, K3tog,

yfwd, K8, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1) 5 times, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8,

yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, patt

to end.

psso, K9) 5 times, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, patt to end.

Row 107 - Patt 79 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K13) 5 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2fog,

psso, yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, patt to


Row 1 09 - Patt 80 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14)

5 times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 11 - Patt 81 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K95, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1


3 - Patt 82 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K93, K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt to


Row 1


5 - Patt 83 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K91, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1


7 - Patt 84 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K12, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14)

4 times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl 1,

K2tog, yfwd, pattto end.

Row 1


9 - Patt 85 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K9, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1 ) 4 times, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K9,

K2tog, yfwd, pattto end.

Row 121 - Patt 84 sts, K2, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K7, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, K9) 4 times, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt to end.

Row 1 23 - Patt 87 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K13) 4 times, yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd,

patt to end.

Row 1 25 - Patt 88 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14)

4 times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, pattto end.

Row 127- Patt 89 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K79, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 129 - Patt 90 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K77, K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt

to end.

Row 131 - Patt 91 st, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K75, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 133 - Patt 92 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K12, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14)

3 times, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1,

K2tog, yfwd, pattto end.

Row 1 35 - Patt 93 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K9, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1) 3 times, K2tog,

Row 75 - Patt 92 sts, K2tog, yfwd, Kl 1 , Row 1 05 - Patt 77 sts, K2tog, yfwd,

(yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl 3) K8, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


Page 18: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K9,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 137 - Patt 92 sts, K2, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K7, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K9) 3 times, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt to end.

Row 139 - Patt 95 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K8, (yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, Kl 3) 3 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, patt to


Row 1 41 - Patt 96 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K14)

3 times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 143 - Patt 97 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K63, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 45 - Patt 96 sts, K2, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K61, K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt

to end.

Row 147 - Patt 99 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K59, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 149 - Patt 100 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K12, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K14) twice, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

Kl 1 , K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 151 - Patt 101 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K9, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl 1) twice, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K9,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 53 - Patt 1 00 sts, K2, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K7, (K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K9) twice, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, K3, patf to end.

Row 1 55 - Patt 1 03 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, Kl 3) twice, yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd,

patt to end.

Row 157 - Patt 1 04 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K14) twice, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 59 - Patt 1 05 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K47, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 161 - Patt 104 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K45, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

patt to end.

Row 1 63 - Patt 1 07 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K43, K2fog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 165 - Patt 1 08 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K12, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K14, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl 1,

K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 167 - Patt 1 09 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K9, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl 1, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K9, K2tog,

yfwd, patt to end.

Row 169 - Patt 108 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K7, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, K9, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7,

K2tog, yfwd, K3, patt to end.

Row 1 71 - Patt 1 1 1 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K13, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end,

Row 1 73 - Patt 1 1 2 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K14, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K7, K2tog,

yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 75 - Patt 1 1 3 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K31, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 77 - Patt 1 1 2 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K29, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

patt to end.

Row 1 79 - Patt 1 1 5 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K27, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 181 - Patt 1 1 6 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K12, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl 1 , K2tog, yfwd, patt fo end.

Row 183 - Patt 1 1 7 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K9, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K9, K2tog, yfwd, patt

to end.

Row 1 85 - Patt 1 1 6 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K7, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, K7, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, patt to end.

Row 1 87 - Patt 1 1 9 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K8, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 189 - Patt 1 20 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K8, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K7, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 191 - Patt 121 sts, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K15, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 193 - Patt 1 20 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K13, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

patt to end.

Row 1 95 - Patt 1 23 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, Kl 1, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 97 - Patt 1 24 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K9, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 1 99 - Patt 1 25 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, K7, K2tog, yfwd, patt to end.

Row 201 - Patt 1 24 sts, K2, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K5, K2tog, yfwd, K3,

patt to end.

Row 203 - Patt to end.

Row 205 - Patt to end.

Row 206 - Kl, puri to iast st, Kl


These 206 rows complete centre

panel and end with row 6 of patt.

Cont in patt across all sts and worka further 76 rows in patt, ending with

row 2 and RS facing for next row.

Cast off knitways.


Press iightiy under a dry cioth using

a cool iron.


With 4 mm needies, cast on 1 0 sts.

Pott thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K3, (yfwd, K2tog)

twice, yfwd, yrn, K2tog, Kl


Row 2 - K2, (Kl, PI) into (yfwd, yrn)

of previous row, K2, (yfwd, K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 3 - K3, (yfwd, K2tog) twice, Kl,

yfwd, yrn, K2tog, Kl


Row 4 - K2, (Kl, PI) into (yfwd, yrn)

of previous row, K3, (yfwd, K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 5 - K3, (yfwd, K2tog) twice, K2,

yfwd, yrn, K2tog, Kl


Row 6 - K2, (Kl, PI) into (yfwd, yrn)

of previous row, K4, (yfwd, K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 7 - K3, (yfwd, K2tog) fwice, K6.

Row 8 - Cast off 3 sts, K4 (not

inciuding st on needie after cast-

off)- (yfwd, K2tog) twice, Kl (10 sts).

These 8 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until straight edge of

Border, when slightly stretched ahdstarting at centre of cast-on edgeof Shawl, fits around outer edge of

Shawl, sewing in place as you goalong and gathering Border at

corners, ending with row 8 and RS

facing for next row.

Cast off.

Join cast-on and cast-off edges of



Using 3'Amm needles throughout,

work as for DK Version.

Page 19: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches


CardiganTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 months

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 cm16 18 20 22 in

Actual size

47 53 57 63 cm1872 21 2272 25 in

Finished length

23 26 29 33 cm9 10 1 1 72 13 in

Sleeve length to underarm11 14 18 24 cm472 572 7 972 in

BonnetTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 monthsBooteesTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 months

Patons Fairytale 4 ply

Cardigan (4308)

2 2 2 3 50 gm balis

Bonnet (4308)

1 1 1 1 50 gm balis

Bootees (4308)

1 1 50 gm balis

Quantities of yarn are approxirmate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of 274 mm (UK 1 2/USA 2)

and 374 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3) needles

for Cardigan and Bonnet,

Pair of 374 mm (UK 10/USA 3)

needies for Bootees.

Buttons - 6 X 092 9/A for Cardiganand 1 X 092 9/A for Bonnet,

Length of narrow ribbon for Bootees.


27 sts and 36 rows to 1 0 cm (main

pattern), 28 sts and 36 rows to 1 0 cm(stocking stitch) on 374mm needles

or size needed to achieve stated


For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.



With 374 mm needies, cast on 63 (71,

77, 85) sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K2 (0, 3, 3), (K2tog,

sLlK, Kl, psso, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, Kl)


(1, 1, 0) times, *yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from * to

last 1 (5, 8, 2) sts, (yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 1, 0) times,

Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - K2 (0, 3, 3), (K2tog, K3, yfwd,

Kl) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, *yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl ; rep from * to

last 1 (5, 8, 2) sts, (yfwd, K3, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 5 - K3 (0, 3, 4), (K2tog, K2, yfwd,

K3) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, ‘yfwd, K2, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from* to last 0 (4, 7, 1) sts, (yfwd, K2, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, KO (0, 3, 1).

Row 7 - K4 (0, 1, 5), (K2tog, Kl, yfwd,

K5) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, ‘yfwd, Kl, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from‘ to last 9 (3, 6, 0) sts, (yfwd, Kl , sLl K,

K2tog, psso, Kl, ytwd) 1 (0, 1, 0) times,

(yfwd, Kl, sLlK, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 0, 0)

times, K4 (0, 1,0).

Row 9 - K2 (0, 2, 3), (K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 0 (1, 0, 0)

times, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 1 (1, 0, 1)

times, ‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl ; rep from ‘ fo last 8 (2, 5,

9) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd)

1 (0, 1, 1) fimes, (Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K2 (0, 2, 3).

Row 1 1 - Kl (0, 2, 1), (K2tog, yfwd,

K2) 1 (1,0, 0) times, ‘yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2; rep from ‘ fo

last 3 (2, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (1, 0, 0) times, (yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (0, 0, 1) times,

Kl (0, 0, 1).

Row 13 - Kl (1, 4, 2), (K2tog, K3, yfwd,

Kl) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, ‘yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from‘ to last 6 (0, 3, 7) sts, (yfwd, K3, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 15 - Kl (1, 4, 2), (K2tog, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, Kl)

2 (0, 0, 2) times, ‘yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from ‘ to

last 6 (0, 3, 7) sts, (yfwd, Kl,yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1] times,

Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 17 - As row 13.

Row 19 - Kl (2, 5, 2), (K2tog, K2, yfwd,

K3) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, ‘yfwd, K2, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from‘ to last 5 (9, 2, 6) sts, (yfwd, K2) 1 (1,

0, 1) fimes, (sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1)

times, (sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd)

0 (1, 0, 0) times, Kl (2, 2, 2).

Page 20: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Row 21 - K1 (3, 6, 2), (K2tog, Kl,

yfwd, K5) 1 [0, 0, 1] times, *yfwd, Kl,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep

from * to lost 4 (8, 1 , 5) sts, (yfwd,

Kl) 1 (1, 0, 1] times, (sLlK, Kl, psso)

1 (0, 0, 1) times, (sLl K, K2tog, psso,

Kl, yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, Kl (3, 1,2).

Row 23 - Kl (4, 7, 2), (K2tog, yfwd,

K7) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from * to

iast 3 (7, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times,

Kl (4, 0, 2],

Row 25 - K2 (1, 4, 3], (sLlK, Kl, psso,

K2, yfwd, Kl) 0 (1, 1,0) times, *yfwd,

K2, K2tog, Kl, sLlK, Kl, psso, K2, yfwd,

Kl ; rep from * to last 1 (5, 8, 2) sts,

(yfwd, K2, K2tog) 0 (1, 1, 0) times,

Kl (1, 4, 2),

Rows 27 and 29 - As row 25,

Row 31 - K2 (1, 4, 3), *yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K2tog, yfwd, Kl; rep from*to last 1 (0, 3, 2) sts, Kl (0, 3, 2),

Row 33 - K3 (2, 5, 4), (K2tog, yfwd,

K3) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K3, K2tog, yfwd, K3; rep from*to last 5 (9, 2, 6) sts, (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (1, 0, 1) times, (K3, K2tog,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K3 (2, 2, 4).

Row 35 - K2 (3, 6, 3), (K2tog, yfwd,

K5) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K5; rep from* to last 4 (8 , 1, 5) sts, (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (1, 0, 1) times, (Kl, K2tog,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K2 (3, 1,3).

Row 36 - Purl.

These 36 rows complete border patf


Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kl (4, 7, 2), (K2tog,

yfwd, K7) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from*

to last 3 (7, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times,

Kl (4, 0, 2).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Kl (4, 0, 2), (K2tog, yfwd)

1 (0, 0, 1) times, (K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K2) 1 (0, 1, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, K2; rep from * to last 3 (7,

0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0,

0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, Kl (4, 0, 2),

Row 5 - Kl (4, 0, 2), (K2tog, yfwd)

1 (0, 0, 1) times, (Kl, K2tog, yfwd.

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 1 (0, 1,

1) times, *yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, Kl; rep from * to last 3 [7,

0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0,

0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, Kl (4, 0, 2).

Row 7 - As row 3.

Row 9 - As row 1


Row 10 - Purl.

These 1 0 rows form main patt (Backshould meas 1 3 cm).

Cont in main patt and proceed as


46, 51 and 56 cm sizes:

Work straight until Back meas (1 5,

1 7, 20) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

All sizes:

Shape armholes

Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next 2 rows (59 (67, 73, 81) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 2 alt rows (53 (61, 67, 75) sts).

Cont straight until armholes meas10 (1 1, 12, 13) cm, ending with RS

facing for nex-t row.

Shape shoulders

Cast off 5 (6, 7, 8) sts at beg of next

4 rows, then 5 (6, 6, 7) sts at beg of

foil 2 rows,

Cast off rem 23 (25, 27, 29) sts.


