patch based confidence prediction for dense disparity...

Patch Based Confidence Prediction for Dense Disparity Map Akihito Seki 1,2 [email protected] 1 Corporate R&D Center Toshiba Corporation, Japan Marc Pollefeys 2 [email protected] 2 Department of Computer Science ETH Zürich, Switzerland Disparity map D1 (left image) Disparity map D2 (from right image) Estimated confidence map (Reliable pixels in white) Stereo image Stereo correspondence Correspondence confidence prediction network Dense disparity map SGM Figure 1: Overview of our method. Confidence of stereo correspondences is useful information to improve quality of the disparity maps. Many features to predict the confidence have been proposed. Learning based confidence measure[6] combines these features and is able to outperform their individual usage. These fea- tures and classifiers are carefully designed, however beneficial informa- tion might be undescribed or their representation might be too redundant. As shown in Fig.1, we propose a novel confidence prediction method to overcome the problem. We design a disparity patch which takes into account the ideas of conventional confidence features. The patches are used as inputs of a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) so that the dis- criminative features and classifier are simultaneously trained. In order to handle trade-off between accuracy and computation time, we propose three types of network structures and their input patches. Moreover, the confidence is incorporated into Semi Global Matching (SGM) [4] to ac- quire dense disparity map. SGM is widely used for dense disparity es- timation due to its high accuracy while keeping low computation cost. In the following, we will briefly explain both methods and experimental results. Confidence estimation with a CNN: We leverage the disparity patch and introduce the knowledge of the conventional features. The patch con- sists in a two channels. 1st channel is coming from an idea that neigh- boring pixels on a disparity map D 1 which have consistent disparities are more likely to be correct matching[7]. In 2nd channel, a disparity D 2 from another image is considered such that the matches from left to right image should be consistent with those from right to left[1]. We employ a shallow CNN for the sake of reducing potential computation cost of the network, however, the network is still slow computation because the output of the network for each pixel has to be computed from scratch. We also pro- pose speed-up networks by modifying preprocessing of the patches and network structure. Confidence fusion with SGM: SGM has two parameters in order to control discontinuities of disparity map. We assume the discontinuities are likely to have the large magnitude of the image gradient using the same assumption as the original SGM, but not all large gradient pixels correspond to them. We consider the pixels with high confidence should be trusted and are able to be discontinuities easily. Hence, penalties at the high confidence pixel are designed to be decreased. Figure 2 and Table 1 show evaluation results based on sparsification curve and its area under curve (AUC) value. Better confidence prediction methods have AUC values that are closer to the optimal curve: It means the method removes incorrect correspondence pixels while keeping the Figure 2: Sparsification plots on 123rd frame on KITTI 2012. Method AUC Time [×10 -2 ] [sec.] Optimal 3.95 - 4.20 28.5 Ours fast 4.50 0.3 hybrid 4.48 0.5 Park& 50 trees 4.70 2.2 Yoon[6] 10 trees 5.15 0.4 Table 1: Comparison of overall AUC value and computation time. Rank Method Error Runtime[sec.] 1 Ours with MC-CNN-acrt 2.36% 68* 2 Displets v2[3] 2.37% 265 3 VDS(anonymous) 2.42% 68* 4 MC-CNN-acrt[8] 2.43% 67* Table 2: Out-Noc error on KITTI 2012 testing dataset by May 1st 2016. “*” at Runtime means GPU computation. Figure 3: Example results of original MC-CNN-acrt and our fusion method with MC-CNN-acrt on KITTI 2012(left) and 2015(right). correct ones. Our methods outperform state of the art method[6] on both accuracy and computation time. Table 2 and Figure 3(left) show the accuracy of dense disparity map on KITTI 2012[2] testing dataset . We got the best accuracy when MC- CNN-acrt[8] was employed as a similarity measure. On KITTI 2015[5], we got the second best without the need for a strong foreground shape prior[3]. For details, please refer to the main paper. [1] P. Fua. A parallel stereo algorithm that produces dense depth maps and preserves image features. MVA, 6:35–49, 1993. [2] A. Geiger, P. Lenz, and R. Urtasun. Are we ready for autonomous driving? the KITTI vision benchmark suite. In Proc. CVPR, 2012. [3] F. Guney and A. Geiger. Displets: Resolving stereo ambiguities using object knowledge. In Proc. CVPR, 2015. [4] H. Hirschmuller. Stereo processing by semiglobal matching and mu- tual information. Trans. on PAMI, 30(2):328–341, 2008. [5] M. Menze and A. Geiger. Object scene flow for autonomous vehicles. In Proc. CVPR, 2015. [6] M.G. Park and K.J. Yoon. Leveraging stereo matching with learning- based confidence measures. In Proc. CVPR, 2015. [7] A. Spyropoulos, N. Komodakis, and P. Mordohai. Learning to detect ground control points for improving the accuracy of stereo matching. In Proc. CVPR, 2014. [8] J. Zbontar and Y. LeCun. Computing the stereo matching cost with a convolutional neural network. In Proc. CVPR, 2015.

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Page 1: Patch Based Confidence Prediction for Dense Disparity… · ETH Zürich, Switzerland accuracy and computation

Patch Based Confidence Prediction for Dense Disparity Map

Akihito Seki1,2

[email protected]

1Corporate R&D CenterToshiba Corporation, Japan

Marc Pollefeys2

[email protected]

2Department of Computer ScienceETH Zürich, Switzerland

Disparity map D1 (left image) Disparity map D2 (from right image)

Disparity patchp1 region p2 regionxc

Estimated confidence map

(Reliable pixels in white)

Stereo image

Stereo correspondence

Correspondence confidence

prediction network

Dense disparity map


Figure 1: Overview of our method.

