path to scale: moving from incremental to exponential

Path to Scale: 1 Moving from Incremental To Exponential

Upload: jacqueline-adams

Post on 24-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Path to Scale: Moving from Incremental to Exponential

Path to Scale:


Moving from IncrementalTo Exponential

Page 2: Path to Scale: Moving from Incremental to Exponential

At Oxford Road, we are Agents of Influence.

Our mission: To grow disruptive companies

with best in market performance at

maximum viable scale.

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We help young, tech startups grow into rich

and famous brands with spots and

endorsements on Podcasts, Radio and


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We’re frequently approached by with the

same basic proposition:

“What’s the minimum we can spend on a test?”

“If it works, we’ll spend more!”

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Everyone is afraid at first, so we start out with small, minimum viable tests to build


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...but your business is growing, and so is your

appetite. It’s time to hunt for larger prey.

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But there’s a challenge that separates you from

the Promised Land…

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You continue to pursue

INCREMENTAL growth, hoping it turns into


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You wonder:“Is it really working?” “Are we measuring it right?”“Aren’t promo codes and vanity URLs bad for our brand?”“Are we buying the right programs”?

You find yourself spending time worrying about optimizing $400 line items.

You default to analysis because… you’re supposed to be a tech company.

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Now you feel stuck somewhere between

fear of loss and

prospect of gain.

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Board Pressure mounts and demands you maintain efficiency while you scale.

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...while the competition smells blood in the


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Good News

There is an easier way to get to the promised-


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Here are your keys to success:

1. You must know that your product and funnel is good.

2. You must know that your messaging is clear.

3. Most importantly, you must…

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Swing for the Fences

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Pursue High Six-Low Seven Figure

Incremental Media Opportunities.


Burn Some Bridges

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Face it: You are too big to avoid spending enough to see true

baseline lift.

Advertising without baseline lift is flying by

instrument. You’re going to have to spend

at new levels to gain altitude.

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The Great Marketing Conundrum:

“How can I be analytical in my

methods but bold in my investment?”

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Embrace the Objections:

“It’s too expensive, we don't have that kind of money lying around"

“It will look terrible to the board if we fail”

“Not sure we trust measurement”

“Not sure our funnel is ready”

“Can’t we just keep running small tests?”

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Reasons to Move Forward:

Learn fast and have road map

Put measurement doubts to bed with true lift.

Gain market share from competitors

Capture finite Endorsements and Media Real Estate.

Achieve True scale.

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But what if it doesn’t all work?

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Don’t worry, it won’t.

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...feel the BURN

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...But we will:

1. Test outside of comfort zone2. Learn Fast3. Scale Big

- Increase the best- Optimize the middle- Cut the crap (and leave it

for your competitors)

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You must have the courageto trade