With y/i mm needles, cast on 34 (38,

41, 45) sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K2 (0, 3, 3), (K2tog,

sLlK, Kl, psso, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, Kl)

0 (1, 1, 0) times, *yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from * to

last 1 2 sts, yfwd, Kl,yfwd, K2tog,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K7.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - K5,

purl to end.

Row 3 - K2 (0, 3, 3), (K2tog, K3, yfwd,

Kl) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, *yfwd, K3, sLlK,

K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from * to

last 12 sts, ylwd, K3, sLl K, Kl, psso, K7.

Row 5 - K3 (0, 3, 4), (K2tog, K2, yfwd,

K3) 0 (1,1, 0) times, *yfwd, K2, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from* to last 1 1 sts, yfwd, K2, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K7.

Row 7 - K4 (0, 1, 5), (K2tog, Kl,

yfwd, K5) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, *yfwd, Kl,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep

from * to last 10 sts, yfwd, Kl, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K7.

Row 9 - K2 (0, 2, 3), (K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 0 (1, 0,

0) times, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 1 (1, 0, 1)

times, *yfwd, sLl K K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl ; rep from * to last 9 sts,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K7.

Row 1 1 - Kl (0, 2, 1), (K2tog, yfwd,

K2) 1 (1, 0, 0) times, *yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2; rep from * to

last 9 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K7,

Row 13 - Kl (1,4, 2), (K2tog, K3,

yfwd, Kl) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, K3,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep

from * to last 7 sts, K7.

Row 15 - Kl (1,4, 2), (K2tog, sLlK,

Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, Kl)

2 (0, 0, 2) times, *yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from * to

last 7 sts, K7.

Row 17 - As row 13.

Row 19 - Kl (2, 5, 2), (K2tog, K2, yfwd,

K3) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, K2, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from* to last 6 sts, K6.

Row 21 - Kl (3, 6, 2), (K2tog, Kl, yfwd,

K5) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, Kl, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from* to last 5 sts, K5.

Row 23 - Kl (4, 7, 2), (K2tog, yfwd,

K7) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from * to

last 4 sts, K4.

Row 25 - K2 (1, 4, 3), (sLl K, Kl,psso,

K2, yfwd, Kl) 0 (1, 1, 0) times, *yfwd,

K2, K2tog, Kl, sLlK, Kl, psso, K2,

yfwd, Kl ; rep from * to last 1 2 sts,

yfwd, K2, K2tog, K8.

Rows 27 and 29 - As row 25.

Row 31 - K2 (1, 4, 3), *yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, K2tog, yfwd, Kl; rep from* to last 7 sts, K7.

Row 33 - K3 (2, 5, 4), (K2tog, yfwd,

K3) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K3, K2tog, yfwd, K3; rep from* to last 6 sts, K6.

Row 35 - K2 (3, 6, 3), (K2tog, yfwd,

K5) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K5; rep from* to last 5 sts, K5.

Row 36 - K5, purl to end.

Page 21: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

These 36 rows complete border patt

with front opening edge garter st


Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K1 (4, 7, 2), (K2tog,

yfwd, K7) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, *yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from* to lost 4 sts, K4.

Row 2 and every toll alt row - K5,

purl to end.

Row 3 - K1 (4, 0, 2), (K2tog, yfwd)

1 (0, 0, 1) times, (K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K2) 1 (0, 1, 1) times, *yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K2; rep from * to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 5 - Kl (4, 0, 2}, (K2tog, yfwd)

1 (0, 0, 1] times, (Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 1 (0, 1, 1)

times, *yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl ; rep from * to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 7 - As row 3.

Row 9 - As row 1


Row 10 - Purl.

These 1 0 rows form main patt with

front opening edge garter st border

(Left Front should meds 13 cm).

Cent in main patt and proceed as


46, 51 and 56 cm sizes:

Work straight until Left Front matchesBack to start of armhole shaping,

ending with RS facing for next row.

All sizes:

Shape armholeKeeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next row (32 (36, 39, 43) sts).

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at beg of next and foil 2 alt

rows (29 (33, 36, 40) sts).

Cent straight until 12 (12, 14, 16)

rows less than on Back have beenworked before start of shoulder

shaping, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 21 (24, 27, 30),

turn and leave rem 8 (9, 9, 10) sts ona holder.

Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 6 rows,

then on foil 0 (0, 1, 1) alt rows

(15 (18, 20, 23) sts).

Work 5 (5, 5, 7) rows, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape shoulders

Cast off 5 (6 , 7, 8) sts at beg of next

and foil alt row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 5 (6, 6, 7) sts.

Mark position of 6 buttons on Left

Front border, first to come on row 7

of border patt, last to come just

above start of neck shaping, andremainder spaced evenly between.


With 374 mm needles, cast on 34 (38,

41, 45) sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K7, K2tog, sLlK Kl, psso,

(yfwd, Kl) twice, ‘yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from * to

last 1 (5, 8, 2) sts, (yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLl K, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 1, 0) times,

Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl to

last 5 sts, K5.

Row 3 - K7, K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl


‘yfwd, K3, sLlK, K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl;

rep from * to last 1 (5, 8, 2) sts,

(yfwd, K3, sLlK, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 1, 0)

times, Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 5 - K7, K2tog, K2, yfwd, K3,

‘yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd,

K3; rep from ‘ to last 0 (4, 7, 1) sts,

(yfwd, K2, sLlK, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 1, 0)

times, KO (0, 3, 1).

Row 7 - K2, yfwd, K2tog (to makefirst buttonhole), K3, K2tog, Kl, yfwd,

K5, ‘yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K5; rep from ‘ to last 9 (3, 6,

0) sts, (yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd) 1 (0, 1, 0) times, (yfwd, Kl, sLlK,

Kl, psso) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K4 (0, 1,0).

Making 4 more buttonholes as onrow 7 to correspond with markers

on Lett Front border and noting that

no further reference will be made to

buttonholes, contthus:

Row 9 - K7, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

‘yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl ; rep from * to last 8 (2, 5, 9) sts,

(yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd) 1 (0,

1, 1) times, (Kl, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso)

1 (0, 0, 1) times, (ytwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K2 (0, 2, 3).

Row 1 1 - K7, K2tog, yfwd, K2,

‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2;

rep from ‘ to last 3 (2, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (1, 0, 0) times, (yfwd,

sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (0, 0, 1)

times, Kl (0, 0, 1).

Row 13 - K8, ‘yfwd, K3, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from * to last

6 (0, 3, 7) sts, (yfwd, K3, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 15 - K8, ‘yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLl K, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from ‘ to

last 6 (0, 3, 7) sts, (yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLl K, Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times,

Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 1 7 - As row 1 3.

Row 19 - K9, ‘yfwd, K2, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from ‘ to last

5 (9, 2, 6) sts, (yfwd, K2) 1 (1, 0, 1)

times, (sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times,

(sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd) 0 (1, 0,

0) times, Kl (2, 2, 2).

Row 21 - KIO, ‘yfwd, Kl, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from ‘ to last

4 (8, 1, 5) sts, (yfwd, Kl) 1 (1, 0, 1)

times, (sLlK, Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times,

(sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd) 0 (1, 0,

0) times, Kl (3, 1,2).

Row 23 - Kl 1 , ‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K7; rep from ‘ to last 3 (7,

0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso) 1 (0,

0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, Kl (4, 0, 2).

Row 25 - K8, sLl K, Kl,psso, K2, yfwd,

Kl, ‘yfwd, K2, K2tog, Kl, sLlK, Kl,

psso, K2, yfwd, Kl ; rep from ‘ to last

1 (5, 8, 2) sts, (yfwd, K2, K2tog) 0 (1,

1, 0) times, Kl (1, 4, 2).

Rows 27 and 29 - As row 25.

Row 31 - K8, ‘yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl ; rep from ‘ to last 1 (0,

3, 2) sts, Kl (0, 3, 2).

Row 33 - K9, ‘yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

K3, K2tog, yfwd, K3; rep from ‘ to

last 5 (9, 2, 6) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso) 1 (1, 0, 1) times, (K3, K2tog,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K3 (2, 2, 4).

Row 35 - KIO, ‘yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

Kl , K2tog, yfwd, K5; rep from ‘ to

last 4 (8, 1, 5) sts, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso) 1 (1, 0, 1) times, (Kl, K2tog,

yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times, K2 (3, 1,3).

Row 36 - Purl to last 5 sts, K5.

These 36 rows complete border patt.

Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kll, ‘yfwd, sLlK,

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SLEEVESK2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from * to

lost 3 (7, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 ( 1 , 0, 0) times,

Kl (4, 0, 2],

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Puri to

last 5 sts, K5,

Row 3 - K7, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, K2,

‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso, K2; rep from *

to iast 3 (7, 0, 4) sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0) times,

Kl (4, 0, 2).

Row 5 - K5, K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, ‘yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from‘ fo iast 3 (7, 0, 4] sts, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso) 1 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 0 (1, 0, 0} times,

Kl (4, 0, 2).

Row 7 - As row 3.

Row 9 - As row 1


Row 10 - Puri to last 5 sts, K5.

These 1 0 rows form main patt (Right

Front should meas 1 3 cm).

Cent in main patt and proceed as


41 cm size:

Work 1 row, ending with WS facing

for next row,

46, 51 and 56 cm sizes:

Work straight until Right Front matchesBack to start of armhole shaping,

ending with WS facing for next row.

All sizes:

Shape armholeKeeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next row (32 (36, 39, 43) sts).

Dec 1 st at end of next and foil 2 alt

rows (29 (33, 36, 40) sts),

Cont straight until 12 (12, 14, 16) rows

less than on Back have beenworked before start of shoulder

shaping, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 8 (9, 9, 10) andslip these sts onto a holder, patt to

end (21 (24, 27, 30) sts).

Complete to match Left Front,

reversing shapings, working anextra row before start of shoulder


With 2^4 mm needles, cast on 41 (45,

49, 53) sts.

Work in garter st for 6 rows, endingwith RS facing for next row,

Change to 3'/4mm needles andpatt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K4 (6, 8, 1), (K2tog,

yfwd, K7) 0 (0, 0, 1) times, ‘yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from* to last 7 (9, 1 , 3) sts, (yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd) 1 (1, 0, 0) times,

(yfwd, sLl K, Kl,psso) 0 (0, 0, 1) times,

K4 (6, 1, 1).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - K4 (2, 4, 1), (K2tog, yfwd,

K3) 0 (0, 0, 1) times, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, K2) 0 (1, 1, 1) times, ‘yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso, K2; rep from * to last

7 (9, 1, 3) sts, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, yfwd) 1 (1,0, 0) times, (K3,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso) 0 (1, 0, 0) times,

(yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso) 0 (0, 0, 1) times,

K4 (1, 1, 1),

Row 5 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,0, 0) times,

KO (2, 2, 1), (K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 0 (0, 1,

2) times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl,

‘yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl,

K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl; rep from ‘ to last 7 (9, 1, 3) sts,

(yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl,

K2tog, yfwd) 1 (1,0, 0) times, (yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso) 0 (0, 0, 1) times,

KO (2, 1, 1), (inc in last st) 1 (1, 0, 0)

times (43 (47, 49, 53) sts).

Row 7 - (Inc in first st) 0 (0, 1 , 0) times,

Kl (3, 3, 1), (K2tog, yfwd, K3) 0 (0, 0,

1) times, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, K2,

‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3,

yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, K2; rep from‘

to last 8 (0, 1, 3) sts, (yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso) 1 (0, 0, 0) times, (yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K1)0 (0, 0, 1) times,

(inc in last st) 0 (0, 1 , 0) times

(43 (47, 51, 53) sts).

Row 9 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,0, 1) times,

K4 (6, 0, 0), (K2tog, yfwd, K7) 0 (0, 1,

1) times, ‘yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, yfwd,

K7; rep from ‘ to last 8 (10, 2, 3) sts,

(yfwd, sLIK, K2tog, psso, yfwd) 1 (1,

0, 0) times, (yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso) 0 (0,

1, 1) times, K4 (6, 0, 0), (inc in last st)

1 (1, 0, 1) times (45 (49, 51, 55) sts).