Confidence of stereo correspondences is useful information to improvequality of the disparity maps. Many features to predict the confidencehave been proposed. Learning based confidence measure[6] combinesthese features and is able to outperform their individual usage. These fea-tures and classifiers are carefully designed, however beneficial informa-tion might be undescribed or their representation might be too redundant.

As shown in Fig.1, we propose a novel confidence prediction methodto overcome the problem. We design a disparity patch which takes intoaccount the ideas of conventional confidence features. The patches areused as inputs of a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) so that the dis-criminative features and classifier are simultaneously trained. In orderto handle trade-off between accuracy and computation time, we proposethree types of network structures and their input patches. Moreover, theconfidence is incorporated into Semi Global Matching (SGM) [4] to ac-quire dense disparity map. SGM is widely used for dense disparity es-timation due to its high accuracy while keeping low computation cost.In the following, we will briefly explain both methods and experimentalresults.Confidence estimation with a CNN: We leverage the disparity patchand introduce the knowledge of the conventional features. The patch con-sists in a two channels. 1st channel is coming from an idea that neigh-boring pixels on a disparity map D1 which have consistent disparities aremore likely to be correct matching[7]. In 2nd channel, a disparity D2 fromanother image is considered such that the matches from left to right imageshould be consistent with those from right to left[1]. We employ a shallowCNN for the sake of reducing potential computation cost of the network,however, the network is still slow computation because the output of thenetwork for each pixel has to be computed from scratch. We also pro-pose speed-up networks by modifying preprocessing of the patches andnetwork structure.Confidence fusion with SGM: SGM has two parameters in order tocontrol discontinuities of disparity map. We assume the discontinuitiesare likely to have the large magnitude of the image gradient using thesame assumption as the original SGM, but not all large gradient pixelscorrespond to them. We consider the pixels with high confidence shouldbe trusted and are able to be discontinuities easily. Hence, penalties at thehigh confidence pixel are designed to be decreased.

Figure 2 and Table 1 show evaluation results based on sparsificationcurve and its area under curve (AUC) value. Better confidence predictionmethods have AUC values that are closer to the optimal curve: It meansthe method removes incorrect correspondence pixels while keeping the

Sparsification [%]Rate of incorrect disparity estimates


0 20 40 60 80 100OptimalPKRNDVAR(5x5)LRCPark&Yoon 10treesPark&Yoon 50treesOurs

Figure 2: Sparsification plots on123rd frame on KITTI 2012.

Method AUC Time[×10−2] [sec.]

Optimal 3.95 -4.20 28.5

Ours fast 4.50 0.3hybrid 4.48 0.5

Park& 50 trees 4.70 2.2Yoon[6] 10 trees 5.15 0.4

Table 1: Comparison of overallAUC value and computation time.

Rank Method Error Runtime[sec.]1 Ours with MC-CNN-acrt 2.36% 68*2 Displets v2[3] 2.37% 2653 VDS(anonymous) 2.42% 68*4 MC-CNN-acrt[8] 2.43% 67*

Table 2: Out-Noc error on KITTI 2012 testing dataset by May 1st 2016.“*” at Runtime means GPU computation.

Ours with MC-CNN-acrtMC-CNN-acrtInput image


Error 3pixels Out-NocOurs with MC-CNN-acrtMC-CNN-acrt

Error D1-bg D1-fg D1-all

Input image1.04 5.54 1.920.57 4.84 1.41

Figure 3: Example results of original MC-CNN-acrt and our fusionmethod with MC-CNN-acrt on KITTI 2012(left) and 2015(right).

correct ones. Our methods outperform state of the art method[6] on bothaccuracy and computation time.

Table 2 and Figure 3(left) show the accuracy of dense disparity mapon KITTI 2012[2] testing dataset . We got the best accuracy when MC-CNN-acrt[8] was employed as a similarity measure. On KITTI 2015[5],we got the second best without the need for a strong foreground shapeprior[3]. For details, please refer to the main paper.

[1] P. Fua. A parallel stereo algorithm that produces dense depth mapsand preserves image features. MVA, 6:35–49, 1993.

[2] A. Geiger, P. Lenz, and R. Urtasun. Are we ready for autonomousdriving? the KITTI vision benchmark suite. In Proc. CVPR, 2012.

[3] F. Guney and A. Geiger. Displets: Resolving stereo ambiguities usingobject knowledge. In Proc. CVPR, 2015.

[4] H. Hirschmuller. Stereo processing by semiglobal matching and mu-tual information. Trans. on PAMI, 30(2):328–341, 2008.

[5] M. Menze and A. Geiger. Object scene flow for autonomous vehicles.In Proc. CVPR, 2015.

[6] M.G. Park and K.J. Yoon. Leveraging stereo matching with learning-based confidence measures. In Proc. CVPR, 2015.

[7] A. Spyropoulos, N. Komodakis, and P. Mordohai. Learning to detectground control points for improving the accuracy of stereo matching.In Proc. CVPR, 2014.

[8] J. Zbontar and Y. LeCun. Computing the stereo matching cost with aconvolutional neural network. In Proc. CVPR, 2015.