Row 10 - Purl.

These 1 0 rows form patt and start

sleeve shaping.

Cont in patt, shaping sides by inc 1 st

at each end of 3rd (3rd, 3rd, 7th)

and every foil 4th (6th, 6th, 8th) rowuntil there are 49 (59, 63, 65) sts,

taking inc sts into patt.

41 , 51 and 56 ctr^ sizes:

Inc 1 st at each end of every foil 6th

(8th, 10th) row until there are 53 (65,

69) sts.

All sizes:

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 11 (14,

1 8, 24) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape top

Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next 2 rows (49 (55, 61 , 65) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next 4 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off rem 41 (47, 53, 57) sts.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join shoulder seams.

Neck Border

With RS facing and 2^4 mm needles,

slip 8 (9, 9, 1 0) sts from right front

holder onto right-hand needle,

rejoin yarn and knit up 14 (14, 16,

18) sts up right side of neck, 25 (27,

29, 31) sts from back, 14 (14, 16, 18)

sts down left side of neck, then patt

8 (9, 9, 10) sts from ieft front hoider

(69 (73, 79, 87) sts).

Work in garter st for 1 row, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Next row - (RS), K2, yfwd, K2tog (to

make 6th buttonhole), K to end.

Work in garter st for a further 2 rows.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Matching centre of cast-off edge of

sleeves to shoulder seams, sewSleeves to Back and Fronts. Join

side and sleeve seams. Sew onbuttons securely.


With 3'/4 mm needles, cast on 83 (93,

103, 1 13) sts and knit 1 row.

Border patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), K2, ‘yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from ‘ to

last st, Kl


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Pattthus:Row 2 and every foil alt row - K1


purl to last st, K1


Row 3 - K2, *yfwd, K3, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep from * to last st,


Row 5 - K3, *yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, K2, yfwd, K3; rep from * to end.

Row 7 - K4, *yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, Kl, yfwd, K5; rep from * to last

9sts, yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K4,

Row 9 - K2, *K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLl K K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl,yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, Kl; rep from * to last st, Kl


Row 1 1 - Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K2, *yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2; rep from* to last 3 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl

,psso, Kl


Row 13- Kl, K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl,

*yfwd, K3, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K3,

ylWd, Kl ; rep from * to last 6 sts,

yfwd, K3, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 15 - Kl, K2tog, sLl K, Kl, psso,

(yfwd, Kl) twice, *yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLlK, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from * to

last 6 sts, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, K2tog,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 17 - As row 13.

Row 19 - Kl, K2tog, K2, yfwd, K3,

*yfwd, K2, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2,

yfwd, K3; rep from * to last 5 sts,

yfwd, K2, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 21 - Kl, K2tog, Kl, yfwd, K5,

‘yfwd, Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl,

yfwd, K5; rep from * to last 4 sts,

yfwd, Kl, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 22 - Kl,purl to last st, Kl


These 22 rows complete border patt.

Main patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K7,

‘yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7;

rep from ‘ to last 3 sts, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Kl


purl to last st, Kl


Row 3 - Kl, K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, K2, ‘yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK,

Kl, psso, K2; rep from ‘ to last 3 sts,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl.

Row 5 - (Kl, K2tog, yfwd) twice, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, ‘yfwd, sLlK,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from* to last 3 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso, Kl


Row 7 - As row 3.

Row 9 - As row 1


Row 10 - Kl, purl to last st, Kl


These 1 0 rows form main patt.

Cont in main patt for a further 9 (1 1,

19, 21) rows, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Place a marker at each end of last


Next row - (RS), K20 (1 1, 8, 6), K2tog,

(K39 (21, 15, 12), K2tog) 1 (3, 5, 7)

times, K20 (11, 8, 7)

(81 (89, 97, 105) sts).

Work in garter st for 5 rows, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Shape backRow 1 - (RS), Kl, ‘K2tog, K8 (9, 10, 1 1);

rep from * to end (73 (81, 89, 97) sts).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - Kl, ‘K2tog, K7 (8, 9, 10); rep

from ‘ to end (65 (73, 81, 89) sts).

Row 5 - Kl, *K2tog, K6 (7, 8, 9); rep

from * to end (57 (65, 73, 81) sts).

Cont thus, dec 8 sts in this way onevery foil alt row, until 1 7 sts rem.

Break yarn, thread through rem sts,

pull up tightly and fasten off



Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back seam to markers.

Neck Border and Strap

With RS facing and 2^4 mm needles,

knit up 63 (69, 75, 81) sts evenly

along neck edge.

Next row - Cast on 19 (21, 23, 25) sts,

K across these sts, K to end(82 (90, 98, 106) sts).

Work in garter st for 2 rows.

Buttonhole row - (RS), K to last 5 sts,

K2tog, yfwd, K3.

Work in garter st for 2 rows.

Cast off knitways (on WS).

Sew on button securely to other

side of Neck Border.

BOOTEES (Both alike)

With 3V4 mm needles, cast on 51 sts

and knit 1 row.

Row 1 - (RS), K2tog, sLl K, Kl, psso,

(yfwd, Kl) twice, ‘yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

K2tog, sLl K, K2tog, psso, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (yfwd, Kl) twice; rep from ‘ to

last 5 sts, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, K2tog,

sLlK, Kl, psso.

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Purl.

Row 3 - K2tog, K3, yfwd, Kl, ‘yfwd,

K3, sLlK, K2tog, psso, K3, yfwd, Kl; rep

from ‘ to last 5 sts, yfwd, K3, sLl K,

Kl, psso.

Row 5 - K2tog, K2, yfwd, K3, ‘yfwd,

K2, sLl K, K2tog, psso, K2, yfwd,

K3; rep from ‘ to last 4 sts, yfwd, K2,

sLl K, Kl,psso.

Row 7 - K2tog, Kl, yfwd, K5, ‘yfwd,

Kl, sLlK, K2tog, psso, Kl, yfwd,

K5; rep from ‘ to last 3 sts, yfwd, Kl


sLl K, Kl,psso.

Row 9 - K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, K2, ‘yfwd, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

K2; rep from * to last 2 sts, yfwd,

sLl K, Kl, psso.

Row 1 1 - (K2tog, yfwd, Kl) twice,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, ‘yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, Kl, K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl; rep from‘ to last 2 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl, psso,

Row 1 3 - As row 9.

Row 1 5 - K2tog, yfwd, K7, ‘yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K7; rep from‘ to last 2 sts, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


Row 1 7 - As row 1 5.

0-3 months size:

Row 18 - K2, *K2tog, Kl, K2tog,

K2; rep from ‘ to end (37 sts).

3-6 months size:

Row 18 - K2, ‘K2tog, K3; rep from ‘

to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2 (41 sts).

Both sizes:

Row 1 9 - (Eyelet row), Kl , ‘yfwd,

K2tog; rep from * to end,

Row 20 - K2tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog

(35 (39) sts).

Divide for instep

Next row - (RS), K23 (26), turn.

Next row - PI 1 (13), turn.

Cont on these 11 (13) sts for instep

and starting with a K row, work in

stocking st for 14 (16) rows, endingwith RS facing for next row. Break

Page 24: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

yarn and leave these sts on needle

for front of foot.

With RS facing and starting wherethe 1 2 (1 3) sts were ieft on right-

hand needle, rejoin yarn and knit

up 11 (13) sts along right side of

instep, K across 11 (13) sts at front of

foot, knit up 11 (13) sts along left

side of instep, then K across rem12 (13) sts (57 (65) sts).

Work in garter st for 11 (13) rows.

ending with RS facing far next row.

Shape soie

Row 1 - (RS), K2, K2tog, K21 (25),

K2tog, K3, K2tog, K21 (25), K2tog, K2.

Rows 2 and 4 - K2, K2tog, K to last

4 sts, K2tog, K2.

Row 3 - K2, K2tog, K18 (22), K2tog,

K3, K2tog, K18 (22), K2tog, K2.

Row 5 - K2, K2tog, K15 (19), K2tog,

K3, K2tog, K15 (19), K2tog, K2.


JacketTo fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16 18 20 22 24 in

Actual size

47 53 60 65 71 cm1872 21 2372 2572 28 in

Finished length

22 25 29 33 37 cm8V2 10 1172 13 1472 in

Sleeve length

1 1 14 18 24 28 cm472 572 7 972 1 1 in


To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

JacketPatons Fairytale DK1st Colour (6302)

1 2 2 2 2 50 gm balls

2nd Colour (6301)

1 2 2 2 2 50 gm balls

3rd Colour (6304)

1 1 1 2 2 50 gm balls


Patons Fairytale DK1 st Colour (6302)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

2nd Colour (6301)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

3rd Colour (6304)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of 3'/4 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needies.

5 (5, 6, 6, 6) X 859 5/C buttons for



22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (jacket

pattern and stocking stitch),

22 sts and 32 rows to 1 0 cm (hat

pattern) on 4 mm needies or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.

Row 6 - K2, K2tog, K to iast 4 sts,

K2tog, K2.

Cast off rem 39 (47) sts.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back and soie seam. Starting

and ending at centre front, thread

ribbon through holes in eyeiet row.



When working rows 1 5 to 20 of

jacket pattern, strand yarn whennot in use looseiy across wrong side

of work to keep fabric elastic, andtake stranded yarn to end of eachraw.


With 3'A mm needies and 1 st C, cast

on 52 (58, 66, 72, 78) sts.

Work in garter st for 8 rows, endingwith RS facing for next row.

Break IstC.

Change to 4 mm needies andjoining in and breaking off colour s

as required, patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), in 2nd C, knit.

Row 2 - In 2nd C, purl.

Rows 3 and 4 - As rows 1 and 2.

Page 25: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Cast off rem 5 (7, 8, 8, 8] sts,Rows 5 and 6 - In 3rd C, knit,

Rows 7 and 8 - As rows 1 and 2.

Rows 9 and 10 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 11 to 14 - As rows 1 and 2


Row 15 -In 1st C K1 (0,0,0, 2], in

3rd C K2 (2, 2, 1, 2), *in 1st C K2, in

3rd C K2; rep from * to last 1 (0, 0,

3, 2) sts, in 1st C K1 (0, 0, 2, 2), in

3rd C KO (0, 0, 1, 0),

Row 16 -In 1st C PI (0,0, 0,2], in

3rd C P2 (2, 2, 1, 2], ‘in 1st C P2, in

3rd C P2; rep from * to last 1 (0, 0,

3, 2) sts, in 1st CPI (0, 0, 2, 2], in

3rd C PO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Row 1 7 - In 3rd C K1 (0, 0, 0, 2), in

1st C K2 (2, 2, 1, 2], ‘in 3rd C K2, in

1 St C K2; rep from ‘ to last 1 (0, 0,

3, 2} sts, in 3rd C K1 (0, 0, 2, 2), in

1st C KO (0, 0, 1, 0].

Row 18 - In 3rd C PI (0, 0, 0, 2), in

1st C P2 (2, 2, 1, 2), ‘in 3rd C P2, in

1 st C P2; rep from ‘ to last 1 (0, 0,

3, 2] sts, in 3rd C PI (0, 0, 2, 2), in

1st C PO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Rows 1 9 and 20 - As rows 1 5 and 1 6.

These 20 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until Back meas 22 (25,

29, 33, 37) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape shoulders

Keeping patt correct, cast off 6 (6,

7, 8 , 9) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then

5 (7, 8, 8, 8] sts at beg of foil 2 rows.

Cast off rem 1 8 (20, 22, 24, 26) sts.


With 3'/4 mm needles and 1 st C,

cast on 30 (33, 37, 40, 43) sts.

Girl’s Version:

Work in garter st for 7 rows, endingwith WS facing for next row.

Boy’s Version:

Work in garter st for 4 rows, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Row 5 - (RS), K to iast 4 sts, yfwd,

K2tog (to make a buttonhole), K2,

Work in garter st for a further 2 rows,

ending with WS facing for next row.

Both Versions:

Row 8 - (WS), K7 and slip these 7 sts

onto a holder. Ml (by picking uphorizontal loop lying before next st

and working into back of it), K to

end (24 (27, 31, 34, 37) sts).

Break IstC.

Change to 4 mm needles andjoining in and breaking off colours

as required, patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), in 2nd C, knit.

Row 2 - In 2nd C, purl.

Rows 3 and 4 - As rows 1 and 2.

Rows 5 and 6 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 7 and 8 - As rows 1 and 2,

Rows 9 and 10 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 1 1 to 14 - As rows 1 and 2


Row 15 - In 1 st C K1 (0, 0, 0, 2), in

3rdC K2 (2, 2, 1, 2), ‘in IstC K2, in

3rd C K2; rep from ‘ to last st, in

IstC Kl.

Row 16 - In 1st C PI, in 3rd C P2, ‘in

1 st C P2, in 3rd C P2; rep from ‘ to

last 1 (0, 0, 3, 2) sts, in 1st C PI (0, 0,

2, 2), in 3rd C PO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Row 17 - In 3rd C Kl (0, 0, 0, 2), in

1st C K2 (2, 2, 1, 2), ‘in 3rd C K2, in

1 st C K2; rep from ‘ to last st, in

3rd C Kl


Row 18 - In 3rd C PI, in 1st C P2, ‘in

3rd C P2, in 1st C P2; rep from * to

last 1 (0, 0, 3, 2) sts, in 3rd C PI (0, 0,

2, 2), in 1st C PO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Rows 1 9 and 20 - As rows 1 5 and 1 6.

These 20 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until 10 (12, 12, 14, 14)

rows less than on Back have beenworked before start of shoulder

shaping, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 22 (24, 27, 30, 32),

cast off rem 2 (3, 4, 4, 5) sts.

With WS facing, rejoin appropriate

yarn to rem 22 (24, 27, 30, 32) sts,

work 2 tog, patt to end.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at

neck edge on next 3 rows, then onfoil 1 ( 1 , 1, 2 , 2) alt rows

(1 7 (19, 22, 24, 26) sts).

Work 3 (5, 5, 5, 5) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 6 (6, 7, 8, 9) sts at beg of

next and foil alt row.

Work 1 row.


With 3’Amm needles and 1 st C, cast

on 30 (33, 37, 40, 43) sts.

Girl’s Version:

Work in garter st for 4 rows, endingwith RS facing for next row.

Row 5 - (RS), K2, K2tog, yfwd (to

make a buttonhole), K to end.

Work in garter st for a further 2 rows,

ending with WS facing for next row.

Boy’s Version:

Work in garter st for 7 rows, endingwith WS facing for next row.

Both Versions:

Row 8 - (WS), K to last 7 sts. Ml , turn

and slip these 7 sts onto a holder

(24 (27, 31, 34, 37) sts).

Break IstC.

Change to 4 mm needles andjoining in and breaking off colours

as required, patt thus;

Row 1 - (RS), in 2nd C, knit.

Row 2 - In 2nd C, purl.

Rows 3 and 4 - As rows 1 and 2.

Rows 5 and 6 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 7 and 8 - As rows 1 and 2.

Rows 9 and 1 0 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 1 1 to 14 - As rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 15 - In 1st C Kl, in 3rd C K2, ‘in

1 st C K2, in 3rd C K2; rep from ‘ to

last 1 (0, 0, 3, 2) sts, in 1st C Kl (0, 0,

2, 2), in 3rd C KO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Row 16 - In 1st C PI (0, 0, 0, 2), in

3rdCP2 (2,2, 1,2), ‘in IstC P2, in

3rd C P2; rep from ‘ to last st, in

IstC PI.

Row 17 - In 3rd C Kl, in 1st C K2, ‘in

3rd C K2, in 1 st C K2; rep from ‘ to

last 1 (0, 0, 3, 2) sts, in 3rd C Kl (0, 0,

2,2), in 1st CKO (0,0, 1,0).

Row 18 - In 3rd C PI (0, 0, 0, 2), in

1st C P2 (2, 2, 1, 2), ‘in 3rd C P2, in

1 st C P2; rep from ‘ to last st, in

3rd C PI.

Rows 1 9 and 20 - As rows 1 5 and 1 6.

These 20 rows form patt.

Cont in patt and complete to matchLeft Front, reversing shapings,

working an extra row before start of

shoulder shaping.

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With S’A mm needles and 1 st C, cast

on 34 (36, 38, 40, 42] sts.

Work in garter st for 8 rows, ending

with RS facing for next row,

Break IstC.

Change to 4 mm needles andjoining in and breaking off colours

as required, patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), in 2nd C, knit.

Row 2 - In 2nd C, purl.

Row 3 - In 2nd C, (inc in first st) 1 (1,1,

0, 0] times, K to last 1 (1, 1, 0, 0) sts,

(inc in last st) 1 (1,1, 0, 0] times

(36 (38, 40, 40, 42) sts).

Row 4 - In 2nd C, purl,

Row 5 - In 3rd C, inc in first st, K to

last st, inc in last st

(38 (40, 42, 42, 44) sts).

Row 6 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 7 to 10 - As rows 3 to 6

(42 (44, 46, 44, 46) sts).

Rows 1 1 and 1 2 - As rows 3 and 4

(44 (46, 48, 44, 46) sts).

Row 1 3 - In 2nd C, (inc in first st)

1 (1,0, 1, 1) time, K to last 1 (1,0,

1 , 1) sts, (inc in lastst) 1 ( 1 , 0, 1 , 1)

time (46 (48, 48, 46, 48) sts).

Row 14 - In 2nd C, purl.

Row 15 - (In 1st C, inc in first st) 1 (0,

0, 0, 0) times, (in 3rd C, inc in first st)

0 (1, 1, 0, 0) times, in IstC K1 (2, 2,

2, 0), in 3rd C K2 (2, 2, 2, 1), *in 1st

C K2, in 3rd C K2; rep from * to last

2 (3, 3, 2, 3) sts, in 1st C K1 (2, 2, 2,


, in 3rd C KO (0, 0, 0, 1), (in 1st C,

inc in last st) 1 (0, 0, 0 , 0) times,

(in 3rd C, inc in last st) 0 (1, 1, 0, 0)

times (48 (50, 50, 46, 48) sts).

Row 16 - In 1st C PO (0, 0, 2, 0), in

3rd C PI (2, 2, 2, 1), *in IstC P2, in

3rd C P2; rep from * to last 3 (0, 0, 2,

3) sts, in 1st C P2 (0, 0, 2, 2), in 3rd CPI (0, 0, 0, 1).

Row 17 - (In 3rd C, inc in first st) 0 (0,

0, 1,0) times, (in 1st C, inc in first st)

1 (1, 0, 0, 1) times, in 3rd C K2 (0, 0,

1, 2), in 1st C K2 (1, 2, 2, 2), In 3rd CK2, in 1 st C K2; rep from * to last 3 (4,

0, 2, 3) sts, in 3rd C K2 (2, 0, 1, 2), in

1st C KO (1, 0, 0, 0), (in 3rd C, inc in

last st) 0 (0, 0, 1,0) times, (in 1st C,

inc in last st) 1 (1, 0, 0, 1) times

(50 (52, 50, 48, 50) sts).

Row 18 - In 3rd C PO (1, 0, 0, 0), in

1st C P2 (2, 2, 1, 2), *in 3rd C P2, in

1st C P2; rep from * to last 0 (1, 0, 3,

0) sts, in 3rd C PO (1, 0, 2, 0), in 1st CPO (0, 0, 1, 0).

Row 19 - (In 3rd C, inc in first st) 1 (0,

1 , 0, 0) times, in 1 st C KO (1 , 0, 0, 0),

in 3rdC K1 (2, 1, 1, 2), *in IstC K2,

in 3rd C K2; rep from * to last 4 (1, 4,

3, 0) sts, in 1st C K2 (1, 2, 2, 0), in 3rd

C K1 (0, 1, 1, 0), (in 3rd C, inc in last

st) 1 (0 , 1 , 0 , 0) times

(52 (52, 52, 48, 50) sts).

Row 20- In IstC PI (1, 1, 0, 0), in

3rd C P2 (2, 2, 1, 2), *in 1st C P2, in

3rd C P2; rep from * to last 1 (1,1,3,

0) sts, in IstC PI (1, 1, 2,0), in 3rd CPO (0, 0, 1, 0),

These 20 rows set patt and start

sleeve shaping.

0-3 months size:

Cont in patt as set shaping sides byinc 1 st at each end of 3rd row (54 sts).

3-6 and 6- 1 2 months sizes:

Cont in patt as set shaping sides byinc 1 st at each end of (next 3rd)

and every foil 4th row until there are

(58, 62) sts, taking inc sts into patt.

1 -2 and 2-3 years sizes:

Cont in patt as set shaping sides byinc 1 st at each end of next and every

foil 4th row until there are (62, 58) sts,

then on every foil 6th row until there

are (66, 70) sts, taking inc sts into patt.

All sizes:

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 11 (14,

1 8, 24, 28) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Cast off.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join shoulder seams.

Girl’s Version:

Button Border

With RS facing, S'Amm needles and1st C, K7 sts from holder on Left Front.

Cont in garter st until Border, whenslightly stretched, fits up Left Front to

start of neck shaping, sewing in

place as you go along and ending

with WS facing for next row,

Cast off (on WS).

Mark position of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6) buttons

on Button Border, first to correspond

with buttonhole already worked onRight Front, last to come 1 cmbelow start of neck shaping, andremainder spaced evenly between.

Girl’s Version:

Buttonhole Border

With WS facing, B'A mm needles

and 1st C, K7 sts from holder onRight Front,

Cont in garter st and work to matchButton Border, with the addition of

4 (4, 5, 5, 5) buttonholes to

correspond with positions markedfor buttons.

To make a buttonhole - (RS), K2,

K2tog, yfwd, K3.

Boy's Version:

Button Border

With WS facing, B'A mm needles

and 1 st C, K7 sts from holder onRIghf Front.

Cont in garter st until Border, whenslightly stretched, fits up Right Front

to start of neck shaping, sewing in

place as you go along and endingwith WS facing for next row.

Cast off (on WS).

Mark position of 5 (5, 6, 6, 6)

buttons on Button Border, first to

correspond with buttonhole

already worked on Left Front, last to

come 1 cm below start of neckshaping, and remainder spacedevenly between.

Boy’s Version:

Buttonhole Border

With RS facing, B'A mm needles and1 st C, K7 sts from holder on Left Front.

Cont in garter st and work to matchButton Border, with the addition of

4 (4, 5, 5, 5) buttonholes fo

correspond with positions markedfor buttons.

To make a buttonhole - (RS), K3,

yfwd, K2tog, K2.

Both Versions:


With RS facing, 3 'A mm needles

and 1st C, starting at centre of

border on Right Front, knit up 19 (22,

23, 25, 26) sts up right side of neck,



(20, 22, 24, 26) sts from back, fhen19 (22, 23, 25, 26) sts down left side

of neck to centre of border

(56 (64, 68, 74, 78) sts).

Work in garter st for 2 rows.

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Next row-(RS of Collar), K2 (2, 2, 1, 1),

Ml, *K4, Ml; rep from * to last 2 (2,

2, 1, 1) sts, K2 (2, 2, 1, 1)

(70 (80, 85, 93, 98) sts).

Work in garter st until Collar meas6 (6, 7, 7, 7) cm, ending with WS of

Collar facing for next row.

Cast off (on WS).

Place markers 12 (13, 14, 15, 16) cmdown from shoulder seams on Backand Fronts to mark armhole depth,

then sew cast-oft edge of sleeves in

place between markers. Join side

and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons



With S'A mm needles and 1 st C, cast

on 81 (89,97, 105, 11 3) sts.

Work in garter st for 8 rows, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Break 1 st C and join in 2nd C.

Change to 4 mm needles and

joining in and breaking off 1st Cand 3rd C as required, patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), in 2nd C, knit.

Row 2 - In 2nd C, purl.

Rows 3 and 4 - As rows 1 and 2.

Rows 5 and 6 - In 3rd C, knit.

Rows 7 to 1 0 - As rows 1 and 2


Rows 1 1 and 12 - In 1st C, knit.

These 1 2 rows form patt.

Cent in patt for a further 1 0 rows,

thus ending with row 10 of patt andRS facing for next row.

Keeping patt and colours correct,

shape crown thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Kl, *K2tog, K8 (9, 10,

11,1 2); rep from * to end(73 (81, 89, 97, 105) sts).

Row 2 and every foil alt row - Patt

to end.

Row 3 - Kl, *K2tog, K7 (8, 9, 10, 11);

rep from * to end(65 (73, 81, 89, 97) sts).

Row 5 - Kl, *K2tog, K6 (7, 8, 9, 10);

rep from * to end(57 (65, 73, 81, 89) sts).

Cent thus, dec 8 sts and working

1 st less between decreases onevery foil alt row until 1 7 sts rem,

thus ending with row 1 (3, 5, 7, 9)

of patt.

Break yarn, thread through rem sts,

pull up tightly and fasten off



Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back seam.


With 374 mm needles and 1 st Cused double, cast on 5 sts. Cast off.

Sew Stalk securely to centre of



To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16 18 20 22 24 In

Actual size

48 54 59 65 70 cm19 2172 23 2572 2772 In

Finished length

24 27 30 34 38 cm972 IOV2 12 13'/2 15 in

Sleeve length to underarm12 15 19 23 27 cm472 6 772 9 1072 in

Patons Fairytale DK1st Colour (6350)

1 1 1 1 2 50 gm balls

2nd Colour (6301)

1 2 2 2 2 50 gm balls

3rd Colour (6302)

2 2 2 3 3 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each ot 374 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

374 mm (UK 10/USA 3) circular needle.

2 (3, 3, 3, 3) X 0439 5/C buttons.


22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm(stocking stitch) on 4mm needles

or size needed to achieve stated


For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


With 374 mm needles and 1 st C, cast

on 45 (51, 57, 63, 69) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P1, Kl; rep

from * to last st, Kl


Rib row 2 - Kl, *P1, Kl; rep from * to


Page 28: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

These 2 rows form rib,

Work a further 4 rows in rib, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Break 1st C and join in 2nd C,

Change to 4 mm needles andstarting with a K row, work in

stocking st untii Back meas 4 (4, 5,

5, 6) cm, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Cast on 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows

(53 (59, 65, 71, 77) sts).

Cont in stocking st until Back meas12 (14, 16, 19, 22) cm, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape regions

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows

(49 (55, 61, 67, 73) sts),**

0-3 months, 3-6 months,6-12 months and 1 -2 years sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil 4th row 2 (2, 1 , 1) times

(43 (49, 57, 63) sts).

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for next row.

All sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 19 (21, 23,

25, 27) sts rem, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Cast off.


Work as for Back to **.

0-3 and 3-6 months sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 4th row (45 (51) sts).

6- 1 2 months and 1 -2 years sizes:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 4th row, then on foil alt row

((55, 61) sts).

2-3 years size:

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 3 olt rows (65 sts).

All sizes:

Work 3 (3, 1, 1, 1) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Divide for front openingNext row - (RS), K2tog, K1 8 (21 , 23,

26, 28), turn and work this side first

(19 (22, 24, 27, 29) sts).

Work 1 row, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Dec 1 st at raglan edge on next

and every foil alt row until 12 (13,

15, 16, 17) sts rem, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), K2tog, K8 (8, 10,

10, 10), cast off last 2 (3, 3, 4, 5) sts.

Break yarn, turn and with WSfacing, rejoin yarn to rem 9 (9, 11,

11, 11) sts.

Next row - P2tog, purl to end.

Dec 1 st at each end of next andfoil 1 (1,2, 2, 2) alt rows (4 sts).

Next row - P4.

Dec 1 st at raglan edge only onnext and foil alt row (2 sts).

Next row - P2.

Next row - K2tog and fasten off.

With RS facing, rejoin 2nd C to rem sts,

cast off centre 5 sts, K to last 2 sts,

K2tog (19 (22, 24, 27, 29) sts).

Complete to match first side,

reversing shapings.


With 3'A mm needles and 1 st C, cast

on 33 (35, 37, 39, 41) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), Kl, *P1, Kl; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - PI , *K1 , PI ; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8, 1 0, 10,

10) rows, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Break 1st C and join in 3rd C.

Change to4mm needles and starting

with a K row, work in stocking st,

shaping sides by inc 1 st at each endof next (3rd, 3rd, 5th, 5th) and every

foil alt (alt, alt, 4th, 4th) row until

there are 43 (43, 41 , 57, 53) sts, then

on every foil 4th (4th, 4th, 6th, 6th) rowuntil there are 49 (53, 57, 61, 65) sts.

Cont straight until Sleeve meas12 (15, 19, 23, 27) cm, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape raglans

Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows

(45 (49, 53, 57, 61) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 13 (13, 17, 17,

21) sts rem, then on every row until

7 sts rem, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Cast off.


With 4 mm needles and 3rd C, cast

on 27(31,35, 39, 43) sts.

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 - Kl , P to last st, Kl


Rep these 2 rows 5 (6, 7, 8, 9) times

more, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Shape sides

Cont in stocking st and cast off 3 sts

at beg of next 2 rows

(21 (25, 29, 33, 37) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows,

then on foil 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) alt rows

(13 (15, 17, 19, 21) sts).

Work 3 rows, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Cast off.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Side Borders (All 4 alike)

With RS facing and 1 st C, knit up11 (11, 13, 13, 15) sts along side

edges between lower edge andcast-on sts on Back and Front.

Starting with row 2, work in rib as onBack for 5 rows.

Cast off in rib.

Join side edge of Borders to cast-on

sts on Back and Front.

Join raglan seams.

HoodWith 4 mm needles and 3rd C, cast

on 93 (97, 101, 105, 109) sts.

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st until Flood meas 13 (14,

15, 16, 17) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Cast off 6 (5, 4, 3, 3) sts at beg of

next 8 (10 , 8, 2, 8) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row

(45 (47, 69, 99, 85) sts).

6- 1 2 months, 1 -2 years and2-3 years sizes:

Cast off (5, 4, 4) sts at beg of next

(4, 12, 8) rows, ending with RS

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facing for next row ((49, 51, 53) sts).

All sizes:

Cast off rem 46 (47, 49, 51, 53) sts.

Join back seam of Hood.

Matching cast-on edges of Hood to

front opening edges, sew Hood to

neck edge.

Front Border

With RS facing, 374mm circular

needle and 1st C, starting at base of

front opening, knit up 14 (17, 17, 20,

22) sts up right side of front openingedge, 93 (97, 101, 105, 109) sts from

Hood, then 14 (17, 17, 20, 22) sts

down ieft side of front openingedge (121 (131, 135, 145, 153) sts).

Starling with row 2, work in rib as onBack for 3 rows.

Girl’s version:

Row 4 - (RS), rib 3 (2, 2, 3, 3), yrn,

work 2 tog (to make a buttonhole),

(rib 6 (4, 4, 5, 6), yrn, work 2 tog)

1 (2, 2, 2, 2) times, rib to end.

Boy’s version:

Row 4 - (RS), rib to last 1 3 (1 6, 1 6,

19, 21) sts, work 2 tog, yrn (to makea buttonhole), (rib 6 (4, 4, 5, 6),

work 2 tog, yrn) 1 (2 , 2, 2, 2) times,

rib 3 (2, 2, 3, 3).

Both versions:

Work in rib for a further 2 rows,

ending with WS facing for next row.

Cast off in rib (on WS).

Place buttonhole side of border over

button side of border and sew in

place to cast-off sts at base of front

opening. Join side and sleeve seams,

leaving side seams open at side

borders. Sew on buttons securely.

Pocket Borders (Both alike)

With RS facing, 3'A mm needles and1 St C, knit up 1 5 (1 7, 1 9, 21 , 23) sts

along shaped side edges of pooket.

Starting with row 2, work in rib as onBack for 3 rows, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Row 4 - (RS), Kl, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

rib to last 4 sts, K3tog, Kl

(11 (13, 15, 17, 19) sts).

Work in rib for 1 row, ending with RS

faoing for next row.

Cast off in rib.

Sew Pocket onto Front as in



To fit age, approx

0-3 months 3-6 months 6- 1 2 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16 18 20 22 24 in

Actual size

48 54 59 65 70 cm19 2172 23 2572 2772 in

Finished iength

23 26 29 33 38 cm9 10 1172 13 15 in

Sleeve length, apprcx13 17 20 25 29 cm5 672 8 10 IIV2 in

Patons Fairytale DK (6301) (6353)

2 2 3 3 4 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of 374 mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

Cable pin.

3 buttons.

(6353) 0092 9/A(6301)7043/0


22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (stocking

stitch) on 4 mm needles or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


C4F = slip next 2 sts onto a cablepin and leave at front of work, K2,

then K2 from cable pin.

C4B = slip next 2 sts onto a cablepin and leave at back of work, K2,

then K2 from oable pin.

PANEL PAH A (9 sts)

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 - Purl.

ROW3-K4, PI, K4.

ROW4-P3, Kl, PI, Kl, P3.

Row 5 - K2, PI, (Kl, PI) twice, K2.

Row 6 -PI, (Kl, PI) 4 times.

ROW7-K2, PI, (Kl, PI) twice, K2.

ROW8-P3, Kl, PI, Kl, P3.

ROW9-K4, PI, K4.

Row 10 - Purl.

These 1 0 rows form panel patt A.

PANEL PAH B (9 sts)

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row2- P4, Kl, P4.

Row3- K3, PI, Kl, PI, K3.

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ROW4-P2, Kl, P3, Kl, P2.

Rows - KL PI, K5, PI, Kl.

Row 6 - Purl.

Row 7 - K4, PI, K4.

ROW8-P3, Kl, PI, Kl, P3.

Row9- K2, PI, K3, PI, K2.

Row 10 -PI, Kl, P5, Kl, PI.

These 1 0 rows form panel patt B.


With 3'/4mm needles, cast on 53 (59,

65, 71, 77) sts.

Work in garter st for 8 rows, endingwith RS facing for next row.

Change to 4 mm needles and work

in stocking st with side borders thus:

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Row 2 - K5, P to last 5 sts, K5.

Rep these 2 rows until Back meas5 (5 , 6, 6, 6) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Starting with a K row, work in

stocking st across all sts until Backmeas 11 (13, 15, 18, 22) cm, ending

with RS facing for next row.

Yoke patt thus;

Row 1 - (RS), Knit.

Rows 2 to 5 - Knit.

Row 6 - P2 (5, 2, 5, 2), *K1, P5; rep

from * to last 3 (6, 3, 6, 3)sts, Kl,

P2 (5, 2, 5, 2).

Row 7 - Kl (0, 1, 0, 1), (PI, K3) 0 (1, 0,

1, 0) times, *P1, Kl, PI, K3; rep from

*to last 4 (1, 4, 1, 4) sts, PI, (Kl, PI,

Kl) 1 (0, 1, 0, 1) times.

Row 8 - (PI, Kl, PI) 0 (1, 0, 1, 0) times,

*K1, P3, Kl, PI; rep from * to last 5 (2,

5, 2, 5) sts, Kl, P3 (1, 3, 1, 3), Kl (0, 1,

0 , 1 ).

Row 9 - K5 (2, 5, 2, 5), *P1, K5; rep

from * to last 0 (3, 0, 3, 0) sts, (PI,

K2)0 (1, 0, 1, 0) times.

Row 10- As row 8.

Row 1 1 - As row 7.

Row 1 2 - As row 6.

Rows 13 to 16 - Knit.

Row 17-K5(8, 11, 14, 17), PI, Ml(by picking up horizontal loop lying

before next st and working into

back of it), K2, Ml, PI, panel patt Aas row 1, PI, Ml, K2, Ml, PI, panel

patt B as row 1, PI, Ml, K2, Ml, PI,

panel patt A as row 1, PI, Ml, K2,

Ml, PI, K5 (8, 11, 14, 17)

(61 (67, 73, 79, 85) sts).

Row 18 -P5 (8, 11, 14, 17), Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 2, Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt B as row 2, Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 2, Kl, P4,

Kl, P5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Row 19-K5 (8, 11, 14, 17), PI, K4,

PI, panel patt A as row 3, PI, K4,

PI, panel patt B as row 3, PI, K4,

PI, panel patt A as row 3, PI, K4,

PI, K5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Row 20 - P5 (8, 1 1, 14, 1 7), Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 4, Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt B as row 4, Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 4, Kl, P4,

Kl, P5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Row 21 - K5 (8, 1 1, 14, 17), PI, C4F,

PI, panel patt A as row 5, PI, C4B,

PI, panel patt B as row 5, PI, C4F,

PI, panel patt A as row 5, PI, C4B,

PI, K5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Row22-K6(9, 12, 15, 18), P4, Kl,

panel patt A as row 6, Kl, P4, Kl


panel patt B as row 6, Kl, P4, Kl,

panel patt A as row 6, Kl , P4, K6 (9,

12, 15, 18).

ROW23-K5 (8, 11, 14, 17), PI, K4,

PI,panel patt A as row 7, PI , K4,

PI, panel patt B as row 7, PI , K4,

PI,panel patt A as row 7, PI , K4,

PI, K5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Row 24 -P5 (8, 11, 14, 17), Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 8, Kl, P4,

Kl, panel patt B as row 8, Kl , P4,

Kl, panel patt A as row 8, Kl, P4,

Kl, P5 (8, 11, 14, 17).

Working appropriate rows of panel

patts, rep rows 1 9 to 24 of yoke patt

only until Back meas 23 (26, 29, 33,

38) cm, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Shape shoulders

Cast off all sts in patt, piacing

markers either side of centre 23 (25,

27, 29, 31) sts to denote back neck.


Work as for Back until 12 (14, 14,

1 6, 1 6) rows less have been workedbefore shoulder cast-off, endingwith RS facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 24 (27, 29,

32, 34), turn and work this side first.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 stat

neck edge on next 5 (6 , 6, 6, 6) rows,

then on foil 0 (0, 0, 1 , 1) alt row

(19 (21, 23, 25, 27) sts).

WorkO (1, 1, 1, 1) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape left shoulder

Cast off in patt.

With RS facing, rejoin yarn and cast

off centre 13 (13, 15, 15, 17) sts, patt

to end (24 (27, 29, 32, 34) sts).

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 5 (6,

6, 6, 6) rows, then on foil 0 (0, 0, 1 , 1)

alt row (19 (21, 23, 25, 27) sts).

Work 6 (7, 7, 7, 7) rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape right shoulder

Cast off in patt,


With S'A mm needles, cast on 30 (34,

34, 38, 38) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), Knit,

Rib row 2 - P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to


These 2 rows form garter st rib.

Work in garter st rib for a further 8 (8 ,

10, 10, 10) rows, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Change to 4 mm needles andstarting with a K row, work in

stocking st, shaping sides by inc 1 st

at each end of next and every foil

alt (alt, alt, 4th, 4th) row until there

are 46 (40, 40, 52, 52), then on every

foil 4th (4th, 4th, 6th, 6th) row until

there are 50 (54, 58, 62, 66) sts.

Starting with row 2, work in garter st

rib as before for 7 rows, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Cast off knitways.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join right shoulder seam.

Back Button Border

With RS facing and S’A mm needles,

knit up 1 6 (20, 20, 24, 24) sts across

left back shoulder edge.

Row 1 - (WS), Kl, *P2, K2; rep from *

to last 3 sts, P2, Kl


Row 2 - Knit.

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Rep these 2 rows twice more.

Cost off in rib (on WS).

Front Buttonhole Border

Work os for Bock Button Border,

knitting up sts across ieft front shouider

edge and with the addition of 2

buttonhoies in row 4 thus:

Row 4 - (RS), K4 (6, 6, 8, 8), yfwd (to

make a buttonhoie), K2tog, K5 (6, 6,

7, 7), yfwd, K2tog, K3 (4, 4, 5, 5),

Neck Border

With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

sfarting and ending at cast-off

edges of left shoulder borders, knit up5 sts from end of Front Buttonhole

Border, 6 (8, 8, 1 0, 1 0) sts down left

side of neck, 12 (13, 15, 15, 17) sts

from front, 12 (14, 14, 16, 16) sts upright side of neck, 20 (23, 25, 25, 27)

sts from back, then 5 sts from end of

Back Button Border

(60 (68, 72, 76, 80) sts),

Starting with row 1, work in rib as onBack Button Border for 3 rows.

Row 4 - (RS), K3, yfwd (to make 3rd

buttonhole^ K2tog, K to end.

Work in rib for a further 2 rows.

Cast off in rib (on WS),

Matching cast-off edge of Front

Buttonhole Border to knit-up row of

Back Button Border, overlap left

shoulder edges and sew together

at armhole edge.

Place markers 1 1 (12, 13, 14, 15) cmdown from shoulder seams on Backand Front to mark armhole depth,

then sew cast-off edge of sleeves in

place between markers.

Join side and sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons securely.



118 cm4672 in


115 cm4572 in

Cot Blanket


54 cm2172 in


78 cm3072 in


Patons Fairytale DK (6304)

1 1 50 gm balls

Cot Blanket

Patons Fairytale DK (6352)

5 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximateas they are based on averagerequirements. Check actual yarn

colour - as printing may not matchyarn exactly.

Pair of 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.


22 sts and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (stocking

stitch), 22 sts and 36 rows to 10cm(moss stitch) on 4mm needles or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


With 4 mm needles, cost on 259 sts.

Moss st thus:

Row 1 - (RS), PI, *K1, PI; rep from *

to end.

Row 2 - PI, *K1, PI; rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form moss st.

Cent in moss st for a further 6 rows,

ending with RS facing for nexf row.

Patt thus:

Row 1 - (RS), PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1,

(K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI,

Kl, PI; rep from * 3 times more, Kl,

(K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl) 4 times, (PI, Kl) twice, PI.

Row 2 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *P26, Kl,

PI; rep from * 8 times more, Kl, PI




-PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K2tog,

yfwd, K3, (yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K3) 3 times, yfwd, sLl K, Kl,

psso, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI, Kl, PI;

rep from * 3 times more, K2tog,

yfwd, K3, (yfwd, sLl K, K2fog, psso,

yfwd, K3) 3 fimes, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, (PI, Kl) fwice, PI


Row 4 - As row 2.

Row 5 -PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1, (yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl)

4 fimes, PI, (Kl, PI) 15 times; rep

from * 3 times more, Kl, (yfwd, sLl K,

Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 4 times,

(PI, Kl) twice, PI.



-PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *P26,

(Kl , PI ) 1 5 times; rep from * 3 times

more, P26, (Kl, PI) twice.

Row 7 - PI,(Kl , PI ) twice, *K2,

(yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3)

3 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K2, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI, Kl,

PI; rep from * 3 times more, K2,

(yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3)

3 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K2, (PI, Kl) twice, PI.

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Row 8 - As row 2.

Rows 9 and 10 - As rows 1 and 2.

Row 11 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1,

(K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl) 4 times, PI, (Kl, PI) 15 times; rep

from * 3 times more, Kl,(K2tog, yfwd,

Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 4 times,

(PI, Kl) twice, PI.

Row 12 - As row 6.

Rows 1 3 to 24 - As rows 1 to 1 2,

Rows 25 to 34 - As rows 1 to 1 0,

Rows 35 to 38 - PI , *K1 , PI ; rep from* to end.

Row 39 - PI,(Kl , PI ) twice, *K25,

(PI, Kl) twice, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl,

PI; rep from * 3 times more, K25,

(PI, Kl) twice, PI.

Row 40 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *P26, Kl,

PI; rep from * 8 times more, Kl, PI


Row 41 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K25,

PI, Kl, PI, K2tog, yfwd, K3, (yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3) 3 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, PI, Kl, PI; rep

from * 3 times more, K25, (PI, Kl)

twice, PI


Row 42 - As row 40.

Row 43 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *(K1, PI)

14 times, Kl, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl,

PI; rep from * 3 times more, (Kl, PI)

15 times.

Row44-Pl,(Kl, PI) twice, *(K1,P1)

1 3 times, Kl , P27, Kl , PI ; rep from*

3 times more, (Kl , PI ) 1 5 times.

Row 45 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K25, PI,

Kl, PI, K2, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K3) 3 times, yfwd, sLl K, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K2, PI, Kl, PI; rep from*

3 times more, K25, (PI, Kl) twice, PI


Row 46 - As row 40.

Rows 47 and 48 - As rows 39 and 40.

Row 49-Pl,(Kl, PI) twice, *(K1, PI)

14 times, Kl, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl,

PI ; rep from * 3 times more, (Kl , PI


15 times.

Row 50 - As row 44.

Rows 51 to 62 - As rows 39 to 50.

Rows 63 to 72 - As rows 39 to 48.

Rows 73 to 76 - PI, *K1, PI; rep from* to end.

These 76 rows form pott.

Cont in pott and work o further 262

rows, ending with row 34 of pott andRS facing for nex-|- row.

Work in moss st as before for 8 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in moss st.

Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.


With 4 mm needles, cast on 1 1 9 sts.

Moss st thus:

Row 1 - (RS), PI, *K1, PI; rep from *

to end.

Row 2 - PI, *K1, PI; rep from * to


These 2 rows form moss st.

Cont in moss st for a further 6 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Patt thus;

Row 1 - (RS), PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1,

(K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI, Kl,

PI; rep from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 2 - PI, (Kl, Pl)twice, *P26, Kl,

PI; rep from * 3 times more, Kl, PI


Row 3 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K2tog,

yfwd, K3, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K3) 3 times, yfwd, sLl K, Kl


psso, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI, Kl, PI; rep

from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 4 - As row 2.

Row 5- PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1,

(yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl, K2tog,

yfwd, Kl) 4 times, PI, (Kl, PI) 15

times; rep from * once more, Kl , PI


Row 6 -PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *P26, (Kl,

PI ) 1 5 times; rep from * once more,

Kl, PI.

Row 7 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K2,

(yfwd, sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3)

3 times, yfwd, sLlK, K2tog, psso,

yfwd, K2, PI, Kl, PI, K25, PI, Kl, PI;

rep from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 8 - As row 2.

Rows 9 and 1 0 - As rows 1 and 2.

Row 11 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K1,

(K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd, sLlK, Kl,

psso, Kl)4times, PI, (Kl, PI) 15times;

rep from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 1 2 - As row 6.

Rows 1 3 to 24 - As rows 1 to 1 2.

Rows 25 to 34 - As rows 1 to 1 0.

Rows 35 to 38 - PI , *K1 , PI ; rep from* to end.

Row 39 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K25,

(PI, Kl) twice, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 4 times, PI,

Kl, PI; rep from * once more, Kl,


Row 40 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *P26,

Kl , PI ; rep from * 3 times more, Kl



Row 41 - PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *K25,

PI, Kl, PI, K2tog, yfwd, K3, (yfwd,

sLl K, K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3) 3 times,

yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso, PI, Kl, PI; rep

from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 42 - As row 40.

Row 43- PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *(K1, PI)

14 times, Kl, (yfwd, sLlK, Kl, psso,

Kl, K2tog, yfwd, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl,

PI ; rep from * once more, Kl , PI


Row 44 -PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *(K1, PI)

1 3 times, Kl , P27, Kl , PI ; rep from*

once more, Kl, PI


Row 45 - PI,(Kl , P 1 ) twice, *K25,

PI, Kl, PI, K2, (yfwd, sLlK, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K3) 3 times, yfwd, sLl K,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K2, PI, Kl, PI;

rep from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 46 - As row 40.

Rows 47 and 48 - As rows 39 and 40.

Row 49 -PI, (Kl, PI) twice, *(K1. PI)

14 times, Kl, (K2tog, yfwd, Kl, yfwd,

sLlK, Kl, psso, Kl) 4 times, PI, Kl,

PI; rep from * once more, Kl, PI


Row 50 - As row 44.

Rows 51 to 62 - As rows 39 to 50.

Rows 63 to 72 - As rows 39 to 48.

Rows 73 to 76 - PI , *K1 , PI ; rep from* to end.

These 76 rows form patt.

Cont in patt and work a further

1 48 rows, ending with row 72 of

patt and RS facing for next row.

Work in moss st as before for 8 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in moss st.

Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

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JacketTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 monthsTo fit chest

41 46 51 56 cm16 18 20 22 in

Actual size

48 53 58 63 cm19 21 23 25 in

Finished length

23 26 30 34 cm9 10 12 1372 in

Sleeve length to underarm13 16 20 26 cm5 6V2 8 10 in


To fit age, approx0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 months

Inside leg seam18 20 22 24 cm7 8 8V2 972 in


To fit age, approx0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 months

BooteesTo fit age, approx

0-3 3-6 months

Patons Fairytale DKJacket (6321)

2 3 4 4 50 gm balls

Leggings (6321)

2 3 3 4 50 gm balls

Hat (6321)

1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

Bootees (6321)

1 1 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actual yarn coiour - as printing may not match yarn exactiy.

Pair each of 3'A mm (UK 1 0/USA 3)

and 4 mm (UK 8/USA 6) needles.

6 (7, 7, 7) X 859 5/C buttons for Jacket.

Length of elastic for Leggings.


23 sts and 36 rows to 1 0 cm (pattern),

22 sis and 30 rows to 1 0 cm (stocking

stitch) on 4mm needles or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.



With 3'/4 mm needles, cast on 54 (62,

66, 74) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P2, K2; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8 , 10, 10)

rows, inc (dec, inc, dec) 1 st at centre

of last row and ending with RS facing

for next row (55 (61, 67, 73) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K1 (0, 3, 2), PI, *K3,

PI; rep from * to last 1 (0, 3, 2) sts,

K1 (0, 3, 2).

Row 2 - K3 (2, 1, 0), PI, *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 3 (2, 1 , 0) sts, K3 (2, 1,0).

Rows 3 to 6 - As rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 7 - K3 (2, 1, 0), PI, *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 3 (2, 1, 0) sts, K3 (2, 1,0),

Row 8 - K1 (0, 3, 2), PI, *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 1 (0, 3, 2) sts, K1 (0, 3, 2)


Rows 9 to 1 2 - As rows 7 and 8 twice.

These 1 2 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until Back meas 11 (13,

16, 19) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape armholesKeeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next 2 rows (51 (57, 63, 69) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil alt row until 45 (51 , 57, 63) sts


Cont straight until armholes meas12 (13, 14, 15) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape shoulders

Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of next

4 rows.

Cast off rem 21 (23, 25, 27) sts.


With 3'A mm needles, cast on 27 (31,

31, 35) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), *K2, P2; rep from *

to last 3 sts, K3.

Rib row 2 - Kl, P2, *K2, P2; rep from* to end.

These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8, 10, 10)

rows, dec 2 (3, 0, 1) sts evenly across

last row and ending with RS facing

for next row (25 (28, 31, 34) sts).

Page 34: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K1 (0, 3, 2), PI, *K3, PI;

rep from * to last 3 sts, K3.

Row 2 - K1, PL *K3, PI; rep from *

to last 3 [2, L0)sts, K3(2, L 0).

Rows 3 to 6 - As rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 7 - K3 (2, 1, 0), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last sL KL

Row 8 - *K3, PI ; rep from * to last

1 (0, 3, 2) sts, K1 (0, 3, 2).

Rows 9 to 1 2 - As rows 7 and 8


These 1 2 rows form patt.

Cent in patt until Left Front matchesBack to start of armhole shaping,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholeKeeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts

at beg of next row (23 (26, 29, 32) sts).

Work 1 row.

Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next

and every foil alt row until 20 (23,

26, 29) sts rem.

Cont straight until 11 (11, 13, 13) rows

less than on Back have been workedbefore sfart of shoulder shaping,

ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape neckCast off 3 (4, 4, 5) sts at beg of next

row (17 (19, 22, 24) sts).

Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 4 rows,

then on foil 1 (1,2, 2) alt rows

(12 (14, 16, 18) sts).

Work 4 rows, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at beg of next


Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (7, 8, 9) sts.


With y/i mm needles, cast on 27 (31,

31, 35) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K3, *P2, K2; rep

trom * to end.

Rib row 2 - *P2, K2; rep from * to

last 3 sts, P2, K1


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 8 (8 , 10, 10)

rows, dec 2 (3, 0, 1) sts evenly across

last row and ending with RS facing

for next row (25 (28, 31, 34) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), *K3, PI; rep from * to

last 1 (0, 3, 2) sts, K1 (0, 3, 2).

Row 2 - K3 (2, 1, 0), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last st, K1


Rows 3 to 6 - As rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 7 - Kl, PL *K3, PI; rep from *

to last 3 (2, 1, 0) sts, K3 (2, 1,0).

Row8- Kl (0, 3, 2), *P1, K3; rep

from * fo end.

Rows 9 to 1 2 - As rows 7 and 8 twice.

These 1 2 rows form patt.

Cont in patt and complete to matchLeft Front reversing shapings, working

an extra row before start of neckand shoulder shaping.


With 3 'A mm needles, cast on 30 (34,

34, 38) sts.

Work in rib as on Back for 9 (9, 11,

1 1) rows ending with WS facing for

next row.

Next row - (WS), rib 3 (6, 3, 6), Ml(by picking up horizontal loop lying

before next st and working into

back of it), *rib 6 (1 1, 7, 13), ML rep

from * to last 3 (6 , 3, 6) sts, rib 3 (6,

3, 6) (35 (37, 39, 41) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K3 (0, 1, 2), PL *K3,

PI; rep from * to last 3 (0, 1, 2) sts,

K3 (0, 1, 2).

Row 2 - Kl (2, 3, 0), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 1 (2, 3, 0) sts, Kl (2, 3, 0).

Row 3 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,1, 0) times,

K2 (3, 0, 2), PL *K3, PL rep from*

to last 3 (4, 1, 2) sts, K2 (3, 0, 2), (Inc

in last st) 1 ( 1 , 1, 0) times

(37 (39, 41, 41) sts).

Row 4 - K2 (3, 0, 0), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 2 (3, 0, 0) sts, K2 (3, 0, 0).

Row 5 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,0, 1) times,

K3 (0, 2, 1), PL *K3, PL rep from*

to last 4 (1, 2, 2) sts, K3 (0, 2, 1), (inc

in last st) 1 (1,0, 1) times

(39 (41,41, 43) sts).

Row 6 - K3 (0, 0, 1), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * fo last 3 (0, 0, 1) sts, K3 (0, 0, 1).

Row 7 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,1, 0) times,

K2 (3, 3, 1), PL *K3, PL rep from * to

last 3 (4, 4, 1) sts, K2 (3, 3, 1), (inc in

lastst) 1 ( 1 , 1 , 0) times

(41 (43, 43, 43) sts).

Row 8 - K2 (3, 3, 3), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 2 (3, 3, 3) sts, K2 (3, 3, 3).

Row 9 - (Inc in first st) 1 (0, 0, 1) times,

K3 (1, 1, 0), PL *K3, PL rep from *

to last 4 (1, 1, 1) sts, K3 (1, 1, 0), (inc

in last st) 1 (0, 0, 1 ) times

(43 (43, 43, 45) Sts).

Row 10 - K3 (3, 3, 0), PL *K3, PI; rep

from * to last 3 (3, 3, 0) sts, K3 (3, 3, 0).

Row 1 1 - (Inc in first st) 1 (1,1, 0) times,

KO (0, 0, 2), PL *K3, PI; rep from *

to last 1 (1,1,2) sts, KO (0, 0, 2), (inc

in lastst) 1 (1, 1, 0) times (45 sts).

Row 12 - PI, *K3, PI; rep from * fo


These 1 2 rows set patt and start

sleeve shapings.

Cont in patt as set, shaping sides byinc 1 st at each end of next (3rd, 3rd,

next) and every foil 4th row until

there are 55 (59, 63, 59) sts, taking

inc sts into patt,

12- 18 months size;

Inc 1 st at each end of every foil 6th

row until there are 69 sts.

All sizes;

Cont straight until Sleeve meas 13(16,

20, 26) cm, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape top

Keeping patt correct cast off 2 sts at

beg of next 2 rows (51 (55, 59, 65) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next 6 rows

(39 (43, 47, 53) sts).

Cast off rem sts.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join shoulder seams.

Button Border

With RS facing and 3'A mm needles,

knit up 52 (60, 68, 76) sts evenly

along left front edge for a girl, or

right front edge for a boy.

Rib row 1 - (WS), KL P2, *K2, P2; rep

from * to last st Kl


Rib row 2 - K3, *P2, K2; rep from * to

last st KL

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These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 5 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in rib.

Buttonhole Border

Work as for Button Border, knitting

up sts along other front edge andworking buttonhoies in row 4 of rib


Girl’s Version:

Row 4 - (RS), rib 3 [3, 4, 5), *yrn, work

2 tog (to make a buttonhole), rib 7 (7,

8, 9]; rep from * 4 (5, 5, 5) times

more, yrn, work 2 tog, rib 2 (1, 2, 3].

Boy’s Version:

Row 4 - (RS), rib 2 (1, 2, 3), *work 2

tog, yrn (to make a buttonhole), rib

7 (7, 8, 9); rep from * 4 (5, 5, 5) times

more, work 2 tog, yrn, rib 3 (3, 4, 5).


With RS facing and S'A mm needles,

starting and ending halfway across

top of Borders, knit up 20 (21, 22,

23) sts up right side of neck, 24 (26,

28, 30) sts from back, then 20 (21,

22, 23) sts down left side of neck

(64 (68, 72, 76) sts).

Starting with row 2, work in rib as onButton Border for 7 (7, 8, 8) cm.

Using a 4 mm needle, cast off

evenly in rib,

Matching centre of cast-off edge of

sleeves to shoulder seams, sewSleeves to Back and Fronts. Join

side and sleeve seams. Sew onbuttons securely.



With S'A mm needles, cast on 42 (46,

50, 54) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P2, K2; rep

from * to end,

Rib row 2 - P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 9 rows,

ending with WS facing for next row.

0-3 and 6- 1 2 months sizes:

Row 12 - (WS), rib 1, Ml (by picking

up horizontal loop lying before next

st and working into back of it),

*rib 2, Ml; rep from * to last st, rib 1

(63 (75) sts).

3-6 and 12-18 months sizes:

Row 12 - (WS), rib 2, Ml (by picking

up horizontal loop lying before next

st and working into back of it), *(rib

2, Ml) 3 times, rib 1, Ml; rep from *

to last (2, 3) sts, rib (2, 3) ((71, 83) sts).

All sizes:

Change to 4 mm needles and patt


Row 1 - (RS), K3, *P1, K3; rep from*

to end.

Row 2 - K1 , *P1 , K3; rep from * to

last 2 sts, PI, Kl.

Rows 3 to 6 - As rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 7 - Kl, *P1, K3; rep from * to

last 2 sts, PI, Kl


Row 8 - K3, *P1 , K3; rep from * to end.

Rows 9 to 12 - As rows 7 and 8


These 1 2 rows form patt.

Cont in patt until Left Leg meas1 8 (20, 22, 24) cm, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape crotch

Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at

beg of next 2 rows (59 (67, 71 , 79) sts).

Dec 1 st at each end of next andevery foil 4th row until 53 (59, 65,

71) stsrem.

Cont straight until Left Leg meas16(18, 20, 22) cm from start of

crotch shaping, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Leave rem sts on a holder.


Work as for Lett Leg.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join centre front seam.

WaistbandWith RS facing and S'A mm needles,

K53 (59, 65, 71) from Left Leg, then

K53 (59, 65, 71) from Right Leg

(106 (118, 130, 142) sts).

Starting with row 2, work in rib as

before for 1 3 rows, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Using a 4 mm needle, cast off

loosely in rib.

Join centre back and waistbandseam. Fold waistband in half to WSand sew in place, leaving anopening to insert elastic, Cut elastic

to fit waist, thread through

waistband and join ends. Sew upopening. Join leg seams.


With 374 mm needles, cast on 82 (90,

98, 106) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), P2, *K2, P2; rep

from * to end,

Rib row 2 - K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 1 0 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Place markers at each end of last row.

Change to 4 mm needles and contin rib until Hat meas 9 (10, 11, 12) cmfrom markers, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape crownRow 1 - (RS), P2tog, *K2, P2tog; rep

from * to end (61 (67, 73, 79) sts).

Row 2 - Kl , *P2, Kl ; rep from * to end.

Row 3 - PI , ’‘K2, PI ; rep from * to end.

Row 4 - Kl, ’‘P2, Kl; rep from * to end.

Row 5 - PI, *K2tog, PI; rep from*

to end (41 (45, 49, 53) sts).

Row 6 - Kl , Tl , Kl ; rep from * to end.

Row 7 - PI , *K1 , PI ; rep from * to end.

Row 8 - Kl , *P1 , Kl ; rep from * to end.

Row 9 - PI, *K3tog, PI; rep from*

to end (21 (23, 25, 27) sts).

Row 1 0 - Kl , *P1 , Kl ; rep from * to end.

Row 11 - PI, (K2tog) 10 (11, 12, 13)

times (11 (12, 13, 14) sts),

Break yarn, thread through rem sts,

pull up tightly and fasten off securely.


Do not press.

Join back seam, reversing seamfram markers for turn-back. Fold

turn-back to RS.

BOOTEES (Both alike)

With 374mm needles, cast an30 (34) sts.

Page 36: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Rib row 1 - (RS), P2, *K2, P2; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - K2, *P2, K2; rep from * to


These 2 rows form rib.

Work in rib for a further 18 (20] rows,

dec 1 st at centre of last row andending with RS facing for next row

(29 (33) sts).

Change to 4 mm needles.

Divide for instep

Next row - (RS), K1 9 (22), turn.

Next row - P9 (1 1), turn.

Cent on these 9 (1 1) sts for instep

and starting with a K row, work in

stocking st for 12 (14) rows, ending

with RS facing for next row. Break

yarn and ieave these sts on neediefor front of foot.

With RS facing and starting wherethe 10 (1 1) sts were left on right-

hand needie, rejoin yarn and knit

up 10 (1 1) sts along right side of

instep, K across 9 (1 1) sts at front of

foot, knit up 1 0 (1 1) sts aiong ieft

side of instep, then K across rem10(ll)sts(49(55)sts).

Work in garter st for 9 (1 1) rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape sole

Row 1 - (RS), (Kl, K2tog, K19 (22),

K2tog) twice, Kl


Row 2 - Kl , K2tog, K to iast 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl.


To fit age, approx0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months 1 -2 years 2-3 years

To fit chest

41 46 51 56 61 cm16

Actual size

18 20 22 24 in

46 52 58 64 69 cm18 2OV2 23 25 27 in

Finished length

22 25 29 33 37 cm8V2 10 IIV2 13 1472 in

Sieeve length

13 16 20 26 30 cm5 672 8 10 12 in

Potons Fairytale 4 ply

Main Shade (4300)

1 1 2 2 2 50 gm balls

1st Contrast (4314)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

2nd Contrast (4313)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

3rd Contrast (4315)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

4th Contrast (4312)

1 1 1 1 1 50 gm balls

Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements.

Check actuai yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.

Pair each of T'Ia mm (UK 1 2/USA 2)

and 374 mm (UK 10/USA 3) needles.

5 (6, 6, 7, 7) X 859 5/C buttons.


28 sts and 33 rows to 10 cm (pattern),

28 sts and 36 rows to 1 0 cm (stocking

stitch) on 374mm needles or size

needed to achieve stated tension.

For notes and abbreviations, seeinformation page.


When working patt rows 3-18, 23-28

and 35-36 on Back and Fronts, andpatt rows 5-1 0 and 1 7-1 8 on Sleeves,

Row 3 - (Kl, K2tog, K16 (19), K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 4 - Kl , K2tog, K to last 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl


Row 5 - (Kl, K2tog, K13 (16), K2tog)

twice, Kl


Row 6 - Kl , K2tog, K to last 3 sts,

K2tog, Kl


Cast off rem 31 (37) sts.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join back and sole seam, reversing

seam on rib for turn-back.

Fold turn-back in half to RS.

strand yarn not in use loosely across

wrong side of work over not morethan 3 sts at a time to keep fabric

elastic, taking stranded yarn to the

end of each row.


With 2^4mm needles and MS, cast

on 66 (74, 82, 90, 98) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P2, K2; rep

from * to end.

Rib row 2 - P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to


Rep these 2 rows for 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) cm,dec 1 st at centre of last row andending with RS facing for next row

(65 (73, 81, 89, 97) sts).

Page 37: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

Change to S'Amm needles andjoining in and breaking off coiours

as required, patt from chart for

Back unfii row 38 has been worked,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Repeating rows 19 to 38 only, cont

in patt from chart until Back meas22 (25, 29, 33, 37) cm, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulders

Keeping patt correct, cast off 7 (8, 9,

10, 11 ) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then

6 (7, 8, 9, 10) sts at beg of foil 2 rows.

Cast off rem 25 (27, 29, 31, 33) sts.


With 2^4 mm needles and MS, cast

on 31 (35, 39, 43, 47) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K2, *P2, K2; rep

from * to last st, K1


Rib row 2 - Kl, P2, *K2, P2; rep from* to end.

Rep these 2 rows for 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) cm,dec 1 st at each end of last row

and ending with RS facing for next

row (29 (33, 37, 41, 45) sts).

Change to VUmm needles andjoining in and breaking off colours

as required, patt from chart for Left

Front until row 38 has beenworked, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Repeating rows 19 to 38 only, contin patt from chart until 1 2 (12, 14,

14, 16) rows less than on Back havebeen worked before start of

shoulder shaping, ending with RS

facing for next row.

Shape neckNext row - (RS), patt 26 (29, 33,

36, 40), cast off rem 3 (4, 4, 5, 5) sts.

With WS facing, rejoin appropriate

yarn to rem 26 (29, 33, 36, 40) sts,

work 2 tog, patt to end.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 stat

neck edge on next 5 rows, then onfoil 0 (0, 1 , 1 , 2) alt rows

(20 (23, 26, 29, 32) sts).

Work 5 rows, ending with RS facing

for next row.

Shape shoulder

Cast off 7 (8, 9, 10, 1 1) sts at beg of

next and foil alt row.

Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 6 (7, 8, 9, 1 0) sts.


With T’k mm needles and MS, cast

on 31 (35, 39, 43, 47) sts.

Rib row 1 - (RS), K3, *P2, K2; rep

from * end.

Rib row 2 - P2, *K2, P2; rep from * to

last st, Kl


Rep these 2 rows for 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) cm,dec 1 st at each end of last rowand ending with RS facing for next

row (29 (33, 37, 41, 45) sts).

Change to VUmm needles andjoining in and breaking off colours

as required, patt from chart for Right

Front until row 38 has been worked,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Repeating rows 19 to 38 only, contin patt from chart and complete to

Back and FrontsSi & Siaa& Sia\Si SiSioS! aSiaSi\SiSiSI\Si SISIoSIaIQSiSISi\Si'SiSiSi SiQIQ S' SiSiQSiSii






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1 38 '


56 cm

“61 cm


MSa istC

a 2ndC

0 3rd C

a 4th C

41 cm

—46 cm


Right front—


“Left front41 cm—


46 cm—


51 cm—


56 cm—


61 cm-


Page 38: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches

match Left Front, reversing

shapings, working an extra rowbefore start of shoulder shaping.


With 2V4mm needles and MS, cast

on 34 (34, 38, 38, 42) sts.

Work in rib as on Back for 3 (3, 4,

4, 4] cm, ending with WS facing for

next row.

Next row - (WS), rib 3 (2, 1, 3, 1), Ml(by picking up horizontal ioop iying

before next st and working into

back of It), *rib 7 (5, 6, 4, 5), Ml; rep

from * to last 3 (2, 1, 3, 1) sts, rib 3 (2,

1, 3, 1) (39 (41, 45, 47, 51] sts).

Change to 3'/4mm needies andjoining in and breaking off colours as

required, patt from chart for Sleeve,

shaping sides by inc 1 st at eachend of 3rd (3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th) andevery foil alt (alt, alt, 4th, 4th) row

until there are 57 (59, 59, 79, 79) sts,

taking inc sts into patt.

0-3 months, 3-6 months,6- 1 2 months and 2-3 years sizes:

Inc 1 st at each end of every foil

4th (4th, 4th, 6th) row until there are

61 (67, 73, 85) sts.

All sizes:

Cont straight until Sleeve meas13 (16, 20, 26, 30) cm, ending with

RS facing for next row.

Cast oft.


Press lightly under a dry cloth using

a cool iron.

Join shoulder seams.

Neck Border

With RS facing, 2V„ mm needles

and MS, knit up 19 (20, 21, 22, 25)

sts up right side of neck, 26 (28, 30,

32, 34) sts from back, then 19 (20,

21, 22, 25) sts down left side of neck

(64 (68, 72, 76, 84) sts).

Row 1 - (WS), Kl, P2, *K2, P2; rep

from * to last st, Kl


Row 2 - K3, *P2, K2; rep from * to

last st, Kl


Rep these 2 rows twice more, then

row 1 again, ending with RS facing

for next row.Cast off in rib.

Girl’s Version:

Buttonhole Border

With RS facing, 2^!^ mm needles

and MS, knit up 68 (80, 92, 104, 116)

sts along Right Front opening edgebetween lower edge and top of

Neck Border.

Work in rib as on Neck Border for

3 rows, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Buttonhole row 1 - (RS), rib 3 (4, 3,

3, 3), cast off 2 sts, *rib 13 (12, 15,

14, 16) (including st on needle after

cast-ofO, cast off 2 sts; rep from *

3 (4, 4, 5, 5) times more, rib to end(5 (6, 6, 7, 7) buttonholes made).

Buttonhole row 2 - Rib to end,

casting on 2 sts over those cast off

on previous row.

Work in rib for a further 2 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in rib.

Boy’s Version;

Buttonhole Border

With RS facing, 2^4 mm needles andMS, knit up 68 (80, 92, 104, 1 1 6) sts

along Left Front opening edgebetween top of Neck Border andlower edge.

Work in rib as on Neck Border for

3 rows, ending with RS facing for

next row.

Buttonhole row 1 - (RS), rib 3 (4, 2,

3, 3), cast off 2 sts, *rib 1 3 (12, 1 5,

14, 16) (including st on needle after

cast-ofO, cast off 2 sts; rep from *

3 (4, 4, 5, 5) times more, rib to end(5 (6, 6, 7, 7) buttonholes made).

Buttonhole row 2 - Rib to end,

casting on 2 sts over those cast off

on previous row.

Work in rib for a further 2 rows,

ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in rib.

Girl’s Version:

Button Border

Work as for Buttonhole Border of

Boy's Version, omitting buttonholes.

Boy’s Version:

Button Border

Work as for Buttonhole Border of

Girl's Version, omitting buttonholes.

Both Versions:

Place markers 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) cmdown from shoulder seams on Backand Fronts to mark armhole depth,

then sew cast-off edge of sleeves in

place between markers.

Join side and sleeve seams.

Sew on buttons securely.

Page 39: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches
Page 40: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches
Page 41: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches
Page 42: Patons 2958 Fairytale Baby Book - Internet Archive · 2015. 12. 17. · forPatonsFairytaleDK is22stitches and30rowsto10om. Thestandardstockingstitichtension forPatonsFairytale4plyis28stitches